HomeMy WebLinkAbout336-Mutual Aid Agreement ~h3TUAL AID AGREEMENT/APOPKA POLICE DEPARTMENT AND Sanford Police Department THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 20th .day of March 19 89 between the Apopka Police Department, a Florida Law Enforcement Agency, (hereinafter refered to as A,P,D.), and the Sanford Police Department~ a Florida Law Enforcement (hereinafter referred to as S.P.D. ), for the purpose of securing to each and to the citizens the benefits of mutual aid for police protection within the corporate limits of Sanford , Florida and within the corporate limits of Apopka, Florida. WHEREAS, because of existing and continuing law enforcement problems, especially those that cross Jurisdictional lines, and in order to ensure that preparation of law enforcement agencies will be adequate to deal with such activity, protect the public peace and safety, and preserve the lives and property of the people, voluntary cooperation agreements betweep law enforcement ~genctes are authorized; and latERZaSe t]~e Florida MutUal Aid Act has been amended to authorize voluntary ~peWatton aggeements between law enforcement agencies ~erml[[tn8 yOlu~tary coo~rat~on and assistance across Jurisdictional ltn~S[ and WHEREAS, the Apopka Police Department, by virtue of the City of Apnpka charter~ is responsible for law enforcement services within that mu~icipality; and the Sanford Police Department, by virtue of .the City of Sanford charter, Is responsible for law enforcement elr¥~es I~ CI~C ~ur~Gi~a~ty[ and MIIERM~, the Apopka police Department, and the Sanford Pol~a DeV~[Zlie~:, by reaelutions of the respective City Commissions, have ~he ~hority to enter into a voluntary cooperation agreement IMi~SUa~t ~e ~ha provision of Part I of Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, P,O~441 Mutlsi~ Aid Act; MOW, T~a~aF~ORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits accrutnE gO gh% p%rt~l, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the pa~lj~$qel he~e (:oteaaBt ~ alltee as follows: 1. TW ;a~ean4 prp~vis~ens of this Agreement shall be bindins H~ ~e ~t~es from the date of full execution of this ASreement and shall continue in force and effect until termination by either party after furnishing thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the other party. Page 1 of 5 2. The A.P.D. and S.P.D. mutually covenant and agree to p~ovide police equipment and personnel to bne another for the purpose of providing $ssistance as support, back-up or other mutual aid of a routine law enforcement nature, including but not limited to the investigation of homicides, sex offenses, robberies, assaults, burglaries, larcenies, motor vehicle thefts, and drug violations controlled 0r prohibited by Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, as circumstances may dictate from time to time. 3. In the event a party to this Agreement is in need of assistance U~der conditions or circumstances are generally stated above, it shall notify the other party and that party shall evaluate the situations, its available manpower and equipment, its resources, and will respond in a manner and to the extent it deems appropriate. A responding Department shall not be required to answer requests [er ~isg~m~ in furnis~n~ Equipment and p~[so~ne~ outside its Juri~lctt~Wi=~in the ~isc~etion of the p~[ty, or 'his duly authorized rep~esenta~t~e, i~ is de~ermiDed ~hat the response or answering of satd =eque~g .~or essista~ge will unreasonably interfere wiuh or Jeopardize ~he pelice pF~ec~ion and safety of the citizens and the property Within the c~tporate limigs of the responding department. ~. Each party agrees to furnish the necessary equipment, resources and facilities and to render services to each and every other party to ~he Agreement as set forth above; provided, however, that no party Shs~ be req~d ~o dep:~e~ ~reasonably i~ own eqUipmen~, resources, ea~tltgi~$, $~4 s,vviCes ~n fMrnishing such mutual ~id. ~p$$ O~ rssgurces aWail~ble are, but not limited to manpower, ma~ked ov un~=~ea vehicles, 4-wheel drive vehicles, patrol boats, [-~Bl~S, 3.~,A.T. units and National/State/County computer network. ~, The paVs~nnel a~d equipment of the party prov~ding assistance ~ be ~d~ ~he direcg supervision and command of the requesting ~a~S$ ~r h~ ~U~y authorized representative during the period of S~b ~SiS~IM~ ~capt $,W.A~. ~Dits. Whenever an officer or ~mp~y~s 9[ S~ paW~y ~a rendering aid ourside tha~ Agency's ~U[~d~ [~[S~n~ to ~'his agreement and the Florida Mutual Aid ~ ~geh e~ficer or employee shall have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges and imunities as if he or she were lawfully perfoming his or her duties within the Jurisdiction he or she is nomally employed. Page 2 o£ 5 Such powers are limited and to be exercised only by an officer or employee while responding to a specific and direct request as provided herein, or as otherwise provided by law. Each S.~,A.T. unit shall be under the direct command and super- V~sion of its own S.W.A.T. Commander. All requests, instructions, and demands forS.W.A.T. assistance shall be communicated to him or his designee. In such situations that arise in the context of this agreement, the S.W.A.T. Commander shall be under supervision of the requesting agency. 