HomeMy WebLinkAbout487-Town Center-Amendment 1Steel Hector & Davis RECEIVED We~ Palm Beach, Ro~ida MAR 0 3 1995 March 1, 1995 CrrY oF ¢~ D Mr. Bill Simmons City Manager City of Sanford P. O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 Re: Faison-Gateway Plaza Limited Partnership Our File No. 34570.6684 Dear Mr.- Simmons: In connection with the additional right-of-way for Towne Center Boulevard, we are pleased to enclose the following: 1. Quit-Claim Deed from Faison-Gateway Plaza Limited Partnership to the City of Sanford dated February 6, 1995 and recQrded in Official Record Book 2881, Page 282, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 2. Photocopy of Partial Release of Mortgage from NationsBank, N.A. (Carolinas) recorded in Official Record Book 2884, Page 1211, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 3. Photocopy of UCC~3 Release executed by NationsBank, N.A. (Carolinas) filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida on February 20, 1995 under file number 950000033984. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions on the e~close~. Yours sincerely, Adele T. Woodard Certified Legal Assistant Enc. ~ cc: Rick Gutierrez (w/enc)' Michael E. Botos Esq. (w-o/enc) /~B~95 04: 2-4 ~ 113 1';~1~3775827~ P. W~tP~m~l~lgg $, Intangible Tax P~ Ct~ S~o:~ Q~~ DEED ~S Q~-C~ D~D is ~ ~ ~ ~y o~Fe~ A.D. 19~. BE~EN, F~SON~A~WAY PLAZA ~'1'~ P~~IP~ a ~o~ 1~ ~ w~o~ ~1~ ~s is ~ ~ ~ T~, 1 v~bb~dc~h~by~,~l~e~dq~t~m~d~fo~v~,~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b~ h ~c a~ch~ E~t "A". ~ Folio Nm~: TO ~ ~ TO HOD ~ sine WS~ ~ffi ~1 ~ s~ ~e ~~s ~ cl~ ~o~ of ~ ~, ~ ~ law or ~ cq~. FCD-~y Pl~ I,imit~ P~p, ~ ~:~ a ~ C~I~ limit~ p~p '- By i~ sole g~l ~: F~son ~ ~lopm~ ~., a Cm a EED ..... .,,~.:f ~ ~ ',, ~ ': : ~ ~ Y T -, ~ .. ~: , ~ ~. ~ ,', ~ ~.,: TO .l?rZ143??58Z?I:I p, li14 FEB-O~1995 a4: 2~ F[;;t371 ,,"'~, ? The oinginstntm~ntwasacknowlezlge~tbcfi mcthis~__dayof,-'-~~,1995by pm Carolina corporalion, on behalf of the corporation as g~cral partner of ~ co FCD-~y Plaza Limited Partnership, it Nox'th Carolina limited panae~hip, g~neral partner of Faison~ Lirnit~xl Partnership, a Florida limited parm6rshlp, He/sheis [z/Fpcrsonally known to me or [ ] has produced as identification. --~C:) ....... ,..'o '-. NotalT Public - ~/~ / <-rr~ el:) m --,, ...: ..........-' R=96% 407 833 90?9 02-03-95 04:47PM PO04 ~42 SHEET 1 OF 2r~ rn CO DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF WAY ~ >' rn .-~c) Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Township r~e. South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run thence South 89° 45' 37" W~st along the North line of said Southeast 1/4 for 1259.13 feet to a point on the East right of way line of Town Center Boulevard as recorded in Official Records BOok 2612, Page 1940 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence North 00° 16' 35" West along said East right of way line for 167.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and the beginning of a curve concave to the East having a radius of 590.00 feet; run thence through a Central angle of 38° 31' 40" for an arc distance of 396.74 feet to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave to the West and having a radius of 710.00 feet; run thence through a central angle of 38° 31' 40" for an arc distance of 477.43 feet to the end of said curve; run thence North 00° 16' 35" West for 32.46 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 28.10 feet; run thence through a central angle of 82° 12' 27" for an arc distance of 40.32 feet to the end of said curve at a point on the South right of way line of State Road No. 46 per right of way plans dated March 1:958~ said point being 100.00 feet right at centerline Station 90 + 32.76 of said State Road; thence along said South right of way line run South 81 ° 55' 52" West for 3.11 feet to a~ poin.~ on a proposed right of way and Point of Curvature of a curve concave Southeaster,!y having a radius of 30.00 feet; run thence through a central angle of 82° 12' 27" for ~'n arc distance of 43.04 feet; thence run South 00° 16' 35" East for 87.66 feet to a PointLof Curvature of a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 584.1.0 feet through a central angle of 23° 56' 51" for an arc distance of 244.13 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature of a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 723.50 feet through a central angle of 10° 46' 22" for an arc distance of 136.03 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature of a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 376,25 feet; thence run ...... -' it:rouGh a central cr:~c ~'07'~¢ 2:~"-for-c-C~stance 0f~,7.54 .~eet to e~,;f~:--o.."-.~'.