HomeMy WebLinkAbout273-SCPS-Resource Officer 98 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered on October 1, 1998, by and between the SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, whose address is 400 East Lake Mary Blvd., Sanford, Florida 32771. Hercinaf~er referred to as "School Board", the City of Sanford, Florida a municipal corporation, hereinaf~er referred to as "The Agency". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties desire to implement the provisions of 230.2318, School Resource Officer Program, and D.A.R.E. Officer Program by antering into an inter-agency agreement; and, WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD has requested that the Agency provide law enforcement personnel in certain Seminole County Public Schools for service as School Resource of~cer(s)/D.A.R.E. Officer, and; WHEREAS, the Agency has agreed to provide law enforcement personnel to perform the duties and responsibilities of School Resource Officer's and D.A.R.E. Officer in certain Seminole County Public Schools; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual considerations, understandings and covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM: The term of this Agreement is one fiscal year commencing July 1, 1998, and continuing until June 30, 1999, the date of signature by the parties notwithstanding. This agreement may be renewed for successive terms of like duration by mutual agreement of the parties and upon such terms as they shall agree. 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agreement is to foster better relations between students and law enforcement personnel; to deter crime on or about school premises by the presence of a law enfomement officer; to enforce local, state, and federal laws; and to have law enfomement officer available for presentations to the students, faculty, and parents concerning law enfomement and various law enforcement related subjects. 3. SERVICES: (a) The Agency agrees to provide (4) Four full time School Resource Offieer's and (1) One D.A.R.E. Officer and who will perform such duties set forth in Exhibit A (School Resource Officers); or Exhibit B (D.A.R.E. Officer), which are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes by reference and attachment. Each officer shall be equipped with a patrol vehicle, personal weapon, personal communications unit, and such other equipment as is standard for the agency. 4. COMPENSATION: The School Board shall pay to the City of Sanford the sum of One Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand, Seven Hundred Twenty-Five and 00/100 ($126,725.00) in 8 equal payments in amount of $15,840.63 in accordance with the following schedule of payments: Page 1 A. Initial payment: Amotmt: $63,362.52 Date of Payment: February 5, 1999 (For October, November, December 1998 and January, 1999) B. All subsequent payments shall be in equal amounts of $15,840.63 and shall be payable on or before the 5th day of each month thereafter. 5. COOPERATION: The parties to this agreement agree that their respective officers, employees and agents will mutually cooperate with each other to insure that this agreement is fully performed to achieve the goals set forth in 230.2318. 6. LIABILITY FOR SALARIES, BENEFITS AND OTHER COMPENSATION: The SCHOOL BOARD shall not be liable for the payment of any salaries, wages, other compensation or benefits to any School Resource Officer/DARE Officer performing services pursuant to this agreement. 7. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR SICKNESS: The SCHOOL BOARD shall not be liable for the payment of any sums or indemnification to the City, or any of its employees, for injuries or sickness arising out of performance of duties hereunder by the School Resource Officer or D.A.R.E. Officer. 8. NO INDEMNIFICATION: (a) By this agreement the Agency and its officers, agents, and employees shall not be deemed to have assumed any liability for the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the SCHOOL BOARD, or any of its officers, agents, or employees by the agreement. (b) By this agreement the SCHOOL BOARD and its officers, employees and agents shall not be deemed to have assumed any liability for the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the Agency or any of its officers, agents, or employees. 9. EMPLOYEE STATUS: (a) The School Resource Officer and D.A.R.E. Officer shall be deemed at all times to be employees of the Agency and not employees or agents of the School Board. The School Resource Officer or D.A.R.E. Officer shall at all times be deemed to be an employee of the agency and not of the School Board for purposes of workers' compensation and tort liability pursuant to 768.28, Florida Statutes. At all times when the School Resource Officer or D.A.R.E. Officer is in the performance of duties hereunder the officer shall be deemed to be acting within the course and scope of the officer' s employment as an officer, employee or agent of the Agency. (b) It is understood and agreed by the parties that no School Resource Officer or D.A.R.E. Officer shall be deemed an employee of the SCHOOL BOARD and that no officer or employee of the SCHOOL BOARD or the City shall be an employee or the Agency. Page 2 10. DESIGNATED CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: a. For the School Board: Wolfgang Halbig Educational Support Center Seminole County Public Schools 400 East Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, Florida 32773 b. For the Agency: Joe Dillard, Chief of Police Sanford Police Department 815 S. French Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 11. NOTICES: Whenever any party desires or is required by law to give any notice to the other party, notice shall be sent to by certified mail or hand delivered. a. FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD Dr. Paul J. Hagcrty, Superintendent Seminole County Public Schools 400 East Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, Florida 32773 b. FOR THE AGENCY: Joe Dillard, Chief of Police Sanford Police Department 815 S. French Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 In addition a copy of all notices shall be mailed/delivered to the designated contract administrator. Any change in either the agency head or the contract administrator shall be noticed in writing to the other part. 12. AGENCY RELATIONSHIP: (a) The parties recognize that the School Resource Officer and D.A.R.E. Officer is a law enforcement officer and not a school administrator or employee. In all matters relating to the performance of law enfomement functions such as criminal incident investigations, the officer shall be subject to the director of the officer's agencies standard operating procedures and agency supervisor. In the event the agency shall require the officer to assist with emergencies or civil disturbances off school premises, the officer shall be permitted to respond by the school principal. Any such exigent situation shall not affect any compensation required to be paid to the Agency by the School Board. Page 3 (b) All policy disputes shall be refeicred by the principal to his/her executive director and by the School Resource Officer or D.A.R.E. Officer's supervisor for resolution. 