HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 23 AMENDMENT 23 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7, 1983 FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. FOR REPORT TO FO~M THE BASIS OF AN UPDATE TO THE CITY OF SANFORD'S WATER AND SEWER IMPACT FEES This Amendment, dated this day of , in the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Eight and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the OWNER, and CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 7, 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. I. GENERAL The City of Sanford is in need of an update to its Impact Fee Study and Report, which were completed nearly two years ago. Significant changes to the proposed wastewater disposal system have occurred, resulting in the need to reevaluate the initial impact fee study. The City has requested that this update take into account these modifications to the wastewater program as it is currently being developed, including the reclaimed water system. We further understand that some roadways are to be widened or modified and that existing utilities may have to be relocated, and consideration is also to be given to those relocation costs being incorporated into the impact fee structure. In general, the previous report format, organization and timeframe will be retained, and modifications will only be made as new and more accurate information is available to replace or supplement previous projections. II. SERVICES HEREIN TO BE PROVIDED The engineering services to be provided under this Amendment are covered in our Agreement with the City for Consulting Services, dated December 7, 1983, under "Additional Services of the Engineer", Section 3.1.2, and are described as follows: 1. We will examine the City's latest estimates of growth and land use to establish a reasonable annual rate of growth of the system in Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs). 2. We will summarize the needed system improvements from the 201 Planning Amendments (i.e. wastewater system improvements), and the Master Water Plan. Through discussions with City staff, we will refine the list system improvements and incorporate the list into the Impact Fee Report. Improvements will include wastewater treatment plant improvements, lift station improvements, major intercept6r sewers, major water facilities, and reclaimed water facilities. We will also include the costs for facilities which are projected to be relocated due to oweh' impacted roadway Widenings. 3. We will analyze the projected improvements and make a determination of the costs and allocate various portions of the cost either to growth or to system upgrades. Cost allocations to growth will be utilized to determine a proposed impact fee. Separate impact fees will be discussed and developed for the water and wastewater systems. The components contained within the wastewater system are the wastewater plant, lift stations, interceptor sewers, and the reclaimed water system. Water main costs associated with roadway widening will be included with major water facilities, and sewer line/forcemain costs will be included with the wastewater system. Actual bid prices will be available with this study period for some of the wastewater treaZment plant improvements and for the reclaimed water distribution loop. That price information will be incorporated into the new fee struc=ure as appropriate. We will prepare an exhibit to show the wastewater collection system improvements, the water main improvements, and the reclaimed water system improvements. 5. We will analyze various methods of paying for the projected improvements. Methods would include funding from bond issue construction funds, or the utility trust fund, or system revenues. 6. We will project the improvements in a 5-year capital improvements plan and make a determination of the amount of dollars needed for growth per year for those programs. We' will compute dollars per year per equivalent residential connection as a basis for the City's new impact fee. 7. We will prepare a report for initial review by City staff, discuss with the City staff and incorporate any improvements, recommendations and refinements, and submit the final report for approval. AUTHORIZATION OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS TO THE ~GINEER It is the intent of this Agreement that upon execution of the same, all services herein are authorized to be performed. For the performance of the Scope of Work described herein, payment to the ENGINEER by the Owner shall be on the basis of cost times a multiplier, in accordance with Section 5 entitled "METHOD OF PAYMENT TO THE ENGINEER" of the Agreement dated December 7, 1983, except that the current fringe benefit factor is 1.4487. The payroll cost multiplier shall he 2.10. The estimated not-to-exceed fee for the work herein authorized is $18,800.00, including those services listed in the attached Plan of Study. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. Paul E. Porter, P.E., Vice-President ATTEST': Date: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Smith, Mayor ATTE ST: Date~/_,~ ~'9, I~ (F2 S0602 AME.~FD 23 AMENDMENT 23 PLAN OF STUDY Mat'ls & Item P E T D S Expenses 1. Examine growth and land use a. Review and evaluate updated population data 1 2 2 b. Review and evaluate updated land use data 1 2 4 c. Establish ERC growth 1 4 2 2. Summarize Improvements a. Summarize and refine list of capital improvements from the 201 Planning Documents (Wastewater) 2 6 8 b. Update, summarize & refine improvements from the Master Water Plan 1 2 4 c. Evaluate utility relocations due to roadway improvements 2 6 16 3. Analyze improvement costs a. Update costs based on current information and #2 above 1 6 8 AMENDMENT 23 PLAN OF STUDY Matls.& Item P E T D S Expenses b. Prepare cost estimates for relocations due to roadway improvements and allocate to water and/or wastewater 2 4 12 c. Allocate costs as described in the previous report to growth-related improvements vs. upgrading 2 6 4 4. Prepare exhibits to show the various improvements a. Wastewater System 2 6 S b. Water System 2 6 8 c. Reclaimed Water System 2 6 8 d. Relocations due to Roadway Improvements 2 6 8 5. Analyze the impact of various methods for project payment, e.g. bond issue, utility trust fund, or system revenues 4 16 4 6. Restate the 5-year capital improvements program and compute the cost per ERC 4 16 4 AMENDMENT 23 PLAN OF STUDY Matls.& Item P E T D S Expenses 7. Report a. Preparation, writing, typing 4 24 4 16 $ 500 b. Submission to City Staff & meeting to discuss 4 4 c. Refinements/Improvements based on staff input 2 4 4 6 d. Submit to staff for presentation to Commission 2 4 4 e. Attendance at Commission Mtg. or work session to assist staff 4 4 f. Refinements/Improvements based on Commission input 2 4 4 g. Prepare final report 4 8 h. Miscellaneous coordination and liaison with Owner 8 16 4 TOTALS: 51 146 112 32 26 $ 500