HomeMy WebLinkAbout512-St Johns Parkway East RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT This Right-of-Way Agreement is made and entered into this .2~ day of February, 1994 by and between the City of Sanfor~ Florida, a Florida municipal corporation (the "CITY") and Eoghan Kelley and Harold G. Hartsock, as Trustee (collectively t~ "OWNERS" ). WITNESSETH: e~ WHEREAS, the OWNERS are the owners and/or holders of certa~ ,. ~ real property located in the City of Sanford, Florida, which is < ~- more particularly described on Exhibits "A" and "B" and generally oo 7 depicted in Exhibit "C", all attached hereto and by this reference c ~- made a part hereof (the "property"); and ~ WHEREAS, there exists an undeveloped 30 foot east-west road cO right-of-way which traverses the "property" between existing Upsala ~_ Road and the existing Rinehart Road which 30 foot east-west road LdX - right-of-way is hereinafter referred to as Jewett Lane; and ~ .,. WHEREAS, the CITY plans to install a 16 inch diameter potable ~ 0~ water line and a 12 inch reclaimed water line in Jewett Lane to ~oo provide utility service in the western area of the CITY; and ~ WHEREAS, pursuant to Special Warranty Deed recorded in O.R. z Book 2589, Page 884, the CITY has previously accepted from OWNERS c~ (i) the dedication of land for the right-of-way of St. Johns ,~, Parkway to run between Rinehart Road and Towne Center Boulevard, ~ together with (ii) a roughly 200 feet by 200 feet parcel in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of St. Johns Parkway and Rinehart Road which parcel was intended to serve as the site for the stormwater retention pond for stormwater runoff from the impervious surface of that portion of St. Johns Parkway as ~s described above (hereinafter the "Original Retention Pond" which cO ~ Original Retention Fond is more particularly described on recorded c~ pages 892 - 893 of the above-referenced Special Warranty Deed, a ~' copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by ~ ~ reference as Exhibit "D"); and ~-,. WHEREAS, in exchange for the vacation of Jewett Lane the ~x - OWNERS have proposed to dedicate a new 110 foot wide road right-of- ~CD~ way between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road as described and depicted · u_ on the survey by M. Edward Gordon dated November 9, 1992, Drawing ~c.~z No. 2836, which right-of-way shall be named St. Johns Parkway, and ~ which survey is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, that portion of the St. Johns Parkway lying between Towne Center Boulevard and Rinehart Road shall hereinafter be referred to as St. Johns Parkway West and that portion of St. Johns Parkway Road between Rinehart Road and ' /---, r.-, .:. O~FIClAL RECORDS BOOK PAGE 2966 1311 .psala Road shall hereinafter be referred to as St. East; and WHEREAS, the CITY is willing to vacate and abandon the' existing 30 foot Jewerr Lane as shown on Exhibit "E"; and WHEREAS, the CITY has agreed to release and reconvey to OWNERS the Original Retention Pond as described on Exhibit "D" in consideration for which OWNERS shall concurrently grant and convey to CITY a perpetual easement over the Original Retention Pond for use as a stormwater retention pond to accommodate stormwater drainage for St. Johns Parkway West (as defined above) (the "Stormwater Drainage Easement") which Storm~ater Drainage Easement may be relocated at OWNERS' option and cost (if any), but subject to and in accordance with this Agreement} and WHEREAS, the CITY and the OWNEES desire to express the terms and conditions of such dedications and relocations in a Right-of- Nay Agreement executed between the CITY and OWNERS7 and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the CITY and the OWNERS to facilitate the construction of a four lane divided road within the new one hundred ten foot (110' wide road right-of-way between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road. NOW, THEREFORE, for and an consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained hereln, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: I. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS The recitations set forth in the foregoing recitals are material to this Agreement and are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement as through they were fully set forth in Section I, and this Agreement shall be construed in accordance therewith. II. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONAND VACATING~ RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS The OWNERS will dedicate (and the CITY shall accept) by appropriate special warranty deeds a 110 foot right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East as depicted on Exhibit "E" not later than ninety (90) days after the hereinafter defined Effective Date, unless the parties mutually agree, in writing, upon a different date. Such conveyances shall be for road right-of-way, stormwater and utility purposes only, unless mutually agreed otherwise in writing by the parties hereto. CITY agrees, as a condition precedent to OWNERS' obligation to convey the 110 foot right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East that such right-of-way shall be used for a four (4) lane right-of-way (with median) which right-of-way shall be constructed and designed in a manner generally consistent with St. 2 1312 !SEHtNOLE CO. FL. 5ohns Parkway West so that St, 5ohns Parkway East and West form a consistent continuous right-of-way and the centerlines of St. Johns Parkway East and West match and the centerline of St. Johns Parkway East matches the centerline of Coastline Road. However, nothing contained herein shall prevent the construction of the St. Johns Parkway East in two phases, the first phase being the construction of a two lane segment between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road. Concurrent with the dedication of St. Johns Parkway East the CITY will vacate and abandon Jewett Lane as depicted on Exhibit "E" and if requested by OWNERS, execute a quit claim deed conveying Jewett Lane to OWNERS. It is acknowledged that dedication of this new road right-of-way must occur no later than ninety (90) days after the Effective Date in order to allow design, permitting, and construction of water and reclaimed water pipelines therein to meet construction deadlines for Seminole Towne Center. The CITY shall cause to be issued a Right-of-Way Use Permit to OWNERS, their successors and assigns, for the St. Johns Parkway East right-of-way as described on Exhibit "E" for grazing farm animals (as hereinafter defined) and Access and Construction (as hereinafter defined). The Right-of-Way Use Permit shall continue in force and effect until such time as a permit is issued for the construction of St. Johns Parkway East. The term "Grazing" means use by OWNERS, their successors and assigns, on, over, and across the St. Johns Parkway East right-of- way, for purposes of grazing livestock and placing and maintaining fences on the conveyed right-of-way. The Grazing Rights shall also provide that thirty (30) days prior to commencement of any clearing or construction in the right-of-way, CITY shall notify OWNERS so that OWNERS may temporarily relocate such livestock and fencing. The parties shall cooperate fully with each other to effectuate this provision and this provision shall be in addition to all other notice requirements herein. The term "Access and Construction" means use by OWNERS, their successors and assigns, on, over, and across the St. Johns Parkway East right-of-way for purposes of ingress, egress and access to and construction of the right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East and appurtenant stormwater retention therefor; provided, however, that OWNERS, their successors and assigns shall have the right, but not the obligation, to construct the St. Johns Parkway East right-of- way and appurtenant stormwater retention therefor. Incident to the conveyance of the St. Johns Parkway East right-of-way, and as part of Access and Construction, the parties agree that St. Johns Parkway East shall be available for land access, and ingress and egress to the adjacent properties, subject to applicable CITY land development regulations and the reasonable approval of CITY. 3 OFFICIAL RECORDS PAGE 1313 III. ~CONVEY~q~CE OF ORIGINi~T,, ~TENTION POND SEH;NOLE C0. FL. The CITY hereby agrees to and shall reconvey to OWNERS the Original Retention Pond as described on Exhibit "D", at no cost or expense to OWNERS, which deed of conveyance shall be delivered to OWNERS no later than September 30, 1994, unless the parties mutually agree upon a different date. Such deed of conveyance shall be reasonably satisfactory to OWNERS and shall be in