HomeMy WebLinkAbout587-Zimmer Krech ', MAP, YANt-E HOP-.SE SEHINOL!T COUNTY, F~ ' ~LERK OF CIRCUIT COUR'T RECORDE~ ,~,, VERIFIE,, 5S 7 ., ,.- 19 3 10 9 9s ma: o Io= ss RIGHT-OF-WAY USE AGREEMENT This' agreement entered into this qk~ day of .C~~ , 19 by and betweeh the City of Sanford, F rida Municipal Corporation whose Post Office address is P. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, (hereinafter called th~ "CITY") and ZIMMER-KRECH ASSOCIATES, INC. whose Post Office address is c/oWilburn R. Erech, P. 0. Box 4009, Enterprise, Florida, 32725 , (hereinafter called the "REQUESTOR"). W, ITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CITY is the owner of certain street rights-of-way within the incorporated limits ofthe City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, these public rights-of-way are held by the CITY for the benefit and general use of the public for functions including, but not limited to, vehicular and pedestrian travel and land access, and installation and maintenance of various public utilities, and for conveyance, treatment, and disposal of stormwater; and WHEREAS, it is City policy to preserve the utility of these public rights-of-way for the above stated purposes; and WHEREAS, written authorization is required for any private use of public lands; and WHEREAS, the REQUESTOR has requested authorization from the CITY to utilize and/or improve a portion of the public right-of-way immediately adjacent to his (proof of ownership/interest required) property for a specific private purpose. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this agreement upon which parties have relied. SECTION 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to document agreements and conditions thereto whereby the CITY will agree to a right-of-way use/improvement by the REQUESTOR of a portion of public right-of- way contiguous to the REQUESTOR's property located at the following DATE ITEM address 200 S. French Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 legal description: Lot 1, Block 4, Tier 9, E. R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TOWN OF SANFORD, Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Seminole County, Florida. The agreement will allow the REQUESTOR to install parking spaces on~e'~D South side of WeSt 2nd Street, West of French Avenue. on a portion of the public right-of-way in accordance with detail~ shown on Attachment "A". Installation/improvement shall be subject~ to the following conditions: A) Construction dimensions, materials, color, and details of Also see City of the parking spaces (already existing and paved) Sanford letter dated April 23, 1985 attached. shall be as specified on Attac~ent "A". B) The authorized improvement shall in no way be extended or modified by the REQUESTOR without prior written approval~ of the City. C) REQUESTOR shall otherwise fully comply with all applicable portions of the City Land Development Regulations. SECTION 3. ~I~CE ~SPONSIBILITIES The REQUESTOR, and his successors and assigns, shall be responsible for perpetual maintenance of the improvement installed under this agreement. This shall include maintenance of the improvement and unpaved portion of right-of-way adjacent thereto. REQUESTOR may, with written City authorization, remove Said installation/improvement fully restoring the right-of-way to its previous condition. If the REQUESTOR does not continuously maintain the improvement and area in accordance with previously stated criteria, or completely restore the right-of-way to its previous condition, the CITY shall, after appropriate notice, restore the area to its previous condition at the REQUESTOR's expense and, if necessary, file a lien on the REQUESTOR's property to recover costs of restoration. SECTION 4. ~INATION The CITY reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this Pa~e -2- (ROW Use A~=e~ent) agreementat any time, providing notice as prescribed below. The REQUESTOR agrees that upon receipt of notice of termination of this agreement that he will expedi.tiously remove the installation/improvement and return the right-of-way to its previous condition. All restoration must be completed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination notice from the CITY. SECTION 5. I Dm FICAT ON To the fullest extent permitted by law, REQUESTOR agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its councilpersons, agents, servants, or employees (appointed, elected, or hired) from and against any and all liabilities, claims, penalties, demands, suits, judgements, losses, expenses, damages (direct, indirect or consequential), or injury of any nature whatsoever to person or property, and the costs and expenses incident thereto (including costs of defense, settlement, and reasonable attorney's fees up to and including an appeal), resulting in any fashion from or arising directly or indirectly out of or connected with the use of the City's right-of-way. SECTION 6. N~ICES Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly made when deposited in the United State mail, postage paid, and addressed as set forth herein, or at such other address as shall have been specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith: FOR THE CITY William A. Simmons, City Manager CITY OF SANFORD P. O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR ~{E REQUES~DR ZIMM~-KRECH ASSOCIATES, INC. c/o Wilburn R. Krech P. 0. Box 4009 Enterprise, Florida 32725 Page -3- (ROW Use Agreement) SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall take effect upon the date that it is executed by both parties hereto. SECTION 8. RECORDATION The agreements contained in this document shall be perpetual and run with the land. This document shall be recorded in the official records of Seminole County. IN WITNESS WHERETO, the parties have made and executed this agreement on the date first written above. THE CITY., OF SANFOE, FLORIDA · '~'~ A a. Municipal Corporation ATTEST: -- ,~ ~ % RK D'L SMITH MA , YOR M. Lee Albright Wilburn R. Krech for ZIMMER-KRECH ASSOC., INC. Print Name Print Name Date: /~- ~S&~- ~4J By: ( Requestor ) Print Name Print Name Date: Attachment 06/01/95 (~reeme~8) a:\agreemn~\R~.use Page -4- (ROW Use Agreement) DIRT ALLEY .--,-..' existing pav!ng~ ." Q r ~ ....10' X 20' ~ ' ' ' ~,~ , 2 3 4 5 ~. ~.""" ~ ,' ~ ,,"' HC ,,.,, 1 S~ CONC. "" 9 ,,,.'. BLK COMMERCIAL BLDG. ,.,"" 10 ~ , ....., /,.,.,, //. '~, -- Landscaping ~ sidewalk US 17-92 ' (FRENCH AVENUE) NOTE: R/W parking originally Approved by City Commission 6/16/88. ENG/PLAN. R/W USE REQUEST DEPARTEMENT 200 FRENCH AVE. DEC. 1995 parc 25-19-30-5AG-0409-0010 CURRENT 96 date 12/13/95 name ZIMNER-KRECH ASSOC INC jval land $33,780 addl '~ agrc add2 P 0 BOX 4009 extra feat $1,390 csz ENTERPRISE, FL 32725 bldg $56~1.90 pad 200 FRENCH AVE S cost value lncome nbhd 1.00 act A own % total ~uet value $91,360 td don flg -- pre/late .... exemptLone -- exmp-amt yr tax due S1 17 0 ~ 1900 $2,107,87 e&i 0 HOTE: ZIMMER-KRECH I~17-14O7-FJ 326-368-W0 1973-1283-Q0 LEGAL LEG LOT I BLK 4 TR 9 TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 61 SALES Sq WD 06/88 01968 1300 $125,000 % land 24 06/20/83 bldg 03 09/15/88 chg 01/01/00 Note,Leg,Sale,gld/land/xf,Prmt,AmdlO,Comm,Hiet,Other Roll,F~d,Nain Menu,EEXIT] Count: *0 <Replace> TRUST AGREEMENT TRUST AGREEMENT made this ~n day of O~r' , 1993, between WILBURN R. KRECH (hereinafter called the "Settlor") and WILBURN R. KRECH (hereinafter called the "Trustee"). ARTICLE 1 - NAME OF TRUST This Trust shall, for convenience, be known as the WILBURN R. KRECH FAMILY TRUST and it shall be sufficient that it be referred to as such in any instrument of transfer, deed, assign- ment, bequest or devise. ARTICLE 2 - TRUST PROPERTY 2.1 Initial Property. The Settlor is causing the death benefits of the life insurance polioies set forth in Schedule A annexed heretoto be made payable to the Trustee, the proceeds of such policies to be. held in trust and distributed as hereinafter set forth. In a~dition, the Settlor hereby transfers and deliv- ers to the Trustee the property listed in Schedule A annexed hereto, to have and to hold the same and any cash, securities, or other real and personal property which the Trustee may pursuant to any of the provisions hereof at any time hereafter hold or acquire, all of such property being hereinafter referred to as the Trust Estate, for the uses and purposes and upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. The corporate Trustee, if any, shall have custody of the asset~ comprising the Trust Estate. 