HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES ENGINEERS, INC. resident Date= CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ATTEST: S0602 A~END 22 EXHIBIT A EPA SPECIAL CONDITIONS EXHIBIT B PLAN OF STUDY CITY OF SANFORD MASTER HASTEMATER PUHP STATION DETAILED NORK PLAN - STEP 2 DESIGN ENGINEERING Time in Nanhours Travel and Equip., Mats. Item of Work ~ ~ Z D S Per Diee Supplies Subcontracts A. General I. Scheduling, planning, budgeting and orJentation 2 4 2 50.00 of personnel. 2. Gather basic data--maps, plans, files, 2 4 6 8 50.00 operational records, data on existing roadways and utilities (storm sewers, gas, telephone, water, sewer, rights-of-way, road paving, electrical power, facilities including contemplated plans). 3. Coordination, liatson, and confnunication with 6 8 6 100.00 Owner on standards, progress, design, plans and specifications, etc. (2 meetings estimated and included in maximum fee including preparation and follow-up). 4. CoOrdinatiOn, 1tatson, and cormunJcat~on w~th 6 6 4 regulatory agencies (1 meeting estimated and included in mximum fee including preparation, meeting and follow-up). Niscellaneous telephone conversations. 5. Develop general proposed pump station and 4 8 8 2 sewage screening layouts, design alternatives, sketches for meetings with Owner to ellminate alternatives not worthy of more detailed consideration and select type of station. Page 1 of 9 Time in Henhours Travel and Equip., Hats. Item of Work Continued ......... P E Z O S Per Diem Supplies Subcoptracts 6. Instruction, coordination, and supervision of 6 24 2 20.00 f soils, surveys and electrical pro esstonal subconsultants. SUBTOTAL SECTION A 20 54 20 24 20.00 200.00 B. Soils 1. Gather, summarize and transmit location 1 2 2 2 maps, site plans, etc. to soils firms for foundation and geotechnical work. 2. Soils subconsultant sehction and contractual 1 2 arrangements. . .... 3~000 SUBTOTAL SECTION B 2 4 2 2 3,000 C. Surveys 1. Determine additional surveying information 1 2 2 1 required and prepare scope definition. 2. Surveyor selection an contractual arrangements. 1 l ... 1,0DO St~TOTAL SECTION C 1 3 2 2 1,000 Page 2 of 9 Time tn Hanhours Travel and Equip. Hats. item of Nork Continued ......... ~ E T ~ ~ Per Dice Supplies Subcontracts D. Electrical (See elsewhere in POS for Scope and Fee for this item of work) 1. Subconsultant scope definition and contractual ~ 3 2 ~ arrangements SUBTOTAL SECTION D I 3 2 2 E. Naterfals and Equipment Selection 1. Rough preliminary design selected alternative 4 12 8 2 equipment to facilitate ftnal design. 2, Prices from manufacturer and suppliers and cost 2 12 8 2 25.00 comparisons of alternathe equipment, (telephone) 3, Evaluate alternative equipment selections: a. Evaluate 1 end 2 above--checking out 2 6 6 2 25.00 data furnished by others and investigating. (telephone) b. Inspection of existing installations in 4 8 150.00 local area which utilize systems under evaluation. c, Consult with Owner, his operators, and 2 4 4 2 25,00 other users of materials and equipment SUBTOTAL SECTION E 14 42 26 8 225.00 Page 3 of 9 Time in Nanhours Travel and Equip., Mats. Item of Work Continued ......... ~ E T ~ ~ Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts F. Perform F~nal Design (Sizing: final equipment and materials selection; housing, putting the total design together, implementation details. preparation of design sketches, checking.) 1. Naster Pump Starton a. Review and sketch selected alternative, 2 12 12 relationship to other units and hydraulic calculations. b. Design considerations such as pumping rates 4 20 16 cycling types of control systems, screens, ~lexibtllty, reliability, and standby units, c. Consult with manufacturers and suppliers 2 16 12 2 20.00 for pump and screening selections, design support and housing requirements, electrical/ mechanical requirements, miscellaneous detaits, etc. d. Structural calculations and checking. 2 32 e. Check design against previous designs and 2 4 4 10.00 with manufacturers. f. Prepare design sketches for drafting. 8 8 2. Plant piping, stte layout and miscellaneous detafls: a. Perform hydraulic calculations, draft 2 4 8 hydraulic profile, review piping flexibility, bypass provisions, drain and dewatering of structures, etc. Page 4 of g e Time in )tanhours Travel and Equip., Mats. Its of Work Continued ......... ~ ~ I ~ ~ Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts b. Special pipin and screening details 2 6 8 materlals, such as corrosion protection, configurations, locations, t3,pes of valves, washdown system, flexibility in operation, future capability for expansion, main- rainability. c. Site drainage and grading: grading plans, 2 8 8 special site preparation requirements, etc. d. Miscellaneous design and details as re uired 2 10 10 such as fencing, stairs, sidewalks, la~ders, irrigation system additions, landscaping, etc. e. ExcaVation, shoring, dewatertng, site and 6 8 soil preparation end disposal, backfill and compactton requirements. f. Check design and details against previous 2 6 ! designs. g. Prepare design sketches for drafting 2 10 10 3. Electrical a. Dual Feed - Class 1 Reliability - Electrical 21,000 - Studies and coordination with power company and others. Fee inciudes drafts of specs, etc. b. Motor control system layout, site li hting plan, distribution system, electrical calculations. Page S of 9 TIme in Hanhours Travel and Equip., Mats. Item of Work Continued ......... E E T ~ S Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts c.Consultation with equipment manufacturers on details, control systems, etc. d. Electrical details, local control panels, remote controls for new pump station and .. associated instrumentation. e. Modification of existing plant process instrumentation and control system to monitor plant processes with existing computer system. f. Check designs g.Prepare design sketches for drafting (Estimated 4 sheets) SUBTOTAL SECTION F 24 142 104 2 30.00 21,000 G. Drawing Preparation 1. Organization of drawings and layout of individual 2 6 I0 8 I00,00 sheets. 2. Drafting of designs on plans. a. 13 sheets estimated, plus 4 electrical 40 220 100,00 sheets by subconsultant b. Supervision of desi~n/drafting. 16 50 Office checking of Individual draw ngs. 4 24 37 200,00 c. d. Changes to drawings. 8 16 48 Page 6 of 9 Time in Nanhours TraveT and EQuip., Hats. item of Work Continued ......... P E T D S Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts 3.Office review (total set of Drawings and Contract Documents): a. Review 8 20 100.00 b. Changes. 2 16 24 32 4. Field checking of Drawings & Documents. 8 16 SUBTOTAL SECTION G 16 98 193 308 500.00 H.Specifications and Contract Documents Preparation and Checking 1. Writing. 12 48 20 2. Typing. 60 3. Internal Review. 4 4. Review by City Attorney of proposal forms, Notice to Bidders, Advertisements, Agreements and other Contract Documents (by Owner). 5.Working with Attorney and City in their review of 2 4 the Specifications and other Contract Documents. 6. Revisions. B 4 16 $60.00 SUBTOTAL SECTION H 18 78 24 76 60.00 ,. e.t.to. of Pro,a,,. Cost 1. Preparation. 32 40 8 Page 7 of 9 Time in Manhours Travel and Equip., Hats. Item of Work Continued ......... ~ ~ T D S Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts 2. Checking. 2 12 SUBTOTAL SECTION I 2 44 40 8 J. Permit Applications and/or RegulatoryAgency Clearances. * It is estimated that a SJRWMD permit will not be required. a. Dept. of Environmental Regulation I 16 4 200.00 (construction permit) ed Fill) I 24 4 100.00 b. Corps of Engineers (Dr ge & c. Oept. of EnvironmentaT Regulation ) 24 4 I00.00 (Dredge & Fill} SUBTOTAL SECTION J 3 64 12 400.00 Reproduction. Assembly, Review, Submission 4 16 16 16 32 $750.00 and NlSC. Handling. (15 sets of plans and 15 sets of specs) SUBTOTAL SECT|ON K 4 16 16 16 32 750.00 L. Response to Comnts from Re ulatory Agencies 4 16 16 24 150.00 and Army Corps of Engineers Review. SUBTOTAL SECTION L 4 16 16 2q 150.00 Page 8 of 9 Time in Manhours Travel and Equip., Mats. Item of Work Continued ......... ~ ~ T O ~ Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts M. Presentation of Completed Plans, Specifications, 4 4 50.00 and Contract Documents to Pertinent Parties SUBTOTAL SECTION M 4 4 50.00 N. Preparation of Preliminary Plan of Operation 4 24 12 SO. O0 and ~asls ot Ueslgn Summary SUBTOTAL SECT[ON N 4 24 12 ~0.00 O. Preparation of Ste 3 Grant Application and G 32 1G 100.00 Submttat to FUER~PA. SUBTOTAL SECTION 0 6 32 16 100.00 P. Project Closeout Job Summaries, indexin and or anizing file 4 4 4 8 mtertal and correspon~ nce. ~omplete e documentation. SUBTOTAL SECTION P 4 4 4 8 ( GRAND TOTAL ENTIRE PROJECT 123 628 449 328 228 $ 325 $ 2,210 $ 25,000 50602/POS 22/ccf:alv Page 9 of 9