HomeMy WebLinkAbout421-Crawford ~'r~TSTROM, McINTOStL 317L~AN, ~T, WmG~A~ & S~ONS, P-~ A~ORN~S AND COUNSELLORS AT ~W City of Sanford ................ P. O. Box 1788 Sanford, ~ 32772-1788 Dear Jan: Re: Violet Crawford to The City of Sanford The closing on the above real estate transaction was held yesterday. Enclosed please find the follo~ng: 1. Executed copy of the Closing Statement. 2. Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc., Co~itment issued by this office. 3. Certificate of Title on the mobile home situated on the property, together with attached copy of death certificate of Hill Crawford, Mrs. Crawford's late husband. 4. Bill of Sale from Violet Crawford to The City of Sanford on the mobile home. 5. Copy of the Warranty Deed, which has been sent to the Seminole County Recording Department. Just as soon as the documents are returned from recording we will issue the O~er's Title Insurance Policy and fo~ard it, together with the recorded Deed to you. Sincerely, STENSTROM, McINTOSH, JULIa, COLBERT, ~IG~ & SMONS, P.A. ~C/pa Enclosures Cc: Bill Si~ons, City Manager CLOSING STATEMENT SELLER: VIOLET CRAWFORD, a/k/a VIOLET J. CRAWFORD, a/k/a VIOLET JACKSON CRAWFORD, a single woman BUYER: THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA LEGAL: Begin 12 chains South and 437.52 feet West of Northeast corner of Northwest 1/4 Of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 297 feet West 196.65 feet South to Beginning, Seminole County, Florida; AND Begin 12 chains South and 240.87 feet West of Northeast corner of Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 297 feet West 196.65 feet South 297 feet to Beginning, Seminole county, Florida. DATE: AUGUST 15, 1991 PURCHASE PRICE $ 65,000.00 CLOSING COSTS TO BE PAID BY SELLER TO BE PAID BY BUYER Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Clerk - Recording Deed $ 6.00 Inc. - Title search $ 150.00 Owner's Title Insurance Policy 373.75 Clerk - state Stamps on Deed 390.00 clerk - Rec. Non-Homestead Aff. 6.00 Redemption of Tax Certificates: Tax Year 1990, Cert. No. 1132 ID# 02-20-30-300-0190-0000-0-8 136.31 Tax Year 1990, Cert. No. 1133 ID# 02-20-30-300-019A-0000-0-7 61.34 1991 Taxes - Seller's share (2 tax bills p~0rated)' 97.16 Associates Financial Services Co. Partial Payment on Mortgage 5,000.00 Clerk - Recording Partial Release of Mortgage 6.00 Death Certificate of Albert Jackson 5.00 Clerk - Filing Summary Administration on Estate of Albert Jackson 65.50 1099-S Reporting Fee 10.00 Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. Legal Services Rendered - Clearing Title to Property 600.00 TOTAL COSTS $ 6,901.06 $ 6,00 RECAPITULATION BUYER: Purchase Price Due From Buyer At Closing $65,000.00 PLUS Closing Costs To Be Paid By Buyer + 6.00 $65,006.00 LESS Option Fee Paid By Buyer to seller - 500.00 TOTAL DUE FROM BUYER AT CLOSING $64,506.00 SET.T.RR: \ Purchase Price Due TO seller At Closing $65,000.00 LESS Closing Costs To Be Paid By seller - 6,901.06 LESS Option Fee Paid By Buyer to seller - 500.00 BALANCE DUE SFT~,RR AT CLOSING $57,598.94- AP D BY SE : APPROVED BY BUYER: .LORIDA! , BILL SIMMONS, City Manager ""~': WILLIAM L. COLBERT, ESQUIRE Add,..,: p. O. BOX 4848 Sanford, FL 32772-4848 This Instrument Prepared by: WILLIAM L. COLBERT, ESQUIRE Add,...: p. O. BOX 4848 Sanford, FL 32772-4848 Property Appraisers Parcel Identi~ca~on {Folio) Number(s): ~ Gr, ntee[s] S.S. ~i~ ~rra~E ~h Made the 15th day 0x Au USt A.D. 1991 VIOLET C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET J. C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET J~CKSON C~WFO~, a single her~n~er called t~ grantor, to woman, TH~ CITY OF S~FO~, FLORIDA ~se post o~ce address is P. O. Box 1788, San~ord, FL 32772-1788 ~n~r cal~d ~e grantee: ~~: ~t the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $ 10. O0 and other valuable couiderations, rec~pt ~hereof ie here~ ~kn~ledged, here~ grants, bargains, sells, aliens, ~ises, rele~es, corvus and co~s ~to the gra~lee all ~al certai~ la~d situate in Seminole C~y, S~ of Florida , ~z: Begin 12 chains South and 437.52 feet West of Northeast corner of Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, To~ship 20 South, Range 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 297 feet West 196.65 feet South to BeginninS, Seminole County, Florida; AND Begin 12 chains South and 240.87 feet West of Northeast corner of Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 29~ feet West 196.65 feet South 297 feet to Beginning, Seminole County, Florida. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECO~. ~[~[, ~lh ~ the tempests, heredila~e~ts ¢~d app~rt¢~a,~ce8 thereto belonging or i~ anywise app~ta~ning. ~n B~U~ ~h fn ~S[h, the same in fee simple fo~er. . ,'~ ~ ~ ~ grantor here~ c~enants ~th said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; t~t ~ grantor h~ good ~ght and lawful autho~ty to sell and conv~ said land, and hereby wa~ants the ~tle to said land and ~ll defend t~ same against ~e lawful claims o fall persons wh~so~er,' and that said land is ~ee of all ~u~ra~es, ezc~t t~es ~c~ing subsequent to Dec~ber 31, 19 90 . ~ ~iI~ ~r~nf, t~ said grantor has si~ed and sealed these presents the day and year first w~tten. Sig , , ,,sere , Lori L. Williams C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET JACKSON C~WFO~ Patricia W. Austin STATE OF FLORIDA ) CO~ OF SEMINOLE ) I HE RE BY CERTIFY that on this ~y, before me, an officer duly authorized tn the 8taro aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take ~knowl~gments, ~rsonaliy ap~ared VIOLET C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET J. C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET JACKSON-C~WFO~, a single woman, tomeknowntobethepet.son desm'ibedlnand who execut~ the'.for~]ng Inkfigment and she acknowledged before,, o ~hat she executed the same. .?.~ . . -,,~ PATKICIA W. AUSTIN Xne u ;Ill bU tFhese )Presm s, C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET JACKSON C~WFO~, o~ ~ City o~ Sanford , ~n ~ Coumy o[ Seminole ~nd S~ o[ Florida o[ ~ [~s~ p~ lot and ~n condde~fion o[ ~ s~m ONE DOL~ ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideraton ~ money ~[ ~e Un~ed S~a ~s~ ~o her pald By THE CITY OF SANFO~, FLORIDA ~ party o[ ~B~ second pa~, ~ ~c~p~ w~[ ~s B~eBy acknowbd~ed~ ~ s ~mmed, B~a~ned, sold, ~ans[e~d and ~nd By ~Bes~ p~s~n~s do es ~an~ Bargain, sell, ~an~e~ sad deliver ~n~o ~ said p~y o~ ~he second p~ its successors, execmo~, administrators and assigns, ~e ~oods and one 1980 Malabar Mobile Home 14' x 60' Make: Guerdon 'ID#GDOCFL02806297 '{e Maue and Ice {-ldd the sama unto the said part y of the seco.d part, its sucoessors executors, adminlstrators and assigns forever. AND she do es , for her and her heirs, executors and administrators, covenant to and with the sa]d part y of the second part, its successors, executors, administrators and assigns, that she is the lawful owner of the said goods and chattels; that they are free from all encumbrances; that she ha s good right to sell the same aforesaid, and that she will warrant and defend the sale of the said property, goods and chattels hereby made, unto the said part y of the second part, its successors, executors, administrators and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. {ll 7~j,[IIE'SS 7~hl~l"i~)f~, i ha ve hereunto set my hand and seal this 15 th day of August , one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one. ~a~e af ~l~r~, } CRAWFORD QIourd~ of SEMINOLE ~ ~reby ~e~jfy ~ on ~ day p, rsonaHy ~Dp~ar~d b~[or~ m~, an officer du~y am~o~z~d ~o administer oaths and take acknow]edgements, VIOLET C~WFO~, a/k/a VIOLET J. C~WFO~, a/~/a VIOLET JACKSON C~WFO~, ~o me we{{ known +o be }~e person described in and who executed {he foregoing Bill o~ Safe, and she a&no~ledged before me {ha} sheexecuted +he same freely and vo{un}ad{y for {he purpose }~ereln expressed. ~{IH~B~ my hand and official seal a~ Sanford Coun~ o{ Seminole and S}a+e of Florida , ~his 15 th day o[ August ~.o. ~ 9L ~~.~ M c o ~ ~ta~ Publi~,'Stat~ ~ "F ............ y omm~sm n e ~{r~S: ' rids .............................. Land Title Association Commitment -- iYoo ~v i CO_,~VUTA,~E~Zr Attorneys' Title l s :a ce Fund, lnc ORLANDO, FLORIDA Commitment To Insure Title ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC., a Florida corporation, herein called The Fund, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A; subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shaft be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by The Fund, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of The Fund. In Witness Whereof, ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC. has caused this Commit- ment to be signed and sealed as of the effective date of Commitment shown in Schedule A, the Commitment to become valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory. FUNQFORMC FUND COMMITMENT FORM Schedule A Commitment No.: Effective Date: July 2, 1991 Agent's File Reference: at 11:~ p.m~ Fund File Number 17-91-873 1. Policy or Policies to ~e issued: Proposed Amount of Insurance OWNER'S: $ 65, eee. ee Proposed Insured: The City of Sunford MORTGAGEE: $ Proposed Insured: 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this commitment is a fee simple (if other, specify same) and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in: Violet Crawford AKA Violet J. Crawford und Albert Jackson 3. The land referred to in this commitment is described as follows: Begin 12 chains South und 437.52 feet West of Northeast corner of Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 297' West 196.65 feet South to Beginning, Seminole County, Florida. Begin 12 chains South and 240.87 feet West of Northeast comer of Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 20 South, Runge 30 East, run East 196.65 feet North 297 feet West 196.65 feet South 297 feet to Beginning, Seminole County, Florida. ISSUED BY Stens%rom, McIntosh ~~ 14870 NAME OF AGENT AGENT NO. AGENT'S SIGNATURE William Colbert 2~ W 1st Street-Ste. 22 Sunford 32771 , Florida MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZiP r,',, FUND COMMITMENT FORM?''~ Schedule B Commitment No.: Fund File Number 17-91-873 The following are the requirements to be compiled with: 1. Payment of the full consideration to, or for the account of, the grantors or mortgagors. 2. Instruments creating the estate or interest to be insured which must be executed, delivered and flied for record: a. Warranty Deed to be executed by Violet Crawford AKA Violet J. Crawford and Albert Jackson (Joined by spouse if married) in favor of The City of San ford. b. Recorded 8afisfaction of Mortgage recorded August 13, 1984 in O.R. Book 1351, Page 153%. See SCHEDULE B-I continued II. Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of The Fund: 1. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 2. Any owner policy issued pursuant hereto will contain under Schedule B the standard exceptions set forth at the inside cover hereof. Any mortgagee policy will contain under Schedule B the standard exceptions unless an affidavit of possession and a satisfactory current survey are submitted, an inspection of the premises is made, it is determined the current year's taxes or special assessments have been paid, and it is determined there is nothing of record which would give rise to mechanics' liens which could take priority over the mortgage (where the liens would otherwise take priority, submission of waivers is necessary). 3. Right of Way Easement recorded April 19, 1979 in O.R. Book 1219, page 1686. 4. Lack of ingress and egress for the reason that the above-described property does not abut and there is no private easement to a dedicated road, street or highway. 5. Payment of 199~ Real Estate Taxes-Courthouse information not totally up to date yet-only information available. CONTINUATION SHEET (Schedule B-v continued) Commitment or Policy No.: Fund File Number 17-91-873 3. Sufficient' proof must be furnished and placed of record to establish that at the time of the conveyance of the subject property to Violet Crawford by deed recorded under O.R. Book 1212, Page 1248, Public Records of Seminole County, florida, the subject property did not constitute the homestead of the Grantor under said deed, or that said Grantor was unmarried at the time of such conveyance. 4. Sufficient proof must be furnished and placed of record to establish that at the time of the conveyance of the subject property to James Henry Jackson, Jr. by deed recorded under O.R. Book 1212, PaGe 1249. Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the subject property did not constitute the homestead of the Grantor under said deed, or that said Grantor was unmarried at the time of such conveyance.