HomeMy WebLinkAbout134-International City Mgmt February 1, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO EMPLOYERS RE: AMENDMENT OF DE~ERRED COMPENSATION P~AN The Tax Reform Act of 1986 amended section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code to permit the transfer of deferred amounts between eligible deferred compensation plans of different employers. IRS regulations previously permitted such transfers only between employers in the same state. In or~e~ ~o take'ad~'nt~e of this change, we are proposing the enclosed amendment to your deferred compensation plan. This amendment will automatically become part of your plan unless you notify us before March 1, 1988, that you disapprove of it. Under the amendment, a new employee who has an account in an eligible deferred compensation plan ection 457 plan) of another employer may have his or her account balance transferred into your plan, if the other plan also permits such transfers. Similarly, a former employee may have his or her account balance transferred from your plan into his or her new employer's eligible deferred compensation plan, if the other plan also permits such transfers. If one of your. current or former employees wishes to transfer an account into or out of your plan, the employee and both employers must execute a written agreement. Upon your request, ICMA Retirement Corporation will provide you with a form of a tripartite agreement for this purpose. If you have any questions about the amendment or if you wish to make a transfer either out of or into your plan, please contact the Participant Services department at ICMA Retirement Corporation, at (800) 424-9249. ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION ICMA Retirement Corporation hereby proposes that each Deferred Cempensation Plan of which it is the Administrator (the "Plan") be amended ss followe. Pursuant to Article X of the Plan, this amendment shall become effective unless before March 1, 1988, the Employer m~ntaining the Plan notifies ICMA Retirement Corporation that it disapproves such amendment, in ~nich ease the amendment shall not beceme effective. Section 6.03 of the Plan is hereby amended in its entirety to read es follows: ............. w6.03 Transfers: "(a) Inceming Transfers: A transfer msy be accepted frem an eligible deferred cempensation plsn maintained by another employer and credited to a P~rticipent's Account under this Plan if (i) the Participant has separated from service with that employer end become an Employee of the Employer, and (ii) the other employer's plan provides that such transfer will be m~e. The Employer may require such documentation from the predecessor plan es it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred cc~pensation plan within the meaning of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code, and to ~ssure that transfers are provided for under such plan. The Employer may refuse to accept a transfer in the form of assets that are impossible or impracticable for the Employer or Administrator to hold or ~aminister. Ar~ such transferred amount shall not be treated as a deferral subject to the limitations of Article V, except that, for purposes of applying the limitations of Sections 5.O1 and 5.02, an amount deferred during any tsxable year under the plan from which the transfer is accepted shall be treated as if it has been deferred under this Plan during such taxable year end compensation paid by the transferor employer shall be treated es if it had been paid by the Employer. "(b) Outgoing Transfers: An amount may be transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another employer, and charged to a Participant's Account under this Plan, if (i) the Participant has separated from service with the Employer and become an employee of the other employer, and (ii) the other employer's plan provides that such trsnsfer will be made. The Employer may require such documentation from the other plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Cede, and to assure that transfers are provided for under such plan." " ~"'~' ~', ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT Parties to this Agreement: Employer A: Employer B: Employee: AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 , by and among Employers A and B and Employee. WHEREAS~Employer A has established and maintai~ an "elig'~ble deferred compensation plan," within the meaning of section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ("Plan A"), and has entered into a deferred compensation agreement with Employee pursuant to Plan A ("Deferred Compensation Agreement A"); and WHEREAS, Employer B has established and maintains an "eligible deferred compensation plan," within the meaning of section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ("Plan B"), and has entered into a deferred compensation agreement with Employee pursuant to Plan B ("Deferred Compensation Agreement B"); and WHEREAS, Employee has terminated his/her employment with Employer A, and is now employed by Employer B; and WHEREAS, Employee desires to have his/her interest in Plan A transferred to Plan B, and to substitute Employer B for Employer A as the party obligated to pay his/her deferred compensation accrued under Plan A; and WHEREAS, Employers A and B desire to transfer Employee's interest in Plan A to Plan B, and to have Employer B assume Employer A's obligation to pay Employee's deferred compensation accrued under Plan A; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Employer A shall transfer an amount equal to the entire value of Employee's interest in Plan A, to Employer B. In order to accomplish this, Employer A hereby directs , which holds the assets of Employer A related to its obligations under Plan A, to transfer the amount stated in the preceding sentence, to , which holds the assets of Employer B related to its obligations under Plan B. The amount so transferred shall be charged to the account held under Plan A for the benefit of Employee, and credited to the account held under Plan B for the benefit of Employee. 2. Employee releases Employer A from all of its obligations to Employee under Plan A. 3. Employer B shall assume the obligation of Employer A to pay benefits to Employee or his/her beneficiary under Plan A. Employer B shall fulfill this obligation by accepting the amount transferred in accordance with paragraph 1, above, and crediting such amount to the account held under Plan B for the benefit of Employee. Employee's rights with respect to amounts transferred under this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with Plan B and Deferred Compensation Agreement B. 4. Employee shall have no further rights under Plan A or Deferred Compensation Agreement A. 5- Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create or modify any right of the Employee to the amount transferred in accordance with paragraph 1, above, or to any assets of Employer A or Employer B, except as specifically provided in Plan B or Deferred Compensation Agreement B. 6. The parties shall take all actions necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, notifying and directing any persons holding funds under PLan A or Plan B to make or accept the required transfers. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, and their beneficiaries, successors, assigns, and heirs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set forth their signatures and affixed their seals on the day and year first written above. EMPLOYER A BY: TITLE ATTEST: TITLE EMPLOYER B BY: TITLE ATTEST: TITLE EM PL 0 YE E: SNOISIAOEId 'IVINB~':FddQS EJO::I *ssei3 eq3. J.o sepe!s!jgueq BU!A!I gq$ Bunores Allenbe pep!A!p e.le speaoo.