HomeMy WebLinkAbout659-LAP Certificationcity of sanfora Local Agency Program (LAP) Certification Request Submitted by The Department of Engineering and Planning July 18, 1997 ¢ ( MEMORANDUM To: Via.' From: Date: Re: Mayor and City Commission William Simmons, City Manager ' July 18, 1997 Local Agency Program (LAP) Application The purpose of the Local Agency Program (LAP) is to establish uniform practices for authorizing local governments to use federal-aid funds for project planning, project development, design and construction. The City of Sanford Department of Engineering and Planning has completed a final copy of the LAP Application to submit to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for approval. Once LAP certified, the City of Sanford can administer the design and construction of the Lake Monroe Riverwalk and be reimbursed by the Federal government. LAP certification allows local governments to have direct control and flexibility over a federally assisted project, such as the Lake Monroe Riverwalk which has been awarded Intergovernmental Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) funds. Over $300,000 is currently available for design and engineering of the Lake Monroe Riverwalk. Recommend the City Commission Approve the Local Agency Program (LAP) Application and Mayor Larry Dale sign the Local Agency Certification Qualification Agreement contained in the LAP Application. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST .7/18/97 C CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL AGENCY (FULL CERTIFICATION) The City of Sanford is located in Seminole County in the east central region of the State of Florida. Sanford has a population of 35,279 as of April !, 1996. The City is governed by the Sanford City Commission which consists of four commissioners and one mayor. The City's administrative functions are the responsibility of the City Manager. Sanford employs approximately 438 people. The Department of Engineering and Planning is charged with providing professional services in the areas .of comprehensive planning and research, development review, land use, zoning, engineering, historic preservation, mapping and graphics. The Department is responsible for protecting the public health, safety and welfare by coordinating all land development activities in a manner responsive to citizen needs and growth management objectives. The Department is headed by Jay Marder, AICP, Director of Planning and Development. The Engineering Division is managed by the Bob Walter, P.E., Professional Engineer. The Department of Engineering and Planning organizational chart is attached in the following section. The Department of Public Works is charged with facility maintenance; fleet maintenance, street maintenance. stormwater management and solid waste collection. Public Works consists of five divisions: Facility Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance. Streets, Solid Waste and Administration. The Department of Public Works employs 83 persons and is headed by Jerry Herman, Director of Public Works. An organizational chart of the Department of Public Works is attached in the following section. The Finance Department is charged with managing the financial affairs of the City. This includes debt, investments, revenue collection, cash disbursements, accounting and financial reporting. The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining reasonable internal controls to safeguard the City's assets and ensure the timely and accurate recording of transactions in accordance with accounting standards for state and local govemments. In addition, Finance is charged with providing timely response to the City' s elected and appointed officials on issues affecting the current and future financial affairs of the City. The Finance Depart.ment is headed by Sandra L. Moore, C.P.A., Acting Director of Finance. The Finance Department organizational chart is attached in the following_ section. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CITY OF SANFORD ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS r.,T'O I--. .~ o o ~ iwmww~ I' ! o__ CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST STATEMENT OF QUALITY ASSURANCE C CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST STATEMENT OF OUALITY ASSURANCE The City of Sanford is committed to implementing all Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) assisted projects in accordance with the Local Agency Program (LAP) Manual, and all applicable Federal, State and local requirements. The City of Sanford will employ all necessary resources to ensure meeting all project goals and objectives. We affirm our pledge to partner with the Florida Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to successfully implement capital projects in the City of Sanford. Professional Engineer C~1 CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION QUALIFICATION AGREEMENT N'I'ATI! OF FI.OKtDA I)I~I'ARTMI:NT ( F TRAN-~ ~()K f-VI'IC)N LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION QUALIFICATION AGREEMENT /*"'AGENCY City of Sanford AGENCY NO. I'.,:hibit I-3-2 I(~R~,I IIN..V<CI \1 I'l ANNING t~3 I'.,cc I ,,f 2 The noted agency hcrcby agrees to comply with the following requirements when developing all prqiects on the Federal Aid Highway Systems: The Local AgenO' Procedtn'es and all policies and guidelines promulgated by the State of'Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) which accomplish the policies and objectives set tbrth in Title 23, U.S. Code, Highways and the Regulations Issued Pursuant Thereto. The overall approval authorities and conditions will be as follows: a. The designs will be reviewed and approved by the following State of Florida registered Professional Civil Engirteer. Professional. Engineer, Department of Engineering and Planning Position Title Only The hearirtg's findings (if required) will be reviewed and approved by the following official or of~cials~ Director of Planning and Development Position Tide or Titles Only The contract plans. specifications and estimate of cost will be reviewed and approved by the tbllowing State of Florida registered Professional Engineer. Professional Engineer, Department of Engineering and Plannia~' Position Title or Titles Only d. Agreements will be signed by the following responsible local official: (1) Railroad Mayor or Desiqnee Position Title Only (2) Utility (3) ('onstHlanl (4) Technical Scrviccs Mayor or Des ignee Position Title Only Mayor or Des ignee I'ositi,n 'l'itlc ()aaly Mayor or Des ignee Position Title Only c. '['hc award d' contract will bc signed by the following responsible official. Mayor or Desiqnee Position '['itlc Only All t~rojccts will bc constructed in conlbrmancc with the State of Florida Department of Transportation currout-,%'/(mda/'d ,%~erifi('ctti{nl.v.fbr [?oad and [h'l'cLqe Con.~trttc[icnt ~t~/(l such specifications and standards thitt lift}eli f} lhcsc sl>ccil'ic;tti<nls ;ts 3. The Contract Administration will be supervised by the following State of Florida registered ProfessionS, Civil Engineer. Professional Engineer., Dept. of Engineering and Planning Position Title Only Construction Administration and Material Sampling and Testing will be accomplished in accordance with the FDO'F Ct,lslrttcliott Project dthtlillislt'atiotl Manttal (('PAM) and Sanlpling 7~'sting ttnd Reportitzg ( ;tddt'. l'hc agency agrees Ihat Ihcy have Ihc means to it,'ovidc adequate cxpcrlisc and will have supira,-( staff available I. pcrlimn lhc f'unclions being subdelegated. The st,plm,'( slaff may inch,de co,~sultanl or slate services. 'l'l~c .otcd isgc.cy 4grccs to sulmm tim nanms of the approving authorities noted in Sccti{m 2 above with each project prospectus. All projects under Local Agency Certification shall be available for review b'y the 'FHWA and the State at any time and all project documents shall be retained and available for inspection during the plan development and construction stages and for a three year period following acceptance of the project by FHWA. The FDOT District Local Agency Program Adminstrator's approval of the local agency certification may be rescinded at any time upon request by the local agency o,' if in the FDOT's District Local Agency Progran~ Administrator's opinion it is necessary to do so. The rescission may be applied to all or part of the programs or projects approved in the local agency certification. Mayor July 29, 1997 Dale, I)atc STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Approved By: District Secretary Date CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT II. II. SCOPE Develop and continue to update plans for the construction of roadways, bridges, parking facilities, bicycle transportation, pedestrian walkways, highway safety improvements, hazard mitigation. highway research and development, traffic monitoring and management, surface transportation planning programs, Landscaping/scenic beautification, historic preservation, capital improvements and the rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings. RESPONSIBILITY The Director of Planning.and Development is responsible for all planning activities. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS The City of Sanford adopted its-Comprehensive Plan in 1991. The Comprehensive Plan contains multiple elements, including but not limited 'to, a Traffic Circulation Element, · Historic .Preservation Element and Capital Improvement Element. Each element is made up of Goals, Objectives and Policies. The City of Sanford will adopt its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan by 1999. The Bicycle and .Pedestrian Plan is a long range plan detailing the City's bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The goal of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is to increase the use of alternate transportation modes by implementing a system of safe, economical and efficient bikeway and pedestrian facilities and by supporting related programs. Level of Service (LOS) Standards are used as an indicator of the degree of service provided by a public facility based on its operational characteristics. LOS shall indicate the capacity per unit of demand for each public facility. The LOS standards shall be used to determine if public facilities and services are adequate to support the impacts of new development. The_ GMP establishes the LOS Standards for roads, wastewater, parks, stormwater, solid waste, potable water and mass transit. Based on the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, the City identifies needed projects in its annual Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIP is a proposed schedule for the expenditure of funds to acquire or construct needed improvements over the next five-year period. CIP project programming is determined based on whether a project is a critical deficiency. existing deficiency. needed for repair and replacement or is a future need/planned expansion. The purpose of the CIP is to coordinate all capital improvements identified by C individual departments into a five-year financially feasible program. The CIP weighs the City's capital needs against available funding to establish priorities. IV. QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications are listed in Attachment A. CITY OF SANFORD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (' CITY OF SANFORD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT II. III. IV. SCOPE The preparation of environmental assessments is done by either "in-house" personnel or through the consulting firm who will design the project. RESPONSIBILITY The Professional Engineer or Project Manager supported by the Public Works Director or Director of Planning and Development and a staff of experienced project managers (for consultant designed projects) and the design Manager (for "in-house" .designed projects) will be responsible for all preparation of environmental assessments. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS 'The Project Management staff will ensure that all projects are evaluated in accordance with the requirements of all local, state and federal agencies. QUALIFICATIONS For qualifications see Attachment A. NOTE: The City of Sanford is aware that the Environmental Assessment phase of project development is the responsibility of FDOT in concert with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Final environmental determination is therefore the responsibility of FDOT and FHWA. The Local Agency may develop. the documentation for the environmental determination for FDOT review. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST DESIGN CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST DESIGN II. III. IV. SCOPE Develop a detailed design and produce contract documents for projects which the City of Sanford expects to receive assistance. Projects include sidewalks, bikeways, rails to trails projects, signage and striping of roads and bike lanes, road improvements, alternate transportation and enhancement projects, parking garages, park and ride lots, multi-modal facilities and transit related systems and facilities. RESPONSIBILITY The Professional Engineer of'the Department of Engineering and Planning coordinates and is responsible for all design activities. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS After a consultant is selected following the City of Sanford policy and procedures and after negotiations am finalized based on the scope of work advertised in the Request for Proposal, the contract is executed by the Sanford .City Commission and the design consultant. The activities of the design consultant are supervised and coordinated by the Project Manager under the direction of the Professional Engineer (Professional Engineer may serve as Project Manager). The goal of the Project Manager is to achieve total coordination of the consultants to ensure a coherent design in full compliance with design criteria, schedule, budget, City, State and Federal Policy. The Project Manager supervises the design activities by means of monthly or bi-weekly meetings with the designers supplemented by meetings with individuals onspecific issues. Design problem solutions developed by a design team member are shared with all other members of the design team as well as other City agencies. Coordination of design is achieved by joint technical meetings which resolve conflict issues and, under City guidance, result in a unified approach to problem solution. QUALIFICATIONS The Design and engineering team typically would include members from the consulting firm, the Department of Engineering and Planning, Public Works Department and the Utility Department. The qualifications of the Professional Engineer, Director of Planning and Development, Director of Public Works and Utility Director are included in the Attachment A. Organizational charts are also included in this report. c~ ¢r CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST ESTIMATING II. III. IV. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST ESTIMATING SCOPE To develop comprehensive and detailed cost estimates for all projects. RESPONSIBILITY Rests with the Professional Engineer BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS A preliminary cost estimate is provided at the 30% level, with pertinent back-up and adequate contingency as necessary. At the 60% level, a comprehensive and detailed cost estimate shall be developed. The cost estimate shall be organized in the CSI format for buildings and structures and in the FDOT cost estimating format for civil work and shall include a detailed quantity take-off as well as pricing of all items based on current local conditions. Allowances will be made for difficulty factors during construction and any scheduling/staging considerations. The estimate shall include all back-up calculations, phone quotes, etc. The final cost .estimate CEngineer's Estimate") is done at the completion of the design stage as part of the final submittal of the Construction Documents. The estimate shall be based on unit prices and conform to the FDOT cost estimating system to the greatest extent possible. Either a City employee or the Continuing Services Consultant for the Construction Management Services will provide services to the Construction Manager during the negotiations of Change Orders to the Contract. QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications of City personnel are shown in Attachment A. CITY OF SANFORD RIGHT-OF-WAY CITY OF SANFORD RIGHT-OF-WAY I. SCOPE Provide complete right-of-way process for all projects in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations. These services include land surveying, right-of-way engineering, appraisals, review appraisals, acquisition, relocation and eminent domain proceedings. II. RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility rests with the Professional Engineer of the City of Sanford for all surveying, base maps and plats. The real estate/acquisition responsibility rests with the Finance Department of the City of Sanford. III. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS The right-of-way process consists of the following stages: land surveying (Second Order, Class H, and Topographic); title search (ownership and parties of interest); right-of-way engineering (prepare right-of-way maps, sketches and parcel data sheets); appraisal of property; contacting property owners for joint development proposals; acquisition through' settlement or eminent domain (condemnation); relocation of residents (owner occupied or tenant occupied),' business and non-profit organizations from the right-of-way; property management of the property between the date of possession is secured and clearance is. required; and clearance, through demolition of improvements in the right-of-way. IV. QUALIFICATIONS The qualifications of the Professional Engineer and Director of Finance are shown in Attachment A. NOTE: The City of Sanford realizes that Right-of-Way Certification to FHWA is the responsibility' of FDOT. The Local Agency may however submit background documentation to FDOT to support right-of-way determination. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CONSULTANT SELECTION CITY OF SANFORD LOCAl., AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CONSULTANT SELECTION II. III. SCOPE Consultant professional services may be required from qualified firms to provide planning, design and construction phase services. The selected consultants may be required to provide electrical and mechanical engineering, architecture, !and surveying, cost estimating, permitting, engineering, drafting and other areas. The work may include, but not be limited to review of design and specifications prepared by others, assistance to City Staff in conducting specialized engineering tasks, inspections during construction, shop drawings · review, construction claims resolution and any other tasks may be required. RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility rests with the City Commission supported by the Professional Engineer Director of Planning and Development, Project Manager and Director of Public Works. A copy of the City procedure is shown in Attachment B. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS The process consists of three basic steps as follows: ( 1 ) Certification Any firm or individual desiring to provide professional services to the City must first be certified by the City as qualified pursuant to law and the regulations of the City. Among the hctors to be considered are the capabilities, adequacy of personnel, past record, and experience of the firm or individual. The selection committee reviews statements of qualification and performance data submitted in response to the public announcement advertising for professional services. Additional criteria for certification is provided in Attachment B. (2) Selection A selection committee appointed by the City Commission and is comprised of the City Manager, the Department/Division/Office director and staff employees having knowledge and interest in the project. The selection committee meetsto review consultant expressions of interest in connection with an advertised project. The selection committee may interview firms. The firms are short listed in rank order. The ranked firms are submitted and recomnmnded to the City Commission. With Commission approval, the top firms are brought to negotiation in rank order. IV. (3) Negotiation The negotiation committee is appointed by the City Commission and consists-of the City Manager or designee, the City Attorney or designee, Department/Division/Office Directors and staff members having knowledge and interest ~ in the project requiring prof~.ssional services. The negotiation committee will negotiate a contract with the firm rankedas most qualified, at a compensation which the agency feels is fair and reasonable. If unsuccessful with the first-ranked firm, the committee attempts negotiations with the second-ranked firm. If unsuccessful again, the process is repeated with the next highest firm until a mutually agreeable contract is concluded. QUALIFICATIONS Typically, the selection committee includes the Project 'Manager, a member of the user agency, a representative of the Purchasing Agent and members selected by the Department of Engineering and Planning and the Public Works Department. -- C~ C CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST BID AND AWARD CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST BID AND AWARD II. III. SCOPE The bid and award process includes the letting of construction and systems contracts, coordination of addenda, bid opening, bid tabulation and evaluation, and contract award and execution. All bidding shall be done in accordance with the Local Agency Program (LAP) Manual and all applicable Federal, State and local requirements. RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility' for bid and award rests with Professional Engineer. The public opening of sealed bids is coordinated by the Purchasing Office. Final approval lies with the Sanford City Commission. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS Review and Certification of PD&E and RTW This review.will include an interdisciplinary check and a constructibility review. Likewise; no contract will be advertised without the right-of-way being certified to FHW.~. 'Prior to · advertising any bid package the PD&E shall be approved in writing by FHWA. Funding Contracts will be advertised only after a statement is received from Federal Project Office indicating that the necessary funds are available. Bidding Procedures Construction contracts are bid competitively through sealed bids and are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Bid security of not less than 10% of the bid · amount is required with each bid. Qualifications of bidders are clearly specified in the contract terms and conditions. The DBE participation goal included in the contract is part of the bidding requirement. The City of Sanford's "front end documents", which includes the instructions to bidders, all necessary forms, general conditions of the contract, and. supplementary conditions of the contract shall be used. Proposal Preparation The City of Sanford will provide forms for the submittal of bids. The contract's terms and IV. conditions include instructions on how the bid forms are to be completed. Forms for the DBE participation are included with he solicitation. All bid packages include the Davis-Bacon wages that the contractor must comply with. Advertisin~ (Letting) Projects are advertised for a minimum of two (2) weeks. The bid is advertised in one local newspaper, which reaches all segments of the community. It is the expresses policy of the City of Sanford not to discriminate. All advertising shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local requirements. Bid Opening Sealed bids are received by the Purchasing Agent and are opened and read publicly at the Bid Opening. The City Attorney may review the bids for conformance with the requirements of · the Instructions to Bidders section of the document. Bid Evaluation After bids are opened they are delivered to the City of Sanford Professional Engineer/Project Manager for evaluation. All contractor qualifications shall be verified as part of the bid evaluation. The Project Manager shall prepare a bid tabulation and check all mathematical calculations on the contractor's bid requirements. The bids are compared with the Professional Engineer's estimate (and FDOT's estimate, if available) to check. for any bid imbalances. If the bid evaluation process determines that the lowest bidder is not qualified, the City of Sanford will provide documentation supporting its decision. Award of Contract After the bids have been tabulated and evaluated in accordance with the appropriate procedures, the City of Sanford will submit an award recommendation to the local LAP Administrator. All bid protests will be handled in accordance with City of Sanford Policy and Procedure; After FHWA and City Commission approval, the City will inform the contractor of its intent to award the contract in writing. All contract awards are approved by the City Commission. Contract Execution All contractor registrations and licenses will be verified as part of the bid evaluation process. Prior to execution of the contract by the City the contractor's insurance and bonds are reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. QUALIFICATIONS The qualifications of personnel are listed in Attachment A. CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CONSTRUCTION CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CONSTRUCTION II. llI. SCOPE The administration of the construction of projects is done by in-house staff. Specialty consultants are used on an as needed basis. The project is inspected daily from Notice-to- Proceed to the Close-out, ensuring timely completion in compliance with FHWA and FDOT requirements. RESPONSIBILITY The Professional Engineer and Director of Public Works with staff consisting of the Project Manager and experienced Inspection Team members and field representatives will be responsible for the construction. Scheduling, budget and cost control functions will be performed by this staff. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS The Project Manager and Construction Inspection staff will represent the City in the on-site day-to-day management of the construction activities. The Project Manager and Construction Inspection staff will: ( 1 ) Supervise and monitor construction (2) coordinate with FDOT and all local agencies (3) evaluate claims and change recommendations (4) monitor DBE, Davis-Bacon and EEO compliance through appropriate designated staff. (5) perform other tasks as required to support the construction effort (6) review and approve construction schedules and monitor progress against same (7) regularly inspect all construction activities (8) review and recommend for approval all construction services (9) review and evaluate construction value engineering proposals (10) conduct or supervise surveying and acceptance testing (1 !) develop punch lists and recommend acceptance of completed work (12) (13) measure, review and approve for payment all bid item quantities submitted perform miscellaneous engineering and quality control services in support of the construction Quality assurance may be performed by specialty consultants with direct access to the construction manager. C~ C IV. QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications are shown in Attachment CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST FISCAL MANAGEMENT CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (See Attached Comorehensive Annual Financial Reoort-CAFR for more detail) FINANCIAL REPORTING The City's accounting system conforms to generally accepted accounting principles and to governmental accounting and financial reporting standards. Additional ly, the system complies with the accounting principles embodied in he American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Audits of State and Local Governmental Units, Chapter 10.550 of the Rules of the Auditor General and all other authoritative guidelines where applicable. The accounting records for the General Fund, SpeCial Revenue, Capital Projects,' Debt Service and certain agency and trust .funds are maintained on a modified accrual basis with revenues being recognized when they become measurable and available, while expenditures are recordedat the time liabilities are incurred. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL In developing and evaluating the accounting system; consideration is given to the adequacy of internal control structures. Internal control structures are designedto provide reasonable assurance regarding the..safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of the control should. not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgements by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. The City's existing internal control structures adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. The City uses an automated accounting system which accommodates the use of a line item budget, integrating the budgetary and accounting functions. The level of budgetary control, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount, is established at the object or line item level. Budgetary control is maintained through the use of an encumbrance accounting system. When a purchase order is issued, a corresponding amount is recorded as a reservation of the available appropriation for the respective line item. The reservation or encumbrance is released when payment is made. Purchase orders which result in an overrun of object balances are not accepted until additional appropriations are made available. Open encumbrances are reported as a reservation of the fund balance at September 30. Since Appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year, the reserve for encumbrances must be subsequently reappropriated in the fol Iowing year. ~r~ CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CAPABILITY FOR MATCHING FEDERAL FUNDS CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST CAPABILITY FOR MATCHING FEDERAL FUNDS CAPABILITY FOR MATCHING FEDERAL FUNDS The City of Sanford generates revenue from various sources: taxes, licenses, fees, user charges, permits, etc. These revenues are utilized for operations and through the budget process and coordination with the Capital Improvement Plan are used to provide funding for capital improvement and construction projects. REVENUESUMMARY Ad Valorem taxes are the primary general revenue sources for the City of Sanford, and are based on assessed property values and the millage rate set by the City Commission. Additional revenue is generated through licenses, permits, fines, charges for services and stormwater utility fees. The City also receives State revenue sharing from various tax revenues. C'¸ C CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST ATTACHMENT A C Resume of Robert J. Walter, Professional Engineer City of Sanford P.E. Experience: ........ ,.- 1996 to present - City of Sanford - 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida Professional Engineer: responsibilities include all City engineering tasks including design, analysis, permitting, and construction management of City infrastructure projects, review of land development for proposed private and public development projects for compliance with City engineering criteria and requirements, interim and post construction inspection for compliance with City regulations and permitted activities. 1994 to 1996 - Lochrane Engineering Inc.- 201 South Bumby Avenue, Orlando, Florida. Project Manager: Project manager for land development projects included design, analysis, permitting and construction management. Duties include: potable water, sanitary sewer, stormwater, parking lot and pavement designs, permitting through FDOT, SJRWMD, FDEP, ACOE, and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies. 1978 to 1994 - Martin Marietta - Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida Staft Engineer: Facilities Engineering Department responsible for National Defense. Project Facility requirements including explosion proof buildings, secured areas, warhead storage bunkers, radar test ranges, manufacturing facilities, water and wastewater systems, and stormwater facilities. Responsible for the design, analysis, surveying and contractor coordination of these projects. Licenses: Professional Engineer - State of Florida #32080 - 1982 Certified General Contractor - State of Florida - 1980 Education: BSE - Civil Engineering - University of Central Florida - 1977 Post Graduate work - Civil Engineering - University of Central Florida - 1978-1980 Jay R. Marder, AICP Director of Planning and Development, City of Sanford since 1991 Administer the City's planning, zoning, engineering, transporation planning; redevelopment and historic preservation functions. President, Florida Planning and Zoning Association (1996) Received George W. Simmons, Jr. Memorial Award in October, 1992 from the Florida Planning and Zoning Association for outstanding achievement and contribution to the profession. American Institute of Certified Planners American Planning Association · Resident of Florida for 23 years Worked for: City of San Jose, California; City of Leesburg, Florida; Marion County Govemment in Ocala, Florida; Planning consultant in Orlando. · Numerous articles published on various urban planning subjects. Rede~zelopment and economic development in Quality Cities, the Florida League .of Cities magazine plus numerous articles about streetscape design standards, citizen participation in planning, and geographic information systems in professional magazines such as City and State, InfoTEXT by APA's Information Technology Division and Overview, FPZA. Received Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree from San Jose State University; Received Bachelor Degree of Behavioral Sciences from San Jose State University; Currently enrolled in Master of Public Administration program at University of Central Florida. June, 1997 RESUME OF: Paul Robert Moore SIGNIFICANT WORK EXPERIENCE July 1983 to Present: City of Sanford, Florida. Utility Director, which administers to a department of 85 employees responsible for the water and wastewater utilities of a full service City. Duties include engineering, design, and construction of various utility projects, administration of a department with over a 6 (six) miliion dollar annual budget, responsible for customer billing, employee supervision, and interaction with various public, private, and governmental agencies. May 1981 to Julv 1983: City of South Daytona, Florida Public Works Director, which administers to a department responsible for the water and wastewater utilities, streets, drainage, parks, building maintenance, and other functions of a municipal government. Duties included engineering and design of various projects, administration of a department with over a one million dollar annual budget, employee supervision, .andinteraction with various public, private and governmental agencies. February 1979 to May 1981: East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Winter'Park, Florida. Environmental Engineer, responsible for the continuing planning process for the Orlando Metropolitan Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (208). Primary efforts.included drainage basin assessments, water pollution abatement strategies, grant evaluations, and technical assistance on project reviews. (DeVelopment of Regional Impact, DRI) January 1978 to June 1979: University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida. Graduate Research Assistant, primary efforts in laboratory research. Area of research included stormwater runoff analysis, sedimentation studies of runoff, and nutrient removal from stormwater by chemical precipitation. June ].976 to September 1976: City of Orlando Wastewater Department, Orlando, Florida. Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, responsible for daily opeation and maintenance of a wastewater nreatement plant and lift stati. on network. Resume: Paul Robert Moor~' ~ Page 2 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA (formerly Florida Technological University), Orlando, Florida Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.) - December, 1980 Major: Environmental Engineering FLORIDA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, Orlando, Florida Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) - December, Major: Environmental/Civil Engineering 1977 RESEARCH University of Central Florida, Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences. Research sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the City of Orlando, and the University of Central Florida. The area of research involves water quality responses due to pollutants from stormwater runoff, lake restoration, and nutrients removal from stormwater by chemical precipitation. ORGANIZATIONAL AF'FILiATIONS American Water Works Association National Society of Professional Engineers Florida Engineering Society Fiorida Pollution control Association Water Pollution Control Federation American Public Works Association SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Professional Engineer (P.E.) - State of Florida Registration C CHRISTOPHER O. SMITH 426 Tanglewilde Street Apopka, Florida 32712 (407) 880-3381 PERSONAL: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Children: May 14, 1963 Married 1984, Ronell Golder Smith Lauren Naomi Smith Kirstcn Goidcr Smith II. CAREER OBJECTIVE: I am currently seeking a position with a Facility Planning and Construction Department which can benefit from my .capabilities, as .a Project Coordinator owners representative, and where I can continue to develop my personal skills. I am very resourceful, energetic, and ve.ry proficient at problem solving. ! welcome challenging responsibilities and have proven myself to ~vork well under pressure. I work well with contractors and I am very efficient with all A.I.A. and district procedures. IlL EDUCATION: High School: College: Apopka High School/1981 Valencia Community College - AA Degree 1986 D.O.E. Uniform Building Code Inspector - (State High School) State Certified Educational Facilities-Expires 11/16/99 Task force for Architectural Reuse of Facilities Task force for D.O.E. Project Review Task force for Contractor Evaluation Task force for Automated Warehouse Procedure IV: WORK EXPERIENCE: 1986-1996 Orange County Public Schools Facilities Planning and Construction Responsibilities: Christopher O. Smith O~w~crs Representative. Project approx. 