HomeMy WebLinkAbout768-Infrastructure Management AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR COMPREHENSIVE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this __ day of ,19 , by and between IMS Infrastructure Management Services, Inc., whose address is 3350 Salt Creek Lane, Suite 117, Arlington Heights, IL, 60005, hereinafter called the "Engineer," and the Public Agency of the City of Sanford, State of Flodda, hereinafter called the "Public Agency," covers certain professional services in connection with the proposed City of Sanford Pavement Management Program. WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants herein set forth: THE ENGINEER AGREES: 1. To perform a Pavement Management Program for approximately 185 centedine miles of streets designated by the Public Agency in accordance with the procedures set forth in Appendix "A"., Revised Scope of Services, and Appendix "C", Proposal. 2. To conduct the following operations necessary to develop a computedzed Pavement Management Program: A. Pavement Inventory B. Environmental Survey C. RST Surface Condition Survey D. Dynamic Deflection Testing E. Continuous Forward and Rearward Videolog F. Digital Image Capture at Four Images per Section G. Computedzed Pavement Management Software with Image and ROW Modules H. Sidewalk Survey (Optional) I. GIS Linkage 3. To install a totally operational Pavement Management Software Program on the Public Agency's Novell Computer Network. 4. To complete the field investigation and install a completely operational computedzeal Pavement Management Program and provide all deliverables in workable form within 100 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed (weather permitting). 5. To meet with the Public Agency or representatives of the department for initiation of the project, coordination of field activities, installation of a computedzed Pavement Management Program, required training, and report presentation of the entire project. 6. In the event data or test results are found in error during review of the report, the Engineer agrees that he will perform such corrections without expense to the Public Agency even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the Public Agency. THE PUBLIC AGENCY AGREES: 1. To pay the Engineer compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of ENGINEER AGREES and further defined in Appendix "B". 2. Should the project be abandoned at any time after the Engineer has performed any part of the services provided for in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of ENGINEER AGREES, and pdor to the completion of such services, the Public Agency shall reimburse the Engineer for the percentage of the work completed up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment. 3. That, should the Public Agency require changes on any of the detailed specifications, except for those pursuant to Paragraph 6 of ENGINEER AGREES, after they have been approved by the Public Agency, the Public Agency will pay the Engineer for such changes on the basis of the Engineer~s established unit pdces. It is understood that "changes" as used in this paragraph shall in no way rolleve the Engineer of his responsibility to prepare a complete Pavement Management Program for the evaluation of pavement conditions. 4. To provide the following: A. Project limits and street map for performing the various data collection operations. B. Present and projected future traffic volumes (delineating automobiles, single- axle trucks, multi-axle trucks and buses, if available). C. Maintenance strategies and corresponding implementation costs for use in the program. D. A GIS centerline file for linkage to the Pavement Management Software. E. A safety vehicle, if requested, to provide protection for the deflection testing E. A safety vehicle, if requested, to provide protection for the deflection testing operation on heavily traveled roads. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1. Any difference between the Engineer and the Public Agency concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the Engineer, one member appointed by the Public Agency and a third member appointed by two other members for disposition and the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the Public Agency upon giving notice in wdting to the Engineer at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be delivered to the Public Agency all data, if any, from pavement studies with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the Public Agency. The Engineer shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 3 of THE PUBLIC AGENCY AGREES. 3. The Engineer warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of his contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, Public Agency shall have the dght to annul this contract without liability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruple counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authodzed offices. Executed by the PUBLIC AGENCY: City of Sanford, State of Florida, ATTEST: acting by and through its (Seal) Title: ~//~d~-'~-~'7.,-' Executed by the ENGINEER IMS INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. 3350 Salt Creek Lane, Suite 117 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 APPROVED as to form and legality this day of ,19 City Attorney APPENDIX "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Introduction This document describes IMS' Scope of Services for the proposed City of Sanford Pavement Management Program. The listed services were revised following a June 23, 1999 negotiations meeting with City staff. Proposed Services The following services will be included in the proposed Pavement Management Program. A detailed description of the service is provided in the June 2, 1999 Proposal (Appendix "C'). 1. Project Initiation Meeting - Introduce the project team, coordinate the data collection activities and City-provided information, and develop a project schedule. 2. Street Sectioning - Develop a test section protocol to meet the City's needs. The pdmary stationing will be on a block-to-block section. Provisions will be made for excessively long block and pavement changes. 3. Laser RST Surface Condition Survey - A Laser RST will be used to perform an automated surface condition survey and inventory. Single-pass testing will be performed on low-volume, two-lane streets. Two-direction testing will be performed on arterial/collectors with four or more lanes of traffic and on divided streets. 4. Dynamic Deflection Survey - IMS will use a Dynaflect to perform a multi-sensor dynamic deflection survey, One test will be performed on each test section. 5. Continuous Video - IMS will perform a continuous videolog of the pavement and R.O.W. in conjunction with the RST surface condition survey. SVHS tapes will be indexed and delivered to the City. 6. Digital Images - IMS will capture digital images from the continuous video to populate the Image Module of the Pave Pro Manager Software. Two (2) images will be collected for each R.O.W. of each test section (four images per test section). 7. Pavement Management Software - IMS will install the network version of the Pave Pro Manager Software on the City's computer. The program will be fully loaded with collected field data and will include the image module and captured digital images. 8. R.O.W. Asset Management Software - IMS will install the R,O.W. Management Software including four (4) modules: sidewalks; curb and gutter; signs; and light posts. The R.O.W. software will be integrated with the Pave Pro Manager, providing access to both pavement and R.O.W. data. 9. Software Training - IMS will provide four days of training for software operation, data interpretation, report generation, and engineedng/GIS applications. 10. GIS/Pavement Management Link - IMS will link the pavement management sections (data) to the City's GIS system. 11. Sidewalk Data Collection - IMS will perform a sidewalk survey to include the existence of sidewalk in each R.O.W., direction of travel, length and width of sidewalk, identification and length of gaps for each R,O.W., offset width from pavement edge or curb, and ADA ramp compliance. The survey will be performed on sections identified by the City or as a secondary survey following an overview survey dudrig deflection testing. Data will be transferred to the R.O.W. asset management software. 12. Presentation - IMS will make a presentation to City officials summarizing the pavement management project.