HomeMy WebLinkAbout413-Architecture Design GroupT H, E ' A M E R C A N :I N S T I T U T E 0 F = A R C H I T E C T S AIA 15ocument B141 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY. IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AGREEMENT made as of the Twenty Third day of May in the year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety One BET~VEEN the Owner: The City of Sanford "' (Name and vaTidress) .. 300 North Park AvenUe Sanford, Florida 32772-1778 and the Xrqhitect: Architects Design Group, Inc. (Narne and address) 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 MAILING'ADDR. ESS: P.O. Box 1510, Winter Park, Florid~ 32790 For the following Project: (Include detailed description of Project, location, address a,~d scope.) Additions and modifications to the Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum. 520 East 1st Street Sanford., Florida . The Owner and Architect agree as set forth below. Copyright 1917, 1926, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1961, 1963, 196~, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1977, ~lg87byTheArnerican Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of the material herein oe substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecut!on, AIA DOCUMENT BI{1 · OWNER.ARCHITECT AGREEMENT · FOURTEENTH EDITION · AIA~ · ©i987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W,, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 B141-1987 I 11.2.2 Where compensation is based on a stipulated sum or p~rccntage of ConstruCtion Cost, progress payments for Basic Services in.each phase shall total the following percentages of the total Basic Compensation payable: (Insert additiot~al phases as appropriate.) Schematic De.sign P base: F i f t e e n percent (1L 5%) Design Development I;hase: Twenty percent ( 2 0%) ' Construction DOcuments Phase: For ty percent ( 4 0%) BiddingorNegothtionPhase: Five percent( 5%) Construction Phase: Twenty percent ( 2 0%) Total Basic Compensation: one hundred percent 4100%) 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES " 11.3.1 FOR PROJECT REPRESENTATION. BEYOND BASIC SERVICES, as described in Paragraph 3.2, compensation shall be com- puted as follows:~ · .... Thepro'fessional fee shall be a fixed fee of Twenty Four Thousand Fi~e Hundred Dollars and no cents .($24,500.00). This fee is based upon an estimated construction value of $ 223,270 at 11% and shall be adjusted . accordi. ngly if the construction value is increased. See also PropoSed Project DevelOpment Budget of 4/23/91. 11.3.2 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT, as described in Articles 3 and 12, other than (1) Additional Project Representation, as described in Paragraph 3.2, and (2) services included in Article 12 as part of Additional Services, but excluding ser- vices Of consultants, compensation shall be computed as follows: The Owner may 'elect to utilize either of the two methods shown below, dependin.g on the specific service. to be proyided. METHOD A: Hourly rates as.~efleeted in Attachment "B"~ METHOD B: A fixed fee to be established after the Scope of Services of the additional services has been established. 11.3.3 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANTS.' including additional structural, mechanical and electrical engii~eering services and those provided under Subparagraph 3.4.19 or identified in .~rticie 12 as p~rt of Additional Services, a multiple of one point three( 1.3 ) times the amounts bilied to the Arcbkect for such services. (Ident~y ~pec~lc types of consultants in Arttote i2, ~[ required.) '11.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 11.4.1 F~RREJMBURSABLEEXPENSES~asdescribed~P~agraph~2~andany~theritemsindudedinA~ide~2asRe~nbursab~e Expenses, a multiple of one oint two five ( 1.25)t~nestheexpensesincurredbYtheA~chitect,the/~ehtect's employees and ~onsu]tants in t~ interest of the Project. 11.5 · ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 11.5.1 IF THE BASIC SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been.completed wi~in thirty ( 3 0 ) months of the date herdOf, through no fault Of the Axcb~tcct, extension of the ;ffchitect's services beyond that lane sha~ be · compensated as provided Ln Subparagraphs 10.3.3 and 11.3.2. 11.5.2 Paymen~ are due and payable ten ( l0 ) days from the date of the Architect's ~voice. Amounts unpaid thirty ( 30 )days a/ter the jnvoice date sha~be2r interest at'the rate entered below, or in the absence thereof at the ]eg~ rate preva~ing from time to t~ne at the prLqcipal place of business of the Architect. fpt,ertr. teqt,l~(es, a~e~y~72~ at a rate .eqU..al to eight (8) percent. (usur~ laws and reqairements under the Federal Truth in Le~dint{ Act. similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulatlort~ at the Owner *s and Archi. tect's principal places o/htcsines$~ the loc.~tio~ of the Projecl anti eisevhere may aylect the validity o/th~s provisio.. $pec~ic teEat advice should be Obtained wltb respect to deletions or mod~ication$, dnd also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or zoaileri) AIA DOCUMENT B141 · OWNER-AROtnTECT AGREEMENT * FOURTEENTH EDITION · A1A® · ©1987 9 B141-1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 seBea ~) qeBpn~ ~uemdoIeAaG qDe~o~6 pesodo2a ,,G,. ~uamqoe3~ (seB~d E) SDDIAISS~O SuO!