HomeMy WebLinkAbout780-FDOT/Turnpike/417FPID: 240258-2-56-01 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR:: RELOCATION/CONSTRUCTION OF UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN CITY OF SANFORD AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TURNPIKE DISTRICT AT FDOT' S ~SR 417 (GREENEWAY) PROJECT 2, SECTION 1 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA This instrc,.ment prepared by: Turnpike District Utilities 8-19-99 240258-2-56-01 417 Seminole N/A THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this / ~ dayof OcT~a0/~ ,1999, byand between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TURNPIKE DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as the FDOT, and the City of Sanford, a political subdivision oft he State of Florida hereinafter referred to as UTILITY. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the FDOT is constructing, reconstructing or otherwise changing a portion of the State Highway System designated by the FDOT as Financial Project No.240258-2, State Road No. 417 Seminole County Expressway ( Greeneway ) - Project 2, Section 1, beginning at US 17/92 and ending at a point west of Old Lake Mary Boulevard, hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT and, which shall call for the protection, adjustment, relocation, removal, installation and/or some combination thereof, of the Utility's facilities along, over and/or under said highway; and WHEREAS, the plans for said construction, relocation, or other changes to be made to the Utility' s facilities have been reviewed by the FDOT and the UTILITY, and are hereinafter referred to as "Utility Work"; and .'WHEREAS, the FDOT shall assume all costs as outlined in Exhibit 'A' to this agreement for the reimbursable utility work that FDOT has included in its project: and WHEREAS, the UTILITY shall assume all costs as outlined in Exhibit 'A' to this agreement for the non-reimbursable Utility Work that FDOT has included in its Project; and WHEREAS, the FDOT and the UTILITY have determined that it would be to the best interest of the general public and to the economic advantage of both parties to enter into a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as "MOA', providing for such Utility Work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is agreed by the parties as follows: 1. The MOA govems the Utility's proposed reimbursable and non-reimbursable facilities within the limits of the FDOT project as set forth in the plans and cost estimate of the FDOT road construction contract, more specifically described as: Reimbursable- ref. Sheets U-4 thru U-10 of the utility plans- reloeation of existing utilities along Southgate Road between Airport Blvd. and State Street, including 8" water main lines, gravity sanitary sewer lines, and casing pipe at the SR 417 crossing. The estimated cost of said reimbursable work is $ 458,504.25, which includes design, permitting, engineering inspection, testing, monitoring and construction '. Non- Reimbursable- ref. Sheets U-11 thru U-14 -"Relocation and or construction of an 18" water main and 18" force main in the area west of highway 17-92 in and around the Airport Blvd. overpass. The estimated cost of said non-reimbursable work is $440,130.20 which includes design, permitting, engineering inspection, testing, monitoring, and construction. 2. The UTILITY will prepare the design plans and specifications for all of the necessary Utility Work, and shall furnish complete original plans together with a complete set of specifications covering all construction requirements for the UTILITY WORK to the FDOT no later than April 30,1999. The furnished plans shall be of the same type as FDOT's contract plans and suitable for reproduction by the FDOT. Final plans shall be complete in every detail and will include a "Summary of Quantities" sheet. The UTILITY shall coordinate the development of the Utility Work plans with the FDOT's plans. The FDOT, upon request by the UTILITY, will furnish all available highway information required by the UTILITY for the development of the Utility Work plans and the FDOT shall cooperate fully with the UTILITY to this end. 3. The UTILITY accepts sole responsibility for obtaining at its expense all the necessary Department of Environmental Protection permits required by this Utility Work. 4. All Utility Work included in the MOA shall be performed in accordance with the plans and specifications of the FDOT relating to the Project, which plans and specifications are, by reference hereto, made a part hereof. The UTILITY will be responsible for verifying the accuracy of its facilities, and the FDOT will be responsible for any changes to the Utility's plans made necessary by errors or omissions in the survey information as fumished by the FDOT. In any conflict between UTILITY and FDOT specifications, the FDOT's specifications will govem. All Utility Work performed on facilities to be relocated to positions within the FDOT right of way shall be accomplished in accordance with the FDOT "Utility Accommodation Manual", 1993 revision. 