HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 20A Amendment No. 20a To Agreement For Continuing Services For Final Design and Construction Plans For: Upsala Road Water Main Fxtension Between The City of Sanford, Florida And Conkiln, Porter and Holmes - Engineers, Inc. This Agreement made on the ,2 ~'~day of J z,,,,f/~ .1996 between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (heroinafter called the CITY) and CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to agreements dated March 12, 1996 (Amendment 20) and December 17, 1987 (base agreement), between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authodzed. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreements, this Amendment shall govem for the work described herein. WHEREAS, the CITY and the ENGINEER have previously entered into an Agreement for the ENGINEER's professional services (Amendment 20); and WHEREAS, the scope of services is being modified to provide for coordination of professional real estate / dght of way agent subconsultant services; NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the ENGINEER for the considerations named herein agree as follows: SCOPE OF WORK: Provide assistance to the CITY in its easement acquisition endeavors, including coordination between the parties (CITY and professional real estate subconsultant) related to acquiring a water line easement for the CITY to be located immediately east of the eastern side of the county dght of way of Upsala Road / CR15A between SR 46 northerly to the CSX Railway. FEE.: Phase h Appraisal; $8,800 maximum; $5,400 minimum (dependent upon the need for "formal" appraisals, Phase II Acquisition; $11,000 maximum; $9,500 minimum. Phase III Title Search; $5,500 (or $125 per parcel). Title search costs are billed directly to the Phase IV Closing Costs; billed directly to the CITY by CITY's attorney. Total $19,800 maximum; $14,900 minimum. Please refer to attached proposal from Kirchhoff and Associates for details concerning maximum/minimum requirements. The fee for this Amendment 20a includes Phases I and II only. Services provided by outside subconsultants will be billed at the direct cost without increase, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment No. 20a the .day and year first above wdtten. CITY: (ATTEST &SEAL) i o or off a ENGINEER: Date: {~/,,~/~ J:UOBSL~O606. 1 I~WRCONT~AMEND20A.JMS 2 EXHIBIT A Subconsultant Proposal 106 W. Commercial St. * Suite 204 Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 407-321-5065 Fax: 407-321-4606 April 30, 1996 Paul Porter Conidin, Porter, & Holmes Engineering 500 W. Fu}ton St. Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Mr. Porter: At your request, ~ am hereby submitting the following proposal for fee payment required to complete the acquisition of a water line easement for the City of Sanford to be located immediately east of the eastern side of the county right of way of Upsa}a Road / CR~ 5A between SR 46 northerly to the CSX Railway. Acquisit~on Proposal: A~ording to information ~ ha~ revived ff~ your o~ce, the utility easement for ~ter lines ~[ be needed a}~9 the eastern ~ of Upsala Rd/e ~ 5A bet~en State Road 46 n~ to the railroad track. ~is ~ould be a ~0 to ~ 5 f~ ~de easement and o~e~ ~o ha~ pre~ously deeded ~ to the c~n~ ~ the ~ture ~den[nQ of this r~d ~uld not be exduded. Phase One: The maximum cost estimated for the appraisal phase would be $8,800, if formal appraisals are necessary. The minimum would be $5,400. Variations of types of appraisals would be ~thin this range: ~e low side uses an estimate of $~00 per parcel for non-commercial, and $200 per commercial property. ~e maximum is based on an average of $ZO0 per property. The maximum would probably result ~f a number of appraisals involve improved properties where the easement impacts the improvement, or if extensive research is required on several prope~ies. ~e minimum would be used When a number of properties wou}d have such similar/ties that the same value rate could be validly assigned. Phase Two: The acquisition phase, which involves contact of and acceptance by the property o~ers of the contracts for the easement, progress reports, meetinQs with CPH and the City, as wel[ as assistin~ the paralegal in acquiring additional information required for the c[os/n9, is estimated at a maximum of $~,000 and a minimum of $9,500. Phase Three: ~tle search [s estimated at $5,500, or $~25 per parcel. These are billed directly to the City. Phase Four: C}os/n9 costs va~ depending on clarification of ]iens, mortgage re,eases, and other problems, and Mr. CoIbert's office bills the City directly for time involved on a monthly basis. Only the costs of the first two phases of the overall acou~s[tion would be billed directly to CPH. ~e tahoe of the sa]d costs of the fi.t two phases ~5 from $~4.900 to $~9.800. This fee wou}d be billed out to CPH on a monthly bas~s ~th detailed c~ts. Respectively submitted, Carole A. K[rchhoff St. Cert. Gen. REA ~000~7~ ~¢(/~/} / MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER WILLIAM A. SIMMONS ~ RE CONKLIN PORTER AND HOLMES AMENDMENT 20-A - UPSALA ROAD WATER LINE EXTENSION Approximately five (5) years ago, the City entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County, which established utility service planning areas. Upsala Road north of State Road 46 forms the boundary between City and County utility service areas. Under the Interlocal Agreement, properties east of Upsala Road are to be served by the City of Sanford provided that the City has capability to serve, At the present time we do not. The alternative provided in the agreement is for Seminole County to serve properties east of Upsala Road from their utility system located on the west side of Upsala Road, For the first five (5) years of the Interlocal Agreement, service would be under a wholesale-retail agreement whereby the City would obtain water from Seminole County and retail that water to developments east of Upsala Road. However, commencing five (5) years after the Interlocal Agreement execution, any retail customers located east of Upsala Road who continued to be served under the wholesale-retail agreement would become permanent customers of Seminole County. If the City wishes to pursue annexations north of State Road 46 and east of Upsala Road, utilizing utility service as a primary consideration for annexation, we need to proceed with appropriate steps to develop the ability to provide utility service. The proposed Conkiln, Porter and Holmes Amendment 20-A, will provide additional funding for real estate subconsultant services to develop a continuous utility easement along the east side of Upsala Road. The present Upsala Road right-of-way is of marginal width and will doubtlessly be expanded when Seminole County upgrades that mad segment in the next few years. While it might be possible to place a water line at the very edge of the existing County road right-of-way, construction would be difficult (expensive) and future road widening would almost assuredly require the relocation of the relatively new water line at City expense. In consideration of that, I recommend that the City Commission approve the proposed Conkiln, Porter and Holmes Amendment 20-A, at a cost not to exceed ~19,800.00. WAS/acd cc: Utility Director ~~ m l . June 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM ~.- To: City Manager/r&e'°~¢~( ,~ From: Utility Director ?F/ Re: C P & H Amendment No. 20 A Upsala Road Water Line Extension Bill- Attached are two original copies of C P & H Amendment Number 20 A for real estate subconsultant services in connection with a future water line extension on Upsala Road. We had previously approved an amendment with C P & H for final design and construction plans for this water line extension. From the initial review and after gathering information from the surveyor it was determined that limited road fight-of-way exists for the installation of a water line. It appears necessary to acquire easements from the property owners on Upsala Road. It is recommended that the City approve C P & H Amendment Number 20 A with a not to exceed figure of $19,800. The City will also be responsible for any title searches (estimated at $5500) and any closing costs associated with the easement acquisitions. Limited funds are available from the previous water and sewer revenue bonds for this project. PM/ar attachments on o or an o rues SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772*2808 TEL 407-322~841 TEL 407..831~7~7 FAX #407-330,,.3639 ME~VIORANI)U~I TO: Paul R. Moore, P.E., Utilities Director City of Sanford Prom: David A. Gierach, P.E., St. Vice President,,,~f; Date: May 31, 1996 Re: Real Estate Subconsultant Services Upsala Road Water Main Extension CPH lob No. S0606.11 As requested, we have prepared for your review and approval, Amendment 20a which provides for real estate subconsultant services in connection with the City's effoas to acquire a water Free easement for ~e referenced project The fee for services provided by this Amendment would range between $14,900 to $19,800; dependent upon the detail required in the appraisal phase and upon the level of contact, meetings, and paralegal assistance required du6ng the acquiailion phase. Please refer to Exhibit 1, which is the actual subconsultant proposal for additional details. We would propose to invoice the City for actual charges of the subconsultant within ~e ranges aforcr~ntioneA If this Amendment meets with your approval, please so indicate by signing and returning one copy for our files. If you have comments or quastions, please advise.