~IpUOD ~eq~O ,,D. qu~m~D~ ~ (seB~d E) SeDIA~eS IeuOY~IPP~ ,,~,, quemY3~ I'EI S'qOlAI;f:qS ~10 SNOIJ,10NOO I:F:IHJ. O ATTACHMENT "A" ADDITIONAL SERVICES 1. Interior Design Services: Interior Design services related to the programming, design, selection, bidding and installation supervision of furnishings. The budget is established as $ 4,200.00. The Interior Design firm, for the purposes of this agreement, is identified'as Architectural Interiors Group, Inc. with a fixed fee of $ 630.00. 2. Landscape Architectural Services: Landscape Architectural Services shall be provided by a registered Florida Landscape Architect selected by the Architect to provide the service as defined in the scope of services. The professional fee compensation for these services shall be $ 880.00 based upon a budget of $8,000.00. 3. Special. Engineering: Special Structural Engineering Services, if found to be required because of unusual site'soil or geographical conditions (generally described as excessive muck or clay in soil, sinkholes, caverns or Similar unusual conditions). In the event such conditions are found to exist, the Architect/Engineer will provide the necessary services, if authorized by the Owner, at an additional fee in an amount which shall be established, based upon the conditions discovered and the complexity of services necessgry to correct said conditions. 4. Construction Management: In theevent the Owner elects to utilize a Construction Manager, as generally defined, then the Architect and Engineers shall be entitled to additional compensation normal to said services, including compensation for multiple bid packages. . 5. site Identification/Graphic Design: Provide Graphic Design Services associated with the design, bidding and construction observation of building identification. Professional fees for these services are established at a fixed fee of $ 300.00 based upon a construction budget of $ 1,200.00. The Design firm, for purposes 9f this agreement, is identified as Green Apple Publishing Company, Inc. ATTACHMENT "A". ADDITIONAL SERVICES PAGE TWO 6. Construction Observation: The Owner may elect, on a project of this complexity, to employ a "Clerk of the Works" who would maintain a daily on-site presence. This individual must be an experienced person with an architectural background. The Architect shall provide the Owner with a fee proposal for purposes of negotiation if ~uch services are deemed necessary. 7. Visits to the Site: The Architect, under terms of this agreement, will normally visit the site a minimum of four (4) times per month and will, as a part of basic services, prepare a written report to document such visits, and copies to be'sent to the designated representative of the Owner. 8. Exhibit lighting Specialist: The Architect shall utilize the services of a qualified Mdseum Lighting Designer at a professional fee established at $ 1,000.00. .~ 9. Site Civil Engineering: The Architect shall utilize the services of a professional civil engineer to provide services related to the design of the storm water system and utility hook-ups at a professional fee of $ 1,200,00. 10. Model: . The'Architect, at the completion of the Design Development Phase, shall provide the Owner with an architectural model of the proposed addition to the Museum, illustrative of the general character and massing of the existing and proposed elements. The model shall be provided at a fixed fee of $ 750.00~ 11. As-Built Drawings: The Architect shall measure and prepare as-built drawings of the existing facilities in such detail as to define and explain the conditions as they exist. Elements shall include, to the extent possible, existing conditions of electrical, mechanical and electrical systems in addition to the size and configuration of the building. The Architect shall be entitled to a fixed fee of $ 2,460.00. ATTACHMENT "B" ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP, INC. HOURLY RATES: Effective 1/91 Per hour rates of the Architects, Interiors Designers and other personnel are established as follows: Principals ,~ ....................................... $ 125.00/hr. Design Studio Department Director 100 00/hr Associates ......... ] ............................... 72.00/hr. Designers .......................................... 68.00/hr. Projech Architects/Engineers ........................ 65.00/hr. Senior Draftsperson ............. ................... 42.00/hr. Draftsperson I ..................................... 37.00/hr. Draftsperson II ................................... 32.00/hr. Draftsperson III .................................. 22.00/hr. Computer Supervisor ............................... 65.00/hr. Compu.ter Draftsperson I ........................... 52.00/hr. Computer Draftsperson II .......................... 48.00/hr. Specification Writer ............................... 54.00/hr. Construction Administrators ....................... 58.00/hr. Construction Observer .............. ~ ............... 48.00/hr. Clerical Staff .................................... 19.00/hr. ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS GROUP, INC. Interior Design Principal .......................... 65.00/hro Interior Design Draftsperson I ..................... 36.00/hr. Interior Design Draftsperson II .................... 28.00/hr. Interior Design Specification Writer ............... 38.00/hr. Clerical Staff ..................................... 19.00/hr. GREEN APPLE PUBLISHING CO. Graphic Designers .................................. 28.00/hr. Clerical Staff ..................................... 