5. The UTILITY shall furnish engineering inspection, testing and monitoring services for the non-reimbursable Utility Work, and shall furnish the FDOT's engineer with progress reports for diary record, approved quantities and mounts for weekly, monthly and final estimates. All field survey control for the Utility Work shall be provided by the FDOT pursuant to the supervision of the FDOT's engineer. The FDOT shall be responsible for the coordination of the Utility Work with that of the FDOT contractor and other utilities and/or their contractors and the UTILITY shall cooperate fully in this matter. All information required for changes pertaining to the Utility Work shall be promptly fumished to the FDOT by the UTILITY upon the request of the FDOT. 6. The FDOT will provide the necessary engineering supervision to assure that construction is in compliance with the plans and specifications hereinafter incorporated. The FDOT shall adhere to its standard bidding procedures for all contracts related to the Utility Work at its sole expense. All services and work provided pursuant to such contracts shall be performed to the satisfaction of the FDOT TURNPIKE DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS or designee, who shall decide, with the concurrence of the UTILITY, all questions, difficulties and disputes of whatever nature related to such contracts, and the character, quality, mount and value of services provided; and his decision upon all claims, questions and disputes thereunder shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. 7. Upon completion and acceptance of the work by the UTILITY, it shall own, control, maintain and be responsible for all facilities, in accordance with the terms of any and all utility permits.The UTILITY further agrees to comply with all provisions of the FDOT "Utility Accommodation Manual", 1993 revision. 8. Neither party to this MOA, its officers, employees and agents shall be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions and negligence of the other party, its officers, employees and agents. 9. This MOA incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein, and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this MOA that are not contained herein. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representation or agreements whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 10. This MOA shall be govemed, interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of Florida. In the event of any conflicts between this MOA and any conditions contained in any utility permits that have or will be issued for Utility Work, the terms of the MOA shall control. 11. If any part of this MOA shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by any other legally constituted body having the jurisdiction to make such determination, the remainder of this MOA shall remain in full force and effect provided that the part of the MOA thus invalidated or declared unenforceable is not material to the intended operation of this MOA. (THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers, and their official seals hereto affixed, the day and year first above written. Utility: City of Sanford By: o/fny"2Mff.~M Anth anager As authorized by the City Commission during it ,.s~ c>~ '7 meeting et STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF . BY: JZ Tumpike District ATTEST(s): ~ ~ .~d4~~,~q,-- (SEAL) ,1999 FDOT Approved as to Form, Legality and Execution By ~Auorney ~ 'ct Utili Exhibit 'A ' A breakdown of all costs associated with the reimbursable and non- reimbursable utility improvements for the project, ref. Sheets U-5 thru U-14 of the plans; Total construction bid amount: $ 787,914.88 Total engineering design, permit and inspection costs: $110,719.57 Total of costs $ 898,634.45 The Utility will pay: Engineers estimate based on FDOT payitem average unit costs, for items on sheets U-11 thru U-14: $ 336,482.00 10% overage based on JPA policy $ 33,648.20 Portion of the design, permitting and inspection costs for the non-reimbursable utility improvements: $ 70,000.00 $ 440,130.20 The FDOT will pay: Balance of the bid price for the improvements: $ 417,784.68 Portion of the design,permitting, and inspection costs for the reimbursable improvements: $ 40,719.57 Total: $ 458,504.25 BUCKLEY, :i~ SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC General Consultant Florida- Department of Transportation. Turnpike District May 6,1998 Mr. W. A. Simmons. P. E. City Manager City of Santbrd 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Mr. Simmons: Re: FINAL AGREE~,IENT PACKAGE WPI: 5117756 SPN:' 77310-650l DESC:Serninole County Expressway, Section l We concur that the City is eligible for reimbursement for all work performed due to our construction. This approval is authori:,ation to proceed and ~nalize all engineering on above listed project. All work should be documented and perthtreed as described by FDOT policy and procedures. All costs associated with the reloeation/adjustrnent of the City's facilities, which the city has compensable interest, will be borne by the FDOT. The City's reloeationiadjustment work will be inchuled in the FDOT plans. Our contractor will do the work and FDOT will pay contractor. All other costs will be covered under a standard FDOT reimbursable agreement/work arder. This office will work closely with the City. If we can be of further assistance, please contact this office at (850)877-7275. Sincerely, Jerry Sasscr Turnpike Utilit3' Engineer CC: M. Crumpton J. Clark B. Bolan I Z I 1 Governors Sauare Boulevard. Suite 400, Tallahassee. florida 32301 * Teleohone: 904/877-7Z75 * Fax: 904/878-5904 gggggggggggggggggggggggggg~g 8888888888888888888888888gg8 88888888'83888888888888888gS8 gggggggggg gggg S~ 88'88888888 888898gggg 888888gggg 0 S ~ "~888:BS8888~88888888:sssSss~~$~~ ~ ra,~ au, ~U / e4'/'/UU~ P. 3 Sent by: GPH Engineers Inc 407 330 0639; 09/02199 8:55AM;JIIrjlL#21; Page 2/2 u, c1 0 I- ;z 0 tJ w o, 0 0 .,r Jerry Sasser Turnpike Utility Engineer Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan 1211 Governoads Square Boulevard, Suite 100 Ta!lahassee, Florida 32301 Sub|ect: Seminole County Expressway Phase 2 - Section I U.S. 17-92 to Old Lake Mary Road WPI# 5117756 Dear Jerry: As you requested on July 9th during our telephone conversation, the City's antidpated engineering costs associated with the above prolect's reimbursable work items are: Design, permitting, investigation, and coordination - $21,822.57 ' : Construction, englneering, inspection, and coordination - $18,897.00 Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 330-5639. Sincerely, THE CITY OF SANFORD MIchael G. Crumpton, PE, MPA Utility Engineer cc: David Gierach, PE, Conkiln, Porter, and Holmes "The Friendly City" MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT EXHIBIT "B" THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this /8 , day of O~-/-o ~,, , 19 3_9 , byand between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Turnpike District, hereina~er referred to as "FDOT" and the State of Florida, Department of Insurance, Division of Treasury, hereina~er referred to as "TREASURY" and City of Sanford, hereinafter referred to as the "Participant". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, "FDOT" is currently constructing the following project: SR 417 - Project 2, Section 1 State Project No: 240258-2-52-01 and 240258-2-52-02 F.A.P. No.: TNPK 007 Y County: Seminole hereinafter referred to as the "Project". WHEREAS, FDOT and the PARTICIPANT entered into a Joint Project Agreement dated 0~ ~ /~ ,19 ,e,~ , wherein FDOT agreed to perform certain work on behalf of the Participant in conjunction with the Project. WHEREAS, the parties to this AGREEMENT mutually agreed that it would be in the best interest of the FDOT and the Participant if an escrow account were established to provide funds for the additional work performed on the Project on behalf of the Participant by FDOT. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants contained herein the parties agree to the following: 1. An initial deposit in the amount of $329,410.63 (Three Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand. Four · Hundred Ten and 63/100 dollars) will be made by the Participant into an escrow account. Said escrow account will be opened by FDOT on behalf of the Participant in the name of the Florida Department of Transportation, Turnpike District with the Department of Insurance, Division of Treasury, Bureau of Collateral Securities upon receipt of this Memorandum of Agreement. Such account will be opened and shall be deemed to be an asset of FDOT. 2. Other deposits will be made only by the Participant as necessary to cover the cost of the Utility work prior to the execution of any Supplemental Agreements. 3. All deposits shall be made payable to the Department of Insurance. Revenue Processing and mailed to the FDOT's Office of Comptroller for appropriate processing at the following address: Florida Department of Transportation Office of Comptroller (M.S. 24) 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 ATTN: JPA Coordinator Page 1 of 2 A copy of the Agreement shall accompany the deposits. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers, and their official seals hereto affixed, the day and year first above written. UTILITY: CITY OF SANF~L~ Anthony nderwor ,1999 meeting (SEAr'), ,- - STATE OF FLORIDA- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Legal Review: Date BY: _ ey - FDOT :~TE ,,~/DEB F TRANSPORTATION itle: ) ATTEST: J :~JOBS~S0620.00~ (SEAL) Page 2 of 2