HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 04 AMENDMENT 4 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7, 1983 FOR CONSULTING EN~INE~ERING SERVICES FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND EFFLUENT DISPOSAL FACILITIES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. This Amendment dated this 24th day of June , in the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five by and between THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the OWNER) and CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 7, 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. A. GENERAL The purpose of this Amendment is to authorize proceeding with certain work related to the December 7, 1983 Agreement and further described in correspondence to the City dated June 17 and 19, 1985. See attached copy of this June 17 · and 19, 1985 correspondence, attached as Exhibit A. The work covered by this Amendment 4 is a feasibility study for ! an alternate sewer plant site location and a sewer system impact fee study. Also authorized is:limited assistance to the OWNER in preparing sewer system user charge studies. The work consists of Work Task ~5 as described in the referenced June 19, 1985 correspondence and Work Item B "Feasibility Study" as described in the Plan of Study attached to the referenced June 19, 1985 correspondence. B. SERVICES HEREIN AUTHORIZED This Amendment will provide for immediate authorization to proceed with the work being authorized. C. PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER For the scope of work described in Section B above, payment to the ENGINEERS by the OWNER shall be on the basis of cost times a multiplier, in accordance with Section 5 titled METHOD OF PAYMENT TO THE ENGINEER of the Agreement dated December 7, 1983. The estimated fee for the work herein authorized is $20,000. : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties: hake caused this, Amendment to be executed as of the day and year herei:nabove set ~orth. CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES- ENGINNER, INC. By: ~~, R.M. Deverall, Vice PreSident ATTEST: ~/x</~r~ ! William R. Holmes Executive Vice! President DATE: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ATTEST~ DATE: ~.~ Please refer to Exhibit A attachments EXHIBIT A June 17 and 19, 1985 Correspondence TO: City of Sanford Attn: Mr. Frank A. Faison City Manager FROM: B.C. Conklin, P.E. RE: Sanford Wastewater S mprovements CPH Project No. S0602.01 DATE: June 17, 1.985 : ;- Regarding our recent phone conversation about an alternate sewer plant location somewhere west of the City off the lake front, wp have prepared an es'timate of time and expenses (Plan'Of~Study attached} to accomplish the following: 1. Brief feasibiliEty study regarding an alternate sewer plant site location. This study would primarily be aimed at identifying the costs involved with relocation of the plant and comparison with the costs for the current 201 Plan to determine if it is a more cost-effective solution, which it must be to qualify for the grants. 2. Detailed preliminary engineering and 201 Amendment if the Feasibility Study indicates that an alternate plant site is desirable and cost effective. The estimated cost of the feasibility study (Item 1. above) is $13,000 and would take approximately two (2} to three (3) weeks to accomplish once the City designated a suitable alternative plant site. The Detailed Preliminary Engineering and 201 Plan, Amendment (Item 2. above} would cost approximately $35,000 and would take an additional four (4) to six (6) weeks to complete for submission to DER. Another public hearing would then be required and State and other agency reviews and approvals of the modified 201 Plan would be needed. We have not included costs for land appraisals for the existing sewer plant site or the new location, which would most likely be the best way to handle that part of the comparison. CITY OF SANFORD ALTERNATE S~WER PLANT LOCATION STUDY PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND 201AMFNDMENT Time in Manhours "' Travel and EQuip., Mats. Item of Work _Pr,;~i E~f~ _Teeing,e _Dr~/~' _S.ec Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts GENERAL 1. Orientation of personnel, project startup, 1 6 2 planning, scheduling and budgeting. 2. General data gathering, assimilation, and review 8 16 4 20.'00 - maps, plans, files, operational records, permits, 201 Plan, etc. 3. Coordination, liaison, and communication with 24 40 8 4 ~;1200.OO ~;20.00 appropriate regularDry agencies (FDER). 