HomeMy WebLinkAbout721-Sunbelt Rentals t4ARYANNE~ORSS; SEMINOLECOUNi% FL. CLERKOFCIRCUiTCOURT RECORDED&~ktlFiE~ 2 5 ~ 17 2 9s AO~ 2~ AFf'8: 0~ RIGHT-OF-WAY USE AGREEMENT ~is ~greement entered into this <~ac/j' day of , 9~2 by and between the City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal Cozlporatlon whose Post Office address is P. O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, (herelnafter caZled the "CITY") and Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. whose Post Office address is 1501 W. 1st Street Sanford, FL 32771 (hereinafter called the "REQUESTOR") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CITY is the owner of certain street rights-of-way within the incorporated limits of the City of Sanford; and W~EREAS, these public rights-of-way are held by the CITY for the benefit and general use of the public for functions including, but not limited to, vehicular and pedestrian travel and land access, and installation and maintenance of various public utilities, and for conveyance, treatment, and disposal of stormwater; and WHEREAS, it is City policy to preserve the utility of these public rights-of-way for the above stated purposes; and WHEREAS, written authorization is required for any private use of public lands; and WHEREAS, the REQUESTOR has requested authorization from the CITY Co utilize and/or improve a portion of the public right-of-way immediately adjacent to his (proof of ownership/interest required) property for a specific private purpose. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 o RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which parties have relied· SECTION 2. PURPOSE The purpose Of this Agreement is to document agreements and conditions thereto whereby the CITY will agree to a right-of-way use/improvement by the REQUESTOR of a portion of public right-of- way contiguous to the REQUESTOR's property located at the following address 1501 w. 1st .Street, Sanford, FL 32771 legal description: Tax parcel # 25-19-30-5AG-0318-0000 Block 3, Tier 18, Florida Land and Colonization Company Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to the town of Sanford Plat Book 1, Page 113, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Less R.O.W. for SR 46 The Agreement will allow the REQUESTOR to install Landscaping consistent with Sanford Land Development Regulations on a portion of the public right-of-way in accordance with details shown on Attachment "A". Installation/improvement shall be subjects- to the following conditions: A) Construction dimensions, materials, color, and detail~mf shall be as specified on Attachment "A" and AttachmentqB". · ~ B) The authorized improvement shall in no way be extended or modified by the REQUESTOR without prior written approval of the City. C) REQUESTOR shall otherwise fully comply with all applicable portions of the City Land Developmenn Regulations. SECTION 3. MAINTF~CANCERESPONSIBILITIE8 The REQUESTOR, and his successors and assigns, shall be responsible for perpetual maintenance of the improvement installed under this Agreement. This shall include maintenance of the improvement and unpaved portion of right-of-way adjacent thereto. REQUESTOR may, with written City authorization, remove said installation/improvement fully restoring the right-of-way to its previous condition. If the REQUESTOR does not continuously maintain the improvement and area in accordance with previously stated criteria, or completely restore the right-of-Way to its previous condition, the CITY shall, after appropriate notice, restore the area to its previous condition at the REQUESTOR's expense and, if necessary, file a lien on the REQUESTOR's property to recover costs of restoration. SECTION 4. TERMINATION The CITY reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement at any time,'providing notice as prescribed below. The REQUESTOR agrees that upon receipt of notice of termination of this Agreement that he will expeditiously remove the installation/improvement and return the right-of-way to its previous condition. All restoration must be completed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination notice from abe~' CITY. ~ CD SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION ~ TO the fullest extent permitted by law, REQUESTOR agreesFtCn defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its councilpersons,'~' agents, servants, or employees (appointed, elected, or hired) from and against any and all liabilities, claims, penalties, demands, su±~s, judgements, losses, expenses, damages (direct, indirect or consequential), or injury of any nature whatsoever to person or property, and the costs and expenses incident thereto (including costs of defense, settlement, and reasonable attorney's fees up to and including an appeal), resulting in any fashion from or arising directly or indirectly out of or connected with the use of the City's right-of-way. SECTION 6. NOTICES Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly made when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid, and addressed as set forth herein, or at such other address as shall have been specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith: FOR T~h~ CITY Tony VanDerworp. City Manager CITY OF SANFORD P. O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE REQUESTDR Peter D. Milovic Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. 1501W. 1st Street Sanford, FL 32771 SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall take effect upon the date that it executed by both parties hereto. SE~ION 8. RECO~ATION The agreements contained in this docu~nt shall be perpe~a~ and mn with the land. This document shall be recorded in Official Records of Seminole County. IN WI~ESS WHERETO, the parties have ~de and executed this Agreement on the date first written above. THE CITY 0F S~FORD, FLORIDA a Municipal Coloration ATTESI B ~ Y0R D t =' ~ '~-":~;.'~T]~.]~ ?' As authorized for execution by ~ee~ng .~ (Requestor) Print Name Print Name By: (Requestor) Print Name Print Name Date: STA~ OF FLORIDA ) COl OF S~INOLE ) ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this {~ day of and ~ , who is~ar-epersonally known to me or has/have produced FL Dr', L;~~Z-~-~.~]'~I~ as identification. ~v~ DIAN[C~SV$ Notary Public, State of Florida (Name of Nota~ ~ed, Printed or Stamped) Attachment ATTACHMENT "B" · No trees shall be planted over any utility mains; trees shall be planted outside of required City utility easement areas. · Contractor shall notify "Call Sunshine" at 1-800-432-4770 for utility locates prior to digging in any right-of-way, · Traffic visibility sight lines shall be maintained in accordance to City and FDOT requirements at all intersections. . ESCRIPTION: ~ / PETE MILOVIC ~"~ ~"~ ~' 2101 W. ~NOSTREET ROA~ ~" ~ z~ ~ FLORIDA 52809 ~ z,~ ~. ~ 407,323.7774 ~m~.~__~,~ ~91NEER: SURVEYOR: _ ~""~""~'"~.~.,,m,__. SITE AND B~NNING KffNER SURVEYING . AffN: RUSSELL UAYNARO ATTN: B~IR KITNER ~l~lT ' FX: 407,322,2003 Lcg~bility Unsatlsfacto~ ; t. MAIL: sepOITd-deSign.nef For Microfilming : IST STREET (S.R. 46) R/W VARIES ~ LOCATION MAP ~ + LANDSCAPE NOTES / PLA~ UST:. ~ ........ ~ ' STD. ~ND GUTTER ~SH CURB / t~ ~ ~ TYPICA~ 17AVEMEN~ SECTION ,,. r ,,0,: 255.26' " ~o~o~.~,~,~ C~..,,.,~,~ ......... Legibility Unsatisfactory wHETL 9TOP "~ ~/~'~' '~/'0 ~ ~ ~, ~>; ~ ~ F~ Microfilming pare 26-19-30-8AG-0318-0000 *CURRENT 98 08/21/98 name SUNBELT RENTALS add1 ira1 land $1S0,660 add2 611 TEMPLETON AVE STE 107 agrc csz CHARLOTTE, NC 28203 extra feat $32,004 pad 1501 1ST ST W bldg $195,843 SANFORD, FL 3277~ cost value nbhd 1~00 act own TC 50°00% total juet value $358,407 td dot mkt demo fig <--pre/late--> <--exemptions--> exmp-amt tax due S1 41 71 0 - $8,156,05 LIGHT MANUFACTURING e&i 1 132 LEGAL LEG ALL (LESS RD) BLK 3 TR 18 TOWN OF SANFORD PB i PG 113 SALES SQ SW 07/98 03465 0460 $650,000 I land 66 05/02/91 SU QD 01/96 03037 1901 $100 I bldg 24 02/19/97 :l=print, Vab MORE: SALES chg PAR 07/31/98 :Nte, Leg,Sle, Bd/lnd/xf, Pmt, AdlO, Com,~nc,Tpp,Rst, Oh Roll, Fwd,Mnu.[EXIT] 5301 SiOCHRISTENSEN DAVID N 2519305AG12060010 <Replace> 86:54 FR SBNELT RENTA~ ORL '41~7843 7103 TO ~385686 P,0t/06 '~ A 2 101 West Landstreet Rd. , Orlando, FL 32809 ~/~ Telephone: (407) 855-0050 Facsimile: (407) 855-800~ MEMORANDUM M: RUSS GIBSON LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR July 9, 1998 TO: Mayor and City Commission VIA: Jan Dougherty, City Clerk THRU: Jay Mardot, Director of Planning and Developmenty/,///-- SUBJECT: Action taken by the Plans Review Committee on Tuesday, July 7, 1998 regarding a proposed R.O.W. Use Agreement for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. The Plans Review Committee considered the Right-of-Way Use Agreement submitted by Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. requesting installation of landscaping improvements within the rights-of-way of Jessamine Avenue, West 1st Street and Oleander Avenue for the property located at 1501 W. 1st Street. No exhibit or attachment was provided with the request however the attached site plan shows the proposed landscaping improvements meeting City standards as presented when the site plan for Sunbelt Rentals was approved. The Plans Review Committee recommends approval for the utilization of the adjoining rights-of-way at 1501 W. 1st Street for landscaping purposes only as generally depicted on the attached site plan subject to the following stipulations: · No trees shall be planted over any utility mains; trees shall be planted outside of required City utility easement areas. · Contractor shall notify "Call Sunshine" at 1-800-432-4770 for utility locates prior to digging in any right-of-way. · Traffic visibility sight lines shall be maintained in accordance to City and FDOT requirements at all intersections. PRC Members Present: Jay Marder, Russ Gibson, Mike Crumpton, Bob Waiter, Mike McGibeny, Chris Smith, Mitch Tindel /attachment: Site Pla,n for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. dated May 15, 1998 Cc: Plans Review Committee Peter D. Milovic (via facsimile: 855-8002) Plans Review Committee - July 7, 1998 ol San.ford. ioricj, P.O. Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 }998 JUL 31 ~ ~ 20 Depa~ment of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ~ ~}AC~ ~O~B~ O~ L~E~ ]~ 27, ~998 c/o Ta D~t 30953 e.O. Box ~504 ~a~¢, ~ 372022-]504 Re: Right-of-Way Use Agreement request- 1501 W. 1= Street (Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.) Dear Sir/Madam: This l~aer is to advise you of a request by Sunbelt Rentals, Inc., located at 1501 W. 1~ Street, for a Right-of-Way Use P~,~ allowing Sunbelt Rentals tO plant mid irrigate landscaping in the fights-of-way adjacent to their property along Oleander Avenue, Jessamine Av~mue and S. R. 46 (W. 1~ Street). Since the proposed activity is with in rights-of-way that adjoin your property, please contact thk office if you have any questions or coi.i,,.ents regax.ding this request. The City Commission will consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreement for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the City Co~n~i~sion Chambers, City Hall at 7:00 P.M. Sincerely, CITY OF SANFORD Russell L. Gibson, AICP Land Drvelopment Coordinator A:~bdt-RoW.wpd /at~chnx~: sitemap Cc: City Clerk "The Friendly City" Sanford. F/orzd P.O. Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LIETrEK July 27, 1998 Andrew W. & Elizabeth Dawson 111 8. Oleander Avenue Sanford, Florida 32?71-1027 Re: Right-of-Way Use Agreement request - 1501 W. 1a ~ (Sunbok Rentals, Inc.) Dear Mr. & Mrs~ Dawson: This letter is to advise you of a request by Bunbelt Rentals, lnc~ located at 1501 W. 1~ Street, for a Right-of-Way Use Permit allowing 8,ml~elt Kontals to plant and inigate isndsc~i~g in the rights-of-way adjacs~nt to their proper~y along Oleander Argue, Jessai~ine Avenue and S. 1~ 46 (W. 1a Street). Sinc~ the proposed acidly is with in rights-of-way that adjoin your property, please contast this office if you have any questions or comments regarding thin request. The City C~,~-i~i,~on will consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreement for Sonbel~ Reatals, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the ~ Commi~on Chambers, C]~y Hall at 7:00 P.M, Sincerely, CITY OF SANFORD Russell L. Gibson, AICP Land Devolopm~t Coordinator ~atta~ site map C~: City Clerk "The Friendly City" P.O. Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LETTER July 27, 1998 John Baker 1500 W. 1~ Street Sanford, Florida 32771-673 Re: Right-of-Way Use Al~reement r~quest - 1501 W. 1~ Street (Sunbelt Reatais, Dear Mr. Baker: This letter is to advise you of a request by SunMt Rentah, Inc., loeate~l at 1501 W. 1~ Street, for a Right-of-Way Uso Permit allowing Sunbell Reatals to plant and irrigate landscaping in the rights-of-way adjacent to their propea'y along Oleander Avenue, Jessamine Avenue and S. R. 46 (W. 1~ Street). Since the proposed activity is with in ~ghts-of-way that adjoin your propea'y, pleaso enntaet this office ifyou have any quitions or c{,~i.,ents regarding thi~ request. The City Co-~hksion wffi consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreemeat for Sunbell Reatals, he. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the C'e~ty Commlnsion Chambe~ City Hall at 7:00 P.M. Sincerely, CITY OF SAlqFORD Land Developmeat Coordinator F :~SHA_ENGx~n~r-Files~tmb~lt - ROWus~nolice /attaching. site map Co: City Clerk "The Friendly City" P,O. Box 1788 * 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330~5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LETTEK July 27, 1998 Raymond E. & Aria J. Lundquist 424 W. Crystal Drive Sanford, Florida 32773-4710 Ra: Right-of-Way Use Agreement t~luest- 1501 W. 1~ Slxeet (Sunbelt R~a~tls, Inc.) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lundquist: This loiter is to advis~ you of a requ~t by Sunbali Rentals, Inc., locked at 1501 W. 1 ~ Street, for a Right-of-Way Use Permit allowing Sunbelt Rentals to plant and irrigate isndsc~pin~ in the rights~of-way adjacent to their property along Oleander Avenue, Jessa-.h~e Avenue end S. R. 46 (W. 1 ~ Street). Since the proposed a~tivity is with in rights-of-way that adjoin your property, please eonta~ this ofi~c~ if you have any questions or enmments regarding this request. The City Co~ni~sion will cAmsider the Iti~ht-of-Way Use Agr~aleat for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 m~i~tg in the City Con~in~sion Chambers, City Halt. at 7:00 P.M. Sincerely, CITY OF SANFORD Russell L. Cabson, AICP Land Development Coordinator ,~\wieboldt.wpd Cc: City Clerk "The Friendly City" C;x x Sanford. Flo · t cZ, I?0, Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Depa~ment of Engineering, Planning and Zoning July 27, 1998 Louisa W. Hart, Truste~ P.O Box 1847 Winter Haven, Florida 338824847 Re: ]~ight-of-Way Use Agreement request - 1501 W. 1= Street (Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.) Dear MR Hart: This letter is to advise you of a request by Sunbelt Rentals, Inc., located at 1501 W. 1= Street, for a Right-of-Way Use Pr~iiiii allowing Sunbelt Rentals to plant and irrigate landscaping in the fights-of-way adjacent to their property along Oleander Avenue, lesssihli~e Avenue and S. P~ 46 (W. 1= Street). Since the lifoposed activity is with in rights-of-way that adjoin your property, please contact this office if you have any questions or coi~haents regarding this request. The City Commission will consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreement for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall at 7:00 P.NL Sincerely, CITY OF SANFORD Pussell L. Crimson, AICP Land Development Coordinator /anachment: sitemap Co: City Clerk "The Friendly City" P,O. Box 1788 · 32772~1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LETTER ~Iuly 27, 1998 Dean D. & ace 1~ Byeits 118 S. Jesss~lne Av~mue Sanford, Flolida 32771-1014 Re: Right-of-Way Use Agreement request - 1501 W. 1= Street (Sunbeh Rtmtals, Inc.) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Byerts: This letter is tO advise you of a request by Sunbelt Rentals, Inc., located at 1501 W. 1 = Street, for a Right-of-Way Use P~,~mll allowing SunbeR RBntais to plant and irrigate landscaping in the fights-of-way adjacent to their propelly slong Oleander Avenue, Jesssi~ii.e Avenue and S. 1L 46 (W. 1~ Street). Since the proposed activity is with in ~ghts-of-way that adjoin you~ propen'y, please contact this office if you have any questions or comments regarding this request. The City Co.ii.~l~sion w~l consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreement for Sunbell Kentais, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the City Coi~n~i-~sion Chambers, City Hall at 7:00 P.M. Sincerely, CITY OF SANFORD Kus~ll L. Cabson, AICP Land Development Coordinator A:Xby61ts.wlod /attachment: site map Cc: City Clerk "The Friendly City" Sauford. P!ori f~O. Box 1788 * 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ~IACE~ PROPER~ O~R ~R J~ 27, 1998 ~ L. ~mt~ ET ~, T~, ~O ~e Mo~ ~n~ega~on of Jeh~ W~ess 517 ~toffi ~e ~e ~, Hofia 3274~4203 Re: .~t-of-Way U~ ~eem~ r~ue~ - 1501 W. 1~ ~ (S~beh R~ta he.) D~ ~. H~t~: ~ 1~ m a~y~ ofa i~e~ by S~Mt ~n,d~ h~ 1~ ~ 1501 W. 1 for a ~t-of-W~ U~ Pa ~o~g S~b~ K~ to p~ ~ ~e ~d~ap~ ~of-w~ adja~ to ~prop~ ~o~ Ol~d~ Av~ue, le~il~e Av~e ~d S. [ 46 ~. 1~ S~). S~e propo~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~of-~y~ a~o~ ~ propS, ph~ ~ma~ ~ offi~ · you ~e ~y ~e~ or ~s m~g ~ t~ ~e C~ ~.~i~fion ~ ~n~d~ ~e ~t-of-Way U~ ~t for S~h K~/ak he. at ~ 10, 1998 $g ~ ~e ~ Co~l~on ~a~ ~ ~ at 7:00 P.~ S~c~ely, C~ OF S~OD ~ L. ~ ~CP ~d D~opm~t Coor~or Co: C~ Cl~k "The Friendly City" of Sanford. P.O. Box 1788 · 32772-1788 Te/ephone (407) 330-5673 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning J~ 27, 1998 William ~ & ~ P. WI~oI~ 2434 S. E~ Av~ue Sanfor{ Ho~ 32771-3~ Re: ~-ogWay U~ ~t r~ue~ - 1501 W. 1~ S~ (~b~ R~ h~.) ~ ~. & ~ ~eboldt: ~ 1~ ~ to a~ you ofa r~u~ by iMt R~n~ h~, 1~ ~ 1501 W. 1~ ~ ~t~of-~ ~ja~ to ~ prop~ ~g Ol~der Av~e, l~.~h~e Av~ue ~d S. [ 46 ~. 1~ S~). Si~ ~o pr~o~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~of-w~ a~ yo~ pr~, pl~ ~nta~ this offi~ ~you ~ ~y ~s or co.~ts rog~ig ~ r~e~. ~e C~ Au~ 10, 1998 m~ h ~e C~ Co~ i~, ~ ~'~ 7:00 P.M. C~ OF S~O~ h~H L. ~ ~CP id ~el~m~t Coord~ator /a~c~: ~ ~ Cc: C~ Cl~k "The Friendly City" of Sanford, Flor{d RO. BOX 1788 · 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5878 Fax (407) 330-5679 Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LETTER July 27, 1998 Mildted B. B~yant c/o Marvin gobena~t RR 1 Box 335 Woodlawn, IL 62898-9799 Re: Right-of-Way Use Agreement request - 1501 W. Ig Street (Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.) De~r Mr.Robenart: This letter is to advise you of a request by Sunbelt Rentals, Inc., located at 1501 W. 1~ Street, for a Right-of-Way Use Permit allowing Su~belt Rentals to plant and irrigate landscaping in the ~hts-of-way adjacent to thek property along Oleander Avenue, Jessamlne Avenue and S. I~ 46 (W. 1 ~ Street ). Sinc~ the proposed a~ivRy is with in rights-of-way that adjoinsyour propemj, please ooata~t thi~ ottice if you have any questions or coi~ents regarding th.i~ re,~est. The City Commi~,sion vcHl consider the Right-of-Way Use Agreemeat for Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. at their August 10, 1998 meeting in the City Coiiiiii;~ioa Chambers, City ~ at 7.'00 P.NL CITY OF SANFORD Russell L. Gibson, AICP Laud Development Coordinator C:W~yFResXrobenmt v~d Cc: Ci~ Clerk "The Friendly City" LAKE MONROE Ri~OI RIGHT OF WAY ....~ ~l Parcel ID: 25.19-30-5AG-0318-0000 ~ ~ ,