6. Whenever an officer or employee of either party is rendering aid outside the psrty~s Jurisdiction pursuant to this Agreement and the Florida Mutual Aid Act, the officer or employee shall abide by and be subject to the Rules and Regulations, Personnel Policies, General .O~dars, and Standard Operation Procedure of his or her employer, although when such Rules, Regulations, Policies, General Orders or P~dure~ ~upersede~ by ~ direct order o~ a superior officer in · ~ha re~ues~N ~g~ncy, a~d d~rect order shal~ s~l.er~ede said Rules, Re~ula~onl~li¢ies, or General Orders. ~. A~y ~$spStch by any party hereto of said equipment and personnel - pursuant to ~is Agreement is subject to the following conditions and (a) ~y request for aid hereunder shall include the ~ype o~ equipment and number of personnel requested, and shall specify the location to which the equipment .~per~onnel a~eto be dispatched, bu~ the type of q~$p!ae~ a~d ~Mmber of personnel tO b~ actually ~g~sl~.d a~aIl be ~etetmtned by the responding ~ee~y. Except ~n emergency situations, any such ~a~$~ shall be in writing. In such emergency ~M~ ~ verbal request is permissable but must ~a ~lpwed by a written request as soon as possible. ~) ~e ~e~ndin8 party'$ equipment and personnel Ih&l~ b, released by the requesting party when ~b~ R~ices of the responding party are no ~F.l~n[~ ~ ~ ~e~ponding party ar~ needed ~g Z~he area for which it normally furnishes ... ~011Ce protection. Page 3 of 5 (c) Law Enforcement Officers or other employees rendering assistance, if requested, shall assist in ~he transportation and processing of prisoners during situations involving mass arrests and, if necessaryt in the operation of temporary detention facilities. (d) The A~ency requesting assistance shall be ,responsible for recording radio communication ~o include, but not limited to time enroute, number of units responding, time of arrival, time of completion and any other pertinent radio communication. (e) Each Law Enforcement Agency will complete a detailed report and forward a copy to the other Agency. ~.l ~.~ Law Enfo~C.#meqt Agency shall be responsible for all Of ~{ own ~ge~s and expe.ses of providing m~tual aid, equipment, and assi~ance. ,E~ch:Law E~forcement Agency shall provide all benefits and ~Overa~e8 ~o its officers or employees while such officers or ~19~ees are 6ngaged in che performance of any of ~heir functions a~d d~iesex=ra~erri~orially under the provisions of this mutual aid ~greemenr as are provided ~o their officers or employees while SuCh Officers or employees are engaged in the performance of any of ~heir func~ions and duties in ~heir own Jurisdiction. All of ~~ ~ ~, a~ ~Om[~nsation, salary, death and other ~ ~ ~1~ ~o ~e activity of such officers, agents, or e~lq~ee gf ~B~ Inch agency when performing their respec~ive ~U~¢~OnS W$~h~n the territorial limits of their respective public IS~C$is 8hlt~ apply to them to the same de~ree, manner and extent wh~le inSaid in the performance of any of their functions and duties ex[~a,ierrt~ll~ under the provisions of this mutual aid a~reement. ~W ~Z~vtS~of this section shall apply with equal effect ~o paid, ~Whql~e~ ~ qux~liary employees. 9. ~1 equipment used by the Sanford Police Department ~ ~i=~yln~ out this A~reement will, at the time of any action hereunder, be o~ed by it and all personnel actinS for the Sanford Police ~ep~Cment under this A~reement will at the time of such at=ion, be employees of the Sanford Police Department. Page 4 of 5 All equipment used by the Apopka Police Department in carrying out:thisAgreement viii, at the timeor any action hereunder, be owned by it and all personnel acting for the Apopka Police Department under this A~reement will, at the time of such action, be employees of the Apopka Police Department. 10. In the event an agency seizes any vessel, motor vehicle, aircraft, orother personal property in accordance with the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, Florida Statutes 923.701-704, during the performance of this agreement, both departments agree to dispose of the said property in accordance with Florida Statute 932.704 (3) (b). Prior to a disposition of the said property, the agency requesting assistance shall have the exclusive right to possess and use the personal property in accordance with Chapter 932, Florida Statutes. 11. Each Law Enforcement Agency under this Agreement shall bear the liability for its own employees arising from acts undertaken un~r,,~the ~f,9~o~ Agreement. 12. Ng~h~ng in thie Agreement is intended or iS to be construed · slBy tram, Stair or contracting away of the po~era or.functions of one ~a~y here~ ~o the other, !3, Th~ Agreement shall in no event confer upon any person, Corporation, partnership, or other entity, including any parties to ~hts A~raement, the right to damages or any other form of relief iiga~ns~ any party to this Agreement for operations or omissions he~Un.~er ~n accordance With the terms of this Agreement. ~4. ~ ~,em~n~ ~hall be effective upon i~s approval by ~he C~y C~s~l~, ei~ Council, or other governing body of each ~W ~v~ A~ncy covered herein. ~. In ~h~ ~Vent of any conflict between ~he provisions of t~S ~reeNn~ end Part I of Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, kno~ as t~ !~ori~ ~B~i Aid Act", then the provisions of the Florida ~ ~' '~IEFTOm Collins CHIEF ateyen D. Har~iett- ' ': : '- - - ~T~-~c~ 20, 1989 DATg: 1 '--, RGETAR ~4y Commission ~pire8 Aug. 20, 1989 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC, 8, 1989