2 trips to (Telephone) Tal 1 ahassee 4. Coordination, liaison, and communication with 40 40 2 6 C~vner on standards, progress, results, etc. t,leeting preparation, attendance, and followup. . ~ .... (2 meetings estimated). 8. FEASIBILITY STUDY 1. Confirm required capacity of treatment facility ] 8 4 by rpview of wastewater flows. 2. PeviPw of site for alternate plant location to 8 16 24 $10.00 $50.00 be located and designated by City. Study soils xerox, bl.uep,rints, etc. maps, USGS maps, f]ood prone maps, site inspection. 3. Determine required pumping and force main 4 16 8 improvements to deliver raw or degritted sewage to alternate plant location. CITY OF SANFORD ALTERNATE SEWER PLANT LOCATION STUDY PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND 201 AMENDMENT Time in Manhours Travel and Eouip., Mats. Item of Work P E T D S Per Diem SUpplies B. FEASIBILITY STUDY {Continued) 4. Determine effluent pumping and force main 4 16 8 requirements to deliver effluent to Yankee Lake site. 5. Conduct cost-effective analysis to determine 16 ~0 16 feasibility of alternate plant site based on unit procPss flows. Consider land costs (no appraisals included), construction costs, demolition Costs at existing plant, operation and maintenance costs, etc. 6. Prppare written report and recommendations for 6 40 16 16 12 $500 printing, further study, if applicable. binding, etc. C. PPELIIII~ARY ENGINEERING AND 201 AME~DM'EIIT ~. If the plan with an alternate plant site location 8 16 4 $20.00 is feasible based on the above study, determine (telephone) nncnssary changes and work required to maintain grant eligibility. 2. Perform detailed preliminary engineering of procPss components. a. Hnartwnrks 6 h. beration 1 8 c. Clarification 6 d. Disinfection 1 6 ~. EQualization storage 6 f. Sludge pumping 1 8 g. ~erobic digestion 8 h. Sludge dewatering 1 8 i. SludQn disposal j. [ffluent pumping 1 8 k. Plant piping 2 8 CITY OF SANFORD ALTERNATE SEWER PLANT LOCATION STUDY PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND 201 AMENDMENT Time in Manhours "' Travel and Enuip., Mats. Item of Work P E T D S Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts C. PRE~ IMINARY ENGINEERING AND 201 AMENDMENT (Cont.) 3. Prepare cost estimates and implementation plan. 8 20 8 .......... ...... i'~ ...... . In addition to plant & forcemain construction costs, consider demolition costs of existing plant, land salvage value at existing plant & land cost at new plant site (appraisals by others, not included). a. Determine environmental impact of alternate site 4 12 $6,000 outside location. Archeological & flora/fauna assessment environmental of alternate plant site (reQuired by DER) consultant · 5. Prepare 201 Amendment incorporating preliminary 20 40 12 24 12 ' ' .... engineering, cost-effective analyses,-environ- mental impact, and implementation details "' including estimated cost to users. 6. Prpsent plan at public hearing if required by the 8 8 6 6 4 ...' FDFP (preparation, attendance, and followup. 7. Submission of 201 Amendment to FDER. 8 8 $400 (printing, copying, binding, Dos'rage, etc.) 8. Response to review comments by the FDER. ll 40 4 2 2 $10.00 (Telephone) Miscellaneous coordination as renuired for approval. TOTAL: 178 454 130 50 50 $1210.00 $1020.00 $6,000.00 NOTE: Surveys of alternate plant site not include~ in above and may be required. Conkiln. Po~ter end Holrne~ TO: Frank A. Faison, City Manage. r FROM: B.C. Conklin RE: Additional Work Items Sanford Was~water System Improvements CPH Project~No. S0602.01 During the past month, we have written ~ou regarding the need for so=me additional studies and/or work for the referenced project. BecaUse of the very tight temporary operating permit schedule and the upcoming decision which will he required in late July or early August of this year regarding the grants, we recommend that the City Quickly consider and proceed with certain selected work items from those listed below: 1. ALTER~NATE SE~ER PLANT LOCATIOt~ - We have written you separately on this matter. 2. EVALUATION OF GPANT POSSIBILITIES WITH AWT AND LAKE DISCHARGE - Discussion: When the SSAC recommendation is issued by the Hearing Officer (projected to occur in July August 1985), the City can elect to proceed with AWT and Lake Discharge {assuming City wins) or can pursue Land Application with grants. Also, thc decision from the SSAC may not be real clear and may need clarification and a subsequent wasteload allocation from the State even if the City basically won. It would be important to know if any grant funds would be available if the City wins the AWT issue. For example, it would be highly desirable to try to retain the grants for Sewer System Rehabilitation and the construction of Sludge Facilities. Estimated cost of study to determine the City's revised priority score with AWT and discharge and consult with FDER on same $1,000. 3. AWT PLANT PRELIMIHARY ENGINEERING The current 201 Plan' is based upon Secondary treatment and land disposal. If the City prevails in its pursuit C~nklin, Porter end Holmel of Site Specific Alternative Crt:teriai(SSAC) and.iS allowed to upg'rade:its=sewer pl:ant to advanced treatment and centin~e a lake d~scharge, it w~ll be necessary to determine how the plant cap he converted to AWT and the costs involved. There are numerous processes and variations possible. No work on this aspect has been performed to date and previous costs presented for AWT were general and very rough co~ts and not/Specific for the Sanf~rd case. A more accurate costiprojection of capital and operating costs may affect the City's decision regarding:which course of action to pursue. Als6, having AWT preliminary engineering done may save several months time in implementing improvements if the AWT alternative.is followed and could help shorten t'he length of possible sewer moratoriums. Estimated cost - $17;n00 See attached detailed Plan of S~udy. 4. LAND APPRAISALS DiscUssion: If the City pursues the Grants Program and Land Application of Effluent, it will he necessary to obtain two {2) independent appraisals and one (1) review appraisal of the Land Application site. The schedule approved by DER for the City's temporary operating permit reouires that appraisals he initiated by July 1985. The appraisal will also provide important information to the City to assist in making the decision regarding pursuit of SSAC and a Lake Discharge or Land Application of Effluent with grant funding. The land cost is a very significant part of the overall cost for a land application solution and a more accurate estimate of land cost may affect the decisions to be made by the City. Costs Previous estimates for the appraisals were provided the City, with a range of $15,000 $20,000 for all the appraisals. We are currently receiving quotations from FDCT listed appraisers to more accurately tie down the cost of making the 2 independent appraisals and 1 review appraisal required. 5. IMPACT FEE / USER CHARGE STUDIES Discussion - Impact Fee Study - Because of the large' monetary expenditure necessary to solve the City's wastewateri treatment and dispnsal problems, regardless CITY OF SANFORD PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR UPGRADING EXISTING SEWER PLANT TO ADVANCED TREATMENT LEVEL Time in Manhours ....... Travel and Equip., Mats. Item of Work' P E T D S Per Diem Supplies Subcontra~ts A. GENERAL l. Orientation of personnel, project startup, 1 6 2 planning, scheduling, budgeting and project (' organization. , , =. 2 ....General data gathering assimilation and review 16 16 6 $20.00 - maps, plans, fileS, operational records, · permits, etc. 3. Coordination, liaison, and communication with 2 12 12 4 appropriate regulatory agencies (FDER). '4. Coordination,"liaisOn~ and-communicetion with 6 8 6 owner on standards, progress, etc. Meeting preparation, attendance, and followup (2 meetings estimated). B. PRELIMINARY ENGi'NEERING - AWT 1. Confirm required capacity of treatment facility 2 8 4 by evaluation of wastewater flows. 2. Investigation of various methods of achieving AWT treatment levels including biological and physical/chemical treatment systems. .a. Literature review 1 16 8 b. Preliminary contact with manufacturers 1 16 8 $20.00 (telephone) c. Field investigations - contact with operators 1 24 12 $40.00 $20.00 (telephone and others regarding processes under consider- ation. CITY OF SANFORD PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR UPGRADING EXISTING SEWER PLANT TO ADVANCED TREATMENT LEVEL Time in Manhours Travel and EQuip,, Mats, Item of Work ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Per Diem Supplies Subcontracts B,. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING - AWT (Continued) 3, Conduct cost-effective analysis to determine 2 24 ( optimum process, Includes rough estimates of capital and opera'tion and maintenance costs for each alternative under consideration, 4, .. Determine process selection. also considering 2 8 n~n-mcnetary factors, :~.5, Review of applicable design criteria for 1 16 " Sblected treatment process. 6. Rough sizing of treatment process components. 6 40 8 7. Development of preliminary site plan including 2 24 8 8 piping layout.,i " · 8. Preparation of preliminary cost estimates 2 16 8 4 ( TOTAL: 2g 234 6o 8 46 $4O.OO $6O. OO