HomeMy WebLinkAbout674-Creation of Metroplan Organ c- q () 0 FORM 525-010-01 U POLlCY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 1 of I I ST ATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A nON INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; the COUNTY(IES) OF Orange County, Florida, Osceola County, Florida, Seminole County, Florida; the CITY(IES) OF City of Altamonte Springs. Florida, City of Kissimmee. Florida, City of Orlando, Florida, City of Sanford, Florida, City of Winter Park, Florida, The Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority, The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, The Orlando- Orange County Expressway Authority and the West Orange Airport Authority. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Federal Government, under the authority of23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(1), and 8 ofthe Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303], requires that each metropolitan area, as a condition to the receipt of federal capital or operating assistance, have a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the metropolitan area, and stipulates that the State and the metropolitan planning organization shall enter into an agreement clearly identifying the responsibilities for cooperatively carrying out such transportation planning; WHEREAS, the parties of this lnterlocal Agreement desire to participate cooperatively in the performance, on a continuing basis, of a coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process to assure that highway facilities, mass transit, rail systems, air transportation and other facilities will be properly located and developed in relation to the overall plan of community development; WHEREAS, 23 USC Section 134,49 USC Section 5303, 23 CFR Section 450.306, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, provide for the creation of metropolitan planning organizations to develop transportation plans and programs for metropolitan areas; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 USC Section 134(b), 49 USC Section 5303,23 CFR Section 450.306(a), and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, a determination has been made by the Governor and units of general purpose local government representing at least 75% of the affected population in the metropolitan area to designate a metropolitan planning organization; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175(3), Florida Statutes, by letter to the Chairman of the Orlando Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization_dated January 15, 1993, the Governor has agreed to the apportionment plan of the members of the proposed MPO as set forth in this Agreement; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.306(c) and Section 339.175(1)(b), Florida Statutes, an interlocal agreement must be entered into by the Department and the governmental entities designated by the Governor for membership on the MPO; WHEREAS, the interlocal agreement is required to create the metropolitan planning organization and delineate the provisions for operation of the MPO; WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Agreement satisfies the requirements of and is consistent with Section 339,175(1 )(b), Florida Statutes; F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallntcrlocal Agree no redll!1edoc FORM 525-010-0 I POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 2 of II WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175(1)(b), Florida Statutes, the interlocal agreement must be consistent with statutory requirements set forth in Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, relating to interlocal agreements; and WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Agreement is consistent with the requirements of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representation herein, the parties, desiring to be legally bound, do agree as follows: . ARTICLE 1 RECITALS; DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. Recitals. Each and all of the foregoing recitals be and the same are hereby incorporated herein and acknowledged to be true and correct to the best of the parties' knowledge. Failure of any of the foregoing recitals to be true and correct shall not operate to invalidate this Agreement. Section 1.02. Definitions. The following words when used in this Agreement (unless the context shall clearly indicate the contrary) shall have the following meanings: "Agreement" means and refers to this instrument, as amended from time to time. "Department" shall mean and refer to the Florida Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of Florida created pursuant to Section 20.23, Florida Statutes. "FHWA" means and refers to the Federal Highway Administration. "FTA" means and refers to the Federal Transit Administration. "Long Range Transportation Plan is the 20-year plan which: identifies transportation facilities; includes a financial plan that demonstrates how the plan can be implemented and assesses capital improvements necessary to preserve the existing metropolitan transportation system and make efficient use of existing transportation facilities, indicates proposed transportation enhancement activities; and in ozone/carbon monoxide nonattainment areas is coordinated with the State Implementation Plan, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(g), 23 CFR Section 450.322, Section 339.175(6), Florida Statutes. "Metropolitan Area" means and refers to the planning area as delineated by the MPO for the urbanized area containing at least a population of 50,000 as described in 23 USC Section 134(b)(1), 49 USC Section 5303(c)(I), and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, which shall be subject to the MPO. "MPO" means and refers to the metropolitan planning organization formed pursuant to this Agreement. "Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)" is the transportation document which includes the following components: a priority list of projects and project phases; a list of projects proposed for funding; a financial plan demonstrating how the TIP can be implemented; a listing of group projects; an indication of whether the projects and project phases are consistent with applicable local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes; and an indication of how improvements are consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with affected seaport and airport master plans and with public transit development plans of the units of local government located within the boundaries of the MPO, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(h), 23 CFR Section 450.324, Section 339.175(7), Florida Statutes. "Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)" is the annual plan developed in cooperation with the Department and public transportation providers, that lists all planning tasks to be undertaken during a program year, together with a complete description thereof and an estimated budget, all as required by 23 CFR Section 450.314, and Section 339,175(8), Florida Statutes, F:\J'IOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Final Interlocal Agree no rcdline.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLlCY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 3 of II ARTICLE 2 PURPOSE Section 2.01. General Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the MPO: (a) To assist in the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility of people and goods within and through this metropolitan area of this state and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible, transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution; (b) To develop transportation plans and programs, in cooperation with the Department, which plans and programs provide for the development of transportation facilities that will function as multi-modal and an intermodal transportation system for the metropolitan area; (c) To implement and ensure a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in coordinated plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of this affected metropolitan area in cooperation with the Department; (d) To assure eligibility for the receipt of Federal capital and operating assistance pursuant to 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(I), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303,5304,5305 and 5306]; and (e) To carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process, in cooperation with the Department, as required by 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(I), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 use Subsection 5303, 5304,5305 and 5306]; 23 CFR, Parts 420 and 450 and 49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A; and consistent with Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, and other applicable state and local laws. Section 2.02. Maior MPO Responsibilities. The MPO is intended to be a forum for cooperative decision~ making by officials ofthe governmental entities which are party to this Agreement in the development of transportation- related plans and programs, including but not limited to: (a) The Long-Range Transportation Plan; (b) The Transportation Improvement Program; (c) The Unified Planning Work Program; (d) A congestion management system for the metropolitan area as required by state or federal law; (e) Assisting the Department in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or federal law; (f) Assisting the Department in performing its duties relating to access management, functional classification of roads, and data collection; and (g) Performing such other tasks presently or hereafter required by state or federal law. Section 2,03. MPO decisions coordinated with FDOT and consistent with comprehensive plans. Chapter 334, Florida Statutes, grants the broad authority for the Department's role in transportation. Section 334.044, Florida Statutes, shows the legislative intent that the Department shall be responsible for coordinating the planning of a safe, viable and balanced state transportation system serving all regions of the State. Section 339.155, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to develop a statewide transportation plan, which considers, to the maximum extent feasible, strategic regional policy plans, MPO plans, and approved local government comprehensive plans. Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, specifies the authority and responsibility of the MPO and the Department in the management of a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process for the metropolitan area. F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 4 of II In fulfillment of this purpose and in the exercise of the various powers granted by Chapters 334 and 339, Florida Statutes, the Department and all parties to this Agreement acknowledge that the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3161-3245, Florida Statutes, are applicable to this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement shall take particular care that the planning processes and planning integrity of local governments as set forth in aforementioned law shall not be infringed upon. ARTICLE 3 MPO ORGANIZATION AND CREATION Section 3.01. Establishment ofMPO. The MPO for the metropolitan area as described in the membership apportionment plan approved by the Governor is hereby created and established pursuant to the Agreement to carry out the purposes and functions set forth in Articles 2 and 5. The legal name of this metropolitan planning organization shall be Orlando Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization d/b/a METROPLAN ORLANDO. Section 3.02. MPO to operate pursuant to law. In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, other proceeding or authorization is required under applicable law to undertake any' power, duty, or responsibility hereunder, or to observe, assume, or carry out any of the provisions of this Agreement, the MPO will, to the extent of its legal capacity, comply with all applicable laws and requirements. Section 3.03. Governing board to act as policy-making body of MPO. The governing board established pursuant to Section 4.01 of this Agreement shall be the policy-making body forum of the MPO responsible for cooperative decision-making of actions taken by the MPO. The Governing Board is the policy-making body that is the forum for cooperative decision-making and will be taking the required approval action as the MPO. Section 3.04. Submission of proceedings; Contracts and other documents. Subject to the right to claim an exemption from the Florida Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the parties shall submit to each other such data, reports, records, contracts, and other documents relating to its performance as a metropolitan planning organization as is requested. Charges to be in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Section 3.05. Rights of review. All parties to this Agreement, and the affected Federal funding agency (i.e., FHW A, FTA, and FAA) shall have the rights of technical review of and comment on MPO projects. ARTICLE 4 COMPOSITION; MEMBERSHIP; TERMS OF OFFICE Section 4.01. Composition and membership of governing board. (a) The membership of the MPO shall consist of eighteen (18) voting representatives and five (5) non-voting representatives. The names of the member local governmental entities and the voting apportionment of the governing board as approved by the Governor shall be as follows: Orange County Osceola County Seminole County City of Altamonte Springs City of Kissimmee City of Orlando City of Sanford City of Winter Park 6 representatives 1 representative 2 representatives 1 representative 1 representative 2 representatives 1 representative 1 representative F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline,doc FORM 525-0 I 0,0 I POLICY PLANNING OGC ' 05/98 Page 5 of II Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority West Orange Airport Authority 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative (b) All voting representatives shall be elected officials of general purpose local governments, except to the extent that the MPO includes, as part of its apportioned voting membership, a member of a statutorily authorized planning board or an official of an agency that operates or administers a major mode of transportation, or a member of an authority or other agency that has been or may be created by law to perform transportation functions, if the authority or agency is not under the jurisdiction of a general-purpose local government represented on the MPO. All individuals acting as a representative of the governing board of the county, the city, or authority shall first be selected by said governing board. (c) In no event shall county commission representatives constitute less than one-third of the total number of representatives on the MPO. (d) In the event that a governmental entity that is a member of the MPO fails to fill an assigned appointment to the MPO within sixty (60) days after notification by the Governor of its duty to appoint a representative, that appointment shall be made by the Governor from the eligible individuals of that governmental entity. Section 4.02. Terms. The term of office of members of the MPO shall be four (4) years. The membership of a member who is a public official automatically terminates upon said official leaving the elective or appointive office for any reason, or may be terminated by a majority vote of the total membership of the governmental entity represented by the member. A vacancy shall be filled by the original appointing entity. A member may be appointed for one or more additional four (4) year terms. ARTICLE 5 AUTHORITIES. POWERS. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 5.01. General authority. The MPO shall have all authorities, powers and duties, enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities, exercise all responsibilities and perform all obligations necessary or appropriate to managing a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process as specified in Section 339.175(4) and (5), Florida Statutes. Section 5.02. Specific authority and powers. The MPO shall have the following powers and authority: (a) As provided in Section 339.175(5)(g), Florida Statutes, the MPO may employ personnel and/or may enter into contracts with local or state agencies and private planning or engineering firms to utilize the staff resources of local and/or state agencies; (b) As provided in Section 163.01(14), Florida Statutes, the MPO may enter into contracts for the performance of service functions of public agencies; (c) As provided in Section 163.01(5)(j), Florida Statutes, the MPO may acquire, own, operate, maintain, sell, or lease real and personal property; (d) As provided in Section 163,Ol(5)(m), Florida Statutes, the MPO may accept funds, grants, assistance, gifts or bequests from local, state, and federal resources; F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Final lnterlocal Agree no redline,doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANN[NG OGe - 05/98 Page 6 of II (e) The MPO may promulgate rules to effectuate its powers, responsibilities, and obligations enumerated herein; provided that said rules do not supersede or conflict with applicable local and state laws, rules and regulations; and] (f) The MPO shall have such powers and authority as specifically provided in Sections 163.01 and 339.175, Florida Statutes, and as may otherwise be provided by federal or state law. Section 5.03. Duties and responsibilities. The MPO shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (a) As provided in Section 339.175(5)(e), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall create and appoint a technical advisory committee; (b) As provided in Section 339.175(5)(f), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall create and appoint a citizens' advisory committee; (c) As provided in Section 163.01(5)(0), Florida Statutes, the MPO membership shall, to the extent permitted by law, be jointly and severally liable for liabilities, and the MPO may respond to such liabilities through the purchase of insurance or bonds, the retention of legal counsel, and, as appropriate, the approval of settlements of claims by its governing board; .. (d) As provided in Section 339.175(8), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall establish a budget which shall operate on a fiscal year basis consistent with any requirements of the Unified Planning Work Program; (e) The MPO, in cooperation with the Department, shall carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process as required by 23 CFR Part 420 and 450, and 49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A, and consistent with Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, and other applicable state and local laws; (f) As provided in Section 339.175(9)(a), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall enter into agreements with the Department, operators of public transportation systems and the metropolitan and regional intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the metropolitan area. These agreements will prescribe the cooperative manner in which the transportation planning process will be coordinated and included in the comprehensively planned development of the area; (g) Prepare the Long-Range Transportation Plan; (h) In cooperation with the Department, prepare the Transportation Improvement Program; (i) In cooperation with the Department, prepare and annually update the Unified Planning Work Program; (j) Prepare a congestion management system for the metropolitan area; (k) Assist the Department in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or federal law; (1) Assist the Department in performing its duties relating to access management, functional classification of roads, and data collection; (m) Perform such other tasks presently or hereafter required by state or federal law; (n) Execute certifications and agreements necessary to comply with state or federal law; and (0) Adopt operating rules and procedures. F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 7 of 11 ARTICLE 6 FUNDING; INVENTORY REPORT; RECORD-KEEPING Section 6.0 I. Funding, The Department shall allocate to the MPO for its performance of its transportation planning and programming duties, an appropriate amount of federal transportation planning funds. Section 6.02. Inventory report. The MPO agrees to inventory, to maintain records of and to insure proper use, control, and disposal of all nonexpendable tangible property acquired pursuant to funding under this Agreement. This shall be done in accordance with the requirements of 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, and all other applicable federal regulations. Section 6.03. Record-keeping and document retention. The Department and the MPO shall prepare and retain all records in accordance with the federal and state requirements, including but not limited to 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, 49 CFR Section 18.42, and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION Section 7.01. Constitutional or statutory duties and responsibilities of parties. This Agreement shall not be construed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of any of the parties. In addition, this Agreement does not relieve any of the parties of an obligation or responsibility imposed upon them by law, except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by one or more of the parties to this Agreement or any legal or administrative entity created or authorized by this Agreement, in which case this performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Section 7.02. Amendment of Agreement. Amendments or modifications of this Agreement may only be made by written agreement signed by all parties here to with the same formalities as the original Agreement. No amendment may alter the apportionment or jurisdictional boundaries of the MPO without approval by the Governor. Section 7.03. Duration: withdrawal procedure. (a) Duration. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the parties to this Agreement or as otherwise provided in Section 339.175 Florida Statutes; provided, however, that the Governor shall examine the composition of the MPO membership and reapportion it as necessary to comply with Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, as appropriate. During examination of the MPO apportionment by the Governor, this Agreement shall be reviewed by the MPO and the Department to confirm the validity of the contents and to recommend amendments, if any, that are required. (b) Withdrawal procedure. To the extent permitted by law, any party may withdraw from this Agreement after presenting in written form a notice of intent to withdraw to the other parties to this Agreement and the MPO, at least ninety (90) days prior to the intended date of withdrawal. Upon receipt of the intended notice of withdrawal: (1) The withdrawing member and the MPO shall execute a memorandum reflecting the withdrawal of the member and alteration of the list of member governments that are signatories to this Agreement. The memorandum shall be fi led in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located; and (2) The Office of the Governor shall be contacted, and the Governor, with the agreement of the remaining members of the MPO, shall determine whether any reapportionment of the membership shall be appropriate. The Governor and the MPO shall review the previous MPO designation, applicable Florida and local law, and MPO rules for appropriate revision, In the event that another entity is to be accorded membership in the place of the member withdrawing from the MPO, the parties acknowledge that pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.306(k), adding membership to F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTSIFinaJ InterJocaJ Agree no rcdlinc.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 8 of 11 the MPO does not automatically require redesignation of the MPO. In the event that a party who is not a signatory to this Agreement is accorded membership on the MPO, membership shall not become effective until this Agreement is amended to reflect that the new member has joined the MPO. Section 7.04. Notices. All notices, demands and correspondence required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered in person or dispatched by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notice required to be given shall be addressed as follows: Mayor City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701" Mayor City of Orlando 400 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Chairman Greater Orlando Aviation Authority One Airport Blvd. Orlando, FL 32827-4399 Mayor City of Kissimmee 101 N. Church Street Kissimmee, FL 34741 Chairman Orange County Board of Commissioners 201 S. Rosalind Street Orlando, FL 32802 Chairman Osceola County Board of Commissioners 17 S. Vernon Avenue, Room 155 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Chairman Seminole County Board Commissioners 1101 E. First Street Sanford, FL 32771 Chairman Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority 525 S. Magnolia Avenue. Orlando, FL 32801 Mayor City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Mayor City of Winter Park 401 Park A venue Winter Park, FL 32789 Chairman Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority 445 West Amelia Ave, Suite 800 Orlando, FL 32801 Chairman West Orange Airport Authority c/o Burch Properties, Inc. 905 West Story Street Winter Garden, FL 32787 F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc FORM 525-010-0 I POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 9 of II A party may unilaterally change its address or addressee by giving notice in writing to the other parties as provided in this section. Thereafter, notices, demands and other pertinent correspondence shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. Section 7.05. Interpretation. (a) Drafters of Agreement. The Department and the members of the MPO were each represented by or afforded the opportunity for representation by legal counsel and participated in the drafting of this Agreement and in choice of wording. Consequently, no provision hereof should be more strongly construed against any party as drafter of this Agreement. (b) Severability. Invalidation of anyone of the provisions of this Agreement or any part, claJ..lose or word hereof, or the application thereof in specific circumstances, by judgment, court order, or administrative hearing or order shall not affect any other provi'sions or applications in other circumstances, all of whic;h shall remain in full force and effect; provided that such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. (c) Rules of construction. In interpreting this Agreement, the following rules of construction shall apply unless the context indicates otherwise: (1) The singular of any word or term includes the plural; (2) The masculine gender includes the feminine gender; and (3) The word "shall" is mandatory, and "may" is permissive. Section 7.06. Enforcement by parties hereto. In the event of any judicial or administrative action to enforce or interpret this Agreement by any party hereto, each party shall bear its own attorney's fees in connection with such proceeding. Section 7.07. Agreement execution: Use of counterpart signature pages. This Agreement, and any amendments hereto, may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 7.08. Effective date: Cost of recordation. (a) Effective date. This Agreement shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located. Any amendment hereto shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party hereto is located. (b) Recordation. The MPO_hereby agrees to pay for any costs of recordation or filing of this Agreement in the Office of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party is hereto located. The recorded or filed original hereof, or any amendment, shall be returned to the MPO for filing in its records. F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Final [nterlocal Agree no redline.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page to 001 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF AL T AMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline,doc ~ :~~:;~ TITLE: '-11I~r; . ATTESTY/l!;dl\ - /JmM- TITLE: 'Cdft (Jade CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court f':\HOME\C'SMAl.l.\AGREEMENTS\Finallnlerlocal Agree no redline.doc FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page II of 11 CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: TITLE: ATTEST: : .... ------ CERTIFICATE OF INSURA.NCE II \ II. 1\1\1'111) \'\': 6 :!";' 'F 1'lWllI IT I( 'I iUS n:RTII J( Hi: 1:- 1'~lTl) \S \ \1 \'1"11 R or 1"'01(\1.\'110' 0",'" \'1> CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFlCA TE HOLDER. TIDS CERTlFlCA TE Acordia SE, Central Fla Divsn DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE P.O. Box 31666 POLICIES BELOW. Tampa, FL 33631-3666 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Hartford Insurance Co 0 INSURED COMPANY B Hartford Insurance Company Metropolitan Systems Ine COMPANY ETAL C Riscorp Insurance Company 3014 Horatio Street COMPANY Tampa FI 33609 D COVEI(.\(iE:- -----. ...---. ..... .. --... ....... --. . -. . --.----...-.. ..--.... ._--., .. _..____n . .--------. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WIDCH TIDS CERTlFlCA TE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICYEFF. POLICY EXP. 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EMPI_QYERS' LIABILITY ............................................................................ ...................................... C ..,. 12506 3/03/97 . 3/03/98 EA-€H-AC-c--l:Q.ENf---- --- 1. 00000 .. .. THE PROPRIETOR! RINCL 500000 PARTNERSIEXECUTIVE DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE-EACH EMPL. 100000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONS/LOCA TIONSIVEIDCLESISPECIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDmONAL INSURED WITH REFERENCE TO GENERAL LIABILITY INCLUDING HOLD HARMLESS/ INDEMNIFY WORKERS COMPENSATION-FLORIDA OPERATIONS ONLY ..J.'.!::~TI FW:~It: ..! 1()I.m:H . .........."...,,--_. .....-.... .... ._ .___._....... n_. __._r!~,~q:;t_I.ATIQ.~_ . ----.-....----, --- .....-.-, SHOUW ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE CITY OF SANFORD EXPIRATION DA TE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITIEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFlCA TE HOLDER NAMED TO THE - ATIN: CITY CLERK LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR P.O. BOX 1778 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS A~ OR REPRESENTAT!)II'1i. SANFORD, FL 32711 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE rJ;?A!. ~.~~/~~ ..~",. /./ . ~ . . ,_,_, _'""._1'"" - .,' ..... 'j t~ACORi.t2S~SJ3j9'3.t~:::~:::~::~:::~tt:~:::::~:r:::::~::::~:~:tt:~tttt:~tttttttttt:~:::~::~::~:::::r::#t'itrrr:t:~::t:::~~::~::::::::::~:::tttt::ttt:r::::}~:~:::~:::~::::::::::::::::tt?:r:t~r}~:~:::r::::~::t~:~:t:~:::::::::::~:~~~::::tttttt::~:::::t::~rr::::::::::::::::~::::t:~t:~:::~::~:::?l}r:::::t:~::~:t:::trrt: .: ____-.~::.:~:.-.-'-..,-.- ,/ - ( I / ,_......-----''''--..- /I-.'C/ ' \ tt"e:.~/M;trUop~fita~ ~A~~;:~rZ~~~ion 1011 WYp..()RE ROAD SUITE 105 W1NTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 \, 'i TEt.E~l'lO~ FA:/.:. ~ (407) 623-1075 (407) 623--'084 SUNCOtd 334-1075 334-1084 March 3, 1993 RECEIVED ;~RD Honorable Be~tye D. Smith, Mayor City o:f Sanford 103 Country Place San:ford, FL 32771 Dear Mayor Smith: As you may recall, I wrote to you back in the end of January, 1993, requesting formal designation of your jurisdiction's representatives to the reapportioned MPO. Although not all cities and counties have responded yet, this process should be completed in the near future. Since that ~ime, the MPO attorney and I have been working on updating the Interlocal Agree1Ben~ and other MPO contractual arrangements that will be required as part of reapportionment. A new Interlocal Agreement has now been developed following FOOT required :format and has completed review by FOOT. These are to be signed by the appropriate local jurisdic~ions in three (3) originals. Since it would be very time-consuming to have each signatory jurisdiction sign a common -,' agreement, FOOT s~ates that i~ is accep~able to sign the Interagency Agreement - in counterparts. There:fore, I am distribu~ing this In~eragency Agreement simul~aneously to all member jurisdictions o:f the MPO and am requesting that your copies be execu~ed as soon as possible. Please return them to me, and I will then complete the dis~ribution and filing process in accordance with FOOT procedures. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, c:::j:. ,~- e.~ David L. Grovdahl Director, Transpor~ation Division Encl: Interlocal Agreement co: Mr. William A. Simmons, City Manager William L. Colbert, Esq., City Attorney Steven R. Bechtel, Esq., MPO Attorney Mr_ Jim Hayden, FOOT DA~-d,;J -9 ITEM q - :~-::.;., INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of . 