HomeMy WebLinkAbout325-Lake Mary/Sanford Irrigatio CITY OF LAKE MARy, FLORIDA/CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDMENTTO IRRIGATION LEASE CONTRACT NO. S-88-2 This Amendment to Irrigation Lease is made and entered into this 2 7~ day of ,4~ ~s:" , 1996, by and between the City of Lake Mary, Florida, a municipal corporation, created pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter called "Lake Mary"), and the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, created pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter called "Sanford"). Recitals. 1) Sanford and Lake Mary entered into Irrigation Lease, Contract No. S-88-2 on July 11, 1988. 2) Under Contract No. S-88-2, Lake Mary agreed to accept reclaimed water for spray irrigation on certain property described in that agreement in an initial annual volume of 750,000 gallons per day (GPD). 3) Under Contract No. S-88-2, Sanford agreed to deliver an initial average volume of 750,000 GPD at a minimum operating pressure of 50 pounds per square inch (psi). 4) Since actual initiation of reclaimed water delivery under Contract No. S-88-2, actual reclaimed water usage under this agreement has been significantly below the specified 5) amount.. Lake Mary and Sanford Contract No. S-88-2, reclaimed water usage desire to amend the terms of to facilitate future actual up to the amount required by Contract No. S-88-2. To accomplish this objective, it is necessary to eliminate the specified minimum operating pressure and recognize an additional point of connection to be constructed as a part of the Rinehart Road and 46-A Road Improvement Projects, both of which are scheduled to begin in FY'97. ACCORDINGLY for and in considerations of the recitals, mutual understandings, and agreements contained herein, and other consideration the receipt and sufficiency which is acknowledged by the parties, the parties covenant and agree as follows: SECTION I. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this agreement. SECTION II. Definitions. The parties agree that in construing this agreement, the word, phases, and terms shall have the same meanings as defined in Contract No. S-88-2 unless otherwise specified below. SECTION III. Delivery of Reclaimed Water. Section 3.3 of Contract No. S-88-2 is hereby.amended to read as follows: "Sanford has made available reclaimed water for use on the initial disposal property and connected the Sanford reclaimed water transmission facilities to the Lake Mary reclaimed water transmission facilities irrigation system at the point of connection depicted on Exhibit "B" thereof. An additional point of connection will be created at the intersection of CR46-A and Rinehart Road. Service' to that point of connection may be provided by a proposed interlocal agreement between Lake Mary, Sanford, and Seminole County. No minimum delivery pressure is required." SECTION IV. Acceptance of Reclaimed Water by Lake Mary. Exhibit "C" of Contract No. S-88-2 is hereby amended to Exhibit "C- 1" as attached hereto and by this reference is in corporated herein. It is further agreed that.Lake Mary may allow any part of its 750,000 GPD reclaimed water allocation to be utilized by Seminole County, on properties located outside the Sanford-Lake Mary Application Area as described in Exhibit "C-i", with the condition that Lake Mary remains fully responsible for the effective utilization of the full 750,000 GPD as provided by Contract No. S-88-2 and this Lease Amendment. SECTION V. Infrastructure Improvement Requirements. Lake Mary and Sanford recognize and agree that this Amendment to Irrigation Lease Contract No. S-88-2 is dependent upon infrastructure improvements which will be completed in conjunction with the Rinehart Road and 46-A R6ad Improvement Projects, and the' execution of a tri-party agreement for'costs associated with said infrastructure improvements between Lake Mary, Sanford and Seminole County. Should said tri-party agreement fail to be executed by any one of the three parties, or the actual road construction project(s) not begin prior to October 1, 1997, then this Amendment (City of Lake Mary, Florida/City of Sanford, Florida) Amendment to Irrigation Lease, Contract No. S-88-2 Dated August 8, 1996 - Page 2 is null and void and the City o2 Lake Mary is obligated under the terms and conditions of Sanford and Lake Mary Irrigation Lease Contract No. S-88-2, dated July 11, 1988. IN WITNESSWHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals the date and year fi'rst above written. Title: Mayor Date: August 20, 1996 ATTEST: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY~F SEMINOLE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to take ackn w edgement~ and administer oaths, personally appea~ed fir °~p:~eo d h attached instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this~q)dC~day - . - My Commission Expipe~~YP~ OFFICmAL NOTA.Y ~ SUSAN B THORNE  CC410170 STATE OF FLORIDA ') ~ ~ ~ COMMISSION NUMeE. MY COMMISSION EXP. COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) o~ ~ .