HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 28~ BUILDING - FLEET - SOLID WASTE & STREET DIVISIONS MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 CITY MANAGER ~ TO VIA PUBLIC WOP-.KS DIRECTOR FROM SUPPORT SERVICES COORDINATOR SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION OF CONTRACT FOR FINAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DOWNTOWN STORM SEWER INTERCEPTOR AND RELATED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG 1ST STREET Mr. Simmons, Attached is a proposal from Conklin, Porter, and Holmes Engineers, (CPH), to provide final engineering services for preparation of final engineering plans, permit applications, opinion of probable construction cost, and investigation of the tst street drainage system. This project is to alleviate flooding in the downtown area. The proposal has been reviewed, is in order, and is reasonable for the work involved. It is recommended that the proposal be accepted and approved for not to exceed $94,680.00. If you concur, please forward this recommendation to the City Commission for approval. CH xc: Purchasing Agent . ~ ~ Street Superintendent 'C~ ~ Amendment No. 28 To Agreement Dated December 17, 1987 For Continuing Services For Final Engineering Downtown Storm Sewer Interceptor And Associated Drainage Improvements Between The City of Sanford, Florida And Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Engineers, Inc. This Agreement made on the..c2~ day of ~ , 1997 between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called (he CITY) and CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 17, 1987, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreement of December 17, 1987, this Amendment shall govern for the work described herein. ~ NOllOqS :s~olloJ se eejISe u!ajeq paujeu suo!ieJap!suoo eq~, Joj B33NIgN:I eq$ pue ),lID eq$ '3):IO33~FIHI/V~ON seo!Ajas 6u!jaau!Oue leu!J ujjojjed o~ ~I3:INIgN3 eq$ pa~,senbej seq LLIO eq) SV3~FIHAA pue 'Hjo~ $oe[ojd s!ql JoJ peg!lenb pue q~,!~ Je!l!uJeJ s! ~I33NIgN3 eq$ 'SV3~I3HAA pue 's)ue^e IleJu!eJ ~!sueiu! qO!q 8upnp eaJe ut~o)u~op eq$ u! 8u!poolJ o$ enp $!LUJed C][AI/V~IrS pue sueld 6u!jeeu!Oue AJeu!cu!la~d eq~, u! pau!l~,no S],UGLUeAOJdLU! elSeu!ejp eq~, ,to uop, eSuacueldud! eql JoJ paeu 15u!ssejd e aq o$ senu!$uoo eJeq$ 'SV3~FIHAA pue 'penss! aq II!t~ ],!uJjed eq], ~,eq$ pe)oedxe s! $! euJ!$ qo!q~ le '/_66 L '6 JequJe~,deS uo pJeo8 ((][AIM~IrS) $o!J]s!C] :)uetueOeuelAI JeSBM JBA!~ suqor 'is eq$ xq uop, oe Joj palnpaqos uaaq seq eaje u~AoSu~Aop aq3, u! sao!$oejd ~,uaujSeaj~, Ja:~e~Lujo$s pasodojd pue JoSdaojaSu! JamBs LUJO],S aq], ~0 UO!SBp lenSdaouoo aq)Jo~ $!uJJad lenp!A!pul ue 'SV3~I3HM pue '.sSuauJa^oJduJI alSeu!eJC] ~o 15u!jaau!Ou3 Aseu!uJ!lajd pue Ou]i]ALujacl 'uelcl u!se8 aOeu!eJG Ja$selAI qoueJ~] dLund - u~oSu~oG,, aq~, se paq!josap LLI0 aq$ JoJ ~tJO~A pauJjoJJad Alsno!AaJd seq ~I3:INIgN3 aq~ 'SV:t~FIHM Placement of six (6) concrete baffle boxes on storm sewer lines immediately upstream of the proposed storm sewer interceptor for the purposes of improving the water quality of the storm water runoff. 1.1.3 The issued SJRWMD permit is expected to be an "Individual ERP Permit" which "approves" of the concept of the proposed downtown storm sewer interceptor and allows for construction of the system. No additional permitting of the Interceptor on 2rid Street with SJRWMD should be required. 1.1.4 Based on conversations with SJRWMD staff, it is understood that the issue of stormwater quality treatment will be satisfactorily addressed if the construction plans contain provisions for the construction of the six concrete baffle boxes. 1.1.5 The preliminary engineering proposed alignment of the storm sewer interceptor is along the north side of 2nd Street, in order to allow the existing sanitary sewer main to remain in place. It was anticipated that the water main which runs along the north side of 2nd Street (between Oak Avenue and Sanford Avenue) could remain, however, it may be found that this utility needs to be relocated to accommodate construction. (The exact location of the water main was unknown during the preliminary engineering phase). 1.1.6 Although not specifically addressed in the Downtown Master Stormwater Plan and permit, the engineering services to be conducted under this Amendment will also include an assessment and recommended construction improvements of the existing stormwater system along 1 st Street between Oak Avenue and Palmetto Avenue. The assessment and recommended improvements will also include the 1st Street stormwater outfall which runs in the vicinity of Magnolia Avenue between 1st Street and Lake Monroe. 1.1.7 If the CITY agrees to implement the recommended improvements to the 1 st Street system, then the construction will be included in the contract documents for the storm sewer interceptor construction or under a separate contract. 