HomeMy WebLinkAbout501-Utility Construction Agrmt 10/1993 Sanford, P.O. Box 1788 - 32772-1788 Telephone (407) 330-5601 Fax (407) 330-5666 April 14, 1994 Mr. Jerry McCollum, P.E., County Engineer County of Seminole 520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200 Sanford, Florida 32773 RE: Lake Mar~ Boulevard Phase II - City of Sanford Utility Relocations Dear Jerry: This letter confirms our conversations of April 11, 1994, regarding alternatives .for City action concerning the relocation of utilities in Lake Mary Boulevard. The Interlocal Agreement of October 14, 1993, between Seminole County and Sanford provided the City the .right to withdraw its work from the County construction contract if the construction bid price for City work exceeded the City's estimated utility construction cost by greater than 20 percent. The bid price was $498,000- while the City's estimate (revised) was $328,000-. It is my understanding that bids for the County contract were opened on March 16, .1994, and. that the specification required that the bids he good for sixty days. I have discussed this matter with our engineer And the Commission, and it has been decided that Sanford will advertise for bids'. for a separate utility contract for our work, with bids to be open on May 3, 1994. A decision will be made on May 9, 1994 to either award a separate utility contract under the City bid advertisement., or to authorize the waiver of the City right to withdraw from the County construction contract, authorizing the necessary additional funds to facilitate construction under the County contract. I will. notify you immediately following that action, on May 10. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. City Manager WAS / acd cc :. Utility Director City Attorney Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers a: \letter\mccollum "The Friendly City" O~tober 28, ~993 TO: City Clerk~ From: Utility Director ~ Re: Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement Lake Mary Boulevard Jan Attached is an original interlocal agreement executed by the City and County. Please file for safe keeping. PM/dh Attachment SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD [NTERLOCALUTILITYCONSTRUCTIONAGR~T THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~_ of , 1993, by and between SEHINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, lIO1 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and the CITY OF SANFORD , a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the CITY. WITNESSETH: NHEREAS, the parties hereto have the common power to construct, locate and relocate their respective utility facilities and to contract for the performance of such work; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires, at its own expense, to construct water and sewer utilities situated in rights-of-way of the COUNTY within the County road-widening project, known as the Lake Mary Boulevard Phase II (C-IS to U.S. 17/92) Project; and WHEREAS, the CITY has requested the COUNTY to include in said Lake Mary Boulevard Phase IZ (C-15 to U.S. Z7/92) Project certain additional work to meet the needs of the CITY; and WHEREAS, The COUNTY is agreeable to providing such work under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WltEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by the provisions of Section Florida Statutes, which authorizes the exercise by agreement of two (2) or more public agencies of any power common to them and other applicable law; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is for the COUNTY to provide the following work to the CITY in the manner hereinafter set forth: (a) All of the work is to be done according to the plans and specifica- tions as prepared by Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineering, Inc.. (b) The COUNTY shall advertise for and receive all bids for and let all construction contracts for said work. (c) The CITY reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and withdraw its work from the COUNTY's construction contract if the construction bid price for the CITY's work exceeds the CITY's estimated utility construction cost of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($ 275,000.00 __) by twenty percent (20%) or greater. {d) The COUNTY shall provide on-site inspection services, subcontractors for soils and material testing, engineering services, and surveys for as-builts and quantities during construction, hereinafter referred to as CEI Services, for the CITY's portion of the work for an estimated fee of THZRTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FZFTY AND 00/100Dollars {$ 30,250-09. The CITY shall approve in writing all contrac- tor payment requests for the CITY's portion of the work and transmit to the COUNTY for processing in a timely manner. The COUNTY shall process all payment requests. The CITY shall prepare all change orders related to its p%rtion of the work and CEI Services and transmit same to the COUNTY for processing. The CITY shall be responsible for payment to the COUNTY for all costs resulting from change orders on its portion of the work and CEI Services. In the event of a conflict, the COUNTY shall have final authority. The cost of conflict manholes not included in the base contract shall be the responsibility of the CITY. The CITY is authorized to consult with and advise the COUNTY's consulting engineer 2 during the construction period. All direction to contractor shall be through the COUNTY. {e} The plans and specifications may provide for scheduled interruptions of utility service; provided, however, that the date, time and duration of such service interruptions first shall be approved by the Director of Public utilities of CITY. It is further agreed that any scheduled or unscheduled cessation of utility services shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement on the part of either party hereto; and neither party shall be liable to the other for damage resulting from such cessation of services. This release of liability shall not be construed to release the contractor awarded the construction contract or any other third party from any liability for any damage from whatever cBuse whatsoever. {f} Upon completion and acceptance of the work by the COUNTY, the COUNTY shall transfer the respective engineering certificates and contractors~ and manufacturers~ bonds, indemnities and warranties to the CITY by unconditional assignment without any representation or warranty by the COUNTY or recourse to the COUNTY, and the water and sewer facilities shall be and become the property of the CITY, and shall be operated and maintained by the CITY, according to the terms of the standard permit required by law for occupancy of publit rights-of- way. (g) The CITY, through its Director of Public .Utilities, shall have the righi at all times to inspect the work and any and all records relating to the performance of work and CEI Services. The COUNTY shall, upon request, furnish five {5) copies of pertinent reports to the CITY. 3 (h) The COUNTY shall, upon completion and acceptance of the work, furnish the CITY with two {2) dated copy sets of reproducible as-built drawings of the COUNTY~s portion of work. {i) The CITY shall, upon completion and acceptance of the work, furnish the COUNTY with two (2) data copy sets of reproducible as-built drawings of the CITY~s portion of the work SECTION 2. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT. The COUNTY is designated as the party to administer this Agreement by and through its departments and officers, consultants and independent contractors. SECTION 3. COST COMPUTATION. The CITY's share of costs of the construc- tion work and CEI Services will be calculated utilizing the bid award plus the portion of the fee for project CEI Services that applies to the CITY's portion of the work, and that figure shall be incorporated as part of this Agreement and the CITY shall be obligated to pay the COUNTY the CITY's share of the cost of work and CEI Services. Payment of ten percent {10%} of the total sum due to COUNTY from the CITY shall be made to the COUNTY on or before the sixty-second {62nd) day immediately following said bid award of the contract for construction. The COUNTY will thereafter bill to the CITY, on a monthly basis, for its share of the work and CEI Services completed as evidenced by invoices from contractor for the CITY's share of construction costs and invoices from the COONTY for CEI charges. Any late payments shall be assessed at a rate of ten percent {10%} per annum. The sums to be paid by the CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall be maintained in a separate account of the CITY and drawn upon by the CITY to pay all costs pursuant to this Agreement. The CITY recognizes that the COUNTY is relying upon the funds so deposited in order to award contracts and create obligations. Any interest earned on the funds shall be credited to the account 4 and accrue to the benefit of the CITY. Final payment for any work or services required in addition to the construction administration services and work performed under the bid award shall be made by the CITY to the COUNTY within thirty {30) days after completion and acceptance of all of the work and CEI Services to be performed hereunder by the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall provide an itemized statement for any additional work or CEI Services performed. No additional work or CEI Services beyond those specified above shall be done without notification to and concurrence of the CITY~s Manager; provided, however, that, if in the opinion of the COUNTY's consulting engineer an emergency exists, the consulting engineer may authorize measures which in his professional opinion are reasonably necessary to prevent or mitigate damages which might result from such emergency. Additional work or CEI Services required regarding construction of the CITY~s water and sewer utilities beyond the work specified in the contract for construction shall be authorized by Change Order issued in accordance with the procedure set forth above and billed one hundred percent {100%) to the CITY. SECTION 4. DUTIES AND LEVEL OF SERVICES. All services and work hereunder shall be performed to the satisfaction of the COUNTY and the CITY's engineer. In the event of conflict, however, the decision of the COUNTY shall control as to all questions, difficulties'and disputes of whatever nature which may arise under or by reason of such services and work, the prosecution and f~lfillment of the services and work hereunder, and the character, quality, amount and value thereof. The COUNTY's decision upon all claims, questions, and disputes shall be final and conclusive with respect to all services and work performed or to be performed. SECTION 5. EMPLOYEE STATUS. Persons employed by one party to this agreement in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges granted by the operation of law or by the other party to its officers and employees. It is further agreed that each party's employees shall at all times remain in the employment of said party and said party shall be responsible for all wages, compensation, benefits, payroll taxes and insurance coverage for such employees. SECTION 6. COOPERATION. To facilitate performance under this Agreement, the CITY agrees that the COUNTY shall have full cooperation and assistance from the CITY, it officers, agents and employees. SECTION 7. LIABILITY. The CITY shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless from and against all liability for claims for damages, extra compensa- tion and suits of any kind made or brought by the contractor awarded the contract for construction hereunder related to the CITY~s portion of the project irrespective of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the COUNTY, its agents or employees, except gross negligence of the COUNTY, its agents or employees. Additionally, the CITY shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless from and against all liability for claims for damages, extra compensation and suits of any kind made or brought as a result of the CITY~s services including the work of any CITY contractor~ on the CITY's portion of the project including any effect that the CITY~s activities may have on the COUNTY's portion of the project irrespective of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the COUNTY, its agents or employees, except gross negligence of the COUNTY, its agents or employees. This Agreement by the CITY to indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless shall include all charges, expenses and costs including attorney~s fees incurred by the COUNTY on account of or by reason of any such damages, liability, claims, suits or losses. 6 SECTION 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. (a) It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter heraof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. {b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers or the provisions of this Agreement shall be v.alid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this instrumeBt for the purpose herein expressed. ATTEST: CITY F S~FO,~.~M ~6~o~a~. , Clerk By: RD ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MORSE -Clerk to th a f County i i s f · Date: i o mi.ole Co..ty As a.thori ed for exec.tio. by Approved as to form andat their legal sufficiency. regular meeting. FVP/jac ~11719~ SAN/SEMCO.LM2