HomeMy WebLinkAbout676-TWC · This Instrument Was re ed By,: . - t -' . ::_iRK OF CF CU';~ ::?,Lii:: RECORDED & VERIFIE[~ Patricia K. Green, gsq. S~earss ~ea~er Hitler ~eissler 0 9 3: 6 0 1997 AUG 28 FN Z'~ Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. ~ 150 West Flagler St., Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33130 Record and Return To: Doc~c-.:. Patricia K. Green, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler ~-- ~':~:'...:.- ~ax P~. Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. .~s:~,a~: 150 West Flagler St., Suite 2200 co ty Miami, Florida 33130 G~ OF EASEE~ ~ RIG~ OF USE AGRE~E~ (Drainage Ditch) This Grant of Easement and Right of Use Agreement (tFe "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __ day of 1997, by and between TWC Ninety-Five, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership ("TWC") }' having an address at 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 600, Tara, Florida 33607,. Sanford Pine Ridge, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Developer"), having an address aZ P.O. Box 980, Windermere, Florida 34786-0980 and The City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation (the "City"), having an address at 5~ ~. ~ A~, 5~ RECITALS A. TWC is the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "TWC Property"). B. Developer is the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Commercial Tract"). C. There is located within the TWC Property and the Commercial Tract a drainage ditch (the "Ditch") as more particularly depicted on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof. D. TWC and Developer have agreed for good and valuable consideration to grant to the City as an appurtenance to the land owned by ~t, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for drainage into the Ditch, over, across and through the easement area described herein. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: t. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and by this reference are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. ~, 2. City Easement. TWC hereby grants to the City for the us~ and benefit of the City, its successors and assigns, a perpetua~r non-exclusive easement for drainage into the Ditch over, across arf~ through that portion of the property legally described on Exhibi~ "C" attached hereto which lies within the TWC Property, a~ Developer hereby grants to the City for the use and benefit of th~ City, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for drainage into the Ditch over, across and through that portion of ~he property legally described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto which lies within the Commercial Tract (collectively, the "City Drainage Easement Area"). The City shall also have the right to go upon the real property adjacent to the City Drainage Easement Area, as necessary to access the City Drainage Easement Area in connection with the grant of easement made herein and to effect the purposes of the easement, provided that access to such adjacent real property will be exercised over routes that will occasion the least practicable damage and inconvenience to TWC and Developer. 3. Appurtenant Easements. The easement herein granted shall be appurtenant to any land benefitted thereby. 4. Costs and Expenses; Maintenance. The costs and expenses of maintaining the Ditch and the City Drainage Easement Area shall be borne by TWC. The City shall have the right, b~t not the duty, to perform required routine or emergency repairs to the improvements located within the City Drainage Easement Area and to clear any foliage which obstructs the operation of the Ditch if TWC fails to do so, and the reasonable costs thereof shall be reimbursed by TWC to the City. TWC shall maintain the Ditch and all improvements located therein in accordance with City and local water management district codes and regulations. 5. Chan~es to Ditch. TWC and Developer hereby reserve the right to relocate the Ditch, to change its configuration or install any improvements not permitted as of the date hereof, as may be required in connection with the development of the TWC Property or the Commercial Tract, contingent upon obtaining all required governmental approvals, and further provided that the capacity, efficiency or purpose of the Ditch are not in any way impaired by such relocation or reconfiguration. 6. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind, and the benefit thereof shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 7. No Public Dedication. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall, in any way, be deemed or constituted a gift of or dedication of any portion of the City Drainage Easement Area to the general public or for the benefit of the general public whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be limited to and utilized for the purposes expressed herein and only for the benefit of the persons herein named. (Signatures appear on following page) z IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year first set forth above. Witnesses: TWC: TWC Ninety-Five, Ltd. ~__ a Florida limited partnershi~ By: TWC Ninety-Five Partner~ ~/7~ne:~,~/~ ..... =.1 Ltd., a Florida limit_~. partnership, as sole genera, partner Prlnt Name: ,~. ~ By: TWC Ninety-Five, inc. ~ ~ ~ Name: ~ - Title: ~. ~,~, N me Print a : DEVELOPER SANFORD PINE RIDGE, LTD., a Florida limited partnership By: Blue Teal Corporation, a Florida corporation, as general partner //~ , Title: ~I~Y: .~ Title: ~yoc k ~" ~ .~,:~: ."~ / Print Name: ~ia~ CFews .... "" .. STATE OF FLORIDA SS: COUNTY OF [ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this~l' as ~-~4r. V~! ~ Of TWC Ninety-Five, inc., a Florida corporation, the sole general partner of TWC Ninety-Five Partners, Ltd., the sole general partner of TWC Ninety-Five, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, on behalf of the corporation and as an act ~ .D the partnerships. ~ CO Z '- Personally Known X OR Produced identification ~. ~..~.~o Type of identification Produced o Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: My Commission Expires: J~]~fi~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: CO~Y OF ~'~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me.this~ day of ~ , 1997 by ~V]O O, as F/Z~5 of Blue Teal Coloration, a Florida coloration, the sole general partner. of Sanford Pine Ridge, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, on behalf of the coloration and as r a o OR Produced Identification T~e of identification Produced ~'~ '7% Print or ~tam~~ ~y-~~z Notary Public, State of Florida at Large ~.=~ Commission No.: My Commission E~ires: STATE OF FLORIDA SS: COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Atleu~+ , 1997 by tartV A. as ~y~r of The City of Sanford, Florida, municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. Personally ~o~ / OR Produced Identification T~e of Identification Produced Print or Stamp Name:~an~ ~ew~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: My Commission Expires: J~ne ~5~ LE IBDTY Ut"6 TiSFACT y A portion of the .~'orthwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 20 South. Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: c...~ Commence at the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2; the~:c.e ~ 3"~ run South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, along the West line thereof, also ~eLn~a "~'~-- the centeriixte of Airport Boulevard (an 80 foot wide rlgbt of way), a distance of 666~0 feet to the South line of the North 6(~.60 feet of the Northwest Quarter of said Sect~.p 2; ~.". thence departing said West line run South 89 degre~ 52 'minutes 50 seconds East alcf~g said South line of the North 666.60 feet of the Northwegt Quarter a distance of to the East fight of way line of said AirpOrt Boulevard as r,e. orded in Official Records Book 684, Page 638, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for a POL'NT OF BEGIIN'NLNG; thence continue South 89 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East along said South line of the North 666.60 feet of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 802.