HomeMy WebLinkAbout198-Blecha & Gustafson Stenstrom, X_ 'lntosh. Julian, Colbert & C 'Agham. ~o~s and %~sellors at La Dou~as Stenskom Kenne~ ~ Mcln~sh Ned X. J~ian, Jn William L.~lbe~ rnnk C.~i~a ClaSh D. Simmons Thom~ E.~i~am S~ 22 rla~hip ~ank ~o~ O~ce Box 1330 Sanford.rlo~& 3~ (305) 322-21ll June 23, 1983 Mr. Warren E. Knowles City Manager P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, FL 32771 RE: Sanford/Gustafson & Blecha Dear Pete: Enclosed are the following: 1) Bill of Sale; 2) Waiverof Lien; 3) Affidavit of No Liens. These are original documents transferring the title of the building to the City of Sanford and attest no liens or outstanding bills are on the construction project. These documents should be placed in the Cityts permanent records. The closing was held at 11:00 A.M. today. The Deed to the former City Warehouse was delivered at that time. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~L. Colbert /pkc Designed Structures, Inc. BILL OF SALE We hereby acknowledge the sale of one (1) building to The City of Sanford ior the total price of One Dollar and 00/100 ($1.00). The referenced building is located in the Sanf0rd Public Works Complex, 800 West Fulton Street, Sanford, Florida. DATED this ~"' day of 3une, 1983. DESIGNED STRUCTURES, INC. Sworn to and subscribed before me this c-~ day of 3une, 1983. ~ '~ ~hr~ PUblic, State of Florida at Large '~ :~7,y c~m~nlssion exp res Septemir 2, 1985 Kevin John Spolski · P.O. Box 426 , Lake Mary, Florida 32746 · Telephone (305) 322-8424 WAIVER ()F LIEN STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY UF SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared DESJGNF~STRIrT~RFS, INC. who being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That pursuant to a Contract with WAYNE BLECHA & ASSOCIATES , the undersigned furnished labor, services and materials for the construction of certain improvements or real property more particularly described ass City of Sanford metal building 800 West Fulton Street Sanford~ FL 32771 NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, in consideration for a N~4N~X/Final Payment in the sum of $ 110,000.00 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby w~ive, release and relinquish its right to claim a li~n or liens for work performed and/or materials furnished to said. property through the date of this instrument and further the Undersigned rep- resents that all persons and firms who have furnished materials, labor and services incident to the completion of said work through this date have been paid in full for all labor, services and materials, except those listed hereafter: NAME ADDRESS AMOUNT DUE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1. Affiant herein does hereby represent that he has the authority to execute this Waiver of Lien, for and in behalf of the Contractor's set forth above and the Affiant makes this Waiver of Lien right for the expressed purposes of inducing the Owner to make disbursement and payment to the Contractor. 2. This Affidavit and Waiver of Lien is made by Affiant with full knowledge of the applicable laws of the State of Florida. In addition to such rights as may be afforded to Owner or Contractor under said applicable laws, affiant expressly agrees to indemnify and save the Owner harmless from any and all actual costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney feeS, arising out of claims by laborers, sub-contractors, or materialmen who might claim that they have not been paid for services of materials furnished by or through the Contractor through this date, in connection with the work performed ia ' accordance with the furnishing of improvements to the abov~ described property. '- DESIGNED STRUCTURES. INC. _ Swt~r~, it,O~ and subs cribed By: -blfore'me- this 22nd d~v Of _= q,,n~ 1983 NoTary Pc~ic, S.~'e of Fieriga e~ ~y commission expires Sepf~mbar 2, 1985 Bonded thru Lawyers Sure~y Cor~ AFFIDAVIT RAMCO 3~ORM 44 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COUNTY OF B.~ore me the undersigned authority, p~rso~dly appeared ~lx. xl~E B~ who being b~ me first dul~ ~o~, on o~h, deposes a~ says: 1. That ~ ~ethe o~e~s) of th¢ /ollowing described propelS, to wit: ~e stee~ b~g ~c~ by ~s~ St~c~es, ~. a~ ~c ~or~ ~, 800 ~est ~nS~eet, ~ord, F~o~. 