such form and content so that title insurance may be issued on the reconveyance free and clear of any lien or encumbrance. The terms of this Agreement shall be specifically referenced in such deed of conveyance and shall merge into the provisions thereof. IV. GRANT OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT (a) Concurrently with reconveyance of the Original Retention Pond to OWNERS as set forth in Section III above, OWNERS shall grant and convey to CITY a perpetual and non-exclusive (to the extent that OWNERS shall retain all rights not inconsistent with the Agreement) easement over, across, under, upon and through the reconveyed Original Retention Pond described on Exhibit "D" for the purposes of transmitting, retaining and treating stormwater runoff and other drainage from, and pertaining to, St. Johns Parkway West (the "Stormwater Drainage Easement"). (b) The Stormwater Drainage Easement shall be utilized by the CITY for any and all drainage and stormwater utility purposes for the above-referenced St. Johns Parkway West, with full authority to enter upon to excavate, construct and maintain, as the CITY and its assigns may deem necessary, a drainage system consisting of pipes, ditches, detention, percolation or disposal areas or any combination thereof, together with appurtenant drainage structures, and any other stormwater facilities. The CITY and its assigns shall have the right to clear and keep clear all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within said easement area that may interfere with the location, excavation, operation, utility or maintenance of the drainage facilities or functions, and OWNERS, their successors and assigns, agree not to build, construct or create, or permit others to build, construct or create any buildings or other structures on the herein granted easement that may interfere with the location, excavation, operation, utility or maintenance of the drainage facilities or functions or utilities and any related facilities placed thereon. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, OWNERS shall have the right to relocate the Stormwater Drainage Easement in accordance with, and subject to, Section V hereof. (d) OWNERS hereby grant unto the CITY a right of reasonable access to and necessary entry onto any and all property that may be reasonably necessary which is immediately adjacent to the Stormwater Drainage Easement and onto the Stormwater Drainage 4 OOK PAGE ,,--, .: 29 5 131 aSEMtNOLE CO. FL. Easement itself for the purposes of maintenance, repair and replacement of the drainage facilities in, within, on or under the Stormwater Drainage Easement and any and all appurtenance facilities related thereto. V. RELOCATION OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT OWNERS shall have the absolute right to relocate the Stormwater Drainage Easement and all drainage facilities, if any, located therein, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1) OWNERS, at their sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for the redssign, permitting, relocation and reconstruction (if necessary) of the Stormwater Drainage Easement (and all drainage facilities, if any); and 2) The alternate design and relocation must meet design and permitting requirements for the stormwater runoff from St. Johns Parkway West as presently designed and permitted for construction by the CITY and other regulatory agencies and shall not require any redesign of the roadway for St. Johns Parkway West except for the direction of outfall of stormwater from the road right-of-way; and 3) If relocation and reconstruction of drainage facilities is required as a result of relocation of the Stormwater Drainage Easement, all costs of such relocation and reconstruction shall be borne by OWNERS. OWNERS shall insure that all warranties, payment and performance bonds, maintenance bonds and other documents of like nature are in place and acceptable to the CITY and capable of being transferred to the CITY. The foregoing design, permitting, relocation and reconstruction and maintenance work, as well as access to the drainage facilities shall be subject to reasonable review and approval by the City Engineer; and 4) OWNERS retain the right to use the relocated Stormwater Drainage Easement (and drainage facilities, if any) for drainage and stormwater runoff from OWNERS' abutting