19.00/hr. ATTACHMENT "C" OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES 1. Additional Services: The Owner reserves the right to authorize additional work on the part of the Architect, or his consultants through the Architect. Said work shall be reiated to'facilities for the City of Sanford, including but not limited to feasibility studies,. design of additional facilities and master planning, grant applications and further renovations to existing buildings. 27 P~ofessional Liability Insurance: (Applicable only if the project construction value exceeds $ 500,000.00). The Architect shall maintain, during the term of this agreement, Professional Liability Insurance providing coverage for errors and omissions in the amount of $ 1,000,000.00. The Architect shall provide the Owner with a certificate showing such coverage and providing that the insurance will not lapse orbe cancelled except upon ten (10) days written notice to the Owner. As compensation for the cost of such insur.ance, the Owner will pay the Architect the.surcharge value of: 2.1 Twelve and four tenths percent {12.4%) of the total Architectural/Engineering fee. 3. Public Presentations: The Architect, if authorized by the Owner, shall participate in public.presentations of the proposed facilities and shall prepare a slide presentation for purposes of assisting the City in the public process for the following fixed fee: '3.1 The Architect shallprovide the Owner with one set of Slides, of said presentation,.at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.2 Presentations to the public, by the Architect, shall be provided at no cost for up to two (2) presentations. Additional public presentations shall be provided on the'basis of an hourly cost as stipulated in Attachment "~', when authorized by the Owner. ATTACHMENT "C" OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES PAGE TWO 4. Limits of Basic Engineering Services: Engineering Services related to utilities serving the existing building and/or additions to the existin,g building, identified as water, gas, sewer, stormwater, power and telephone shall be provided as a Basic Service. The limit of the Basic Services shall be to a point ten (10) feet from the building. The Architect has included in Attachment "A", the cost of Civil Engineering Services for on-site services. 5. General:. 5.1' Pursuant to Section 287.055(6) (a), Fla. Statute, the Architect warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Architect to solicit or secure this Agreement and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Architect any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. ATTACHMENT "D" PropoSed Project Development Budget Henry Shelton Sanford Museum ADG Project No. 474-89 April 23, 1991 The foliowing is a line item allocation of funds for the proposed renovation a~d additions to. the Henry Shelton Sanford Museum. The items noted are approximate values and are subject to revision by the owner as circumstances warrant. 1. Project Funding: The proposed project is funded by three (3) sources identified as follows: 1.1 Seminole County TDC Grant . .$ 150,000 1.2 City of Sanford Contribution . $ 100,000 1.3 Private Sector Contributions $ 25,000- 1.4 Total Estimated Funding . ... .$ 275,000 2. Project Development Budget: Expenses associated with renovations and additions to the museum: 2~1 New Construction: ~026sqUare feet @"$95.00/sf. ft. .$ 192,470 2.2 RenoVation of Existing Facilities $ 30,800 2.3 Landscape Improvements (allowance) -'. .$ 8,000 2.4 Site Identification Signage (allowance) .$ 1,200 2.5 Site Survey: illustrating existing facility, configuration of property, existing site improvements, locationof utilities, roadway, etc. $ N.A. * ATTACHMENT "D" Proposed PrOject Development Budget. Henry SheltonSanford Museum April 23, ~991 Page Two 2.6 Site. Soils Analysis: soil borings, analysis and engineering recommendations relative to areas of proposed expansion . $ 800 2.7 Furnishings Allowance: public seating in lobby area, miscellaneous furnishings for gift shop and reception area of administrative section (allowance) · . .$ 4,200' 2.8 Subtotal . $ 237,470 2.9 Contingency . .$ 4,500 2.10 Total Project Development Budget . $ 241~970 3. P~ojectProfessional.Fe.es: Professional fees associated with Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design Services.. 3.1 Architectural/Engineering Services: 11% of line item 2.1 ($192,470) and 2.2 (330,800). $ 24,500 3.2 Landscape Architectural Services: $8,000 @ 11.0% $ 880 3.3 Interior Design Services: $4,200 @ 15.0% .' $ 630 3.4 Graphic Design Services: Fixed Fee . .~ 300 3.5 Exhibit Lighting Specialist: Fixed Fee , ,$ 1,000 3.6 Site Civil Engineer: design of on-site storm water retention system, connections to existing utilities Fixed Fee . ~ .$ 1,200 ATTACHMENT Proposed Projeut Development Budget Henr~ Shelton Sanford Museum April 23, 1991 Page Three 3.7 ReimbUrsable Expenses: reproduction of plans, long distance toll calls, postage, etc. (allowance) .$ 1,310 3.8 Model: Construction of a scsle model showing proposed expansion and utilized for fund raising and grant purposes . .$ 750 3~9 As-BUilt Drawings: preparation of as-built documents illustrating existing improvements $ 2,460 3.10 Subtotal $ 33,030 3.11 Total Project Professional Fees .$ 33,030 4. Project CoAt Summary: 4.1 Project Development Budget . $ 241,970 4.2 Project Professional Fees .$ 33,030 4.3 ~otal Project Costs (estimated) .$ 275,000 * Survey, undated is in the possession of the Architect. Survey was prepared by Conklin Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc. of Sanford, Florida.