2. That the above described property is free and clear of all liens, taxes, encumbrances and claim of every kind, nature and description whatsoever, except for mortgage or mortgages, if any, described in the deed given between the parties named herein, and except for real estate and personal property taxes for the year 1983 3. That there have been no imVeevements, alterations or repairs to the above described property for which the costs thereof remain unpaid, and that there are no claim for labor or material furnished for repairing or improving the same, which remain unpaid, except the following: construction of the building described above. 4. That there are no mechanic's, materialmen's, or laborers liens against the above described property. 5. That the personal property contained in the buildings on said property, or on the said premises, and which, if any, is being sold to the purchaser(s) mentioned below, is also free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, claim and demards whatsover. 6. That affiant(s), in the operation of said building and property, complied in all respects with the SALES TAX LAIV of the State of Florida. 7. That affiant(s) know of no violations of Municipal Ordinances pertaining to the above described property. 8. That this affidavit is made for. the purpose of inducing The City of Sanford. to purchase said property from a~iant(s): 9. Al~iant(s) agree(s) that in the eve~ the current real estate and personal property taxes vary in aracunt from the figures used in making the prorations had in closing the transfer and conveyance of the above described property to said purchase~(s) then a new proration and a correct and proper adjustment will be made upon demand. 10. That no judgment or decree has been entered in any court of this state or the United States agair~t said al~iant(s), and which remains unsatisfied. 11. Affiant(s) further state that they are each familiar with the nature of an oath; and with the penalties as pro- vided by the laws of the State aforesaid for falsely swearing to statements made in an instrument of this nature. A~i- ant(s) further certify that they have read, or ha~e heard read to them, the full facts of this a~ida~it, and understand its context. (SEAL) N ~/~ ~/,_ (SEAL) (SEAL) S~VORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me ;bl) 23rd day o/ June , A.D. 19 83 Ol AdO0 'lied · sal[t JnoA ~o~ paule~a~ aq plno~s u~n~a~ Due pa,ea[pu~ a~aq~ sa~uEjj~ pasoljua aH, u~s aseald SR Ol NVOq ~3~V ~]N~RI]~ SINI~d ~ 6[ s~uMd ~}3eJJo3 uJn~e~ ~ suoj~eJJo3 Jo~ peujn~e~ G pe}senbeJ sV ~ _ uoBnq~J~s~p Jo~ Se~do3 ~[~qnS ~ ~lou se peAoJddV leAo~dde ~oj se[do3 ~qnsa~ ~ ~qns se :~olaq ~HDaq3 se G]~t~SNV~I ]~V']SDHI ,(lue~E& d~uj-juluJ J~A (~) aA!J UJSa~ ~1~'~ e ,(~ueaae~ awnle^leD oDsa~ IZOI[ ~ I NOIIalUOSaQ 'ON 31va Said03 Q ~ap~o a~lueq3 [] Ja~el Jo Xdo3 Q suoFleD!J}DadS [] saidtuBS [] sueH[] slu!Jd [] sau!~eJp do~S [] :stua,~j ~u!~,olloj aq~, E!A JeA03 a~eJedas Japufl [] i~q:}E:~V ~ ROA 9NIC]NDS 3~JV 3~A ' 5 Year Color-Cote Warranty MESCO METAL BUILDINGS CORPORATION "MESCO" has sold to "Builder/Buyer" certain panel for the erection and construction of the "Building" for the "User" as designated hereon. MESCO warrants to User and no other party: That MESCO Color-Cote finish applied to the exterior of roof and wall panels shall not excessively fade and/or chalk and shall not chip, crack, or peel for a period of five (5) years from the date of shipment. This Warranty to User and no other party is SUBJECT TO the LIMITATIONS and CONDI- TIONS on the reverse side of this certificate and shall be IN LIEU OF any other express or implied warranties; including any WARRANTY of FITNESS or MERCHANTABILITY, and MESCO shall have no liability except as specifically expressed herein and in no event shall MESCO be liable for incidental or consequential damages of=any kind, including but not limited to loss of use or profits or inconvenience or loss in performing contracts. 7F2P 0 o e 32746 D USER NAME artford c .Works ~N~%SRE~ ' ~ · , , Impo~ant: Read both sides for all limitations and conditions. BUILDING MESCO's Order Number ~3Z120 Date Shipped Location: Coun~ State ~lO~da No. 5- 4i5~ Warranty Registration Number See Reverse Side for Limitations and Conditions. ...',.,.,....". "':.'.· ""' ;: '..,::.,...':.....;;'.;. ~.'.. =~..',t.~.:=',":'. ,= .....';... "..'.~?..,...'...~,~'. "' "'.'.'i.,,..V"' "' ......,~.:.., .; ..,. ,._ ............~., .. ,~'.'..'.' S205-77 BUILDING USER MESCO ,:[...i Manufacture s Warra ty , ""' erection and construction of the "Building" for the "User" demgnated hereon. · MESCO Warrants to User and noother pa'rtV.: .' · :' ' "'. ';. ,:- · '-. That said materials which are,:manufactured by MESCO and sold by M ESCO to Builder/ . ~ ~' Bu~ersha~befree.fr~mde~e~`in~r~ateria~andw~rkmanshipf~:aperi~d~ve(5)yea/s : ' from the ~ate of shipment o~ ~t~h products. : There is no warranty by MESCO to User, express or implied, including any WARRANTY Of FITNESS or MER- CH:ANTA~iL[TY on any mate~iais, go6b~'~o~'itemS wh*~R~e-:n~t*~t~ltY manufactured by MESCO. In no even~ shall ~E~CO be [iable f~r incident~l or~ntial d~e~'~ ~n~ kind including but not limited to loss of use o~ profits or inconvenience or I~S*in'p~rming contractS, ~hic~ ~rjse ~Ut o~ o~ areattributable to, directly or indirect y~ any such ma~eriais, goods or items whjc% ,.~' ' ,')~ ~ch,::~"~ r",~F ..f.~h,": ~ by MESCO. Such terials~ goods an~' items wh[~ are .~ot~m~nu~ctured :~ ?.i~'~CO mch,~:e :,u: ,n". ":.: limited to aft materials, good~ an~d items appearing in the "Accessories" section of the Budran9 5pe~mcat~ons ~orm. This Warranty to .User and no other pa~i~ SUBJECT TO ;he ~MITATIONS and CONDITIONS on the reverse side of this certificate ~nd shall be IN LIEU QF any ,o(her exp~s-o~ ~plied warranties including.,~ny WAR- RANTY: of. FITNESS or MERCHAN~ABILITY~ ~ d MESCO shall have n~ liability except as specifically expressed here~"L a~d in nO event Shall ~ESCb:~'lia~ f~r.i~i~enta[.~r ~on~Uential damages of any kind, i~Cluding but not limited to loss of use or profits or inconvenience or loss in performing contracts. BuHder/B~yer an~ U~r he~eDy acknowledge re~eip~ Copy:of the complete~ B'dilding Specffi~atidn F~r~ ano Builomg Layout Form and Crane Data Form (d a~plicable~ and this Manufacturers Warranty. and that they nave read and understano aH such forms, USER NAME ~ozT'd - Pu !ic .Woz'ks ' , ,.DATE Irnoo+tan~2 Read both s~es for all limitations an~ conomons, BUILDIN6 MESCO Order Number 83ZZ20 Date ShipDee Building Type Loa~m Design ti n, an ize:" Location: Coun~ State Florida ~ 8ig~,ature MESO~Metal Buildings Corporation Dat~. ~ . . , Warran~ Registration Number See Reverse Side for Limitations and Conditions· e . , ................"' ' ;. .......? .... , ..... r--~ ............. ;' ---- ~ ' ..,.;,:..,.:..,..,..:.~::;.,..,:?., '...'~,.,~ i~' ...,.,:. ,,.~,.', '. :.:f..,. ',";'~ ..'.'.'. ..'~,.~'.'',":."" ' ..~.~.....'... ~...":": "2....~' "...~...._.~, .:!':"~:.." ..' BUILDING USER Galvalume Warranty MESCO METAL BUILDINGS CORPORATION "MESCO" has sold to "Builder/Buyer" Galvalume?M panel materials for the roof of the "Building" for the "User" as designated hereon. MESCO warrants to User and no other party: That MESCO's hot dipped aluminum-zinc alloy coated GalvalumeT~ will NOT rupture, fail structurally, or perforate within a period of 20 years after shipment from MESCO's factory due to exposure to atmospheric corrosion, ' This Warranty to User and no other party is SUBJECT TO the LIMITATIONS and CONDI- TIONS on the reverse side of this certificate and shall be IN LIEU OF any other express or impfled warranties, including any WARRANTY of FITNESS or MERCHANTABILITY, and MESCO shah have no liability except as specifically expressed herein, and in no event shaft MESCO be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use or profits or inconvenience or loss in performing contracts. BUILDER/BUYER NAME Desi 'Structures, c. . ADDRESS P. 0 ox 426 L a~r, Fla. 32746 s,GN ;uRF" DATE/ USER NAME ~~'ord - FGb j,c ~go~~4"~/t~;~cS Impo~ant: Read both sides for all limitations and conditions, BUILDING Mesco Order Number 831120 Date Shipped Location: County State Signature MESC0~etal Buildings Corporation Date No. 1107I Warranty ~egistration Number See Reverse Side for Limitations and Conditions. S204q7 BUILDING USER MESCOMe~arBuildingsCorporation AGREEMENT TO MAKE EXCHANGE Agreement made January 24th , 1983, between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation (CITY) herein referred to as first party, and WAYNE BLECHA and DALE GUSTAFSON, c/o St. Johns Realty, Post Office Box 1776, Sanford, Florida, herein referred to as second party. In consideration of their mutual promises set out below, the parties agree as follows: 1) First party shall sell and convey to second party the property described below as first property, free from encumbrances except easements, restrictions, and