HomeMy WebLinkAbout799-FDOP-Utility Relocation STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT (AT UTILITY OWNER'S EXPENSE) FORM 710-010-27,R UTILITIES 07/95 FIN. PROJ. ID STATE PROJ. NO. STATE RD. COUNTY DOC NO. FAP NO. ~ 404056-1-52-01 CR425 SEMINOLE I 4011 046 P THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ff 4~ d~th~ ~,b day of ~ ' y and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter ca DEPARTMENT, and the CITY OF SANFORD, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, acting through its City Commissioners, hereinafier referred to as UTILITY OWNER. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is constructing, reconstructing or otherwise changing a portion of the State Highway System designated by the DEPARTMENT as Financial Project ID 404056-1-52-01, State Project No. N.A.., County Road No. 425 (Sanford Ave.), from 29th Street to Lemon Street, hereinafier referred to as the "Project", which shall call for the location (vertically and horizontally), protection and/or relocation and adjustment of the UTILITY OWNER's facilities on said Project, hereinafter referred to as "Relocation Work"; and WHEREAS, the plans for the said construction, reconstruction or other changes to be made have been reviewed by the DEPARTMENT and the UTILITY OWNER, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafier contained, it is agreed by the parties as follows: 1. The UTILITY OWNER shall make or cause to be made all arrangements for this Relocation Work at its own expense and in accordance with the plans, designs and specifications of the DEPARTMENT for the construction or reconstruction of the Project and the provisions of the DEPARTMENT's current Utility Accommodation Manual, which, by reference, is made a part of this Agreement. 2. The UTILITY OWNER shall perform all Relocation Work so as to cause no delay to the DEPARTMENT or its contractor in the prosecution of the Project, and all such Relocation Work shall be done under the direction of the DEPARTMENT 's engineer. The UTILITY OWNER agrees that it will be directly responsible for any legal claims that the Project contractor may initiate due to delays caused by the Relocatiou Work; provided, however, the UTILITY OWNER shall not be responsible for delays beyond its control. 3. The UTILITY OWNER agrees to locate (vertically and horizontally), and protect its facilities throughout the Projects life. The UTILITY OWNER also agrees to relocate its facilities upon the DEPARTMENT's right-of-way according to the terms of the relocation schedule and the DEPARTMENT's utility permit. 4. The UTILITY OWNER accepts sole responsibility for obtaining all Federal and/or State permits required for this Relocation work. 5. The UTILITY OWNER shall perform all such Relocation Work either with its own forces or by a contractor paid under a contract let by the UTILITY OWNER and under the direction of the DEPARTMENT's engineer. The UTILITY OWNER shall neither proceed with prosecution of the Relocation Work with its own forces nor let a contract of such Relocation Work until it has received the DEPARTMENT's written authority to proceed. 6. The UTILITY OWNER shall maintain the Relocation Work in good repair in accordance with the DEPARTMENT's current Utility Accommodation Manual. 7. The DEPARTMENT shall furnish the UTILITY OWNER with all necessary construction plans that are required by the UTILITY OWNER to facilitate the Relocation Work. The UTILITY OWNER's plans, maps, or sketches showing the Relocation Work are made a part hereof by reference. FORM 710-010-27 UTILITIES07/95 Page 2 of 2 8. To the extent provided by law, the UTILITY OWNER shall indemnify, defend, save harmless and exonerate the DEPARTMENT, its officers, agents and employees of and from all liability, claim, loss, damage, cost, charge, expense and demands arising out of the Relocation Work undertaken by the UTILITY OWNER, its employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors due in whole, or in part to conditions, actions, or omissions done or committed by the UTILITY OWNER, subcontractors, employees, agents or representatives. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnification does not cover or indemnify the DEPARTMENT for its own negligence or breach of contract. 