HomeMy WebLinkAbout434-Joint Planning SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this J/~day of ~, 1991, by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for local governments to work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation and the CITY and the COUNTY have worked together in the past as evidenced by the following Interlocal Agreements: - Seminole County/City of Sanford Automatic Aid/First Response Interlocal Agreement dated September 20, 1989. - Road Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement dated August 15, 1989. - Road Maintenance and Right-of-Way Dedication Interlocal Agreement (Bevier Road) dated September 14, 1987. - Urban Service Area and Utilities Service Area Establish- ment Interlocal dated October 18, 1990. - Rand Yard Road Maintenance Interlocal Agreement Between Seminole County and the City of Sanford dated July 16, 1990. - Upsala Road Intersection Construction Agreement dated November 16, 1990. - Agreement for the Enforcement of Building Codes dated May 3, 1983 - and numerous interlocal agreements relating to the Community Development Block Grant Program; and 1 WI~EREAS, in June, 1989 the Board of County Commissioners and the Sanford City Commission executed joint resolutions that expressed agreement as to a number of considerations affecting both the CITY and the COUNTY, including urban planning, transportation impact fees, first response fire service, future annexation limits for the CITY, and water and wastewater service area boundaries for the COUNTY and the CITY in the Sanford/Seminole County Joint Planning Area hereinafter referred to as the Joint Planning Area; and W}u~MEAS, the Joint Planning Area and future annexation boundaries require more specific definition; and W~EREAS, the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes) and the Rules of the Florida Department of Community Affairs (in particular Rule 9J-5.015, Florida Administra- tive Code) provide for intergovernmental coordination in. the comprehensive planning process; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, Florida Statutes); the Regional Policy Plan adopted by the East Central Florida Regional Planning council and the comprehensive plans of the CITY and the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the parties have the lawful right and power tolenter into this Agreement. 2 WITNESSETH: In consideration of the premises, mutual covenants, and agreements and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1o RECITaLs. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. SECTION 2o PURPOSE/INTENT/JOINT PLANNING AREA. (a) The purpose of this Agreement is to adopt standards and procedures to insure that coordinated and cooperative comprehensive planning activities are accomplished to guide urban expansion. The purpose of the following provisions are to provide the public and landholders with some certainty as to how property wi.ll be developed in the Joint Planning Area, to provide both jurisdictions a level of confidence that their respective plans will be imple- mented, and to provide formal conflict resolution procedures to reduce future conflicts. (b) For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Joint Planning Area" means the area reflected in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement which Exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim. SECTION 3. COMPREMENSIVE PLANNING, FUTURE LAND USES AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS. (a) Findings/Purpose. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective Future Land Use Designations and Land Development 3 Regulations for consistency. It was found that many Future Land Use Designations, at the time of this Agreement, are equivalent and therefore property developing to these equivalent land uses, whether in the unincorporated area or CITY, will be consistent with the CITY's and COUNTY's Future Land Use Plans. It was also found that the Land Development Regulations of both jurisdictions, at the time of this Agreement, are consistent and that property developing in the unincorporated area or CITY will meet consistent minimum standards~ (b) Future Land Use Ec[uivalency. Exhibit "B", attached hereto and entitled "Future Land Use Equivalency Chart", sets forth equivalent future land use plan map designations with related intensities and densities between respective CITY and COUNTY comprehensive plans. Said Exhibit is incorporated herein bY this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim.l~ .The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart shall provide the basis for review by the COUNTY and the CITY of future land use element consistency and compatibility determinations with regard to the respective future land use plan elements of the CITY and the COUNTY with particular reference to lands adjacent to the jurisdictional limits of the CITY and the COUNTY and to lands that may be annexed by the CITY. Parcels of land annexed into the CITY or developed in the unincorporated area which develop to an equivalentland use designation shall not be opposed by the CITY or COUNTY based =on the compatibility of land use type, density or intensity. The Future 4 Land Use Equivalency Chart may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. (c) Reco~anendations For Future Comprehensive PlanAmendments. Exhibit "C" attached hereto and entitled "Recommendation For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments", sets forth land use designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon, but which are not recommended for adoption in the CITY'S or COUNTY's future land use element at this time as the recommended designation represents a major change in uses which have not undergone extensive public review and these uses may require additional services and facilities above those programmed in the County or City's Capital Improvement Elements. The purpose Of developing jointly acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide some consistent guiding recommendations from-whiCh future applicant requested or administratively generated land use plan amendments can be reviewed. Parcels of land proposingto develop consistent with these recommendations will not be~opposed based on the joint land use recommendations contained in Exhibit "C" but will undergo joint review for facility and services to ensure that adopted levels of service are maintained. Exhibit "C" may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. (d) Joint Review Of PlanAmendments. During the development and drafting phases of the respective comprehensive plans or plan amendments of the CITY and the COUNTY, CITY and COUNTY staff shall transmit respective draft planning documents to the other as part of the public participation processes and intergovernmental 5 coordination mechanisms. Each staff shall compare each other's plan or plan amendments to determine whether proposed land uses and policies in the Joint Planning Area are consistent and equivalent pursuant to the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart and Recommenda- tions For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This Agreement is not intended to modify or require special procedures or processes for respective COUNTY and CITY planning programs. SECTION 4. ANNEXATION AND LAND USE JURISDICTION. (a) Jurisdiction Over Annexed Parcels. The parties recognize that the COUNTY loses land use jurisdiction over annexed properties subsequent to their annexation into the municipal limits of the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, the CITY shall have the authority to process rezoning, site plan and =plat applications and apply CITY Land Development regulationS, in accordance with Subsection 4(b) of this Agreement. (b) Land Use and Zoning Desic[nation For Parcels Annexed Into the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, said. lands shall have the zoning clarification assigned to them in accordance with and by operation of law. Upon annexation the CITY shall apply a CITY zoning district in a manner consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart included in this Agreement. The CITY shall amend its comprehensive plan to include annexed lands during its plan amendment cycle immediately following such annexation. Plan amendments and/or rezonings that are not consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart (Exhibit "B") of this Agreement shall undergo a joint CITY/COUNTY review and zoning, plat and site plan 6 final approvals shall not become effective until the CITY's plan is amended according to the review and approval process in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. SECTION 5. COORDINATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. (a) Uniform Right-of-Way and Buildin~ Setbacks on Ma~or Roads. In addition to establishing consistent future right-of-way requirements for major roadways, the CITY and the COUNTY agree to set uniform base building lines on such roadways as part of their required 1992 Land Development Code update. Such base building lines result in a uniform building setback that supersedes a lesser building setback in a given zoning district. (b) Land Development Code Updates. Each party will be provided by the other party with a meaningful opportunity toreView and provide formal comments relating to all land development regulation updates or revisions except amendments to the Zoning district map unless otherwise specified. Land Development. Code updates relating to the Higher Intensity Planned DeVelopment District in the Interstate Highway 4/State Road 46 area .will undergo joint CITY/COUNTY review and will be incorporated into CITY and COUNTY codes to more effectively manage development of this higher intensity area. (c) Review of Development Proposals for Transportation Impacts. Each party shall provide the other party with a meaning- ful opportunity to review and comment upon planned development project rezonings, proposed subdivisions and site plans located adjacentto the other's jurisdiction. The primary consideration as 7 to such reviews shall be consistency with the provisions of this Agreement and an evaluation and analysis of off-site transportation impacts. Applications and proposals for the above mentioned projects shall be forwarded to the reviewing party as soon as practicable after the time of receipt. SECTION 6. ANNEXATION CRITERIA. The parties agree that contiguity will be the primary criteria for annexation of lands located within the Sanford Urban Area. Within this area the COUNTY agrees, to the extent permitted by law, not to oppose the-annex- ation of any parcel that is contiguous and relates to lands located either East of Interstate 4 or East of the Interstate 4 Industrial Park. SECTION 7. CONFLICT RESOLUTION. (a) Interqovernmental Comm~mication. In the event that disagreements or conflicts arise between the parties relating to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the following proce- dures for conflict resolution will be initiated prior to final action by the approving agency: (1) Management. The chief administrative officials of both the CITY and the COUNTY shall meet to review unresolved issues and to develop a report to the respective Commissions. Reports must be submitted to the Commissions ten (10) working days.prior to scheduled final action and should address areas of agreement, areas of disagreement and recommended compromise provisions or options. (2) Elected Officials. If agreement over unresolVed issues is not reached after the procedure set forth in Section 8 7(a)(1) is accomplished, a joint worksession meeting of the respective Commissions may be held within twenty (20) working days of submission of the report. Both entities agree to delay final action regarding the conflict until either a joint worksession is held or a determination is made that one shall not be held. (b) Informal Conflict Mediation. The parties agree to maximize utilization of the Informal Interjurisdictional Mediation Process of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council embodied in Rule 29F-3.012, Florida Administrative Code,..or its successor provision. Actions relating to the issue of conflict shall be delayed, to the maximum practicable extent, if the informal mediation process is utilized. (c) Chapter 164, Florida Statutes. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way to waive any rights deriving to a party under the provisions of Chapter 164, Florida Statutes, or its successor provision. (d) Time of Actions. The parties agree, to the extent practicable, to time their actions to maximize intergovernmental coordination, communication and cooperation. SECTION 8. TERM. This Agreement shall be in effect.for a five (5) year period beginning the date which it is fully executed by the parties. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent five (5) year period unless one (1) of the parties thereto gives the other ninety (90) days advance notice~ in writing, of intention to not renew the Agreement. SECTION 9. NOTICE. Contact persons for this Agreement shall be the CITY Manager and the COUNTY Manager. FOR T}IE CITY Bill Simmons, City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE COUNTY Ron H. Rabun, County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 IN WITNESS WH~KEOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day, month and year above written. city sanford Date= ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -County Commissioners of Date: -Seminole County, Florida° For use and reliance As authorized for execution by of Seminole County only. the Board of County Commis- Approved as to for and sr egal fflclen LNG/gg LNG/gg 10/31/90 05/23/91 11/06/90 LNG/gn 01/02/91 08/12/91 o /3o191 05/21/91 ' 6 ~..?.~.> 10 · ' VBHV 9NINNVld .LNIOP AJ-NRO0 Ei'IONIIAIEIS/CIBO=INVS V J. IBIHX~] EXI~BIT "B" - FUTURE LAND USE EQUIVALENCY CHART Future lind Use City Land Use City Zoning County Land Use County Zoning Low Density LDR - SF '3R-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; LDR A-l, AC, RC-1, R-l, R1-A, Residential ~ Single 6 DU/Acre PD; AG 1-4 DU/Acre R1-AA, R1-AAA, R1- Family AAAA, PLI, PUD Medium Density MDR - 10' SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; MDR All LDR Zonings, RM-i, Residential 10 DU/Acre MR-l; PD; AG 4-10 DU/Acre RM-2, R-2, R3A, R1-B, R1-BB, RP Medium Density SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; HDR All MDR Zonings, R-3, Residential MDR - 15 MR-l; MR-2; PD; AG High Density Residential R-4 15 DU/Acre Over 10 DU/Acre High Density SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; All MDR Zonings, R-3, Residential - 20 HDR MR-l; MR-2; MR-3; HDR R-4 DU/Acre PD; AG ROI MR-i; MR-2; MR-3; OP,RP,AC, A-l, PLI, PUD Office Residential-Office- RMOI; PD; AG Office Institutional Commercial NC - Neighborhood RMOI; RC-1; GC-2; All Office Zonings GC - General PD; AG Commercial CN,CS, C-1,C-2,PCD Industrial I - Industrial RI-1; MI-2; PD; AG Industrial C-3,M-1A, M-1,A-1,OP,C- 1,C-2, PCD,PLI,PUD,DC High Intensity Mixed HI - 1-4 High Intensity PD; AG HIP - High PUD, PCDD, PLI, AG, Use Planned WIG - Westside Industry Intensity Planned A-I, AC Development and Commerce Development AIC ~ Airport Industry and Commerce Public/Semi-Public PSP All Zones Public/Quasi PLI, AC, A-1 Public Recreation Conservation RP - Resource Protection All Zones ConServation AC, General Rural GR AG; PD Suburban Estates AC, A-i, PLI, (1 DU/5 Acre) 1 DU/Acre RM-3 Revised Odtober 10, 1991. SIN~IAICIN~IAIV N~'ld !~AISN~H~EldlAiOO "ql::lNJ. N::l EIO::I SNOIJ. V(]N'::IIAII,NOO~I:i · ' ,o .u~lF~x~ V=mJdV 9NINNV'ld INIOP CIEIO.-INVS .40 AIlO/~'IN~O3 :rlONIIAJqS EXHIBIT C .. SEMINOLE CO~TY/ClTY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING AREA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FU"EURE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS This Exhibit sets forth land us~ designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon. The purpose of developing Jointly acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide some consistent guiding recommendations from which future applicant requested or administrative land use plan amendments can be reviewed. Parcels of land proposing to develop consistent with these recommendations will not be opposed based on the joint land use recommendations. A facility capacity analysis will need to be conducted at the time of Plan amendment and amendments will undergo Joint review for facility and services to ensure the adopted levels of service are maintained. These recommendations may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. REFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTy NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS 1 North and East of Industrial/ Suburban RecommendLow Density Residential (up to 6 du/ac) Midway Estates IConservation and Conservation with no expansion to non- residential land designations. Industrial, commercial and Medium Density land uses reflect existing zoning. This area will be the subject of a neighborhood redevelopment plan which may recommend alternative land uses. 2 Intersection of SR C o m m e r c i a 1 / Recommend airport compatible Commercial and 46/CR 415 industrial/ Suburban Industrial land uses under the airport flight Estates zone. Require Planned Development zoning to address service and facility needs. 