~T~ ..,,,~.5~.1998 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to take acknowledgements and administer oaths, personally appeared Be~y~ iD. 5~;+ ~ , as' ~l~Voc of the City of Sanford, Florida, who, being first duly sworn upon oath, executed the foregoing instrument in my presence and swore and acknowledged that s~ signed the attached instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this ~g+h day of NOTARY PUBLIC . My Commission Expire~e~a~ Attachment : DIANE CREWS My Commission CC274616 Expires Apr 06, 1997 Bonded By ANB 800-852-5878 (Agreements #1)a:\agreenmt\C#S-88.2 8/8/96 (City of Lake Mary, Florida/City of Sanford, Florida) Amendment to Irrigation Lease, Contract No. S-88-2 Dated August 8, 1996 - Page 3 '\~-.EXHIBIT "C-I" { / / CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA E~hibit "C-l" Potent|al D|lpo,mJ Propert|** CIty of Lml~e Wmry/Clty of Sinford Reelmimed Wmzer Agreement CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA/CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA IRRIGATION LEASE CONTRACT NO. 'S-88-2 CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA/CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA IRRIGATION LEASE CONTRACT N0. S-88-2 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this//-~ day of J~/ , 1988, by and between the City of Lake Mary, Florida, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida (hereafter "Lake Mary"), and the City of Sanford, Florida, a municiDa! corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida (hereafter "Sanford"). RECITALS 1. Lake Mary entered into an agreement with Timacuan Ven- ture on January 4, 1988 (hereafter "Contract No. S-88 i"). 2. Pursuant to subsection 3.8 of Contract No. S-88-!, Timacuan Venture agreed to design, construct, and operate spray irrigation facilities in conjunction with and as a part of its golf course, common areas, green areas, and boulevard areas. ~ 3. As a part of Contract No. S-88-1, Timacuan Venture agreed to grant an easement for wastewater disposal to Lake Mary for the disposal of treated wastewater, subject to certain terms and conditions contained in Contract S-88-! and to a proposed wastewater disposal easement and wastewater disposal agreement attached as Exhibit Cto Contract No. S-88-1. 4. Lake Mary anticipates, then, that it will have an ease- ment on land located in Seminole County, Florida, more particu- larly described in Exhibit A attached to and incorporated in this Agreement, which property shall heroinafter be referred to as the "initial Disposal Property". 5. Sanford owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant known as the City of Sanford Wastewater Treatment Plant (here after "Plant"). 6. Sanford intends to upgrade the Plant to produce Reclaimed Water suitable for irrigation of public access areas such as golf courses, parks, school grounds, common areas, road and u~i!ity rights-of-way, and cemeteries. 7. Sanford desires to lease the initial Disposal Property in order to lawfully dispose of properly treated Reclaimed Water in order to make wastewater Service Capacity available to existing customers of rBanford's sewerage system. 8. Lake Mary is willing.to permit. Sanford to dispose' of said properly treated Reclaimed Water on the initial DispoSal Property subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The parties now desire %o 'enter into a lease, as more fully described below, regarding the leasing of certain rights to irri- gate the Initial Disposa!~ Property in accordance with all appli- cable governmental regulations and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, for and in consideration of the Recitals, mutual understandings, and agreements contained herein, and other con- sideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the parties, the parties covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above Recitals are true and cor- rect, and form a material part of this Agreement. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. The parties agree that-in constru- ing this Agreement, the following words, phrases, and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context requires other- wise: 2.1. "Agreement" means this City of Lake Mary, Florida/ City of Sanford, Florida Irrigation Lease, as it may from time to time be modified. "FDER" means the Florida Department of Environmen- 2.2. tal Regulation. 2.3. "Effluent Disposal Capacity" means the rate of treated effluent flow, measured in GPD or MGD, which Effluent Disposal Facilities are capable of disposing, in accordance with all applicable government requirements. 2..4. "Effluent Disposal Facilities" means those facili- ties necessary for the stcrage, transmission, and disposal of wastewater previously treated i~ accordance with applicable local, state, and federal standards and limitations at the Plant. These Facilities also include, but are not limited to, any Reclaimed WaterTransmission facilities and storage facilities. 2.5. "GPD" means gallons per day on an annual average basis. 2~6. "IrrigatiOn Systems" means those lines, pipes, sprinkler heads, and appurtenant equipment, that are located on t~e Initial Disposal Property and used to spray irrigate'Reclaimed Water received from the Plant that has been treated in accordance with all applicable governmental regulations and in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 2.7. "Lake Mary Reclaimed Water Transmissior, Facilities" 2 means those facilities used to transmit Reclaimed Water from the pOint Of connection to the Initial Disposal Property as depicted on Exhibit B attached to and incorporated in this Agreement. "MGD" means million gallons per day on an average 2.8. annual basis. 2.9. "Reclaimed Water" means that treated wastewater transmitted by Sanford to the irrigation system from the Plant that has been treated in accordance with all applicable govern- mental requirements and in accordance with the terms and con- ditions of this Agreement. 2.10. "Sanford Reclaimed Water Transmission Facilities" means those facilities to be constructed and operated by Sanford necessary to transmit Reclaimed Water UP to the point ofconnec- tion depicted on Exhibit B hereof. 2.11. '.'Storage Facilities" means those. facilities are to be designed, permitted, constructed and operated by Sanford necessary to store and hold Reclaimed Water in a manner that com- plies with governmental re_c/uirements to achieve wet weather storage capacity. 2.12. "'Wastewater Facilities" means the Plant and all other Storage, and Reclaimed Water Transmission Facilities, in- cluding all interceptors, lines, pipes, meters, couplings, pumps, force mains, and appurtenant equipment necessary to treat and transmit the Reclaimed Water to the Irrigation System in accor- dance wfth all applicable governmental laws, requirements, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. SECTION 3. LEASE OF PROPERTY FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES; DELIVERY AND ACCEPT.!NCE OF RECLAIMED WATER. Lake Mary hereby leases to Sanford the rightto transmit, deliver, and dispose cf Reclaimed Water through the irrigation System on the initial Disposal Property in accordance with and subject to the following conditions: 3.1. Desion and installation of Certain FaCilities. Sanford agrees to design, permit, install, and operate, at its 3 sole cost, (1) improvements and additions to its existing Plant, (2) the Sanford Reclaimed Water Transmission Facilities, and (3) any Storage Facilities required by governmental authorities as a part of any permitting of Effluent Disposal Facilities (including the Irrigation System) in order to create any and all Effluent Disposal Capacity on the Initial Disposal Property. Lake Mary agrees to design, permit, install, and operate~ at its sole expense, the Lake Mary Reclaimed'Water Transmission Facilities. 3.2. Permits and Approvals for the Irrigation System. Lake Mary shall be responsible, in cooperation with Sanford and Timacuan Venture, for obtaining and maintaining necessary govern- mental permits and approvals in order to install and operate the Irrigation System; provided, however, that Sanford shall be re- sponsible for obtaining and maintaining all permits and approvals for Storage Facilities as described in Subsection 3.1 hereof. For'all Wastewater Facilities located on its side of the point of connection depicted on Exhibit "B", Sanford shall be solely responsible for obtaining, compiling, providing, and complying with all monitoring, sampling, testing, and reporting require- merits for the Reclaimed Water which may be imposed by government law, rule, permit or approval. For all Wastewater Facilities located on its side of the point of connection depicted on Exhi- bit "B"., Lake Mary shall be solely responsible for obtaining, compiling, providing, and complying with all monitoring, sampling, testing, and reporting requirements for the Reclaimed Water which may be imposed by government law, rule, permit or approval. 