HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 36AMENDMENT NO. 36 AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING SERVICES FOR MELLONVILLE AVENUE WATER MAIN EXTENSION (East Lake Mary Boulevard to SR 46) BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CPH ENGINEERS, INC. th da , This Agreement made on e~ y o~//) E-/'z'v-/Y14J/j-~ 19between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the CITY) and CPH Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 17, 1987, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreement of December 17, 1987, this Amendment shall govern for the work described herein. J:\USERS\NKB\MELLONVI.WPD WHEREAS, the CITY wants to improve water distribution facilities in the vicinity of the Airport, and WHEREAS, the ENGINEER is intimately familiar with and qualified for this project work and has experience on the City s water system including hydraulic analyses and utility distribution system design and permitting, and has personnel and capabilities to perform the designated services, and WHEREAS the CITY has requested the ENGINEER to perform engineering services relating to the extension of a water main along Mellonville Avenue between East Lake Mary Boulevard and SR 46; NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the ENGINEER for the considerations named herein agree as follows: SECTION 1 General 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 This Amendment work is to generally provide for engineering services for the design and permitting of a water main extension along Mellonville Avenue between East Lake Mary Boulevard and SR 46. 1.1.2 Subconsultant services for the water main route survey are included as a part of this Amendment 1.1.3 Additional subconsultant services of environmental, water quality monitoring, geotechnical testing, or other specialist services are not included. If these services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under Section 3 of this Amendment or separately provided by the CITY or consultants employed directly by the CITY. SECTION 2 Scope of Services 2.1 General Description 2.1.1 The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional engineering services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. J:\USERS\NKB\MELLONVI.WPD 2 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.3.1 The ENGINEER will serve as the CITY's professional engineering representative in those phases of the project to which this Scope of Services applies, and will give consultation and advice to the CITY during the performance of his services. Attached as Exhibit "A" this Amendment is a manhour breakdown for the project Scope of Services Preliminary Design The ENGINEER will gather information needed for the project including maps, field data, and reports. The ENGINEER will procure the services of a survey subconsultant to survey the proposed water main route along Mellonville Avenue between East Lake Mary Boulevard and SR 46. A copy of the surveyor subconsultant's proposal is contained in Exhibit "B". The ENGINEER will conduct a hydraulic analysis of the CITY's water distribution system to determine the sizing of the proposed water main along Mellonville Avenue. The analysis will also address whether the existing water main along SR 46 (between Mellonville Avenue and Brisson Avenue) needs to be upgraded. If it is determined that the SR 46 water main needs to be upgraded, then the surveying, construction plan preparation, and permitting of the SR 46 water main would be an additional service to be separately authorized by the CITY in accordance with Section 3 of this Amendment. The ENGINEER will prepare preliminary drawings of the water main route along Mellonville Avenue, showing proposed sizing, location, valves, hydrants, and connection to existing facilities. The ENGINEER will prepare a preliminary opinion of probable construction cost. The ENGINEER will meet with the CITY and review the preliminary drawings and construction costs of the project. Final Design and Permitting The ENGINEER will prepare final construction plans for the project (total length of approximately 9600 lineal feet), consisting of: 1. Cover Sheet 2. Summary of Quantities 3. Key Sheet and General Notes J:\USERS\NKB\MELLONVI .WPD 3 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 3.1 Plan and Profile (11 sheets, 1" = 30 scale) Utility Details ( 2 sheets) The ENGINEER will prepare technical specifications The ENGINEER will meet with the CITY and review the plans and technical specifications at the 90% completion stage. The ENGINEER will prepare permit applications for construction authorization from the FDEP, FDOT, and Seminole County. The CITY will pay for the associated permit application fees. The ENGINEER will revise the plans and specifications based on CITY and regulatory agency review. The ENGINEER will prepare an Opinion of Probable Construction Cost based on the final construction plans and specifications. The ENGINEER will prepare the Project Manual, consisting of bidding requirements, contract documents, and specifications. The ENGINEER will coordinate with the FDEP Bureau of Water Facilities Funding to assist the CITY in obtaining state revolving loan funding (SRF) for the proposed Mellonville Avenue water main construction. This work consists of: A. Revision of current Facility Plan. B. Revision of Capital Finance Plan. C. Revision of Dedicated Revenue Hearing Documentation. D. Preparation of authorized representative's limited site certification. E. Preparation of loan applications and assistance in obtaining loan agreements. F. Submit documentation to FDEP for review and approval. G. Coordinate with FDEP regarding publication of Environmental Information Document and coordinating responses to requests for additional information The ENGINEER will submit three (3) sets of final construction plans and the project manual to the CITY. SECTION 3 Additional Services of the ENGINEER If authorized by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall furnish or obtain from others the following additional services, or the CITY may provide these services separately or directly with the provider. Such additional services will be paid for by the CITY as outlined in Section 5. J:~USERS\NKB\MELLONVI,WPD 4 3.1.1 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, character of construction or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. If it is decided that the existing water main on SR 46 needs to be upgraded, then the work associated with the SR 46 water main upgrade would be an additional service. 