HomeMy WebLinkAbout636-Quality Vaults EXTENSION OF OPENING/CLOSING SPACES AT SANFOI%D MONICIPAL CEMETERY WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, bereinatier called "City", and Quality Vaults, Inc., whose mailing address is 751 S. Blueford Avenue, 0coce, Horida 34761, hereinaffer called "Cornmotor", entered into a contract dated Octolaf 14, 1998, a copy of which is attached het~to, said contract for the provision of opening/closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 25 of said Contract, City and Contractor desire to extend said Contract for twelve (12) months at the same rates as specified in the contract. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums of money hereinaler set forth and other good and valuable considerations and the mutual benefits to be derived there~rom, the parties hereby agree to the following revisions to Contract dated October 14, 1998. I. That Sections 1 and 25 shall be revised as follows: 2. The City shall pay Contractor on monthly basis upon receipt of an ~ statement on the last business day of each month. Services by the Contractor shall begin October 1, 1999 and end September 30, 2000. 25. The term of tho contract is firore October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000. City shall have the fight to terminate and cancel this contract in the evem the City finds that the q.a!i~r of the service is not satisfactory to the City. City shall further have the fight to tenninate and cancel the contract in the event of any other breaches of the terms and provisions of the contract, and in such event Contractor sb~ll be given thirty (30) days notice in writing. In the evem of satisfactory performance by the Contractor, the contract way be extended for a period not exceeding twelve (12) additional months. day of~..j 1999. J~l~Doaghmy BY: Ton ' City Clerk City Manager Witness: QUAL/TY VAULTS, INC. ¥~,Presidont OPENING/CLOSING OF GRAVE SPACES AT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this ~ .D-Lgik~day of d}b) 1998, by and bet~veen the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and Quality Vaults, Inc., P.O. Box 770008, Winter Garden, Florida 34777-0008 hereinafter caHed"Cointractor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Gty Comn,ission of the City of Sanford, Florida has accepted the bid of Contractor to provide the service Opening/Closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to enter into a contract setting forth the duties and responsibilities of the parties relative to opening/closing of grave spaces. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums of money hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties hereby agree to as follows: 1. Contractor agrees to provide opening/closing oF graves at the Sanford Municipal Cemetery located at 1975 W. 251h Street, Sanford, Florida 32773 which consists of two areas: 1st. & 2nd Addition llvergreen and Lakeviexv. 2. 'The City shah pay unto the Contractor the following rates: Open/Close Monday thru Saturday Sunday & Holidays STANDARD With set-up $225.00 $400.00 Without set-up $175.00 $350.00 CREMATION With set-up $175.00 $350.00 Without set-up $ 75.00 $250.00 INFANT With set-up $200.00 $375.00 Without set-up $I25.00 $300.00 City shall pay Contractor on a monthly basis upon receipt of an itemized statement submitted on the last business day of each month. Services by the Contractor shall begin October I, 1998 and end September 30, 1999. 3. Upon notification of a burial need and verification and marking of a specific gravesite, Gty staff will notify the Contractor of this need. Except for unusual ckcumstances the Contractor will be given at least twenty-four (24) hours prior notice of the need for these services. 4. Contractor shall have burial space prepared and ready for interment by the scheduled funeral service or a minimum of oxie hour before grave side services. 5. Contractor shall provide aH necessary labor, materials, tools and equipment needed to open/close graves. 6. Contractor shall provide cribbing, grass borders, chapel tent, dropped lowering device and a minimum of I0 chairs. Additional chairs will be provided on an "as needed" basis at no addidonai cost to the City. 7. Contractor shall be responsible for digging the space to depth necessary to provide 18" of ill above the vault after gravesite is covered. No mounding of soil is permitted. Size and depth of the space w'fil be according to the regulations of the City. 8. Contractor sha~~ be responsible for removing and repositoning ,'my headstones, foot stones, coping, or comer markers necessary to prepare a gravesite for burial services. 9. Contractor will prepare the site for the installation of a vault of his own or by another approved vault company, depending on the choice of the funeral home and the regulations set forth by the City. If the vault is from a supp/ier other than the Contractor, that supplier will be responsible for the installation and sealing of the vault as to the time, date, and any additional information necessary for the service. 