HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 12 AMENDMENT NO. 12 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF LAKE MARY BOULEVARD UTILITY RELOCATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. This Agreement made on the.2~F day of ,)~'~z~ , 199~'between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the CITY) and CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER}, is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 17, 1987, between the 10arties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreement of December 17, 1987, this Amendment shall govern for the work described hereln. WHEREAS, the EINGINEER has previously provided final design services for this project under a letter agreement authorization dated June 11, 1993, and WHEREAS, the CITY is pursuing construction of the designed improvements. NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the ENGINEER for the consideration named herein agree as follows: -1- SECTION 1 PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT 1.1 General 1.1.1 This Amendment work is to generally provide for engineering services during the pre- bidding, bidding, administration of construction, and limited, periodic inspection of construction, and other services as herein specified for the designated improvements. 1.1.2 This Amendment is based on the scope of construction work detailed in the plans for the "City of Sanford, Lake Mary Boulevard Utility Relocation" project. 1,1.3 Proposed improvements consist of construction of approximately seventy-two hundred (7,200) linear feet of water main, and approximately six thousand (6,000) linear feet of sanitary sewer force main which will be constructed by the City's selected contractor and coordinated with Seminole County's roadway project. The construction contract time totals three hundred sixty (360) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed to final project completion with substantial completion to be accomplished in three hundred thirty (330) days. SECTION 2 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES 2.1 General Services of the ENGINEER 2.1.1 The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 2.2 Bidding Services: Services for this task have been provided at the CITY's request prior to execution of this Amendment to assist the CITY in moving quickly to bid the project and award the contract. Services provided included assisting the City through the bidding process. City standard front-end documents were assembled including project technical specifications. Also provided were Contract Docment reproduction and distribution of the contract documents (including record keeping of document distribution) to plan rooms, bidders and others upon request. ENGINEER also responded to questions from bidders regarding the contract documents during the bidding period and assisted the CITY in preparing addenda to the contract documents prior to bidding. Assistance was provided to the CITY in the review of submitted bids and other required documentation, tabulation of bids, reviewing bids and checking contractor references and in making a recommendation to the CITY concerning award of a contract for the project. -2- 2.3 Construction Administration Services: ENGINEER will participate in a preconstruction conference with the City-selected contractor and with the County's roadway contractors. ENGINEER will assist in processing the contractor supplied information such as performance bonds, insurance certificates, schedules, subcontractor data, shop drawings and material submissions, etc., to determine if they are in substantial compliance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will interpret the Documents and assist the CITY in preparing change and/or field orders, and will make periodic visits to the site. The CITY is to process contractor's requests for payment. Because of the unknown extent of change orders, work by ENGINEER on project change orders will be billed as an "Additional Service" (for the personnel directly involved in the Change Order processing) under the billing provisions described elsewhere in this Amendment. ENGINEER will also provide wdtten reports to the CITY on it's periodic inspection of work in progress and will communicate with CITY inspectors on job progress and help resolve questions during the construction progress. 2.4 Construction Inspection Services: Under this item the ENGINEER will provide limited, periodic inspection during construction providing assistance to CITY staff who will provide the bulk of the inspection services. CITY inspector is to provide ENGINEER with inspection reports for his review and will regularly communicate with ENGINEER. ENGINEER will monitor the inspection process and review the reports and when appropriate, assist CITY staff so that construction completion can be certified to appropriate regulatory agencies. 2.4.1 For purposes of this Amendment and calculation of the ENGINEER's fee, we have included as ENGINEER's involvement in the construction inspection process, no more than 3 hours/week for a 52 week construction period. ENGINEER's inspector would work under the direct supervision of a firm's Professional Engineer and would report directly to him inspection findings to determine if construction is in substantial conformance with the Contract Documents and for certification purposes. 2.5 Contract Close Out and As-Built Certification: Under this item the ENGINEER proposes to assist the CITY in preparation of the Close Out Documents of the Contract, to attend a close-out inspection of the project, and to review as-built plans provided to us by the contractor and verify their substantial compliance with the design drawings. If acceptable, the ENGINEER will prepare certification documents for approval by regulatory agencies in clearing the system for use. -3- SECTION 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ENGINEER 3.1 If authorized by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall furnish or obtain from others the following additional services, or the CITY may provide these services separately or directly with the provider. Such additional services will be paid for by the CITY as outlined in Section 5. 