3.1.2 Provide through sub-consultants, soils, environmental scientist (jurisdictional and permitting) services, construction quality control testing, or other specialist services including real estate/right-of-way agents, project/construction management, financial/budgetary consultant, and bookkeeping/accounting services. If these services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under this Section or separately provided by the CITY. 3.1.3 Except as otherwise provided herein, services or additional costs associated with revising previously accepted studies, reports, or other documents prepared by the ENGINEER when such revisions are due to causes beyond the ENGINEER's control. 3.1.4 Additional services resulting from public protests. administrative hearings, or similar matters. 3.1.5 Preparing to serve and/or serving as an Expert Witness for the CITY in any litigation, public hearing, condemnation proceeding, right-of-way or easement acquisition or negotiation, or other legal / administrative proceeding. 3ol .6 Furnishing additional sets of prints of drawings and other Documents beyond those designated in Section 2. 3.1.7 Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, Corps of Engineers, Seminole County, FDOT, or other regulatory agency requirements or revisions necessary due to changes in the Road Improvement Plans. 3.1.8 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally furnished by the CITY as described in Section 4 herein and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. J:~USERS\NKB\MELLONVLWPD 5 4.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 SECTION 4 CITY Responsibilities The CITY will: Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person to act as the CITY's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the CITY's policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. Obtain and provide data requested that is reasonably available on the project along with operational and maintenance requirements and easement and right-of- way requirements. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work under this Amendment. Make facilities accessible for inspection. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, schedules, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. Assist in obtaining approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. Furnish or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, any sub-consultant services not designated in Section 2, if advised by the ENGINEER and CITY concurs that they are necessary. Provide such legal, accounting, financial and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the CITY may require. Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. J:\USERS~IKB\MELLONVI.WPD 6 5.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 SECTION 5 Payment General payment provisions Compensation paid Engineer for services described herein and rendered by principals and employees assigned to the project are computed by multiplying Standard Classification Billing Rates for all classifications of employees directly engaged on the project, times the number of hours worked on the project. The engineering fee for the services described herein is estimated to be $54,560.00, inclusive of out-of-pocket expenses. Invoices will be submitted periodically, indicating the hours expended during that billing cycle. SECTION 6 General Conditions Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment or over any construction Contractor's method of determining prices, any opinion of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. Similar limitations apply to construction schedules reviewed or prepared by the ENGINEER. The CITY and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the CITY and the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER agrees to initiate work promptly upon receipt of authorization to proceed and to prosecute the work in an expeditious and timely manner until the Project is completed. J:\USERS\NKB'dVIELLONVI.WPD 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. (ATTEST & SEAL) Anthon~M.~ Va~er~rp - y Manager ENGINEER: CPH Engineers, Inc. David A. Gierach, P.E. Executive Vice President Date: J:\USERS\NKB\MELLONVI,WPD 8 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES TIME AND COST ESTIMATE MELLONVILLE AVENUE WATER MAIN EXTENSION (East Lake Mary Boulevard to SR 46) TASK NO. DESCRIPTION P E T D S Gather dat~-'- and information {maps. aerials. 