3.3. Delivery of Reclaimed Water. Sanford agrees to make available Reclaimed Water for use on the Initial Disposal Property and to connect the Sanford Reclaimed Water Transmission Facilities to the Lake Mary Reclaimed Water Transmission Facili- ties Irrigation System at the point of connection depicted on Exhibit "B" hereof. Sanford agrees tO make available the Re~ claimed Water at a minimum operating.pressure of 50 pounds per square inch ("PSI"). 3.4.' Delivery of Additional Reclaimed'Water. Both Lake Mary and Sanford recognize that water demand will vary depending on a number of operational factors, primarily including climactic conditions and Sanford is required by applicable governmental regulation to store Reclaimed Water during low irrigation demand periods. Therefore, Sanford agrees to make its best efforts to supply additional Reclaimed Water to Lake Mary above the average daily volume set forth in this Agreement when there exists an above average irrigation demand by Lake Mary, which additional Reclaimed Water shall be supplied on a pro rata basis with other users of Sanford's Reclaimed Water. 3.5. Qu~!ity of Reclaimed Water. Sanford shall make available to Lake Mary Reclaimed Water of a quality consistent with the requirements of "public access" treatment levels as'set forth in Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 17-6, or of a quality consis- tent with any more stringent requirements that may be imposed by any governmental agency having jurisdiction and legal authority thereof; provided, however, that Sanford shall not be required to comply with any effluent limitations adopted by Lake Mary that exceed federal, state, and county requirements. 'All Reclaimed Water ~ade available by Sanford under this Agreement shall, at a minimum, have been treated byadvanced treatment methods to re- move harmful levels of bacteria, viruses, and other constituents or pollutants which could constitute a danger to human health, and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, policies, ordinances, resolutions, orders, and permits. As specified in Subsection 3.2 hereof, San- ford shall provide continuous monitoring of chlorine and turbidity, as well as other required ground ~nd surface water quality sam- pling and monitoring of Reclaimed Water as set forth in appli- cable local, state, and federal regulations .from time to time. Sanford agrees todivert away as expeditiously as possible from the Irrigation System any Reclaimed Water which does not comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or which does not meet applicable state, federal, or local standards or re- 5 quirements. As contractual consideration for Lake Mary's grant of this lease, Sanford agrees to pay any costs, fees, penalties, or fines that are imposed by governmental agencies, or courts of competent jurisdiction, upon Lake Mary by reason of Sanford's failure to provide Reclaimed Water treated in accordance with applicable governmental laws, rules, regulations, or req/uire- ments. 3.6. Acceptance of Reclaimed Water bv Lake Mary. Upon receipt of all necessary governmental permits and approvals, Lake Mary's receipt. of the executed wastewater disposal easement from Timacuan Venture as contemplated by Contract No. S-88-1, and completion of construction of all Wastewater Facilities, and' con- tinuing for so long as Sanford complies with the re_c/uirements set forth in this Agreement, Lake Mary shall accept Reclaimed Water for spray irrigation on the Owner's Property in an initial annual average volume of 750,000 GPD. Lake Mary shall accept an annua~ average volume in excess of this volume (that is, in excess of 750 000 GPD) (i/if and when said excess volume is fully oer- mitted and approved by all applicable gover~mental agencies, and (2) only tothe extent Timacuan Venture's right of first refusal for up to 250,000 GPD decreases or expires in accordance with Contract No. S-88-~. Lake Mary shall send Sanford written notice when it (Lake Mary) is ready to accept any such excess volume, specifying said volume. 'Not.withstanding anything to the contrary, Lake Mary shall be obligated to. accept Reclaimed Water in the volume set forth hereinabove only so long as the accep- tance of said Reclaimed Water does not result in any ponding of water, flooding, discharge into any surface waters, result in damages to turf or grasses, and only so long as the Reclaimed Water complies with all other terms and-conditions of this Agree- ment. Should Lake Mary be unable to ultimately dispose of 750,000 GPD under this Agreement, Lake Mary will consider granting a credit based upon the deficiency in volume against the payment of future prosrietary fees for disposal of Reclaimed Water on lands other than the Initial Disposal Property in future lease agreements. SECTION 4. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease Agreement shall be in effect for a period of twenty-five (25) years commencing on the date that the FDER receives a certification of completion from the engineer of record that the construction of Effluent Disposal Facilities to be used for the disposal of Reclaimed Water on the Initial Disposal Property has been completed. The term of this Lease shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each, upon the same terms and conditions as herein provided, unless either party hereto notifies the other by cer- tified mail three (3) years prior to the expiration of the ini- tial term of this.lease or any renewal thereof, that this Agree- ment shall not be so extended. Provided, however, that if after Lake Mary should so terminate this Agreement, Lake Mary should decide to offer the use of the Initial Disposal Property for the disposal of Reclaimed Water, then Sanford shall have a right of first purchase refusal to repurchase the right to deliver and dispose of Reclaimed Water on the Initial Disposal Property. Within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from Lake Mary to Sanford indicating Lake Mary's intent to offer the use of the Initial DisposalProperty for disposal of Reclaimed Water, Sanford must Send writlten notice to Lake Mary that it wishes to exercise its right of first purchase refusal and enter a lease with Lake Mary on the basis of'the terms and-conditions con- tained in said written notice. If not timely and properly exer- cised, this right of first refusal shall automatically terminate at the end of said sixty (60) day period. SECTION 5. PAYMENT OF PROPRIETARY FEE TO LAKE MARY. In re- turn for and in consideration of Lake Mary's grant of lease here- under, Sanford agrees to pay Lake Mary a one-time proprietary fee of $2.96 per gallon of Reclaimed Water which Lake Mary is obli- gated to accept pursuant to Subsection 3.6 hereof. The proprietary fee to be paid for the initial 750,000 GPD is TWO MILLION TWO HUN- DRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,220,000.00), half of which shall be paid by Sanford to Lake Mary no later than sixty (60) days after the date of execution of this Agreement, with the remainder to be paid by Sanford to Lake Mary within five (5) business days afterLake Mary sends written notice to Sanford that it is ready to accept Reclaimed Water on the Initial Disposal Property. Sanford shall pay to Lake Mary additional proprietary fees at the rate of $2.96 per gallon for any volume of Reclaimed Water in excess of said 750,000 GPD for which Lake Mary notifies Sanford that it (Lake Mary) is ready to accept on theInitial Disposal Property within sixty (60) days after Lake Mary sends said writ- ten notice; provided, however, that Lake Mary shall not be obli- gated to accept said Reclaimed Water until Lake Mary receives said payment. SECTION 6. INSPECTION. Sanford and Lake Mary shall each have the right to enter the other's property, at any reasonable time, in order to inspect any Wastewater Facilities, and other e~uipment and materials used in connection with the treatment, storage, transmission, delivery and disposal of the Reclaimed water as may be necessary or desirable for the operation, safety, protection or preservation thereof; to effect compliance with any law, order or regulation of any governmental authority having, jurlsdiction; to make or supervise repairs or'alterations to the system. SECTION 7. HOLD HARMLESS. Consistent with state law, San- ford and Lake Mary agree to hold the other harmless from the negligent acts or omissions of itself, its officers, employees, or agents. SECTION 8. ASSIGNMENTS. This Agreement can be assigned by Sanford only with the prior written approval of Lake Mary, but such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided the assignee shall assume this Agreement and shall demonstrate to Lake Mary its financial ability to comply with the provisions hereof. Lake Mary may transfer all or any part of its easement without approval of Sanford, it being understood, however, that this Agreement will run with the Initial Disposal Property and the purchaser or transferee will acknowledge and accept the pro- visions hereof, and such acknowledgment and acceptance shall be a part of the transfer agreement. SECTION 9. NOTICES; PROPER FORM. Any notice required or allowed to be delivered hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed to be delivered when (1) hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated or (2) upon receipt of such notice when deposited in United States mail,'postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to a party at the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or at such other address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith: Lake Mary: City Manager City of Lake Mary 158 North Country Club Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Sanford: City Manager City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida. 32771 SECTION 10. NOTICES; DEFAULT. Each of the parties hereto shall give the other party written notice of any defaults here- under and shall allow the defaulting party thirty (30) days from the date of receipt to cure such defaults. SECTION tl. DEFAULT BY LAKE MARY OR SANFORD. If any party hereto fails to perform or comply with any of the conditions of this Lease, and if the nonperformance shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice thereof to the non- performing party, or, if the performance cannot be reasonably completed within the thirty (30) day period, the non-performing party does not in good faith commence performance within the thirty (30) day period and does not diligently proceed ~o com- plete performance, the non-performing party shall'be in default or breach of this Agreement. SECTION 12. EFFECT OF DEFAULT. If either party hereto shall make any default hereunder as set forth in Section 11 hereof, then the other party shall have the following remedies, in its sole discretion, to: (1) Bring suit for the breach which has occurred without affecting the obligations of the parties to per- form the balance of the Agreement, and/or (2) terminate this Lease by giving the defaulting party written notice of termina- tion which shall not excuse breaches of this Agreement that have already occurred. Any termination under this Section 12 shall take effect immediately upon receipt of said written notice or as may be otherwise specified in said notice. Notwithstanding any- thing to the contrary contained herein, if this Agreement ter- minates under the terms of Section 4 hereof and Sanford fails or refuses to disconnect the Sanford Reclaimed Water Transmission Facilities or otherwise cease delivery of Reclaimed Water, then Lake Mary shall be entitled to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) for each day said connection or delivery continues beyond the date of termination as liquidated damages. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that establishing actual damages to Lake Mary in such event will be difficult, and that the liquidated damages amount provided herein is reasonable. 'SECTION 13. DISCLAIMER OF THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the formal parties herein and no right or cause of action shall accrue upon or by reason hereof, to or for the benefit of any third party not a formal party hereto. SECTION 14. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful performances of the duties and obliga- tions contained in this Agreement. SECTION 15. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any court, such invalidity or unenforceabi!ity shall not affect the other parts of the Agree- ment if the rights and obligations of the parties contained therein are not materially prejudiced and if the intentions of the parties can continue to be effected. To that end, this Agreement is declared severable. SECTION 16. APPLICABLE LAW. The validity and interpretation of the performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall be 10 governed by the laws of the State of Florida, including specifi- cally and without limitation Chapter 164, Florida Statutes, and Section 403.135, Florida Statutes. SECTION !7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to~ this transaction and supersedes all prior negotiations and all prior written or cra! understandings. SECTION lS. AMENDMENTS. Th~s Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, or discharged by an instrument in writing signed by all the parties hereto. SECTION !9. R~GHT OF FIRST REFUSAL FOR SPRAY IRRIGATION. The parties agree and acknowledge that this Agreement is intended to provide only for spray irrigation of Reclaimed Water on the Initial Disposal Property ~ is the intent of the parties, how- · ~ ever, to use their best efforts to permit later spray irrigation of Reclaimed Water delivered from Sanford to Lake Mary up to an estimated four (4) MGD. Lake Mary hereby grants to Sanford a right of first purchase refusal to purchase the right to deliver and dispose of additional volumes of Reclaimed Water via spray irrigation cn certain lands described in Exhibit "C" attached to and incorporated in this Agreement for up to a total estimated aggregate volume of approximately four (4) MGD. Within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from Lake Mary to San- ford indicating the availability of additional spray irrigation site(s), Sanford must send written notice to Lake Mary that it wishes to exercise its right of first purchase refusal and accept the written offer of Lake Mary and the terms and conditions con- tained in said written offer. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained heroin, said terms and conditions will roSa!re any money payments to be made no sooner than thirty (30) days after expiration of said sixty (60) day period. This right of first refusal shall arise and commence on the date of execution of this Agreement, and shall terminate twenty-five (25) years from the da~e of said execution. !i SECTION 20. PRIOR APPROVALS. The parties recognize that a variety of permits and approvals will be required from various federal, state, and local governmental authorities having juris- diction and regulatory power over the construction, maintenance, and operation of the wastewater facilities prior to the accep- tance and delivery of reclaimed water for disposal on the initial disposal property. It is understood and agreed by the parties that this Agreement shall be null and void and of no further force and effect if any such requisite permit or approval cannot be obtained within a reasonable ti~e period and for the applica- tion of best efforts to obtain same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals the date and year first above written. Attest: Clerk m Commission CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA Mayor Attest: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to take knowled me ts and administer oaths, personally appeared Mary, Florida, who, being first du~ys~rn upon oath, executed the foregoing instrument in my presence and swore and acknowl- edged that ~ signed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein exprhksed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 2~d day of [-'E~,n~., 1988. AT LARGE My Commission Expires NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 27, i~ONDED THRU NOTARY PUB~IC~ UNDERWRITE~ 12 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths, personally appeared Bettye D. Smith , as Mayor of City of Sanford, Florida, who, being first duly sworn upon oath, executed the foregoing instrument in my presence and swore and acknowl- edged that she signed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official 1988.' seal this 23rd day of May , ~~YPUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE My Commission Expires: IwrArr le~,L~ STATE OF FI. ORI'DA RY COlelZSS~.OII ExP. lOT. 1,1988 i Tlt~t ~JF2rAL ~!S. biD. FOR THE USE AND RELIANCE OF THE CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA ONLY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ~ , 1988 77/21:122/4R INITIAL DISPOSAL PROPERTY EXHIB1T Wange )~ last delctibed il lolloval Ceda~e~cl It tbt Worth quarter corner of Point allo begin the SoutheaSt Cornet of G~wtln&ont T.4t } e~ II~ Section 4~ thence tu~ ~rtb ~0*~3'&6* welt, alo~ the tilt line lal~ ~t 3, I dSILi~Cl Of 1,1~1.01 thence te $out~ I1'49'21* Welt, a)3(.l$ ~eet to s Point o, the West ll~e of .id 9ovet~e,t the Southwest cot~et of said Lot 3; the.or I~tb ~O*~l')le Welt, s~o.g said west ~t line, ~1]~.15 feet] the.or ru. l~uth UesL, 1294.X~ feet to the teat ~ight-of-vay li~e of Winehart ~o&dl thence tun Worth ~SD~.I$ feet to t~e louth ~t.t It t~e thence tun Iort~ 19023'4D' Slits alert; laid the Wester~r ~14l. OD feet of il~ Ject~n thence fur Iotth DD*DI*44' ~est, &~oh~ ~ss% ~Jhe Sl~,Oe feet, tO the Southerly light-of-way ~l~e of ~so3s ~osd {iX 44~.1~ feet3 thence tun fifth 71'S2'2l' test, ~orth line of said $ect]o~ 5, , distance*of 35C.11 feet to the }aft 1iRe of the i=rtbwest quarter/ tbe~e ru~ Worth 11*33'13' last, Yar,33tZ with the MIrth line ~f the Northeast quarte~ of said $eCt]o~ S, a distance of 1339,~3 feet; thence tun South OOe2$'Ol' parallel with said lilt section 2~he, 462.0D feetX thence run North 19'33'13e last, feet; thence tea South OD'I$'02' Salt, elifig the West l~ne of the Z&st 6¢D.2C ~ett o~ $e~tJon S, I disSince of l~Ol.l& feet: thence Zast quitten ~rner of sai~ Sectlo~ 5~ thence run south 19016'1~* taste along ROtt~ line the $outh~st q~artet of the elitesale 4, I distance O~ 6i=.13 feet, to the West line Of the gilt/rIO.DO feet Of Said Southwest quatte/l the~e tu~ SoUth 00035'35' Zast, alertV said Welt line, aD0.el feet to the South line of the Berth SOD.COrset of &aid SOuthweSt quartet~ thence run ~outh 1902~*1(e tale, alon~ laid South Ilhe of the lorth 40O.Oe feet, ItSLie feet to t~e 1est lllht-of-Vay ll~e ot gabtoni Ioad~ the~ run South OO'35'N5e gait, a~o~9 said li~e, lll).Tl feet/thence ru~ Sout~ 19'D9'14* kit, 1393.71 feet; thence run 5outb IsiS, 134.11 ~eetl thence tu~ South gait, 9~1.35 feet to the 2muSh line of the &fotesaig 5~t~o~ tl the~e tun 19e32'4~* kite along lair South line, 241.70 feet~ thence rMR Iortb S5e21'49" k St, f~tl t~net run South )t'33'1~e ~mt, 400.00 ~Ntl tkhCl eVA mONth $5'26'410 lest, Tees ~ the afortmeetloMd South lint3 thence tu~ wertb 1~'32'4G' ~st, 131.S) feet t~the Page 1 Exhibit 'A' (Continued) Southwest coe~t/Dr said Section 4# thence the sfoee=entloned leerIon S, s diets,ca of ' 4aS.l: feet to the lotinvest cornet of the lest kill e[ ((we loftbeast quartet or the losthesse qvietse ~f gectJon I, ?ovnship OO*lleS?' last, lionl the lilt 3ins of slid Vest half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quartet. l)2~.lO heel thence ru~ latin l~*Sl'lS' Vest, slo.g the South said Vest half of the Northeast qulttel of loTthe·st q. srter, SiS.el feet of the lalL line of the west isle of said lofthe/st qusrter/ thence fun South eOeX~049* last, along said last line, 1325.52 feet to the logtheiSt corner of l·ld Vest half of the Northe·st quart·el thence fun Iorth list, S~onq the loath ~ine of Paid Noet~tss qu·rt·r, 1331.49 feet to the Warehouse corn~ of the Southeast quirteel thence run South OO'll*O5' last, along the test line of said Section I, s distance of {&I.O3 feet to the louthesse cornet of the lo:th quitter ofth Southeast quarters thence run South Vest, a~ong the South )She of slid worth quarter, ~gg~.15 feet to the last line of t~ Southwest quartera thence run north Section and O Yhe slimy, described tract of land lies In Sesinole Y~otids, and contains Glt.420 wefts, Bore or A Tract of land lying !n Sections I s. nd t, of ?evnsh. tanSt }O Bast de·cribed as follows: CoMenee. at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quitter of IsJd Section 4, ~or · Yo~nt of ltfere~ce3 thence run South Ite}g'~ last. ·long the North ~lne of sale Suuthves~ qua:tees S&0.9) leetl thence run South ~D*35'35* last, lO0.0l feet~ thence ru~ Souq ll~ht-o~o~sy line of Rantoul laid: thence r~ louth D9035'3S* test, a}ong said tight-of-W, ~int, lll3.?l feet to the Point of Seginnim thence continue SNth O0'iS*iSelast feet/ thence run latin 1t*32'460 lest. parallel with the lorth 2l~e of ssl~ Geetile 9. s d/stiles of 19l.Oe feet: thence tu~ 0~'3S'35' Mast, l~t.0O feett thence fur 3~e~3'S5e lilt, 3?5.32 feet/ thence ru~ Wor~ 00*35'3S' lel~, ~92.00 feetl thenet run 19*09'~40 lilt, 330.00 feet to the Poi~t of t~ a~ve descried tract of la~d ~les In leaS.ale riofAds, and contains ~4.403 sores ~r, o~ lest. These lands shall be more specifically described and defined by the Developer and the City of Lake Mary in the FDER Construction Permit Applications to be filed for effluent disposal on any of the lands above-described. Page 2 EXHIBIT "B PAOLA RD - 4IA COUNTRY CLUB ROAD /-CITY BOUNDARY MAYFAII~ COUNTRY CLUI 0 ,J uJ z 0 ~P CITY OF SANFORD POINT OF CONNECTION~ BERKSHIRE DR. L_ 0 m _1 :z 0 IDGE RD ~ c---I CITY OF LAKE MARY CIty of Lake Mary EXHIBIT I POINT OF CONNECTION CIty of Lake Mary/CIty of leelard RNlllmed Water Aereement CDM EXHIBIT "C J CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA _ Exhibit PotsntlsI Disposal Properties CDM CIty of LaKe MarylCIty of Sanford Reelaimed Water Agreement