3.1.2 Resident Project Representative services. 3.1.3 Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, character of construction or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. 3.1.4 Provide through subconsultants, surveys, soils, electrical, environmental scientist (jurisdictional and permitting) services, construction quality control testing, or other specialist services including real estate/right-of-way agents, project/construction management, financial/budgetary consultant, and bookkeeping/accounting services. If these services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under this Section or separately provided by the CITY or. 3.1.5 Except as otherwise provided herein, services or additional costs associated with revising previously accepted studies, reports, or other documents prepared by the ENGINEER when such revisions are due to causes beyond the ENGINEER's control. 3.1.6 Additional services resulting from public protests, administrative hearings, or similar matters. 3.1.7 Preparing to serve and/or serving as an Expert Witness for the CITY in any litigation, public hearing, condemnation proceeding, right-of-way or easement acquisition or negotiation, or other legal / administrative proceeding. 3.1,8 Furnishing additional sets of prints of drawings and other Documents beyond those designated in the Contract Documents. 3.1.9 Additional engineering services required by revisions to regulations (after the date of this Amendment) as applicable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns River Water Management District, Corps of Engineers, Seminole County, FDOT, or other regulatory agency requirements. 3.1.10 Additional services in connection with the project including services normally furnished by the CITY as described in Section 4 herein and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, -4- SECTION 4 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The CITY will: 4.1.2 Advise the ENGINEER of his requirements for the project and designate a person to act as the CITY's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the CITY's policies and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Amendment. 4.1.3 Obtain and provide data requested that is reasonably available on the project along with operational and maintenance requirements and easement and right-of-way requirements. 4.1.4 Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for the ENGINEER to perform his work under this Amendment. 4.1.5 Make facilities accessible for inspection. 4.1.6 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, schedules, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. 4.1.7 Assist in obtaining approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. 4.1.8 Furnish or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, any subconsultant services not designated in Section 2, if advised by the ENGINEER and CITY concurs that they are necessary. 4.1.9 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 3 of this Amendment, or other services as required. 4.1.10 Provide such legal, accounting, financial and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the CITY may require. 4.1.11 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. -5- SECTION 5 PAYMENT 5.1 Payment Payment for services and expenses of the ENGINEER to be as set forth below: 5.1.1 Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. 5.1.2 Compensation paid ENGINEER for services described herein and rendered by principals and employees assigned to the Project will be computed by multiplying Direct Personnel Expense (defined in paragraph 5.2.3 herein) times a factor of 1.95 plus all reimbursable expenses. The fee for the engineering services for the Service described in Section 2, plus out of pocket expenses of 5.2.1 at actual cost thereof shall not exceed $25,484.87. 5.2 Reimbursed Expenses 5.2.1 Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are to be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at the actual cost thereof. Said expenses shall include transportation and subsistence of principals and employees, when traveling in connection with the project, toll telephone calls, telegrams, prints, photocopies, and similar project-related items. Moneys collected from plan holders in the form of "non-refundable bid deposits" for Contract Document purchase, have been deducted from reproduction costs and have been taken into consideration in the calculation of the ENGINEER's fee. Please refer to the itemization in the Plan of Study attached. 5.2.2 The CITY will make prompt monthly payments in response to ENGINEER's monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Agreement and for reimbursable expenses incurred. 5.2.3 Direct Personnel Expense used as a basis for payment shall mean the salaries and wages paid to principals and employees of all classifications engaged directly on the Project, plus the cost of fringe benefits including but not limited to, social security contributions, worker's compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. For purposes of this Amendment, Direct Personnel Expense shall be considered an amount equal to 1.48 times applicable salaries and wages. 5.2.4 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $600.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed in accordance with the payment method as set forth in Paragraphs 5.1.2 and 5.2.1 herein). -6- 5.2.5 If this Agreement is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section 2, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph 5.1.2 and 5.