reservations common to the area. 2) The property of first party will be conveyed to second party by a good and sufficient warranty deed. Said property is described as follows: PARCEL "A" - That portion South of West 6th Street lying North of S.C.L. Railroad R/W of Block 8, Tier 9, Town of Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 62 in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. AND PARCEL "B" - That portion South of West 6th Street lying North of the S.C.L. Railroad R/W of Block 8, Tier 10, Town of Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 62 in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. AND PARCEL "C" - That portion South of West 6th Street lying North of the S.C.L. Railroad R/W of Block 8, Tier 11, Town of Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 62, in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; LESS the Westerly 193.3 feet thereof. 3) Second party shall sell and convey to first party by an absolute bill of sale, a pre-engineered 10,800 square foot metal warehouse with slab, plumbing, and electrical per specifications prepared by the City's Engineering Depart- ment to be erected on the City's Public Works Complex at a location to be selected by the City. 4) First party acknowledges receiving a copy of a receipt and contract between second party and Design Structures, Inc. First party further acknowledges that the specifications of said contract meet the specifications of the City's Engineering Department and if said contract is fully and completely performed it will fulfill second party's obligation to furnish a warehouse as previously described herein. 5) City shall furnish a standard form title insurance policy insuring title to the property being conveyed to second party in an amount equal to the cost of the warehouse second party is providing for the City. 6) The deed and bill of sale shall be executed and delivered by the parties and the entire transaction shall be consumated 150 days from the date of this instrument, unless such time limit is extended in writing by the parties. 7) Each party shall pay all recording fees, title charges, taxes and other expenses associated with the property he is exchanging. 8) Said exchange shall be consumated upon completion of aforesaid warehouse, inspection and acceptance by the City, and acceptable proof b~ second party and Design Structures, Inc. that all laborers, materialmen, and subcontractors are paid and releases are obtained from them. 9) Time is of the essence of this exchange. 10) This instrument shall not be changed except by written amendment signed by the parties hereto. 11) It is agreed that this instrument shall be binding on the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the parties hereto. 12) If either party shall fail to comply with any condition of this instrument at the time or in the manner provided for, the party not in default may bring suit to compel specific performance of this agreement. 13) Second party shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless first party against all claims arising from the construction of the warehouse as provided for in this agreement. 14) The parties acknowledge that the warehouse is to be constructed by second party on real property already belonging to the City. It is agreed that title passes to the component parts of said warehouse at the time each part is affixed to said real property and should performance of this agreement not be completed by second party all right, title, and interest to said component parts so affixed to the real property shall be deemed vested in fee simple to said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and sealson the day first above written. CITY ~~i FLORIDA BY: MAYOR S~ATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEminOlE ) SWORN TO and subscribed before me by LEE P. MOORE, Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, this ~day of January, A.D., 1983. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, State of FL ':' Nota~ ~b~c, Sta~o~Flor;~" ~ ~mmissionEx~ms~ril]6,~935 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE) ~ SWORN TO and subscribed before me by WAYNE BLECHA this~day of January, A.D., 1983. ' ' N STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) SWORN TO and subscribed before me by DALE GUSTAFSON, this~_~'day of January, A.D., 1983. My Commission Ezpires: