HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-CPH-Amendment 41 P.O. Box 7778 - 327Y~-~778 Telephone (40 7) Fax (407) 330-SSSS April 14, 1993 Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc. P. O. Box 2808 Sanford, Florida 32772-2808 ATTN: Mr. Paul E. Porter, P.E., President R__E: Update or Restructuring of Sanford's Water, Wastewater and Water Reuse Rates System Dear Paul: Enclosed herewith, please find one (1) fully executed copy of Amendment No. 41 to our agreement dated December 7, 1983 for Consulting Engineering Services. This Amendment will provide for an update or restructuring of the City's utility rate system. Please proceed on this work as soon as possible and keep me advised regarding progress. I would like to work toward adoption of a new rate ordinance prior to the end of June, 1993. Very truly yours, W. A. Simmons, P.E. City Manager 'IWAS/acd "The Friendly City" AMENDMENT 41 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7, 1983 FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN - THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CO~IKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. FOR REPORT TO FORM THE BASIS OF AN UPDATE OR RESTRUCTURING OF THE CITY OF SANFORD'S WATER, WASTEWATER AND WATER REUSE RATES SYSTEM This AMENDMENT, dated thiS/~;/_Z day of///~/~/~- , in the year Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Three, between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the OWNER) and CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 7, 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. I, GENERAL The City of Sanford is in need of an update or restructuring of its water and wastewater and water reuse rate systems. During the past year, actual revenues and expenses have shown significant variation from projections. Consequently, net revenues available to the system for operation, maintenance, repair and debt service obligations are below desired levels for utility operations. As a result, the City recognizes the need to adjust monthly rates. In addition, during the course of the rate study, the City is interested in identifying alternative rate structures that could be used to generate the revenues needed from rates. Therefore, for comparison purposes, the City has requested that proposed rates be developed using: 1 } the current rate structure in the form of an across-the-board adjustment, and 2) an appropriate alternative structure identified and agreed upon during the stuG~/. Under both scenarios, proposed rates will take into account the water reuse program and be developed for a two year period beginning June 1993. II. SERVICES HEREIN TO BE PROVIDED The services to be provided under this Amendment are covered'in our Agreement with the City for Consulting Services, dated December 7, 1983, under "Additional Services of the Engineer", Section 3.1.2, and are described as follo,~: 1. We will review the City's most current operating and capital budgets for the potable water, reuse water and wastewater systems to identify the total costs to be recovered in rates. 2. We will allocate these costs to appropriate operation and rate categories based upon discussions, review and acceptance by the City and utility personnel. 3. We will calculate rates for a two-year period based upon the cost identification and allocation. 4. We will develop a rate impact analysis consisting of a comparison of the average monthly,bills for customers at current rates compared to projected monthly bills using: 1) the cost identification and allocation methodology identified above, and 2) an across-the-board increase applied to the existing rate structure. 5. We will prepare and submit a draft report for review by City staff, discuss with City staff, incorporate any improvements, recommendations, and refinements and submit a final report for approval. 6. We will be available for up to two public presentations before the !City Commission. III. AUTHORIZATION OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER It is the intent of this Agreement that, upon execution of the same, all services herein are authorized to be performed. For the performance of the Scope of Work described herein, payment to the ENGINEER by the OWNER shall be on the basis of a lump sum fee. The lump sum fee for the work herein authorized is $20,220.00, based on the services listed in the attached Plan of Study, : IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed as of the day and year' hereinabove set forth, CONKLIN PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. ent · CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Bet~;~ith, Mayor ATTEST: Date: S0602 AMEND41 CITY OF SANFORD WATER AND WASTEWATER RATE STUDY APPROACH Our work plan consists of the following ten tasks which are described more fully on the following pages: Task i ~ Initiate the Project Task 2 Analyze Existing Water and Wastewater Rate Structure and Related Data Task 3 Develop Conceptual Design for the ASsessment of Alternative Water and Wastewater Rate Systems Task 4 Conduct Cost-of-Service Analysis and Assess AdequacZ of Existing Rates to Generate Sufficient Revenues Task 5 Develop Automated Rate Model to Calculate Water and Wastewater Rates Task 6 Determine Water and Wastewater Rates under Selected Alternatives Task 7 Prepare Customer Impact Analysis Task 8 Prepare and Present Final Report PRO~ECr ~ASE DESCRiPtiONS Task ~ - ~n~a~e ~he Pro~ec~ Purpose: To fonu~lize the lines of communication between the consultant and appropriate City personnel, to finalize the project schedule and to ensure that the project objectives are clearly defined and understood by all parties. In addition, deliverable products and dates will be identified, and meetings and interviews will be scheduled. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 1.1 Conduct organizational meeting with appropriate City ~ personnel and project coordinator. 1.2 Review pertinent background documents related to water and wastewater operations such as: Operating and capital budgets for the current and .prior three years as well as audited financial statements. Official offering statements or related documents for current debt including rate covenant and coverage tests. State Revolving Loan Fund documents. State Grant documents requiring funding of the Capital Improvement Fund. Proposed Capital Improvement Plans or bond issues. Developer Agreements. Three years of customer constituency informa- tion(billed gallons, usage characteristics, number of accounts, customer effluent strengths, etc.). Operating statistics (gallons treated, wastewater treatment plant influent levels, domestic sewage strengths, potable water pumped, reclaimed water sold, etc.). Task 2 - Analyze Existing Water and Wastewater Rate Structure and Related Data Purpose= To compile information with respect to revenues and key financial and management information. Subtasks= This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 2.1 Interview City personnel that interact with the utility such as finance, accounting, data processing, etc.~ 2.2 Obtain and review relevant documents related to system costs and operations such as bond ordinances, annual financial reports, O&M and capital budgets, operations ~ reports, etc.; 2.3 Obtain and review relevant prior reports or studies such as facilities plans, rate studies, etc.; 2.4 Gather billing information to direct the preparation of a bill frequency analysis to determine the number of customers at various consumption levels in order to evaluate water conservation rate alternatives. It is assumed this data will be provided to us by the City. 2.5 Review customer constituency and document number of customers by class, meter size, etc.; Task 3 - Develop Conceptual Design for the Assessment of Alternative Water and Wastewater Rates Purpose= Define the most appropriate rate structures which will distribute all costs of the water and wastewater systems to their users. The conceptual design will analyze various rates for the reclaimed water system as well as the development of alternative conservation pricing techniques. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 3.1 Explore alternative water and wastewater rate struc- tures which also address other concerns such as simplicity, conservation, reuse, lifeline rates, fire protection charges, ease of implementation, etc.~ 3.2 Define cost determination and allocation criteria for potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater costs under each alternative~ 3.3 Prepare and deliver conceptual design memo documenting the results of the above subtasks and identifying the preferred alternatives. Task 4 - Conduct Cost;of-Service Analysis and Assess Adequacy of Existing Rates to Generate Sufficient Revenues PUTDOSe: TO identify all costs to be recovered (including deposits but excluding all other specific service charges such as turn-on and turn-off charges, late payment fees, etc.) and to allocate those costs to the identified charge categories and customer classes for fair and equitable distribution to the users. Identification of Total Water and Wastewater Costs. ~ The first step in the assessment of the existing water and wastewater rates is the determination of all costs incurred in providing potable and reclaimed water and wastewater services and their proper allocation to charge categories. The three major categories of costs are discussed below: 'Potable and Reclaimed Water and Wastewater Costs - Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs and certain capital costs, includihg debt service and renewal and replacement, which can be readily allocated to each operation. Joint Costs - O&M costs and certain capital costswhich are related to or benefit potable and reclaimed water and wastewater operations (e.g., administration costs, data processing costs, customer service costs, etc.). These costs will be allocated to potable and reclaimed water and wastewater operations to identify the portion of the joint cost related to each. City Costs Benefiting Water and Wastewater Operations -- Costs incurred in other depart- ments of the City which benefit potable and reclaimed water and wastewater operations will be allocated to water and wastewater to isolate the portion related to each. Cost Allocations. The next step in the rate setting process is to allocate the identified costs to the functional cost categories identified in the conceptu- al design and to customer classes within those charge categories. This will define the total cost to be recovered thr6ugh each part of the rate structure from each customer class. We expect costs to be allocated to the following charge categories: Monthly Service Costs - Minimum Charge - Volume Charge Revenue Analysis. After determination of the total projected costs of service for water and wastewater, ~ a comparison of the projected costs of service to projected revenues under the current rates will be prepared. This will reveal the overall order of magnitude of any required rate increase. However, if the current rate structure is modified the impact of a rate increase will be different for customers with different usage patterns. This will be examined in the customer impact analysis to be performed during Task 7. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 4.1 Identify all operations and maintenance costs associ- ated with the water and wastewater operations and allocate to water and to wastewater; 4.2 Identify all current and anticipated capital costs to be recovered through the rates (including debt service and related reserves and coverage requirements, capital outlays from revenues, and renewal and re- placement costs); 4.3 Allocate O&M and capital costs to functional cost categories and user classes; and, 4.4 Prepare revenue analysis. Task 5 - Develop Automated Rate Model to Calculate Water and Wastewater Rates Puroose: To develop a microcomputer rate model to calculate rates and charges and facilitate future rate updates. The model will be designed to calculate water and wastewater rates for a two-year period. Subtask: This task will require completion of the following subtask: 5.1 Develop microcomputer model using LOTUS 123® which incorporates the selected rate structure alternatives presented in the conceptual design. 5.2 Deliver printouts of rate model for review and comment by City staff. Task 6 - Determine Water and Wastewater Rates Under Selected Alternatives PurPose: To calculate a schedule of water and wastewater rates and charges which recover the projected water and wastewater costs from the system's users. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 6.1 Determine monthly minimum charges to include: Customer costs - meter reading, customer service, billing and collection, etc.; and, Capacity costs - a portion of fixed capital costs to be determined during the conceptual design process and refined or revised during this task. 6.2 Determine proposed water and wastewater volume charg- es. Task 7 - Prepare Customer Impact Analysis PurPose: To assess the impact, when compared to existing rates, of the proposed rates upon various classes of custom- ers with different usage levels. This task is criti- cal in order to fully understand the potential rate impacts upon customers with substantially different usage patterns. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 7.1 Develop an impact assessment model for the rates and classes of users identified in the rate study; and 7.2 Prepare impact assessment of proposed rates compared to current rates. Task 8 - Prepare and Present Final Report Purpose: To document the water and wastewater cost-of-service and rate calculations and methodology in a complete but concise report for presentation to the City Commission. Subtasks: This task will require completion of the following subtasks: 8.1 Prepare and deliver five draft reports; 8.2 Prepare and deliver fifteen final reports; 8.3 Attend one workshop session with the City Commission to present study recommendations; 8.4 Attend one rate hearing before the City Commission to present study recommendations for the purpose of enacting rate adjustments. CITY OF SANI~ORD HOURLY ESTIMATE CPH ~"VBK HOUF~ HOURS HOUFLY ~ TOTALS TAS):(S PERFOF~4ED Tk~k 1 4 4 8 T~k 3 4 12 · Tk~k 4 8 ~0 T~ 5 O 64 I T~sk 6 4 32 36 T~s~ 7 0 8 16 T~sk 8 8 48 4B TOTAL HOUFB 28 260 28~ City of Sanford PROJECT SUMMARY EXPFH<3E: People x Hotel Cat Meals AJd~ro Phcne Pdn~im Po~ta~e~ PATE P'~:.~I3Ay: NumlyJr ' MAN LADGi:t EXPEN':,i ' TOTAL TASIL'~, F~RFORMED OI Do.re, HOURS COBTS COSTS COST" T~,~k t $O :$0 8 $6,10 'r~,~ 2 $0 $0 0 $2,880! Task 4 $o $0 0 $4~8,60 $o i ' $4.860 T~,sk 6 $260 $50 3 HIqzlO -~250 , $41690 I~PENS~ GRANO SUBTOTALS $o $0 $o $0 $0 $200 $50 TOTAL 12 $19,970 $250 $20.220