9. The UTILITY OWNER shall inform the DEPARTMENT's engineer in writing when it starts, stops, resumes and finishes the Relocation Work. 10 This agreement shall remain in full force until canceled, and may be canceled by either party upon (60) days written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents 19 be executed by their duly authorized officers, and their official seals hereto affixed, the day and year first above written. UTILITY: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA B Y: ATTEST(s):~~7~:' (SEAL) William P. Richards, P.E., District Utility Engineer FDOT Approved as to Form and Legality District General Counsel DATE: DATE: DATE: ATTEST(s): (Title: .~ ,~i~,~' NANCY J LANDRY MY COMMISSION # CC 832118 ~ ~ Ol~ f~-~ EXPIRES: May 29, 2003 ' -800-8-NOTAFIy fla. NOlatlt $Orvjo~ & IBoilOip, fl Go. (SEA~) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RESOLUTION NO. 1829 UTILITY AGREEMENT FORM UTILITIES Financial. Project ID SECTION # STATE RD. COUNTY DOC NO FAP # 404056-1-52-01 CR-425 SEMINOLE 1 4011 0413 P WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "FDOT", proposes to construct or reconstruct a transportation facility identified above, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, in order for the FDOT to proceed with the Project, it is necessary for the City of Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "UAO", to execute and deliver to the FDOT the agreement identified as UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT (AT UTILITY OWNER'S EXPENSE), hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UAO: That (name) Tony VanDerworD , (title) City Manager authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement to the FDOT. be hereby A certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the FDOT along with the executed Agreement. ON MOTION of Commissioner Lessard, seconded by Commissioner Wil liams and passed by the UAO on the 2 7. day of December, ]999. ATTEST: Title: C Clerk , the above resolution was introduced Title: Mayor UTILITY RELOCATION SCHEDULE s'~''% OF FLORIDA.DI~PARTME~T OF TRANSPORT/*"'e%N Form 710-010-05 UTILITIES 2/99 Financial Project ID: 404056-1-52-01 Federal Project ID: Work Program Item No. (old): County/Section No: Seminole State Job No. (old): District Document No: Utility Agency/Owner (UAO): City of Sanford (Water and Sewer) A. ~ Summary of Relocation And Execution NON-CONSTRUCTION ITFMS FSTIMATFD CA~ FNDAR DAYS CONSTRUCTION ITFMS Preliminary (advertisement, bidding, award of const. contract) 60 Prior to FDOT Project Construction Material Procurement Right-of-Way Acquisition 30 4011 046 P Other FSTIMATED CAI FNDAR DAYS During FDOT Project Construction 186 This document has been developed as the method for a Utility Agency/Owner (UAO) to transmit to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Highway Contractor, and other right-of-way users, the location, relocation, adjustment, installation, and/or protection of their facilities, on this FDOT project. The following data is based on FDOT preliminary construction plans dated October 1999 . Any deviation by the FDOT or its contractor from the plans, as provided, may render this relocation schedule null and void. Upon notification by FDOT of such change, this utility may require additional days for assessment and negotiation of a new relocation schedule. This UAO is not responsible for events beyond the control of the UAO that could not reasonably be anticipated by the UAO and which could not be avoided by the UAO with the exercise of due diligence at the time of the occurrence. The UAO agrees to notify the Department in writing prior to starting, stopping, resuming, or completing work. During the project, the UAO shall locate their facilities within 48 hours of notice to their Representative Connie Fowler , Telephone Number 407-330-5630 This UAO's Field Representative is Michael Crumpton, P.F. , Telephone Number 407-330-5639 This document is a printout of an FDOT form maintained in an electronic format and all revisions thereto by the UAO in the form of additions, deletions or substitutions are reflected only in an Appendix entitled "Changes to Form Document" and no change is made in the text of the document itself. Hand notations on affected portions of this document may refer to changes reflected in the above-named Appendix but are for reference purposes only and do not change the terms of the document. By signing this document, the UAO hereby represents that no change has been made to the text of this document except through the terms of the appendix entitled "Changes to Form Document". Authorized Utility Agent: (Si~ (Date) (Signature) MICHAFL G. CRUMPTON, P.F. (Printed Name) WILLIAM P. RICHARDS, P.F. (Printed Name) UTILITY FNGINFFR (Title) DISTRICT UTILITY FNGINFFR (Title) Page 1 of ... 