~d eq$ 'uos,~ed euo ueq$ e~OLU sapnlou! ssei3 e ~-I '(ll ssel,3) (se!)A.~e!o!J.eueS ~.uetSu!:luoO eq3, m. elqeAed 9Je speeoo.~d eq$ 'q~.eep ~noA ~.o eLU!~. ~,e 6U!A!I S! (I SSeI::)) A.~e!o!J.aueE] A~empd ou Jl 'eLU o$ pe~ese.~ s! sepe!o!~auaq aBue4o o~ $q6]~ eqI :Aue :1.! (11 ssel3 (se!)A.ze!s!Jeue8 $ueBu!$uo3 :(I ssel3) (sa!)Aae!o!J, eua8 A.~em!Jd ('o~.e '~ol!pe.D 'puepJ. 'eu~!$ Aue ~,e pe~.dope AileBeI ug~pl~o Aue pue seBepje~ iie pub Aue jo u~oq--e~mnJ pue ~uese~d --ue~pl~qo Jeq~e4~ e~ess 'euou Jl) JeeA AeG 'o~ JnoA 6uo~e ~ue~ee~ lenbe ep}Aojd II}~ ~o~ s~ql 'Huelq su~nloo d~qsuo!~eleW pue q~e ~o aseG eq~ eAEOI · ja~q6nep 'uos 'e~ "e9 q~8 ~o aseG pue ,,uajpl~q3 A~,, ~e$ eq~ 8sn Alders AB~ noA 'uajplNo JnoA Joj '(q~S uqor 's~ ~ou) q~]~S 'V 'noA o~ d~qsuo~ela~ :a~eu ~seI pUB le~U~ elpP~ 'e~eu ~sj~ GA~9 Zq~eep JnoA ~o aseo u~ e]qeAed eq speaoo~d eq~ ileqs ~oq~ oL · se~Je~o~euaq aBueqo o$ 4s~ noA sselun uo]~oas s~q~ a$old~oo Sou op ~ua~eaj6e JnoA 6u~pue~e uaq~ :e~oN (suo~om~sut eeS) AWVtOIJ3N~8 JO NOIIVNglS30 · eaAolduje eq~ Joj peqs!lqe},sa slunoo9v OS-V[AJOt tie ul suoJ$elnwnose pus s~ssss 'spun~ uo~lesued~o9 suop3~ 8q$ io~uo3 u~ 'e~]~ ~eq~ ~e pe~eede~ 8q o~ eAeq AeLU se~e]o~euaq 3o A~Jo~Jeueq e ~0 uo~8t.~8~sspe~ ~0 UO~SUS~Sap '~nuLes UO pug U~gJgq ps~.~o2s ueeq seN qo~qh~ 'pgpus~ se 'ueM uo~.gsusd~o3 pg.:.zgj8O uo~]~jod2,b3 ~u~a~]:,88 uo~ -e~ossv ~uat~e~eus~ .~.;~O ~euo~eb:a~u] gq~ Aq psu~sp sg gp~s aS~AaJ e~ U:': ~'. ~{j~,Uep~ aeAo~d~a pu~ ~aAo~d~e ~ L6'~E6~Z O0' 6E'L~ 00' ~£°IGE~Z ~Z'L6~ O]Xl~ 98'6LI~0l O0' Eg'6L~ O0' 89'9~'9 ~'~9~*~ ~I~A EG'~I~E~ OO' ~O°L~E O0° ZO*gIg*g 6L°096~ 1V~D~ 'LL'ZLZ 6L°060'6 SqVIO~ INfiO33V ZO*I£E DO' ~¢a' 06'~ OO' ~I'98Z L6'8£ 09XI~ -S8'8 00'56Z 31S1~ *OI~O~VW Z8 LO'OEZ 00' ~ ~'~ 00' 2~'96I £Z'6Z OgXI~ LO'LL 00' ~' ~e'I OO° 8~'~g 8L°6 ~ ~I'LOE 00' £2'9 00' 06'I9Z IO'6[ ]~lOl -0I'8 O0'OLZ ]NVIO mHiINS 6L 9Z'gO£ DO' Li{O' 68'5 00' 06'I9Z Z6'SE OSXI~ -0I'8 O0'OZ2 O]~OIIW m~BAMV3 09 0 XI~ -SZ*OZ 00'5Z9 9 ~ ~0'II O0? BE'LZE 5B'Z6 LZ'g~ 00' ~/jt~. 66'69B 00' ~8'61 OO' ~Z'~9 t~'56I l~lOl -~Z'OZ O0'SLg ~gMO]~ 'ONVI]DVBB 05'LgB 00' ~' gg'Zl 00' ~'~Sg 60'561 O~XI~ -5Z'02 O0'SLg AMN]H mWWVl g~ ~ Z5'999~6 O0' b~l~O' 8L'992 00' 2B'E~O~9 Z6'55E~E ]18BA -Z6'gBI 6L°OEZ&9 ~]VW mABN]ZV] gZ ~ 8L/IE/2I SIN3WAVd S~NIN~V] SININ ON~J 01 ZL/I~/ZI ]dAl S]g~ 001M]d SIH1 ]HVN #'0'I 93NVIVB II~]NgB -ISNPOV O]OGV ]DNVIV8 ONN~ 'NIWOV SNINBI~INO3 ]]AOldN] ( 9L6I mlE ~39W)9)0 - gL61 mI A~VNNVP ODI~d 9NX~NO OaD~NVS ~0 AII9 ~O~ ~I90 #1NND33V ( IBDd~ ISN~I NDIIVSN~dWD3 03~B~O ~ADldW~ NDI!V~Dd~D3 INgW~II)~ TO- CITY OF SANFORD ATTENTION- CITY CLERK SUBJECT- EMPLOYER YEAR-END STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR THE ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION DEFERRED COMPENSATION RETIREMENT PLAN THE FOLLOWING IS YOUR EMPLOYER CONSOLIDATED REPORT FOR THE ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION DEFERRED COMPENSATION RETIREMENT PLAN. THIS REPORT COVERS THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1978.~ THE REPORT CONTAINS A STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR EACH EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATING IN THE PLAN, AS WELL AS A TOTAL ACCOUNT STATUS FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. GENERALLY SPEAKING, THE REPORT SHOULD MEET ALL ACCOUNTING NEEDS. IT PROVIDES YOU WITH A STATEMEN~ OF CCNTRI- BUTIONS RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR AND THE 3~ ADMINISTRATIVE FEE CHARGED ON THOSE CONTRIBUTIONS. LIKEWISE IT REFLECTS THE TOTAL OF EACH INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR, CONTRIBUTIONS, APPROPIATE ADJUSTMENTS, EARNINGS, AND THE BALANCE AT THE END OF THE YEAR. FURTHER, THE BREAKDOWN TO THE VARIABLE, FIXED INCOME, AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND FOR EACH EMPLOYEE IS SHOWN, AS WELL AS THE TOTAL BREAKDOWN FOR ALL ACCOUNTS. THESE FUND ALLOCATIONS ARE BASED ON EACH EMPLDYEE'S REQUEST WHEN ENROLLING IN THE PLAN AND/OR THE REQUIREMENTS OF STATE LAW. ADJUSTMENTS REFLECT THREE DIFFERENT OCCURENCES. t- CORRECTIONS MADE BY THE RETIREMENT CORPORATION. 2. TRANSFERS TO OR FROM ANOTHER EMPLOYER AS A RESULT OF AN EMPLOYEE CHANGING JOBS. THESE TRANSFERS ARE SUPPORTED BY A TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT WHICH YOU ALREADY HAVE ON FILE, 3, WITHDRAWAL OF AN EMPLOYEE'S ACCOUNT WHICH YOU HAVE AUTHORIZED FOR REASONS OTHER THAN PAYMENT OF NORMAL PLAN BENEFITS. ANY BENEFITS PAiD TO AN EMPLOYEE OR FORMER EMPLOYEE APPEAR IN THE COLUMN LABELED BENEFIT PAYMENTS. ANY CORRECTIONS WHICH HAVE, OR WILL COME TO OUR ATTEN!ION SUBSEQUENT TO THE END OF THE YEAR WILL BE MADE AT THE TIME OF VERIFICATION OF ERROR. CONTRIBUTIONS MAILED DURING THE LAST THREE WEEKS OF DECEMBER, Ig78, MAY NOT BE REFLECTED IN THIS REPORT DUE TO THEIR RECEIPT FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. ALL OF YOUR PARTICIPATING EMPLOYEES WILL RECEIVE AN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT REPORT. ADDITIONALLY, IN THE NEAR FUTURE YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY OF OUR ANNUAL REPORT CONTAINING ALL RELEVANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION, INCLUDING INVESTMENT SCHEDULES, BALANCE SHEETS, AND OUR AUDITOR'S REPORT. { RESOI/3TION NO. 13 7 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOPJDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE IQ4A RET~ ~RUST AND DESIGNATING THE CITY CLERK AS COORDINATOR OF THE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, maintains a deferred' eation plan for its employees which is administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation (the "Administrator"); and WHEREAS, other public employers have joined together to establish the IC~A Retirement Trust for the purpose of representing the interests of the participating employers with respect to the collective investment of f~qds held under their deferred cc~pensation plan; and WHEREAS, said Trust is a salutary develoUment which further advances the quality of administratiun for plans administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute the ICMA Retireneat Trust, attached hereto; and SECTION 2: That the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall he the coordinator for this program and shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. frcm the ICMA Retirement Corporation as Administrator, and shall cast, on behalf of the ~ployer, any req~]i red votes under the program. Administrative duties to carry out the plan may he assigned to the appropriate departments. SECTION 3: That this Resolution shall become effective innediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPi'm thisTent__h da~.../~r , A. D., 1984. MAYOR City of Sanford, Florida I, H. N. ~AN~4, JR., City Clark of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that the following Resolution, proposed by Commissioner Smith , was duly passed and adopted in the City C~L~,~ssion meeting of the City of Sanford, Florida, at a regular raeeting thereof assembled this Tenth day of September , A. D., 1984, by'the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ABSenT: 0 (SEAL) City'Cl~k'of 'th~ Ci~'cf~~ Sanford, Florida " ICMA you investment choices through a carefully choice of less risk than the Variable Fund, chosen mix of quality stocks, bonds andbut with lesser growth. In this fund, your RETIREMENT sec.ri,.es ,ha, sho.id p.ov,de yo. wi,heon,.ibu,iens a,e ,nve.,ed in ,op qua.i,y corpo.a,e reasonable financial growth. bonds of companies like AT&T or Standard Oil CORPORATION B.,,he ,,ok, ,ho.gb stun,i, is ,here. And ,hereas we,, as ,n gover. ment seeuri,,es. Tba Fixed is always the chance that the fund will performIncome Fund is designed to avoid the sharp less satisfactorily in some years than in others. ups and downs of the stock market and should This is reflected in the charts which detail provide a rate of return better than "passbook" the performance of the funds in 1977. The savings. It~ performance, however, should be expectation is that the right mix of investments judged over a three to six year period. will perform positively over the long' term. At "Fixed Income" is a bit of a misnomer for this any one point in time, the market value of a fund, since it carries the risk of less-than-desired- stock, bond or security may be less than its performance because it is affected to some purchase price. This is called an "unrealized degree by market pressures. But, on the average, loss." If your funds are invested in the Variable it should perform better than the return you Fund, your statement will show an "unrealized can get through a savings account at your bank. ices" for 1977. See the charts in this brochure. The investor would realize the loss only if the RO also administers a Government Securities investment was sold while its market value fund which is limited to those participants was less. These "paper losses" or "unrealized who work in locations where they are forbidden Earnings fund's performance. When that happens, the securities. Instead, their funds must be invested Summary performance should be judged long-term. guaranteed by federal or state governments. Untfi now, the amount of contributions in this fund were relatively small, but recent Fiscal Period Ending December 31, 1977 Two funds provide a choice developments in some states will considerably Your statement shows the status of your deferred RC offers two ways you can invest your enlarge this fund where it will have more compensation retirement account for the contribution: in a Variable Fund or a Fixed investment flexibility. fiscal year ending December 31, 1977. Income Fund. While most participants spread The Government Securities fund is the safest The performance of all three RC funds was their investment in both funds, you can put avenue for investment since return of the face mixed in 1977. This brochure gives you some your entire contribution in either one. It all value is guaranteed by the government. But background in the RC investment strategy, depends on your personal investment objective. the market value of these securities can change due to pressures of the market. Your statement performance charts and some observations on . THE VARIABLE FUND gives you the and the cha~s in this brochure show the adverse the performance of each fund. opportunity 'to share in the growth of the effects of these market pressures in 1977. Your statement is an unaudited report. When economy by investing money in a balanced fund our audit is completed, you'll receive a copy of of high quality stocks and corporate bonds. the RC annual report which will provide Though the stock market's performance has Could a participant do as well more detailed financial information. been poor recently, the Variable Fund's investing on his own? performance should be judged on a long-term Yes, but it's doubtful that a personal investment Reasonable growlh al a reasonable risk basis ~ over a five or more year period. The program could offer all the advantages of Thoro's always an element of risk anytime you close to the historical level of the stock First, RC offers a tax shelter that would be place your money in the different stocks, bonds or market which has averaged a 9.3% growth over ETI~ENT securities available on the market. It all depends the last 75 years, including the years of difficult to duplicate. No taxes are paid on any ' on how much of a risk you're willing to live the Great Depression and several major portion of your invested income until you start investments. significant ups and downs in the market, and Also RC gives you one agency to deal with O Area Code 202 RC's prime objective is to invest your can lose significant amounts of money, it instead of several investment counselors and ~necticut 293-2200 contributions to provide a reasonable rate of offers a higher investment potential over the provides you with regular, consolidated financial nue return while keeping the risk that the funds long range. reports that let you track the performance of thwest your investment. ~hington DC 36 · ~odaEI lenuuV ZZ6~ O~ alp, u! pep!AoJd eq ii!t~ tuoj~ s6u!ujee e~e,~aAe eLl~ S~OqS ~sq Ja~q6]l eql eoue~ojJed punJ jo uo~eueldxe peHelgp ejo~ V ('pezHenuue se u~oqs e~e '9Z6L 'p~ed s~ ~ ~eq~ q~uo~ aqi 6u~pue poised q~uo~-0L eq~ u~ 's~ue~ed ~Ueueq to ese9 eq~ u[ 'jou 'peNeoeJ -Jed eqi) 'ZZ6L q6noJq~ 9Z6L Aj Jol s6u[u~e '~Z6L s~ ~ ~eq~ q~uow eq~ u[ pe~seAu~ pe~ep~suoo ~ou lenuue s~oqs ~eq pHos eq~ 'punJ s} ~euo~ 's~seq Alqluo~ e uo slunoooB o~ pe~pe~o to eoue~jo~jed eq~ MeSA O~ SAe~ OM1 ep~Aojd -ISeAU~ O~ MOq MOHS SIJeqO JO sepes OMI eq~ sejnsse~d eql peloel~e~ spun~ eeJql lie 'le~eu pue pelelnolBo ejB sBu~uJE~ 'poged ej~lue eq1 Bu~ (MoJ ~olloq) sljeqo H~MOM9 -jnp pelseAu~ ueeq lou eAEq Xeqt eou~s sBu~ujee 'punl IEnln~ e ,oi enp Al1Jed SBM je~1 eouemJo~Jed ~ ~ ZZ6L JoJ eoue~jojjed J~eql 'sH~eueq 1ue~ej~lej Bu u! qonm se penJooe eAEq 1OU plnoM poped eql 1o enJBA eJeqs eq1 se AEM e~Es 8upnp peAEeoej seq O~ suoElnq~Jluoo 1eqi eloN s~ enlBA u! euHoep Jo q1MOJ5 S 'gZ6~ eouls puej1 sBu~ujee pue eql Ie 00~$ le penlEA ~pnoes leolleqlod~q eq1 jo ejnlold e seAJB pue ZZ6k qBnoJql gZ6L esn (MoJ do1) sljeqo XgaNI 3ONV~MO~Mgd 9ouEmJolJed pun~ ZZ6~ 9Z6~ 9Z6~ gZB~ ZZ6~ 9Z6~d~ 9Z6L gZ6~ ZZ6~ 9Z6~ 9Z6L gZ6~ 19'g 9g'S 6~'9 Z0'~ (~9'g) ~0'9 L9 ~ 6;'9 L6'9 g~'9 0L 0~ 6~'6 0L St" SZ'6 SL pun~ sefil4noeS luemu~eA09 pun~ emooul pex;~ pun~ elqel4eA HI~OU9 a~VlNaOaad ZZ6L 9Z6[ 9Z6~ ~Z6L ~Z6~ ZL6~ 9Z6L 9Z6L ~Z6L ~Z6L ZZ6L 9Z6~ 9Z6L ~Z6L ~Z6~ lenuuV ZZ6L eq~ u] elqBHEAe eq II;~ soH~ punJ eq~ Jo uo]Hsod~oo eq~ pub eoue~J o0~ e0L o0~ ~ue~seAu~ s,O~ uo uo;~e~Jo~u[ peH~lep 00~ 00~ 'sJseq apl~-uo~)eu ~ uo pejallo ueld JEHBES L~'~OL go~ gF~OL got SOL AuB ueq~ JeMol eje uo~ejodjoO ~ue~ eql 5upels!u~mpe ~o~ peSjeqo seeJ eql 'q SZ'OrL o~ SO'GLL 0~ os~ --AliueJJno uo!ll[~ gL$ JeAO ~ U~BlUOO spul JnoA lee~ il!M leqi suo~s~oep iuem] punJ se!l~4n3eS luemuJeAo9 punJ e~ooul pex~ punJ elqeEJeA to no~ eAeHej OqM sJeGeuem Aeuo~ IBUO!SS (- ~ XgONI 9~NV~MO~Mgd ~o es 1jedxe eql no~ sjeilo Oa 'pt ~E°L6~ 00' ~G'Z 00' OZ'~6~ 00' O3XIH 6~'09~m~ 00' I0'6~ 00' 8/'I~6~[ 00' 1~101 -O~'IZI ~O'~O~ SI~IOl IN~OD3~ Z6'96 O0' ZI' 00' 08'8[ 00' OBXIa -OZ'I 00'0~ BISl~ 'Ol~Oa~VN L8 [Z'6Z 00' ~I* 00' OI'6Z 00' OBXI~ 8L'6 00' 90' 00' OZ'6 00' 3]S~A I0'6£ 2:, 00' IZ' 00' 08'8E 00' ]VIOl -OZ'I 00'0~ ~N~tO ~HIINS 6l 16'8E 00' ZI' 00' 08'8~ 00' O~XI~ -Og'l O0'O~ 03~ClI~ ~BAM~3 09 Z~'Z6 00' Z~' 00' O0'L6 00' O~XI~ -OO'S O0'OOI VSO~ ~OONOIO~ ~ 9~'Z6 00' gS' 00' O0'Z6 00' OgXIH ~8t/6 00' ~8' 00' 00'/6 00' 33~A I~6I 00' I~'I 00' 00'~61 OO' tVlOt -00'9 OO*OOZ 39~0~0 ~ONVI]DVS~ ~ 60'~6I 00' 60'1 00' 00'~6I 00' OBXIJ -00'9 O0'OOZ A~N3H ~N~Vt 9~ LLIT(IZT SIN]WA~d SONINMV~ SINBW ONO~ Ol 9Z/TE/2I ~dAl S33~ OOIM~d SIHI 3~VN ]3NVIV~ II~NS8 -IS~PO~ O~O0~ ~3NV]~ ONO~ 'Nl~G~ SNIQSI~INO3 Zl61 '1~ ~SNS3~O - ZZ6I ~I A~VON~ ~OI~Bd ONI~00 O~D~N~S 30 AII3 ~0~ big0 #INOODDV l~Od3~ tS~BI NOIi~SN]d~03 OB~B~30 NOIl~Od~O3 INBWS~II3~ ~ [' ( NOIIVlDOSSV IN3~39VNVN AII3 'IVNOIiVN~91NI 9~~ ~ '[7~ 'l~Od3~ Sm~OlIafi~ ~flO ~S133HS ]3N~1~ mS~I~O~H3S 1N~hlS~ANI ONIO~13NI ~NDII~N~O~NI I~I3N~NIj LN~A313~ ll~ SNINIVlN[)3 1~Od3~ lV~NNV ~fiO ~D AdO3 V ~AI]3~ llIM ~DA ~l'tl~ ~N 3HI NI &AllVNOttIQO~ 'l~Dd~ INRO33~ tV~OIAIONI N~ ~AIB3~ lllM SBBAOqd~B gNIiVdI3II~ ~DA ~O Ol 3~lG IHOdS~ SIHI NI O~I3~I~B~ ~ ION AVN $ti51 *~3~g ~O S~3]M ]]~Hl ISV] 3HI 9Nl~a O~]IVk SNOIIfieI~INO5 'aO~ jO NOII -~3IJI~SA ~0 ]WIl 3NI 1~ ~o~ ~ ]lI~ OGI~]d' t~3SIJ BHI JO ON5 3HI Ol IN]Ab3SBOS NOIINBIIV ~00 0i ]WO3 ll]~ ~O ~]A~H HDIHM SN0t135~03 ANY 'SiN~NA~d IIB~NSS 031~1 NNRIO3 I~M~ON JO tNg~A~d N~H1 ~H10 SNOS~ ~OJ O3ZI~OHI~ ~A~H OOA MDIHN 1N~O33~ Sm~BAOldMS NY JO IV~OHIIM ~ AS OgIHOddRS B~V S~JSN~I ~S9H1 'S80~ SNI5N~H3 ~SAO'IdN~ °NOII~Od~O3 IN~N?SII,~ ~N1 A9 ~O~N SNOIIDg~OD 'I Nt 9NIllD~N9 N~HN iSgRO~ Sm~AOld~S H3~ NO 0~S~8 9~ SNOIIYDDll~ ~NMOHS SI 3~AOld~B H3~ ~0~ 8N~J S3IfI~O338 tNSNN~A09 ON~ ~9NODNI 1~ B3N~I~ BHI ON~ ~SSNIN~g mSfNgNISRrG~ gl~IdO~dd~ ~SNOIIR~I~INO3 mOOI~]d I~3SIJ 9H1 JO 5NINNISB~ BHI t~ JN[~GDD~ l~OOIAIONI HD~ ~G RNt StD~I~B~ it ~BSIM~II 'SNGIIA~I~i. 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(I sselO) A~e!o!JeueiE] AJe~uj~a ou Jl :q,LON · eLu o~ peAJeSeJ S[ se[je!o!~eueq eBue4o o~ ~48[J e41 ~3~:?"~.,.: ~ AueJ-.(llsselD(se.)AJeoJeueg;uaSu~uo3 ('o~e 'jo~pej3 'pue~j~ 'e~ AUB ~e pe~dope AIIa6e[ ueJplNo AUE pUB se6e]JJe~ IIa pus Aue jo u~oq --e~n~nj pub ~uesejd --ueJpiJqo ~eq~eq~ e~ms 'euou Jl) ~eeA Ae~ 'o~ JnoA 6uo~e ~ue~Eej~ lenbe epJAoJd I1~ ~je~ SNI '~uEIq su~nlo9 dNsuo]~ele~ pus qu~9 jo e~BO eq~ eABeI 'Je~qOnep 'U~ 'e~[~ "e'[ qua8 jo e~eO pue ,,UeJplN3 A~,, ~J9~ eq~ esn Aid~ES Ae~ noA 'uejpl[qo JnoA Jo~ '(q~]~S uqor .sj~ ~ou) m~s 'v AJB~ ' noA o~ dNsuo[~ele~ :e~eu lseI pUB le[~[u~ elpp[~ 'e~eu ~sJ~I eA~9 ~q~eep JnoA ~o eseo u[ elqeAed eq speeoojd aq~ liens ~oq~ ol (suoponJ~sul eeS) A~VIOIJ3N39 JO NOIIVNglS30 SNOISIAOEId ']V.LN=I~B']ddQS EIOJ 'ssel3 gq$ jo sgjje!oj~gugq 6U!A!I eq~ 6unouJg Allanbe pepJ^Jp aq3, o~ alqeAgd aJg spaaooJd gq~ 'q~egp JnoA jo a~ ~s 6U~A~I S] (I SSelO) ~e~o~aua8 AJa~]Jd ou ~1 :~ON :Aue j~ (11 ssel3 (se~)A~e~o~leug8 ~ua6u~uo3 ('3~8 'Jo~Jp~J3 'puoJjj '8~ ~ue ~e psidope Alla6aI uajpl~q3 Aue pug ssDejjJe~ IIs pu~ Au~ Jo ujoq--gjn~nJ pue ~uasajd--uajplNo Js~sq~ s~e~s 'auou ~1) JeaA Asg 'o~ JnoA ~uo~e ~ua~eg~ lanb~ ap~Aojd I1~ ~J~ s~q~ '~uelq su~nloo dNsuo~ela~ pus ~J~8 · je~q6nep 'uos 'a~ "a'~ 4~JJ8 ~oe~eO pue ,,uaJplN3 A~,, wJa~ a4~ asn Aldw~s Ae~ noA 'ue~pl[4o ~noA Jo~ '(4~wS u4oC 'sj~ ~ou) 4~wS 'V Aje~ 'noA o~ dNsuo~ele~ :e~eu ~se] pub lej~ju~ elpp~ 'e~eu ~g eA~9 Zq~eep JnoA ~o eseo u~ e]qeAed eq speeooJd (suo~onj~sul aeS) A~VIOIJ3N38 JO NOILVNglS30 '~i ~.Z:7,'=. ~'-'~ :;'J :Aue :1-! {11 sselO (seE)A.~eEo!:l.eu98 1-ue6uJl-uo3 ('o;e '~o;~pe~o 'pue~ 'e~ Aue ~e prodope Alle6eI ue~pi~qo Aue pus se6e~em lie pue Aue ~o ujoq--e~mn~ pub ~uese~d--ue~pljqo ~eq~eq~ e~e~s ~suou Jr) 489A AEQ 'o~ ~noA 5uo~e ~uem~Eej; ienbe ep~AOJd I1~ m~e~ sJq~ '~uelq sumnloo d]qsuo~ele~ pub q~8 jo e~BO eq~ GABeI · Je~q6nep 'UOS 'ej~ "a'j q~8 ~o maQ pue ,,uejpljqo A~,, ~Je~ eq~ esn Aid~s AE~ noA 'uejplEqo JnoA Joj '(q~]~S uqor 'sj~ ~ou) q~E~S 'V 'noA o~ d~qsuo]~ele~ :e~eu ~sel pue ie~[u~ elpp~ 'e~eu ~sjg eA~9 ~q~eap JnoA Jo eseo u~ elqeAed eq spseoo~d eq~ IIsqs ~oq~ ol (su°~onJ~sul eeS) A~VIOId3N38 JO NOliVNglS30 d~Z a~e,S A~D ~eej~S 'oN - _ ell]l qop NOIIV~OJNI aaxona~a ~VlLNaSSa LL/ ~ ~/ 8 u[eeq'ms!ueldqoJq~uoA~PAea :(spun~ ~o uo~ssnos~p Jo} Jelqd~ed SaNRJ ~N3~S3ANI O~ NOI~VOOqqV NOI~VSN3d~Og a3~3j3a ~0 2NRO~v ueAold~e Am Aq paqsHqelse se ueld uoJlssued~o3 peJJe~aa uo~lejodjoO ~ue~ej~le~ V~31 eq~ u[ uo~]ed~a~ued Jo~ sB]ldde Aqejeq pau6~sjepun ~seq elpp~ ~s~ Ss~ D 'SJ~ ~ 'S~'~ 'J~ ~ JeAold~9 jo e~eN ~u~d 'uEld uo~Bsued~oD Alu0 AJE~ageue8 ~o e~ueq3 pe~e~ea u,~BJodJo3 ]ue~eJ~e~ ~DI et,'. oZ ~ue~eejBV sno~e~d ~o '~pue~V ~ ~ua~eejSV ~eN I{1CTIRI:]MiCNT C O1{ POR AT I0NT 1140 Area Code 202 Connecticut 293-2716 AveRue Northwest Washington OC 20036 September 23, 1977 Mr. Henry Tamm, Jr. City Clerk of Sanford, Florida 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Mr~ Tamm: Enclosed is your joinder agreement which I am returning for correction of the employer approval signature. Although you are authorized to sign all joinder agreements on behalf of the City, we suggest that you have your Mayor sign for employer approval on your personal agreement. This is due to IRS regulations regarding deferred compensation which holds that signing for approval on one's own joinder agreement implies control or "constructive receipt" of the deferred compensation. Please have the signature corrected and return the joinder to our office as soon as possible. If you have any questions in this regard, please let me know. Sincerely, Assistant Manager Enclosure LC/tj TIle ICMA Retirement Corporation is the administrator of a deferred compensation retirement plan for state and local Sovernment under the sponsorship of: International City Management Association · National lnstdute of Municipal Law Officers · Municipal Finance Officers Association · International Personnel Management Association · American Institute of Planners · American Society of PlanninS Officials · American Society for Pub][c Administration · American Pubgc Power Assoc[alion · Building OIficials and Code Administrators ]nlemationa[, Inc. · Nation8~ Association el Counties · Check One JOINDER AGREEMENT E~ ~ew ;~reement [] Amendr~A of Previous Agreemen'~ '1 ~e ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred [] Change of Beneficiary Only Compensation Plan, To: City of Sanford, Florida Print Name of Employer ~ Mr. [] Ms. [] Mrs. [] Miss First Middle Last From: Full Name Henry Nicholas Tamre, Jr. The undersigned hereby ~pplies for participation in the ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan as established by my employer. I understand my participation is subject to my employer's agreement below and will be governed by the plan document, its amendments, and this agree- ment, including the general provisions appearing on the reverse. AMOUNT OF DEFERRED COMPENSATION ALLOCATION TO INVESTMENT FUNDS Effective on the payday shown below, I desire to be paid, in the form I request that the total amounts of deferred compensation be applied of deferred compensation as follows: to the available 'investment fuhds in the follow ng percentages (See pamphlet for discussion of funds): Method of Designating (EmDIoyee's (Emaloyer's Deferred Compensation Contribution) Contribution) Total Whole ( Use Only One) Base pay shall be Base Day shall be Fund Percentages reduced by added to by Variable Fund % {1) Percentage Method % % (2) Dollar Method 825.00 s s 25.00 Fixed Income Fund 10t~ Payday on which plan is to begin AU.F.;ttS t 10 ~ 19 77 Total 100 % Mo. Day Yr. My current salary is $2 1,022. per arnica t I understand that where state or local law restricts the nature of the investment of these funds that it will be necessary to restrict the invest- I am paid every (2 weeks, month, 15 days, etc.): 2 Weeks ment choices to those available under the law. ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEE (NFORMATIQN Sex: ~ M m F Oateofeirth OCt. 11. 