HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 24 ,, ! ~"" .......~ -- ,~'," ....... i a~ - ,.,..; ......................cS aavnvqoau .el. '"' ........f ................;'"'T'T"~ ~'T"';"'~';"". ...........'~"-" -" ..........":""""'~ .......~""""~.'-;'..-,~, .0... ~ i - i' - ~i -..,n N,v~.. :aNIqAIIAVUg.011 ~i ~. , (~) i ' i .LNVqd .LNIle.LVIU.I. Ha II! ~ :INI"I AIliAVI:I~) kg ' ' : CI- o ' :lOl:J NOIN =INV1 -, (~) ATTACHMENT 8 P = Principal E: Engineer CITY OF SANFORD T = Technician FINAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR FIRST D: Draftsman PHASE OF THE WESTERLY INTERCEPTOR SEWER S = Secretary Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 1. Prepare planning, scheduling, budgeting, 8 8 4 data gathering and negotiation of subcontracted services. 2. Obtain preliminary utility locations for 4 16 2 2 potential routes. 3. Contact FDOT and obtain preliminary input 2 4 1 regarding installation of main gravity line on SR 46 and feasibility of installing the line within paved areas and extent of restoration required. 4. Outline alternate routes and locations 1 8 16 4 1 for facilities so City can research public records for site ownership, rights-of~way, and existing or available easements. Engineer to then determine the additional land, rightsy of~way or easements needed. 5. Through approved subconsultant, obtain 8 2 $1,000.00 preliminary survey elevations along two proposed alternative routes for the main westerly gravity sewer line for use in evaluating and selecting final alignment. Also included will be elevations of the existing 24" gravity line along Fulton from Mangoustine to the treatment plant. Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 6. Evaluate use of existing 24" gravity line on Fulton Street. a~ Field check condition of existing 24" line. 2 4 b. Evaluate elevation data and condition of 1 8 8 2 1 existing line. c. Examine and evaluate video of the line and 16 12 consider use as is, repair or replacement and compare costs and life. d. Make recommendations to City regarding use, 1 2 1 repairs, or replacement. 7. Evaluate right~of~way/easement requirements a. Contact City, County, FDOT and obtain 16 4 2 50 preliminary right~of~way data on proposed routes. b. Preliminary evaluation of the need for right~ 4 12 16 4 of~way acquisition or obtaining easements based on City furnished record research. 8. Field evaluate the most effective route for 12 40 16 8 4 100 each proposed utility line (walk routes, evaluate obvious obstacles, evaluate existing development, required restoration, and access to utilities for future connections and maintenance). Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 9. Determine location for major lift station and the booster pump station. a. Visit sites and determine optimum location. 4 8 20 b. Provide recommended site location and size 4 4 2 1 to City for land acquisition based on City record research. lO. Review and refine the selected routes for each 4 8 2 utility and obtain agreement from the OWNER on the selected route. ll. K~pipe analysis of reclaimed water line to 1 8 8 establish design pressures for system without booster pump station initially and later with booster station. 12~ Determine the layout, type and design criteria 2 24 8 for the major lift station and coordinate with OWNER. FINAL ENGINEERING 1. Selection of surveyor. a. Through Subcontract, perform additional $63,250 surveys, aerial planimetric mapping, horizontal and vertical controls and existing road rightvof~ $ 3,000 Util. Digsups way as required to establish gravit sewer, forcemain, and reclaimed water pipe~ine routes and construction of two lift stations. IEasements and land acquisition survey and descriptions for lines and pump stations not included.) (City to fieldslocate utility dig ups / surveyor to perform actual work Y 5 days assumed for utility dig ups). b. Coordinate and evaluate work provided by 2 8 32 4 the selected surveyor. Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 6. Evaluate use of existing 24" gravity line on Fulton Street. a. Field check condition of existing 24" line. 2 4 b. Evaluate elevation data and condition of 1 8 8 2 1 existing line. c. Examine and evaluate video of the line and 16 12 consider use as is, repair or replacement and compare costs and life. d. Make recommendations to City regarding use, 1 2 1 repairs, or replacement. 7. Evaluate rightvof~way/easement requirements a. Contact City, County, FDOT and obtain 16 4 2 50 preliminary rightvof~way data on proposed routes. b. Preliminary evaluation of the need for right~ 4 12 16 4 ofyway acquisition or obtaining easements based on City furnished record research. 8. Field evaluate the most effective route for 12 40 16 8 4 lO0 each proposed utility line (walk routes, evaluate obvious obstacles, evaluate existing development, required restoration, and access to utilities for future connections and maintenance). Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 2. Through Subcontract with a geotechnical $5,000.00 consultant, provide soils investigations, borings, and other test work, evaluations, reports and recommendations as required for design of piper lines and lift station improvements. See attachment for subconsultant scope of services. a. Coordinate and evaluate work provided by 1 4 1 the selected geotechnical consultant. 3. Through Subcontract with electrical $12,500.00 subconsultant, provide electrical engineering design and specification services on the electrical facilities required for the Codisco lift station upgrade and the major new lift station near Bevier Road and SR 46. a. Coordinate and evaluate subconsultant work. 4 12 8 4 2 4. Prepare final engineering designs and calculations. a. Review and refine population and flow 4 30 16 2 estimates for the design period for the various lines, lift stations and facilities and evaluate initial operating conditions under existing low flow conditions and modifications necessary to satisfy both cases and discuss with City staff. b. Evaluate slope and sizing alternatives of 4 24 all gravity lines and ensure design capacity meets requirements of Westerly Interceptor Study. c. Evaluate size, velocity, and capacity of all 2 24 force mains and lift station combinations to ensure design capacity meets require- W merits of esterly Interceptor Study in economical way. Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S d. Establish design criteria for the major 8 60 8 2 lift station. Select type of pumps with City staff and size and select pumps and motors. Size wet well and depth of station. e. Structural calculations for major lift 8 20 station. f. Evaluate K~pipe data for future booster pump 1 8 16 station and complete design calculations and consider initial use of pressure reducing valve. g. Establish design criteria for the Codisco 4 30 lift station. Size and select pumps and motors. Size wet well and determine need for replacement or additional wet well capacity. h. Design details including: Valving type and 2 8 16 location; air release; pressure reducing valve; fittings for future expansion; flushing, chlorinating lines; manhole type, size and spacing; and restraint. i. Special details including: bore and jack 4 24 32 at CSX railroad; bore and jack crossings at SR 46; and creek crossings. 5. Preliminary and final Coordination of final 4 8 1 designs with City to ensure that designs and equipment to be considered and as selected are in accordance with operational needs and City preferences. 6. Preparation for and meetings with owner and 16 24 8 regulatory agencies to discuss project concerns and permitting requirements v 4 meetings maximum included for purposes of fee estimation. Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 7. Drafting, supervision and office check of 5 separate sets of construction drawings divided into the following construction contracts. CONTRACT l: a. Cover sheet, notes and details lestimate 4 16 12 38 12 4 sheets). b. Gravity line from Ful ton to Treatment Plant. 3 24 24 48 ( Estimated 1500 L.F; of single plan and profile sheets at a scale l" = 20'. Estimate 3 sheets. c. Gravity line from Riverview Avenue to Fulton 8 64 64 128 profile sheets at a scale of l" = 20'. Estimated 8 sheets (reclaimed water line to be detailed along with gravity line on the same plan and profile sheets). CONTRACT 2: a. Cover sheet, notes and details. Estimated 4 12 12 32 8 4 sheets. b. Major lift station near Bevier Road and 5 40 40 80 SR 46 - estimated 5 sheets~ c. Force main to new gravity line on SR 46 with 5 40 40 80 parallel reclaimed water line. Estimated 2500 LF of single plan and profile to show both lines at scale l" = 20'~ Estimated 5 sheets. CONTRACT 3: a. Cover sheet, notes and details. Estimated 4 4 12 12 32 8 sheets Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S b. Gravity line from SR 46 to Jewett Lane on 5 40 40 80 Bevier Road. Estimated 2500 LF of single plan and profile at scale l" = 20'. Estimated 5 sheets. CONTRACT 4: a. Cover sheet, notes and details. Estimated 4 12 12 32 8 4 sheets. b. Upgrade Codisco lift station. Estimated 2 2 16 16 32 sheets. c. Force main from Codisco lift station to Bevier 4 32 32 64 Road. Estimated 4700 LF of double plan and profile sheets at scale of l" = 20'. Estimated 4 sheets. CONTRACT 5: a. Cover sheet, notes and details. Estimated 4 14 12 12 32 8 sheets including possible use of a pressure reducing valve. b. Westerly section of reclaimed water line. 18 144 144 288 Estimated 20,000 LF of double plan and profile sheets at scale l" = 20'. Estimated 18 sheets. Total of Contracts 1-5: Estimated 69 sheets 8. Final field check of plans. Make changes to 4 40 40 150 drawings as appropriate. Provide any additional general easements or rights-of-way, or land required, but no boundary surveys nor descriptions. Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 9t Contract Documents and Bidding Documents at Contract 1 3 32 16 lO b. Contract 2 3 50 20 8 c. Contract 3 3 24 8 6 d. Contract 4 3 40 16 6 e. Contract 5 3 16 4 6 f. Typing, proofing and revision of Contract 120 and Bidding Documents. 