2.2.1 reports) I 4 2 2.2.2 Obtain from surveyor route survey I I 3 Conduct hydraulic analysis of proposed Mellonville Water main, determine sizing. Advise City if existing water main size on SR 46 needs to be upgraded. Prepare preliminary drawings of proposed water main route. Show sizing, location, 2.2.4 valves, and hydrants. I 6 12 4 1 Prepare preliminary opinion of probable 2.2.5 construction cost I 4 4 2 1 2.2.3 1 12 2 2.2.6 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Meet with City and review rod line drawings Prepare 90% final engineering plans for Mellonville Avenue water main extension A Cover Sheet 2 B Summary of Quantities 1 8 10 1 C Key Sheet and General Notes 2 1 12 2 D Plan and Profile (11 sheets, 1 "=30' scale) 1 36 60 240 10 E Utility Details 1 8 Prepare technical specifications 6 10 Review 90% plans and specifications with City I I I 2 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 Fill out FDEP, FDOT and Seminole County permit applications (Application fees to be paid directly by City); submit applications Revise plans based on City review and regulatory agency review Prepare Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Prepare Project Manual (Front end contract documents and specifications) Coordinate with FDEP to obtain SRF funding for the water main construction .~i;.iESTIMATEDI EXPENSES $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $15.oo $15.oo $18o .oo $15.oo $2o.oo $50.00 I 10 2 $10.00 I 10 25 I $50.00 5 8 2 I $10.00 6 4 $10.00 A Revise Facility Plan 1 10 B Revise Capital Finance Plan I 4 Revise Dedicated Revenue Hearing C Documentation I 4 2 I $10.00 Prepare the authorized representative's limited site certification for submission to D FDEP/SRF 2 2 I 1 10 3 I $10.00 2 I $10.00 $10.00 mellon-prop TASK NO. E F G 2.3.9 TOTAL DESCRIPTION Prepare Loan Applications and assist in obtaining loan agreements 1 Subm t documentation to FDEP for rewow and approval Coordinate with FDEP regarding publication of Environmental Information Document and coordinate responses to RAI's 1 Submit 3 sets of 100% plans and project manual to City P E T 4 4 Sub-total (Based on Standard Billing Rates) Reimbursed Expenses Survey Sub-consultant TOTAL 3 2 4 2 12 116 145 314 1 2 43 i:ESTiMA. i.ED I EXPENSES S1C.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $730.00 $38,330.00 $730.00 $15,500.00 $54,560.00 mellon-prop WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION MELLONVILLE AVENUE (12" W.M. - East Lake Mary Boulevard to SR 46) DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE Mobilization LS 1 $45,000 Silt Fence LF 5000 $2 WM Fittings TN 3 $6,000 12" W.M. LF 10500 $25 12" Gate Valve EA 24 $1,700 Air Release Valve EA 6 $4,000 Blowoff EA 3 $400 Fire Hydrant EA 25 $2,500 Connect to Existing WM EA 8 $3,500 Bore and Jack Crossing LF 165 $190 Sodding (Bahia) SY 15500 $1 Open Cut Pavement SY 280 $30 SUB-TOTAL 10% Contingency TOTAL DESIGN SURVEY CEI APPROX. TOTALPROJECTCOST * NOT INCLUDED IN PROPSAL (AMENDMENT NO. 36) TOTALPRICE $45,000 $7,500 $18,000 $262 500 $40 800 $24 000 $1 200 $62 500 $28 ooo $31 350 $18 600 $8 400 $547 850 $54 785 $602,635 $39,060 $15,500 $42,000 $699,195 mellon-prop.xls EXHIBIT "B" J:\USERS\NKB\MELLONVI .WPD .1~t~5199 FRI 13:57 FAX 407 422 6915 October 15, 1999 TINKLEPAUGH -F~-~ CPH SANFORD 001/002 Tinklepaugh SURVEYING SERVICES INC. CPH Engineers, Inc. 500 West Fulton Street Sanford, Florida 32771 Attention: Katriina Bowman RE: Revisions to Mellonville Avenue Water Maln Extension Proposal tf 99 - 168.1 Dear Katriina, Tinklepaugh Surve~;ing Services, Inc, is pleased to present the following proposal: SCOPE 1.) We ~vill prepare a Route Survey along 1/2 of Meilonville Avenue right of way (either side) beginning at the existing water main at East .Lake Mary Road and running North to Airport Boulevard. We will then survey the full right of way from Airport Boulevard to the existing 12" water main South of runway 9L-27r (Sanford Airport). We will then pick up at the existing water line north of the runway and survey 1/2 right of way of Mellonvilla Avenue (either side) to the south side of S.R. # 46. The survey will include Right-of-Way identification, survey baseline and .stationing, existing utilities, physical culture and other improvements located within the Right- of-Way. (Total length. of survey + 9900 linear feet) FEE: $15,500.00 2.) We will provide a Route Survey along S.R. # 46 from Mellonvilla Avenue East to Brisson Avenue (Total length _+ 5300 lieear feet). The limits of the survey will be from the' South edge of pavement .to the South Right-of-Way line. FEE: $7,800.00 Deliverables will include a list of utilities contacted and responding through "Call Sdnshihe" and direct contact if necessary, (3) three signed and sealed copies of the survey at 1" = 20', and an ACAD file of the su.rvey. Revisions, additional certifications, title reviews, etc. will be provided at an additional fee. The terms of this agreement shall be valid for client. acceptance for thirty (30) days. 379 WEST MICHIGAN ST., SUITE 208 · ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32806 TELEPHONE (407) 422-0957 FAX (407) 422-6915 E-Mail: tlnklepaugh @ mpinet. net Rece.l. ved: 10/15/99 8:0B!--'M; -> u~'H ~--ng3. neer-~ .Lrtu; r~y~ ,¢ . '1.3/1.5/~'9 FRI 18:58 FAX 407 422 6915 TINKLEPAUGtt -F+-~ CPFI SANFORD 002/002 CPH.Engineers, Inc. Attn: K. Bowman 10/154/99 Page'2- 99-168.1 Invoices are due and payable at time of receipt; in the case of delinquent accounts (90 days or over) the client agrees to pay, in addition to the full face amount of the invoice, all reasonable collection, and/or attorney's fees required in the process of collection, Four sets of the survey, signed and sealed, will be provided at job completion. Additional prints, pick-ups or delivery, and other identifiable direct out of pocket expenses will be invoiced at a multiplier of 1.25. We sincerely appreciate your choosing Tinklepaugh Surveying Services, Inc. for a proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, TINKLEPAUGH SURVEYING SERVICES, INC. Arthur W. Tucker Vice President If this proposal is satisfactory, please have the financially responsible party execute and return one copy to this office as our authorization to proceed. The undersigned affirms that he or she is responsible for the fees as stated in this proposal and agrees to the terms contained therein. · Signed Name Title Date 'Printed Name AWT:ss