3 South & East side Suburban Estates/ 1) The cit~ and county will update their of Airport Conservation Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Codes by 1993 to designate Airport compatible land uses in the Airport flight paths and noise zones. At a minimum, this update will include: · Designation of uses which will not prohibit expansion of airport operations; 1 REFERENCE GENERAL S~MINOLE COUNTY NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED LANDUSE FUTUPa LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS · Strategies to permit the conversion of existing neighborhoods to airport compatible uses and to minimize non- residential impacts during the conversion process; · Identification of service and facilities needed to support future land uses. 2) The County and City should add the Lake Mary Blvd./Silver Lake Drive easterly extension to connect to SR 46 East to the long range traffic circulation plans. The alignment and programming of this facility requires close coordination with the Central Florida Regional Airport master Plan. Development in this area should not be encouraged until the extended roads\way is in place, within a City/County budget, is the subject of a binding developer agreement or is otherwise consistent with the COunty's and the City's concurrency management system. 3) In the South and Easterly areas of Airport Environs land use plan amendments should be t~ airport compatible uses ~nly: · Residential uses on 5 acre parcels with a grandfather provision for existing parcels of record; · Light industrial, airport related office, motel, warehouse and other uses meeting Federal Aviation Administration criteria adjacent to the airport provided with adequate facilities and services concurrent with development; ~nd · Recreation and conservation uses. REFERENCE OENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTY NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED Ia&ND USE FUI~JRE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS 4) As a condition to approving development, many existing streets in the Sanford Airport Area, such as by way of example, Beardall Avenue and Cameron Avenue, will require improvement to meet applicable functional standards to provide access to more intensive urban development. Silver Lake L o w D e n s i t y Medium Density Residential for the area north of Residential/Suburban Silver Lake Drive between existing Medium Density Estates Residential in the City. The industrial area to the south should maintain additional buffers to residential areas and be restricted to light industrial uses. So. Sanford Ave Medium & Low Density city and County should maintain the Medium and Residential Low Density Residential uses as a transition from sanford's industrial areas to residential uses. Recommend light industrial uses north of Pineway to have additional buffer and setbacks. Sanford Ave. Medium Density/ Recommend maintaining Medium Density Residential R e s i d e n t i'a 1 / uses and permitting High Density Commercial Residential/NeighborhoOd Commercial/Office frontage on S~nford Avenue two lots deep on a case-by-case basis. Prohibit commercial in Woodmere on east side of Sanford Avenue. Corner CR 46A/ L o w D e n s i t y Recommend Low Intensity Office uses at country club R e s I d e n t i a 1 / intersection of CR 46A and Country Club Road to conservation maintain compatibility with surrounding residences and allowing commercial east of the Expressway. REFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTY , , NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS 8 North of Railroad/ Suburban Estates/Low Recommend Medium Density Residential as a South of US 17~92 Density Residential/ transition between Medium Density Residential and Industrial Residential/Office/ Institutional uses in the City and surrounding Low Density Residential development. NOTE: County Low Density Residential and Industrial uses have existing zonings; adjacent city land use is Medium Density Residential. Recommend no expansion Of industrial uses north of the railroad; maintain large wetland adjacent to US 17-92 ae Suburban Estates/conservation. 9 West of Upsala/ L o w D e n s i t y Recommend Medium Density Residential (up to 10 North of CR 46A Residential du/ac) north of Indian Trace City PUD and on Upsala Road and West of Oregon. Recommend High Density Residential north and west of Twin Lakes along the Rinehart Road extension adjacent to Higher Intensity Planned District area. 10 East of SR 46 Higher Intensity The City will amend Development Approval corridor Planned Development Procedures within the I-4 High Intensity Area coinciding with the County's High Intensity Planned Development land use. Specifically, the city will amend its Plan to require PD zoning for any rezoning in such areas to address infrastructure needs, provision of services, development phasing, development intensity and land use compatibility on a site-by-site basis. Existing conventional zoning districts within the City limits upon the effective date of this agreement will be "grandfathered". Uninoorporated parcels. developed prior to December 8, 198~, shall~also be 4 REFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTY NUMBER LOCATION ADdPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS grandfathered in accordance with the provisions of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The city and County shall work together to develop coordinated development standards per Section 5(b) of this agreement.