HomeMy WebLinkAbout509-Sunbank-Exhibit A B CEXECUTED BY "~ ~ Customer Name: City of San~rd Customer Address: P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 Title: Mayor Date: January 11, 1994 RECEIVED BY !~' ~' Bank Name: Sun Bank Bank Address: Sanford Downtown 0ffi~e 200 West First Street Page 1 of ], EXHIBIT A to FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT '~'~BSUFI ~ (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES AND ACCOUNT INFORMATION) EIFIK~ Listed below are the names of the Authorized Representatives, their transfer limits, the account information, and the account numbers from which each user is authorized to transfer fuqds in accordance with the Funds Transfer Agreement between Customer and SunBank. This list SUPERSEDES 'all previously submitted authorized representative documentation. CURRENT USERS NOT ON THIS J-IST WILL BE DELETED, A new listing must be submitted by the Customer whenever authorized representatives are added, or deleted. Exhibit A must be used to request any authorized representative change. Letters are not acceptable. (1) City o£ San£ord (407) 330-5610 Account Name PHONE NUMBER F.O, Box 1788 San£ord , ~ . 32772-1788 Street City State Zip NAME AND PHONE NUMBER MAXIMUM AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBERS Carolyn C. Sma'll (Must be Specified) (1) $ 2,000,000.:L 0538000001112 Central Payi~ (407) 330-5610 0538000000]40 Fooled C~-.h 0538000172669 Revenue Bead FuDd Sed.es 1986 · 0538000145963 S~1~r7 Account (2) William k, Simmons $2,000,000 ' 0538000001112 Ce~t. rd~ Pa:yi~ Agent (407) 330-5604 0538000000140 Fooled Cash 0538000172669 ~ve. DLe ~ad F~d Sed.es 1986 (~) XXXXXXXXXXX $ XX 0538000145963 Salary XXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (3) ({~ BetLye D. Smith $ 2,000,000 0538000001112 Central Paying Agent (407) 330-5605 0538000000140 Fooled Cash 0538000172669 Revenue Bond Fund Series 1 XXXXXXXX- XX 0538000145963 Salary Account (S) $ XXXXXXX XXX XXXX XXX XXX For Accom~ts 053800000111~i Central Paying'Agent and 05.38000145963, S~]~ry ACCOL~t - only Speoia~ instructiOns/Limitations t~ansfers in frcm ~f. cotmt 053800G000140 Pooled Cash are authorizL~. Bank is requested to issue Personal Identification Numbers (PINS) to each of the Authorized Representatives listed above and to mail those PiNS directly to the respective Abthorized Representatives at the specified above address, Customer Name: o · Title: May Date: January tl, 1994 * Must be person authorized by Certificate of Corporate Resolution authorizing Funds Transfer Agreement. iP 557 ~'~ EXHIBIT B to (SUNWIRE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES) The function codes below are applicable only to terminal communications device customers. Each code represents a specific function that can be assigned to individual terminal communications device users. The prospective terminal communications device customer can review the computer communications device users manual for a complete explanation of system functions. Managers should assign users .only those specific functions necessary to accomplish the business wire transfer requirements. (1) CUSTOMER NAME: City o£ San£ord (2) NAME OF USER: Carolyn C. Small (3) TELEPHONE#: (407) 330-5610 PCMODEMPHONE# (For Callback Access) (4) PC MODEM BAUD RATE: DATE REQUIRED: (5) CHECK ALL FUNCTIONS TO BE UTiL~ED BY THE USER: . .I REPET[RVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORiZAT~DN NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED) NON-REPETFflVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTRORiZATDN REQUIRED) FUTURE DATED TRANSFER ENTRY FUTURE DATE CANCELLATDN ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORTS TRANSACTDN REPORTS SECONDARYAUTHORIZATION ~ NON-REPETITIVE ~ SEMI-REPETITIVE CHECK THE APPROBRIATE BOX IF TERMINAL USER IS AUTHORIZED TO CALL IN WIRES DURING TERMINAL OR LINE ouTAGES. /YES NO · APPROVEDBY: Mayor Bettye D. Smith · (Signature of ~p;over) · Must be authorized person designated in the completed Certificate of Corporate Resolution authorizing Funds Transfer Agreement.: PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE REQUEST: ADD V/' CHANGE DELETE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE WHEN ADDING A NEW USER A COPY OF THIS FOR~YWILL BE RETURNED TO REMITTER, UPON RECEIPT OF THIS FORM THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE WIRE TRANSFER SYSTEM. Assigned User ID: Temporary Password: Assigned by: Date Assigned: (User IDjand password must be entered as stated above. Do not use upper case,) 558 EXHIBIT B tO Surl FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT BanKj (SUNWIRE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES) The function codes below are applicable oniy to terminal communications device customers. Each code represents a specific function that can be assigned to individual terminal communications device users. The prospective terminal communications device customer can rev!ew the computer communications device users manual for a complete explanation of system functions. ,Managers ~hould assign users'only those specific functions necessary to accomplish the business wire transfer requirements. . .