HomeMy WebLinkAbout806-Herbert-Halback Inc. (HHI)EXHIBIT "B" WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFPS 98/99 - 12) WORK ORDER NO.: 1 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For billing purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: DOWNTOWN SANFORD AND LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT PROPERTY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: HHI, INC. (Herbert-Halback) Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement of November 24. 1999 between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: [x] SCOPE OF SERVICES - HHI Letter Dated January 14, 2000 [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [] The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above-referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed withinl5 weeks (105) calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [x] FIXED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT (b) If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis," then the CONSULTANT shall Mr. Jay R. Marder Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Property Redevelopment Plan Page 2 of 6 To identify economic potential, HHI shall be working with Owen Beitsh of Real Estate; Research Cdnsultants, who will be evaluating existing market information against .market potential and availability of-suitable properties for redevelopment. . The goal of this plan is to review' and summarize existing planning and economic documents, compare information on these to the market as a whole, evaluate the potential for new and redevelopment and develop a strategy to implement plan recommendations. At the culmination of this project, HHI envisions the preparation'of a graphically pleasing, complete, yet brief report that may be used as a resource and a marketing piece for Sanford,s waterfront. As Sanfora's continuing services, consultant, HHI, shall be ~esponsible for facilitating the .planning process as well as for drafting the plan. Planning Process Because of the original research available in the many studies and present focus of the community now to proceed with redevelopment, the consultant envisions a plan report that dually may be used as a marketing tool for the waterfront redevelopment area. This report shall briefly summarize all existing plans in a well .designed, four-color graphic manner and include summary tables, charts and recommendations of each report. The land use, economic evaluation and subsequent report shall follow and add credence to this summary. A work plan ir~cluding final recommendations related to policy, strategy, priority, approach and identified targets shall conclude the report. HHI intends to function as an extension of staff. The. consultant shall be res. ponsible for !acilitating and monitoring the planning process including agency and public input. 'Key' to any successful project is good' communications and public/community and agency involvement. Recommendations to enhance'these successes are also contained herein. Project Management We understand the requirements of this project and have developed an approach that addresses each. The manner in which this and any project is organized and managed has a direct bearing on the cost and length of time it takes to complete. Ginger Corless, President of HerberteHalback, shall be the principal in charge of the project and assist with project control, facilitation and coordination. Halford Welch shall be the project manager. Halford is a former resident of Sanford and was instrumental in the early stages of the MainStreet. program and served on ,the city's Historic Preservation Board. Halford also bdngs over 15 years of' urban design, economic and downtown development expertise to the project. Demonstrating over ten years of success alone with the Downtown Development Board in Orlando has positioned him as an authority on community redevelopment issues throughout the state. Halford has extensive design, development and redevelopment experience, presently serves as a board member on the Florida League of Cities, Florida Redevelopment Association. Halford. has served on numerous peer assistance panels throughout the state on community redevelopment. In his career, he has shepherded many projects from the early stages of visioningto implementation and maintenance. Mr. Jay R. Marder Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Property Redevelopment Plan Page 3 of 6 ' Some examples include: downtown Orlando, Port Orange, Palm Bay, Sanford, Palm Harbor, Dade City and numerous others, Owen Beitsh of Real Estate ResoUrces Corporation (RERC) is recognized as a preeminent authoriiy on real estate development regionally as well as in the Central Florida area. Owen shall bring access to an enormous local data base and his extensive knowledge of the local market area.. David Gwinn (TEl) shall ~.ssist with assessment of the irifrastructure requirements for the parcels identified in the plan. Scope and Methodology of Tasks The follt~wing identifies a potential project approacl~. Administrative Kickoff 1.0 HHI shall coordinate a, staff kickoff meeting to refine project approach and collect preliminary data, identify issues and opportunities, discuss schedule and clarify tasks. Deriverabies - The Consultant will prepare the agenda,. facilitate the meeting and pub/.ish meeting minutes, for the kickoff meeting. · Review all Past Planning and Marketing Studies and Prepare a Summary Report The consultant shall research all previous studies and plans and create a planning timeline to document previous actions leading to the development of the Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Property Redevelopment Plan. The consultant envisions a report that includes: an, executive' summary of the project; a one-page, illustrated pullout, planning timeline;a brief summary (2 to 4 pages for each planning activity) supplemented by a matrix of recommendations; and summary assessment of. individual report recommendations. The.