10. Should the Contractor have any questions or concerns about a specific gravesite he should immediately inform the City so that appropriate action can be taken to resolve the matter. 11. All graves are to be dug by hand. Use of a bac-khoe or other mechanical equipment is prohibited. 12. If in the event Contractor should encounter traderground utilities or tree roots while digging a grave he should immediately contact the City who will determine what action to take. 13. Contractor shall discreedy stand by during each service to provide any assistance should a mechanical device fall and to ensure expedient closing of the grave after the funeral. 14. Contractor shall be responsible for water and irrigation pipes, hose bibs, vaults, vault lids, headstones, foot stones, coping, comer markers and plant materials, broken or damaged by his/her employees. 15. Contractor shall use a vault trailer to transport vault to grave site. Use of a truck with and "A" frame is prohibited. 16. If not already done the Contractor shall within 24 hours after interment restore the gravesite 1o its original condition. Contractor shall be responsible and use utmost care in protecting City property. Contractor shall be solely responsible for rectifying any and all damages including my work deemed not acceptable by the City at no cost to the City. 17. Contractor shall secure any and aH permits and licenses necessary for the performance of this project. Prior to commencing work copies oF these permits and licenses must be furnished to the City of Sanford along with proof of ]Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage. 18. Contractor must provide the following insurance coverage for not less than the amount stated or greater where required by Laws and Regulations. Worker's Compensation: 1. State Statutory 2. Applicable Federal Statutory 3. Employer's Liability Coverage 13 $100,000/each accident for bodily Injury by accident or disease. $500,000. Policy limit for bodily injury by disease. Comprehensive GeneraJ Liability: 1. Bodily iniury (includes completed operations and products Liability) $500,000 Each Occurrence $500,000 Annual Aggregate · saaJ s,Xaujol]E aiq~uosE,gJ ~u!pn[3u! slso~ ol pa[l.uua aq [~MS i~Ed ~u}H~a~d a~ D~]uo3 s}Ml Jo mo uo}l~ XuE ~l~ UO~IDaUUOD UI 'SalUBd a~l uodn ~ulpu~q aq Hz~s sFq~ u~ pm~jo&oou~ ssalun uo~muosa~d~ jo ~uam~a~ oN '~p~ob] jo oq~ Jo saxgI ~q~ Xq pau~aaoB ~cI Ilgqs lagaluoo s~q~ Jo suo~s~aoad pug sm~ '~hD aql o~ ]so3 ou lu ;o13~IluoD ~q] Xq paD~;;o3 aq ~ pamaap ~o~ '~;o~ s,aolDg;]uo3 ]aadsu~ o1 ]qBF aq] a~asa; I[gqs X]~D lxau s~q ql}ax u~H Jo os~[ax g l~mqns lsnm aq =oDg=luoaqns ~ sa~q xoDg~uoD ~a.~auaq~ a:o~aq~n~ 'lolaglluoD aql sg s~gama~nba~/sau~ap~nB ~ql XJs~s pug ~aatu lsam s~oDg~uoaqns ~V 'luamd~nba paz~pads ~ba= ~oax =o suo~3unJ pazHgpads maoJ~ad ol pa=~nba~ uaq& pa~Hgnb a=~q Aura =oDg:~uoD '~D aql wo=j Igao~ddg ua~g ~u~u~lqo · p~=nau~ sasu~dxo ~ ~oJ ~D gql gs;nq~; ~qs ~OD~IBOD 'IDBJIDO3 S~ xgpun mxoJxgd ol uo~lqo syq jo ~OlDB;lUOD ~q] ~u~Ao~a; ]no~ i~D a~ Xq op~m aq (g) o~ lsza[ ~g ;oJ s;aqmnu auoqdaim aq~ qs~g;nj l~qs ;oDg=uoD 'Xgp ;o jo ssaIp;g~a= SI[BD XDuo~o~a [iB o~ puodsa; o~ oIq!suodsoa aq [[gqs ;01Dg~go5) ' '~D a~ Xq pa~s~sap ajaq~ ffo8 ssa=x~ jo asods}p [Nqs ~O~DB~UOD OAB;~ ~u~sop ~alJV 'pol~m~od s~g~ paDalo;d~ 'uado a3g S0oumsmno~a Ou ~opu~ ';guu~m olqmdaoag pub 'ajBs 'uBaia g u~ aa}sa~g~ ~ql a~sal Hgqs ~ol~g;~uoD aql a=~as qaga Jo uo~snIauo~ aql IV '0g · Dg~uoa s~ ~opun suogg=odo sjmag=luoD oqa mo~j l/nsas =o jo ~no osg Xgm q3~qAxjo ~ =o Xug -- ~odo=d o~ sagg~gp ~oJ sm~p mo~J pug ~s=a~o ~ p~ soaXoldma sN qlgop B~nlD~ ~nfu~ X~poq Jo asnsaoq so~p soj sm~p mo=J pu~ s~[o ~o~J ~S~OB ~u~q ~Xo[d~a ;~o pub s~o$ UO~BSu~d~Oa SJ~oi ~p~ s~Ia moJJ pxoJ~S Jo ~D a~ gsa~q pIOq pu~ ~ABS ~qS ~ODB~UO lO X3~Od i~qs~ ~;au~O a~suaqa;dmoD S,aOLDV~LNOD jo ~ua;s;opua ~ ;a~ Xq pogsgdmo3=g aq Xgm ga~q~ 'pa~su~ ~uo~ppg ;o pa;nsu~ s~ p;oj~S jo ~D aq~ a~u ~qs ao~suI i~q~Vl ~;aua9 s,;oD~uoD 000'()0~ Jo l~m~ aI~u~s p~u~qmoa g ~O o~ua=;n~=O qagZ 000'00gg :aBsm~CI ~ado;d ~u~xna~O q~z~ 000'00~g ~os;~d qagg 000'00i$ :~n~gI X~o~ :~qg}~ ~[~qo~olng aA~su~qa~dmoD ol~V ~nuuV 000'000'~$ :palalap uo~snioxa ]uamXoldm~ q~j~ '~nfu~ Vuossod O]~a~V ~nuuV O00'O00'tg ~DU~JnDDO qD~ 000'000'~ :~B~G ~odo~d 25. The term of the contract is from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999. City shall have the right to terminate and cancel this contract in the event the City finds that the quality of the service is not satisfactot3, to the City. City shal/ further have the right to terminate and cancel the contract in the event of any other breaches of the terms and provisions of the contract, and in such event Contractor shall be given thirty (30) days notice in wdfng. In the event of satisfactory performance by the Contractor, the contract may be extended for a period not exceeding twenty-four (24) additional months. 26. Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly made when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid, and addressed as set forth herein, or at such other address as shah have been specified by written notice to the other pan7 delivered in accordance herewith: FOR THE CITY Tony VanDerworp, City Manager City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 · Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE CONTRACTOR James Tramonte, Vice President Quality Vaults, Inc. P.O. Box 770008 Orlando, Florida 32803 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first above written. Attest: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA City Clerk City Manager Witness: QUALI2rY VAULTS, INC. BY: CiTY OF SANFORD AGENDA MEMORANDUM ] DATE 9-27-99 No.C - 7 SUBJECT: Extension of contract for Opening/Closin~ svaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery DEPARTMENT: Recreation &Parks DMSION: Parks AUTHORIZED BY: Mike Kirby/~l/ CONTACT Howard Jeffties EXT 5688 MOTION/RECOMMENDATION: Recommend extension of contract for opening/closing spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery from Oct. I, 1999 through September 30, 2000 with Quality Vaults, Inc. BACKGROUND: On October 14, 1998 the City entered into a contract with Quality Vaults for the opening/closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. On Sept. 30, 1999 this contract is due to expire; however in accordance with Section 25 of this contract, "In the event of satisfactory performance by the Contractor, the contract may be extended for a period not exceeding 24 additional months." Because the Contractor has done an exceptional job staff recommends extension of this contract for an additional 12 months, with option of extending contract next year if there are no problems. Reviewed by: CM CA Deputy CM Finance Dir. ~ Regular Consent d/Work Session_Briefing.__ I Other__ OPENING/CLOSING OF GRAVE SPACES THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into thi ay of e:~:e~. 1998, by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and Quality Vaults, Inc., P.O. Box 770008, Winter Garden, Florida 34777-0008 hexeinafter catled"Contractor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has accepted the bid of Contractor to provide the service Opening/Closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the paxties to enter into a contract setting forth the duties and responsibilities of the paxties relative to opening/closing of grave spaces. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums of money hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties hereby agree to as follows: 1. Contractor agrees to provide opening/dosing of graves at the Sanford Municipal Cemetery located at 1975 W. 25th Street, Sanford, Florida 32773 which consists of two areas: 1st & 2nd Addition Evergreen and Lakevie~v. 2. The City shall pay unto the Contractor the following rates: Qpen/Clo~e Monday th~ Saturday Sunday & Holidays STANDARD With set-up $225.00 $400.00 Without set-up $175.00 $350.00 CREMATION With set-up $175.00 $350.00 Without set-up $ 75.00 $250.00 INFANT With set-up $200.00 $375.00 Without set-up $125.00 $300.00 City shall pay Contractor on a monthly basis upon receipt of an itemized statement submitted on the last business day of each month. Services by the Contractor shall begin October I, 1998 and end September 30, 1999. 3. Upon notification of a burial need and verification and maxking of a specific gravesite, City staff wilt notify the Contractor of this need. Except for unusual circumsmnees the Contractor will be given at least twenty-four (24) h,ours prior notice of the need for these services. 4. Contractor shall have burial space prepaxed and ready for interment by the scheduled funeral semce or a minimum of one hour before grave side services. 5, Contractor shall provide all necessaxy labor, materials, tools and equipment needed to open/dose graves. 6, Contractor shall provide cribbing, grass borders, chapel tent, dropped lowering device and a minimum of 10 chairs. Additional chairs will be provided on an "as needed" basis at no additional cost to the City. 7. Contractor shall be responsible for digging the space to depth necessary to provide 18" of fill above the vault after gravesite is covered. No moundhag of soil is permitted. Size and depth of the space will be aecotx/ing to the regulations of the City. 8. Contractc~c shall he ~esponsible for removing and repositionlng any headstones, foot stones, coping, or comer markets necessary to prepare a gavesite for bnri~! services. 9. Contractor will prepare the site for the instalhtlon of a vault of his own or by another approved vault company, depending on the choice of the funeral home and the regulations set forth by the City. If the vault is from a supplier other than the Contractor, that supplier will be responsible for the ins~tl~tion and sealing of the vault as to the time, date, and any additional hfotmafion necessary for the service. 