~ (1) CUSTOMER NAME: City o£ San£o~'d (2) NAME OF USER: Wj.].Z3. amA, Sj. mmop. s (3) TELEPHONE #; ( 407 ) 330-5604 Pc IvIODEM PHONE # (For Callback Access) (4) PC MODEM BAUD RATE: DATEREQUIRED: (5) CHECK ALL FUNCTIONS TO BE UTILIZED BY THE USER: CHECKN FUNCTION ~ REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED) d NON-REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED) O FUTURE DATED TRANSFER ENTRY {~1 FUTURE DATE CANCELLATION ~ ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORTS {~ TRANSACTION REPORTS {~ SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION NON-REPETITIVE" SEMI-REPETITIVE APPROVED BY: Ma:yo~: ~,ett:ye D, Sm~.th *Must be authorized person designated in the completed Certificate of COrporate Resolution authorizing Funds Transfer Agreement. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE REQUEST: ADD V/ CHANGE DELETE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE WHEN ADDING A NEW USER A COPY OF THIS FORM. WILL BE RETURNED TO REMITt'ER. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS FORM THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE WIRE TRANSFER SYSTEM. Assigned User ID: Temporary Password: Assigned by: Date Assigned: (User ID and password musl be entered as stated above. Do not use upper case.) I P 558 · ~ EXHIBIT B Surl_ FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT B~::IrlK~ (SUNWIRE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES) The function codes below are applicable only to terminal communications device customers. Each code represents a specific function that can be assigned to individual terminal communications device users. The prospective terminal communications device customer can review the computer communications device users manuat for a complete explanation of system functions. M. anagers'~hould assign users'only those specific functions necessary to accomplish the business wire transfer requirements. . (1) CUSTOMER NAME: C~.t.y o£ Sa~a£or(J (2) NAME OF USER: Denj. se Wa~'d (3) TELEPHONE#: (407) 330-56:]-4 PCMODEMPHONE# (For Callback Access) (4) PC MODEM BAUD RATE: DATE REQUIRED: (5) CRECK ALL FUNCTK)NS TO BE UTILIZED BY THE USER: .C LECa FUNCTION IZI REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED) O NON-REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED) [Z]l FUTURE DATED TRANSFER ENTRY [ZI FUTURE DATE CANCELLATION · ~- ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORTS RANSAcTDN REPORTS ~ SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION [~ NON-REPETITIVE" g/ SEMI-REPETITIVE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF TERMINAL USER IS AUTHORIZED TO CALL IN WIRES DURING TERMINAL OR LINE OUTAGEs. O YES APPROVED BY: ["Ia~,or Bett:~'e ])o Sm:i.t.h. *Must be authorized person designated in the completed Certificate of 'Coq~orate Resolution authorizing Funds Transfer Agreement. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE REQUEST: ADD ~ CHANGE DELETE DO NOT WRITE BELOW TH IS LINE WHEN ADDING A NEW USER A COPY OF THIS FORM WILL BE RETURNED TO REMITTER. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS FORM THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE WIRE TRANSFER SYSTEM. Assigned User ID: Temporary Password: Assigned by: Date Assigned: (User ID and password must be entered as stated above. De not use upper case.) 558 ~Surl ~ FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT BanK (SUNWIRE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES) The function codes below are applicable only to terminal communications device customers. Each code represents a specific function that can be assigned to individual terminal communications device users. The prospective terminal communications device customer can rev~e'W the computer communications device users manual for a complete explanation of system functions. Managers should assign users only those specific functions necessary to accomplish the business wire transfer requirements. ~ (1) CUSTOMER NAME: City of Sanford (2) NAME OF USER: Bettjy~ D. Smith (3) TELEPHONE#: (407) 330-5610 PCMODEMPHONE# ' (For Callback Access) (4) PC MODEM BAUD RATE: ' DATE ,REQUIRED: (5) CHECK ALL FUNCTIONS TO BE UTILIZED BY THE USER: ~ FUNCTION 6~/ REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY iSECONDARY AUTHORIZATION NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED) 6;Erf' NON-REPETITIVE TRANSFER ENTRY (SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED) [ZI FUTURE DATED TRANSFER ENTRY [Z]l FUTURE DATE CANCELLATION .. ~ ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORTS [B/ TRANSACTION REPORTS IB/ SECONDARY AUTHORIZATION {~/ NON-REPETITIVE ' ~ SEMI-REPETITIVE CHECK THE APPROBRIATE BOX IF TERMINAL USER IS AUTHORIZED TO CALL IN WIRES DURING TERMINAL OR LINE OUTAGES. {~ YES {El NO - APPROVED BY: Mayor Bettye D. Smith *Must be authorized person designated in the completed Certificate of Corporate Resolution authorizing Funds' Transfer Agreement. · PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE REQUEST: ADD V/' CHANGE DELETE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE WHEN ADDING A NEW USER A COPY OF THIS FORM WiLL BE RETURNED TO REMITTER. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS FORM THE USER WILL BE ABLE T.O ACCESS ,THE WIRE TRANSFER SYSTEM. password mu te ed above. ercase.) go /u T .- -- EXHIBIT C ~SH~ ~ FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT ~ ~ (REPETITIVE OR A~OMATIC STANDING ~NSFERS) TO: SUNBANK Date: January ~, ~994 In accordance with the Funds Transfer Agreement between the undersigned ("Customer") and SUNBANK, you are authorized to assign Customer ~ Repet~ive Number and establish the transfer indicated below wherein the deb~ and credit ps~ies remain the same, but date and money amount can ~ variable. A. DEBIT the following a~ount at S~ Ba~, ~.~. ~k Name 05~8000000~40 C~y o~ ~o~d - ~oo~d Cash Account Number A~unt Name B. CREDIT the funds as indicated below. 360~3~9500 S~a~e Bo~d o~ Adm~s~a~o~ Acunt Number A~unt Name Na~o~s~a~k ~ampa Bank Name 06~00277 Br~nch ABA Num~r ~ampa ~o~da city State C. ~e MESSAGE to be printed on the advice of credit or to be included in the wire to the bank sp~ffied ~ve is ~ follows: (M~imum of 3 lines of 80 char~em per line; SUNWIRE lim~ to 5 lines of ~ chara~em per line). ~o~ C~y o~ Sa~o~d, ~o~da ~e~cy Accou~ ~27~0~ Do · Special Instructions/Limitations Not. t:o exceed $2,000,000 SECTIONS E THROUGH G MUST BE COMPLETED FOR AUTOMATIC STANDING TRANSFERS E. The AMOUNT to be transferred is: ( ) The fixed amount of ~ ~ $ ( ) In Increments of /L,/ /q $ *( ) That portion of the day's opening available balance in excess of $ ,,/L,i/c/ * Available balance equals previous day's collected funds plus 1 day's float. IP 559 (See Reverse Side) ~ ~ CHECK ONE Automatic Standing Transfer '~7 Repetitive ~ EXHIBIT C ~ to BanKj (BEP~ITIVE OR AUTOSTIC STANDING ~NSFERS) Date: January ~, ~994 TO: SUNBANK ....~ In a~rdance with the Funds Transfer Agreement between the undemigned ("Customer") and SUNBANK, you are authodzed to aBign Customer a Repeffiive Number and establish the transfer indicted below wherein the debit and credit padies rem~n the same, but date and money amount ~n ~ ~riable. A. DEBEffiefollowinga~untnt Su~ ~a~k, ~k Name 0538000000~40 C~cy o~ S~o~d - ~oo~ed Cash A~unt Number A~unt Name B. CREDITthefundsasindicatedbelow. 3601319500 State Board Of Administration Account Number Account Name NationsBank - Tampa Bank Name 063100277 Branch ABA Number ' Tampa Florida City State C. The MESSAGE to be printed on the advice of credit or to be included In fie wire to the bank specified above is as follows: (Maximum of 3 lines of 80 charactem per line; SUNWIRE limited to 5 lines of 35 characters per line). For City of Sanford, Fiorida Agency Account #271012 Special Instrue{ions/Limitations Not to exceed $2,000,000 ; SECTIONS E THROUGH G MUST BE COMPLETED FOR AUTOMATIC STANDING TRANSFERS E. The AMOUNTto be transferred is: ( ) The fixed amount of ~ ~ , ( ) In Increments of /'L//~ $ · ( ) That pertion of the day"s opening available balance in excess of $ /d/~ Available balance equals previous day's collected l~unds plus 1 day's float. IP 559 (See Reverse Side) ,..8~ ,...% CHECK ONE~ __ Automatic Standing Transfer J,Z Repetitive EXHIBIT C -- to BarlK (REPETITIVE OR AUTOMATIC STANDING TRANSFERS) TO: SUNBANK ,.,:; Date: January 11, 1994 In accordance with the Funds Transfer Agreement between the undemigned ("Customer") and SUNBANK, you are authorized to assign Customer a Repetitive Number and establish the transfer indicated below wherein the debit and credit parties remain the same, but date and money amount can be variable. A. DEBIT the following account at Bank Name 0538000000140 City of San£ord - Pooled Cash Account Number Account Name B. CREDIT the funds as indiated below. 3601319500 State Board Of Administration Account Number ~ Account Name NationsBank - Tampa Bank Name 063100277 Branch ABA Number" Tampa Florida ,.: City State C. The MESSAGE to be printed on the advice of credit or to be lnduded In the wire to the bank specified above is as follows: (Maximum of 3 lines of 80 charactem per line; SUNWIRE limited to 5 lines of 35 characters per line). For City of San£ord, Fiorida Agency Account #271013 ~ Special Instructions/Limitations Not to exceed $2,000,000 SECTIONS El THROUGH G MUST BE COMPLETED FOR AUTOMATIC STANDING TRANSFERS E. The AMOUNT to be transferred ( ) The fixed amount of <) ,n ,norements of *( ) That partion of t~he day's opening available balance in excess of /t.J,f~ $ /1//'~ Available balance equals previous day's collected funds plus 1 day's float. IP 559 (See Reverse Side)