1993, by and between Orange County; Florida Osceola County, Florida, Seminole County, Florida, City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, City of Kissimmee, Florida, City of Orlando, Florida, City of Sanford, Florida, City" of Winter Park, Florida, The Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority, The Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority, and THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and creates and establishes a METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION for the Orlando Urbanized Area, hereinafter. called the MPO. WITNESSETH Whereas, the parties to this lnterlocal Agreement desire to participate cooperatively in the performance, on a continuing basis, of a coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process to assure that highway facilities, mass transit, rail systems, air transportation and other facilities will be properly located and'developed in relation to the overall plan of community development; and Whereas, the Federal Government, under the authority of 23 U.S.c. 134 and Section 3(a) (2), 4(a), 5(g) (1) and 5(1) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended (49 V.S.C. 1602(a) (2), 1603(a) and 1604(g) 1 and (1)), requires that each urbanized area, as a condition to the receipt of Federal capital or operating assistanc,e, have a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the urbanized area, and stipulates that the State and the MPO shall enter into an agreement clearly identifying the responsibilities for cooperatively carrying out such transportation planning; and Whereas, Regulations of the "Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA),23 CFR 450 (hereinafter called the Rules), provide for the designation of MPOs by the Governor; and Whereas, Chapter 339.175 of the Florida Statutes provides for the creation, designation and apportionment of MPOs consistent with the Federal laws and rules identified above. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations herein the parties agree as follows: I ~ 1:00 PURPOSE The purpose of this Interlocal Agreement is to assure eligibility for the receipt of Federal capital and operating assistance pursuant to 23 V.S.C. 134 and Section 3(a) (2), 4(a), 5(g) (1), and 5(1) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended (49 U.S.C., 1602(a), (2) 1603(a) and 1604 (g) (1) and (1)), and to implement and ensure a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in coordinated plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the affected urbanized area in cooperation with the Department. Chapter 334, Florida Statutes, grants the broad authority for the Department's role in transportation. Section 334.044, Florida Statutes, evidences the legislative intent that the Department be responsible for coordinating the planning of a safe, viable and balanced state transportation system serving all regions of the state. Section 339.155, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to develop comprehensive plans, in conjunction with local governmental entities; including but not limited to regional planning agencies, for all Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, specifies the authority and 139Trans.lLA February 26, ~993 ~ County Expressway Authority, and the Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority with the number of representatives from each of these general purpose local governments to be determined by the geographical population ratio employed by the Governor in appointing the MPO. .. .02 The county commission members shall be composed of not less than 33 1/3 percent of the MPO membership, except .for an MPO with more than 15 members located in a county with a five-member county commissionJ in which case county commission members may compose less than 33 1/3 percent of the MPO membership butall five county commissioners shall be members of the MPO. All voting members shall be elected officials of general purpose governments, except that any local governing entity which has two or more members on the MPO may appoint, as one of its apportioned voting members, a member of a statutorily authorized planning board or transportation, expressway, aviation, or port authority. .03 In urbanized areas in which authorities or other agencies have been, or may be created by law to perform transportation functions that are not under the jurisdiction of local elected officials, they may be considered by the Governor for one voting membership on the MPO. Provided, however, in urban~ed areas in which authorities or other agencies have been, or may be, created by law to perform public transit functions that receive financial assistance or grants from the state, said authorities or agencies shall have one voting membership on the MPO. Said member shall be an elected official appointed by the respective authority or other agency performing public transit functions or where there is more than one public transit agency in the urbanized area, the member shall be elected by vote of the transit agencies. The county commission shall compose not less than 25 percent of the MPO membership when a public transit representative has been appointed. .04 Each apportioned members shall designate the appropriate number of members to the MPO from eligible officials. Representatives of the Department shall serve as non-voting members pf the MPO. .0401 The voting membership of the Orlando Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization as apportioned by the Governor as of January 1993 consists of the following: Orange County Osceola County Seminole County City of Altamonte Springs City of Kissimmee . City of Orlando City of Sanford City of Winter Park Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority Central Florida Commuter . Rail AuthoritY 6 representatives 1 representative 2 representatives . ,1 representative 1 representative 2 representatives 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative .05 The term of office of members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization shall be four (4) years. .06 Appointments to the MPO shall be made by each of the parties to this agreement within sixty (60) days ailer the notification by the Governor of the duty of each governing body to make such appointments. If any governing body fails to fill an assigned appointment to the MPO within such sixty (60) day period, the appointment shall be made by the Governor from eligible representatives of the appropriate governing body. . . 5.00 POWERS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS . .J 139Trana.ll.A February 26, 1993 " 3 \ , . funding under this agreement. This shall be done in accordance with the requirements of Property Management Standards set forth in paragraph 10 (c) of the Federal-Aid Highway Program manual Transmittal 402, Nov. 5, 1986, Vol. 4, Ch. 1, Sec. 2, ("FHPM 4-1-2, paragraph 10, c") which is attached hereto and incorporated as part of this agreement. The MPO shall make all records and necessary information readily available to the Department in order for the Department to conduct a review of and determine the accuracy of the MPO inventories, property control information, and its compliance with the requirements of FHPM 4-1-2, paragraph 10, c. .02 The Department will maintain all records in accordance with FHPM 1-6-2, "Record Keeping and Retention Requirements for Federal-Aid Highway Records for State Highway Agencies." 8.00 . MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION .01 How Contracts Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. .02 State or Territorial Law Nothing in the Agreement shall require the MPO to observe or enforce compliance with any provision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing in contravention of any applicable state law. Provided, that if any of the provisions of the Agreement violate any applicable state law, the MPO will at once notify the Department in order that appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the Department and MPO to the end that the MPO may proceed as soon as possible with the Project. 9.00 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. This Interlocal Agreement may b~ simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 10.00 CONSTITUTIONAL OR STATUTORY DUTIES AND RESPONSffiILITIES OF THE PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Agreement shall not be construed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of any of the parties. In addition, this Agreement does not relieve any of the parties of an obligation or responsibility imposed upon them by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by one or more of the parties to this Agreement or any legal or administrative entity created or authorized by this Agreement, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. 11.00 DURATION OF AGREEMENT AND WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURE This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the parties to the Agreement. Any party may withdraw from said Agreement after presenting in written form a notice of intent to withdraw to the other parties at least 90 days prior to the intended date of withdrawal, provided that financial commitments made prior to withdrawal are effective and binding for their full term and amount regardless of withdrawal. 139Trans.lI..A Februal)' 26, 1993 5 . .---."" . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be. duly executed in their behalf and hereby establish the above designated MFO this day of ,',19_. BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: ArrEST: ArrEST: TITLE: TITLE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA i'!~~ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY BY: TITLE: ArrEST: TITLE: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: 139Trans.ILA February 26,1993 \ . ; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OSCEOLA COUNTY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: 7. #!, .:j. , -.;&- '!: ~ ~~ ~ Co N -~'ttJ/ 20 ';:1 If: 09 jJ11< A Regional Transportation Partnership CERTIFICATION STATE OF FLORIDA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the METROPLAN ORLANDO Interlocal Agreement as required by 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(1), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303] and 23 CFR Section 450.306 and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes. This agreement is duly approved and executed by each participating entity. Original signatures are maintained on file in the Administrative Offices of METROPLAN ORLANDO, 315 East Robinson Street, Suite 355, Orlando, Florida and are available for public inspection by calling (407) 481-5672 x311 to set an appointment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the METROPLAN ORLANDO Board, this Seventh of June 2000. By: Virgi la Lewis-Whittington Secretary (Seal)' <8- One Landmark Center. 315 East Robinson Street. Suite 355 . Orlando, FL 3280 1 ~ metroplanorlando.corr 'Ii' (407) 481 ,5672Suncom 344-5672 [j (407) 481-5680 Sunco~ (407) 344-5680 _ Courthouse Sta~ion LYMMO Stop i?;J, /" \d"" l!Y .~ ~~. ~ ,.. ..... ~ ~, ("") , .'7\ :r :v Ul ~> __ ::0 C- ::"-( -.I ::~? :::- LJ .