10-20 rail. per year Administrator. UBC Inspector page 2 C PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND DESIGN: Apopka High School & 9th Grade Ccntcr. Cypress Springs Elementary, Orange County School Board Educational Leadership Center Interior, Area North Maintenance. Lockhart Cafetorium/Kitchen, Colonial High School Guidance, Mid-Florida Tech PBA Building, Winter Park High Locker Room, Colonial High School Bleachers, Apopka High School Bleachers, West Orange Bleachers, Apopka Middle School Locker Room, Dr. Phillips High Industrial Art Suite, Winter Park High Industrial Room, Evans High Weight room, Pin Oak Drive Improvements, Apopka High 100 Renovations, Dream Lake Administration, Pine Castle Administration, Grand Avenue Administration, Tampa Avenue, Audubon Park Administration, Dover Shores Administration, Ivey Lanc Administration, Lake Como Administration, Apopka/West Orange Concession Stand, Lake Como Media Center, Pine Hills Media Center, Lakeview ESE Suite, Drivers Education Ranges and Tennis Courts for the Orange Count)' School District, Lakeview Media Center, (6) Family Service Centers, Wymorc Career Track and Field. Tech Education Labs for: Apopka high School, Jones High School and West Orange high School, Various Renovations, Repairs.' 1985-1986 Spillis Candela & Partners, Inc. Architects Engineers Planners Responsibilities: Major Projects: Construction Administration, Architectural Representative (The following is a list of jobs where I had major responsibilities). Project Owner Est. Const. Cost in Millions Red Lobster & Olive Garden Restaurants South East Bank North Florida Operation Center Orange County Elementary School "B" (Clarcona Elementary) General Mills Restaurant Group South East Bank 2.6 Orange Counw 4.5 School Board +-1.5 each - Christopher O. Smith page 3 1985 April/Sept. Weller Pool Construction Co. Commercial Pool Contractor Responsibilities: Job Foreman. Concrete Form work, complete pool operation system for major commercial complexes. Project Owner Est. Const. Cost Winter haven Retirement Park Marriot Hotel Disney World Marriot Hotel, Inc. $200,000 $400,000 1984-1985 Responsibilities: Fred B. Shipman & Associates Architects Planners Construction Administration, design consultant Project Owner Est. Cost Bits & Bytes Computer Learning Bits & Bytes, Inc. Auto Service Centers Lake Mary Shopping Center Commercial Site Selectors $250,000 $ 80,000 Commercial Site $I000,00 Selectors 1983-1984 Anderson Custom Homes Responsibilities: Construction Administration/Supervision, Drafting of all construction drawings and presentations. Award winning custom home designs. Christopher 0. Smith page 4 1976-1983 Lumberjack Enterprises, Inc. Contractor & Hardware Supply Responsibilities: (Family Owned) Salesman and inventory control, construction material review and update, also construction advisory on methods and techniques. COMMENTS: I am very. efficient with computers, networking and fiber optic technologies. Architectural Designing Construction means and methods. Also, growing up in a family owned contractor supply business, I quickly learned material, means and methods which started my career. REFERENCES: Robert Gallardo .Orange County Public Schools (Retired) (407) 352--0031 Michael R. Cooper Cooper Construction (407) 889-25 I0 Doug Krenzcr Hunington Bank (407) 862-2265 Robert Bagley Wcller Pool Construction (407) 876-0522 Zeke Kinney Apopka High School (407) 8894194 Curtis Edwards (Retired) Orange County Schools (407) 352-0031 Dr. Robert Cascadden(Retired) Orange County. Schools (407) 8964)530 Joe Joyner Orange County School (407) 317-3200 Larry Payne Orange County Schools (407) 31%3200 Robert O. ~Smith Lumberjack Ent. (407) 8894111 Pat Bass(Retired) Orange County Schools (407) 521-2335 John Jordon/Guy Butler Spillis Candela & Partners (407) 677-I 133 Larry Hardesty Hedron Construction (407) 4224220 Fred Shipman Shipman & Associates (407) 660-0404 C Sandra L. '914oore, ' C 1295 N. Maryland Street, Sa fd"d, Florida 32771 41 (407) 330-5150 n work EXperience City of Sanford, Sanford, Florida Acting Finance Director, June 1, 1997-Present Organize and direct the financial management activities of the City until a new Finance Director is hired and in place. Administrative Services Chief, 1989 - Present Conduct research and administrative studies on subjects under consideration by City Commission, City Manager or Finance Director. Administer and coordinate Purchasing, Insurance, fmanoial reporting for grants & major constructions projects. Kane & Associates, Winter Park, Florida Staff CPA, 1987-1989 Performed audits, reviews and internal control assessments for a variety of businesses. Prepared individual, corporate and partnership tax retums. Stewart & Associates, Port Orange, Florida AcGount Clerk, 1985-1987 Completed compilations and 1040s. Office manager responsible for cash flow, payables, rec~ivable~ and personnel. Domestic Abuse Council, Daytona Beach, Florida Executive Director, 1979-1983 DevelOped long range planning for Council.' Wrote and implemented grants. Presented seminars and speeches on domestic abuse. Provided crisis counseling, individually and as group leader. M.anaged daily operations of crisis shelter, .i.e.: payroll; taxes; fund raising; case planning; staff supervision. Community Outreach ServicesNolusia County Drug Council, Daytona Beach, Florida . Counselor, 1977-1979 Provided individual and group counseling in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Marathon County Health Care Center, Wausau, Wisconsin Social Worker, 1972-1976 Created and directed the Social Service Departments for three nursing homes. 'Duties included case management, counseling, discharge planning. Education University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Completed course work for MBA and all courses to sit for CPA exarm University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin B.S. Degree '72 DUal Majors: Sociology & Mathematics Other · Certified Public Accountant (CPA), State of Florida, Certification is Current · Volunteer: Safe House of Seminole County, FL ind Florida United Methodist Children's Home, Enterprise, FL · Member of American Institute of CPA's and Florida Institute of CPA's · Prior Hospice Volunteer & Quest Facilitator · · Past Vice President and past member of the Board of Trustees fBr the Altamonte Chapel · Adjunct Teacher 1990 - Daytona Beach Community College, Deland, Florida (Principals of Accounting I & I[) CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION REQUEST ATTACHMENT B MEMORANDUM TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PURCHASING AGENT~&'ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CHIE~ JANUARY tl, 1995 RE: CHANGES IN PURCHASING POLICIES & PROCEDURES The City Commissioners gave final approval to certain changes in the Purchasing/Inventory Policies and Procedures at their meeting on Monday, January 9, 1995. These changes are now being incorporated into the policies and procedures. The major changes will be: Changein limit on Restricted Purchase Orders from less than' $200 to less thankS500. New purchase order bo6ks have been ordered to reflect the changed limit. Please continue using the current books until further notice. The dollar limit may be changed.by hand'on the individual restricted purchase orders issued. Purchases between $1000 and $5000 will now be made' under modified bid process. This procedure will be explained in the revised policies and procedures. Specialty .items may be sold on' their secondary markets rather than at. public auction if approved in advance by the. City Commission. "' 4. Other minor procedural changes. The revised policies and procedures will be distributed to all departments within the next week when they are completed. PURCHASING/INVENTORY CONTROL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES POLICIES: The City Manager. remains in responsible charge of the purchasing/inventory control function ( City Charter Section 4.04 ( 2 ) and City Code Sections 2-3.1 and 2-7) ~ but by policy established and as approved by the City Commission (City Charter Section 5.01 (b)) delegates to the Finance Department's Purchasing Agent the purchasing duties necessary to procure materials, equipment, supplies and services to' support City of Sanford activities in accordance with approved budgetary funds. Purchases shall be classified into four (4) categories determined by the dollar amount of the purchase order. The categories are: TYPE OF PURCHASE ORDER and SUBSTANTIATION DOLLAR RANGE APPROVAL Restricted-3 Phone Quotes Recommended Regular-3 Phone Quotes Required Regular-Request for Quotations Regular. Bid Process $0-$499.99 $500-$999.99 $1,000-$4,999.99 $5,000 and+over Department Purchasing Agent Purchasing Agent/ City Manager City Commission All Purchase 'Orders shall comply with above stated limits. Any exceptions, such as sole .source contracts, repairs to specia]i?.ed equipment and emergencies, must be handled through prior approval of .requisition by the City Manager. Purchase Orders of $1,-000 and over and purchased directly from state contracts and/or piggy-backed-awards from other public entities will