~e,'~e .........: ~: curvature of a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 539.05 feet through a central angle of 41'~ 57 36" for an arc distance of 394.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. T94-A15G EXHIBIT"/~" :~,(/ ,"'~ ,~,, OFFICIAL RECORDS r---', BOOK PAGE 288 1211 Prepared by/return to: SEHINOLE C0, FL. MICHAEL E. BOTOS, ESQ. STEEL HECTOR & DAVIS 1900 Phillips Point West 777 South Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6198 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, FAISON-GATEWAY PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Florida limited partnership, 121 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202, hereinafter referred to as the MORTGAGOR, by Mortgage dated January 6, 1995, and recorded in Official Record Book 2870, Page 766, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, granted and conveyed unto NATIONSBANK, N.A. (CAROLINAS) a national banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States, Interstate Tower, NC1005-1701, 121 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28255, hereinafter referred to as MORTGAGEE, the premises therein particularly described to secure the payment of the sum of FOUR MILLION AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($4,000,000.00), with interest as therein mentioned; and WHEREAS, the said MORTGAGOR has requested the said MORTGAGEE to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, that the said MORTGAGEE, in consideration of the premises and the sum of TEN AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) to it in hand paid by, or on behalf of, the said MORTGAGOR, at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said Mortgage unto the said MORTGAGOR, its heirs and assigns, that certain portion of the premises conveyed by said Mortgage, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF. THIS PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE shall also serve as a partial release of the Assignment of Leases recorded in Official Record Book 2870, Page 786, and the UCC-1 Financing Statement recorded in Official Record Book 2870, Page 793, both of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said MORTGAGOR, its heirs and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said Mortgage, and every part thereof; provided always, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or encumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises not hereby released therefrom, or any of the other rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said MORTGAGEE has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its duly authorized officer on the /~;~h day of February, 1995 Signed, sealed and deli- NATIONSBANK, N.A. (CAROLINAS) of vered in t· s The foregoing instmment was acknowledged before me this ~.~ day of Feb~a~, 1995, by Ka~e,~e as the ~[ ~e~5~r of and on behalf of NATIONSB~K, N.A~ (~OLIN~), a national baiing association o ganized and existing under the laws of the United States, who (~ is personally known to me or who ( ) has produced as identification. Notary Publi~e of Florida Commission No. My Commission expires: ' ~,' .......':~'<' M~ Ce~{mhsbn E~p~res No~'emSer II', '199~ ?"' 'f' Print Nota~ Name: Page 2 OEFICIAL RECORDS BOOHi · PAGE 288~ 1213 ~ '[ ,/'i~ STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMEnbI~L CODE -'-,, STATEMENT OF CHANGE/_,, FOnM UCC-:~ ( : 1993) This Stateme Change is presented to a filing officer pursuant to the Unif~ ommercial Code: ~ 1. Debtor (Last Name First if an Individual) 1 la. Date of Birth or FEI~ FAISON-GATEWAY PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP% lb. Mailing Address lc. City, State ld. Zip Code j 121 West Trad'e Street Charlotte, NC 28202 2. AdditlonalDebterorTradeName(LastNarneFirstifanlndividual) 2a. Date of Blrth or FEl~ 2b. Mailing Address 2c. City, State 2d. Zip Coda 3. Secured Party (last Name First ff an Individual) NATIONSi~ANK, N.A. (CAROLINAS) 12t West T~de Street,NC1005-17- otte~ NC 4. Additional Secured Party (last Name First if an Individual) ' 4a. Mailing Address 4b. CIty, State & ~" !'::"~t :4~jZ~iP Code 5. This StetementretarstooriginalFinancingStetementbea~ngfiionumber: 950000006832 filedon 1-11-95 G.[3 Other- ./ 7. Description of collateral released or assigned, Assignee name and address, or amendment. Use additional sheet(s) if necessary. SEE LEGAL DESCP, IPTTON ATTACHED HEEETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND ~,~DE A PART HEREOF, 'this space for use of Filing Officer 8. Signature(s) of Debtor(s): (only if amendment - see instructions) r"~ ---n 9. Slgnature(s)ofSecuredparty(ios): 10. NumberntAddiUonalSheetsl~e~.,-,~ 11, Ramm Copy te: Name ~!CHAEL E, ~iOTOS ~ ESQ. Addr~ Z?7 SOUt::i Flc.~;r Drive ' : ' ': STANDARD FORM - FORM UCC-3 A~p,o,,. by Secretary of State, State of Florida