HomeMy WebLinkAbout010811 Open Forum Mayor Elect Jeff Triplett, Commissioner Elect Mark M and the three continuing members of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Open Forum on Saturday, January 8, 2011, at 10 AM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Elect Jeff Triplett Commissioner Elect Mark M Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Patty Mahany Interim City Manager Tom George City Clerk Janet Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Mayor Elect Triplett opened the meeting at 10:07 AM. Each Commissioner gave their District presentation with an overview of their thoughts, concerns, goals and objectives /desires for the upcoming year(s) for their district and the City as a whole. District 4 Commissioner Patty Mahany's goals include hiring the right Police Chief; hiring the right City Manager; dealing with the police pension problem; and getting resolution to the constant problems at the WSI facility on North White Cedar Road. She also wants to work with Amtrak and light rail to get an Amtrak platform along with the light rail; to continue to work with Trace Trylko and SACSON to help the homeless; to look at lowering impact fees to try to encourage development; and to get a grocery store downtown using the CVS building for that purpose. In her district, Commissioner Mahany would like to work this year on drainage problems in Hidden Lake and Idyllwilde and a reclaimed water situation in the area of Greystone Apartments and Calabria Cove. District 3 Commissioner Randy Jones expressed concern that every year the State Legislature issues mandates (mostly and largely unfunded) which will ultimately cost the tax payers money. The pension plan needs to be dealt with. The main issue in his district is maintaining what it has; pipes are 50 — 60 years old; and there are some drainage issues. The recycling facility on White Cedar Road will probably need to be discussed exclusively at a work session, sooner than later. District 2 Commissioner Velma Williams said that goals for her district include a comprehensive study for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of depressed communities, a study which can be used as a pilot and replicated in other districts also; infrastructure improvements on Lake Avenue and a phase 2 landscaping program that would extend from 13 Street and Lake Avenue down to 20 Street that will encompass having lamp posts, landscaping, and resurfacing of that street; a phase 3 landscaping project that would extend from 13 Street to Persimmon Avenue or possibly down to Crooms Academy (partnering with Seminole County); a phase 4 landscaping project from 13 Street north passing the Boys and Girls Club and down to the Amtrak station; give serious consideration to housing and rehabilitation in District 2; join with the Sanford Housing Authority and HUD and adopt a commitment that affordable housing will be provided, with consideration given to the use of NSP funds to support and work with the SHA; visit the possibility of 13 Street being a CRA district; job creation and developing a partnership with the Workforce program to help with the employment reconnect program; consider utilizing the City owned property on 13 Street across from the Public Safety Complex to build a community park; consider renaming 13 Street to Goldsboro Avenue; consider renaming Lake Avenue to Clark Street; consider resurfacing and repairing sidewalks; and consider getting an advisory team for District 2. She also asked that District 2 receive its share of CDBG grant funds; and that the City should come up with a plan for economic development around the areas of the auto train and commuter rail. Commissioner Williams' overall City goals include teams of ambassadors to address the homeless, to develop a better relationship with the business sector, to work with the youth, and drug rehabilitation; selection of a Police Chief and a City Manager; a comprehensive study of depressed areas; revisit the role of the Civil Service Board; revisit how the economic development budget is spent to best meet the needs of the citizens of Sanford; look at a model for equally sharing information with Commissioners; look at a redistricting plan as a result of the 2010 census; and the need for a youth council with representation from all districts. She asked the Commission to be committed to the Sanford Housing Authority and be willing to take a bus tour of the Orlando Housing Authority to see the transformations there to see the potential of what can be done. There are budget challenges and the pension plan needs to be revisited. Also, there is a need to come up with a comprehensive plan to address the homeless problem and develop a comprehensive community policing program. She feels that there needs to be an independent outside investigation of the police department. A Human Relations Commission is needed. She supports the position being taken on the recycling facility. She suggested that research be initiated about installing bullet proof glass on the dias and an exit door at the back of the dias. Mayor Elect Triplett recessed the meeting for a short break and reconvened the meeting. Mr. George passed around a sign in sheet. District 1 Commissioner Elect Mark M said that he contacted Commissioner Woodruff and Mayor Kuhn about any unfinished business and it was suggested that work continue on Hopper Academy, the Georgetown Plan, pension plan, a reserve account to hold funds, and the Riverwalk Phase II extension. The items previously addressed are all good items. Property levels have gone down and the base has gone down and we don't have funds. How do we get the values back up? And how long will it take? He quoted William Ward who sums up what he wants to do as a Commissioner, "Our words reveal our thoughts and our manners mirror our character and our habits predict our future." Our future needs to go forward. We need to change the habits that have been in Sanford for too many years. Mr. M gave a power point presentation regarding streetcars and discussed the light rail and the potential for them to bring property values back up. It's a bold move but even if it never materializes at least people will think about Sanford in a positive and constructive way that enhances the historical district. Citizen comments and concerns include: disclosure of Schedule S requirements, with a deed restriction that makes notification part of the closing documents; the need for a public information officer; proactive versus reactive code enforcement; stronger follow - through with code enforcement; noise level in City limits (The Barn); petty theft items taken to all the pawn shops (get rid of pawn shops); a 4 -way Stop at 10 and South Laurel — speeding trucks in residential area; safer neighborhoods — more police patrol; reduce crime; more sidewalks and gutters in Georgetown; public relations campaign to enhance City image; do infill of reclaimed water; create a significant consequence for property owners who demolish a building without a Certificate of Occupancy in the historic district; public safety — initiate a project to install street lighting throughout Sanford (similar to a sidewalk installation multi -year plan so all neighborhoods are well lit); have clear, measurable goals for the City and a yearly performance discussion to review progress on the goals; Police Department; regulating the bars in downtown Sanford; enforcing the preservation codes; restore public access to Marina Island; amend the comprehensive plan and rezone Ft. Mellon Park to public use; diverse City Department Heads; Staff action — accountability — accomplishments; affordable housing; economic development; infrastructure improvements; form a Civilian Review Board modeled after the S.C.S.O. CRB; the repeal of Brian Tooley's pension; a full review of the Sherman More Cover -ups on behalf of S.P.D.; Police Chief & City Manager Hiring; business development/attraction; property values versus other areas of Seminole County; secure and support the Sun Rail Project; decentralize homeless solutions — Sanford has its unfair share; a youth council; write an ordinance dealing with sign twirlers — this is advertising (mobile ?) but not a first amendment right; discuss a panhandling ordinance; Hopper Academy; RiverWalk extension — West & East; do not create dozens of new committees — find existing one to address relevant issues; citizens confidence with police department direction; youth programs — addition of soccer, etc. at Fort Mellon Park and other parks; and a marketing plan. Mayor Elect Triplett's long term goals include a 5 year (minimum) strategic plan; public information relations is vital for the positive image of Sanford; 13 Street corridor strategic plan for restoration and rejuvenation of that corridor; and work hand in hand with the Sanford Housing Authority. His short term goals include the budget process including true projections of revenues and expenses; creation of a Financial Assessment and Stabilization Team (FAST) for community input into the budgetary process; the creation of his Mayor's Council which will include input from each district; and the City Manager selection will be at the forefront. Mayor Elect Triplett thanked everyone for attending, recognized City Staff, and adjourned the meeting at 1:09 PM.