HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 27 AMENDMENT 27 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7, 1983 FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. FOR FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES AND SITE 10 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM The Amendment dated this ~Z' day of ~&~ZY=' , in the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-'~and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the OWNER, and CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 7, 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of conflict between this Amendment 27 and the original Agreement of December 7, 1983, this Amendment shall govern for the work described herein. All other Amendments which have been previously executed provided for other municipal engineering services and have no applicability to the services covered by this Amendment. CPH Project No. S0602.51 Page 1 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ATTEST: S0602 AMEND 27 Page 16 of 16 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT ~FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S A. General 1. Scheduling, planning, budgeting, and 2 I0 2 2 1 orientation of personnel. 2. Review of Site Specific Study from 0 16 0 0 0 201 Plan for organization of final design program. 3. Study possibility of running parallel 2 30 18 0 0 transmission pipelines on S.R. 46 and Celery Ave. Perform preliminary hydraulic and cost analysis to determine impaot on phased sizing of booster pump station and phased transmission lines (parallel lines constructed as different phases} and compare with single facility. (Final Design of Celery Ave. line will be reperformed under s later sontract and is not included herein.) 4. Analyze need to provide freeze protection and 8 50 35 0 0 wet weather storage at site. Estimate storage volumes required and review alternatives for meeting storage needs. 5. Coordination, liaison, and communication I0 30 0 5 5 with owner on pro3ect progress, design development, plans and specifioations, etc. Includes up to three progress meetings. 6. Coordination, liaison and communication with I0 40 0 15 10 $150 regulatory agencies; addressing questions regarding Site Specific Study, review of final design concept, miscellaneous telephone conversations. Includes up to three coordination meetings. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work E~penses Subcontracts P E T D S 7. Coordination, liaison and communication I0 40 I0 10 20 ~250 with subconsultants~ development and negotiation of contracts; gathering and transfer of necessary data, maps, reports, etc. Pro~ected list of subconsultants: soils, survey, electrical, environmental, eagle specialist, and agricultural. SUBTOTAL SECTION A 42 216 65 32 36 ~400 B. Geotechnical Subconsultant Services ~33,255.25 (actual} 1. Perform test borings at booster pumping station site (1) and at 1000 foot intervals along pipe route (33). Evaluate material for suitability as bedding and backfill · or pipe. Recommend levels of compaction. Determine water table location. 2. Evsluate need to perform muck probes in 56 wetland areas scheduled for elimination. For pricing, assume t~at half the wetlands will need three probings (28 wetlands to be probed). Recommend treatment of muck areas to render suitable for designated use--citrus cropping/ hay cropping and coordinate with agricultural specialist. 3. Utilizing final layout of effluent seepage swale system and hay cropping areas. Conduct shallow (4 ft} borings every 500 feet at center and edges of planting area (approximately 233 borings}. Determine depth to impermeable layer and water table. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Gut of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 4. Obtain effluent retention pond configuration requirements from Engineer. Perform embankment stability analysis to design retention pond walls. Provide recommendations concerning embankment construotion. Review alternatives for permeability barrier and recommend material to be used. Examine use of unlined ponds and determine probable percolation losses. 5. Conduct 4 total borings in the vicinity of the Operations and Maintenance faoility, on site pump station, and retention pond embankment and review material for suitability as foundation and for construction recommendations. SUBTOTAL SECTION B Surveyor Subconsultant Services 1. Obtain 1" ~ 50' aerial mapping of trans- $ 69,040 mission pipeline route (assume alignment along S.R. 46) obtain cross-sections ever~ 200 feet or at grade breaks ~rom edge of . pavement to right-of-way line. Field verify surface features and obtain top and invert elevations of sanitary and storm facilities. Establish baseline and bench marks for pipeline installation. 2. Utilizing layout obtained from Engineer, field stake approximately 200 points to establish baseline for road and irrigation system construction. In addition, field stake location ~or 16 distribution boxes. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S C. Surveyor Subconsultant Services (Continued) 3. Resurvey 40 points from Item 3 as field ad3usted by Engineer and establish new coordinates for revised baseline. 4. Establish cross-section of all naturally occurring ditches on site which cross the above items' layout. Assume I0 ditches will require surveying. S. Perform topographic survey of 7 wetlands areas scheduled for filling totaling approximately 7.49 acres. 6. Provide master TBM network within Site 10. SUBTOTAL SECTION D. Electrical EnoineerinO Subconsultant Services 337,500 (actual) 1. Develop design for motor control centers, pump control panels, select components, and develop wiring diagrams for booster pump station and distribution pump station. Perform electrical calculations as required. 2. Review design for electrical system required to facilitate installation of computer controlled, automated irrigation control console at O&M facility and at least three satellite control stations. CITY OF SANFORD ~ SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Msnhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 3. Develop electrical and HVAC layout for O&M facility including interior lighting and receptacle placement. 4. Consult with equipment manufacturers on details and particular requirements for selected equipment. ~. Examine options for Class I reliability and discuss with Owner. Coordinate as needed with power oompany. 6. Check designs. 7. Prepare and deliver signed and sealed electrical plan sheets and specifications for incorporation into Site I0 plans. SUBTOTAL SEGTION D Aoricultural S~ecialist Subconsultant S 10,900 (actual) I. Review and develop planting program for hay and citrus areas. Recommend tree spacing. Determine most suitsble varieties of grasses and citrus to be planted. Review need for establishing cover crop in grove intermediate areas. 2. Establish design parameters for micro3et branch irrigation system. Review design developed by Engineer. 3. Recommend type and location for fertigation system. Suggest location for appropriate in3eotion points. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 4. Review and recommend alternatives for computer controlled, automated irrigation ~onitoring and control system. Suggest location for at least three satellite local control stations for manual field operations. 5. Review needs for O&M facility. Develop list and preliminary requirements for crop storage, equipment storage, vehicle storage and chemical storage facilities. Suggest facility layout. Include citrus operation staging area at grove. 6.Recommend citrus area drainage design and required water table control system. 7. Review and coordinate Tasks 1-6 with firm(s) engaging in the day-to-day management of citrus grove and hay field operations. Develop list of potential candidates for site lease operations. SUBTOTAL SECTION E F. Environmental Specialist Subconsultant S 28,705 (actual) 1. Review onsite wetlands and assist in determination of 3urisdictional limits and locations. Perform Seminole County rating of wetlands areas. 2. Provide information required and help file for 3urisdictional determination of onsite wetlands. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (PINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhoura Out of Pocket Item of Work E~penses Subcontracts P E T D S 3. Assist in development of Dredge & Fill permits to FDER, COE, and Seminole County. 4. Assist in development of mitigation plan as needed to address FDER comments regarding elimination of onsite wetlands. 5. Review impacts on endangered species and coordinate with appropriate regularcry agencies and mitigation of impacts to other endangered species. SUBTOTAL SECTION F G. Eaole Specialist Subconsultant · 5,000.00 (estimated) 1. Assist in presentations to and negotiations with FGFWFC to establish eagle primary protection zone. SUBTOTAL SECTION G H. Materials and EOuimment Selection 1. Rough preliminary design of booster pump 3 20 35 10 2 station to determine layout and necessary equipment. Review alternatives for booster pumps, piping, valving, flow metering, and possible inclusion of telemetry. Review control options with electrical consultants. 2. Rough preliminary design of distribution 5 20 50 I0 4 e50 pump station to determine layout and necessary equipment. Review alternatives for low pressure and high pressure pumps, piping, valving, filtration, and flow metering. Review control options with agricultural and electrial subconsultants. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Focket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 3. Review alternatives for transmission 0 6 16 0 0 pipeline materials, interior and exterior coatings and linings and valving. Review possible means of thrust restraint. 4. Review alternatives for irrigation 2 I0 20 0 0 valving~ metering, control gates, and distribution structures. Review available materials for irrigation piping including necessary linings and coatings. 