~l feet; thence departing said South line run North 45 degrees 07 minute 41 $econds East a distance of 19.04 feet; thence run North 00 degre~ 10 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 187.02 feet; thence run North 12 degr~ 37 minutes 23 ,s~'.Ollds Eag a distance of 88.27 feet; thence run Nor!h 00 degree 10 mlnutel 37seconds W~t-a distance of 182.73 f~et; thence run North 09 degrees 16 minutes 0~ s~e. onds West a distance of 107.13 feet; thence run North 46 d~ 43 minutes $74.1~e~nds West a ::distanee of $9:Y6 feet to the South right of '~ay fine of Coullty Road 46-Ads recorded in Official Records Book 485, Page .464,. of the Public'R~e~rdi of Seminol. County, Florida; · thence run North ',~6 degr,~28 minutes 21 seconds E. ast along said South fight of ~,ay line a distance:of ].46.16.feet:to the'West line of'the Y_.a.st-:327.'36 f~t-ofth~ North,~est Quarter of ~he Northwest Quarter of said Section 2; 'thenc~ departLllg~aid South right of ~,ay line !run .South 00 -degr~s 16 minutes 46 :seconds East along:aid:Welt line of 'Northwes~ Quarter of the Northwest Quarter adistanet of.625.24 ;flaIR to the afomid South line .of the North .(~,60 feet of the Northwest Quarter.of:said Section 2; thence departing 'said West lit~ run South 89 degre~ 52 minut~ $0~,e~nds Fast alotlg-sald South ,lLne-of the North 666.60 fret .of lhe Northwest Qgar,ter a distance of 329.09 fe.t to the West :right of .,~ay line of Lake Mary Road (an unrecorded right :of .way); thence ,run along said Westerly right of ,way line the following five (5) eour$~ and distances: South 00 degr~l 1.$ rainurn 06 ~$~eonds West a distance of 268.68 f'~t to the point of eurvatur~ of a curve emRave Westerty having a radius of 1027,89 feeq thence run Southerly along the arc ofillid curve 1hrough a central ~angle of 15 degve~ 1.~ minut~ 14 seconds a :distance of 273,6~ feet to a point of compound curvarar. of a curve having a radius of 707.22 fete; thence run Southerly along the arc of .said curv, through a central allg~e of 22 degrees 22 :minutes 01 seconds a distance of 276.08 fe~t to th® point of tang~x-y; thence run South 38 degt'~ 12 minutes .$9 s~e~nd$ W~t a dlstalae. of :2tl2.tl3 fe~t; thene~ run South 42 degr,~ .{g .minutes 33 second~ West a djstan~ of 124,61' feet~ thence departing said Westerly fight of way line run along tho F_~.lterly boundary of 'The ~ l~.id~e CJub, A Cnndominium" Vill-~e l., Phase ].] the followin~ three {3) courses: North 47 de~rees 0Z minuteS 2.? seconds West 3 dL~'tance or96.73 feet to the point or curfuture ol' a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 200.00 s~eet; thence run .Northwesterly along the arc of said curve through a centn} antic o{' 20 delree 03 .'-,,3 minutes 41 set'ond.~ a distance of '70.03 Feet to the point of tangency; thence run det~rees ,g7 minute 4t~ seconds VVe~t a distance of 6,~.80 feet; thence run along the EaSterly znd .~'ortherty boundary of "The Pine Rjdge Club. A Condominium" ViIJ~ 1, Phase "I)" the following four (4) courseS: North 60 degrees 32 miuutes Z4 seconds ... distance of 3.00 reetl thence run .North 26 deFees .(7 minutes 46 seconds West a ctL.~nce' of 372.19 feet; thence run South 63 ciegrees 02 mi,autes 14 sends West a distaaceof~ Cr~ [43_92 feet; thence run South 26 de~rees S? minutes 46 seconds .F. JMt a distance or feet; thence run ~[on~ the Northerly boundary of "The Pine Ridge Club, A Condominium" VIllage Z, Phase 2 and ~ the rollowing dt..'ee (3) courses: Sou~ 63 deities ~)2 mlautes 3.4 seconds We~t a distance or 103..~8 feet to the point ot curvature or a curve concave Northerly h~vin~ a radius or L~0.00 feet; thence rou Weslerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 26 deirees 57 mittutes 46 seconds a distance of 70.59 feet to the point or tangency; thenca ruu Norffi 90 deirees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance or 2~.00 feet to the aforeaid East rtlht of way line or Airport Boulevard; thence run Nort. b 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West aloni said W, est rilht orvay llne a dist4~ace .of 683.32 lee{ to the POINT OF LEGIBIUTY Ur.~TISFACTO RY FOFI M1CRORLMING OFFICIAL- RECORDS m BO0~ "' 3?'88 160h 5%f~ll~OtE C~ EL ~8 ~ _. ~L. OFFICIAL RECORDS ~ BOOK ~'.,',,~ i,,3 ~ 3'988 1607 'a" ,~ SEI, fiHOLE CO. FL L) ~ ~i' ,, j~ ' .. 0 9 3 ~ G i~ 1997 AUG 28 P~ L~= 29 This Instrument Was Prepared By: Patricia K. Green, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. 150 West Flaglet St., Suite 2200 Z,. Miami, Florida 33130 $__ i .iL.~ rex Record and Return To: Mcry~nns Mot '. C.~o;k Seminole Patricia K. Green, Esq. . -,~ ~,c,CouD~ 5~ Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.X. ....... 150 West Flagler St., Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33130 m CO GRANT OF EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF USE AGREEMENT (Sidewalk) c ' :'~ This Grant of Easement and Right of Use Agreement (theCD "Agreement'*) is made and entered into as of the__day of , 1997, by and between TWC Ninety Five, Ltd., a Florida limined partnership ("Grantor"), having an address at 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 600, Tampa, Florida 33602, and the City of Sanford, Florida, having an address at ~OO AJ. PArd~ Ad~ 5AOFol6 ' ( the "city"). RECITALS A. Grantor is the owner of certain easement rights in the property legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a pare hereof (the "Easement Area"), pursuant to Grant of Easement and Righ~ of Use Agreement (Sidewalk) dated as of June 18; 1997, recorded in Official Records Book 3256, at Page 0181, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. D. Grantor has agreed for good and valuable consideration to grant to the City, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for sidewalk and utility purposes over, across and through the Easement Area. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($t0.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and s~fficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and by this reference are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. II. Easement. Grantor hereby grants to the City, for the use and benefit of the City, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for sidewalk and utility purposes over, across and through the Easement Area. The City shall have the~D right to (i) construct, maintain, repair and replace sidewalks, curbs and other improvements incident to pedestr~n~ access, (ii) install, maintain, repair and replace or cause to~eco installed, repaired, maintained and replaced, such util~y equipment as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the City,~o effect the purposes of the easement granted herein and (iii) do and all things that are lawful and that may be necessary desirable in connection with the foregoing. With respect '~l~'Utility equipment to be installed in the Easement Area, ~e subsurface of the Easement Area shall be exclusive as to the City, and no other prorider of utility service shall be permitted to locate its equipment within the Easement Area whether on the subsurface or surface area thereof. Nothing herein shall prohibit access to the Grantor to go upon the Easement Area for purposes consistent with its interest in same, without in any manner interfering with the use of the Easement Area by the City and the public in the maintenance and use of said sidewalks. III. Appurtenant EaSements. The easement herein granted shall be appurtenant to the land benefitted thereby. IV. Costs and Expenses. The costs and expenses of maintaining the surface of the Easement Area shall be borne by the Grantor and the cost of maintaining any City equipment installed within the Easement Area shall beborne by the City. V. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind, and the benefit thereof,shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of the p~rties hereto. vI. No Public Dedication. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall, in any way, be deemed or constituted a gift of or dedicatio~ of any portion of the Easement Area to the general public, except that the general public shall have the right to go upon the ~idewalks constructed within the Easement Area in the customary fashion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year first set forth above, Witnesses: GRANTOR: cn r~a ~c~ a Florida limited partnerst~ Ltd. , a Florida limited~ ~:,~ p~r~nership, as sole gene~l~ By: e/~~ City of Sanford, Flor~,~ a Title: ~r ..... ~ H . -3- STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of -,j~V~C~g5+' 1997 by ,~d ~D~ day , , as ~laO ~ of TWC Ninety-Five, Inc., a Florida coloration, the sole general partner of NC Ninety-Five Partners,~ Ltd. the sole general partner of NC Ninety-Five, Ltd. a Flo~ limited partnership, on behalf of the coloration and as an ac~ the partnerships. ~ PerSonaLly ~own OR Produced Identification T~e of identification Produced t Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: ~%~ ~ PA~LA LYNN MO~OYA My Commission Expires: ~r~co~,,G~s~e~CC4~9 F~FZ~ AT~C~OING~.,IN~ S~ O~ ~O~ZD~ ) ) CO~TY oF%emi~)6 ) The foregofng ~nst~ment was ~cho~ledged before me this day ofAugus , 1997 by ~rrV ~-h~e ' o of The' City of Sanford, Florida, a Personally ~o~ ..~ OR Produced identification ~e of Identification Produced . Print or Stamp Name: ~]a~ Nota~ P~!ic, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: CC My Commission E~ires: ~ ~5~l~ ~ G: ~W-PKGX34752X010XSDE-~L. ~ ~X~ O~e ~ ~ ~ A~C ~NDI~ CO. INC. -4- ,This' Instrument Was Pre~'~ted By: ;LER~ O= CiH:D :: :X'._ ~T RECORDED & VERIFIE~ q~ Patricia K. Green, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler D 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~S? AUG ~m ~ Alhadeff & Si~erson, P.A. 150 West Flaglet St., Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33130 Patricia K. Green, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler , ......... "' Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. County By: .... 150 West Flagler St., Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33130 G~ OF EASEE~ E RIGHT OF USE AGREEME~ m (Three Utility Areas) This Grant of Easement and Right of Use Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the ~ day of,~ , 1997, by and between TWC Ninety-Five, Ltd., a Florid~ limited. partnership (."TWC"), having an address at 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 600, Tampa, Florida ~3607, Sanford Pine Ridge, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Developer"), having an address at P.O. Box 980, Windermere, Florida 34786-0980 and The City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation (the "City"), having an address at F~o ~. f~ ~ ~ECITALS A. TWC is the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit 'IA" attached hereto and -made a part hereof (the "TWC Property"). B. Developer is the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Commercial Tract"). C. TWC and Developer has agreed for good and valuable consideration to grant to the City as an appurtenance to the .land owned by it, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for utility purposes, over, across and through the easement areas described herein. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and by this reference are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. II. City Easement. TWC hereby grants to the City for the use and benefit of the City, its successors and assigns, perpetual, non-exclusive easements for utility purposes over, across and through those portions of the property legally described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto which lie within the TWC Property, and Developer hereby grants to the City for the use and benefit of the City, its successors and assigns, perpetual, non-exclusi~ easements for utility purposes over, across and through tho_~e portions of the property legally described on Exhibit "C" attach~ '- hereto which lie within the Commercial Tract (collectively, t~?e "City Utility Easement Area"). As used herein, Ilutility purposeS' shall mean installation, maintenance, repair, replacement and an~; other matters and things that are lawful and that may be necessa~ C31 or desirable in connection with such utility purposes. T~e CO subsurface of the easement described herein shall be exclusive as O '~ to the City, and no other prorider of utility service shall be permitted to locate its equipment within the City Utility Easement Area whether on the subsurface or surface area thereof. Nothing herein shall prohibit access to TWC or Developer to go upon the City Utility Easement Area for purposes consistent with their respective interests in same, without in any manner interfering with the use of the Easement Area by the City. II'I. Appurtenant Easements. The easements herein granted shall be appurtenant to any land ~enefitted thereby. IV. Costs and Expenses. The costs and expenses of maintaining the surface of the City Utility Easement Area shall be borne by TWC, and the cost of maintaining any City equipment installed within the City Utility Easement Area shall be borne by the City. V. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind, and the!benefitthereof shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of the parties beret0. VI. No Public Dedication. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall, in any way, be deemed or constituted a gift of or dedication of any portion of the City Utility Easement Area to the general phblic or for the benefit of the general public whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be limited to and utilized for the purposes expressed herein and only for the benefit of the persons herein named. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year first set forth above. Witnesses: TWC: TWC Ninety-Five, Ltd. z a Florida limited partnershi~ ' By: TWC Ninety-Five Partner~ .~~.~.__ Ltd., a Florida limite~ partnership, as sole generE1 partner Print Name:~ ~ By: TWC Ninety-Five, Inc. Name:~ DEVELOPER: SANFORD PINE RIDGE, LTD., a Florida limited partnership By: Blue Teal CorpOration, a Florida corporation, as general partner a~ I/ B y ' "?~Z~ Name: ~J~b ~-~ /.~y/;/~/ Title: ~int Name :~ ' / ~ / CITY: ~F' /"'~~~.~f /' ~Y- ./' ." .... ' ~p 'k Print Name: ~'a~6 C STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF ~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of [~)3~ , 1997 by /)/-?~/,,') bg. as ~/~ ~. Florida ~1 Co~ corporation, [he sole general partner of TWC Ninety Five LLd,, th~ ~lc ~=ne~al partner of TWC Ninety Fivc; Ltd., a Florida S~ord limited partnership, on behalf of the corporation and as an act of P~e Rid~ the partnerships. j Personally Known ~ OR Produced identification T~e of identification Produced Print or Stam me: ~ ~. s~e~o Notary Public, State of Florida at Large ~~ Commission No.: ~'~ My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: day of ~a t,~ , 1997 coloration, the sole ~eneral partner of Sanford Pine Rid~o/Ltd. ,Ninety-FD ' a Florida l~m~teO parnnersn~p, on Denali o~ the corporation and as Inc. . . an act o~ the partnership. ~ t F1 - e y- ve Peers, Personally ~own OR Produced identification Ltd., ~e sole ge~e of identification Pr~uced Eer of Prin r Stamp N No~a~ Public, State of Florid~ at Large Commission No.: My Commission Expires: ~:~ T~dM.~ir [.:' '~.~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~pl~ "~f,~;,,~ ~NMO TH~ ~ FAIN IM, I~. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) Ss: COuNTY OF ~e,~_mino~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ 5[ day of ~u~u~s~ , 1997 by [DFFy A, '~l~_,- , as ~C of The City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. ~ Personally ~own ~ OR Produced Identification ~ ."0 ~o T~e of identification Produced z '- Print or Stamp Name: ~an~ Cc~w~ ~ ~ 'u~ Nota~ Public, State of Florida at Large ~ ~ ;o Commission No.: CC ~55~7~ ~ ~n My Commission Expires: J~ne ~, l~1 ~ ~,~ D~ C~S Lr-GIBILITy Ut TI /CTO y t GPDFI NG A portion or the .~'orthwest Quarter of Section Z, Township 20 South, Range 30 l~ast, Seminole County, Florida, described a~ follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2; then~ co r~n South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 secouds East, atong the West line thereof, also bs~ng the centerline of Airport Boulevard (an 80 foot wide rlgbt or ,a, ay), a distance of 6(~.j~ rent to the South line of the North 666.60 feet of the Northwest Q~zarter of said Sectic['~ 2; thence departinl,~ said West line run South 89 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds F.~s al n ~,aid South line of the North 666.60 feet of the Northwest Quarter a eLLstance of 40.00 -feet .to the ]~aSt Hght of .way line of said Airport 3oulevard as recorded In Of'tidal Records ]]oak 684, Page 638, of' the ~uhlic Becords of Seminole CountT, Fqorida, for a i~C)~NT OF ]]]~G:t,NNqB,;G; thence continue South 89 degrees .~Z minutes 20 seconcLs l;'-ast aion1 said South.line of the North 6~.60 feet of the Northwest Qnarter a diaLtrice or802.44 feet| thence departing said South line run North 45 cie~ees 0? minutes 41 seconds ~ast a distance or 3.9.04 feet; thence run North 00 delrees 3.0 minutes 36Se~nds West a distance of 3.87.02 feet; thence run .North 12 defines 37 minutes 23 seconds :F_.ut a dLr~nce or 88.27 feet; thence ruu North 00 de~rees 10 minutes 37 seconcLs ~!/est a distance of 3.g,2,.73 feet; thence run North 09 deirees 16 migrates 0(i seconds West a distance of 107.13 feet; thence run North46 defTnee43 minute .~7 se~ondJ West i distance of 59.76 feet to the South fight of way fine of County Ro~d 4~.-A ia recorded Official l~.ecords 3ook 485, 1~ale 464, of the lublic .3~ecordl ,of Seminole County, rioride; thence run North 86 .de~rees 28 :minutes2,3. seconds Fast aloni said South Tiibt o~ way line a distanceof 3.46.16 :~eet to 'the West line of the-r..ut :327.36 't'ee~o~ th~ NortJtwest Quarter or the Northwest Quarter-or said Sectinn 2; thence =departlng~aid Scrdth rilbt of -way line run South 041 ~:delirees 16 minutes 46 seconds Zast aloul-said West line .of'the North,wee1 Quarter of tbeNorthwest Quarter a distance ot'625.24 feet to the aforesaid South line or the North ~66.60 tent of the Northwest Quarterof.said Sealion 3.; them~ departing said West Jane run South 89 alefrees 52 mInutm J0~,__nds F. Jut along said South Uric of the North ~.60 'feet-of the Northwest Qearter a :dbtince of 329.09 feet to the West rilbt or-,eay.iine of-Laice ]~[ar), Ro<,d (an unrecorded rllbt.o[ way); ~hence run along said Westerly, riiht of way line the followtni five (5') courses and distances: Sout. b 0O de~ree~ 15 minutes .0~ seconds .West .a distance of 268.68 feet tothe point of curvature of a curve concite ~Wes'terly having a radius of 1027.89 feet; 1:hence run Southerly the arc of said curve throulb a central an~rle of 3..~ :det-re~ 3-~ minutes Z4 seconds a distaace.of2TB.6~ tee( to a point-of compound corvaturt,of a curve bavinl~ a radius ot 70'7.22 feet; thence run Southerly along the arc orsaid curve throul~cl n centr'ai aal.le of 22 .delreeS 22 minutes 01 seconds a ~distance o[ 276.08 rent'to the poInt of tanlencT; thence run South38 de~rees 12 mInutes 39seconds Weet a:dlstaace,of242.43 teetJ ther~:e run South 42 aleFee J8 minutes 33 second~ West a :dListince:of 124.61 feet| thence departing said Westerly right of way line run alonI the Zamerly boundery o~' "The rme Ridge Club, A Cnndominjum" Village 3. Phase ZI the following three (3) course; ~'ortb 4';' de~reei 01 minutes 2~' seconds ~,Vest a db'tance or 96.73 feet to the point ,of' curvature era curve c-of, cave Northeisterb' having a radius of 200.00 feet: thence run .N'orth.esteriy along the arc o( said curve throu[h a centrn] angle of 20 degree minutes 41 seeoncL~ a distince or 70.03 feet to the point elf taugency; thence run North 26 degrees S'7 minutes 46 second V,/e~t a distance of 65.80 feet; thence r"un along the c,.~ ~,,a ~--n Easterly .~.nd Northerly boundar'/of "1'be Pine P-ridge Club. A Condominium" V]llage;~-.~ Phase "I)" 'the t'ollowing four (4) courses: North 60 deftfees 32 minutes 14 seconds F~r distince of 3.e0feet: thence run North 26 degrees S7 minutes 46 seconds West a distance :~-s of 372.Z9 feet; Thence run South 63 degree 02 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of n [41.92 reet; thence run South 26 degree ST minuies 4~ secon~ EL~t a dLstance of 2.00:m .:~, feet; thence run ILlone'the Northerly boundary o~' "The finel~jdge Club, A r- Cundominium" Village ~, l>h~se 2 and Z the following three (3) courses: South 63 defrees ~)2 minu~es 14 seconds Wet a distance or 103.58 reef to the point of cur.carafe of a cur~e concave Northerly hivlnl; a radius or 3iS0.00 ~feet; thence run Weslerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 26 degrees 5~ minutes 46 seconds a distance of T0.S9 feet to the point of' tattgency; thence rue North g0 deftcos 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of' 2ST.00 Ceet to the a~oreuid Zast rilJ~t of way line ot AirpOrt ]~ou]evard; thence mn North 00 degree 00 minutes 00 seconds West ainng said West diht nf ~'ay line a distance of 683.32 feet tn the R)3G'fZ' O~ arrm',AL m~COR~ BOOK ' ', '- o 3288 1586 SEMINOLE CO. FL !~ ~ o ~ '~ 7, ~.~..~ ~ .~ .~ .~ 0~ ~N I 3?88 1588 .~.~ SEMINOLE CO. FL ,~'~ ' /4~0,~1.~0~ ~ ,_~_, _, '~ of 3~"s ~ 'd~ '~ '3~S ~/I