1920 Social Security Number F2'F~I'F~'3--ilIOISl 11 Mb. Day Yr. Job Title Director of Finance/City Clerk Department Finance Mailing Address Rt. 3, BOx 154 Sanford FL ~31217i7l 11 No. Street City State Zip DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY (See Instructions) Note: When amending your agreement do not complete this section unless you wish to change beneficiaries. Towhomshall the proceeds be payable in case of your death? Give first name, middle initial and last name: Relationship to you, Mary A. Smith (not Mrs. John Smith). For your children, you may sirgply use the term "My Children" and Date of Birth i.e., wife, son, daughter. leave the Date of Birth and Relationship columns blank. This term will'provide equal treatment among your Mo. Day Year (If none, state whether children--present and future--born of any and all marriages and any children legally adopted at any time. friend, creditor, etc.) Primary Beneficiary(ies) (Class I): Jeanne ~. Ta~un 6/25/30 wife Contingent Beneficiary(ies) Class ll) if any: a~y children The right to change beneficiaries is reserved to me. NOTE: If no Primary Beneficiary (Class I) is living at time of your death, the proceeds are payable to the Contingent Beneficiary(ies) (Class II), if a Class includes more than one person, the proceeds are divided equally areDung the living beneficiaries of the Class. FOR SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS Employee Signature Employ.~r//,l~,'~!:~al and Agreement ,-.. .. ..-- ..:,, .- .,/.-::::,,,,. .:--~ , ~ !, ~ Signature / Date Signature of Authorized Official Date EMPLOYE~ COPY Print Name and Title dFOfficial '" RECEIVED BY INTER~%IONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOraTION RETIREMENT CORPORATION dUN 2 0 1977 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Amended as of June 28, 1974 THIS DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN, hereby established by CITY OF SANFORD, F] .OR~MA ' RC bereinafter the Employer; by agreements with the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation and with the employees, officers, and officials of said employer who become party to this agreement, by reason of a "Jolnder Agreement" signed at this time, or at some time in the future. WHEREAS, the Employer has certain employees rendering to it valuable services; and WHEREAS, the Employer is able to provide its employees with certain benefits under this Plan which assure to those participating employees reasonable retirement security; and WH EREAS, the Employer receives benefits from this Plan by increasing its ability to attract and retain competent personnel and by increasing its flexibility in personnel management. NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that the Employer has established this International City Management Association Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan and has caused it to be executed by the official affixing his signature on behalf of the Employer's governing body. Conversion Provision: Where an Employer has previously established the ICMA-RC deferred compensation plan for its employees, this Plan shall supercede all previous documents and provisions thereof except that existing deferred compensation employment agreements will continue in full force and effect in lieu of Part I of this plan, and as such, have the immediate force and effect of a 'Jolnder Agreement" to this Plan. If the Employer and Employee desire to amend the existing Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement by substituting Part I of this Plan therefor, this may be done by execution of a "Joinder Agreement". ::r the Attest for Employer: : Signature of Authorized Official/Date Sin ~" Au Print Name and Title ~d~d',~ff~ ___ _, Lee P. Moore, Mayor H i rkg N Tt (Seal) Approved as to Form: Attorney for the Employer C. Vernon Mize, Jr. General Manager ~dilliam Eo Besuden, Secretary-Treasure? SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION PRIOR TO COMPLETING THIS SECTION Complete the following prior to mailing this agreement to the Retirement Corporation Full Name(City of, County of, etc.): City of Sanford, Florida Title of Official to whom correspondence and reports are to be mailed: (not name) CiC~Z Clerk Address: (include zip code) City of Sanford, P. O. Box 1778, Sanford, FL 32771 Employers' Federal Tax Identification Number: 59-6000425 .ow O~TEN w,L~ You monthly MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS WHAT IS YOUR FIRST Enter your amendment date here: 0ctoher 1 CONTRIBUTION DATE September is 1977 (h may be January 1 or the beginning date of your fiscal year) Number of employees: 285 Number of employees eligible to participate: 285 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT or percentages of both "base pay" and "employers ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PLAN contributions" or it may include amounts from or AMENDMENTS percentages of only one of these components; c. "Current compensation" is that portion of the Employee's The International City Management Association Retirement total compensation which is not deferred compensation as Corporation, hareinafter the Retirement Corporation or ICMA-RC, deferred compensation is defined herein; and is a nonprofit Delaware Corporation. It has been classified as a tax-exempt organization under the provisions of Section 501 (c)(3} d. "Base pay" is the stated salary of the Employee. of the Internal Revenue Code. As an aid in the improvement of state 1.3 The determination of the initial amount or percentage and of and municipal administration in general, the Retirement Corpora- any future change in amount or percentage of deferred tion is organized for the purpose of receiving and investing deferred compensation must be made before the beginning of the compensation funds of state and local governments and their related period of service for which the compensation is payable. and controlled public interest organizations which are tax exempt 1.4 The amount of total compensation may be adjusted from under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, herelnafter time to time without altering the terms of this Ran. referred to as "Employers"; to act as trustee and/or agent for the However, the percentage or amount of deferred collection and reinvestment of the income therefrom; and to act as compensation may be adiusted in accordance with 1.3 above. agent for such Employers and at their explicit direction for the Any such adjustment of the percentage or amount of distribution of the funds and assets of their accounts to their deferred compensation shall ha communicated to the participating Employees in accordance with options provided in this Employer's agent, the Retirement Corporation, and the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation deposits in the adjusted percentages or amounts, if changed Deferred Compensation Plan, hereinafter referred to as the "Plan", from the prior existing percentages or amounts, shall Orthe"ICMA-RC Plan". thereafter be made by the Employer into its Retirement The ICMA-RC Plan is set Out below in two parts: I. The Corporation Account. Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement; and II. The Master Trust Agreement. As set out below, the Employer adopts 2. Deferred Compensation Account. Under this Plan, deferred this plan as its agreement with the participating Employees and compensation shall be credited and paid into the Trust established ICMA-RC, and the Employees shall participate in the Plan through and maintained with the International City Management Association the execution of a Joinder Agreement, which by its terms Retirement Corporation as Trustee. The Retirement Corporation is incorporates all of the provisions of the Plan. A copy of the Plan a hartprofit corporation formed for the specific purpose of investing shall be supplied to each Employee for his study and understanding and otherwise administering the funds of said Trust. The Trust may prior to his execution of the Joinder Agreement, The Employers, be revoked at any time by the Employer, and upon revocation of through their participation in the Plan, express their desire to have said Trust, all of the assets thereof shall return to and revert to the the benefit of the continued loyalty, service and counsel of their Employer, The Employer shall keep accurate books and records Employees and to assist them in providing for the contingencies of with respect to the Employee's total compensation or other earned old age dependency, disability, and death. income and with respect to amounts paid into said Trust. This Plan may be amended from time to time for purposes of 3. Ownership of Funds. Neither the Employee nor any beneficiary assuring its conformance to the requirements of any applicable law thereof shall have any interest whatsoever in the funds paid into the or rule or regulation pursuant thereto, and to preserve the DeferFed Compensation Account or in the accumulations or any tax-exempt status of the Plan and the Retirement Corporation. No increments on such funds, which shall at all times remain as an asset amendment may either directly or indirectly operate to deprive any of the Employer, subject to its absolute dominion, control, and participating Employer of its beneficial interest in the Trust as it is right of withdrawal until such time as the funds or assets of the then constituted. The Retirement Corporation will notify the Account are are distrlbutad to the Employee in accordance with the participating Employers of any amendment to this Plan no later provisions of this Plan. The obligations of the Employer to pay than sixty days prior to its effective date. Any such amendment will deferred compensation is contractual only, the Employee having no become effective after the expiration of that period of time, except preferred or special interest or claim, by way of trust, annuity, or to those Employers as may file an objection. No amendment otherwise, in and to the specific funds and assets held in the proposed by participating Employers shall be effective unless agreed Deferred Compensation Account. The contractual obligations of the to by the ICMA Retirement Corporation over the signature of an Employer to pay the funds and assets in its Deferred Compensation Officer. Account to the Employee or his beneficiary on the applicable PART I. DEFERRED COMPENSATION EMPLOYMENT distribution date shall be a continuing obligation upon the AGREEMENT Employer, and shall not be relieved by any agreement between the Employer and any other party, except as provided in Section 2 of 1. Deferred Compensation--Initial Decision--Future Changes Paragraph 12 of this Ran, and shall not be affected in any manner 1.1 There is no limit on the amount or percentage of the total by amendmeat or revocation of the Trust referred to in Pargraph 2 compensation of the Employee which may be deferred by herein or by reversion of the Trust Funds to the Employer. The the Employer under this Plan. provisions of this Paragraph shall supersede and control any other 1.2 For the purpose of this Plan the following definitions apply: provision of this Plan which could be interpreted to be in conflict a. "Total compensation" is the total of compensation to be therewith. paid by the Employer for the services of the Employee, 4. Administration of Funds. The funds deposited in the Deferred regardless of the terms used for its components, as, for Compensation Account shall be invested and reinvested by the example, "base pay," "in addition to base pay," 'emPl oyer's Retirement Corporation, as provided for in the Trust Fund contributions," etc.; described in Part IId this Plan, in any manner which in its sole b. "Deferred compensation" is that amount or percentage of discretion it deems desirable, without regard at any time to any legel the total compensation of the Employee which the Employer limitation governing the investment of such funds. The Account currently defers from the payment to the Employee, and, shall also reflect the gain or loss resulting from the investment and instead, deposits same into a Deferred Compensation relnvestment thereof. This Trust Fund may be cammingled with Account with the Retirement Corporation under the terms of others established by the Trustee With other Employers under this this Plan. Deferred compensation may include amounts from Plan. 5. Designation of investments. Each participating Employer, being Corporation as its duly authorized agent, due consideration being advised of the preferences of, and for the benefit of each of its given to heaith, flnancial circumstances and family obligations of participating Employees, shah designate the percentage of the the Employee. In this regard, the Employee may be consulted; deferred compensation involved which shall be invested in the however, he shag have no voice in the decision reached. respective types of investment funds (accounts} of the Retirement 8. Payments in the Event of Death. Corporation, such as the Equity (Varlable) Fund or the Fixed-income Fund, unless the laws of the applicable state or local a. During the Period of Distribution. In the event of the government require otherwise, in which case those laws shall govern. Employee's death during the period of distribution, the Future elections to change the percentage to be invested in each Employee's beneficiary shag be entitled to receive payments in type of Fund may only be made prior to and for the next accordance With the payment method being employed at the succeeding annual period of service for which the compensation is time of the Employee's death. With the consent of the payable by filing written notice thereof With the Retirement Employer, acting through the Retirement Corporation as lts duly Corporation. Such notice will not be effective until received by the authorized agent, said beneficiary may elect to receive a Retirement Corporation. lump-sum in lieu of installment payments. 6. Payment of Deferred Compensation. The words "designated b. Prior to Distribution. In the event of the death of the age", as used in this Paragraph and in Paragraph 9 of this Plan, shall Employee prior to the distribution, the funds and assets of the mean the designated age which appears in the Jolnder Agreement Deferred Compensation Account shall be paid in accordance executed by the participating Employee. These words, as used in with one of the methods described in subparagraphs a, b, c, or d this Paragraph, in Paragraph 9, and in the Joinder Agreement, shall of Paragraph 6 hereof. The selection of said method shall be also include the following, without repetition therein: "or later, in made by the Employer acting through the Retirement the sole discretion of the Employer, at the end of his employment Corporation as its duly authorized agent. agreement, if Employee continues in the employ of the Employer 9. Payment Dates. Payments shall commence on the first day of the after he attains the designated age." At such time as the Employee month, following the attainment of the designated age, or later, on reaches the designated age, becomes permanently disabled, or dies, the first day of the month after the end of his employment whichever occurs first, be, or his beneficiary or beneficiaries, agreement, if Employee continues in the employ of the Employer nominee or estate is/are entitled to receive payment in the Deferred after he attains the designated age, or likewise following permanent Compensation Account outstanding on the date on which one of disability, or death; and, in the case of installment payments, shall the foregoing occurs. Payments occasioned by the Employee having be made continuously thereafter on the first day of each succeeding reached the designated age, becoming permanently