5 ~'ILITY RELO. CATION SCHEDULP'~ S'I. _ OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA, ~ Form 710-010-05 UTILITIES 2/99 Financial Project ID: 404056-1-52-01 Federal Project ID: 4011 046 P Work Program Item No. (old): County/Section No: Seminole State Job No. (old): District Document No: Utility Agency/Owner (UAO): City of Sanford (Water and Sewer) B. Special Conditions / Constraints Clearing and grubbing and utility pole relocations on respective sides of RAN shall be completed prior to Phase I & II utility construction (water and sewer). All Phase I utility construction (water and sewer) shall be completed prior to construction of the curb & gutter on the East RAN due to the need to completely remove the existing 150/200 AC force main. New water main in Phase II shall be cleared for use with all tie-ins completed prior to beginning inlet construction on the West side. The Cit~; of Sanford will coordinate with BeliSouth during construction for protection of existing BeliSouth utilities. The City of Sanford will require a 1-week notice prior to roadway paving for the adjustment of existing and proposed valve boxes to final grades by City personnel. The existing 150/200 AC force main shall remain operational 24-hours per day, 7-days per week during roadway construction until the new force main is cleared for use and all tie-ins are completed. Page 2 of 5 UTILITY RELOCATION SCHEDULE · STI~"'SF FLORIDA DI~P~,RTMENY OF TRANSPORTAT,~"'~ Form 710-010-05 UTILITIES 2/99 Financial Project ID: 404056-1-52-01 Federal Project ID: ~,O11 0~6 P Work Program Item No. (old): County/Section No: Seminole State Job No. (old): District Document No: Utility Agency/Owner (UAO): City of Sanford (Water and Sewer) C. Disposition of Facilities (List All Existing &Proposed) on Project: UTILITY FACILITIES by TYPE/SIZE/MATERIAL/OFFSET TO BASELINE FROM STA TO STA DESCRIPTION M.O.T. CONSECUTIVE OF DEPENDENT PHASE CALENDAR UTILITY WORK ACTIVITIES NUMBER DAYS Existing 300 force main, Sta 18+23, 14.4 RT to Sta 18+62.2, 12 RT Existing 300 water main, Sta 18+23, 9.6 LT to Sta 18+50, 9.6 LT Existing 150 water main, Sta 19+52.6, 9.2 LT to Sta 19+51.7, 10.6 RT Existing 50 water main, Sta 19+53.6, 13.2 LT to 28 LT Existing 150 water main, Sta 22+63, 9.5 LT to Sta 22+61, 12 RT Existing 150 water main, Sta 24+17.6, 9 LT to 12 RT Existing 150 water main, Sta 24+18.2, 9.1 LTto Sta 24+18.7, 12 RT Existing water service, Sta 24+68, 9.5 LT to 8 RT Existing 150 water main, Sta 24+68, 15.8 LT to 25 LT Existing water service, Sta 25+40, 9.2 LT to 11.6 RT Existing water service, Sta 25+90, 9.2 LT to 12 RT Existing 300 water main, Sta 27+05, 9.2 LT to Sta 27+50 Existing 200 force main, Sta 27+21, 9.4 RT to Sta 27+50 Proposed 50 water main, Sta 18+88.5, 11.5 RT to Sta 24+18.7, 11.5 RT (East R/W) FDEP clearance for new water main in East R/W To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 To remain None N/A 0 New Clear & Phase I 8 construction grub East Clearance Test & Phase I 30 disinfect new water main Page 3 of 5 Form 710-010-05 UTILITIES 2/99 UTILITY RELOCATION SCHEDULE Sf"""~"OF FLORIDA I;)EP~ARTME~T OF TRANSPORTA~m'N ' Financial Project ID: 404056-1-52-01 Work Program Item No. (old): State Job No. (old): Utility Agency/Owner (UAO): City of Sanford (Water Water main and service New connections, Sta 18+88 to Sta construction 24+18 Proposed 300 force main, Sta New 18+62.2, 12 RT to Sta 24+35, 10.5 construction RT Proposed 300 force main, Sta 24+35, 10.5 RT to Sta 27+21, 9.4 RT Existing 50 water main, Sta 18+88.5, 11.5 RT to Sta 19+51.7, 10.6 RT Federal Project ID: Existing 150 water main, Sta 19+51.7, 10.6 RT to Sta 20+75, 10.6 RT Existing 150 water main, Sta 20+75, 10.6 RT to