10. Independent review by engineer's quality control staff. a. Start of design 8 8 4 b. 50% design review 8 8 4 c. 90% design review 8 8 4 ll. Permit applications (Only Contract 1 included for permitting under this Amendment). a. DER Construction Permit & Dredge & Fill 1 8 16 4 4 b. DOT ~ Right~of~way permit 1 8 16 4 c. Seminole County ROW Utilization permit 1 4 8 4 d. Seminole County Dredge and Fill Permit 1 8 8 4 4 e. CSX Railroad Crossing permit 1 8 16 4 4 12. Quantities and cost estimate (5 construction contracts): at Quantity and Costs 20 60 40 b. Checking 2 12 8 4 ct Typing 4 13. Reproduction, assembly, submission and 6 24 40 40 50 9,000 miscellaneous handling of drawings and Contract Documents 115 sets for approvals) Time in Manhours Expenses Item of Work P E T D S 14. Following up on regulatory reviews and making 4 32 16 24 4 response to comments from regulatory agencies. 15. Step 2 Documentation to FDER ~ Plans, Contract 2 8 16 Documents, Preliminary Plan of Operation, Project Performance Proposal. 16. Preparation of an Application for State 2 8 2 Revolving Loan. 17. Making reasonable changes to drawings and 8 24 16 40 8 Contract Documents. TOTAL PROJECT HOURS AND ESTIMATED EXPENSE 256 1290 1044 1305 349 $93,920.00 LABOR: Total Hours 4,244 Payroll Cost $87,604.78 X Multiplier 2.05 $179,589~79 $179,589.79 EXPENSES: Subconsultants $ 84,750.00 Out~of~Pocket Exp. '9,170.00 $ 93,920.00 $ 93,920.00 TOTAL PROJECT LABOR & EXPENSE $273,509.79 Say $273,500.00 Ardaman & Associates, Inc. May 2, 1989 Consultants in SoUs. Hydrogeology Proposal Pile No. 89-61-63 Foundations and Materiais Testing Conkiin, Porter and Holmes E~gineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 San ford, Florida 32772-1976 Attention: Mr. David Gierach, P.E. Subject: Budget Estimate for Subsurface Soil Exploration City of Sanford Westerly Interceptor Dear Mr. Gierach: As you requested, we are pleased to present the following budget estimate for conducting a subsurface soil exploration for your Westerly Interceptor Project. Based on a preliminary site plan which you have supplied, the proposed gravity lines (18", 24" and 30") and force main (12" and 14") are approximately 16,000 feet long. You indicated cover for the force main was approximately 3 feet, and 10 to 15 feet for the gravity lines. In addition, the project includes a lift station 20 feet in depth. The scope of our work will include determining if the bearing capacity and other soil characteristics are suitable to construct the proposed lift station and to provide pipeline compaction recommendations. The budget estimate to provide a soils report for the aforementioned project is approximately $5,000.00. Coordination of boring locations with utility companies will be necessary and has been included in the above estimate. Soil borings for the reclaimed water lines were not been included in our cost as you requested. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this budget estimate and look forward to working with you on this project. We would be pleased to provide a more detailed cost breakdown when the project further developes. Very truly yours, ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~.E."' Thomas W. Nichols, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Vice President TWN/SWD/dgm "' or P.O. ~o~ ~ 77~--a~772- ~ 77~ Telephone (407) 322-3161 JULY 26, 1988 Conklin, Porter, & Holmes Engineers, Inc. Post Office Box 1976 Sanford, Florida 32771 Attn: Paul Porter, P.E,, Vice President Subject: Amendment No. 24 - Phase I Westerly Sewer Interceptor Planning Dear Paul: On July 25, 1988 City Commission approved the execution of Amendment No. 24. Attached please one (1 fully executed copy. It is requested that you proceed with this planning work as soon as possible. Very truly yours, CITY OF SANFORD · William-A. Simmons, P.E. Director of Engineering and Planning WAS:yea xc: Utility Director Finance Director "The Friendly City" AMENDMENT 24 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7~ 1983 FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. FOR PLANNING FOR THE FIRST PHASE OF THE WESTERLY INTERCEPTOR SEWER FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD This Amendment, dated this 29th day of June, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Eight and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the OWNER, and CONKLIN, PORTER a HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is ~utually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 71 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. I. GENERAL The City of Sanford has requested a proposal to perform a preliminary planning analysis of a westerly interceptor sewer, which would extend westward from the wastewater treatment plant to the general vicinity of the planned Smith Canal northerly extension. II. SERVICES HEREIN TO BE PROVIDED The engineering services to be provided under this Amendment are covered in our Agreement with the City for Consulting Services, dated December 7, 1983, under "Additional Services of the Engineer"~ Section 3.1.2, and are described as follows: A. Review with the City the boundaries of the planning area to the west. Develop and refine a study base map. B. Divide the study area into topographical major