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any additional services authorized and rendered under Section 3. 5.2.6 Services provided by outside subconsultants will be billed at the direct cost without increase. SECTION 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment or over any construction Contractor's method of determining prices, any opinion of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. Similar limitations apply to construction schedules reviewed or prepared by the ENGINEER. 6.2 The CITY and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the CITY and the ENGINEER. 6.3 The ENGINEER agrees to initiate work promptly upon receipt of authorization to proceed and to prosecute the work in an expeditious and timely manner until the Project is completed based on timely performance by the contractor and others involved. -7- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. City of Sanford, Florida ENGINEER: Conklin, Porter & Holmes - Engineers, Inc. ES.T & EAL ~ .S,l~~ By · · ~,te, 61/~/~- S0611.01jms -8- LAKE MARY BOULEVARD UTILITY RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ITEM DESCRIPTION P E T D S EXPENSES A!~!~.,~t fit(; Ca;y wslh (:oold'nahor) wllh I)idd(!rf~ d..rmg the .*)ld i)eriod..r~:hi(:m!l r(q)rodu~:l:on o[ 2.2b 34.0 53.75 9.75 21.25 9854.18 exchanges, etc., issuance of addenda, receipt of bids including attendance at the bid opening, Services provided to date 95,923.54 -9750.00 evaluation of the bids, review of references provided by the three lowest bidders arithmetical 9104. 18 review of the three lowest bids, preparation of bid review package and tabulation, an recommendation to the City as to award of bid. TASK 2 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION "::':'::::"::' ::::::::::::::::::: PRF. CONSTRUGTION CONFERi-NCE 6 6 2 9100.00 Assist the City with a preconstruction conferences with the City's Contractor and County's Contractors, the affected utility companies and others that the City might wish to attend. Specific items to be addressed in the preconstruction conference include: Identification and duties of the project engineer and manager Identification and duties of project inspectors, Contractor's Superintendent and Foreman, Owner and Utility representatives Discussion of plans, specifications and project scope Project overall schedule and individual segment schedule Project overall coordination and sequencing with County's roadway project Subcontractors and responsibility for subcontracted work Inspection, testing and certification of completed work Permitting status and permit conditions Addressing Contractor questions Property access during construction ! Contractor pay requests and their processing Change orders and their processing Other items as the City, Engineer, Utility, and Contractor may wish to discuss Page Total 2.25 40.00 59.75 9.75 23.25 9204.18 * Credit for Bid Deposits LAKE MARY BOULEVARD UTILITY RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 'ITEM DESCRIPTION P E T D S EXPENSES TASK 2 CONSTR',JCTION ADMINI,~FRATION schedules, performance bonds, etc. (Contractor pay request will be processed though the City, however CPH will be available for any requested assistance, coordination and discussions with City Inspector.) Coordinate on a periodic basis with the Contractor as to project schedule in relation with overall County's 2 10 18 3 ~100.00 roadway work, amount and location of completed work and proposed location and schedule for remaining work, Make periodic site visits. Coordinate with City and contractors to update overall project schedules and advise City as to anticipated scheduling concerns. TASK 3 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION :'::'::':::' """':"':"" with the Contract Documents and reasonable construction practice. Note that the above is intended to be periodic inspection as the work progresses, with total oneire inspector time not exceeding 3 hours per week over a 860 calendar day construction (52 week) period. It is intended that this inspection be on a regular and as needed supplementary basis depending on the number of Contractor crews working simultaneously on the job, unforeseen site problems, etc. required misc. office coordination, meeting &etc. Page Total 10 49 182 0 35 ~600.00 LAKE MARY BOULEVARD UTILITY RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ITEM DESCRIPTION P E T D S EXPENSES TASK · C)OSE OtJ r AND CERTI.r)CATION OF AS RLJIL'rS Pr~!l:.,ir.:! FD.-'P ~:orlifi.:ntll:n +orl.tt~. 4 8 4 9150.00 Upon project completion, assist Contractor to prepare closeout documentation, conduct substantial 2 16 24 16 6 e200.00 completion and final inspections, prepare punch lists for required work, assemble closeout package including review of Contractor provided "as-builts", releases of lien from all suppliers and II subcontractors, results of final job site inspection, Warranties, etc. Page Total 2 20 32 16 10 9350.00 Special Note: Additional services anticipated as being required but not included in the scope and fee itemized above are to be provided upon City request and billed according to the provisions in Amendment 12, Section 5. These billings are to be additional to the overall total shown hereon. These additional services include; Prepare project change orders for City, Engineer, or Contractor initiated changes. Coordinate with the contractor, and City regarding changes to the plans or specifications to accommodate unanticipated existing field conditions. Design minor changes to the proposed system to accommodate changed conditions and coordinate and negotiate with the Contractor and City as to the need for project change orders for the work. ~dditional inspection or other additional work as required and requested by the City beyond ~ levels or scope enumerated in the above Plan of Study. Payroll Cost = 916,439.65 x 1.48 24,3;30.69 Plus Expenses = 1~154.18 Total Not-to-Exceed Fee 925,484.87 0526prop.jbl