5. Review alternatives for drainage 0 3 10 0 0 control structures and conveyance piping. 6. Review alternatives for site fencing 0 4 8 0 0 materials, desired appearance of installation and site security needs. 7. Evaluate alternative equipment 2 24 30 0 8 ~100 selections through review of manu- facturer's catalogs, fact sheets, and through telephone survey of exisiting users. Field visit existing installations, where appropriate. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 8. Obtain equipment and material prices from 0 15 30 0 2 manufacturers and suppliers and develop cost comparisons between alternatives. 9. Present alternatives to Owner and review 2 6 0 0 1 options with operations personnel. SUBTOTAL SECTION H 14 108 199 20 17 SIS0 I. Perform Final Design (Calculations and research required for sizing and selection of final equipment and materials, design coordination, implementation details, preparation of sketches, checking.) 1. Booster Pump Station a. Review and sketch preliminary layout 3 30 20 0 4 and connection with existing system. Determine best location for station and need for easements. Perform hydraulic calculations. b. Review design considerations such as 1 12 10 0 0 reliability, standby units, and operational flexibility. c. Consult with manufacturers and suppliers 0 14 10 0 2 S20 for pump and valve selections, electrical/ mechanical requirements, space considerations, miscellaneous details. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE l0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) ~ Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subgontracts P E T D S I. Perform Final Design (continued} d. Structural calculations and checking. 3 16 0 0 0 e. Check design against previous designs and 1 10 0 0 0 with manufacturers. f. Prepare design sketches for drafting. 0 8 8 0 0 820 2. Transmission Pipeline a. Review proposed pipe route for utility 0 15 10 0 0 ) conflicts, right-of-way or easement considerations and soils conditions. b. Evaluate crossing alternatives and final I0 40 25 0 2 design at B.R. 46 and the St. Johns River. Options include subaqueous crossing, aerial ' crossing, and attachment to existing bridge. c. Perform hydraulic calculations0 draft 3 24 0 0 2 hydraulic profile, and selection of piping material. Examine impacts on treatment plant effluent pumping station. d. Select location of isolation valves I 3 6 0 0 and develop details. e. Review dewatering, backfill and compaction 0 8 8 0 0 requirements. f. Develop detail~ of discharge system to 1 6 I0 0 0 ~ holding ponds. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S I. Perform Final Desion (continued) g. Check design and details against I 5 0 0 0 previous designs. h. Prepare design sketches for drafting. 0 6 4 0 2 3. Distribution Pump Station a. Review and sketch preliminary layout and 6 28 16 0 4 connection to reclaimed water storage ponds. Review pumping rates and pressure requirements for micro~et and seepage systems. Consider conditions for freeze protection. Perform hydraulic calculations. b. Review design considerations for 4 20 8 0 0 reliability, standby units, and operational flexibility and incorporate into layout. c. Consult with manufacturers and suppliers 0 30 20 0- 4 SlO for pump and valve selections, electrical/ mechanical requirements, spase considerations and other miscellaneous, pertinent details. d. Perform structural calculations for pump 3 16 0 0 0 station snd intake and enclosure. Include buoyancy considerations. ) e. Check design against previous designs 2 15 0 0 0 and with manufacturers. f. Prepare design sketches for drafting. 0 10 6 0 I ~20 I CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses S~bcontracts E T D S I. Perform Final DesiOn (continued) 4. Distribution piping, seepage systems, and service roads. a. Using the existing 400 scale topo 2 16 24 24 0 survey, develop an overlay of pipeline, swale routing, and roadway plan and adjust alignment to avoid topographic features, i.e., existing ditches, wetlands to be preserved, depressions. ~ b. Conduct field visit and review staked 10 24 0 8 0 S20 baseline locations. Adjust alignment of pipeline, roadway, swale and distribution boxes in field as deemed necessary to ensure effective system operation. Select final alignment. c. Develop final layout of seepage swale I0 20 40 18 0 system control structures, and dietribution boxes for hay cropping areas. Develop final grading plans and select appropriate surface slopes. Develop cross-sectional details. d. Develop final layout of main line 6 18 40 10 0 irrigation piping. Perform hydraulic calculations draft hydraulic profile and selection of piping materials. ~ e. Develop final layout of service roadway 3 8 18 8 2 system. Review intended level of service and develop pavement cross section. Develop details on all ditch crossings. CITY OP SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S I. Perform Final Demiqn (continued) f. Check design and details against previous 2 8 0 0 0 designs. g. Prepare design sketches and details ~or 6 12 8 0 0 ~20 drafting. 5. Drainage Improvements a. Review drainage basin boundaries 0 8 4 4 0 established as part of site specific studies. Revise as necessary to accommodate final site grading selected. b. Perform pre-post computer analys~s o~ 2 32 20 4 O site runoff conditions based upon 25-yr storm event. Size retention areas to accommodate design storm. c. Using the existing 400 scale topographic 2 30 16 16 0 ~10 survey, develop an overlay depicting layout of drainage ditch and piping system as well as retention basins against layout to make beneficial use of natural drainage features. d. Conduct field visit and review staked 10 12 0 0 0 baseline locations. Field adjust alignment as necessary to ensure effective system operation. e. Finalize location and configuration and ~ 30 10 I0 0 size of onsite drainage system and retention basins based upon 25-year storm event. Develop cross-sectional detail on ditches and design ponds. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT {FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts F E T D S I. Perform Final Desion {continued) f. Examine impact of IO0-year 24-hour storm 2 16 10 0 0 on downstream (Offsite) drainage facilities to determine adequacy of existing conveyance system. g. Check design and details against 2 8 0 0 0 previous designs. h. Prepare design sketches and details for 0 8 6 0 2 320 ) drsfting. 6. Operations and Maintenance Facility a. Review recommendations of subconsultant 3 I0 0 0 0 regarding types and extent of storage and support facilities for chemicals, crop equipment, vehicles, and personnel. b. Develop preliminary layout and review 6 20 0 8 2 315 with organizations experienced in hay/ citrus management. Revise as deemed appropriate. o. Develop and review alternatives for 2 11 3 6 2 building materials and finish treatment for O&M facility. Review alternatives with owner. d. Develop final layout and perform 3 16 6 4 0 ~ structural calculations. Complete interior/exterior detailing and design. CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Focket Item of Work E×pen~s SuBcontracts P E T D S I. Perform Final Desion (continued) e. Check design and details against 1 4 4 0 0 previous designs. f. Prepare design and detail sketches for 0 6 4 0 drafting. 7. Site Work a. Review site access comments from Seminole 0 6 24 16 0 County. Develop turn lane design for S.R. 46 entrances to site. b. Develop site plan for O&M facility 2 20 14 32 0 showing paving and drainage plan. Determine paving requirements and develop pavement cross section. c. Develop a site utility plan for water, 2 I0 24 10 0 sewer, and electric service. d. Check design and details against 0 4 0 0 0 previous design. e. Prepare design and detail sheets for 0 16 16 0 1 S20 drafting. SUBTOTAL SECTION I 118 689 460 178 J. Drawino Preparation 1. Organization of drawings and layout of 4 12 24 0 0 individual sheets. CITY OF SANFORD ~ SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S J. Drawin~ PreDaration (continued} 2.Drafting of designs on plans for three construction contracts. Contract 1: Booster Pump Station and Transmission Line. a. Estimated Plan Sheets - Cover Sheet I0 - General Note Sheet 16 - Pipe Route Location Sheet 16 - Pump Station Grading, Dimension and Layout Plan 24 - Pump Station Mechanical Plan and Section Views 30 - Pump Station Structural Plan and Section Views 30 - Electrical and Instrumentation Diagrams and Detail Sheet (to be supplied by subconsultant) 0 - 12 Sheets of double plan and profile, 50 scale drawings of pipeline using aerial mapping to devlop base sheets 192 - Three detail sheets showing various piping, valving, structural, mechanical and connection details b. Supervision of design/drafting. 0 32 24 0 0 c. Office checking of individual drawings. 6 30 20 0 0 d. Changes to drawings. 0 8 8 45 0 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket ~tem of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S Drawinq Preparatioo (continued} Contract 2: Site Grading and Earthwork a. Estimated Flan Sheets: - Cover sheet I0 - General N~te Sheet 16 - Overall layout sheet - Six sheets of 200 scale aerial w/tops 144 lines shswing limits of clearing, site grading, effluent pond location ~nd configuration, retention pond location and ~onfigurstion, bssic site drsinage. - Sheet detailing construction of effluent 30 holding pond, in~luidng piping locations. - Sheet detailing typical retention pond 30 oonstruction and drainage structures. - Fence layout sheet insluding installation 16 details. - Entrance road intersection improvements; 16 pavement cross-section and detail sheet - Miscellaneous detail sheet for piping 20 connections, drainage structures, others. b. Supervision of design/drafting. 0 28 20 0 0 c. Office checking of individual drawings. 4 20 15 0 0 d. Changes to drawings. 0 8 8 40 0 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work ExpenSes S..ubcontracts P E T D S J. Drawino Preparation (continued} Contract 3: Site Finishing and Planting a. Estimated plan sheetS~ - Cover sheet 10 - General Note Sheet 16 - Overall layout sheet 16 - Six sheets of 200 scale aerials depicting 180 finish grading, distribution piping ) layout, interior road layout, stormwater collection ditch layout, effluent seepage swale system layout including control structures and distribution boxes, control wire layout, and location of satellite systems. - Typical hay field planting detail sheet 30 including typical control structures and distribution box details; effluent seepage swale and stormwater ditch profiles. - Typical citrus planting detail sheet 30 including typical layout for micro3et irrigation system as well as applicable installation details. - Two sheets of pumping station grading, 60 dimension, and layout including mechanical and structural details and notes. - Electrical control diagram, MCC layout 0 ~ and miscellaneous detail sheet for pump station (to be supplied by subconsultant). CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D 5 Drawino Pre~aration (continued) Contract 3~ Site Finishing and Planting a. Estimated plan sheets (Continued): -Maintenance facility layout and site plan 30 depicting utilities including water, sewer, electrioalo paving, and drainage, -Three sheets depicting maintenance facility 20 construction including electrical, HVAC, and plumbing layouts. -Detail sheet for building construction. 20 -Detail sheet showing interior road cross- 20 sections and ditch crossings. -Miscellaneous detail sheet for piping, 20 thrust blocking, etc. b. Supervision of design/drafting. 0 40 30 0 0 o. Office checking of individual drawings. 5 d. Changes to drawings. 0 8 8 40 0 3.Office review (total set of Drawings and Contract Documents): a. Review 18 30 0 0 0 b. Changes. 0 12 24 16 0 4. Field checking of Drawings and Documents. 6 16 16 0 0 SUBTOTAL SECTION J 43 274 214 1269 0 6200 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT {FINAL DESIGN) Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S K. Specifications and Contract Documents Preparation and Checkin~ for Three Construction Contracts 1. Writing. 30 I00 60 0 0 2. Typing. 0 0 0 0 120 3. Internal Review. 18 36 0 0 6 4. Review by City Attorney of proposal forms, 0 0 0 0 0 Notice to Bidders, Advertisements, Agreements ~ and other Contract Documents (by Owner). 5. Working with Attorney and City in their 3 8 0 0 0 review of the Specifications and other Contract Documents. 6. Revisions 0 8 3 0 8 SUBTOTAL SECTION K 51 152 63 0 134 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE I0 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN) ~ Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S L. Quantities and O~inion of Probable Cost to Construct for Three Contracts 1. Preparation. 4 40 30 0 4 2. Checking. 2 4 20 8 2 SUBTOTAL SECTION L 6 44 50 8 6 M. Permit Applications and/or Re~ulatory ) A~ency Clearances ~ 1. Dept. of Environmental Regulation 1 24 12 0 8 (construction permit) 2. Corps of Engineers (Dredge & Fill) 3 30 10 24 4 3. Dept. of Environmental Regulation 1 24 I0 16 4 (Dredge & Fill). 4. CSK Railway Crossing I 10 0 8 4 5. Seminole County DRC Review & Approval 2 16 8 0 2 6. Seminole County Wetlands Approval/Permit 1 16 8 0 4 7. Seminole County Dredge & Fill Permit I 24 10 O 2 8. Seminole County ROW Utilization Permit 3 12 0 0 4 9. Florida Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission 3 30 0 24 4 approval. I0. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Approval 3 18 0 0 4 11. FDOT ROW Utilization Permit I 18 8 8 4 SUBTOTAL SECTION M 20 222 66 80 44 ~200 N. Reproduction, Assembly, Review, Submission ~ and Miscellanesous Handlino (15 sets of plans and 15 sets of specs for each contract.) SUBTOTAL SECTION N 3 10 10 8 4 ~2100 CITY OF SANFORD - SITE 10 DEVELOPMENT (FINAL DESIGN} Time in Manhours Out of Pocket Item of Work Expenses Subcontracts P E T D S 0. Response to Comments from Reviewino A0encies, Be~ulatory A~encies, and Army Corps of Engineers Review. SUBTOTAL SECTION 0 10 32 16 8 8 $20 P. Presentation of Completed Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents to Pertinent Parties SUBTOTAL SECTION P 8 8 0 0 2 ~ Q. Preparation of Preliminary Plan of Operation and Basis of Design Summary SUBTOTAL SECTION Q 2 24 I0 0 6 R. Preparation of Ste~ 3 Grant A~lication and Submittal of FDER/EPA SUBTOTAL SECTION R 8 20 20 0 16 $20 S. Pro~ect Closeout Job summaries, indexing and organizing file ~ material and correspondence. Complete documentation. SUBTOTAL SECTION S 0 4 4 4 8 ) GRAND TOTAL ENTIRE PROJECT 323 1803 1177 1607 312 ~3,315 Salary Cost $73,522.28 Times 1,468 (Current D.P.E.) x 2,05 - 220,956.51 Out of Pocket Expenses ................ 3,315.00 Subconsulting Services ................ 184.400.25 PROJECT TOTAL ............... ~408,671.26 BASE ESTIMATE FOR SCOPE DESCRIBED S0602 POS .51