2.2 Additional.Property. As long as this Agreement remains unrevoked, either the Settlor or any other person, with the consent of the Trustee, may add other insurance policies or other property to any trust hereby created, by making such insurance payable or transferring such property to the Trustee hereunder by deed, assignment or other instruments of transfer or bequest or devise, and if so added, the proceeds of such additional policies and such property shall be covered by the provisions hereof, the same as if originally included hereunder. 2.3 payment ~f Premiums. The Trustee is'not obligated to ..pay any premiums or assessments under ~ny p61icies of insurance payable to the Trustee under this Agreement or to keep informed with respect to the payment thereof. 12.9 The term "proper maintenance and support" shall mean the maintenance and support of the income beneficiaries in accordance with their accustomed manner of living. 12.10 The term "Settlor" refers to WILBURN R. KRECH. 12.11 The term "tax" or "taxes" shall include any interest and penalties thereon. 12.12 The term "Trust Estate"_~efers to the insurance policies and other property itemized and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, which insurance has been made payable to the Trustee and other property which has been transferred, delivered and assigned and conveyed to the Trustee, together with such other property that hereafter may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, bequeathed or devised to the Trustee by the Settlor or any other person, including the proceeds from any insurance policies which are payable to the Trustee. 12.13 The term "Trustee" refers to the single, multiple and successor Trustees who at any time may ~e appointed and acting in a fiduciary capacity under the terms of this Agreement. 12.14 Legally adopted children shall be deemed to be natural born children of their adoptive parents, and terms of kinship or descent used herein shall be construed accordingly. 12.15 The singular includes the plural and the plural includes'the singular. 12.16 As used in this Trust Agreement, the terms "alloca- tion", "applicable fraction", "direct skip", "generation skipping transfer", "GST exemption", "inclusion ratio", "nonexempt por- tion", "taxable distribution", "taxable termination", "transfer" and "transferor" shall have the same meanings as such terms have in Chapter 13 of the Internal Revenue Code unless the context requires otherwise. ARTICLE 13 - CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT The headings and subheadings used throughout this Agreement are for convenience only and have no significance in the inter- pretation of the body of this Agreement, and ~ettlor directs that they be disregarded in construing the provisions of this Agree- ment. IN WITNESS W~EREOF, I, WILBURN R. KREC~, as Settlor and 22 Trustee of the foregoing Trust Agreement, have hereunto set my hand and seal on the date aforesaid. (sE ) 1 Trustee This Trust Agreement was, on the date thereof, signed, published and declared by WILBURN R. KRECH"to be the WILBURN R. KRECH FAMILY TRUST in our presence and in the presence of each of us,'and we, at the same time, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto signed our names and STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) WE, WILBURN R. KRECH (the Settlor-Trustee), EDWARD D. WVV.AM- (the First Witness) and CYNTHIA KELLY '(the Second Witness), whose names are signed to the attached or foregoing instrument, having been sworn, declared to the under- signed officer that the Settlor-Trustee, in the presence of the witnesses,"signed the instrument as the WILBURN R. KREC~ FAMILY TRUST, that he signed and that each of the witnesses in the presence of the Settlor-Trustee and in the presence of each other, signed the Trust Agreement as a witness. W~,tness -~e Subscribed and sworn to before me by the Settlor ~ , and by 23 the First Witness and the Second Witness on October 8 , 1993. The Settlor-Trustee: ~ Is personally known to me, or Q Has produced identification. Type of identification: The First Witness: ~ Is personally known to me, or Q ~as produqed identification. Type of identification: The Second Witness: ~ Is personally known to me, or Q gas produced identification. Type of identification: (Signature of Notary Public) Thomas C. Shaw AFFIX NOTARy STAMP (Print name of Notary Public) My Commission Expires:8/13/94 My Commission No. is: CC 039065 24