property so long as such use does not, according to generally accepted engineering standards, impede or interfere with the full and complete use of the Stormwater Drainage Easement by CITY for the use set forth herein; and 5) OWNERS agree not to interfere with the ongoing drainage needs of St. Johns Parkway during the period of relocation and reconstruction and to insure that all necessary drainage functions continue during such work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and 5 ~ ~ OFFICIAL RECORDS ' BOOK PAGE 1315 6) Upon zeZocatlon of the Stormwater Dralna%~kZ,~h~eblnj;~. FL. (and reconstruction of the dzalnage facilities, if any) ~'a m~nne~~ satisfactory to the City Engineer and consistent with generally accepted engineering principles, OWNERS shall issue to the CITY an instrument of conveyance conveying to the CITY all of the drainage rights as set forth herein on the relocated easement; provided, however, that OWNERS and the CITY may mutually agree to relocate the drainage facilities to other property owned by OWNERS at no cost to the CITY and only if the CITY maintains equivalent or greater drainage capabilities; and 7) The Original Retention Pond, as presently designed, is estimated to produce 7,000 net cubic yards of suitable fill which is planned for use in construction of St. Johns Parkway West. Should Owner's elect to relocate the Retention Pond, an equal quantity of suitable fill shall be provided by OWNERS as would have been provided from the Original Retention Pond in a timely manner for use in St. Johns Parkway West construction; and 8) The CITY shall be afforded the opportunity, at anytime, and upon completion of final design to review, comment, and ultimately approve the alternative outfall design prepared by the OWNERS. CITY approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; and 9) If OWNERS exercise their right to relocate the Stormwater Drainage Easement (and drainage facilities, if any) then the design and permitting for the relocated Stormwater Drainage Easement shall be completed no later than May 1, 1994, unless mutually agreed otherwise, in writing, by the parties. If this date is not met, it is agreed the CITY must proceed with construction of St. Johns Parkway West and the Original Retention Pond in order to insure completion of the road in a timely manner to meet committed Seminole Towne Center construction schedules. 10) CITY recognizes and agrees that OWNERS retain the right to relocate the Stormwater Drainage Easement and the stormwater retention pond even after St. Johns Parkway (East or West or both) has been constructed, so long as OWNERS pay all costs thereof and do not interfere with the full unimpeded use of St. Johns Parkway West as a public thoroughfare. VI. RESPONSIBILITIES AND COST ALLOCATIONS The OWNERS and the CITY agree to the following responsibilities and cost allocations for the aforementioned activities: (a) The right-of-way definition and legal description and surveys for the new 110 foot right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East shall be furnished by the CITY at CITY's sole cost and expense. This will include, but not be limited to, necessary surveying to sufficiently locate the new right-of-way boundaries as 6 'OFFICIAL RECORDS DAGF necessary to insure the suitable installation of plan~I~a~%'e water and reclaimed water pipelines within that right-of-way, all of which shall be completed by CITY no later than forty-five days prior to commencement by CITY of any clearing or site work on the right-of-way. No permanent marking, roadway construction or other construction in that right-of-way shall be provided as a part of this Agreement except that CITY shall install temporary stakes to mark off the boundaries of the right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East. Such temporary stakes shall be installed at least every one hundred (100) feet on the straight portion of the right-of-way and at least every twenty-five (25) feet on the curved portion of the right-of-way. Such staking shall be completed at least forty-five (45) days prior to commencement by CITY of any clearing or site work on the right-of-way. All costs of the vacation, abandonment and reconveyance of Jewett Lane shall be borne by the CITY. (b) All costs of the preparation of the appropriate special warranty deeds for conveyance of the new 110 foot right-of- way of the St. Johns Parkway East to the CITY shall be borne by the OWNERS. (c) All costs for additional engineering and permitting associated with the relocation of the Original Retention Pond and the Stormwater Drainage Easement shall be borne by the OWNERS. (d) All costs of vacating and abandoning the Original Retention Pond and reconveying it to OWNERS shall be borne by the CITY. (e) During such time as the Right-of-Way Use Permit (provided for by Section II herein) shall be in force and effect, OWNERS shall install a gate to provide access to the right-of-way for St. Johns Parkway East from Rinehart Road on the west and Upsala Road on the east. CITY shall be provided with a key to allow access until such time as St. Johns Parkway East has been constructed and opened to traffic. CITY shall assist OWNERS to keep the gates closed and locked. (f) All costs associated with the permitting, placement, construction and maintenance of potable water and reclaimed water utilities to be placed in the St. Johns Parkway East right-of-way shall be CITY's sole responsibility. All costs associated with the permitting, placement, construction and maintenance of any other utility to be placed in the St. Johns Parkway East right-of-way shall be borne by CITY or others, but not by OWNERS unless OWNERS specifically agree otherwise or as required by CITY land development regulations, pursuant to development of OWNERS' adjacent property. .... 7:0'FF3FC~A'L'RE'CORDS BOOK PAGE ,.. I317 SEMINOLE CO. EL. (g) CITY agrees that whenever, pursuant to this Agreement, CITY constructs or maintains utilities in any right-of- way, CITY shall restore the right-of-way by compacting, grading and seeding the area in which or under which such utilities have been constructed or maintained. (h) All utilities to be constructed in the right-of-way of St. Johns Parkway East must be designed and constructed in such a way so as not to restrict or interfere with the construction of St. Johns Parkway East as a four lane (with median) roadway which would require no additional right-of-way beyond the one hundred ten feet (110') provided herein and would be consistent with the design and construction plans approved, as of this date, by the CITY for St. Johns Parkway West. All utility design, construction and maintenance shall be performed so as not to interfere with the use of the right-of-way as a four (4) lane right-of-way (with median) forming a continuous right-of-way generally consistent with St. Johns Parkway West so that the centerlines of St. Johns Parkway East and West match and so that the centerline of St. Johns Parkway East matches up with the centerline of Coastline Road when finally completed as a four lane divided (with median) roadway. (i) Construction and maintenance by CITY, or any utility holding a franchise from the CITY, of any and all utilities to be placed in the right-of-way of St. Johns Parkway East shall be performed in such manner so as not to interfere with the actual construction of the four (4) lane (with median) right-of-way of St Johns Parkway East. (j) CITY recognizes and agrees that although CITY has the right to place utilities in the right-of-way of St. Johns Parkway East in accordance with and subject to this Agreement, such utility lines shall be used only by CITY, or any utility holding a franchise from the CITY, and the right-of-way shall not be opened to the public until completion of construction of the actual roadway of St. Johns Parkway East. Moreover, OWNERS, their successors and assigns shall have all of the reserved rights set forth in this Agreement. (k) CITY agrees, as a material inducement to OWNERS to enter into this Agreement, that CITY shall provide concurrent written notice to OWNERS whenever: (i) CITY advertises, sends out request for proposals or bids or awards proposals, contracts or bids for the design or construction of St. Johns Parkways East and/or West or for any utilities to be placed in such right-of-way; and (ii) CITY conducts a public hearing regarding the design, permitting or construction of St. Johns Parkway East and/or West. In addition, except in case of emergency, CITY shall provide to OWNERS at least forty-eight (48) hours advance written notice before CITY enters upon the right-of-way of St. Johns Parkway East and/or St. Johns Parkway West. OFFICIAL RECORDS ~ BOOR PAGE ? ? 6 s1318 (1) Future construction of St. Johns Parkwa~e3~0aFL. four (4) lane (with median) roadway, may require additional land for stormwater retention similar to that required for St. Johns Parkway West. Whoever is responsible for constructing the roadway generating the requirement for additional land for stormwater retention, if any, shall be responsible for providing such land as may be required by CITY land development regulations and other regulatory agencies. VII. ASSIGNMENT The parties may assign their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement with prior written consent of the other parties, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. VIII.BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the OWNERS and its assigns and successors and upon the CITY and its assigns and successors in interest. IX. COOPERATION The parties shall cooperate fully with each other and pursue their obligations in good faith to effectuate their intentions hereunder. X. NOTICES Notice shall be effective when received. When notice is required to be given, it shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested, addresses only, hand delivery, courier delivery or overnight delivery. Said notice shall be sent to the following, as applicable. OWNERS: Eoghan N. Kelley P.O. Box 1328 Sanford, Florida 32772-1328 and Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee c/o SEMINOLE FARMS TRUST, IV P.O. Box 1449 Sanford, Florida 32772-1449 With A Copy To: Harry A. Stewart, Esquire AKERMAN, SENTERFITT & EIDSON, P.A. P.O. Box 231 Orlando, Florida 32802 9 [300~ PAGE <,;SEH~NOLE CO, FL, As To The CITY: Willi~ A. Si~ons, P.E,, City Manager CITY OF S~FO~ P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 With A Copy To: Willi~ L. Colbert, Esquire STENSTROM, MCINTOSH, ~I~, COVERT ~IG~ & SI~ONS, P.A. Post Office Box 4848 Sanford, Florida 32772-4848 XI. ~ND~NT This Agreement may not be ~ended or modified except by written Agreement executed by the parties. XII. RECORDING This Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. XIII.EFFECTI~ DATE The effective date of this Agreement will be the date that the last of either the CITY or the O~ERS has executed this Agreement. IN WITNESS ~E~OF, the parties hereto have executed this O~ER'S Agreement in manner and form and sufficient to bind:.::them as of the day and the year first above written. CITY: CITY OF S~FO~, FLORIDA ,.: O~ERS: 10 Seminole Farms Trust, IV CO~TY OF SEMINOLE) The foregoing instr~ent was acknowledged before me this ~ra day of P.ebruar , 1994, by BETTYE D. ~ITH, Mayor of the CITY ~ ~ s..~.~ ~.~? Personally Known ~ ~s Produced Identification ~-s~-~78 ~8~ Type of Identification STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF SEMINOLE) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Notary Public, State of Florida Personally Known Produced Identification T~pe of I.d~ntification , 11 0FFICIALRECORDS ': BOOK PAGE 1321 STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: ,SEMINOLE C0, FL COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of February, 1994, by HAROLD G. HARTSOCK, Trustee of Seminole Farms Trust, IV, on behalf of Seminole Farms Trust, IV. Name: .~ 7~ /,/ :~//, 7~ Notary Public, State of Florida Personally Known ~ Produced Identification Type of Identification 12 acct >]b3-.-19-.-3)-SO6-0000-()37A-<~-8 CLIRRENT 93 clare C6/01/93 P:[-3 name I<ELLEY EOGI.~N N jval land .1.37 ~ 200 add1 P 0 BOX 1328 agrc 1.9~ 090 add2 activity extr .~eat 0 csz SANFORD FL. 32772 bldg 27~ ()60 pad UPSALA RD income 0 total val 46~ 150 td dot ~ig exrcpt e,emptions ex-amount y~ */acre/.~f tax-due e&i S1 61 0() 0[ )0()0 .... 000()()000 00 1~ 037.37 -0000 sd: ......... prior-val q-S~ 650 note S64-2L33 1293-708 213i-1~30-RD legal S i[./2 OF LOTS 37 + 38 SMITHS 3RD SUBD PB 1 PG ~6 sales data SU qD 11/92 02505 1878 00000100 V 3C030993 land 30 02 09/93 bldg 01 01/17/7S ...... land ........................................................................................ cd unit/rate a~ea dec depth ovd amount ~ adj reason I {J 00012()00 000009 082 00001090 00 2 AA 01750000 000009 082 00119201 75 LOW 3 AF 00009000 000200 200 3 00018000 00 ...... extra ~eatuPes ............................................................................ code description a~ea ~ep-amount ovd y~-dep appraised bldg buildings ..................................................................................... btdg imp buco base sub~ 01 01 q.S~5 ()01110 EP 000112 SP 000232 o H.W. "Sill" SUBER, CFA Seminole Cc!unt'.y P~:'clpePty Appra:i.!~;e.~:. EXHIBIT "A" I.I.O.L East F:i.:pst S't]i"E, et acct 28-19-30-S06-0000-.0~30-0--7 CURRENT 93 date ()6/01/9,~B PI-3 name KEL. LEY EOGHAN N 3val land 196,880 addl P 0 B[]>( 1328 ag~c 1~ 800 add2 activity ext~ .~eat 0 csz SANFORD FL 32772 bldg 0 pad income 0 total val l~ 800 td doz, .~lg except exemptions ex-amount yr % acl~e/~ tax-due e&i S1 61 00 000000 ...... 00000000 00 ~0,90 -0000 sd: prior-val i, 800 note 56~-133 1293-708 2137-1~30-RD legal LOTS 43 & ~ SMITHS 3RD 8UBO PB 1PG 86 sales data SU qO il/9~ 0250S 1878 00000100 V JC030993 land 30 02 09/93 bldg / / ....... land ....................................................................................... cd unit/rate area dec depth ovd amount ~ adj reason i 07 00012000 000018 000 00001800 00 2 AA 01780000 O0001S 000 00196875 7S LOW ....... extra ~eatores ........................................................................ code description area rep-amount ovd y~-dep appraised bldg ....... buildings ..................................................................................... bldg imp buco base sub: ., .'.. /"'-, I~t'G]BILITY UNSATISFACTORY ,' FOR MICROFILMING c~t 28-19-30-506-0000-0~10-0-1 CLJRRENT 93 date 06/01/93 PI--3 name HARTSOCK HAROLD G TRUSTEE jval land 236~ 2SC a~dl C/O SEMINOLE FARMS TRUST IV ag~c add2 P 0 80X 1~9 activity extr Eea't C csz SANFORD FL 32772 bldg p.ad income 0 '~otai val 2~ t,: dot- ~i.g ex~cpt exemptions ex-amount y~ ~,~ ac~e/E~ tax-due sd: ..... p~o~-vai 2., ~()C note ~6~-133 !293-708 2137-1q. 30-'RD legal LOTS 41 ~2 S3 & S~+ SMI'rHS 3RD SUBD PB I PG 86 sales da~_a SU WO 01/93 025S0 IL~L~9 00S10000 V 3C030993 land 30 02 09/93 bldg / / ....... land .......................................................................... cd unit/rate area dec ~epth ovd amoun~ o~ adj 1-eason i 07 00012000 000015 000 00001800 00 2 OS 00002000 000012 000 000002~0 00 3 06 0000~500 000008 000 00000360 00 ~ AA 00900000 000035 000 00236250 75 LO~ ...... ex t~a ~ea~u~es ...................................................................... code description a~ea ~ep-amount ov~ y~-dep appraised bldg ........ bu i ld ~n gs ...................................... ~ ....................... Z ....... ~Idg zmp buco base suO: . . :.0 H.W. "Bill" SUBER, CFA :.Semln,:Die :Z:oL~r,r:y PFI:lpel~',:/ App)Ta:!.sez' EXHIBIT "B" t~-~3 'WZS8RS ,,ITTB,, 'fit 'H :qns eseq oonq d~T GPTq ........................................................................ ~sGbTpTTnq DpTO pes~ecdde dep-~ pAo ~unoee-dac ee~e uo~dycosep epOm .................................................................... s~cnq. e~ ec~xe ....... ~Oq SZ O00SEIO0 000 OEO000 00000600 ~ g O0 O0~EO000 000 OEO000 O00ETO00 ZO T uose8~ ~De % ~unoum pAO q~dep ~ap ease e~e~/~Tun Pm ................................................................ Puei ...... / f DPIq S6/60 ~0 0S pueT E660~03C A 0000IS00 6~T OSS~O E6/~0 OM RS e~ep sates 98 98 Y 8d ~ M.M. SMITH'S 3RD SUBD. "T,, i c 52 / ~ !';OFFIC)AL RECORDS BOOK pA, GE ,,~6C~ ECO FL I : 2589 089~ S~x/~OL · · -. ,,.-. ...............~~ ~11~TW UNSATISFACTORy. LE{31ND FOR MICROFILMING ,. Eic' ... , OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK PAGE 0889 SEHINOLECO'FL' ..... ' - OFFICIAL RECORDS ' ' '. : 800H PAGE ~966~ 1333 ,.SENT BY:Shul;ts & 8owen ; ?- 9-83 | 1'1:4! | Shut"¢$ & B~en.., AKERI4AN, SENTERFZTT;.I * ~,~, coz,,r~,z.~ '~c. cz~ c,. -.tx.,,,~o~ ('~c~ ~'~ ~ ~,zi OFFICIAL RECORDS ..;.. ~ . ~ ~,EGAT, DF, SC~]~ON ? ~ ~ 6 ~ 13 3 h SE~'~tNOLE CO. FL. ~CIBIL}~ UNSATISFACTORY .' ~OR MICROFILMING ,,, ~,~ ~.~ ~e~t/Ofi e~ i= ~OW~/p 1~ SOglh~ ~n~ ~ .... =_., ........................ ..,:. · ,.~. ..... '~ ,.; E ASTGATE ! ~ .q~. 69 ,. ~-'f''.~, iZg~."~' · ' ' , "' , "'. i ~'1 ,N.Bq'5~,OI W, IZ~-I-15A,~.:~s,..~,, -PI~,K J 'J - LOT 40 ' bO < o ' fH I/~. ' THI/Z ~ s, P~s4u~ ~oe ,wom~T,~w,~, '~ ' ' .--~4o-~' I ,a .' . .~J.,",..'~..'~'~,~,.. "" 'b.~tr,~," " LdP1' 4~ , ~ ~4 "' ,,,.- .~-,,- I' " ~ 13 '~ DOT zl LOT' 4Z ~ td ~'~"'~""""" ~,2~;.~""""' *""'""~ ""~" Z7' ~1,~ Fs~Y~/ M, BI)rWAIiD GORDON--Ii~)IBT/~uu~ ~ SURV!aO~ 12259 · , -sxp VXHn~N, ZX~:, aTTOPa~rAT LAW /~/_2z2:-~, ~' "'~ 5QUNDA~Y SUrVeY -SECURITY NATIONAL BANK NUNUMBER -GRAHAM, CLARK, POHL Fs JONES , s v EXHIBIT "'E"