disabled, or by month, or, in the event quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payment his death shall be made in accordance with the provisions of installment periods are applied, then continuously thereafter on the Paragraph 7 hereof as follows: first day of each succeeding month which begins the time period a. Payments in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual (quarterly, etc.) involved until such time as the Deferred payments over the period of life expectancy of the Employee in Compensation Account is depleted in its entirety. accordance with the following procedure: 10, Disbursing Agent. The Retirement Corporation shall act as Upon reaching the designated age, or becomln9 permanently agent of the Employer for purposes of disbursing payments. The disabled from permanent full-time employment, whichever ultimate obligation for making such payments, however, shall first occurs, the Employee's life expectancy shall be remain with the Employer, determined by reference to Standard U.S. Mortality Tables: the amounts of assets and accumulations in the Deferred 11. Accumulation During the Distribution Period. During the Compensation Account shall be computed together with a period of distribution, the Employee or his beneficiary or reasonable rate of return on said assets, less the amount of beneficiaries, nominee or estate, as the case may be, shag continue expected monthly distribution, over the life expectancy of to be credited with all the interest, accumulations, and increments the Employee; and a monthly amount shall then be on the undistributed funds and assets in the Deferred Compensation mathematically determined, the payment of which, in equal Account, until such Account is depleted in its entirety. monthly installments over the period of the llfe expectancy 12. Section 1, Termination of Employment. Upon termination of of the Employee, shall completely deplete the said Account the Employee's services, for any reason other than death, the funds, at the end of the last year of life expectancy; or assets, and accumulations in the Deferred Compensation Account b. Payments in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual shag not be transferred to an account with a new employer of the payments in accordance with the following procedure: Employee, and, instead, they shall remain in the original Account as assets of the old Employer until such time as they are distributed in Unless the Employee's employment terminates prior to the accordance with the provisions of this Plan, except as provided in time he attains the designated age, amounts equal to the Section 2 of this Paragraph. benefits received by the Employer, under retirement annuity policies, shall be paid to the Employee, at such time as he Section 2. Transfer of Employment with Consideration Between attains the designated age; or, in the case of death, payment Employers--Tripartite Agreement. to his beneficiary or beneficiaries, nominee or estate pursuant In the event the Employee accepts employment with a new employer to the procedures provided in said policies and Paragraphs 7 participating in the ICMA-RC Deferred Compensation Plan, then, if and 8 of this Ran; or the past Employer finds that it has no present or future need of the c. Payments in monthly, quarterly, semi-~nnual, or annual funds, assets, and accumulations in the said Account for the installments over a period of not exceeding ten (10) years, said payment of its general creditors or for any other purpose payments to include a reasonable return on the funds, assets and whatsoever, in consideration of its desire to avoid the continuing accumuEations in the Deferred Compensation Account, less the expense of maintaining records, and receiving, examining, verifying amount of expected monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual and filing annual reports of the Retirement Corporation, and in distribution, over the said ten (10) year period; or consideration of avoiding the possible future exposes of litigation of Employee's continuing contractual rights to payment of deferred d. One lump sum payment. compensation on his retirement as herein provided in the event of 7. Selection of Method of Payment. The method of payment shall any possible future revocation and withdrawal by the past Employer be selected by the Employer, acting through the Retirement of the funds, assets, and accumulations in the said Account, the pest money or to inquire into the validity, expediency, or ARTICLE II1. For Protection of Trustee. propriety of any such sale or other disposition. Section 3.1. Evidence of Action by Employer. The Trustee may (c) To vote upon any stocks, bonds, or other securities; to rely upon any certificate, notice or direction purporting to have give general or speciat proxies or powers of attorney with or been signed on behalf of the Employer which the Trustee believes to without power of substitution; to exercise any conversion have been signed by a duly designated official of the Employer. No privileges, subscription rights, or other options, and to make communication shall be binding upon any of the Trust Funds or any payments incldental thereto; to oppose, or to consent to, Trustee until they are received by the Trustee. or otherwise participate in, corporate reorganizations or Section 3.2. Advice of Counsel. The Trustee may consult with other changes affecting corporate securities, and to delegate any legal counsel with respect to the construction of this discretionary powers, and to pay any assessments or charges Agreement, its duties hereunder, or any act, which it proposes to in connection therewith; and ganeragy to exercise any of the take or omit, and shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted powers of an owner with respect to stocks, bonds, securities in good faith pursuant to such advice. or other property held as part of the Trust Funds. Section 3.3. Misceganeous. The Trustee shall use ordinary care (d) To cause any securities or other property held as part of and reasonable dibgence, but shall not be liable for any mistake of the Trust Funds to be registered in its own name, and to hold judgment or other action taken in good faith. The Trustee shall not any investments in bearer form, but the books and records of be liable for any loss sustained by the Trust Funds by reason of any the Trustee shall at all times show that all such investments investment made in good faith and in accordance With the are a part of the Trust Funds. provisions of this Agreement. (e) To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the Trust in The Trustee's duties and obligations shall be limited to those such amount, and upon such terms and conditions, as the expressly imposed upon it by this agreement, notwithstanding any Trustee shall deem advisable; and, for any sum so borrowed, reference of the Plan. to issue its promissory note as Trustee, and to secure the repayment thereof by pledging all, or any part, of the Trust ARTICLE IV. Taxes, Expenses and Compensation of Trustee. Funds. No person lending money to the Trustee shall be Section 4.1 Taxes. The Trustee shall deduct from and charge bound to see the application of the money lent or to inquire against the Trust Funds any taxes on the Trust Funds or the income into its validity, expediency or propriety of any such thereof or which the Trustee is required to pay with respect to the borrowing. interest of any person therein, (f) To keep such portion of the Trust Funds in cash or cash Section 4.2, Expenses, The Trustee shall deduct from any balances as the Trustee, from time to time, may deem to be charge against the Trust funds all reasonable expenses incurred by in the best interests of the Trust created hereby, without the Trustee in the administration of the Trust Funds, including liability for interest thereon. counsel, agency and other necessary fees. (g) To accept and retain for such time as it may deem ARTICLE V. Settlement of Accounts The trustee shall advisable any securities or other property received or keep accurate and detailed accounts of all investments, receipts, acquired bV it as Trustee hereunder, whether or not such disbursements, and other transactions hereunder. securities or other property would normagy be purchased as Within 90 days after the close of each fiscal year, the Trustee investments hereunder, shall render in duplicate to the Employer an account of its acts and (h) To make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all transactions as Trustee hereunder. If any part of the Trust Fund documents of transfer and conveyance and any and eli other shall be invested through the medium of any common, collective or instruments that may be necessary or appropriate to carry cornmingled Trust Funds, the last annual report of such Trust Funds out the powers heroin granted. shall be submitted with and incorporated in the account. (i) TO settle, compromise, or submit to arbitration any If within 90 days after the mailing of the account or any claims, debts, or darnages due or owing to or from the Trust amended account the Employer has not filed with the Trustee Funds; to commence or defend suits or legal or notice of any objection to any act or transaction of the Trustee, the administrative proceedings; and to represent the Trust Funds account or amended account shall become an account stated. If any in all suits and legal and administrative proceedings. objection has been filed, and if the Employer is satisfied that it should be withdrawn or if the account is adjusted to the Employer's (j) To do all such acts, take all such proceedings, and satisfaction, the Employer shall in writing filed with the Trustee exercise all such rights and privileges, although not signify approval of the account and it shall become an account specifically mentioned heroin, as the Trustee may deem stated. necessary to administer the Trust Funds and to carry out the purposes of this Trust. When an account becomes an account stated, such account shall SectiOn 2,3. Distributions from the Trust Funds. The Employer be finally settled, and the Trustee shall be completely discharged hereby appoints the Trustee as its agent for purposes of selecting the and released, as if such account had been settled and allowed by a method by which distributions from the Trust Funds are to be judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction in an action made, as well as for purposes of making such distributions. In this or proceeding in which the Trustee and the Employer were parties. regard the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreements to be The Trustee shall have the right to apply at any time to a court executed between the Employer and its Employees, and any of competent jurisdiction for the judicial settlement of its account. subsequent modifications thereof, are to guide and control the ARTICLE VI. Resignation and Removal of Trustee. Trustee's power. Section 6.1. Resignation of Trustee. The Trustee may resign at Section 2.4. Valuation of Trust Funds. At least once a year as of Valuation Dates designated by the Trustees, the Trustee shall any ,time by filing with the Employer its written resignation. Such determine the value of the Trust Funds. Assets of the Trust Funds resignation shall take effect 60 days from the date of such filing and shall be valued at their market values at the close of business on the upon appointment of a successor pursuant to Section 6.3, whichever shall first occur. Valuation Date, or, in the absence of readily ascertalnable market values as the Trustee shall determine, in accordance with methods Section 6.2. Removal of Trustee. The Employer may remove consistently followed and uniformlV applied, the Trustee at any time by delivering to the Trustee a written notice of its removal and an appointment of a successor pursuant to revocation of this Trust, all of the assets thereof shall return to and Section 6.3. Such removal shall not take effect prior to 60 days revert to the Employer. Termination of this Trust shall not, from such delivery unless the Trustee agrees to an earlier effective however, relieve the Employer of the Employer's continuing date. obrigation to pay deferred compensation upon the applicable Section 6.3. Appointment of Successor Trustee. The distribution date to any and/or each Employee with whom the appointment of a successor to the Trustee shall take effect upon the Employer has entered into a Deferred Compensation Employment delivery to the Trustee (a) an instrument in writing executed by the Agreement. Employer appointing such successor, and exonerating such successor Section 7.2. Amendment. The Employer shall have the right to from liability for the acts and omissions of its predecessor, and (b) amend this Agreement in whole and in part but only with the an acceptance in writing, executed by such successor. Trustee's written consent. Any such amendment shall become effective upon (a) delivery to the Trustee of a written instrument of All of the provisions set forth herein with respect to the Trustee shall relate to each successor with the same force and effect as if amendment, and (b) the endorsement by the Trustee on such such successor had been originally named as Trustee hereunder. instrument of its consent thereto. ARTICLE VIII. Miscellaneous. If a successor is not appointed within 60 days after the Trustee gives notice of its resignation pursuant to Section 6.1, the Trustee Section 8.1. Laws of the State of Delaware to Govern. This may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for appointment agreement and the Trust hereby created shall be construed and of a successor. regulated by the laws of the State of Delaware. Section 6.4 Transfer of Funds to Successor, Upon the Section 8.2. Successor Employers. The term "Employer" shall resignation or removal of the Trustee and appol ntment of a include any person who succeeds the Employer and who adopts the successor, and after the final account of the Trustee has been Deferred Compensation Plan of the Retirement Corporation and properly settled, the Trustee shall transfer and deliver any of the becomes a party to this agreement with the consent of the Trustee. Trust Funds involved to such successor. Section 8.3. Withdrawals. The Employer may, at any time, and ARTICLE VII. Duration and Revocation of Trust Agreement. from time to time, withdraw a portion or all of the Trust Funds created by this Agreement and related Deferred Compensation Section 7.1. Duration and Revocation. This Trust shall continue for such time as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose for Employment Agreements. which it was created but may be terminated or revoked at any time Section 8.4. Definitions. Definitions in the By-Laws of terms, by the Employer as it relates to any and/or all related participating phrases, etc,, used herein apply to the same herein. The masculine Employees. Written notice of such termination or revocation shall includes the feminine and the singular includes the plural unless the be given to the Trustee by the Employer. Upon termination or context requires another meaning.