HomeMy WebLinkAbout123-Mutual Fire Aid AgrmtAttorney General DEPARTMENT 0F, LEGAL'-AFFAIRS Sep~e~e~ ~3, ~976 The Honorable Arthur H. Beckwith~ Jr~ Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Court Seminole County Post Office Drawer C -Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: Interlocal Agreement 5163.01, F.S. ,.. Dear Mr. Beckwith: This is in response to your request for the approval of this · office of a mututal fire aid agreement between Seminole County and the City of Sanford. Because of the general nature of the agreement, I am assuming that said agreement is intended to be an Interlocal Agreement promulgated under S163.0!, F.S., and submitted for our review as provided for in S163.01 (11), F.S. This assumption is necessary to approval in this instance because the agreement is devoid of any reference tosaid statutory p.rovisions as the authority under which the.agre'emen~ is entered i.neo and submitted for our review. As the authority and responsibility of this office to review agreements between local governments is limited to those promulgated under ~163.01, supra, and as a high degree of accuracy is desirable for record purposes, all future agreements intended to be interlocal Agreements and s~mitted to this office for approval under 5163.01(11), supra, must include these necessary statutory references, lest they be rejected for form error. Subject tO the above comments, this agreement is hereby approved as to form and compatibility with state law. Sincerely, ROBERT L.. SHEVIN BY: MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Sept. 17, 1976 Fire Chief Acting City Manager Mutual Fire Aid Agreement-Sanford and Seminole County we have received a positive response from the State of Florida Legal Affairs concerning subject agreement. Mr. Vernon- Mize, City Attorney, has reviewed the legal response, and the contract and has opinioned that there are no conflicts. I have also received positive responses from Mr. Neiswender, Mr. Kaiser, and Mr. McClure of Seminole County. As a result of the above conditions, the Mutual Fire Aid Agreement is now in effect. Please review the contract and respond accordingly. Mr. McClure of the Seminole County Public Safety Dept~ has been notified that the. contract is in effect. cc: Vernon Mize Bill Braceland BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PHONE: (30S) 333 - 4330 COUNTY SEMINOLE FLORIDA September 10, 1976 COURTHOUSE, H. PARR AVE. SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 Mr. Jim Jernigan Acting City Manager City of Sanford City Hall Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Mr. Jernigan: The Board of County Commissioners, during their regular meeting of August 31, 1976, approved and authorized the Chair- man to execute the Interlocal Mutual Aid Fire Agreement with the City of Sanford. Upon receipt of verification from the Department of Legal Affairs, State of Florida, the Public Safety Department will forward to you two executed copies of same. Usually it takes from two to three weeks for this to be returned to the Clerk of Circuit Court's office for recording. If I may be of further assistance to you in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Very truly yours, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Roger D. Neiswender Executive Assistant RDN/bl FIUTUAI. A I 1) Ar.;IU,;EFII.',N'I.' All p:~'Lics ~o'Lhis ag.rccmenL have established and n~ainLaia fi~:c departments with fire fighCi~g equi[~menC and fire fighting person:~el, and . WIIEREAS, i~ appears desirable that an Agreement be entered into between the par~ies for their mutual benefit in times of emergency,. NOW, THEREFORE, i~ is agreed-by and between the parties here~o ' ' that each of ~he parties agrees to assist ~he other under the follow- ing stipulations, . provisions and conditions: 1. 'l'ha~ any assistance shall be rendered by either party only upo~ ~he reques~ of the fire chief of the party requesting assistance or his duly-authorized representative; 2. Equipment shall Be dispatched only as 'requested by the calling party and the aznounb of equipment and perso'z~el dispatched shall be a~ the discretion of Lhe responding party. 3. Should the called party be involved in an emergency operation at the tirae of receiving the call, the response may be delayed until such time as the called parLy may be able safely to r~pe'na and should the called percy have dispatched equipment and personnel and' after dispatching such personnel and equipraent an emergency develops in the area protected by the called party, then the called party may recall such of its equipment and material as raay be needed by it. 4. All liability for injury for personnel, loss or d~age o'f equipment shall be borne by the party to which such personnel and/or equipment belongs and that all parties carry sufficient insurance to cover all such liabilities. 5. The cost of gasoline and other expendable supplies for coa-. tinued operatioq shall be paid'by the party ~o which such personnel and/or equipment belongs. " 6. All compensation for personnel shall be born. by the pa~'Ly to which such personpel belongs. 7. The party respunding to a call from the.otbe~' party while within the area of Lhe other party shall be .s~bject co the orders and directions of the officer. in charge o~ the ope~-a~ion in the a~:ca where the emergency exists. 8. A first call ~or mutual aid shall be to the nearest Department having the equipment needed. 9. A party may initiate a call for "first-in" response by the other party upon request'of the fire chief of either party or his duly authorized representative by a previous mutual agreement of all part.ies of this contract. 10. A minimum of four, trained, full time firemen shall be sent on the fire equipment in response to a mutual aid call. ll. This agreement may be terminated by either party giving the other a written no~ice, thirty (30) days prior to the date of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties' hereto have caused these present to be signed by their duly authorized officers on this CITY OF~ By: Mayor SEMINOLE COUNTY By: