HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 30A AMENDMENT NO. 30A TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CHASE PARK RESTROOMS AND CONTROL BUILDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CPH ENGINEERS, INC, This Amendment No 30s dated this/~L~ tdoa:n toLe~~/_° ,2000, is an ! of November 1998, amendment to an Agreement previousiy entered n by end between the CITY of SANFORD, Florida, herelnafter referred to as the OWNER or CITY, and CPH Engineers, Inc., herelnefter referred to ms the ENGINEER or CPH, is mutually agreed upon and dedarecl an exter.~ton of the original Agreement dalad Decenber 17"', 1987, end entitled "Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services." It is the intent of this Amendment to provide for design end construction of the restroom and control buildin;] facilities associated with the Chase Perk Bell FIelds. In the event of a conflict between this Amendment and the Original Agreement dated December 17, 1987, the provisions of this Amendment 8hat! govern the work described heroin. SECTION ! 1,1 GENERAL The ENGINEER proposes to provide design ! construction services associated with the restrO0m and control building facilities and the City's Chase Park Ball Field. SECTION II BASIC SERVICE8 OF THE ENGINEER 2.I GENERAL The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection wtth the project as hereinafter sited. The ENGINEER will perform the work under the general supervision of the CIty Manager and will submit antedin reports for his review, Input, de;ision, etc., as appropriate. The OWNER hereby authorizes the ENGINEER to proceed with Engineering!Construction Services as outlined heroin. 2;2 SPECIFIC SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER A. Prepare · conceptual design sketch for review and approval by the City. Prepare a complete set of construction documents which will include the following: 1. Site Plan 2. Architectural Plan 3. Mechanical Plan 4, Eleotticel Plan C& Prepare and submit building permit application to the CIty of Sanford. Application fee to be paid directly by the CITY, D. Provide tum-key construction of the project es follows: Construct 24' x 24' concession/ecorekeeper building with 8' ceitlng height Men's Restroom, with all ADA standard accessories, to include the following: a. One handicap accessible stall with water closet end lavatoW, b. 3 urinals c. Two lavatories · 2.4 Women's metroom, with all ADA standard accessode, to Include: a. One handicap accessible stall with water closet and lavatory b. Three additional toilet eta{is, with partitions, c. Two lavatories Concession area room, with double stainless steel sinks end counter tops all around room, end opening to a ~;ustomer service window 4. Intedor stairway 5. Storage room 6. Exterior walls to be painted, masonry block 7. Top observation level to be 24' x 21' x 8'. All finishing to be in accordance with etteehed S;hedule of Materials Finishes, Doom and Windows SURVEY ENGINEER shall rely on survey Information provided by others. ENGINEER shell not be responsible for survey date. GENERAL INFORMATION We have not tnduded any services regarding the existence of environmental hazards or hazardous wastes on the project. We understand these services are being provided by others. It is understood that fees for the subject project, Including but not limited to, application fees, Impact fees, utility connection fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the OWNER. 3.1 SECTION III ADDITIONAL 8ERVICE8 OF THE ENGINEER GENERAL If authorized in writing by the OWNER, the ENGINEER will furnish or obtain from othem addltional services of the following types which will be paid for by the OWNER as indicated In Section I%/. Additional services due to signfficant change in general scope of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes In size. complexity, or character of construction. Revising previously approved studies, reports, design documents, drawings, or specifications beyond the revisions as described heroin, Additlonel services resulting from manufacturers, pubtic, or contractor protests, administrative hearings, or elmliar matters, Additional services in connection to the Project, Including sen/ices normelh/furnished by the OWNER and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. Preparing to serve and serving as an expert witnee for the OWNER In any Iffigation or other proceeding Involving the Project, Additional Engineering Services required by revisions subsequem to the date of this Agreement to the eppllceble regulations, or new regulations (alter date of this Agreement) of Florida Department of Environmental Protectton, St. John's River Water Management District or other regulatory agency requirements not previously specified. SECTION N THE OWNEW8 REBPONSIB|LITIE8 The OWNER will: Provide full information es to his requirements for ~e project,' Designate a patton to act as the OWNER's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, end such person shall have complete authority to transmit Instructions, receive information, interpret end define the OWNER'$ politics end decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. Provide end guarantee access to end make 8ll provisions for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as rectulrecl for the ENGINEER to perform hie work under this Amendment. Examine ell studies, reports, sketches, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER end render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. Obtain approve1 of ell governmental authorities having Jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals end consents from such other Individuals or bodies ae may be necessary for completion of the project, Furnish or direct the ENGINEER, In writing, to perform st the OWNER's expense, necessary additional earvices. Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the OWNER may require. Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or othenNise becomes ewere of any defect In the project. 6.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 ql 5.1.4 5.1.5 SECTION 6 Payment General Payment Provlslone Compensation paid ENGINEER for services described heroin end rendered by principals end employees assigned to the Project will be computecl by muffiply[ng Standard classification billing rate for ell classifications of employees directly engaged on the project, times the numbers of hours worked on the project. The total fee for the services described heroin and on fie attached Scope of Services and Finish Schedule Is $89,750, inclusive of out-of-pocket exDenees. Invoices will be submitted periodically, indicaUng the hours expanded dudng that billing cycle. The CITY will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER's monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Agreement and for reimbursable expense Incurred. Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses tn any litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $1200.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, headng or proceeding will be computed In accordance with the payment method as set forth In Paragraphs 5.1.1). If this Agreement is terminated during prosecution of the services prtor to completion of the services of Section 2, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 5.1.1 and 5,1.2 on account of that end ell prior work under this Amendment shell be due end payable, and shall Constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shell be paid for any additional services authorized and rendered under Section 3. SECTION 8 General Condffione 6.1 The CITY end the ENGINEER each binds himserf end hie partners, successors, executom, edminiatmtore and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party In respect to ell covenants of this Amendmere, Nothing herein shell be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hersto, nor shell it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hemunder to anyone other than the CITY and the ENGINEER, 6.3 The ENGINEER agrees to Initiate wOrk promptly upon receipt of authorization to proceed and to prosecute the work in an expeditious end timely manner until the Project is completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day end year firat above written. ATTEST OWNER: By aut, ority of the C11~ Commie~ion of the C~ of ENGINEER: CPH ENGINEERS, INC. Date: . _'/. I I. ~ O ellJ. o|usms~ ~ ~clj~ JooHnOfi~ol~u March 30. 2000 "C'~i Constructors "' Chase Pa__r,.kproject _c!~.0fs~o_r_d_ ....................... Sanford, FI 32772 ....... .'[' ~SST ~-STff,~ FOrt TBB PROtact A B 'i~'/~, '# DESCreatION I GENERAL REQUIRI1VIENT~ 'DESXON ........ :BOND INSURANCE SITE St)r'~NDENT (12 W~ElCS) '."f~/~0~Y LABORS ..... ...... ;rEMi~bD~RY RBSTKOOMS .... COST __ 1,500.00 ......... 1,350.00 900.00 4,741,83 $ 1,401.85 $ ......... 292.09' ......... "j. i~QUIPMENT RENT AJL,S SAFETY MEASURES . BARRICADES UTILITIES DUMPSTER ..... D~SibN TOTAL 2 SITE WORK ' "i DEMO MISC, D!VI_8.ION...TOTAL 3 CONCRETE i CONCI~;~ "'SLAB $ 2,000.00 s ....... 400.00' $ 240.41 $ ...... $ 675.00 iS 500.00 SOO.O0 'C6~ICRETE FOUNDATION "' I DIVIS'~'~'~OTAL ..... 4 MASONRY MASONRY DIVISION TOTAL 5 METAL .......... ~'~oLLme~s 6" mAUE~i~R DIVISION TOTAL 6 'CARPENTRY TRUSS FABRICATION COUNTERTOPS 2 r .......... 6A~Z!T~ ,S' ....... · m~XONTO'rAf, k ~.cptmconsttu~torl'~'OI)0ealo~ChaeepMk I S 4,800.00 TR~'S'I~STALLATION F~'iNO AND StmATnTNO i~T~mAi~S DEC~~TEm~S"' F~'~O ~D S~A~O' ~OR FOUR ~TS D~KTOPS 4X14' 2.156.00 1,3'72.00 2,so4.o0' 2,800.00 340,00 $ 161.00 $ 672.00 s_... ' ................f3"~'s~o0' S 2.160.00 · i~/Svt,^~iiiN a aoo~mii ........ DOORS & WlRrDOV~rS DOORS · WINDOWS .... ~ .....[.'B_(~!.s~s "' :SIDING _l S S S $ 832.00 S ........... 546.7S S S.926.,S 2,100.00 .~,~.6.0o., S,SS6.0O .......... S 2,720.00 · ' ' '~fi" D~YWALL TYPE X ............ !QUARY'~iLES .......... , C~RA~XC PT WOOD FLOOR ..... W6OD BASE ......... : EmXY PAncr "' .... DRYWALL CEILING DIVISION TOTAL ...... TOILET'ACCS, ' .......... 'TOILET PARTITIONS , FLPll EXTINOUESltERS ....... '7 CANOPY ....... :."fiii~i'iOl~l TOTAL 11 $ 2,840.00 $ 1,925.00 ' $ 830.00 ......... $ 1,152:00" $ 448,00 '$ 1,800.00 $ ............................._~, 1_._$_2:0~0 S 14,867.00 s .... ss0.oo i .................1;~80.oo' S 120.00 $ 600.00 S 2JS0.00 'D'/ViSION TOTAL lS MECHANICAL 'PLUMBINO COOLERS HVAC ........ !'Dii/isloN TOTAL 16 ;ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL DIVISION TOTAL ....... ." iil~/:T COST ..... : 6i~iiiU-iF,.~a~ & PRO~T LTOTi/: ...... $ 9,000.00 S ..... S ...................i'O;boO.d/j" s 'i,~6'02ii' $ 2,600,00 S 76,0S9.31 $ __ 13,690.68_ $ 89,~S0.00 k:~0ph~onlitucto~e%proPoIlll%ChelePe~k¶