HomeMy WebLinkAbout733-Andreyev Engineering o Sanford. Fio" ~0. Box 77~ · 3277~-778~ Telephone (407) 3~0-667~ Department of Engineering, Planning and Zoning Novamber 23, 1998 ~ Andreyev Engineering, Inc. 4500 Orange Boulevard Sanford, F132771 Attn.: Nicholas Andreyev, P.E. Re: Proposed Chase Park Ballfields - Geotectmical Investigation Dear Nicholas: On November 12, 1998 your contract proposal for the above mentioned project was signed and approved by the City Manager. Attachedisyourcopyofthesignedagreementandrequisition. Please proceed with the project design for the project and completion of the construction documents. Please coordinate boring locations with the Project Engineer~ Mr. Paul Porter, Conklin, Porter, & Holmes, Engineers Inc. of San ford. For billing and reference purposes, please forward all invoices to me for validation. Your requisition number for this project is: P.O. NO.: 022762, dated 11/18/98. Thank you again for your interest in this project and we look forward to working with you. Christopher O. Smith Engineering Assistant copies to: file Mr. Jay Marder Mr. Bob Waiter Mr. Mike Kirby Ms. Sandy Moore Ms. Donna Watt Ms. Jan Dougherty C:\MyFiles\WPWIN\Files\Ball~eld\letter112398.02.wpd "Tl~e Friendly City" · ......... . ,'4...~,'. ITEM NO. AND DESCFIIPTION ,~,:. ,...:..,.: . ..,.,,,..'....,.,.. ...:. .... , .... . !. · ~ : . ' ..... !,. . .! · !.,:. . . .. .. .::":: . ~ .F.. .. .. '!...i ~ .... :..... .... .; '~ . :. . . i ,':f/eaT,.c?f c~c: ?- dre Z Angi g -, sA~ oRoo ,cE · 105 Coastline Road Sanford, Florida 32771 En n n 497-336-7763 ~ Fax: 407-330-7765 · Groundwater · Environmental · Geotechnical · Construction Materials Testing November 4, 1998 Proposal PMS-98-092 To: City of Sanford Engineering and Planning P.O, Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 Attention: Mr. Chris Smith Subject: Proposal, Geotechnical investigation, Proposed Ballfields at Chase Park, Sanford, Seminole County, Florida Dear Mr. Smith: Andreyev Engineering Inc. presents this proposal, per your request, to perform a geotechnical investigation at the subject site. We understand the building will be a two-story wood frame building. The purpose of the investigation will be to provide foundation recommendations for a concession building including site soil preparation recommendations, to provide soil and groundwater evaluations for proposed ball fields including soil fill recommendations, and to provide pavement recommendations. In addition, we will investigate three (3) proposed stormwater retention areas and estimate storm event recovery for the ponds. Our proposed scope of work includes: · Drill two (2) exploratory bodngs with soil density measurements to a depth of 15 feet within the building foundation area. · Ddll two (2) shallow auger borings in the proposed ball fields in order to assess soils and groundwater levels, · Drill three (3) auger borings to 15 feet, one boring within each of the proposed stormwater retention areas. · Collect three (3) undisturbed soil tube samples from within the proposed stormwater retention areas, and perform laboratory testing to measure soil hydraulic conductivity, · Drill one (1) 7-foot auger boring in the proposed pavement area. · Visually classify soil samples according to USDA soil textural classifications. · Estimate the level of the seasonal high groundwater table. · Prepare a report detailing the results of our investigation including: 1. Foundation site soil preparation recommendations, 2. Retention area aquifer parameters and pond recovery calculations, 3. Fill recommendations and water table information for ball fields, 4. Pavement subbase, base recommendations. We can complete these tasks for a fee of $2,109.50. We can commence work on the project upon receipt of your approval and provide the report within 20 working days. Tavares Clerrnont Ocala 352-742-9622 352-241-0508 352-401-9522 Fax 352-742-9623 Fax 352-241-0977 Fax352-401-9523 November 4, 1998 Proposal No. PMS-98-092 Page 2 This proposal assumes that we will investigate three (3) stormwater retention areas. For two (2) stormwater retention areas, the total fee for the investigation would be $1,802.00. For one (1) stormwater retention area the total fee would be $1,494.50. To authorize the work described herein, please sign on the space provided below and return a copy to us for our records. If you have any questions or comments or if we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to cell. Sincerely, Project Engineer ~ ACCEPTED BY: DATE: November 4, 1998 Proposal PMS-98-092 Page 3 ATTACHMENT I CHASE PAI~K GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Breakdown of Work and Cost Estimate Field investigation Mobilization of field personnel and equipment .......................... $ 75.00 Drill 2 borings with density measurements to a depth of 15 feet 30 feet @ $7.50/LF ........................................... 225.00 Drill 3 auger borings to a depth of 15 feet, one in each retention area 45 feet @ $6.50/LF ........................................... 292.50 Drill 3 auger borings in ballfield and pavement areas Collect 3 undisturbed tube samples from retention pond areas Measure 24-hour stabilized groundwater levels 1 crew-day @ $500.00/crew-day ................................. 500.00 Laboratory analysis Measure hydraulic conductivity for undisturbed tube samples 3 tests @ $100.00/test 300.00 Engineering analysis and report Project engineer, 8 hours @ $60.00/hr .................................. 480.00 Principal engineer, I hour @ $85.00/hr ................................... 85.00 Drafting services, 3 hours @ $32,00/hr ................................... 96.00 Secretarial services, 2 hours @ $28.00/hr ................................ 56.00 Total $ 2, 109.50 Telephone (407) 330-5673 ...... ~ Departmerit of E~gi~eering, Planffi~g and Zoning ' Y November 23, 1998 Conklin, Porter & Holmes - Engineers, Inc. 500 W. Fulton Street Sanford, F132772-2808 Attn.: Paul Porter, P.E. Re: Proposed Chase Park Ball fields Dear Paul: On November 12, 1998 your contract proposal for the above mentioned project was sib':ed and approved by the City Manager. Attached is your copy of the signed agreement and requisition. Please proceed with the project design for the project and completion o fthe construction documents. For billing and reference purposes, please forward all invoices to me for validation. Your requisition number for this project is: P.O. NO.: 022760, dated 11/18/98. Thank you again for your interest in this project and we look forward to working with you. Engineering Assistant copies to: file Mr. Jay Marder Mr. Bob Walter Mr. Mike Kirby Ms. Sandy Moore Ms. Donna Watt Ms. Jan Dougherty C:\MyFiles\WPW[N\Files\Balllield\letter112398,wpd "Tl~e Friendly City" ";1~:1 ~lgt:JH3 I~:~.P-.~.3Z~',~.3'.'3,'3NZ~J.~NIgh|..'9' ;: ,'>":,'0":~0.;'.~ :.~':~"/3Y:"t Oi- J. DN : ,':.~6/Og/.50 :3L::f-~ ""'OZ.I.'.;J;dI.JX'3 ;' 'B~,.,"'j'*:'/T?, "'_'3J':,="] ':]AT,I.,37].=IJ] !. ' . ...L, u. St'. -- ' ..... i ' .... !. .. t~. ~ I-1:3J..T ',cl, i'4I~O"l,"iP...:-I ,.]:.~T-.'I33..rJ?, ' .QO8~ XO~ 3;:]I:'.4JQ iSOcJ ? C~3Tj.'[I.NVR.:..'m CJI,I',~ '~ElJOZiz.-J3t..i'l /:1-~1S NOl"lrliJ J.S:gM " ' · .-'3NI S~-39NIeN3 AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PROPOSED CHASE PARK BALL FIELDS BE'rVVEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. This Amendment No 30 dated this t ~ day of ~~j(/'~ 1998, to an Agreement previously entered into on the 17th day of December 1987 by and between the CITY of SANFORD, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER or CITY, and Conkiln, Porter and Holmes, Engineers, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER or CPH, is mutually agreed upon and declared an extension of the original Agreement dated December 17% 1987, and entitled "Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services." It is the intent of this Amendment to provide for Engineering and Landscape Design for the Proposed Chase Park Ball Fields. The project shall include site engineering design, permitting assistance for the ball fields and supporting site elements on the CITY's 7.2 acre parcel in the northwest quadrant of Celery Avenue and Scott Avenue. In the event of a conflict between this Amendment and the Odginal Agreement dated December 17, 1987, the provisions of this Amendment shall govern the work described herein. SECTIONI 1.1 GENERAL The ENGINEER proposes to provide site engineering design and permitting assistance for the proposed Chase Park Ball Fields on the CITY's 7.2 acre parcel in the northwest quadrant of Celery Avenue and Scott Avenue. The Chase Park Ball Fields services will consist of civil/site engineering design and permitting assistance for four ball fields, location of a pavilion building (design services for the pavilion building will be by others) between the ball fields, expansion to an existing parking lot, the relocation of the school board entrance driveway, the stormwater management system design, the site landscape and irrigation design. The project will include consideration of salvaging and upgrading existing parking areas, the tennis court and other existing site elements. The demolition of some of the existing structures and infrastructure will be required to accommodate the development. Our services will need to be supported by a Geotechnical investigation and report required to evaluate the parking lot for recommended pavement design, building/pavilion footing and pad area and retention pond soils. We understand this service will be hired directly by the City and the report will be provided to us to support our work. Our proposal does not include any mitigation measures for wetlands or other endangered species as may be encountered during the environmental review of the project. SECTION II BASIC SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 2.1 GENERAL The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the project as heroinafter stated. The ENGINEER will perform the work under the general supervision of the City Manager and will submit interim reports for his review, input, decision, etc., as appropriate. The OWNER hereby authorizes the ENGINEER to proceed with Engineering Services as outlined heroin. 2.2 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (To be hired by the City} The ENGINEER shall coordinate with a Geotechnical Sub-Consultant for the project which is acceptable to and hired by the CITY. The Geotechnical Sub-Consultant will provide an evaluation of the on-site soils and water table. We will work with the Geotechnical Engineer and the CITY regarding the design of the project for a retention pond system. The Geotechnical Sub-Consultant will perform on-site bodngs to determine the existing seasonal high and seasonal Iow watertable elevations within the construction areas. The Geotechnical Engineer will need to provide site preparation recommendations including compaction requirements, evaluation of unsuitable materials which will need to be removed, suitability of the soils for the pavilion building, access driveway and pavement design recommendations and the analysis of the draw down of the retention ponds. The sub-consultant to be selected shall be approved, accepted, hired and paid directly by the CITY. 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (Disclaimed) The ENGINEER makes no representation or determination on the existence or nonexistence of environmentally sensitive land or species on the site. 2.4 PRELIMINARY CIVIL/SITE ENGINEERING SERVICES Based on the preliminary plan provided to us, we will prepare a preliminary engineering drawing for the site and meet with or discuss the project with the regulatory agencies listed below. The preliminary drawing will include the ball field locations, the proposed building location, location of site drives, parking layout, preliminary water and sanitary sewer connection locations, and the stormwater management system location. We will discuss the preliminary plan with the CITY for site driveway access, utilities, storm drainage, parking, signage, and other site permitting related activities. We will then discuss the project with the following other permitting agencies: A. Meeting with the SJRWMD for permit requirements for the stormwater management system permit for the project. B. Discussion with Seminole County regarding access to Celery Avenue. We do not anticipate modifying the existing access locations and will coordinate that intention with the County to attempt to avoid driveway permitting with the County. C. Discussion with the FDEP for the water and sewer service construction. Upon receipt of comments from the above agencies, we will revise the preliminary layout and submit it to the CITY for their review and comment with a letter summarizing the findings of our preliminary research of the site. FINAL ENGINEERING Upon approval by the CITY, we will proceed to final engineering. The final engineering services outlined below are based on the preliminary plan. Following the preliminary engineering phase and the resolution of any concerns arising from the preliminary engineering phase, we will proceed to final engineering. A. Construction Plan Preparation We propose to prepare a set of construction documents for the Civil/Site Engineering and Landscape and Irrigation design elements of the project and incorporate all site engineering and landscape details into one set of construction drawings. The plan set will include: 1. Cover/Title Sheet: The cover/title sheet will include information regarding the site, including a vicinity map, index plans, list of names and addresses of owners, design professionals, regutatory agencies, and utility companies. 2. Site Survey Sheets: We propose to include in our construction plan set copies of the surveyor's plans for the project including boundary, topographic and tree surveys. It is understood the CITY is having the survey done by others and the product will be provided to us for our work. 3. General Notes/Specification Sheet: We propose to provide a plan, including wdtten General Notes and Construction Specifications sufficient for instruction to the Contractor for construction of site elements. 4. Site Dimension Plan: We propose to prepare a Site Dimension Plan, dimension for construction purposes of the overall site in accordance with the preliminary site plan approved by the CITY and the City of Sanford Land Development Code. 5. Site Grading, Drainage, and Utility Plan: We propose to prepare a plan of the site including grading of the parking areas and areas around the building and stormwater management' system areas of the site. This plan will include maintaining the existing ddveway connection to Celery Avenue. This plan will include connections to the existing City water and sewer services at the site. We understand the site lighting will be subcontracted separately and directly by the CITY. 6. Site Landscaping and Irrigation Plan: We propose to provide a landscaping and irrigation plan in compliance with the minimum requirements of the City of Sanford Land Development and Landscaping Code. Both landscape and irrigation plans will meet minimum CITY standards. 7. Site Construction Details Sheet: We propose to prepare a detail sheet with cross sections, typical sections and general construction details needed to guide the contractor in constructing improvements needing specific details to construct. Upon completion of the construction plans we will prepare them for permitting. 2.6 PERMITTING ASSISTANCE We propose to assist the CITY in applying for permits needed to construct the proposed improvements. Permits to be obtained for the construction of this project include: 1. City of Sanford Site Plan Permit: We propose to prepare the Site Plan permit application and submit plans to the City of Sanford Site Plan Review Committee for their review and approval of the engineered site plan. We will represent the CITY in engineering matters on the proposed plans and witl attend meetings with the City staff for approval. 2. St. Johns River Water Management District Environmental Resources Permit (ERP): We will assist the CITY in the preparation of the application and provide calculations and supporting documents for submittal of the permit application with the SJRWMD. 3. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Collection System Permit Exemption: We propose to assist the CITY in the preparation of a request for permit exemption from FDEP for the wastewater system service construction for the project. 4. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for Drinking Water Distribution System Permit Exemption: We propose to assist the CITY in the preparation of a request for permit exemption or the potable water service construction and the construction. This proposal assumes that required traffic studies to support the project, if needed, will be conducted by others. If required, we will coordinate with the traffic engineer selected for this project. 2,7 BUILDING ARCHITECTURE SERVICES (to be provided by others) The Engineer will coordinate the site construction plans with the building construction plans (to be prepared by others under c~ntract directly with the CITY) for the pavilion building. The Engineer will design service connections to the proposed building for water and sewer and will coordinate with other utility companies supplying service in the area to help them plan to serve the building. Other utility service locations will be shown on the plans. 2.8 OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST After the design of the above proposed improvements, we will provide quantity takeoffs for the plans for use in the preparation of an opinion of probable construction cost for the project. 2.9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS We will prepare technical specifications as required for the construction of the project. These technical specifications will include requirements for construction materials and quality. 2.10 PROJECT MANUAL We will prepare a project manual for the project including contract documents and technical specifications. We will coordinate with the CITY and others relating to the CITY requirements for contract methods and procedures as required. .2.11 SURVEY ENGINEER shall rely on survey information provided by others. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for survey data. 2.12 GENERAL INFORMATION This proposal assumes the site has been, or will be. reviewed for environmental purposes, including threatened and endangered species and wetland existence by others. We have not included any services regarding the existence of environmental hazards or hazardous wastes on the project. We understand these services are being provided by others. It is understood that fees for the subject project, including but not limited to, application fees, impact fees, utility connection fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the OWNER. SECTION III ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 3.1 GENERAL If authorized in writing by the OWNER, the ENGINEER will furnish or obtain from others additional services of the following types which will be paid for by the OWNER as indicated in Section IV. Additional services due to significant changes in general scope of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, or character of construction. Revising previously approved studies, reports, design documents, drawings, or specifications beyond the revisions as described herein, Preparing documents for alternate bids required by the OWNER for work which is not executed or not contemplated in the Scope of Work described herein. Making an inspection of the Project prior to expiration of the guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies under guarantees provided by the construction contract. Additional services resulting from manufacturers, public, or contractor protests, administrative hearings, or similar matters. Additional services in connection to the Project, including services normally furnished by the OWNER and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. Preparing to serve and serving as an expert witness for the OWNER in any litigation or other proceeding involving the Project. Additional Engineering Services required by revisions subsequent to the date of this Agreement to the applicable regulations, or new regulations (after date of this Agreement) of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, St. John's River Water Management District or other regulatory agency requirements not previously specified. Legal or boundary surveys and legal descriptions, sketches and rights-of way maps needed by the OWNER for the acquisition of land, easements, or rights-of-way or needed for establishment of existing land boundaries, easements or rights-of-way. Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the project. SECTION IV THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES The OWNER will: Provide full information as to his requirements for the project. Designate a person to act as the OWNER's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the OWNER's policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. Provide and guarantee access to and make all provisions for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work under this Amendment. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. Obtain approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the project. Furnish or direct the ENGINEER, in writing, to perform at the OWNER's expense, necessary additional services. Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the OWNER may require. Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the project. SECTION V PAYMENT 5.1 Payments for Services and Expenses of the ENGINEER are to be as set forth below: Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. Compensation paid to the ENGINEER for services described in Section II rendered by Principals and Employees assigned to the project shall be computed by multiplying direct personnel expense times a factor of 1.95 plus reimbursable expenses such as travel, long distance phone calls. prints, copies, equipment and sub-consultants. Reimbursable expenses will be paid for at actual cost thereof without increase. The ENGINEER agrees to perform the services described as 1) Chase Park Ball Fields Design and Details; 2) Chase Park Ball Fields Permitting; and 3) Chase Park Ball Fields Landscaping and Irrigation Design and Permitting for a not-to- exceed fee of $13,000.00. Compensation paid to the ENGINEER for supplementary services described in Section III shall be in accordance with Section 5 above, except the maximum fee shall not apply and shall be negotiated and agreed upon prior to proceeding with the work. Reimbursable Expenses: Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are to be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at the actual cost thereof. Said expenses shall include transportation and subsistence of principals and employees when traveling in connection with the Project, toll telephone calls, xerographic and printing costs, telegrams and similar project-related items. The OWNER will make prompt monthly payments in response to the ENGINEER's monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Amendment and for reimbursable expenses incurred. Direct Personnel Expense used as a basis for payment shall mean the salaries and wages paid to principals and employees of all classifications engaged directly on the Project, plus the cost of fringe benefits including, but not limited to, social security contributions, workers compensation, health and retirement benefits, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay and similar benefits applicable thereto. For purposes of this Amendment, Direct Personal Expense shall be considered an amount equal to 1.48 times applicable salaries and wages. Charges for services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $1,200.00 per day or any portion thereof (but time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing, or proceeding will be computed in accordance with 5.1 above). If this Amendment is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section II, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 5.1. on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ,ENGINEER shall be paid for additional services authorized and rendered under Section The ENGINEER will commence work following written authorization by this Amendment. SECTION VI GENERAL CONDITIONS Since the ENGINEER has no control over any construction cost, the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over any contractors method of determining prices, any Opinions of Probable Construction Cost which may have been provided previously, or which may be provided in the service of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot, and does not, guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from cost estimates prepared by him. The OWNER and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns to the other party of this Amendment and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party, in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the OWNER and the ENGINEER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. OWNER: By authority of t~mmission of the City of Sanford, Florida, granted for the OWNER on the date of ENGINEER: ST &SEAL CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. ~.2/c-- ~ Date: ~, D, I, c~ & U:UOBSXZ6592.00\Wp*WorcI~PROPOSALXDAGXARC0909A. ARC