HomeMy WebLinkAbout361-Automatic Aid & First Respo SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD AUTOMATIC AID/FIRST RESPO~SE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TItIS AGREEMENT'is entered into this ~/~,~__ day of subdivision of the State of F.lorida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 E. First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771 (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY"). and the CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation existing by virtue ef Florida Law, whose address is 300 No. Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the COUNTY presently maintains and operates the Seminole County Fire Unit, with firefighting equipment and firefighting personnel and operates an emergency communications center for receiving and dispatching fire and rescue alarms, and WHEREAS, the CITY presently maintains a fire department with firefighting equipment and firefighting personnel, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto recognize and agree that it is desirable to enter into this Agreement for the mutual benefit of the parties in times of emergency or disaster too great to be dealt with unassisted; and W~EREAS, this Agreement is for the benefit of the general public and is authorized by, and entered into pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that each of the parties agree to assist the other pursuant to the following stipulations, provisions and conditions: SECTION I. PURPOSE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for reciprocal civil defense/fire/ rescue/emergency medical aid and assistanCe in case of disasters, resulting from natural phenomena, accidents, or otherwise, when the fire or disaster is too great to be dealt with unassisted and to provide reciprocal fire and rescue assistance on a first response basis utilizing the facility units nearest to the incident. The intent of this arrangement is to provide the most efficient life 1 saving services to the citizens ~f both the CITY and the COUNTY. It is also the purpose of this Agreement for the COUNTY to provide central communications services for the CITY Fire Department by receiving and dispatching fire and rescue alarms directed to the CITY in an effort to provide increased speed and efficiency and centralized coordination of emergency services. It is also the intent of this Agreement to provide the City Police Department with access to the County's 800 MHz "Smartnet" and associated radio system including paging capability. SECTION 2. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE - CITY. As to incidents occurring outside the pre-determined automatic mutual respcnse areas, the CITY shall request emergency fire/rescue/civil defense assistance only through the Fire Chief of the CITY or his duly authorized representative. The CITY'S Fire Chief or his duly authorized representative shall make the request for assistance to the COUNTY Fire Unit Communications Center. SECTION 3. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE - COUNTY. As to inci- dents occurring outside the pre-determined automatic mutual re- sponse areas, the COUNTY shall request emergency fire/rescue/civil defense assistance only through the Duty Chief or in his absence, the Chief Fire Administrator of the COUNTY, or his respective duly authorized representative. SECTION 4. RESPONSE TO'REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE OUTSIDE THE PRE-DETERMINED AUTOMATIC MUTUAL RESPONSE AREAS. The following conditions apply to the provisions of assistance outside of pre- determined automatic mutual response areas: (a) Equipment shall be dispatched onIy as requested; provided, hewever, that the amount of equipment and personnel dispatched shalI be at the discretion of the assisting agency consistent with public safety within the area served and the aims and purpose of this Agreement. (b) Should the responding agency be involved in an emergency operation at the time of receiving the request for assistance, the response may be delayed until such time as the responding agency may make an additional commitment. 2 (c) In the event thSt the responding agency becomes aware of an emergency within their area of primary responsibility, the responding agency may, upon coordination with the ranking Commanding Officer, recall whatever equipment and personnel as may be needed. SECTION 5. RESPONSE TO CALLS WITHIN THE AUTOMATIC MUTUAL RESPONSE AREAS. In lieu of specific requests for assis- tance, both the CITY and the COUNTY may respond to incidents in the "first alarm response zones" to the mutual benefit of both govern- mental agencies. Said areas of first alarm response shall be determined by the Fire Chief for the CITY and Chief Fire Adminis- trator for the COUNTY. SECTION 6. OFFICER-IN-CHARGE. (a) The responding party shall be subject to the orders and directlens of the Officer-in-Charge of the operation having re- sponsibility in the area where the emergency exists while the re- sponding party is within such area. (b) If the first due unit is outside its normal area of responsibility, the Officer-in-Charge of the first due unit shall take command of the situation until relieved by the authority having jurisdiction. SECTION 7. DUTIES AND LEVEL OF SERVICE. (a) No department, officer, or employee of either party to this Agreement shall perform any function or service not within the scope of the duties of such department, officer, or employee in performing the same kind of services within their respective jurisdiction. (b) Rendition of service, standards of performance, discipline ef officers and employees, and other matters incident to performance of services and control of personnel shall remain with the COUNTY or CITY, respectively. (c) DiSputes or disagreements as to the level of services and standards of performance required of either party shall be reported to the Fire Chief of the CITY er the Chief Fire Administrator of the COUNTY, respectively. 3 (d) The decision of ~he Fire Chief of the CIq'Y shall be final and conclusive as to the level of services er standards of performance by the CITY. (e) The decision of the Chief Fire Administrator of the COUNTY shal] be final and conclusive as to the ]eve]. of services or standards of performance by the COUNTY. SECTION 8. EMPLOYEE STATUS. Persons employed by the COUNTY or CITY, respectively, in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall bare no claim to pension, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges, granted by operation of law or otherwise by the COUNTY {~r CITY, respectively, to its officers and employees. SECTION 9. LIABILITIES__AND RESPONSIBILITY OF PARTIES. (a) The parties hereto, their respective officers and employees, shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions, and negligence of the other party. (b) All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws, ordinances and rules, and a]] pensions and relief, disability, worker's compensation and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers or employees of other party when performing their respective functions within the territoriallimits for their respective agencies shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties extra- territorially pursuant to this Agreement. (c) Except as herein otherwise provided, all liability for injury to personnel, and for loss or damage of equipment shall be borne by the party employing such personnel and owning such equipment, and all parties sbal] carry sufficient insurance to cover all such .liabilities. (d) The cost of gasoline and other expendable supplies shall be borne by the party incurring them. (e) All compensation for personnel sba]] be borne by the party employing such personnel. (f) After emergency 6a].l.s },',re been received and dis- patched for t|le CITY by the COUNTY Commun~cmtions Center, it shall be the ~esponsibi]ity of the CITY to respond to the ala!:m and the COUNTY shall not be held liable fo~ actions involving the CITY. SECTION 10. TERM OF CONTRACT. The term of this Agree- ment shall begin on January 15, 1990, and shall remain in e~fect for a minimum of five (5) years. Said Agreement shall continue beyond five.(5) years until terminated by mutual agreement of both parties; provided, however, that either party may terminate said Agreement by giving at least thirty (30) days written sotice to the other party. In the event the CITY elects not to continue this Agreement beyond the five (5) year period they shall. surrender use of the COUNTY's 800 MHz "Smartnet" radio system. All CITY fire department communications equipment furnished by the COUNTY shall be returned to the COUNTY and all fixed base equipment added to the COUNTY!s system shall remain the property of the COUNTY. All mobile, portable, paging and radio console communications equipment purchased by the CITY shall remain the property of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on this ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD ~ ~X~H'E, City Clerk BY:BE I' r ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~b Clerk to the Board of . e Chairman Cour{ty Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. Date: 9-20-89 For the use and reliance As authorized for execution of Seminole County only. by the Board of Co nty Commis- · . ty 072489 ~