HomeMy WebLinkAbout191-FDOT-Joint Pole UseFlorida Department of Transportation ~d~ ~ 32720 ~ 9~ Z982 Mr. Warren F.. Knowles City Manager City of Sanford P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, FL 32771 Re: Section 77010-6902; State Road 15/600; W.P.#517527 County, Seminole; Parcel #1; R/W N/A From State Street to Bayard Street Dear Nfr. Knowles: The enclosed Joint Project Agreement - Joint Pole Use (At Utility Expense) Agreement and supporting doct~nents have been approved by the Department. You may consider this your authorization to proceed with the work under the direction of our District Engineer. All utility work must be performed in accordance with Department regulations. Utility work in advance of highway construction is to be encouraged as covered by the terms of ur Agreement. D~'~..~.~~ gineer J~/llb Enclosure cc: State Utility Engineer. FORM 722-28A(S) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8-77 DIVISION OF ROAD OPERATIONS PAGE 1 OF 3 JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT JOINT POLE USE (At Municil~al Expense) rO;~TY SECTION UTILITY JOB NO, STATE ROAD NO, COUNTY NAME PARCEL & R/'~/JOB NO, 010 6902 15/600 Semi nole 1 N/A by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTM N F TRANSPORTATZO~N, hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and the CITY OF S~d~RB a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the' CITY. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is constructing, reconstructing or other 'se h ' g a portion of the State ' gS~ System designated by the DE AR EN as Job No. which shall call for the installation or attachment of DEPARTMENT poles and/or equipment within certain areas of the CITY 'S pole line, AND WHEREAS, the CITY occupies public ways, streets and private properties with an unspecified number of poles upon which are attached electric transmission and distribution lines, street lighting systems, communications lines, and appurtenances; and the DEPARTMENT also similarly occupies public ways with poles upon which are attached traffic control systems and street lighting systems, AND WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to cooperate in jointly using each other's poles under one or more of the above conditions when the conditions determining the necessity or desirability of joint use depend upon the requirements to be met by both parties, including considerations of safety and economy, and each party should be the judge of what the character of its circuits should be to meet its requirements and as to whether or not these requirements can be properly met by the joint use of poles, AND WHEREAS, the plans for the said construction, reconstruction or other changes to be made, as above described, have been reviewed by the DEPARTMENT and the CITY, said above described joint use arrangement to hereinafter be designated as "Relocation Work," NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertaking as herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The CITY agrees to make or cause to be made all arrangements for necessary adjustment or changes of its facilities at CITY'S own expense and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 014-46.01 "Utility Accommodation Guide," Florida Administrative Code, dated May 4, 1970; any supplements or rivisions thereof as of the date of this Agreement, which, by reference hereto, are made a part of this Agreement; and the plans, designs and specifications of the DEPARTMENT for-the construction or reconstruction of said portions of the State Highway System, prior to the advertising for bid on said project. The CITY further agrees to do aH of such work with its own forces or by a contractor paid under a contract let by the CITY, all under the direction of the DEPARTMENT'S engineer. tuo.t~ s~!~!ipet pue s3u~tuqa,sl3,s s:).t aAotaa~ ugqt Xem uo~u~a~ 2uSa~sap X]a~d ~q~ 'os op o3 ~ua~u[ s~ to oa$~ou u~3~a e a~q~o aq~ o~ ~uH~em Xq s~iod ao ~iod Xue aot o~sn 3u$of o~u~maa~ osneo ]noq3~ ao q~ ~a~q~ pue ~[~ Xue ~e Aem o~aa~q X3~ed ~q~p ]eq~ poo~e pu~ poo~saapun s$ 3I '9 ,,'~ao~ uo~oopH,, S,X~Vd[(O3 aq~ a~e~Hae~ o~ X~ID ~q~ Xq p~nb~ ~ ~eq~ su~id uo~o~3suoa X~q~$q Xsssaoau IF q~ X&ID aq~ qs~uant o3 ~a~oad ,,~io~ uo~eaop~,, ienpDWu{ Xu~ uo p~eaop~ io p~u~qa 'pa,sn[p~ aq o~ A;~,n ao X~i~aej qa~ Au~ ~u~oqs s~qal~V ~o s&m 'sueld S,XZID ~q~ ~eq~ paaa2e AlW~n~ s! *I · gouuansu! p~us ~o aauasqe oq3 ut pa~aot~ad oq Xe~ ~o~ oM 'X&ID pue &M2~&~Vd~ aq~ u~ aq Ileqs aa~ou sX~p 0S ~o paaa,F 'paleu!~Ia, aq aau~insu! aq~ plnoqs '~Aa~oH ',~ei]uoa oq, ~o ma~, oq~ ~u!anp ~aoSa p~u!elu~ aq Hnqs aauejnsu$ ~qZ 'X~do~d 3o uo~,an~sap ao o, X~n~u~ ~o 3no ~u~s~j~ sa~p a°3 000'0085 ueq3 ssaI ,on ~o ~m!l u aot ~u~p!Aoad aou~ansuI X~!Hqe!~ o~ X;a~doad ~i~aa pun ~auaaanaao ouo Xu~ ao 'uos~ad ouo to q3eap ao o, sa!an~a! Xiipoq jo ~no ~u!s!ae H~ ao~ 000'000'~$ u~q] ssaI ~ou to ,~{[ ~ io~ ~u~$Aold pu~ 3uamaa~ sSq3 aapun ~ao~ aq, jo ~aan~ao~aad aq3 q~{~ uoUo~uuoa u$ ~uglns~a uo~e~!,!I ~o sosuadxo pu~ s~p 's~ep He ~oa~ X~ID aq~ ~o uo~,aa~o~d oq~ ao~ 'o~oAoD lean~a~,uoD ~od peoa8 ~u~pnlou~ 'ooueansuI X]H~qe~q qs~uan3 ol aola~a]uoa s~ a~nba~ o; s~a~ aoqlant &~&~Vd~ ~q& 'olq~s{Ape pu~ ~aue~s!sse pus uo~ooa~p ap~Aoad o~ sooi~ X&I3 a~ aI~q~ sao,onpuoa X~em!ad ~ql to ;aat (9) x!s ]~o~ aaueu~,u~tu ~u~maota~d ol ~o~d ~xoxdde S,X&ID oql u!~lqo pu~ X&ID oq, Xt{lou o~ Xaua~V ~3ua~uaoAoO ~aoI aq3 oat~a~ o, saa~ ~aq,~nj &M~&HVd~O oq& 'p~pas~adns ~o papuou~e 'pas~4oa ~I~uanbasqns ~ Xbq~ s~ ao 3s~xo Xaq; s~ aal~mmoD lo ~u~mla~da~ ~p$~oiA aql jo suo~l -~[~oa oq3 pue so~a~snpu~ suo~,~un~oa ~o/pue A~H~n a~aoIo oq~ go soa~aead po3d~aae 9q~ q~ Xldmoa Heqs s~uamqon~le S,&M2I~Z~Vd2~ oq~ 2u~u[e~u~e~ ~o X~Si~qSsuodsoa oq3 q~ po~qa Xaua~V F~uamu~AoO Fool aq~ 3~q~ ~anbaj o~ saa~ osF ~Vd3a oq& -aaa~u ~sn ,u!of aaq3o X~ ql~ maotuoa i~qs pu~ uo~a~as{p o,n[osqe pue oios s,$ u!q~ X&I3 ~q* ~o IeAoadd~ 9q~ o3 ~oo~qns oq i~qs s~uamqas~e ~M3~&~Vd~O t° aau,uo~u$~ pu~ uo~n~3suoa 'suo~3 'elF*su~ IIe 'X&ID aq* q3~ sa~ dRsaau~o oiod aq, uaq~ '&M~&~Vd2q aq; q~ soU dSqsaau~o o[od uaq~ X~ID ~q~ ~o ,uasuoa aoud q,~ ~iuo p~m~ot:ad oq Heqs (A0SL ~u$paooxo sle~3ua~od o~ioA q~{~ sao,anpuoo H-e se pou~ap oq up~q iFqs qa~q~) sao,anpuoa Aaemud so~,H!;n ~a~od aq~ t° *°°t (9) X~s u~q~ s~uomq9e~3e qans to oau~ua;~em pue uo~an~,suoo 'uo~,~iie~s~ p~es · ~21,~HVd20 aq; Xq poa~e pue poo~s~apun ~oq3~nJ s~ *I 'oauaos/,![[,n e Aiddns o3 po~oodxo X~ID oq3 uaq~ X&ID ~q3 Xq pamjotaad ~q sosno [In tq Heqs suo~oauuoo oona~s A~$i~n 3eq~ pue ep[aoH oq~ ~o suo~eln2oa oq; p~ ~snpu{ suogso!unmmoo ~o/pu~ X3[i{,n o{~oola ~q~ jo ~t~s pa~doooe Xi~aaua~ q~ sa~ 1~ ~n Aid~oo o~ ~papos~adns ~o papua~n 'pas~aa Xi~uanbosqns se ao ~io~ ~uasa~d s~[ u[ apoD ~at~S ~o~a~o~I~ ~uo[3nM aq~ q~ aouep~oooe u~ He ~q~ Xq 301 ~oea~uoo e aopun p~d ao~o~auoo ~o~j3oop pa~IFnb ~ Aq ao uEpp~oop p~[t[~nb u~o q~[~ sau~u~qoe~)e s~ u~u[e~ pue ~o~suoo '[~su[ o~ sa~e Xq~a~q ~NH~HVdHa aq~ · ~q X~ aseo aq3 s~ sa!~u{~nI pue lq~lI ao~,s 's~;sXs ioa~uoo o~)ea3 lo ,aoddns pu~ u6Ueaodo ~q~ ~o~ ~ssaoou 3~q, o, p~u!tuoo oq Hnqs aua~aaa~V sR~ o, ~o~qns soiod aq3 to ash S,l~H~&nVdHa ~q; pu~ ~o~qnd aq, )o ssau!snq s,~ ~o ,insand u[ sa~Hpet suo!+eo~nmmoo ~o/pun ~u{,q~I ,~a~s 'X,p~a+oap to uoUnq~s[p pue uo[ss[~su~ aq; o, pu[tuoo aq Fqs 3uam~o~V slq, o3 +o~[qns s~iod aq; to osn S,X&I3 uq~ said joint use pole or poles defined in the notice of termination. The title to and maintenance responsibility for said pole or poles and accessory attachments such as guy wires. anchors and pole foundations shall revert to the party retaining use of said pole or poles. 7. The CITY covenants to indemnify, defend, saw' harn.h':s :m~l exlmeralc the DEPARTMENT of and from all liability, claims and demands arising out of Ihc ~, orl, nndcrt:fl;c, by the CITY pursuant to this agreement. due to the negligent actions. delays or omissions done or committed by the CITY, its subcontractors. employees, agents or representatives. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnification agreement does not cover nor indemnify' the DEPARTMENT for its own negligence or breach of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers. and their officials seals hereto affixed. the day and year first above written. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY:~~ (SEAL) ATTEST: ~"'~'~ec~tev e~retary CITY OF SANFORD / . FLORIDA ATTEST: Approved as to Form, Legality and Execution STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Assistant Attorney FORM 722'65A STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7-77 DIVISION OF ROAD OPERATIONS .ASS , OF , CITY RESOLUTION JOINT POLE USE AGREEMENT COUNTY SECTION UTILITY JOB NO, STATE ROAD NO, COUNTY NAME PARCEL & R/W ,lOB NO. 77 010 6902 15/600 Semi no1 e 1 N/A A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A JOINT POLE USE AGREEMENT FOR THE ADJUSTMENT, RELOCATION AND/OR INSTALLATION OF A CERTAIN UTILITY POLE SYSTEM WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED, AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT. RESOLUTION NO. 1322 Corn i , the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of the utility pole system located on State Road 15/5Q~, , AND W%Ea~0ArSd the State of Florida Department of Transportation having requested the City of , Florida, to execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Transportation a Joint Project Agreement for Joint Pole Use, providin~ for joint responsibilities of the Department and the City, and said request having been duly considered, NOW ~a~ tE~00ra , IT RESOLVED by the City' Commission ~aSro~il;) of the City of TH R ORE BE n , Florida, that the Mayor and ~l~k (City Manager) be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Transportation a Joint Pole Use Agreement for the adjustment, relocation, and/or installation of a certain utility pole system within the Ri ht of Way limits of said State Road 15/600 , Section 77~10-6902 ; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the City Commission (f~,=~,;l) of the City of Sanford orid , ' lar session, this 22.. day o, Mayor - Commissioner '~GIE I (iF 11 DIVISION ~F ROAD'OPERATIONS .,UTILITY/RAILROAD RELOCATION SCHEDULE ~ S~ATE ROAD NO. COUNTy NAME P~RCEL ~ R/W JOB NO, FAP (~OUNTY ~ECTION UTILITY JOB NO. 77 0]0 6902 ]5/600 Seminole ~A A(;I.:~Y ~P~517527 CZ~ 0F S~F0~D A. Facilities Involved (Detail as to Type and Location): 14" ~ter rain, 2" wa~r m~ns 6" & 8" sent for~ B. Relocation Work Anticipated (Describe and Relate to Location on Project): Move Z" water line ~estward at ~ corner of s.n. ls-s00 and Florida Ave. to accomodate signal pole C. Anticilmted Rch~eation Scheduh! (Based on normal schcduh; and 5-day work week): ITEM DAYS ESTIMATED I'relimiqary Fngim~ering l Material Proeurcment -- Right nf Way Acquisition Contract Negotiations (for ntility/railroad work) -' Other " Construction (actual utility/railroad relocation time at job site) ( 2 days t;;ST1MATEI) MAXIMUM TOTAL /j days Days. AD.I IISTI,;D UTIIATY/RAILROAD RELOCATION PERIOD (Allow fur eoneurrcj.xt,aetMfii~) ESTIMATF~D MINIMUM TOTAL 2. dk%,,- ~ Days · x- ,qcc l lighway Cii'iitraet Special Provisiuns I). Sl~!cial Notaliou(s) to be included in lligbway Contract Special Provisions: Call for field locations and verification before anY construction begins (322-3161). E. This A(; FN(]Y proposes to commence actual rclocation and/or adjustment work: (Check one) [] prior to highway euutract advertiscmcnt, and reloca~on should be __ ~ complete by date of preconstmction conference. ~ concurrently ~th project advertisement. ~ concurrently ~th commencement of highway construction. The above data is based ou construction plans and schedules prepared by the I)EPARTMENT, and. thcrcfi~rc. is furnished for informational purposes ouly. This A(;ENCY is nol rcspnnsiblc for circnmstances bcx oud its normal control. Ih>wew~r, the A(;ENCY will endeavor to fully cooperate with the DEPARTMENT, and i(s Contractor. in clearing the proje · r' ~ht ~ as expeditiously as possible. The A(;ENCY'S Field Rcprcsentatix~fc co~t3~t], ,~.t ..... ~ gl C~P D'ateZ DI';PARTMENTAL APPROVAI~ BY: '