HomeMy WebLinkAbout878-Ivey Harris Walls o ER - V ~0~ COMP~HENSIVE PL~G CONSULT~G SERVICES AG~E~NT (~PS 98/99-12) WO~ O~ER NO.: 1 PURCHASE O~ER NO.: (For billing pu~oses o~y, to be assigned by CITY a~er execution). PROJECT: Collector Road Network Feasibili~ Study for Mea No~ of West SR 46. CITY: SANFO~, A M~ICIPAL CO~O~TION OF THE STATE OF FLO~DA. CONSULT~T: Ivev. H~is & W~ls. Inc. Execution of the work Order by CITY shall sere as autho~ntion for the CONSULT~T to provide for the above project, professionfl services ~ set out in ~e Scope ofSe~ices a~ched as E~bit "A", to ~at ce~n Agreement of(~PS 98/99 - 12) 17 Dec. 1999 between ~e CITY ~d ~e CONS~TANT ~d ~er delineated in ~e specifications, conditions ~d requirements stated in ~e following listed docments which ~e attached hereto ~d made a p~ hereof. ATTACH~NTS: [ ] D~W~GS~LANS/SPECIFICATIONS [ X] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [ ] The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above-referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to proceed by CITY and shall be completed within NINETY ( 90 ) calendar days. C:\Temp\workorde.wpd METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [ X] FIXED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT. (b) If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis", then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the sam of Eighty six thousand sixty two dollars and fifty cents DOLLARS ($86,062.50). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. (c) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sam not exceeding DOLLARS ($ ). The CONSULTANTS compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order. (d) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Limitation of Funds Amount, thentheCONSULTANTisnotauthorizedtoexceedtheLimitationofFundsamountof Eightv six thousand sixty two dollars and fifty cents DOLLARS ($ 86,062.50) without prior written approval of the CITY. Such approval, if given by the CITY, shall indicate a new Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT shall advise the CITY whenever the CONSULTANT has incurred expenses on this Work Order that equals or exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the Limitation of Funds amount. The CITY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the actual work performed under this Work Order. Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. C:XTernp\xvorkorde.wpd IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this 2'/' c~ q~ day of March ,2001 , for the purposes stated herein. ATTEST: · Jgg Secretary ey, esident :: _ ....(CORPORATE SEAL) : ~ / ~ ~.._A.~i~$TY: CITY COMMISSION · By~/,~ LARRY DALE, MAYOR Clerk to the City Commissi6n Date: Uff70/A ~ d ~7 c~ ~ / Sanford, Florida. For use and reliance of the As authorized for execu. tion by the City of Sanford, Florida, only. City Commission at its ~"~//~gZZ, q e)~ o7 ~ Approved as to fom~ and legal I(/5>7(70/, regular meeting. City Attorney Attachment(s): Scope of Services. C:\Temp\workorde .wpd ~X~m~T "A" Collector Road Network Feasibility Study City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida Scope of Work A. Prepare feasibility, cost and alignment analysis for a collector road network for a proposed industrial and economic development area north of West State road 46/West First Street generally between Upsala Road/Cr 15, the CSX Railroad Tracks, Rand Yard Road and northward to U.S. Highway 17 & 92. The study of the extension of Airport Boulevard conducted by The Civil Design Group shall be a basis for this study and results of this study shall be utilized and expanded upon for the entire roadway network. This study shall include but not be limited to: 1) Conduct prework meeting with both City of Sanford and Seminole County staff to review project objectives and research available information on Airport Blvd., SR 46, and Upsala Road proposed improvement. 2) Conduct wetland evaluations and determine the presence of any endangered or threatened species within the potential alignments for Church St., Iowa Ave., Narcissus Ave., White Cedar Road and North Kennel Road. 3) Update Traffic Study for area roadways to determine both existing and projected traffic loads on the study area roadways. 4) Research available information on existing rights of way, area soil conditions, utilities, development trends, 100 year flood plains and existing drainage patterns. Meet with area residents to review possible development needs, special area needs, and Right-of-Way acquisition requirements. 5) Analyze alternative alignments and cross sections for Church Street, Iowa Ave., Narcissus Ave., White Cedar Road and North Kennel Road and provide recommendations for final roadway alignments, cross sections, intersection configurations and any recommended signalization. Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. M~ch 9, 200~ C=\WINDOWS\TEMP\sr46study_fogle_rev.wpdPage 6) Prepare preliminary analysis of drainage requirements for roadway improvements and identify potential roadway retention basin sites. 7) Prepare preliminary cost estimates for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of proposed improvements to area roadways. 8) Prepare 6 copies of Final Report and present resuks of the study at meetings with the City of Sanford staff. B. In an effort to Fast Track the design and construction of Church St. from Upsala Rd. to White Cedar Ave., we are recommending that our study include the preparation of final construction drawings to the 60% plan stage, and that final right-of-way maps be prepared for Church St. This will allow a fairly rapid completion of the design, permitting, and right-of-way acquisition necessary to proceed with the construction of Church St. after the study has been accepted. Specific studies to provide 60% roadway final design and fight-of-way maps include the following additional services. 1) Design and right-of-way field surveys for Church St. from Upsala Rd. to White Cedar Ave. 2) Wetland jurisdictional determinations with St. J0hns River Water Management District and Corps of Engineers, along the Church St. alignment. 3) Set final horizontal and vertical alignments for Church St. from Upsala Rd. to White Cedar Ave. 4) Complete drainage design for roadway construction and locate and design stormwater retention areas for Church St. paving. 5) Prepare right-of-way maps and legal descriptions for right-of-way acquisition required for Church St. improvements. Ivey, Harris &Walls, Inc. March 9, 2001 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\sr46study_fogle_rev.wpd Page 2 Collector Road Network Feasibility Study City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida Fee Proposal IH&W · Project Manager 93 hrs @ $110.00 ..... $10,230.00 · Project Engineer 194 hrs @ $90.00 ..... $17,460.00 · Project Planner 40 hrs @ $90.00 ..... $ 3,600.00 · Sr. Environmental Scientist 21 hrs @ $100.00 ...... $2,100.00 · Environmental II 84 hrs @ $75.00 ...... $6,300.00 · Sr. Cadd Tech. 172 hrs @ $75.00 ..... $12,900.00 · Cadd Tech. 140 hrs @ $55.00 ...... $7,700.00 · Clerical 43 hrs @ $47.50 ...... $2,042.50 IHW Total ............................................... $62,332.50 Jerry Brunner, Inc. (Survey sub-consultant) ........................ $10,300.00 Ghyabi Lassiter & Associates, Inc. (Geotechnical sub-consultant) ........$9,750.00 Reimbursables @ 5% ........................................... $3,680.00 Total Fee ..................... $86,062.50 Fee Breakdown for Church St. 60% final roadway plans (included in above, for information and clarification only). Personnel Rate Manhours Fee Project Manager $110.00 20 $2,200.00 Design Engineer $90.00 48 $4,320.00 St. Environ $100.00 12 $1,200.00 Environ 2 $75.00 16 $1,200.00 Sr. Cadd Tech $75.00 60 $4,500.00 Cadd Tech $55.00 60 $3,300.00 Design & R/W Surveys $7,000.00 R/W Maps & Legal Descriptions $3,300.00 Total Fee for Church St.--$27,020.00 Ivey, Harris &Walls, Inc. /]~ C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\sr46study_fogle_rev.wpd Page 3