HomeMy WebLinkAbout397-Transportation Consulting TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING GROUP October 19, 1990 Mr. Jay Marder, AICP City of Sanford P. O. Box 1778 Sanford, FL 32772 Re: Sanford Traffic Circulation Element Modifications (#90-675) Dear Jay: This agreement has been prepared in response to your request for modifications to the draft Sanford Traffic Circulation Element. For purposes of this contract, the City of Sanford will be referred to as the Client, Transportation Consulting Group will be refenced to as the Consultant, and the Sanford Traffic Circulation Element will be refc~cred to as the Project. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1: Existing Conditions Analysis The Consultant shall modify this section of the Traffic Circulation Element to incorporate Florida Department of Transportation comments and Transportation Consulting Group comments that were noted in an October 10, 1990, letter to the City. In addition, the Consultant shall conduct the following tasks: a) Update traffic counts in the Eiement with more recent counts from the Florida Department of Transportation and Sem'mole County. b) Incorporate Seminole County's travel time and delay studies for Airport Boulevard, Lake Ma~ Boulevard, and SR 46. c) Conduct a p.m. peak-ho travel tie and delay study for US 17-92 from Seminole Community College to S~[ 46Z Si~ (6) travel time runs will be conducted in the p.m. peak hour to determine average travel time delays and the operational level of service. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING · 407/628/0875 · FAX 407/628/5773 1201 SOUTH ORLANDO AVENUE · SUITE 200 · P.O. BOX 2547 · WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790 Mr. Jay Murder Page 2 October 19, 1990 d) Collect peak-hour traffic count data at the following three (3) locations on US 17-92: Between SR 46 ~qe~e5''& CR,46A CR 46A & Lake Mary Boulevard I21ke Mary Boulevard & CR 427 e) Collect traffic signal phasing and timing information along US 17-92, between SR 46 (east) and CR 427. The traffic count data for US 17-92, the p.m, peak-hour travel time and delay analysis, and the collected traffic signal information will then be used to est'unate appropriate capacities and level of service thresholds for US 17-92; for the Element as well as for future use in the City's Concurrency Management System. The product from this task will be modified text and tables for the Element's Existing Conditions Analysis. Task 2: Future Conditions Analysis The Consultant shall modify this section of the Traffic Circulation Element to incorporate FDOT comments as well as the following additional information: · A discussion of programmed and planned improvements (public and private), · Revision of future traffic volumes based upon use of updated existing traffic volumes; · Identification of socioeconomic data; · Further discussion of LOS deficiencies, improvements needed to address LOS deficiencies, and the impact of planned and programmed improvements on these LOS deficiencies; · Discussion of potential strategies to address backlogged and constrained facilities; and · Anticipated costs of proposed improvements. The Consultant shall also re-evaluate traffic projections for roads in the 1-4 Corridor (SR 46, CR 46A, Rinehart Road, and Upsala Road). To complete this task, the Consultant shall evaluate socioeconomic data projections that were originally utilized in the Element and compare them to approved development plans. Traffic analysis studies for approved developments will also be taken into consideration to modify projections, where necessary. Improvements identified as conditions of approval in development orders will be incorporated into the Element. Mr. Jay Marder Page 3 October 19, 1990 The product from this task will be modified text and tables for the Element's Future Conditions Analysis. Task 3: Goals, Objectives, and Policies The Consultant shall modify this section of the Traffic Circulation Element to incorporate FDOT comments and the foliowing items: · LOS standards for backlogged and constrained facilities; · Allowance of operational travel time and delay studies as a means to measure levels of service; and · Reference to goals, objectives, and policies that meet minimum Rule 9J-5 criteria. Task 4: Final Review of Element After completion of the above tasks, the Consultant shall utilize DCA's "checklist" to determine the completeness of the Traffic Circulation Element. This final review shall be documented in a memorandum to City staff. FEE All work described in Tasks 1 through 4 will be completed for a fee of $3,500. This includes one (1) meeting with City staff, after the completion of all tasks. No meetings or public hearings are included as part of this fee. Additional graphics work for the Element is also not included. SCHEDULE Upon receipt of a signed contract, the above tasks shall take approximately three (3) weeks to complete. This includes completion of a p.m. peak-hour travel time and delay study for US 17-92, up to three (3) traffic counts on US 17-92, as well as modifications to the Element. The schedule for completing the above-noted tasks is dependent upon the timely provision of data needed from the Client. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT It will be the Client's responsib'~ity to provide: a) Any available City traffic counts, b) Development order c/~nditions regarding transportation improvements, e) Transportation analysis that was completed for the Sanford Mall ADA/DRi, d) City programmed and planned improvements, and e) A computer disk containing the Traffxc Circulation Element text. Mr. Jay Marder Page 4 October 19, 1990 TERMS OF AGREEMENT During the course of work if the Client finds it necessary to terminate the work, the work will be stopped by the Consultant upon receipt of written notification. The Client will pay for services and expenses incurred to the point of termination based upon the Consultant's estimate of percentage of work completed. Invoices for work completed will be submitted evenJ four (4) weeks. In the event that an invoice is not paid within thLrty (30) days, the Consultant reserves the fight to stop work, after notifying the Client in wrifmg, until such outstanding invoices are paid in full. For work done on an hourly basis, the Consultant reserves the fight to increase its hourly rates on the anniversary date of the rate schedule attached to this contract. Should it become necessary for the Consultant to utilize its attorney to collect fees due the Consultant under this agreement, the Client agrees to bear the costs of collection, including masonable attorney fees. Additional s~rvices which are not included within this scope of work will be treated as extra work. The Client will be given notice of any additional services that are needed to complete the project. The Client must give approval before work is begun. Extra work charges will be made in accordance with the Consultant's Hourly Rate Schedule in effect when the work is performed. Invoices for extra work will be rendered every four (4) weeks and are payable upon receipt. While all work will be performed with professional care, the Consultant cannot guarantee the actions of government officials and agencies to grant the desired approvals. This agreement shall be null and void ff it has not been executed within thirty (30) days from the date of preparation, unless otherwise indicated by the Consultant. Mr. Jay Maxder Page 5 October 19, 1990 If you are in agreement with this proposal, you may execute the agreement by signing below and returning one copy for our files. We look forward to working with you. Respectfully, SPO~~q SoULTING GROUP e.s W. Lee, P.E. jWLT~AB:bll Attachment cc: Accounting SiGNA~(~ ~ TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING GROUP HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE HOURLY RATE Principal $ 126 Dire~r $ 109 Assistant Director $ 98 Senior Project Manager $ 80 Project Manager $ 73 Project Engineer/Project Planner $ 62 Engineer/Planner $ 47 Senior Designer $ 62 Senior Technician $ 43 Designer $ 43 Drafter $ 36 Technician $ 34 Clerical/Admin. $ 34 Clerical/Runner $ 27 Plus all direct expenses including travel, subsistence, and out-of-pocket expenses, times 1.12. For services in court, a minimum of eight hours will be charged for each day of appearance. Annual Anniversary Date: January 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING · 407/628/0875 · FAX 4071628/5773 1201 SOUTH ORLANDO AVENUE · SUITE 200 · P.O. BOX 2547 · WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790