-- ,,", :-; ;;; ~ . -. __ _.A Ul .... <:> <.....::0 g~~~~~ogo ~~: T~~~~38154 g~ OR B~ &O:l. 9 Pg 3844 ~ Rec 105.00 A Reg.onoI TlOtlSpottOllOn Partnership CERTIFICATION 5T A TE OF flORIDA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE , r-..:l , <::::) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the METROPLAN OR,LANDO g Interlocal Agreement as required by 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5 (g)(1 ), and 8 of the ~== Federal Tr~nsit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303] and 23 CFR Section 450.306 and Section 339.175, ::-::: Florida Statutes. This agreement is duly approved and executed by each participating entity. ~ Original signatures are maintained on file in the Administrative Offices of METROPLAN:> ORLANDO, 315 East Robinson Street, Suite 355, Orlando, Florida and are available for public:::::: inspection by calling (407) 481-5672 x311 to set an appointment. ':? a Ul IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of the METRO PLAN ORLANDO Board, this Seventh of June 2000. By: Virgin Lewis-Whittington Secretary I ARRY WHALEY ~ OSCEOLA COUNTY! FLORIDA 23P CLERK OF CIRCU T COURT CL 2000086219 OR 1745/1064 J~M Date 06/12/2000 Time 14:57:29 ~cn r:o", ('"')3: 0- ::o~ 00 r~.l ;- 0"" R<>('") .-2 -,- : .-, ...... :'j=i ::;;:< r '" .,., :::J r ." \\\..\,~t: III ~,.,.: I.. /~'~';;;,L~~.:i:>~ '", CERTlrlED COpy ..---i ~.- eM} c..:::: ~ '-?: ~ ~r ..,.1' -... l ( ... MARYA;'; ',!;~' -I~. .'lr.rfc:!;o-.. ,. · ~~.. ~-: .J.j 0'-::: ';t,: : . ''''-' ;.r;"_~' 't.&..... (/). . CLERK OF ClRcwf 'tiJP,T. --. -% ~i;..c'~. (,.v./..t; j sp.mlUlE cou~~ nORIDA , ~,',:"~:"-,:,,,.~.'<P'." ~ " I ";' ~ ..~..o.,., '( ", _ ,. ~. ..~ ow ~'I#,~. ....", - ~ -- ~)ool- :~, ~ '&1".....,.,' DEPtl11" ,.. r;Ii:!< .' ~" -: ~,r ',C'::' ii~,' C-J: t.) U N'" ..~, 2f1da ~ , . ~ ' . -(-) ,-. t ,- · t ' -~ ~ ~ / '.. C 11) ro. '~,,_.... . w co c..." 0" ~ == -.- C5 I rn C") o CJ :::>0 0-" --., -- C") :;:- I ;0 rT1 C") ..,,0 ~:xl C)C rT1 (J) ~ - ." -..I I W 1...0 One Landmark Center. 315 East Robinson Street. Suite 355 . Orlando. FL 3280 I C8l metroplanorlando,com "B' (407) 481-5672 Suncom 344-5672 D (407) 481-5680 Suncom (407) 344-5680 <iiiW Courthouse Station LYMMO Stop , . :"- 'ff .~ ,.,-." FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANl'.1NG OGe . OSI9S Page I of II . '(fl. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; the COUNTY(IES) OF . Orange County, Florida, Osceola County, Florida, Seminole County, Florida; the CITY(IES) OF City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, City of Kissimmee, Florida, City of Orlando, Florida, City of Sanford, Florida, City of Winter Park, Florida, The Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority, The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, The Orlando- Orange County Expressway Authority and the West Orange Airport Authority. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Federal Government, under the authority of23 USC S~ction 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(l), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303], requires that each metropolitan area, as a condition to the receipt of federal capital or operating assistance, have a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the metropolitan area, and stipulates that the State and the metropolitan planning organization shall enter into an agreement clearly identifying the responsibilities for cooperatively carrying out such transportation planning; WHEREAS, the parties of this Interlocal Agreement desire to participate cooperatively in the performance, on a continuing basis, of a coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process to assure that highway facilities, mass transit, rail systems, air transportation and other facilities will be properly located and developed in relation to the overall plan of community development; WHEREAS, 23 USC Section 134,49 USC Section 5303, 23 CFR Section 450.306, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, provide for the creation of metropolitan planning organizations to develop transportation plans and programs for metropolitan areas; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 USC Section 134(b), 49 USC Section 5303, 23 CFR Section 450.306(a), and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, a determination has been made. by the Governor and units of general purpose local government representing at least 75% of the affected population in the metropolitan area to designate a metropolitan planning organization; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175(3), Florida Statutes, by letter to the Chairman of the Orlando Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization_dated January 15, 1993, the Governor has agreed to the apportionment plan of the members of the proposed MPO as set forth in this Agreement; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.306(c), and Section 339. I 75(l)(b), Florida Statutes, an interlocal agreement must be entered into by the Department and the governmental entities designated by the Governor for membership on the MPO; WHEREAS, the interlocal agreement is required to create the metropolitan planning organization and delineate the provisions for operation of the MPO; WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Agreement satisfies the requirements of and is consistent with Section 339 .175( 1 )(b), Florida Statutes; C:\INTERL02.DOC . , ..., ,. ,~ /--. FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGe - 05/98 Page 2 of 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175(1)(b), Florida Statutes, the interlocal agreement must be consistent with statutory requirements set forth in Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, relating to interlocal agreements; and WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Agreement is consistent with the requirements of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representation herein, the parties desiring to be legally bound, do agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 RECITALS; DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. Recitals. Each and all of the foregoing recitals be and the same hereby incorporated herein and acknowledged to be true and correct to the best of the parties' knowledge. Failure of any of the foregoing recitals to be true and correct shall not operate to invalidate this Agreement. Section 1.02. Definitions. The following words when used in this Agreement (unless the context shall clearly indicate the contrary) shall have the following meanings: "Agreement" means and refers to this instrument, as amended from time to time. "Department" shall mean and refer to the Florida Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of Florida created pursuant to Section 20.23, Florida Statutes. "FHW A" means and refers to the Federal Highway Administration. "FTA" means and refers to the Federal Transit Administration. "Long Range Transportation Plan is the 20-year plan which: identifies transportation facilities; includes a financial plan that demonstrates how the plan can be implemented and assesses capital improvements necessary to preserve the existing metropolitan transportation system and make efficient use of existing transportation facilities, indicates proposed transportation enhancement activities; and in ozone/carbon monoxide nonattainment areas is coordinated with the State Implementation Plan, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(g), 23 CFR Section 450.322, Section 339.175(6), Florida Statutes. "Metropolitan Area" means and refers to the planning area as delineated by the MPO for the urbanized area containing at least a population of 50,000 as described in 23 USC Section 134(b)(1), 49 USC Section 5303( c)(1), and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, which shall be subject to the MPO. "MPO" means and refers to the metropolitan planning organization formed pursuant to this Agreement. "Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)" is the transportation document which includes the following components: a priority list of projects and project phases; a list of projects proposed for funding; a financial plan demonstrating how the TIP can be implemented; a listing of group projects; an indication of whether the projects and project phases are consistent with applicable local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes; and an indication of how improvements are consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with affected seaport and airport master plans and with public transit development plans of the units of local government located within the boundaries of the MPO, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(h), 23 CFR Section 450.324, Section 339.175(7);, Florida Statutes. "Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)" is the annual plan developed in cooperation with the Department and public transportation providers, that lists all planning tasks to be undertaken during a program year, together with a complete description thereof and an estimated budget, all as required by 23 CFR Section 450.314, and Section 339.175(8), Florida Statutes. C:\INTERL02.DOC . ..:~ " ~\ ~ FORM 525-01()"ol POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 3 of II ARTICLE 2 PURPOSE Section 2.01. General Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the MPO: (a) To assist in the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility of people and goods within and through this metropolitan area of this state and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible for transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution; (b) To develop transportation plans and programs, in cooperation with the Department, which plans and programs provide for the development of transportation facilities that will function as multi-modal and an intermodal transportation system for the metropolitan area; (c) To implement and ensure a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in coordinated plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of this affected metropolitan area in cooperation with the Department; (d) To assure eligibility for the receipt of Federal capital and operating assistance pursuant to 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(1), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303, 5304, 5305 and 5306]; and (e) To carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process, in cooperation with the Department, as required by 23 USC Section 134 and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(1), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC Subsection 5303, 5304,5305 and 5306]; 23 CFR, Parts 420 and 450 and 49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A: and consistent with Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, and other applicable state and local laws. . Section 2.02. Major MPO Responsibilities. The MPO is intended to be a forum for cooperative decision making by officials of the governmental entities which are party to this Agreement in the development of transportation-related plans and programs, including but not limited to: (a) The long range transportation plan; (b) The transportation improvement program; (c) The unified planning work program; (d) A congestion management system for the metropolitan area as required by state or federal law; ( e) Assisting the Department in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or federal law; (t) Assisting the Department in performing its duties relating to access management, functional classification of roads, and data collection; and (g) Performing such other tasks presently or hereafter required by state or federal law. Section 2.03. MPO decisions coordinated with FDOT and consistent with comprehensive plans. Chapter 334, Florida Statutes, grants the broad authority for the Department's role in transportation. Section 334.044, Florida Statutes, shows the legislative intent that the Department shall be responsible for coordinating the planning of a safe, viable and balanced state transportation system serving all regions of the State. Section 339.155, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to develop a statewide transportation plan, which considers, to the maximum extent feasible, strategic regional policy plans, MPO plans, and approved local government comprehensive plans. Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, specifies the authority and responsibility of the MPO and the Department in the management of a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process for the metropolitan area. C:\INTERL02.DOC '! . , ~. ..-..\ FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 4 of II In fulfillment of this purpose and in the exercise of the various powers granted by Chapters 334 and 339, Florida Statutes, the Department and all parties to this Agreement acknowledge that the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3161-3245, Florida Statutes, are applicable to this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement shall take particular care that the planning processes and planning integrity of local governments as set forth in aforementioned law shall not be infringed upon. ARTICLE 3 MPO ORGANIZATION AND CREATION Section 3.01. Establishment of MPO. The MPO for the metropolitan area as described in the membership apportionment plan approved by the Governor is hereby created and established pursuant to the Agreement to carry out the purposes and functions set forth in Articles 2 and 5. The legal name of this metropolitan planning organization shall be Orlando Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization d/b/a METROPLAN ORLANDO. Section 3.02. MPO to operate pursuant to law. In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, other proceeding or authorization is required under applicable law to undertake any power, duty, or responsibility hereunder, or to observe, assume, or carry out any of the provisions of this Agreement, the MPO will, to the extent of its legal capacity, comply with all applicable laws and requirements. Section 3.03. Governing board to act as policy-making body ofMPO. The governing board established pursuant to Section 4.01 of this Agreement shall be the policy-making body forum of the MPO responsible for cooperative decision-making of actions taken by the MPO. The Governing Board is the policy-making body that is the forum for cooperative decision-making and will be taking the required approval action as the MPO. Section 3.04. Submission of proceedings; Contracts and other documents. Subject to the right to claim an exemption from the Florida Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the parties shall submit to each other such data, reports, records, contracts, and other documents relating to its performance as a metropolitan planning organization as is requested. Charges to be in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Section 3.05. Rights of review. All parties to this Agreement, and the affected Federal funding agency (i.e., FHW A, FT A, and FAA) shall have the rights of technical review and comment of MPO projects. ARTICLE 4 COMPOSITION; MEMBERSHIP; TERMS OF OFFICE Section 4.01. Composition and membership of governing board. (a) The membership of the MPO shall consist of nineteen (19) voting representatives and five (5) non-voting representatives. The names of the member local governmental entities and the voting apportionment of the governing board as approved by the Governor shall be as follows: Orange County Osceola County Seminole County City of Altamonte Springs City of Kissimmee City of Orlando City of Sanford City of Winter Park 6 representatives 1 representative 2 representatives 1 representative 1 representative 2 representatives 1 representative 1 representative C:\INTERL02.DOC .. .....' ,............., ~ FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 5 of 11 Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority West Orange Airport Authority 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative 1 representative (b) All voting representatives shall be elected officials of general purpose local governments, except to the extent that the MPO includes, as part of its apportioned voting membership, a member of a statutorily authorized planning board or an official of an agency that operates or administers a major mode of transportation, or a member of an authority or other agency that has been or may be created by law to perform transportation functions, if the authority or agency is not under the jurisdiction of a general-purpose local government represented on the MPO. All individuals acting as a representative of the governing board of the county, the city, or authority shall first be selected by said governing board. (c) In no event shall county commission representatives constitute less than one-third of the total number of representatives on the MPO. ,(d) In the event that a governmental entity that is a member of the MPO fails to fill an assigned appointment to the MPO within sixty (60) days after notification by the Governor of its duty to appoint a representative, that appointment shall be made by the Governor from the eligible individuals of that governmental entity. Section 4.02. Terms. The term of office of members oft he MPO shall be four (4) years. The membership of a member who is a public official automatically terminates upon said official leaving the elective or appointive office for any reason, or may be terminated by a majority vote of the total membership of the governmental entity represented by the member. A vacancy shall be filled by the original appointing entity. A member may be appointed for one or more additional four (4) year terms. . ARTICLE 5 AUTHORITIES, POWERS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 5.01. General authority. The MPO shall have all authorities, powers and duties, enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities, exercise all responsibilities and perform all obligations necessary or appropriate to managing a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process as specified in Section 339.175(4) and (5), Florida Statutes. Section 5.02. Specific authority and powers. The MPO shall have the following powers and authority: (a) As provided in Section 339. 175(5)(g), Florida Statutes, the MPO may employ personnel and/or may enter into contracts with local or state agencies and private planning or engineering firms to utilize the staff resources of local and/or state agencies; (b) As provided in Section 163.01(14), Florida Statutes, the MPO may enter into contracts for the performance of service functions of public agencies; (c) As provided in Section 163.01(5)(j), Florida Statutes, the MPO may acquire, own, operate, maintain, sell, or lease real and personal property; (d) As provided in Section 163.01(5)(m), Florida Statutes, the MPO may accept funds, grants, assistance, gifts or bequests from local, State, and Federal resources; (e) The MPO may promulgate rules to effectuate its powers, responsibilities, and obligations enumerated herein; provided, that said rules do not supersede or conflict with applicable local and state laws, rules and regulations; and] C:\INTERL02.DOC .. -. ' ~\ ^ FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05198 Page 6 of II (f) The MPO shall have such powers and authority as specifically provided in Sections 163.0 I and 339.175, Florida Statutes, and as may otherwise be provided by federal or state law. Section 5.03. Duties and responsibilities. The MPO shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (a) As provided in Section 339. I 75(5)(d), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall create and appoint a technical advisory committee; (b) As provided in Section 339. I 75(5)(e), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall create and appoint a citizens' advisory committee; . (c) As provided in Section 163.01(5)(0), Florida Statutes, the MPO membership shall, to the extent permitted by law, be jointly and severally liable for liabilities, and the MPO may respond to such liabilities through the purchase of insurance or bonds, the retention of legal counsel, and, as appropriate, the approval of settlements of claims by its governing board; (d) As provided in Section 339.175(8), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall establish a budget which shall operate on a fiscal year basis consistent with any requirements of the Unified Planning Work Program; (e) The MPO, in cooperation with the Department, shall carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process as required by 23 CFR Part 420 and 450, and 49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A, and consistent with Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, and other applicable state and local laws; (f) As provided in Section 339. I 75 (9)(a), Florida Statutes, the MPO shall enter into agreements with the Department, operators of public transportation systems and the metropolitan and regional intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the metropolitan area. These agreements will prescribe the cooperative manner in which the transportation planning process w~1I be coordinated and included in the comprehensively planned development of the area; (g) Prepare the Long-Range Transportation Plan; (h) In cooperation with the Department, prepare the Transportation Improvement Program; (i) In cooperation with the Department, prepare and annually update the Unified Planning Work Program; (j) Prepare a congestion management system for the metropolitan area; (k) Assist the Department in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or federal law; (I) Assist the Department in performing its duties relating to access management, functional classification of roads, and data collection; (m) Perform such other tasks presently or hereafter required by state or federal law; (n) Execute certifications and agreements necessary to comply with state or federal law; and (0) Adopt operating rules and procedures. ARTICLE 6 FUNDING; INVENTORY REPORT; RECORD-KEEPING C:\INTERL02,DOC . "'" . ,~, ~.. FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLAl'oi,,'lNG aGe - 05/98 Page 7 of II Section 6.01. Funding. The Department shall allocate to the MPO for its performance of its transportation planning and programming duties, an appropriate amount of federal transportation planning funds. Section 6.02. Inventory report. The MPO agrees to inventory, to maintain records of and to insure proper use, control, and disposal of all nonexpendable tangible property acquired pursuant to funding under this Agreement. This shall be done in accordance with the requirements of 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, and all other applicable federal regulations. Section 6.03. Record-keeping and document retention. The Department and the MPO shall prepare and retain all records in accordance with the federal and state requirements, including but not limited to 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, 49 CFR Section 18.42, and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION Section 7.01. Constitutional or statutory duties and responsibilities of parties. This Agreement shall not be construed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of any of the parties. In addition, this Agreement does not relieve any of the parties of an obligation or responsibility imposed upon them by law, except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by one or more of the parties to this Agreement or any legal or administrative entity created or authorized by this Agreement, in which case this performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Section 7.02. Amendment of Agreement. Amendments or modifications of this Agreement may only be made by written agreement signed by all parties here to with the same formalities as the original Agreement. No amendment may alter the apportionment or jurisdictional boundaries of the MPO without approval by the Governor. Section 7.03. Duration; withdrawal procedure. (a) Duration. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the parties to this Agreement or as otherwise provided in Section 339.175 Florida Statutes; provided, however, that the Governor shall examine the composition of the MPO membership and reapportion it as necessary to comply with Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, as appropriate. During examination of the MPO apportionment by the Governor, this Agreement shall be reviewed by the MPO and the Department to confirm the validity of the contents and to recommend amendments, if any, that are required. (b) Withdrawal procedure. To the extent permitted by law, any party may withdraw from this Agreement after presenting in written form a notice of intent to withdraw to the other parties to this Agreement and the MPO, at least ninety (90) days prior to the intended date of withdrawal. Upon receipt of the intended notice of withdrawal: (1) The withdrawing member and the MPO shall execute a memorandum reflecting the withdrawal of the member and alteration of the list of member governments that are signatories to this Agreement. The memorandum shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located; and (2) The Office of the Governor shall be contacted, and the Governor, with the agreement of the remaining members of the MPO, shall determine whether any reapportionment of the membership shall be appropriate. The Governor and the MPO shall review the previous MPO designation, applicable Florida and local law, and MPO rules for appropriate revision. In the event that another entity is to be accorded membership in the place of the member withdrawing from the MPO, the parties acknowledge that pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.306(k), adding membership to the MPO does not automatically require redesignation of the MPO. In the event that a party who is not a signatory to this Agreement is accorded membership on the MPO, membership shall not become effective until this Agreement is amended to reflect that the new member has joined the MPO. C:\INTERL02.DOC .. '.... .~ ~. FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 8 of 11 Section 7.04. Notices. All notices, demands and correspondence required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered in person or dispatched by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notice required to be given shall be addressed as follows: Mayor City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 3270 I Mayor City of Orlando 400 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Chairman Greater Orlando Aviation Authority One Airport Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32827-4399 Mayor City of Kissimmee. 101 N. Church Street Kissimmee, Florida 34741 Chairman Orange County Board of Commissioners 201 S. Rosalind Orlando, Florida 32802 Chairman Osceola County Board of Commissioners 17 S. Vernon Avenue, Room 155 Kissimmee, FI 34741 Chairman Seminole County Board Commissioners 1101 E. First Street Sanford, F132771 Chairman Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority 525 S. Magnolia Ave. Orlando, FI32801 Mayor City of Sanford 300 N. Park Ave Sanford, F132771 Mayor City of Winter Park 401 Park Ave Winter Park, FI32789 Chairman Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority 445 West Amelia Ave, Suite 800 Orlando, FI32801 Chairman West Orange Airport Authori!y c/o Burch Properties, Inc. 905 West Story Street Winter Garden, FL 32787 A party may unilaterally change its address or addressee by giving notice in writing to the other parties as provided in this section. Thereafter, notices, demands and other pertinent correspondence shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. Section 7.05. Interpretation. (a) Drafters of Agreement. The Department and the members of the MPO were each represented by or afforded the opportunity for representation by legal counsel and participated in the drafting of this Agreement and in C:\INTERL02.DOC '" ~. ~, FORM 525-010-01 POLlCY PLANNING OGC . 05198 Page 9 of \I choice of wording. Consequently, no provision hereof should be more strongly construed against any party as drafter of this Agreement. (b) Severability. Invalidation of any one of the provisions of this Agreement or any part, clause or word hereof, or the application thereof in specific circumstances, by judgement, court order, or administrative hearing or order shall not affect any other provisions or applications in other circumstances, all of which shall remain in full force and effect; provided, that such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. (c) Rules of construction. In interpreting this Agreement, the following rules of construction shall apply unless the context indicates otherwise: (1) The singular of any word or term includes the plural; (2) The masculine gender includes the feminine gender; and (3) The word "shall" is mandatory, and "may" is permissive. Section 7.06. Enforcement by parties hereto. In the event of any judicial or administrative action to enforce or interpret this Agreement by any party hereto, each party shall bear its own attorney's fees in connection with such proceeding. Section 7.07. Agreement execution; Use of counterpart signature pages. This Agreement, and any amendments hereto, may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 7.08. Effective date; Cost of recordation. (a) Effective date. This Agreementshall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located. Any amendment hereto shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party hereto is located. (b) Recordation. The MPO hereby agrees to pay for any costs of recordation or filing of this Agreement in the Office of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party is hereto located. The recorded or filed original hereof, or any amendment, shall be returned to the MPO for filing in its records. C:\lNTERL02.DOC lO I "" ~ "-"'. FORM 52.S-()IG POUCYPLANNIl OOC - os. Page 10 at IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. ~. ~ T~ ~ ~001- ATTEST: ~--J , TITLE: D~pJz./ ~ i$ec-- SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: C:\TEMPlFinal Inlerlocal Agree no redline.doc OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: .. ! .""'iII; ,.-.., ~. FORM 525-010-01 POLlCY PLANNING OGC - 05198 Page 100f II IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: S~E COUNTY,~A BY:~ ~ TITLE: c..'na\t" rMl\ ATfEST~ TITLE: ~/L~ CITY OF AL T AMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc ,. .. ,~ /~"\ FORM 525-010>.01 POLICY PLANNDoI(; OGe - 0!S'''98 Page 100rll IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORlDA BY: CITY OF AL T AMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: r~ t7A~ TITLE: ~(JY ATTEST: ~ C~ TITLE: Cty M.~~' CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline,doc " ,I ~ ~ r-., fORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - OSI98 Page 10 of II IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ATTEST: ,M it n:):,:.', ATTEST: I ;. "c:\ 6"'~.~ TITLE: ~U~~ _~l~~ K 3' ~'l '3' ,~o)ooc ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: F:\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline,doc .. . J ....... ,~ !~ FORM 525-01<Hl1 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 0S198 Page 100(11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this InterIocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: CITY O.E-J\LTAMOvZT BY:RUS~kd ~ TITLE: M~ ArrEST: __l~ li.({4~1- Patsy ~ I nr i ght TITLE: r: i t Y r: 1 ~rk SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: F;\HOME\CSMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc ... ~, r--... FORM S25-01~1 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 0S198 Page 10 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above-designated MPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA BY: ~L~t4 ? ~cV TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: Chit TITLE: H:\AGREEMENTS\Final Interlocal Agree no redline,doc .. ~J ~ i~ CIT~RD'F~ BY: ~ TITLE: ~t1A~ ATTEST~tl!~ .1Jtw~ TITLE: ~ tjflAiL CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court F:\HOME\C'SMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnlerlocal Agree no redline.doc ~. FORM 525~IO-<l1 POLICY PLA~ING OGC - 0S/98 Page 11 0( II CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: TITLE: ATTEST: iJI . _1 --.::" /,-." CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: ~~ Z:~ TITLEJ~,~~~X'l\ L'lMf.- ~d. ATTEST: San~ 6.~4~ TITLE:~~~ ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court F:\HOME\C'SMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnlerlocal Agree no redline.doc CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: FORM 5~IO-<)i POLICY PlANNlN<; OGC . OSl9t! P2f:f' II 001 TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: TITLE: ATTEST: '" . J .4;, ,,-, ,,,-.., FORM 525-010-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - OS198 ... II oC II CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: . TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: BY: GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANG EXPRESSWAY WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: BY: TITLE: Chairman AITEST:.dbt}p.a...../l!l~ TITLE: Assistant Secretary TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: TITLE: Clerk of the Court ATTEST: H:\AGREEMENTS\Final lnterlocal Agree no redline.doc "" .1 ~ ....-, CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORT A TION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court F:\IiOME\CSMAl.L\AGREEMENTS\Finallntc:r1ocal Agree no redline.doc ,..