HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 07, 07A TEL305322-6841 TEL305831-5717 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 7-A to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. OWNER: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AT~TES~T~ ~ BY:Frank A. Faison City Mgr. & SEAL: By authority of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida granted for the OWNER on the date of: ENGINEER: CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES- ENGRS., INC.: By: ATTEST & SEAL: TEL305322-6841 TEL 305 831-5717 10/9/85 Mr. Frank Faison City of Sanford Page 2 As always, we look forward to working with you and the City staff on this important project. Sincerely, CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. Robert M. Deverall, P. E. Vice-President RMD:pat Attachments (as stated) xc: Bill Simmons, P. E., City Engineer Paul Moore, Director of Utilities The specific services to be provided are as follows: 1.1 Bidding or Negotiation Phase The OWNER will provide the ENGINEER with a written authorization to proceed. After written authorization to proceed with the bidding phase, the ENGINEER will provide the following services: 1.1.1 Prepare advertisement for bid for placement in appropriate publications by OWNER. 1.1.2 Distribute and keep records of the distribution of Documents to bidders and suppliers. 1.1.3 Issue addenda to the Documents as required. 1.1.4 Conduct a pre-bid conference prior to the bid opening. 1.1.5 Answer Questions of bidders and suppliers. No interpretations of the Documents shall be made other than through issuance of Addenda to the Documents. 1.1.6 Attend the bid opening and OWNER's meetings at which bids are opened and contracts awarded. 1.1.7 Evaluate the bids and assist the OWNER in his selection of the construction Contractor. 1.1.8 Assist in the preparation of necessary documentation for evaluation of Contractor's bidding information and other data required for submission to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency or Florida Department of Environmental Regulation to allow award of the Contract and issuance of Notice to Proceed. 1.1.9 Consult with the OWNER and participate in all decisions as to the acceptability of subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed by the general Contractor for those portions of the work for which subcontractor approval is required by the Documents. 1.1.10 Prepare and review contracts, bonds, insurance certificates, construction schedules and other portions of the contracts in order to assist the OWNER in his determination as to whether to issue a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor. 1.6 Project Performance Certification Under this phase of the work, the ENGINEER will: 1.6.1 Certify in writing to the OWNER and FDER, one year after project completion, that based upon the data available, the project meets the performance and operational requirements applicable to the project and the requirements and specifications to which the project was planned, designed and built to meet. 6.1.5 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. 6.1.6 Obtain approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. 6.1.7 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, addenda, change orders, estimates, specifications, drawings, proposals and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and shall render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER or the Contractor. 6.1.8 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide, at the OWNER's expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section II of this Agreement, or other services as required. 6.1.9 Furnish at the Owner's expense the necessary construction related Quality control testing. SECTION VIII IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year hereinabove set forth. OWNER: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AT~ SEAL ~ ~ authoriV oftheCi~ Co~ission of the Ci~ of Sanford, Florida granted for the OWNER on the date of: ENGINEER: CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES- ENGINEERS, INC. ~,TT~S'F - & -' SE L EXHIBIT A EPA SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS EXHIBIT B Plan of Study ESTIMATE OF COSTS Bidding Services $12,659.17 Construction Administration 110,877.74 Resident Project Services 115,220.41 0 & M Manual and Plan of Study 24,874.34 Start Up Phase Services & Performance Certification 18,717.60 Electrical Engineering 27,600.00 $309,949.26 Bidding Services Hours Rate Total P = Principal 12 X 23.18 278.16 E = Engineer 84 X 19.45 1,633.80 T = Technician 76 X 14.30 1,086.80 D = Draftsman O X 7.15 .00 S = Secretary 66 X 8.58 566.28 Direct Labor 3,565.04 Fringe Benefits 1,394.29 {39.11%) General & Admin. 3,748.64 {105.15%) Travel & per Diem .00 Equip., Mats. & 2,300.00 Supplies Total "Cost" 11,007.97 Fixed Fee (15%) 1,651.20 Total $12,659.17 Construction Administration Hours Rate Total P: Principal 66 X 23.18 $1,529.88 E = Engineer 776 X 19.45 15,093.20 T = Technician 1156 X 14.30 16,530.80 D = Draftsman 120 X 7.]5 858.00 S = Secretary 588 X 8.58 5,045.04 Direct Labor 39,056.92 Fringe Benefits 15,275.16 (39.11%) General & Admin. 41,068.35 (105.15%) Travel & per Diem 15.00 Eeuip., Mats. & Supplies 1,O00.O0 Total "Cost" 96,415.43 Fixed Fee (15%) 14,462.31 Total $110,877.74 Resident Project Services Hours Rate Total P = Principal 40 X 23.18 927.20 E: Engineer 304 X 19.45 5,912.80 T = Technician 2122 X 14.30 30,344.60 D = Draftsman 76 X 7.15 543.40 S = Secretary 300 X 8.58 2,574.00 Direct Labor $40,302.00 Fringe Benefits 15,762.11 139.11%) General & Admin. 42,377.55 (105.15%) Travel & per Diem 250.00 EQuip., Mats. & 1,500.00 Supplies Total "Cost" lO0,191.66 Fixed Fee (15%) 15,028.75 Total $115,220.41 0 & M Manual and Plan of Operation Hours Rate Total P = Principal 32 X 23.18 741.76 E = Engineer 240 X 19.45 4,668.00 T = Technician 96 X 14.30 1,372.80 D = Draftsman 84 X 7.15 600.60 S = Secretary lO0 X 8.58 858.00 Direct Labor 8,241.16 Fringe Benefits 3,223.12 (39.11%) General & Admin. 8,665.58 (105.15%) Travel & per Diem .00 Eauip., Mats. & 1,500.00 Supplies Total "Cost" 21,629.86 Fixed Fee (15%) 3,244.48 Total $24,874.34 Start Up Phase Services Hours Rate Total P = Principal 22 X 23.18 509.96 E = Engineer 244 X 19.45 4,745.80 T = Technician 20 X 14.30 286.00 D = Draftsman 16 X 7.15 114.40 S = Secretary 84 X 8.58 720.72 Direct Labor 6,376.88 Fringe Benefits 2,494.00 (39.11%) General & Admin. 6,705.29 (105.15%) Travel & per Diem .00 Equip., Mats. & 700.00 Supplies Total "Cost" $16,276.17 Fixed Fee (15%) 2,441.43 Total $18,717.60 Electrical Engineering Subcontract $24,000.00 Fixed Fee 3,600.00 Total $27,600.00 DETAILED WORK PLAN - CONS/NUCTION ADMINISTRATION Time in Man hours [quip., Mots, Item of ~ork P E T D S Travel & Per Diem _ S~?2LicL Subcontrdcts Biddinq Services: I. Advertisement for bids, contact- ~ 16 10 ) ing interested parties, etc. 2. Reproduction of Plans, Contract 10 20 $2,200,00 Documents, and Iechnical Speci- fications for Bidders. 3. Bid openinq, bid evaluation and 4 12 20 10 recc~mlendations concerning bid award. 4. Coordination with EPA, bid 4 24 10 |0 S 100.00 award, issuanace Of Notice to Proceed. 5. Miscellaneous clarificatibns 4 40 20 16 during bidding, addenda, etc. SUB-TOTAL BIDDING SERVICES 12 84 76 0 66 S2,300.00 DEIAILED WORK PLAN - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRAIION Item of ,ork P [ T a S Travel & Per Diem ._Su~JL~:e~_ Su~contracts 1. A~tenoance ana preparation for 4 16 16 8 $5.00 2. Monthly progress reports. 8 100 180 80 $300.00 3. Processing ofpay estimates. 8 100 220 80 $100.00 4. Review of sulm,,i[[als, etc. 8 300 400 80 $300.00 5. Processing of change oroers. 8 80 120 120 100 $100.00 6. hnal acceptance, project closeout. 30 180 220 240 510.00 $200.00 SuB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTIOR ADMIN. 66 776 1156 120 588 $15.00 DETAILED WORK PLAN - CONSTRUCTION AUMINISIRAIION ~h~le in Manhours Equip., Mats., Item of Work P E T D S Travel & Per Diem __Supplies Subcontracts Resident Project Services: 1. O~-site Resident Project Services 40 288 1,920 300 $200.00 $1,500.00 end supervision of Project 2. Fine] inspection, punch lists, etc. 16 202 76 $ 50.00 SUB-TOTAL RESIDENT PROJECT SER. 40 304 2,1~2 76 300 $250.00 $1,500.00 0 & M Manual and Plan oy_~eration: I. Preparation of 0 & M Manual. 