drainage areas showing basic drainage divides, streams, ditches, ponds and outlets; further subdivide the major areas into smaller sub-drainage basins or areas. C. Review aerials, flood plain maps, soils and vegetative maps, and determine areas that are not likely to be suitable for development. Cursory field inspections to verify conditions. Place areas on the base map. D. Review the City's latest population and land use projections for the planning area. Follow up with other agencies, developers, and industries on additional data needed. Obtain their plans for future growth, if available. Project 10 and 20 year growth using available sources and information from A, B, and C above. Analyze maximum build-out utilizing current land use density projections as the long-range planning requirement.. Distribute projections to topographical areas. E. Examine existing conveyances and the capacities of those pipelines. Evaluate existing flow rates and estimate reserve capacity available, consult with City staff to determine age, type of materials, condition, useful life, O & M benefits and liabilities, and desirability for expansion of existing facilities. F. Project wastewater flows from various subdivisions of the westerly planning area. Develop estimates of wastewater flows on average and peak bases for the subdivided areas of the planning area. G. Sketch alternative locations for the westerly interceptor line, i.e. whether it should be along the Narcissus Road right-of-way, or along S.R. 46. Establish points of sewage flow entry to estimate line sizes for planning purposes. Local sewer service will not be planned. identify advantages and disadvantages of the two alternative locations for the westerly interceptor. I. Identify locations and costs of area lift stations to pump to. the higher elevation alternative if the interceptor were to be located along S.R. 46. J. Identify planning type probable costs of the alternative westerly interceptor locations and types, i.e. whether they would be gravity sewers or force mains. K. Consider and evaluate implementation requirements, including right-of-way acquisition, permitting, funding, jurisdictional matters, etc. Select a recommended plan along with Owner and consider phased implementation of the long range plan. L. Consider and evaluate construction of the reclaimed water line within the same trench as the selected alternative. Estimate the line size of the reclaimed water system and estimate the installation date after discussion with City staff. M. Prepare a preliminary report in draft form with text, maps, and estimates summarizing the Study, its results, and recommendations, and submit to the City. N. Make revisions and refinements to report after Owner's review, and furnish 15 copies to Owner. O. Present summary of report to City Commission at work session and discuss and answer questions. AUTHORIZATION OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER It is the intent of this Agreement that upon execution of the same, all services herein are authorized to be performed. For the performance of the Scope of Work described herein, payment to the ENGINEER by the Owner shall be on the basis of cost times a multiplier, in accordance with Section 5 entitled "METHOD OF PAYMENT TO THE ENGINEER" of the Agreement dated Lecember 7, 1983, except that the current fringe benefit factor is 1.4487. The payroll cost multiplier shall be 2.10. The estimated not-to-exceed fee for the work herein authorized is $20,400.00, including those services listed in the attached Plan of Study. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 1parties have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. Paul E. Porter, P.E., Vice-President CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Bettye ~.~Smi~h, Mayor ATTEST: ~ Date: ~~~ S0602 AMEND 24 PLAN OF STUDY PLANNING FOR FIRST PHASE OF THE WESTERLY INTERCEPTOR Item of Work Time in Manhours Estimated Expense Cost P E T D S A. GENERAL ) l. Define planning area boundaries. 2 8 16 8 2 $1SO 2. Subdivide planning areas. 1 8 16 4 3. Review aerial photos of planning area. 1 8 16 8 4. Analyze existing population and number of customers. 2 16 16 5. Review and evaluate existing facilities in planning area. 1 12 8 6. Project future flows in ) planning area. I 8 8 PLAN OF STUDY PLANNING FOR FIRST PHASE OF THE WESTERLY INTERCEPTOR Item of Work Time in Manhours Estimated Expense Cost P E T D S B. ALTERNATIVES l. Sketch alternatives. 2 6 8 24 ) 2. Determine advantages and disadvantages of alternatives. 4 16 8 3. Determine and evaluate area lift stations. I 16 8 C. IDENTIFICATION OF COSTS Rough planning-type costs associated with various alternatives. 4 16 8 D. EVALUATE IMPLEMENTATION 2 8 8 E. EVALUATE POSSIBLE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM Coordination 2 8 8 PLAN OF STUDY PLANNING FOR'FIRST PHASE OF THE WESTERLY INTERCEPTOR Item of Work Time in Manhours Estimated Expense Cost P E T D S F. DRAFT PRELIMINARY REPORT 8 24 16 4 24 $1SO G. INCOR.ORATE REVISIONS 2 6 4 4 , i,~O H. PRESENTATION TO THE CITY __4 __4 4 __2 ~150 TOTAL: 37 164 152 52 36 $600 AMEND 24