be exempted from the modified bid and/or bid process. However, Purchase Orders of $5000 and over will require City Commission approval-"unless previously approved as a budget line item or in the capital budget. All tangible personal property .with an expected life of more than one year and costing $500 or more, when acquired by the City, shall be capita]~zed. The City of Sanford shall follow Florida Statutes, Chapter 287 as applicable to municipalities for all other purchasing policies not defined herein. PROCEDURES: I. RESTRICTED PURCHASE ORDER (under $500.00) The Restricted Purchase Order provides the Department Head authority to acquire materials and supplies under $500. Restricted Purchase Order Forms are issued by Purchasing to the Department/Division upon request. The Restricted Purchase Orders (RPOs) are numerically inventorled and controlled as they are released to users. - Departments have the responsibility for obtaining competitive prices for all of their purchases and whenever possible, invoices should be obtained at the time of purchase. Multiple RPOs may NOT be issued to avoid the issuance of a Regular Purchase Order through the requisition process nor as 'a means of avoiding the bidding process. Purchasing will monitor RPOs for compliance. RPOs are to be entered into the computer within twenty four (24) hours of purchase whether o__r not the goods or invoices are in hand to insure encumbrance of the funds. Page 2 Purchasing, 1/95 The requesting department enters the information from the RPO onto the computer system fas if it were a requisition, following requisition 'entry procedures (requisition number will be the same as the Restricted Purchase Order number). The department head reviews and approves with the same procedure as outlined for requisitions of purchase orders $500 and over. Distribution of the RPOs' copies (4 part) is as follows: 1. Vendor 2. Receiving Report submitted with invoice 3. Purchasing 4. Originator/Ordering Department II. REQUISITION TO PURCHASING AGENT ($500 OR OVER) The requisition format currently in use is generated via the Purchasing/Inventory computer system. The electronic requisition is used to. notify Purchasing of the requirements for all-categories of materials and services $500 and over. · The ordering Department enters the-requisition with all necessary information. (See Attachment A "Requisition Entry" for entry procedures. ) Upon Department Head approval, (See Attachment B for approval- procedures ) the electronic requisition is sent via computer to Purchasing for processing. Departments will determine they have adequate .funds approved in their budget to sustain-the cost. of materials-or services they may requisition prior to requisitioning same. Budget entries will be required before Purchase Orders are issued if funds within an individual account are not adequate to cover the Purchase Order.' The .ONLY exceptions will be for expense accounts that are not budgeted, ie: Community Development or Construction .Trust. Issuance of purchase orders will be allowed for these unbudgeted accounts as required. However, Department Heads overseeing these areas are responsible for insuring that neither Purchase orders nor contracts are .',let" which would exceed the remaining funds available from the revenue sources such as grants, loans or bonds. Requisitions are. to be submitted to Purchasing as soon as practical after start of the fiscal year or upon budget approval. Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs) are to be used in instances where the total dollar amount will be $500 or over and the number of items and type of' items cannot be estimated at the time of Purchase Order processing.- Examples are: motor vehicle repair parts to be used by the shop within the next year or less; photographic supplies that are needed on an ongoing basis. · BPOs are requisitioned in the same manner as a Regular Purchase Order and follow the same general guidelines (ie: if $1000 or over, the City's Bid or Modified Bid procedure applies-Attachment C or D) . However, the requisitions must be clearly identified as "Blankets" and have the following information: Beginning and ending dates for blanket. Total dollar amount of blanket. Page 3 Purchasing, 1/95 Account number(s) with the dollar amount(s) to be allocated should be added as a comment to the buyer for inclusion in the final purchase order. This will eliminate the need to do multiple requisitions for Blanket Purchase Orders. Purchase Orders should not be used for the following types of items: legal advertisements; magazine subscriptions; seminars and travel; lease/maintenance agreements; gasoline credit card purchases; utility bills; contracts; etc. Items of this type should be processed directly through Accounts Payable by submitting the appropriate paperwork (renewal notice, invoice, recurring bill, contract, etc.) with the department head's signature of approval, the account to be debited and any other pertinent information. In general, a Purchase Order is to be issued anytime "goods" or "products" are to be received or delivered. If in doubt whether or not a Purchase Order is required, contact the Purchasing Agent. PURCHASING PROCESS It should be noted that in each case, purchasing of an item is initiated by the Department which budgeted the item. Until the Purchasing Agent has everything required, such as technical specifications and quote form, the department has not initiated a purchase. Purchase Order authorization is required prior to any purchase being made. Verbal orders to vendors without a Purchase Order number are a violation of the purchasing policy. If a request for an item is submitted without the proper backup, the item cannot be purchased until the Department has furnished the required documentation. It is up to the Department to resubmit last year's specifications if they are to be reused. If a Department submits poorly · drafted specifications which are returned for modification', it is the Department's responsibility to. insure that an acceptable set of specifications are redrafted and given to the Purchasing Agent. It is the requesting Department's responsibility to obtain price quotations from vendors either by telephone, fax or in writing for Purchase Orders under $1000. The following limits are to be applied: $0to$499.99 $500to$999.99 $1000to$4999.99 $5000 & OVER 3. Telephone Quotes Recommended 3 Telephone Quotes Required Request for Quotations with Specifications Formal Sealed Bids Required Purchase Orders for $500 to $999.99: Telephone Quotation forms (copy attached) must be completed and forwarded to Purchasing prior to a Purchase Order being issued. Accuracy of the departmentally obtained quotes will be randomly monitored by the Purchasing Agent. ~> H 0 H 0 C~ Page 4 Purchasing, 1/95 Purchase Orders for $1000 to $4999.99: See attached procedures (Attachment C) for guidelines on the modified bid procedure regarding purchases within this range. Purchasing will be responsible for 'receiving bids when the modified bid procedure is used. Purchase Orders $5000 and over: See attached Bid procedure, Attachment D. Purchasing will be responsible for receiving Bids when the Bid Process is utilized. User Department enters requisition into the computer. Department Head approves requisition in the computer. Purchasing checks requisition for required information: If requisition price exceeds $999.99, either the Modified Bid procedure or the Regular Bid procedure will apply and the Department must accept-open and competitive bids on each item. (See Attachments C & D for outline of both bid procedures. ) 'Line items shall have an appropriate account number and necessary funds. Exceptions must be handled through written request to the City Manager ( i.e. , emergencies, sole source contracts, etc ). Required quotes, either written or phone, must be received by the Purchasing Agent before a purchase order will be approved or issued. Purchasing may combine similar requisitions for bulk buying and scheduling of deliveries. If such combining produces a Purchase Order in excess of $999· 99, Bid procedures will become applicable ( see Attachment C and/or D ). 6. Purchase Order prepared. Purchase Order distribution: Restricted less than $500 Regular $500 & over A. Vendor B. Finance (Accounts Payable) C. Originator/Department D. Receiving E. Purchasing Receiving White copy Computer Entry Pink copy Green copy Yellow copy white copy Blue copy Pink copy Green copy Yellow copy All goods will be delivered to user department if possible. (Exception: Heavy duty road equipment and motor vehicles will be delivered to the Shop). Page 5 Purchasing, 1/95 User checks materials received for conformance to specifications and purchase order. The signed/approved receiving report is then sent to Accounts Payable. The receiving report for RPOs is the green copy for both Restricted and Regular Purchase Orders. Vendor sends invoice airectly to Finance. Finance will forward the invoice to Department Heads for signature. Accounts Payable verifies that purchase order, invoice, and receiving report coincide prior to payment. Capital items (fixed assets with a useful life of more than one year and costing $500 or over) are entered on property record forms (see instructions for completing Property Control Form) by the receiving department and the forms are forwarded to Purchasing to be added to property list and tagged. For insurance purposes and to maintain adequate control and accountability~ it is imperative these forms be completed when .the property is received' and °forwarded to Purchasing within 24 hours of receipt of item. For titled equipment (vehicles, heavy equipment, etc. ) Purchasing is responsible for obtaining paperwork; notifying insurance company; assigning vehicle I.D. number; paperwork to Finance for payment (invoices and property form for license tag); and sending Certificate of Origin to the City Clerk. Custody and Accountability: The Department Head or their designee (custodian) shall be responsible for all property purchased. by the Department/Division. Custodians are responsible for the everyday use and safekeeping of fixed assets under their control. IV. INVENTORY PROCEDURES Purchasing shall be responsible for taking an annual inventory of all departments Only items costing $500 or over shall be capitalized and inventorled annually. Purchasing shall draft an inventory calendar by October first of each year for the upcoming fiscal year with tentative proposed inventory dates for each department. A copy of this calendar will be forwarded to all departments at the beginning of the fiscal year. One month before a scheduled inventory, the Department Head and custodial agent within the department will be sent a note reminding them of the scheduled inventory and a list of all items to be inventorled. Purchasing will confirm with the Department to be inventoried that there is still an acceptable schedule for the department. The department will arrange to have a responsible employee knowledgeable of the location of all department equipment to assist the Purchasing representative with the actual physical inventory- Page 6 Purchasing, 1/95 The departmental employee, the division superintendent and the Department Head will be required to sign off on all inventories for concurrence with the findings. Property forms which were not completed and submitted as required when an item was transferred, lost or stolen, since the last inventory, shall be completed by the department being inventorled. ALL discrepancies must be resolved before the inventory is said to have been completed. Issues which cannot be resolved between the departmental representative and the Purchasing representative will be taken to Department Heads as necessary. sm/22/pi-8 1/95 ATTACHMENT A REQUISITION ENTRY The following outlines the procedure for entering a requisition into the Purchasing/Inventory computer system. The department entry person enters his/her password (if you do not have a password assigned, contact Administrative Services). From the main menu select option 12, "Purchasing/ Inventory". On the next screen, option 4, "Purchasing/Receiving Menu", is selected. "Requisition Entry", option 1, is selected next. The data entry person is now facing a screen asking for a requisition number. ~r~, ROD ~-r~ REOUISITION NUMBER Use the pre-printed number'in upper right corner of form. If this is a restricted purchase order, use the letter "R" at the end of the number. B.Y use the name of.the person requisitioning item. person doing the entry. This is not necessarily the DATE Date requisition is being processed. Current date is automatically'- displayed. Use tab key to advance to the next information block if current date is the requisition date. REASON Reason item is needed - replace supplies, repairs, etc. SUGGESTED VENDOR Entry is as follows: 1. Tab pass the vendor number'range to the vendor name. Type the name of the suggested vendor or a portion thereof on the line. 2. Indicate whether the name "begins" with the port/on typed by entering B (begins) or "contains" the portion typed by entering C (contains) in the field to the right side of the name line. 3.. If the vendor is new to the system, type in full name, wait until whole screen is filled in. Do not enter "B" or "C" in right hand field. A set of instructions will appear on the bottom of the screen: hit "reset" (bottom left' corner of keyboard), and hit F14 ( Shift+F2 on P/C ). This will override and allow the new vendor's name to be attached to the requisition. Make sure the name, address, and phone number are communicated to Finance for data entry, prior to sending requisitibn for processing. Page 2 Attachment A, 1/95 NOTE: If' the Purchasing Agent finds a' better price or .decides to co .mbine with another department's order, this can be overridden at Purchase Order processing level. SHIP TO This is the actual physical location for delivery. If the code listing is needed, put a "?" on the line and tap "ENTER". A complete list will be displayed, allowing you to choose the location needed. DELIVER BY Date delivery is expected or desired. ACCOUNT NUMBER . Department's expense account to be charged. Only expense accounts may be entered. -Each person may only work with account numbers which have been assigned to their password. When working with a new or d~ferent set of account numbers than previously used, 'contact Administrative Services' for authorization to the new accounts. COMMENTS - Y/N By indicating "Y" , comments can be attached for Department Head and/or Buyer. These do NOT print on the PO. ITEM Each item should be entered as a line item. The exception is blanket orders for unspecified items (ex: Miscellaneous Auto Parts). Note: Do not input freight, postage, discounts, etc. as line items. Include this type of information as comments. This will authorize Finance to pay same. DESCRIPTIONS: All line items must be entered before details can be attached to any one line item. After all items are e n t e r e d f o r t h e requisition, there will be displayed an option field on the right hand side of the line items entered. To attach a description to an individual line item, put a "C" in this field and enter. A free form page will be displayed and detail for the item can be entered. After the free form appears the way you want, press "Enter" and the' information will be transferred to the requisition screen, directly below the appropriate item. These descriptions will be printed on the purchase order. DELETIONS: To delete an item, put a "D" in the option field referred to above and hit "Enter". The item will be deleted. Backspacing alone will not. work. Page 3 Attachment A, 1/95 BLANKET ORDERS: Requisition entry for blanket POs is the same as for any other requisition. 'Blanket POs are used for frequent/recurring purchases when the exact quantity to be purchased is uncertain and an estimate is made. Blanket POs will not be issued when the expected total amount of the purchase order is less than .$500. In addition, if Blanket POs are expected to be $1,000 or greater, the Moai~ied Bid process or the Regular Bid process will apply. Blanket POs remain in effect for the time specified which is usually less than one (1) year. However, all open Blanket POs will terminate at the end of the fiscal year. sm/22/pi-forma 1/95 ~' ATTACHMENT B ~' Procedure for Department Head Approval of Requisitions .via the Computerized Purchasing/Inventory System The Department Head reviews and approves the computer requisition via the following procedures: Department Head enters password on initial screen and presses "enter". Select "Purchasing/Receiving" by choosing #4 and pressing "enter". On next screen, select "Department Head Approval" by choosing #2 and pressing "enter". Once into the Purchasing/Inventory program for Department Head Approval, the screen will ask for "requisition number". By pressing "enter", a list of all requisitions awaiting approval within the respective department will be listed. Typing "1" by the requisition to be viewed and pressing "enter" will display requisition. Each person is authorized to approve requisitions having account numbers which have been assigned to their password· When working with a new or different set of account numbers than previously used, contact Administrative Services for authorization to the new accounts. If the Department Head approves the requisition after reviewing,' pressing "F9". will send requisition to the Purchasing Agent· Other. options will be presented at the bottom of the screen if further work or review is required, or if requisition is to be canceled in total at this point. Pressing "F3" will .allow the Department Head to exit from that requisition or to end the session. sm/22/pi-formB 1/95 f ATTACHMENT C ~ MODIFIED BID PROCEDURE RFQ'(REQUEST FOR QUOTATION) On all commodities and services of one thousand dollars to less than five thousand dollars ($1000-$4999.999), requesting. department sends recommended specifications to be included in the bid invitation to Purchasing. Purchasing reviews specifications and confers with Department Head if revisions are needed. If a department submits poorly drafted specifications and they are returned for modification, it is the department's responsibility to insure that an acceptable set of specifications are redrafted and given to the purchasing agent. Purchasing prepares "Request for Quotation Package". includes: 1. Specifications. 2. Request for Quotation. 3. Instructions to vendors. This Purchasing reviews the vendor .files for all vendors qualified to provide the .indicated goods or services. The "Request for Quotation Package" is forwarded to qualified vendors.. Designated dates for receiving the quotes are indicated on the form. All quotations will be-returned to the Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent, and the requesting Department 'review the quotes received and: Select the low price meeting specifications for recommendation to the City Manager. The requesting department prepares and enters an appropriate requisition into the system referencing the request quotation number. Purchasing processes the Purchase Order and forwards to the City Manager for signature indicating concurrence. When Purchase Order has been approved by the City Manager and returned to Purchasing, the selected vendor will be notified. All files will be maintained in references. Purchasing for future 8. This procedure does not apply to: B. C. D. E. Emergency purchases. State contract commodities. Repairs to specialized equipment. Sole sources (documented). Piggy-back awards from other public bidS. entities' sm/pi-formc/22 !/95 ATTACHMENT D BID PROCEDURE On all commodities ($5,000) 'and over, specifications to Invitation. and services of five thousand dollars requesting department sends recommended Purchasing to be included in the Bid 2,. 'Purchasing. reviews specifications and confers with Department Head if revisions are needed. If a department submits poorly drafted specifications and they are returned for modification, it is the department's responsibility to insure that an acceptable set of specifications are redrafted and given to the Purchasing Agent. Purchasing confirms by comments and/or recommendations to the City Manager that specifications are ready for Bid. Purchasing prepares"'Bid Package" 1. Legal Ad. 2. Specifications. 3. Bid Form. 4. Instructions to Bidders. -This includes: The "Bid Package" is forwarded to prospective bidders. Designated dates for receiving and opening of Bids are indicated on the legal ad. Purchasing sends one (1) copy of legal ad to the +Sanford Evening Herald for publication under LEGAL AD. Legal · advertisements. may. also be placed in other more widely circulated publications at the request of the. ordering department or the Purchasing Agent to insure a broad Bid response for large contracts or commodities purchases. At the Bid opening, the requesting Department Head, designee, and Purchasing open and tabulate the Bids..' or The requesting Department reviews the Bids, then: A. Selects the low price meeting specifications. Sends his/her recommendations to the Purchasing Agent for concurrence. If the Purchasing Agent agrees with the recommendation,_ the recommendation is forwarded to the City Manager to be placed on agenda at next City Commission meeting. D. If the Purchasing Agent does not agree with the recommendation, the recommendation will be further discussed with the requesting department. After the award.has been made by the City Commission, the requesting department enters the purchase requisition into the computer. The requisition shall reference the Bid award number for Purchase Order preparation. Attachment D Page 2 9. The Bid file' is maintained in Purchasing for future references. 10. 11. This procedure complies with Florida Statutes 287,057. This procedure does not apply to: A. Emergency purchases. B. State contract commodities. C. Repairs to specialized equipment. D. Sole sources (documented). E. Piggy-back awards from other public entities' bids. However, City Commission approval will still-be required on.. purchases costing $5000 or more unless previously approved in'the capital budget or as a budgeted line item. sm/pi-formd/22 1/95 ATTACHMENT E f PROCEDURES FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY & 'CITY AUCTION When an item o£ property is no longer serviceable and considered surplus- to the department 'which has current custody of the item, the original "Property Record Form" is completed by the department and signed by the Department Head. NOTE: Specialty items/equipment (ie. fire trucks) may be sold on their secondary markets through legal advertisements for bids (rather than at auction) with prior city Commission approval. The completed, original "Property Record Form" shall be forwarded to Purchasing to update the City's computerized inventory records and to maintain accurate records of the .status and location of all fixed assets. Items to be sold at auction will remain in the custody Of · the declaring department until the time of the ~uction. All City Departments/Divisions are sent a written notice six (6) weeks in advance of auction date notifying them ofthe upcoming auction. Any items to be auctioned are to be delivered to the designated area of the Public Works Complex by the declaring .Department/Division at least four (4) weeks in advance of auction with the completed "Property Record Form" having been sent to Purchasing prior to delivery. In accordance with Florida requirements are to be met: Statute 274, the following All property shall be disposed of by public auction providing: Publication of notice to sell per attached list, shall be published not less than two-(2) weeks prior to sale in local newspaper. Authority for such disposal shall be obtained and recorded in the minutes of the City Commissioners' meeting. - The list of items available for auction is compiled by Purchasing and distributed to the following: City Manager', with request to be placed on City Commission agenda. Attached to legal ad for publication in newspaper. copy to Auctioneer. (Purchasing will. make arrangements for auctioneer's services.) Attachment E Page 2 10. 11. Auctioneer will also take inventory of'items to be sold prior to sale. Purchasing and Auctioneer will compare lists and make sure all items are accounted for. The Auctioneer will schedule the date and time that surplus items may be inspected by the public. the All items auctioned are tabulated by price received and bid number on the final settlement form indicating sale less expenses to the City of Sanford. Purchasing will record ultimate disposition of items by completing .the "Property Record Form". The items will. then be deleted from the fixed .assetinventory/records. ', sm/pi-forme/22 1/95 PROPERTY RECORD FOR. M: ACQ_U_ISITION AND DISPOSITION When City of Sanf property ls received o Jisposed of, iollowing procedure 'shall be followed: the Tangible Personal Property is all property acquired by-the City in the amount of $500 or more with a normal expected life of greater than one (1) year. Major additions, including tl~ose that prolong the life of. a fixed asset or expand its usefulness, should.be capitalized. Normal repairs that merely maintain the asset in its present condition should be recorded as expenses .and' should .not be capitalized. Capital items are assigned account numbers with the final four (4) digits of "6000" and above. Repairs are to be charged to operating accountS. Upon the receipt of property, a City of Sanford Promertv Record Form is completed on each item by the receiving department and forwarded to Purchasing's Property Clerk (copy of form is attached). The Property Record Form is the means used to report property received, bought, or disposed of. Florida Statutes 274.02 states each piece of property which is practicable to identify by marking shall be marked (tagged). Tagging is the responsibility of Purchasing and is accomplished by placing a numerically controlled tag on a conspicuous area of the property. When property is to be disposed of (ie. scrapped; considered lost or stolen; traded; to.be sold at auction; transferred to another department) a City of Sanford ProDertV Record Form is completed by the respective department for each item and forwarded to Purchasing's Property Clerk. The forms should be completed and ~forwarded within 24-48 hours of receipt or disposition of items. As property becomes surplus within.the various departments, the following procedure shall be used to dispose of the property: (i)' If property is to be disposed of or declared surplus, Property Record Form is completed and forwarded to the Purchasing's Property Clerk. Each department will have responsibility for disposal of its property. (2) If property is to be transferred, a Property Record Form is completed and forward to Purchasing's Property Clerk. The Department Head transferring the capi~tal item must acknowledge the disposition by signing the form and the receiving Department Head must acknowledge the receipt of the capital item by also signing the form. Purchasing will make changes on department records to reflect the transfer. (Note: the City Manager shall approve all vehicle transfers prior to ally transfer taking place.) (3) If property is to be sent to auction, complete Property Record Form and forward to Purchasing's Property Clerk. Note: this does not include lost, found or abandoned property (such as bicycles) that the Police Department frequently recovers. Florida Statutes for disposition of these items are different than acquired City property. City vehicles turned in for auction shall be stored at the Public Works Complex and insurance shall be canceled upon receipt of the property form. ~;m/22/propform NAME OF ITEM MAKE SERIAL NUMBER CITY OF SAMFORD PROPERTY RECORD FORM TAGGED /--~.DATE Submit to Property Clerk, Ext: 5620 The following changes have occurred to property under my custody. Please change your property records to conform to this office's copy. EQUIPMENT CITY OR VEHICLE # INVENTORY ~ YEAR MODEL REMARKS OR OTHER I.D. INFORMATION LOCATION PROPERTY RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: VENDOR: NAME ADDRESS F'~PURCMASE DATE: UNIT PRICE: LESS TRADE: Attach copy of Property Record Form for item being used as a trade-in. NET COST: REQUISITION ~: PURCHASE ORDER #: INSURANCE: DATE ADDED TO: DIVISION: SIGNATURE/TITLE: TELEPHONE #: DEPARTMENT: SIGNATURE/TITLE: TO: TRADED ~_~ SCRAPPED [_~ REASON: PROPERTY DISPOSED OF SOLD I_1 TRANSFERRED t_1 AUCTION 1_1 OTHER IF SOLD, AMOUNT RECEIVED: DATE: City Manager approval for vehicle transfer: INSURANCE: DATE DELETED FROM: DIVISION: SIGNATURE/TITLE: TELEPHONE #: DEPARTMENT: SIGNATURE/TITLE: