HomeMy WebLinkAbout664-Sanford Central Park DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SANFORD CENTRAL PARK, PHASE II 1. Owner/Developer: Sanford Central Park, LTD. CBC Industrial Park, Inc. General Partner Donald C. Bauerle, Jr. 903 West Third Street Sanford, Florida 32771 2. Authorized Agent: Loren W. Howard, III 903 West Third Street Sanford, Florida 32771 (407) 300-3900 3. Sanford Central Park, LTD., hereinafter referred to as Developer, has filed a subdivision master plan known as Sanford Central Park, Phase II, including a final plat apprnved by the Sanford City Commission and final construction plans for a subdivision to be known as Sanford Central Park, Phase II, on real property located in the City of Sanford, Florida, as described on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and by this reference incorporated in this agreement (the "Property"). 4. The Developer is the owner or has the authority to obtain a developers agreement with respect to the Property, in accordance with Florida Statutes. 5. The proposed development consists of the following: 3 industrial lots 6. The application has been variously reviewed by: · The City of Sanford Plans Review Committee · The City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission · Sanford City Commission 7. All public meetings required by the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations have been held. 8. The development permitted by this development agreement is consistent with the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and other City land development regulations. Sanford Central Park, Phase II, Dated June 2, 1997, Page 1 AGREEMENT THEREFORE, it is hereby AGREED AND RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that Lots 34, 35 and 36 of the Sanford Central Park, Phase II subdivision development are allows to develop pursuant to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations and subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Site development permits and building permits may be issued for Lots 34, 35 and 36 subject to the following conditions and stipulations: a. Development Plans, including site plan and engineering plan components, are approved by the City of Sanford. b. Final Construction/Improvements Plans for Sanford Central Park, Phase II shall be approved by the City of Sanford c. The Development shall have obtained a site development permit for the infrastructure, i.e., all improvements induding streets, water, sewer, drainage, etc., for Sanford Central Park, Phase II. 2. Certificate of Occupancy for buildings and improvements upon Lots 34, 35, and 36 shall not be issued unless and until the following conditions and stipulations are met. A. The project shall be developed in accordance with development plans approved by the City of Sanford. B. The City has accepted all improvements and infrastructure required to be constructed as part of Sanford Central Park that are to be dedicated to the City. C. The revised plat of Sanford Central Park is recorded by the City of Sanford. D. In the event that conditions b. And c., above, have not met, the following alternative conditions and stipulations shall be met: 1, Potable water, sanitary sewer and reclaimed water systems shall be completed to serve the lots in question in the manner prescribed in the Final Construction/Improvement Plans for Sanford Central Park, Phase II and approved by the City of Sanford. 2. The site in question shall provide for its own on-site drainage system. 3. The project shall consist of no more than a total of three industrial lots as set forth and described herein. 4. Additional conditions and stipulations are as follows: Sanford Central Park, Phase II, Dated June 2, 1997, Page 2 a. Building Pad Elevation - The building pad/finished floor elevation shall be sixteen (16) inches above the center line of Central Park Drive. b. Prior to certificates of occupancy being issued, all required project improvements shall be constructed, operational and approved by the Administrative Official of the City of Sanford. c. During the time that this agreement is in effect, it shall be appended to all building permits, site development permits and purchase agreements involving the property in question. 