10. Shoukl the Contractor have any questions or concerns about a specific gravesite he should immediately inform the City so that appropriate action can be taken to resolve the matter. 11. All graves are to be dug by hand. Use of a backhoe or other mechanical equipment is prohibited. 12. If in the event Contractor should encounter underground utilities or tree roots while digging a grave he should immediately comet the City who will determine what action to take. 13. Contractor shall discreetly stand by during each service to provide any assistance should a mechanical device fail and to ensure expedient closing of the grave after the funeral. 14. Contractor shall be responsible for water and irrigation pipes, hose bibs, vaults, vault lids, headstones, foot stones, coping, comer markets and plant materials, broken or damaged by his/her employees. 15. Contractor shall use a vault trailer to transport vault to grave site. Use of a mack with and "A" frame is prohibited. t 6. If not already done the Contractor shall within 24 hours after interment restore the gravesite to its original condition. Contractor shall be responsible and use utmost care in protecting City property. Contractor shall be solely responsible for rectifying any and all damages including any work deemed not acceptable by the City at no cost to the City. 17. Contractor shall secure any and all permits and licenses necessary for the performance ofthls project. Prior to commenclngwork copies of these permits and licenses must be furnished to the City of Sanford along with proof of Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage. 18. Contractor must provide the following insurance coverage for not tess than the amount stated or greater where required by Laws and Regulations. Workers Compensation: 1. State Statutory 2. Applicable Federal Statutory 3. Employer's Liability Coverage B $100,000/each accident for bodily Injury by accident or disease. $500,000. Policy limit for bodily injury by disease. Conlpreh~asive General Liability; 1. Bodily injury Cmdudes completed operations and products Liability) $500,000 Each Occurrence $500,000 Annual Aggregate 2. Property Damage: $1,000,000 Each occurrence $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate Or a combined single limit of $1,000,000 3. Personal injury, with employment exclusion deleted: $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate Comprehensive automobile Liability: Bodily Injury: $500,000 Each Person $500,000 Each Occurrence Property Damage: $500,000 Each Occurrence Or a combined single limit of $500,000 Contractors General Liability Insurance shall name the Gty of Sanfoil as insured or additional insured, which may be accomplished by either an endorsement of CONTRACTOR'S Comprehensive General Liability Policy or by CONTRACTOR'S carrier issuing a separate protective liability policy. 19. The Contractor shall save and hold harmless the City of Sanford from claims under workers compensation acts and other employee benefit acts, from claims for damages because of bodily injury including death to his employees and all others; and from claims for damages because of bodily injury including death to his employees and al others; and from claims for damages to property -- any or all of which may arise out of or result from the Contractors operations under this contnct. 20. At the conclusion of each service the Contractor shall leave the gravesite in a clean, safe, and acceptable manner. Under no circumstances are open, unprotected graves penrAtted. After closing gave Contractor shall dispose of excess soil where designated by the City. 21. Contractor shall be responsible to respond to all emegency calls regardless of time or day. Conwactor shall furnish the telephone numbers for at least two (2) representatives to the City's representative, and shall infoma the City's representative any time there is a change. Emergency repairs, when necessazy, may be made by the City without relieving the Contractor of his obligation to perform under this contract. Contractor shall reimburse the City for all expenses incurred. 22. After obtaining written approval from the City, Contractor may hixe qualified subcontractors when requited to perform specialized functions or work req,~rlng specialized equipment. All subcontractors must meet and satisfy the same guidelines/requirements as the Contractor. Furthermore whenever Contractor hires a subcontractor he must submit a release of lien with his next monthly invoice. 23. The City shall reserve the right to inspect contractor's work. Work deemed unaccepvable will be corrected by the Contractor at no cost to the City. 24. The teems and provisions of thi~ contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. No agreement of representation unless incorporated in this contact shall be binding upon the parties. In connection with any litigation arising out of this contract the prevailing party shall be enti~ed to costs including reasonable attomey's fees. 25. The term of the contract is fix~a Octobe~ 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999. City shall have the fight to terminate and cancel this contract in the event the City finds that the quality of the sereice is not satisfactot7 to the City. City shall further have the right to terminate and cancel the conteact in the event of any other breaches of the terms and provisions of the contract, and in such event Contractor shah be given thirty (30) days notice in writing. In the event of satisfactory performance by the Contractor, the contract may be extended for a period not exceeding twenty-four (24) additional months. 26. Any notices requi~ed or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shah be deemed properly made when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid, and addressed as set forth herein, or at such other address as shall have been spedfled by wxitten notice to the other patty delivered in accordance herewith: FOR THE CITY Tony VanDerworp, City Manager City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 Sanfo~d, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE CONTRACTOR James Tramonte, Vice President Quality Vaults, Inc. P.O. Box 770008 Orlando, Florida 32803 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year fast above written. Attest: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Wimess: QUALITY VAULTS, INC. ~,~ .~ MODIFICATION AND EXTENSIOI~ OF OPENING/CLOSING OF GRAVE SPACES AT SANFORD MUNICIPAL CEMETERY WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772- 1788, hereinafter called "City", and Quality vaults, Inc. whose mailing address is 751 S. Blueford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761, hereinafter called "Contractor", entered into a contract dated March 13, 1996, a copy of which is attached hereto, said contract for the provision of opening/closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 25 of said Contract, City and Contractor desire to extend said Contract for twelve (12) months. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums of money hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties hereby agree to the following revisions to Contract dated March 13, 1996. I. That Section 25 shall be revised as follows: 25. The term of the contract is from October 1, 1997 through September 30, 1998. City shall have the right to terminate and cancel this contract in the event the City finds that the quality of the service is not satisfactory to the City. City shall further have the right to terminate and cancel the contract in the event of any other breaches of the terms and provisions of the contract, and in such event Contractor shall be given thirty (30) days notice in writing. Contract may not be extended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have caused this Modification and Extension of Opening/Closing of gr~ spaces Scptcmbe~, 1997. Attest: - CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA City :clerk With : QUALITY VAULTS, INC. BY: ~'~ mes Tramonte ident MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF OPENING/CLOSING SPACES AT SANFORD MUNICIPAL CEMETERY WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter called "City", and Quality Vaults, Inc., whose mailing address is 751 S. Blueford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761, hereinafter called "Contractor", entered into a contract dated March 13, 1996, a copy of which is attached hereto, said contract for the provision of opening/closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 25 of said Contract, City and Contractor desire to extend said Contract for twelve (12) months. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums of money hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties hereby agree to the following revisions to Contract dated March 13, 1996. I. That Section 25 shall be revised as follows: 25. The term of the contract is from October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1997. City shall have the right to terminate and cancel this contract in the event the City finds that the quality of the service is not satisfactory to the City. City shall further have the right to terminate and cancel the contract in the event of any other breaches of the terms and provisions of the contract, and in such event Contractor shall be given thirty (30) days notice in writing. In the event of satisfactory performance by the Contractor, the contract may be extended for a period not exceeding twelve (12) additional months. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have caused this Modification and Extension of Opening/Closing of grave spaces at Sanford Municipal Cemetery to be executed the .~q -/St day of October, I996. Attest: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA · "' BY: Witness: QUALITY VAULTS, INC.