HomeMy WebLinkAbout693-Orlando Area Sports Commiss ORLANDO AREA SPORTS COMMISSION, INC./CITY OF SANFORD AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into thisjJXjday of%~f~ 199S, between The City of Sanford, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is P.O. BOX 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and the ORLANDO AREA SPORTS COMMISSION, INC., doing business as The Central Florida Sports Authority, a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, whose address is 126 East Lucerne Circle, Orlando, Florida 32801, hereinafter referred to as the "SPORTS AUTHORITY". WITNESETH: W~EREAS, the CITY finds that encouraging and promoting the selection of the Central Florida area as avenue for interna- tional, national, regional and local sports events generates economic growth and enhances the overall quality of life of Central Florida residents; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the SPORTS AUTHORITY is to perform such services as will encourage and promote the selection of the Central Florida area as a venue for international, national, regional and local sports events; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to contract with the SPORTS AUTHORITY to perform such services for the benefit of the citizens of CITY; and 1 WHEREAS, the CITY finds that such an agreement serves a valid public purpose, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants stated herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall provide the following services: (1) Act as a clearinghouse and counsel for information related to sports events and sports related business opportunities. (2) Continually update the inventory of sports venues and facilities in the region with a goal of marketing them for potential events through high quality collateral materials. (3) Prepare and submit bids to national and international organizations for potential events for the city. (4) Maintain memberships in regional and national sports organizations to enhance our national presence in sports. (5) Maintain at least monthly communication with the funding authorities on the efforts to secure future events in the form of written activity reports. (6) Support the local sports community in its efforts to bring events to the region and to upgrade and build sports venues. (7) Specifically act as counsel, fundraiser, and consensus builder with respect to the refurbishment of Sanford 2 Memorial Stadium. (8) Provide Board of Director representation for the City of Sanford as directed and governed by the Central Florida Sports Authority by-laws. SECTION 2. PAYMENTS. (a) The CITY shall pay to the SPORTS AUTHORITY a sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000) for the term of this agreement, such amount being the total compensation to be paid by the CITY for services provided under this Agreement. (b) The CITY shall make payment in the amount of TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000) to the SPORTS AUTHORITY within ten (10) days after execution of this Agreement. (c) The SPORTS AUTHORITY expressly understands that the above sum constitutes the total amount to be paid by the CITY under this Agreement. (d) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall be liable for repayment of any funds disbursed under the terms of this Agreement, which may be deemed by the CITY to have been disbursed in error. SECTION 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION. (a) The term of this Agreement shall be March 2, 1998 through March 1, 1999 and this contract shall act as amended and approved by the Sanford City Commission on an annual 3 basis, as the basis for a agreement for three (3) consecutive years. (b) It is further agreed that in the event funds to finance all or part of this Agreement are not available to the CITY, then, the obligations of each party hereunder may be terminated upon twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to the SPORTS AUTHORITY. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, telegram or in person. The CITY shall be the sole authority as to determination of the availability of funds. (c) If the SPORTS AUTHORITY breaches any term of this Agreement, the CITY may, by written notice of breach to the SPORTS AUTHORITY, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement in any of the following circumstances: (1) If the SPORTS AUTHORITY fails to provide services called for by this Agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or (2) If the SPORTS AUTHORITY fails to perform any of the other provisions of this Agreement. (d) Termination shall be upon twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing, delivered by certified mail, telegram or in person. Waiver by the CITY of breach of any provisions of the Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification 4 of'the terms of this Agreement. (e) After receipt of a notice of termination by the SPORTS AUTHORITY and except as otherwise directed, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall: (1) Stop working under the Agreement on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination. (2) Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities. (3) Terminate all orders and subcontractors to the extent that such relate to the performance of the work terminated. (4) Prepare all necessary reports and documents required under the terms of this Agreement up to the date of termination, including the final report due at the end of the agreement period, without reimbursement for services rendered in completing said reports beyond the termination date. (5) Take any other actions as directed in writing by the CITY. (f) Notice to the CITY shall be submitted to: City Manager City of Sanford P.O. BOX 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 and Notice to the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall be submitted to: Randy Johnson 5 President/CEO Orlando Area Sports Commission, Inc. 126 E. Lucerne Circle Orlando, Florida 32801 SECTION 4. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS. (a) The parties deem the services to be rendered by the SPORTS AUTHORITY to be personal in nature. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall not assign any rights or duties under this Agreement to any other party without prior written permission of the CITY. If the SPORTS AUTHORITY attempts to assign any rights or duties without prior written permission of the CITY, this Agreement may be declared void by the CITY and the SPORTS AUTHORITY thereupon agrees to remit to the CITY all unearned payments made to it pursuant to this Agreement. (b) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall not enter into any subcon- tracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of the CITY. Such written permission shall be attached to the original Agreement and subject to such conditions and provisions as the CITY may deem necessary; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, unless otherwise provided herein, such prior written approval shall not be required for purchase by the SPORTS AUTHORITY of such articles, supplies and equipment which are both necessary and incidental to the performance of the work required 6 under this Agreement; and provided further, however, that no provision of this clause and no such approval by the CITY of any subcontracts shall be deemed in any event or manner to provide for the incurfence of any obligation of the CITY in addition to the total agreed upon price contained herein. SECTION 5. INDEMNITY, SAFETY AND INSURANCE. (a) Indemnity. (1) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the SPORTS AUTHORITY will indemnify and hold harmless the CITY from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of, allegedly arising out of or resulting from the performance of the services by the SPORTS AUTHORITY under this Agreement. (2) The SPORTS AUTHORITY's officers and employees shall not have the status of employees of City of Sanford and employees of the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall in all respects be regarded as employees of the SPORTS AUTHORITY. (b) Protection of Persons and Property. (1) The SPORTS AUTHORITY will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with its services or performance of its operations under this Agreement. (2) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and will provide all reasonable 7 pr6tection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (A) All employees on the job and all other persons who may be affected thereby; and (B) All property, materials and equipment, whether in storage on or off the site, under the care, custody or control of the SPORTS AUTHORITY. (3) The SPORTS AUTHORITY will comply with all applica- ble safety laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and lawful orders bearing or the safety of persons or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss. (c) Insurance. (1) GENEP~AL. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall at the SPORTS AUTHORITY'S own cost, procure the insurance required under this Section. (A) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall furnish the CITY with a Certificate of Insurance signed by an authorized representative of the insurer evidencing the insurance required by this Section (Workers' Compensation/Employer's Liability and Commercial General Liability). The CITY, its officials, officers, and employees shall be named additional named insured under the Workers' Commercial General Liability policy. The Certificate of Insurance shall provide that the CITY shall be given not less than thirty-(30) days written notice prior to the cancellation or 8 restriction of coverage. Until such time as the insurance is no longer required to be maintained by the SPORTS AUTHORITY, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall provide the CITY with a renewal or replacement Certificate of Insurance not less than thirty (30) days before expiration or replacement of the insurance for which a previous certificate has been provided. (B) The Certificate shall contain a statement that it is being provided in accordance with the Agreement and that the insurance is in full compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. Provide further, that in lieu of the statement on the Certificate, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall, at the option of the CITY submit a sworn, notarized statement from an authorized representative of the insurer that the Certificate is being provided in accordance with the Agreement and that the insurance is in full compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. (C) In addition to providing the Certificate of Insurance, if required by the CITY, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request, provide the CITY with a certified copy of each of the policies of insurance providing the coverage required by this Section. (D) Neither approval by the CITY nor failure to disapprove the insurance furnished by the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall relieve the SPORTS AUTHORITY of the SPORTS AUTHORITY's full responsibility for liability, damages and accidents. 9 (2) INSURANCE COMPANY REOUIREMENTS. Insurance companies providing the insurance under this Agreement must meet the following requirements: (A) Companies issuing policies other than Workers' Compensation, must be authorized by maintaining Certificates of Authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of the State of Florida to conduct business in the State of Florida. Policies for Workers' Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self-insurer by Section 440.57, Florida Statutes. (B) In addition, such companies other than those authorized by Section 440.57, Florida Statutes, shall have and maintain a Best's Rating of "A" or better and a Financial Size Category of "VII" or better according to A.M. Best Company. (C) If, during the period which an insurance company is providing the insurance coverage required by this Agreement, an insurance company shall: 1) 10se its Certificate of Authority, 2) no longer comply with Section 440.57, Florida Statutes, or 3) fail to maintain the Best's Rating and Financial Size Category, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall, as soon as the SPORTS AUTHORITY has knowledge of any such circumstance, immediately notify the CITY and immediately replace the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company with a different insurance company meeting the requirements of this Agreement. Until such 10 ti~e as the SPORTS AUTHORITY has replaced the unacceptable insurer with an insurer acceptable to the CITY the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall be deemed to be in default of this Agreement. (3) SPECIFICATIONS. Without limiting any of the other obligations or liability of the SPORTS AUTHORITY, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall, at the SPORTS AUTHORITY's sole expense, procure, maintain and keep in force amounts and types of insurance conforming to the minimum requirements set forth in this subsection. Except as otherwise specified in the Agreement, the insurance shall become effective prior to the commencement of work by the SPORTS AUTHORITY and shall be maintained in force until the Agreement completion date. The amounts and types of insurance shall conform to the following minimum requirements. (A) Workers' ComDensation/Emplover's Liability. (i) The SPORTS AUTHORITY's insurance shall cover the SPORTS AUTHORITY and its subcontractors of every tier for those sources of liability which would be covered by the latest edition of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy, as filed for use in Florida by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, without restrictive endorsements. In addition to coverage for the Florida Workers' Compensation Act, where appropriate, coverage is to be included for the United States Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, Federal Employers' Liability Act and any other applicable federal or 11 state law. (ii) Subject to the restrictions of coverage found in the standard Workers' Compensation Policy, there shall be no maximum limit on the amount of coverage for liability imposed by the Florida Workers' Compensation Act, the United States Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, or any other coverage customarily insured under Part One of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy. (iii) The minimum amount of coverage under Part Two of the standard Workers' Compensation Policy shall be: $ 500,000.00 (Each Accident) $1,000,000.00 (Disease-Policy Limit) $ 500,000.00 (Disease-Each Employee) (B) Commercial General Liability. (i) The SPORTS AUTHORITY's insurance shall cover the SPORTS AUTHORITY for those sources of liability which would be covered by the latest edition of the standard Commercial General Liability Coverage Form (ISO Form CG 00 01), as filed for use in the State of Florida by the Insurance Services Office, without the attachment of restrictive endorsements other than the elimination of Coverage C, Medical Payment and the elimination of coverage for Fire Damage Legal Liability. (ii) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain separate limits of coverage applicable only to the work performed under this Agreement. The minimum limits to be maintained by the 12 SPORTS AUTHORITY (inclusive of any amounts provided by an Umbrella or Excess policy) shall be those that would be provided with the attachment of the Amendment of Limits of Insurance (Designated Project or Premises) endorsement (ISO Form CG 25 01) to a Commercial General Liability Policy with amount of specified coverage for each project: LIMITS General Aggregate Two(2)Times the Each Occurrence Limit Personal & Advertising $500,000.00 Injury Limit Each Occurrence Limit $500,000.00 (C) Business Auto Policy. (i) The SPORTS AUTHORITY's insurance shall cover the SPORTS AUTHORITY for those sources of liability which would be covered by Part IV of the latest edition of the standard Business Auto Policy (ISO Form CA 00 01), as filed for use in the State of Florida by the Insurance Services Office, without the attachment of restrictive endorsements. Coverage shall include owned, non-owned and hired autos. (ii) The minimum limits to be maintained by the SPORTS AUTHORITY (inclusive of any amounts provided by an Umbrella or Excess policy) shall be per accident combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage 13 'liability. If the coverage is subject to an aggregate, the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain separate aggregate limits of coverage applicable to claims arising out of or in connection with the work under this Agreement. The separate aggregate limits to be maintained by the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall be a minimum of two (2) times per accident limit required and shall apply separately to each policy year or part thereof. (iii) The minimum amount of coverage under the Business Auto Policy shall be: LIMITS Each Occurrence Bodily $500,000.00 Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined (4) COVEP~AGE. The insurance provided by SPORTS AUTHORITY pursuant to this Agreement shall apply on a primary basis and any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY or the CITY's officials, officers, or employees shall be in excess of and not contributing with the insurance provided by or on behalf of the SPORTS AUTHORITY. (5) OCCURRENCE BASIS. The Workers' Compensation Policy and the Commercial General Liability required by this Agreement shall be provided on an occurrence rather than a claims-made basis. (6) OBLIGATIONS. Compliance with the foregoing insurance requirements shall not relieve the SPORTS AUTHORITY, its 14 employees or agents of liability from any obligation under a Section or any other portions of this Agreement. (7) SUBSPORTS COMMISSIONS. If the SPORTS AUTHORITY subcon- tracts any of its service, then the SPORTS AUTHORITY shall require the subcontractor to maintain all insurance coverages specified in this Section. SECTION 6. RECORDS. (a) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall keep orderly and complete records of its accounts and operations and shall keep open these records to inspection by CITY personnel at reasonable hours during the entire term of this Agreement, plus five (5) years after the ending date of this Agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is commenced prior to the expiration of the five (5) year period and extends beyond this period, the records shall be maintained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. Any person duly authorized by the CITY shall have full access to and the right to examine any of the said records during said period. (b) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain financial records related to funds paid under this Agreement and submit a quarterly financial report in a form acceptable to the CITY. Such reports and all financial records related to such reports shall be open to audit by the CITY. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall be required to have an annual audit completed by an independent certified public 15 accountant. Such certified public accountant shall be subject to the approval of the CITY. A copy of this annual audit shall be submitted to the CITY no later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of the SPORTS AUTHORITY'S fiscal year. (c) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain program records related to the services provided under this Agreement and submit monthly program reports to the CITY. (b) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain necessary records of board members by name, date of appointment, race and sex. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall maintain records of employees to include job classification, name, date of hire, race and sex. The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall develop an employment policy and provide copies of this policy and any employment contracts to the CITY. SECTION 7. CIVIL RIGHTS. (a) There will be no discrimination against any employees or person served on account of race, color, sex, age, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or marital status in the performance of this Agreement. (b) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d) in regard to persons 16 served. (c) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e) in regard to employees or applicants for employment. (d) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, in regard to employees or appli- cants for employment and clients served. (e) It is expressly understood that, upon receipt of evidence of such discrimination, the CITY shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. SECTION 8. OTHER CONDITIONS. (a) Any alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when such have been reduced to writing, duly signed by both parties and attached to the original of this Agreement. The parties agree to renegotiate this Agreement if revision of any applicable laws or regulations make changes in this Agreement necessary. (b) The name of the official payee to whom the CITY shall issue checks shall be Orlando Area Sports Commission, Inc. (c) This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. All items incorporated by reference are physically attached hereto. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 17 (d) The SPORTS AUTHORITY shall obtain and possess throughout the term of this Agreement all licenses and permits applicable to its operations under federal, state and local laws and shall comply with all fire, health and other applicable regulatory codes. (e) The SPORTS AUTHORITY agrees to comply with all applica- ble rules and guidelines prescribed by the CITY for recipients of funds. IN WITNESS WI{EREOF, the parties have executed this Agree- ment/Contract on the respective dates under each signature: CITY OF SANFORD through its BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chairman, authorized to execute same by Board action on the ~S~ay of ~qa~CT~ , I998, and Randy Johnson of The Central Florida Sports Authority. · ATTssT: COtaTY CITY OF S~FORD, through its This~day of~ ,1998 ATTEST: OR~DO ~EA SPORTS CO~ISSION, INC., a nonprofit corpOrati0~'i7' ~DY JOE /: .. i / i ~: Chief Executive Officer This ~day of ~ , 1998 18 STATE oF SS The foreg ing instrument was acknowledged before me this i 7 SPORTS COMMISSION, INC. (a nonprofit corporation) , a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is Dersonallv known to me or has produced ~~ as identification. ~ Name L ZO~JE~ L~ASa~ ~ ~Myc~,.~C~o~ Notary Public in and for the County · ~.,~ and State Aforementioned My commission expires: 19 CENTRAL ITY March 23, 1998 Board of City Commissioners City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 Sanford, FL Dear Commissioners: This letter acts as a cover for your Central Florida Sports Authority standard member contract. The document is a duplicate of our seven other governments' agreements with one addition. Under section one of "Services to Be Performed" the contract directs the Central Florida Sports Authority with respect to specific performance regarding the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. We began this discussion with the City of Sanford, on the basis of a request for proposal (RFP) for the renovation of the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. The Central Florida Sports Authority's Board of Directors has authorized an offer to the City of Sanford a full partnership with all rights and privileges afforded. The contract term is for three years but offers multiple termination opportunities, as well as an out option after year one. On behalf of Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake, and Volusia counties, and the cities of Altamonte Springs and Oviedo, the seven governments that make up the Central Florida Sports Authority, we hope you accept our invitation to loin us! We look forward to worldng with you in the very near future! Warm regards, ~"~ Randy Johnson Jim Mulphy~~ ~'~(d~" Chairman PresidentJCEO Central Florida Sports Authority Central Florida Sports Authority SERVING ORANGE~ OSCEOLA~ SEMINOLE~ LAKE AND VOLUSIA COUNTIES 12,6 EAST LUCERNE CIRCLE~ ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 PH.{407) 648.4900 FX.(407) 649.2072 WWW.CENTRALFLORIDASPORTS.ORG ~66I 'E~ HDltVI~ IAIfIICIV. IS ~'I'dOIAI.::IIAI (1}IO.4NVS DI~O.I.SIH EIH. I. }IO-4 NV'Id SS~NISfla LLIItOH&flV S&}IOdS V(IIBO~I.4 ~t'}I&Nit3 itH.I. AJ.I~OH~Y CENTRAL AUTHORITY Welcome to the ~vorld of Central Florida Sports! The Central Florida Sports Authority (CFSA) is the community' s clearinghouse for sports in Central Florida, committed to developing the unique world of sports. The Central Florida Sports Authority is a private, non-profit organization created to attract international, national and regional events, as well as sports-rdated business and activities to the Central Florida area. The CFSA is iointly funded by Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake and Volusia counties, the cities of Altamonte Springs and Oviedo, and by private area businesses through a corporate partnership program. Serving as a consensus builder among local governments, sports entities and facility management, Central Florida Sports is literally "one-stop shopping' for sports and sports related business in Central Florida. The Central Florida Sports Authority not only plays a vital role in attracting and devdoping diverse world-class sporting evems but also enhances the region through participatory activities and community programming. The Central Florida Sports Authority' s mission statement is to solicit and support activities, events and sports-related business that stimulate the Central Florida economy; construct and ut~ize sports facilities; enhance the areis image worldwide; provide outstanding entertainmere and participatory opportunities; and contribute to Central Flofida's quality of life. SERVING ORANGE~ OSCEOLA~ SEMINOLE~ LAKE AND VOLUSIA COUNTIES I2~6 EAST LUCERNE CIRCLE~ ORLANDO~ FLORIDA 32~8OI PH.(407) 648.49OO FX.(407) 649-2072 WWW.CENTRALFLORIDASPORTS.ORG Z ~0 ~ 0 0 ~ ,'o0 0 ~ State Funding Opportunities The Central Florida Sports Authority has developed a dynamic working relationship with the Florida Sports Foundation, the official sports development and promotional arm for the Govemor's Office, by co-hosting numerous Board of Directors' meetings in the Central Florida area and bidding on events in coniunction with the foundation. The Florida Sports Foundation acts as an intermediary between state government offidals and the sports organizations around Florida in determining funding opportunities and sports related business policies within the state. During 1996, Central Florida Sports assisted in the procurement of funds for the Olympic Development Center in Kissimmee through the Florida State Legislature. These efforts by the CFSA, created funding from the state for the Olympic Development Center which is operated by the Govemor's Council On Physical Fitness & Sports. Historical & Museum Devdopment Funding Opportunities There are a wide variety of sources for funding this type of project that am available for inquires. The Bureau of Historic Preservation and Department of Museum Development have both served as avenue of funding support. Approval of funding would depend on the scope and utilization of funds relative to the restoration. The Central Florida Sports Authority's partnership with Volusia County allows for our organization to receive information on past projects within their community. The Jackie Robinson Stadium in Daytona Beach has received funds from government organizations to assist in that rehabilitation process. Central Florida Sports can provide the due diligence to determine if funds are possible from other governments, and government related organizations. Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities Because the Central Florida Sports Authority enjoys diverse corporate relationships throughout the Central Florida region, there are a variety of sponsorship possibilities for development in any potential project. Central Florida Sports has facilitated a multitude of private/public joint funding projects that have provided a wide-array of benefits for all parties involved. By partnering with private organizations, public entities can experience first-hand the benefit to a facility of conducting business with a private corporation, alleviating potential taxpayer burden. Event Funding Opportunities Once the vision becomes a reality and the Historic Sanford Memorial is restored to its previous glory, the opportunities for continued growth are endless. Events that were once out of reach for the community are now in hand for the talcing and will provide the City of Sanford a multitude of funding possibilities. A partnership between the Central Florida Sports Authority and the City of Sanford will allow what will be a premier facility to host numerous sporting events that are available for bid from the International Softball Federation World Series to the NCAA Baseball and Softball Championships. Events of this magnitude provide the city an avenue to showcase itself as a sports destination while generaring economic impact for area businesses and mitigating stadium-operating costs. PROPOSED ANNUAL THREE YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1998199 YEAR ALOTTED FOR DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 0 AWARDED EVENTS Awarded Events: · 1998, 1999 & 2000 Amateur Softball Association Men' s Super Open Softball Championship · Hotel Room Nights: 812 Event Participants: 256 Out-of-tom Event Spectators: 150 1998 Projected Economic Impact: $147,300.00 1998 Projected Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $6,413.89 *** This event has already been awarded for Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium for 1998- 2000. POTENTIAL EVENTS LIST Professional Baseball - · Florida Winter League · A new Winter League is currently under development in the state of Florida. A potential site for a winter league team is Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. The league's season would last approximately three months, from November through January. The concept would consist of teams made up of major league baseball players competing in various communities around the state of Florida during the off- season of Major League Baseball. College Baseball Events - · National Junior/Florida Community College Athletic Association Men's Baseball Championships · Hotel Room Nights: 640 Event Participants: 160 (8 teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $107,200.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,055.28 · NCAA Division II/III South Regional Baseball Championships· Member Schools: Barry University Eckerd College Florida Southern College Florida Tech Rollins College Saint Leo College University of North Florida University of Tampa Hotel Room Nights: 640 Event Participants: 160 (8 teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $107,200.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,055.28 · College Baseball Tamboree · Hotel Room Nights: 700 Event Participants: 191 (Eight to Ten Teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $119,600.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,529.22 *** A number of college teams have already expressed interest in a potential event. · Seminole Community College Baseball Tournament · This is a potential event Seminole Community College would like to host in the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium for the Seminole County community. Hotel Room Nights: 700 Event Participants: 191 (Eight to Ten Teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $119,600.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,529.22 Amateur Baseball Events - · American Legion Baseball Eastern Area Invitational Tournament · Hotel Room Nights: 476 Event Participants: 176 (8 teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 150 Estimated Economic Impact: $73,360.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $3,759.87 · Babe Ruth Baseball State Tournament · Hotel Room Nights: 646 Event Participants: 166 Out-of-town Event Spectators: 300 Estimated Economic Impact: $103,600.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,086.88 · High School Baseball District 6A Championship · Local high schools baseball teams competing in a six-day tournament for the District 6A Championship. Eight teams competing from Seminole, Orange and Volusia counties. · High School Raminole Baseball Classic · The potential of the Lake Mary High School & Seminole High School baseball classic holding games or the entire tournament at Historic Sanford Memorial Staditnn. Local, regional and state high school baseball teams will be invited to compete annually. · Amateur Athletic Union · State & invitational baseball tournaments are available to local communities with the proper facilities and hotel rooms to support the same. Special Baseball Events ~ , Fall Baseball Scout Showcase, A two-day baseball event with top baseball players from all around the state participating in practice games before 50 to 60 scouts from Major League Baseball teams. · DoVle Baseball Camp · The Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium is a potential site for the camp, which is currently held at different sires throughout Central Florida on annual basis. College Softball Events - , NCAA Division IFIII South Regional Softball Championships · Member Schools: Barry University Eckerd College Florida Southern College Florida Tech Rollins College Saint Leo College University of North Florida University of Tampa Hotel Room Nights: 688 Event Participants: 144 Out-of-tom Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $100,800.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,434.43 , National Junior/Florida Community College Athletic Association Women's Softball Championships · Hotel Room Nights: 688 Event Participants: 144 (8 teams) Out-of-town Event Spectators: 200 Estimated Economic Impact: $100.800.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort: $5,434.43 Amateur Softball Events - · 2003 International Amateur Softball Association/USA Softball Federation Wonten's World Championships · Hotel Room Nights: 1496 Event Participants: 384 (24 teams) Out-of-tom Event Spectators: 768 Estimated Economic Impact: $319,488.00 Estimated Tax Dollars Recovered from Gas, Sales & Resort:$15,766.16 NOTE: All estimated and projected economic impact numbers are generated through the state economic impact model provided by the Florida Sports Foundation. POTENTIAL COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Parks & Recreation Programs & Events - · Parks & Recreation Programs · A twelve-week youth baseball program. · Babe Ruth Senior Baseball Programs · A ten-week senior baseball league program. · Men's Adult Baseball League · A fifteen-week adult baseball league program. *** Currently, the Parks & Recreation Department is booking softball and baseball weekend league games at the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. Furthermore, the local high schools are renting the facility for baseball practices and games. Mar-16-98 02:42P CZTY pvrk SANFORD 407/m~o 5666 P.02 ;,ADDENDUM "A"' ST~D~ OPBI~ATIN~ EXPreSS 12-00 Regular Salaries & Wages $19,232.20 Grounds Keeper 52 weeks x 20 hours x 11.2942 = 11,745.97 M~intenance Worker 1 52 weeks x 20 hours x 7.1983 = 7,486.23 21-01 FICA 2,384.79 21-02 Medieare 557.73 22-01 L~t~S 6,704.34 23-00 Mec[iP_al/Z~fe Iasurance 525.00 31-01 MedicalServices 380;00 Flu Shots e $10 X 2 employees & Hepatttis B Ium~unization @ $180 x 2 employees. 34-00 O~her Contractual Services 4,353.00 Yearly Monitoring o~ alarm system $153.00 Turf Naintenance $4200.00 41-01 Telephone 393.00 12 months e $~2.75 per month 43-01 Electric 12,000.00 12 months e $1,000 per month 43~02 Water/Sewer 1,800.00 12 months ~ $150.00 per month Mar~16-98 O2:42P CITY C';~SANFORD 407 ~ 5666 P,O3 44-02 Equipment/Motor V~hicles 1,000.00 Rental of equipment to prep ballfield 45-02 Auto Liability 793,00 46-02 Motor Vehicle 2,950.00 Insurance for ballfield pick-up trucks 46-04 Nachinery/Bquipment - O~her 1,200.00 Misc. repairs to ballfield equipment (mowers, ~tc.) 46-23 Stadium 2epaire 5,500.00 Painning, Electrical, Plumbing &Miec. Repairs 51-02 Small ToolS/N~norEcJuipment 2,225.00 52-01 Gasoline/Diesel Lubricant 2,500.00 52-03 Firs~ Aid Supplies 50.00 52-04 JanitOr supplies 275.00 52-05 Uniforms/Protective ClOthing 525.00 52-08 Agriculcura/~u~pliee 6, 50O. 00 Miscellaneous Agricultural Supplies For Athletic Fields TOTAL $71,848.06