5. Documentation of any and all required submissions to or approvals from Seminole County; the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the United State Army Corps of Engineers; the St. Johns River Water Management District; the United States Environmental Protection Agency; or any other departments with competent jurisdiction over any aspect of the proposed development shall be provided to the City. 6. In the event that development requirements are not satisfied, action in reliance on the development agreement or expenditures in pursuance of its terms, shall not vest any development rights in the Developer. Failure to perform as specified in the development agreement shall not constitute partial performance entitling the Owner or Developer to a continuation of the development agreement. 7. The Developer(s) hereby agree to indemnify and otherwise hold the City of Sanford harmless for and against any cost, expense or damage incurred during and/or arising from construction upon or otherwise related to the property subject to this agreement. 8. Period of Effectiveness. This development agreement shall take effect after execution by the Mayor and the City Commission of the City of Sanford and the Developer. The development order shall remain in effect for a period of 6 months. The effectiveness of this development agreement may be extended upon written agreement of all parties. 9. Modifications to the Development Agreement. The Developer shall submit to the City of Sanford any requests for approval of a proposed change to this Development Agreement. This submission shall be in a format established by the City and shall include as a minimum the precise language which is proposed for deletion or addition to the development order and a statement summarizing all previous changes that have been made to the development agreement. Sanford Central Park, Phase II, Dated June 2, 1997, Page 3 ATTEST: Sanford Central Park Sanford Central Park, Phase II, Dated June 2, 1997, Page 4 'pop.toooj oct uu9 ,,~gM lgm. d, aq~ l~q~ os ,,uo!~oldtuoo Jo 0~[~3,, g ponss] ~ iH~ HHdOq~HQ Jo~uE ~0 a~ ,~ ,uam~V ~q; ~o ~gn~xo uodn l~ql ~a~ X~IO aq~ Jo~nd 'p 'X~I9 oq~ Xq ~oJ p~gd Jo paDldmoo u~ aABq qo[q~ ~ ~o~ plod ~o po~ald~o ~aq ~ou 0A~q q0lq~ Sl~AOjdm] X~ Jo luno~3~ uo ~A~Smoq~ suos~d ~ $o s~ylo ~ ~ A~I3 oql ssol~q oA~s pu~ ~m~d o: s~ pug A~I3 o~ Jo ~ed a~ uo uolD~ qo~ ~ sa~l~ p~ ~z~oqlne p~ l~d qons ~ue o1 ~uo~ ~qo~q ~dOq~HO s~Aoad~ pies ~oJ ~u~io~) ~J I~I 'sls~ ~ o~ pug ~o~ oq [[~s puo~ qsg ~]n~ s~ ~opod s~ql Jo ~ ~q~ ~o4 ~uom~v s~ ~]~ ~u~ooo~ ~ ~HdO~HG ~q~ Xq ~old~o Bq ~ou 0Ag~ S1H0~A0jdm~ oq~ ~o i1~ ~ uo~Vod Xu~ ~e~ uo~lg~p S,A~I3 oq~ uodn puofl qsg3 ~ ~dn ~ 'q 'suo~l~o~]~ds p~ su~ld oq~ u~ popn[o~ OAB qo[q~ ~moA0~d~ ~A ~o pub ~0~ ~o ~[D~SUOO ~ HI ~sn I~jo~g~ p~ ~0~ p~ ~u]~lo pu~[ pu~ '~J~ '~ns ~0J slI~q o~ PO~]~I ~ou lnq ~nlo~ 'p~d ~q 0A~q O~0J0~o~ sll]q ~u~ S,~3d0q~HG oq~ ~3dO~HG o~ Xq ~s ~B~ le~ o~ ~!U~ e ~n[o~ o~ jooza p~gs 's~moa~n~a :~uu~m $~olio p~ s~ld ~Ao~dde o~ uo q~j ~s s~uo~Aoadm~ ii~ l~ql oo1~ ol '~ oq~ ~o %0 [ I sl~so~do~ qolq~ '00'00~'~$ jo ms ~ ~ puo~ qs~3 g X~I3 oq~ o~ saoA~iop ~qo~q ~ld0q~3~ ~ 'I ',~I3,, oq~ ~ o~ ~Joa ao~e~q 'ep~iolg 'pao3ueS jo ~3 o~ p~ ',,~dOq~O,, ~ se o~ ~oJo~ ~-~ This AGRF. Da~2qT. signed and sealed the day and year above City of S~'fford ATTEST: 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY for ~he us~ and r~lianc~ of the City of Sanford, Florida only City Attorney Sanford, Florida ' ATTEST: z/'--~ S ,~~ r~s, ~. B Y: ~L~/~~- Sworn m and subscribed ff~ely and voluntarily Eor ~ p~n~oses before me by' ],n~"J]/~q e ~,~ , who is STENSTROM, McINTOSH, COLBERT, WHIGHAM & SIMMONS, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW SUNTRUST BANK · SUIT~ ~ 200 WEST FIRST STR~T pOST OFFICE F~OX 4B4B WIlLiAM L, COLBERt SANFORD. FLORIDA 3~77~-~848 KeNNeth W. FRANK C. WNIGHAM ~ANFORD (407) 3~-~i7i S+ KirBY MONCRIEF CLAYTON D. S~MMONS O~LANDO {407) 634-5ii~ Of COUNSE~ March 25, ~ 998 , Bill Simmons, City Manager CI~ OF SaNFORD haND DEIIVERED 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 3277~ Re: Sanford Central Park Phase li Dear Mr. Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the proposed A~ree~ebt (Pe~or~a~ce Payment) between U.S. Site Contractors, Inc, and the City of Sanford. it is in a ie~aliy a~ptabie format and when executed by the pa~ies and a cash bond is posted, it will be ebforceabie i~ a~orda~ce with its ter~s. Please conta~ us if we may be of fu~her assistance, Sincerely, i iam L. Co eft ~ ~d(/l~f/,J'