Sta 22+61, 11.2 RT Existing 150 water main, Sta 22+61,9 RT to Sta 24+17.2, 9 RT FDEP clearance for new force main in East R/W Proposed force main tie-ins at Sta 18+62.2, 12 RT and Sta 27+21,9.4 RT Existing 150 AC force main, Sta 18+62.2, 12 RT to Sta 25+75, 9.4 RT 4011 046 P County/Section No: Seminole District Document No: and Sewer) FDEP Phase l clearance New water main in East R/W in-service New Clear & construction grub East To be New water Phase removed main in East R/W in-service To be New water Phase removed main in East R/W in-service To be taken New water Phase out of main in service East R/W in-service To be taken New water Phase out of main in service East R/W in-service Clearance Test new Phase force main on East New Clearance Phase construction of new force main in East RNV To be Complete Phase I removed tie-ins for new force main Phase l Phase l 9 14 0 (constructed during WM clearance period) 0 (removed during consturction of new force main) 0 (removed during consturction of new force main) 2 2 21 16 Page 4 of 5 UTILITY RELOCATION SCHEDULE ST/"e'~'OF FLORIDA I;)EPARTME~/T OF TRANSPORTA,f~ Form710-010-05 UTILITIES 2/99 ' Financial Project ID: 404056-1-52-01 Federal Project ID: 4011 046 P Work Program Item No. (old): County/Section No: Seminole State Job No. (old): District Document No: Utility Agency/Owner (UAO): City of Sanford (Water and Sewer) Existing 200 AC force main, Sta 25+75, 9.4 RT to Sta 27+21, 9.4 RT To be Complete Phase i removed tie-ins for new force main New Clear & Phase I1 construction grub West Clearance Test & Phase il disinfect new water main New FDEP Phase II construction clearance Proposed 300 water main, Sta 18+50, 9.6 LT to Sta 27+05, 9.2 LT (West RAN) FDEP clearance for new water main in West R/W Water main service connections and tie-ins, Sta 18+50 to Sta 27+05 in West RAN Existing 300 water main, Sta 18+50, 9.6 LT to Sta 27+05, 9.2 LT To be Complete Phase II removed tie-ins for new water main To be Complete Phase II removed tie-ins for new water main To be Complete Phase II removed tie-ins for new water main Existing fire hydrant, Sta 22+68, 13 LT. Existing fire hydrant, Sta 24+62, 10.5 LT 4 26 30 12 10 0 (included with the removal of existing 300 water main) 0 (included with the removal of existing 300 water main) Page 5 of 5 JEB BUSH GOVERNOR January 6, 2000 Mr. Paul Moore Utilities Director pC!~. of Sanford Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788' Re: FPN# 404056 1 County Seminole SR Sanford Avenue Document # 1 FAP# 4011 046 P From 291h Street to Wylle Avenue THOMAS F. BARRY, JR. SECRETARY Dear Mr. Moore: The enclosed Relocation Agreement and supporting documents have been approved by the Department. Please submit your Utility Permit for authorization to begin work to Steve Wigle, Resident Engineer, no later than April 2000. If any other permits are required for the relocation of your facilities (ie. City, County, DEP, DNR, Water Management District, etc., they need to be submitted to the respective agencies so your work can proceed as scheduled. Your company is required to give written notice to the Resident/Project Engineer, which should be received in his office 48 hours prior to beginning work on the referenced project. All Utility Work must be performed in accordance with Department regulations. The Department expects that your work effort comply with the terms of the Agreement. Your utility work stipulates that you will be ready to commence work during FDOT Traffic Control Plan Phase 1 & 2 as stipulated on your attached Utility Relocation Schedule. Therefore, please be prepared to discuss your construction schedule at the upcoming Pre- Construction Conference. You will be notified of the Pre-Construction Conference by the Project Engineer for the purpose of coordinating your utility facilities with that of the projects construction. If you need further assistance, please contact the District Utility/Consultant Manager, Joe Nero at (904) 943- 5253. Sincerely, Staci L. Nester District Utility Compliance Coordinator SLN/jlr Attachments: Agreement & Relocation Schedule cc: District Construction Engineer w/Utility Relocation Schedule Attn: Peeri Pappas, Scheduling Engineer MS 3-506 P.E. File Local Maintenance Office MS 594 www.dot.state.fl.us