-... FOR-\<< 525.QW-( POLICY PLA/'.'X'lN OGC - OSt<; Page II of t BY: TITLE: ATTEST: ~l~ '--f)I. ~ TITLE: Deputy City Clerk GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: TITLE: ATTEST: ~ ,r _ /'-'\ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court ~ "f ~ 0 Ql 0 ..J N irtj II... '0 c :: ~ lG~r ~ of 0_ ~ Q, <II Q, - <: ;; F:\HOME\C'SMALL\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline,doc .~ FORM 525-010-0 POLICY PLANNIN< OGe - O~ Page II of I CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: >. ,., WEST ORANGE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: TITLE: ATTEST: ,'"' '.r ,0;. ".-,., ,-., FORM 525-410-01 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/98 Page 11 of II CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY GE AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY: BY. t TITLE: Chairman ATIEST: 1lt1i! TITLE: Member TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: BY: Attorney TITLE: TITLE: Clerk of the Court ATTEST: H:\AGREEMENTS\Finallnterlocal Agree no redline.doc ;~ I' ,c-:::;. ... ~. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA . BY:' TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: ~0: . t { !r~,:~"'.,_ A~'l. r.~ 'Ii . ~r, ~r& *" ~ -:.~ .' ...1/" ,.~., ..., ". <,. ..~ I' ( ~ ~~~:;O-e<O~ '. 1,......, wi'" ~~...C ~"A ,....~<f/....~\ /i~.'.J' {j'. '.:~11(,:'" .:,' ~ f O~ ,(~;:; '..\ ....' '" ORLANDO-~GE C~~Y~ ~ l EXPRESSW A~ AVTH~t1Y;? j .~i \, 00 [' ',f:;;':;:j- 'I> ,l' 11.: BY. ~..,. ~.C' --.;..~. .41 A# . ..... .,.. \> .. ...... .0"."0._" c ,. ~T..,..:- ~-t..;,.: -Rf'''' ill .... - - ~-. 1, .' ..I' ~.~''',,:, {::':.:.' \,' ~ . HEREBYGERTIFY .. "I' 1-:.,.;.." ...' ,:= .,..,.,... " ....._._......._ _. _00 ....00 __. .....,<13 ....:~ ' , r .. .. . 'ds. :;T: ~~Y~WHA~C~ TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality ::~A~S~ Attorney TITLE: Clerk of the Court C:\INTERL02.DOC ur r 1L.IP.l r<ECORDS BOQ~ PAGE 3864 ,~, 1761 CITISOifN~R. P ARK., FLORIDA BY: FORM ~2S-41().(l1 POLICY l't.ANNIN<i <XX'. O~ P~ II of II TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: CL 2000086219 OR 1745/1086 GREATER ORLANDO A VIA TION AlITHORlTY BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: WEST ORAN<6~ i~~O&l ~UW~~ & Orange Co FL G&>O-o238154 Recorded - Martha o. Haynie BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP T BY: ;,."....." & .htde,c /iJ!~'f.~";' ,o~,i ( , 6tQO ~--=: --- Z@ 20 "-1'111: 09 /11~ A Regional Transportation Partnership June 19,2000 TO: METROPLAN ORLANDO PARTNERS FROM: Carolyn C. Small SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Enclosed is a copy of the finallnterlocal Agreement for Creation of METROPLAN ORLANDO with all signature pages attached. As you can see from the stamps on the front page, this document has been recorded with the Clerk of the Court in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties as required. FDOT will record it in Vol usia County as the District Five Office is located there. These documents have been addressed to the City Clerk for all municipal partners and to the Board or Technical Committee representative of other entities if they were the ones who corresponded most with us. Please make sure it gets to the appropriate permanent record keeper for your entity if you are not the appropriate person. If you have any questions, please call me at 407 481-5672 Ext 311. Thank you. MEMORANDUM A . I A CORaM CERTIFICA' . OF LIABILITY INSURA~..~E DATE (MM/DDIYY) - 6/29/04 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION" ACORDIA EAST - TAMPA BAY ONL Y AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE .~ P.O. Box 31666 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR }, ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Tampa, FL 33631-3666 ., 727-796-6666 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ~ INSURED INSURER A: Hartford Ins Co of SE-01391 Metropolitan Systems Inc. I:: etal INSURER B: Ohio Casualty Ins Co ,. 3014 Horatio Street INSURER C: Zenith Insurance Co-DB ;:: ~ampa FL 33690 INSURER D: .: r:: INSURER E: ", COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, I~{: TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ~~~~TJ~6~T-:.~~ Pgk!fEY ~~I~~'JJ~~ LIMITS $ $ $ $ $ _~_fl~I~~LJolt __ ___ _ ,_,__ E.l. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1000000 A ~ERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY -'-'- i CLAIM" MADE W OCCUR 21UENLC8904 7/01/04 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 7/01 /05 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone firel $ MED EX? (Any olle person; $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I POLICY n j~2T n LOC A ~TOMOBILE LIABILITY PRODUCTS, COMP/OP AGG $ 7/01/04 7/01/05 21UENKZ9602 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ I Ea accident) BODILY INJURY $ IPer person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) AUTO ONLY, EA ACCIDENT $ - ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS - L SCHEDULED AUTOS L HIRED AUTOS L NON,OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY =l ANY AUTO B EXCESS LIABILITY =:J OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE I DEDUCTIBLE I RETENTION $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND , EMPLOYER,,' LIABILITY OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EA ACC $ AGG $ 7/01/04 7/01/05 EX052723012 EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE Z831250612 3/03/04 3/03/05 E.L, DISEASE, EA EMPLOYEE $ E.l. DISEASE, POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROItlSIONS CERTICICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS GENERAL LIABILITY CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION 1000000 300000 10000 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 3000000 3000000 1000000 1000000 CITY OF SANFORD ATTN: CITY CLERK P.O. BOX 1778 SANFORD, FL 32711 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -1Q.. DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLlGATION..,P9IABILlTY OF ANY KI~PON THE INSURER. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ~ L/ . .f AUTHORIZED REPR .......h.l ~/ ~ Y ~ ''''::?'' /[ 'I -.or - / - I ACORD 25-S (7/97) 45- 38 { @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (7/97) . I A CORaM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IMM/DDIYY) 6/23/06 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Acordia Southeast, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE P.O. Box 31666 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND O~ ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW-a Tampa, FL 33631-3666 t) 727-796-6666 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY Metropolitan Systems Inc etal Zenith Insurance Co-DB 3014 Horatio Street INSURER B: Tampa FL 33609 INSURER c: INSURER 0: I INSURER E: ..).. COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR OAT" IMM DDNY DATE MM/DDNY A ~ERAL LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 ~ COMMERCIAL GeNERAL L1A,BillTY , FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 300000 :=J CLAIMS MADE W OCCUR M ED EXP (Anyone person) $ 10000 "- PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1000000 - GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS, COMP/OP AGG $ 2000000 I POLICY n P~~T nLOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01/07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT - $ 1000000 ANY AUTO lEa accident) - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY I $ - L SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per personl L HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ L NON,OWNED AUTOS IPer accident) - PROPERTY DAMAGE $ IPer accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY, Ell. ACCIDENT $ =1 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN Ell. ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ A EXCESS LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4000000 =xJ OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ 4000000 $ =1 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ B WORKERS COMPENSATIOI\i AND Z831250614 3/03/06 3/03/07 I X ! T~~.n~Ns ! !OTH. ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1000000 E.L. DISEASE, Ell. EMPLOYEE $ 1000000 E,L. DISEASE, POLICY LIMIT $ 1000000 OTHER I I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTICICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS GENERAL LIABILITY CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION CITY OF SANFORD DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ---1.Q... DAYS WRITTEN ATTN: CITY CLERK NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL P.O. BOX 1778 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR SANFORD, FL 32711 REPRESENT;6WES. /7 I AUTH~ :;PR:r;~ ~/ I ACORD 25-S (7/97) 45- 38 # I/V , @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (7/97) A CORaM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE IMM/DDIYY) 2/12/07 PRODUCER 727-796-6666 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Wells Fargo Insurance Services ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Southeast, Inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P.O. Box 31666 Tampa, FL 33631-3666 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY Metropolitan Systems Inc etal Zenith Insurance Co-DB 3014 Horatio Street INSURER B: Tampa FL 33609 INSURER c: INSURER D: I INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING..; 1 ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR ~ MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ~9S~Yri~~%~~~ PgkIfEY,~~I~~TJ~N LIMITS LTR A GENERAL LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 - X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 150000 I CLAIMS MADE W OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $ 10000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1000000 f-- GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2000000 f-- GEN'L AGGREA LIMIT APn PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2000000 n POLICY ~~gi- LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01 /07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT - tEa accident) $ 1000000 L ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY - $ L SCHEDULED AUTOS IPer person) L HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ L NON,OWNED AUTOS - PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ -=1 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ A EXCESS LIABILITY CMM1686631 7/01/06 7/01/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4000000 Ll OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ 4000000 $ 8 DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $ 0 $ B Z831250615 3:03/07 3/03/08 .!VVCSTAiU,} iOTH,' WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 1000000 E.L, DISEASE, EA EMPLOYEE $ 1000000 E.L. DISEASE, POLICY LIMIT $ 1000000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTICICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS GENERAL LIABILITY CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION CITY OF SANFORD DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL --.1Q.. DAYS WRITTEN A TTN: CITY CLERK NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL P.O. BOX 1778 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR SANFORD, FL 32711 REPRESENT#VES. /J - AUTH? f}}P7;~ ~/ I 1M" ACORD 25-S (7/97) 45-38 0# 1/ V , @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (7/97)