= consultant shall also become 'familiar with the following · Land Use/Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Summaries and Issues County-Wide Trends Administrative Practices, Committees, Other Organizational Respective Effects on the Proposed Redevelopment Program Practices and Their ' Deriverabies - Planning 'Summary Report including illustrated planning timerine, ~Iraphica/ly pleasing p/an briefs/highlights and an assessment of individual and collective report reComme~lations and how these re/ate to current market conditions and economic recommendations. Mr.'Jay R. Marder Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Property Redevelopment Plan Page 4 of 6 2.0 Identify Potential Redevelopment Properties HHI and RERC shall first refine project area boundaries based on recommend~ti<~ns from an lanalysis of the data reports. A potential property inventory shall be conducted and presente<J in a workshop format with staff, other city leaders and representatives of other major stakeholders. (Chamber Of Commerce, Sanford' MainStreet and others) as may be indicated by the client to identify other ,area issues, opportunities and ultimately determine properties with redevelopment potential. This workshop, in conjunction with original economic and physical property research, shall produce an inventory map identifying buildings and properties with redevelopment potential. This map shall be used as a guide in the development of a market'analysis (as identified in section 3.0). Deriverabies ,- Workshop Findings Report and Inventory Map of Potential Properties for Redevelopment 3.0 4.0 Market Analysis With the input from the workshop and the inventcjry map completed, RERC s'%all conduct a. review of the map as it relates to available area data, trends and evaluation of existing economic reports. RERC shall direct additional market analysis where necessary and. assist HHI in the idehtification of the most marketable uses, preparation of three alternative development scenarios based on that analysis, identification 'of current market conditions and highlight other data that may be revealed in the process. Deliverables '- The consultant shall prepare a report recommending three altemative development scenarios and identifying most marketable land uses. Inventory of Individual Property Plans or Disposition The .~onsultant.shall prepare a survey in conjunction ;with input from city.steff in order to obtain information on individual parcels or buildings. Data shall be collected either by phone or personal interviews. At a minimum the interviews shall be designed to solicit individual property disposition', identify proposed/previous (failed) plans and other information that may be pertinent to the exercise. RERC shall participate with HHI in the preparation of the surcey and evaluation of its results. Preliminary results of economic/market analysis and survey may be' presented to appropriate agencies as, may be identified in the contract. 5.0 Deriverabies - Property Survey and Written Analysis of Results Redevelopment and Marketable Uses Map Ba~ed on the information gathered in sections 2.0-4.0, the consultant shall prepare, a map of the redevelopment properties indicating the appropriate types of L~SeS for each site based on market input and present market and economic trends. Mr. Jay R. Marder , Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Property Redevelopment Page 5 of 6 Plan Deliverables - The consultant shall provide an original full size copy of the map and shall provide smaller reproducible versions for incorporation into the final plan. ~. 6.0 Work Plan The consultant shall identify a work plan based on research and recommendations of sections 1,0 7.0 in this approach. The plan shall be identified in both matrix and text form. The work plan shall identify specifically the property(ies) in question,' evaluate the marketability potential (high, medium or low) identify potential sites for aggregation and recommend potential uses. Assignment of responsibilities for tracking, acquisition or other recommendations shall be made. Potential budgets for acquisition shall also be identified where possible in order to allow for integration of thiS work program into other city and/oF agency budgets'. A presentation of the findings to appropriate agencies (city commission) may be al:rpropriate at this time. A listing of po{ential developers Shall be identified and provided in the work pl~.n. Deliverables - Recommended Prioritized, Work Plan, Schedule/Priority Matrix and Text 7.0¸ Infrastructure 'Needs Assessment Table Undertake a cor~ceptual assessment of 'public infrastructure needs based on the recommendations determined in the work plan. Infrastructure shall be assessed based on existing information sources on transportation, water, sewer, etc. The data shall be . presented in a technical repor!.ing format with a data matrix of properties and associated improvements. This data may be used in capital improvements programming. Deriverabies - Infrastructure Technical Summa~ and Data Matrix 8.0 Final Report The consultant shall prepare up to nine (9)~bound copies of the original report for distribution. ~ 9.0 Methodology We shall use the methodology established, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, in the scopes of service above to direct the course of work. Estimated Cost A breakdown of fee by consultant is as follows. ~ ' ' Herbert°Ha back, Inc.. - Real Estate Research Consultants, Inc. TEl $20,000.00 $21,400.'00 $3,000.00 " 'TOTAL $44,400.00 Mr. Jay R. Marder ' Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfrent Property Redevelopment Plan Page 6 of 6 ~ Additional services, above and beyond this scope shall be negotiated according ~o the terms outlined in our Continuing Services Contract. We are pleased to have the opportunity to submit this scope of work and fee proposal to provide the services identified above. We are ready and have available staff resources and time to start immediately and await you~ notice to proceed. If we can answer any addition~.l questions, or.provide additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Senior Princi~ral GLC/~bb cc: Frederick E. Halback, HHI Judy Hayduck, HHI ~ Halford M. Welch; HHI Kristen V. ennum, HHI DOWNTOWN SANFORD REDEVELOPMENT PLAN February 10, 2000 and LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT PROPERTY Administrative Kick Off Week 1 Review all Past Planning and Marketing Studies and Prepare a Summary Report Weeks 2-5 Identify Potential Redevelopment Properties Weeks 6-9 Market Analysis Weeks 6-11 Inventory of Individual Property Plans or Disposition Week 11 Redevelopment and Marketable Use Map Week 12 Work Plan Week 13 Final Report Week 15