1st Street improvements will require permitting from SJRWMD. 1.1.8 It is anticipated that the SJRWMD would require construction of 1-2 additional baffle boxes in conjunction with 1st Street storm sewer system improvements. SECTION 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 2.1 General Work Description 2.1.1 Services on this project will consist of the preparation of final engineering plans and contract documents for the construction of the storm sewer interceptor, baffle boxes, and 1 st Street storm sewer system improvements. Plans and contract documents will be for up to two construction contracts. 2.1.2 Services will also include preparation of permit applications and coordination with the permitting agencies during the review process for the 1st Street improvements. 2.1.3 An Opinion of Probable Construction cost will be estimated upon the completion of the plans and documents and will be reviewed with the CITY prior to bidding. 2.1.4 Bidding services will be provided to the City. 2.1.5 Services during construction will be provided under a separate amendment after completion of design services. 2.2 Final Design 2.2.1 The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CITY, utilities and regulatory agencies, and will keep the CITY apprised of progress and actions needed. 2.2.2 Upon receipt of the survey and geotechnical reports (prepared by CITY employed consultants), final calculations and designs will be conducted for the 2nd Street storm sewer interceptor and the 1st Street storm sewer system as previously identified in 1.1.2 and 1.1.5. The design includes hydraulic analyses and final layout of the storm sewer interceptor, and includes relocation of existing City owned utilities where required. 2.2.3 It is anticipated that the final design will result in construction plans which consist of the following sheets: Cover Sheet Key Sheet and General Notes Plan and Profile Drawings, consisting of up to six (6) 1"=20' scale drawings for the system along 2nd Street and up to four (4) 1"=20' scale drawings for the 1st Street system Baffle Box Detail Sheets (Up to 2 drawings) Miscellaneous Details (Up to 2 drawings) Miscellaneous Structure Details (Up to 1 drawing) Pavement Replacement Sheets - plan views and typical sections (Up to 3 drawings) 2.3 Permitting 2.3.1 The ENGINEER and CITY will attend up to one (1) pre-application meeting with the SJRWMD regarding the 1st Street improvements. 2.3.2 It is anticipated that the ENGINEER will prepare the following permit applications for the CITY SJRWMD Environmental Resource Permit Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) drinking water construction permit, if it is found that relocation of the existing water main along 2nd Street is necessary. 2.3.3 The ENGINEER will make minor modifications to the plans as necessary during the permit review process. Major modifications not included in this scope of work include: Mitigation for wetlands and surface water impacts Provisions for stormwater treatment for the 2nd Street storm sewer interceptor other than the previously identified baffle boxes is not included. Additionally, should the SJRWMD require additional justification for the proposed stormwater treatment measures (beyond what was presented to the SJRWMD as part of the Downtown Stormwater Management Master Plan), then that work is not included in this scope of services. 2,3.4 The ENGINEER will respond on behalf of the CITY to the reviewing agencies' requests for additional information as the requests relate directly to the engineering services identified under this Amendment. 2.4 Special Services 2.4.1 One of the issues previously identified during the preliminary design phase was the preservation and restoration of 2nd Street between Oak Avenue and Sanford Avenue. The ENGINEER will provide the services of an in-house planner to examine the alternatives available to the CITY regarding the restoration of 2nd Street. Drawings and exhibits will be prepared for the purpose of presenting to the Sanford Historic Preservation Board (SHPB) the proposed restoration of 2nd Street. Coordination during the approval process with the SHPB will be provided. 2.4.2 Upon approval of the proposed reconstruction of 2nd Street, the necessary details and notes will be incorporated into the construction drawings (identified under 2.2.3) and the contract documents. 2.4.3 The ENGINEER will make recommendations to the CITY as to measures available to be made during construction in order to reduce the potential for subsidence along the existing sanitary sewer main along 2nd Street. It is understood that the CITY does not desire to replace or repair the existing main, but is interested in implementing measures during construction to minimize future subsidence. 2.4.4 The ENGINEER will review construction alternatives available with the CITY relating to the subsidence along the 2nd Street sewer main, and if directed by the CITY, will include construction provisions in the form of notes and details in the construction plans (identified in 2.2.3) and the contract documents. 2.4.5 The construction plans and contract documents will include notes and specifications requiring the Contractor to clean and inspect the condition of the Pump Branch box culvert between 3rd Street and Lake Monroe, and report the condition to the CITY and ENGINEER, along with a proposal for repair costs. The repairs would be considered by the CITY and ENGINEER as a possible change order under the construction contract. 2.4.6 It has been previously identified that there may be a limited amount of grant money available to the CITY from the SJRWMD for the construction of this project. The ENGINEER will provide assistance to the CITY on this matter, however, it is anticipated that the actual request to the SJRWMD needs to come directly from the CITY. 2.4.7 The construction plans and contract documents will include notes and details relating to the Maintenance of Traffic during construction. However, detailed sequencing and Traffic Control Plans will not be provided but instead will be required to be provided by the Contractor prior to construction. 2.5 Project Coordination 2.5.1 The CITY will be procuring the services of a surveying consultant and geotechnical consultant. The scope of work under this Amendment includes coordination by the ENGINEER with these two consultants during the final engineering phase of this project, 2.6 Bidding Services 2.6.1 The ENGINEER will conduct bidding services in accordance with the following: Preparation of an Advertisement for Bids Preparing letters of interest to prospective bidders Distribution of plans and contract documents to plan houses and bidders Answering bidder questions as necessary through issuance of addenda Attend Bid Opening Prepare Bid Tabulation Investigate apparent low bidder responsiveness and responsibility and make contract award recommendation to CITY Upon CITY approval, issue CITY executed Notice of Award Obtain from Contractor bonds and insurance certificates and review on behalf of CITY Coordinate execution of Agreement between CITY and Contractor Upon satisfactory execution of Agreement, issue Notice to Proceed upon execution by the CITY 2.6.2 Upon execution of the Notice to Proceed, any subsequent construction related services including scheduling and attending the preconstruction conference, and conducting construction inspection and administration services are not included within the Scope of Services. SECTION 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 3.1 If authorized by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall furnish or obtain from others the following additional services, or the CITY may provide these services separately or directly with the provider. Such additional services will be paid for by the CITY as outlined in Section 5. 3.1.1 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. 3.1.2 Preparation of permit applications other than those specified in Section 2. 3.1.3 Provide through subconsultants, surveying, soils, environmental scientist (jurisdictional and permitting) services, real estate record/title research and land or easement acquisition services, construction quality control testing, or other specialist services. If these services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under this Section or separately provided by the CITY. 3.1.4 Services related to realignment of the storm sewer interceptor from the previously determined route along 2nd Street between Oak Avenue and Pump Branch. 3.1.5 Except as otherwise provided herein, services or additional costs associated with revising previously accepted studies, reports, or other documents prepared by the ENGINEER when such revisions are due to causes beyond the ENGINEER's control. 3.1.6 Additional services resulting from public protests, administrative hearings, or similar matters. 3.1.7 Preparing to serve and/or serving as an Expert Witness for the CITY in any litigation, public hearing, condemnation proceeding, right-of-way or easement acquisition or negotiation, or other legal / administrative proceeding. 3.1.8 Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, Corps of Engineers, Seminole County, or other regulatory agency requirements. 3.1.9 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally furnished by the CITY as described in Section 4 herein and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 3.1.10 Construction administration and inspection services. 3.1.11 Furnishing additional sets of prints or drawings and other documents beyond those designated in the detailed Plan of Study contained in Exhibit A. SECTION 4 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 CITY Responsibilities 4.1.1 Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person to act as the CITY's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City's policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. 4.1.2 Obtain and provide data requested that is reasonably available on the project. 4.1.3 Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work under this Amendment. 4.1.4 Make facilities accessible for inspection. 4.1.5 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, schedules, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. 4.1.6 Assist in obtaining approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. CITY shall be applicant for all permits needed, signing applications and paying permit application fees. 4.1.7 Furnish or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, any subconsultant services not designated in Section 2, if advised by the ENGINEER and CITY concurs that they are necessary. 4.1.8 The CiTY will provide the following services through other consultants Surveying Services in accordance with the recommended scope of surveying services attached as Exhibit B. Geotechnical engineering services 4.1.9 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 3 of this Amendment, or other services as required. 4.1.10 Provide such legal, accounting, financial and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the CITY may require. 4.1.11 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. SECTION 5 PAYMENT 5.1 Payment for services and expenses 5.1.1 Payment shall be made for services and expenses incurred by Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. 5.1.2 Compensation paid ENGINEER for services described herein and rendered by principals and employees assigned to the Project will be computed by multiplying Direct Personnel Expense (defined in paragraph 5.2.3 herein) times a factor of 1.95 plus all reimbursable expenses. The fee for the engineering services for the Service described in Section 2, plus out of pocket expenses as described in 5.2.1 below at actual cost thereof shall not exceed $94,680. Exhibit A, which is attached to this Agreement, provides a proposed Man-hour and Expenses cost breakdown. 5.2 Reimbursed Expenses 5.2.1 Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are to be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at the actual cost thereof. Said expenses shall include transportation and subsistence of principals and employees, when traveling in connection with the project, toll telephone calls, telegrams, prints, photocopies, and similar project-related items. 5.2.2 The CITY will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER's monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Agreement and for reimbursable expenses incurred. 5.2.3 Direct Personnel Expense used as a basis for payment shall mean the salaries and wages paid to principals and employees of all classifications engaged directly on the Project, plus the cost of fringe benefits including but not limited to, social security contributions, worker's compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. For purposes of this Amendment, Direct Personnel J:~lOBS~S0622.00\WP\CON'I~IKB0815.97 ~[ 0 Expense shall be considered an amount equal to 1.48 times applicable salaries and wages. 5.2.4 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $1200.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed in accordance with the payment method as set forth in Paragraphs 5.1.2 and 5.2.1 herein). 5.2.5 If this Agreement is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section 2, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 5.1.2 and 5.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any additional services authorized and rendered under Section 3. 5.2.6 Services provided by outside subconsultants will be billed at the direct cost without increase. SECTION 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment or over any construction Contractor's method of determining prices, any opinion of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. Similar limitations apply to construction schedules reviewed or prepared by the ENGINEER. 6.2 The CITY and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the CITY and the ENGINEER. 6.3 The ENGINEER agrees to initiate work promptly upon receipt of authorization to proceed and to prosecute the work in an expeditious and timely manner until the Project is completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. CITY: (ATTEST &SEAL) City of Sanford, Florida ENGINEER: (ATTE2:&;?,~j,~4~,% Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Engineers, Inc. · Gardner - Secretary-Treasurer David A Gierach, P.E., Vice President Date: ?('~'t ~' ? EXHIBIT A PLAN OF STUDY Final Engineering Downtown Storm Sewer Interceptor And Associated Drainage Improvements ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION P E T D S EXPENSES 1. Coordinate with Surveyor and Geotechnical consultants and obtain I 8 8 1.5 $15.00 survey and geotechnical reports 2. Schedule and attend Pre-application 3 3 $25.00 meeting with the SJRWMD 3. Send copy of survey to utilities and coordinate as to verification of in-place 3 10 10 2 $30.00 utilities 4. Conduct final hydraulic analysis of 2rid 30 10 $15.00 Street storm sewer interceptor 5. Conduct analysis of the 1 st Street surface drainage and conveyance 6 40 40 12 $20.00 system 6. Prepare preliminary sketches and details of options available to City 4 20 30 2 $40.00 relating to the restoration of 2nd Street 7. Analyze options available to City relating to reduction of subsidence 3 20 12 $20.00 along sanitary sewer main 8. Prepare preliminary MOT sketches and 0.5 20 20 $20.00 notes 9. Prepare red-lined drawings of any necessary relocations of City owned 1 20 20 $20.00 utilities 0. Meet with City and review results of hydraulic analyses, 2nd Street restoration options, subsidence 3 6 reduction options, utility relocations, and MOT I ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION P E T D S EXPENSES 11. Prepare final sketches and details and present proposed 2nd Street restoration 4 8 20 $50.00 plan to the SHPB 12. Make minor modifications to restoration 3 6 10 $25.00 plan and attend 2nd meeting with SHPB 13. Prepare construction plans: A. Cover Sheet 1 6 $15.00 B. Key Sheet and General Notes 16 4 30 3 $15.00 C. Plan and Profile Drawings (10 100 120 200 20 $150.00 Sheets) D. Pavement Replacement Sheets (3 40 30 60 6 $45.00 Sheets) E. Detail Sheets (5 sheets) 50 60 100 5 $75.00 14. In-house review of plans 4 20 20 $30.00 15. Send up to three (3) sets to City for review, meet with City to discuss City's 3 6 review comments 16. Minor modifications to plans as result of 4 4 20 2 $30.00 City review comments 17. Prepare SJRWMD permit application package and submit 5 sets of construction plans and documents to 2 30 16 4 $125.00 the SJRWMD for 1st Street Improvements 18. Prepare FDEP water permit application package and submit 1 set of plans and 4 2 $30.00 documents to FDEP 19. Minor modifications to plans as result of 20 8 40 3 $30.00 SJRWMD and FDEP review comments 20. Prepare written response to SJRWMD and FDEP requestfor additional 2 20 3 $100.00 information, resubmit any revised plans 21. Conduct construction quantity take-off 50 $30.00 22. Prepare Opinion of Probable 2 16 8 $15.00 Construction Cost 23. Prepare Contract Documents 2 40 6 $10.00 [ ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION ~ P E T D S EXPENSES 24. Minor revisions to contract documents 3 3 as a result of City's review 25. Bidding Services A. Distribute up to 20 sets of construction documents to plan 16 $700.00 houses and perspective bidders B. Answer bidder questions and issue 8 2 $50.00 any necessary addenda C. Attend Bid Opening and prepare 3 4 bid tabulation D. Evaluate Bidder responsiveness and responsibility, and make 0.5 3 6 $10.00 contract award recommendation to City E. Issue Notice of Award, review insurance and bonds provided by 3 Contractor F. Coordinate execution of Agreement 2 and Notice to Proceed TOTAL 44 573 424 574 81 $1,740,00 Salary Cost $32,203.74 x 1.48 (Fringe/GA) $47,661.54 x Multiplier (1.95) $92,940.00 Reimbursed Expenses $1,740.00 TOTAL $94,680.00 S=IOlA~I'::IS 9NIA::IAIdI"iS 40 :::ldOOS O'::IC]N::IININOO=IId 8 .LIglHX::I · Spot elevations at intersections, to a distance of lO0-ft from the intersection (Show centerline and curb return elevations) · Verify vertically and horizontally the following existing utilities: · Water main along 1st Street (Two exist along center of pavement and south side of 1 st Street) · Water main crossings of 1 st Street · Sanitary Sewer crossings of 1st Street (include picking up the next upstream or downstream manhole) · Storm Sewer along 1st Street and at intersections (pipeline and inlets), including picking up the next upstream or downstream manhole or inlet. Pump Branch Box Culvert · Verify size and invert at 1 st Street · Verify size and invert at Lake Monroe outfall Maqnolia Avenue/Park Avenue Storm Sewer System · Verify size and inverts of storm sewer from 1 st Street to Lake Monroe outfall along alley way and behind the courthouse (between Park Avenue and Magnolia Avenue), · Locate inlets along this storm sewer system (provide elevations at the inlets)