13. TERMINATION: This agreement may be terminated by any party at any time, with or without cause, upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: (a) It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, as will as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties, relating to the subject matter hereof. (b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing, approved by the respective parties and duly executed on b~half of each party. Executed at Sanford, Seminole County, Florida on the dates as shown: ATTEST: Seminole Cotmty Public Schools Date: 41,9_ Date: t/12,tlq ' As authorized for execution by the School Board in its meeting of ! / 12_ ,19~ ~. Page 4 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER 1. Anything set forth herein to the contrary, the school resource officer shall at all times perform his/her duties in accordance with the officer's agency's standards operating procedures. 2. The powers and duties of the school resource officer as a law enforcement officer shall continue throughout the school resource officer's assignment in that capacity. 3. The school resource officer shall be responsible to his/her agency in all matters relating to employment, except that activities conducted by the school resource officer which are part of the regular school instructional program shall be under the direction of the principal. 4. The school resource officer will be familiar with the operation of audio-visual equipment generally in use in the school. 5. The officer will report in and out when the officer arrives at or leaves a campus as directed by the principal of each campus. 6. When school is not in session, the officer shall perform such duties as are directed by his agency. The principal or his designee shall advise the officer's agency supervisor of the school's calendar. 7. The officer will make contact reports for each student counseled. The contact reports will be filed with the school's guidance department. No students will be contacted during school hours and on the school campus about their suspected criminal activity without notice to the school principal and except in accordance with the officer's agency's standards operating procedures. 8. No students will be contacted during school hours and in conjunction with a criminal investigation of any nature without notice to the school's principal. 9. All students record information will be maintained in accordance with the provisions of 228.093 F.S. I0. a. The officer will integrate with the students between class breaks, during lunch periods, before and after school and at school activities at which the officer is in attendance in the course of his employment duties; b. The officer will serve as a referral resource for students, faculty and parents to community agencies; c. The officer will serve as a law enforcement resource person to the school administration, the school security officers and the district chief of security; d. The officer will assist the school principal, school security officer and district chief of security in developing plans and strategies for the prevention and control of dangerous situations at the school; e. The officer will coordinate activities with the school guidance department in an effort to identify those students who exhibit indications of early delinquent behavior. 11. The officer shall participate in such classroom teaching activities as are deemed appropriate by the school principal and as are directed by the school principal. EXHIBIT D.A.R.E. OFFICER Duties and Responsibilities: In addition to the routine duties and responsibilities of a City of Sanford Folice Officer, a D.A.K.E. Officer will have the following specific duties and responsibilities: (a) The Officer will teach the 17~week D.A.R.E. curriculum; (b) The Officer will counsel students; (c) The Officer will attend meetings ~ PTA, School Board, etc...; (d) The Officer will have speaking assignments outside the school atmosphere ~PTA, Neighborhood Watch, etc...; (e) The Officer will maintain lesson plans; (f) The Officer will coordinate D.A.R.E. graduation and contact media and community people to notify them; (g) The Officer will attend training sponsored by Florida Department of Law Enforcement; (h) The Officer will attend the summer D.A.R.E. conference; (I) The Officer will be familiar with school procedures in regard to emergency situations. A D.A.R.E. Officer is not to: (a) Engage in school disciplinary activities; (b) Organize, direct, participate in "detention periods". EXHIBIT "B" SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL J. HAGERTY, Ph.D. Superintendent January 14, 1999 Educational Support Center 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773-7127 MS. Janet R. Dougherty, CMC City Clerk City of Sanford, Florida P.O. Box 1788 Department of Human r~o,,,-~ Sanford, FL 32772-1788 and Professional Standards Dear Ms. Dougherty: Administrative Team John Reicherr Attached for the City's files is one (I) original executed copy of the School (407) 320-002S Resource Officer Agreement between the School Board and the City of Sanford Linda Dawson as approved by our Board at its regular meeting on January 12, 1999. (407) 320.0078 stephe. soum.i~ Upon receipt of eight invoices (October 1998 - May 1999) I will initiate payment. (407) 320-0102 James $. Ellloft Thank you for your help in facilitating the process this year. If you have any (407) 320-0090 questions please feel free to give me a call, 320-0442. Wolfgang Halbig (407) 320-0025 Sincerely, Joseph Monserrat (407) 320-0091 Lisa Voltoline (407) 320-0093 CarOlyI1 Willjams Executive Secretary Security Of, flee /ew Attachment FAX (407) 320-0284 (407) 320-0290 ~ www.scps.kl2.fLus