24 200 68 80 80 $1,500.00 2. Preparation of Plan of Operation, 8 40 28 4 20 SUB-TOTAt 0 & M ,~NUAL AND PLAN OF OPERATION 32 240 96 84 100 51,500.00 DEFA|LED WORK PLAN - CONSIRUCIION ADMINISIRAIION Equip,, Mats., Thne in Manhours )j~J~ es Subcontracts p E T O S Travel & Per Diem Startrup Phase Services and performance Certification: S50.00 ~ S 5.00 1. Pre and post start-up personnel 4 4n training. 50.00 2. Fine tuninq to optimize process ~ 80 2n 8 5.00 and control. 5.00 3. Laboratory procedures. 4 H 8 25,00 4 12.50 4. taintenance manaqement system, 2 0 25.00 4 12,50 5. Records management system. 2 8 509.00 6. Revise 0 & M Manual after one 2 6~ 16 32 year of operation. 7. Engineer's performlance Certifica- 4 40 20 tion after one year of operation. S70O.O0 SUB-IOTAL STARI-UP PHASE AND 22 24a 20 16 84 $40.00 pERFOR;lANCE CERIIFICATION. DETAILED WORK PLAN - CONSTRUCIION ADMINISiRAIION SLUDGE [IANDLING FACILITY - CITY OF SANFORD Thne in Manhours Equip., Mats., Jtel Of WOrk ~ P [ T D S Travel & Per Diem SuHlies Subcontracts Flectrical Rngineerj. nq l.quScontract for E:]ectrical $24,000 ) Engineering SUB-TOTAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING $24,000 GRAND TOTAL - ALL PHASES 172 1648 3470 296 1138 $305.00 $7,000.00 $24,000 EXHIBIT C EPA FORM 5700-41 (to be signed when contract is executed) t o 01~ PART I-GENERAL City of Sanford ! 586100 Conklin, Porter and Holmes-Enaineers, Inc. Post Office Drawer 1976 Sanford, FL 32772-1976 Consultina Enaineerin~ Services Construction of Sludpe Facilities PART II-COST SUMMARY Principal 172 s 23.18 s 3,986.96 Engineer _ 1648 19.45 32,053.60 Technician 3470 14.30 49,621.00 .......................... ~{~H 7' ~ 5 .... ~ 'f' ~ ';~" ' RJS~jJ'Y' .......... ~-=: .... ':: :' ' .- :' :.' ~ '-:'7 .......... ............. om.c~ ~'~T~$~E.' ~ · . . ..~ .: ..' . ................................................................ ~,. ' "'.rb-'~nt ~'~,~,~al.C'a ~'S~:3:;S~ ............ s ............ ~D~Ff[ .... ' .... : "'L..' ............~-..~ ........... : .............. -. I .- ~ ............................ ~ -.~ .................. ....... EQU:PMENT SUBTOTAL: ~" ,' ' 'l'I '~;C' ......................................... ~ic..c'.,ric,~l To: ~'OTA L 6~T~ COST S269,521.09 u...o~ 15% S 40.428.17 ~. TOTAL PmCE S309,949.26 EPA Farm 570~41 (2-76) PAGE 1 OF Form No. 17-1.217 (10) (O~)L~'~-L~ 'oN m~o~ AMVWYt~! 331ihd- III mNvd PROFIT OBJECTIVES '. * ' 586100 - Sludqe Facilities PROJECT NO. C-06- S'I~P NO. 3 A/E: Conklin, PQrter and Nolmes-Ennrs., COST ASSIGNED WEIghT ~I~T~D PROFIT PROFIT FACTORS O1L~LTIVE M~DIAN MAXIMN ~DIAN MAXIMUM 1. Direct Labor $ 97,542.00 20% 23% ].9,508.40 22,43a.6~ (Item la) 2. Indirect Costs ~.40,714.09 13% 15% (Item lb) 18,292.83 21,107.11 3. Other Direct $ 7,265.00 5% 7% 363.25 508.55 Costs (Items la, ld ~ lc) 4. Total Subcontract $ 24,000.00 Costs (Item 2 ) a. £0% or Less · 8 % 8% 1,920.00 1,929.0r Total Est~nated Cost b. More Than 50% * % 6% Total Est~nated Cost TOTALS $269,521.09 40,084.48 45,970.32 '%4edian" Profit $ 40,084.48 : 14.87 % Maximum Profit Allowed $ 45,970.32 = 17.06 %, but not more than 16% for CPFF and 18% for LS 40,428.17 15.00 A/E Proposed Profit $ = *Assigned weights for subcontracted percent of total estimated cost: 0-30=8 41-50=6 61-70=4 81-90=2 31-40=7 51-60=5 71-80=3 91-100=1 February ~, 198~ 02/01/83- O1/31/B4 FRINGE RATES: Holiday P~y 3.27 Vacation 4.37 Sick Pay 3.03 Payroll Taxes 9.21 Employee Insurance 6.45 Pension Plan 12.78 39.11% G & A RATES: Overhead Labor 21.37 Occupancy 8.95 General Insurance 4.12 Travel & Auto .66 Communications 5.45 Equipment Rental 3.56 ~aintenance & EDP Office Supplies 12.14 Outside Professional 1.31 (CPA, oct.) Depreciation 3.95 Corporate Licenses .73 Dues, Subscriptions Incentive Pay 39.49 Personnel Expenses 1.25 Taxes 2.17 105.15~ TOTAL FRINGE AND G&A 144.26~ EXHIBIT D Memorandum of Negotiation (to be furnished with executed contract)