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OR Bk 6380 P 1207 Orange Co FL 208t-0492196 ,,~VIEND~ENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGRE E~IENT CREATING THE CA,3 N~ o~""~ ~ ' O~ANDO U~AN A~A METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ' H D/B/~ METROPLAN O~AN~O"' ' 3 ~ THIS ~E~MENT is made and entered into by- and between the FLORIDA 3 ~ DEP~TME~ OF T~SPORTATION; the CO~TY(IES) OF Orange County, ~ ~ Florida, Osceola County, Florida, Seminole County, Florida; the CITY(~ES) of City 0f Aliamonte Springs, Florida, City of Apopka, FIori~a, City of Kissimmee, Flo~da, City of Orlando, Florida, City of Sanford, Florida, City of Winter Park, Florida, The Central Florida Regional Transpoaation Authority, The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, The Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority and the West Orange Ai~o~ Authority. ~CffALS: ~E~AS, pursuant to Section 339.175(2), Florida Statutes, the voting membemhip of an MPO shall consist o[not fewer than 5 or more than 19 appo~ioned ~e~he~ the e~c~ D~he[ to he qe~e~iaed oB an equitable geo~phic-popu.ation rat o ha~i~ by the Gove~or, h~se~ o~ ~ ~ee~e~t ~mo~g the affected Unit~ of general- pu~ose local govement as required by Federal roles and regulations; WHE~AS, pursuant to Section 339.175(3), Florida Statutes, the Governor Shall review ~e composition of the MPO membership in conjunction with the dece~ial census ~ prepped by the United States Dep~ment of Commerce, Bureau of Census, ~d reappotion it ~ necessary to comply with Section 339. 175(2), Florida Statutes; ~E~AS, pursuant to the year 2000 Census, METROPL~ O~ANDO requested that ~he Governor approve a new reappo~ioment plan which provided that the City of Apopka become a voting member of METROPL~ ORL~O and that the City of Winter Park withdraw as a voting member; ~E~AS, by letter dated June 29, 200I, the Governor approved the reappo~ioment pIan contingent on completion of an amended ~terlocal Agreement reflecting t~e revises membership change from the City of Winter Park to the City of · Apopka. NOW, THE~FO~, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representation herein, the panics agree as follows: L Micle 4, Section 4.01(a) of the Intertoes[ A~eement d~ted June 8, 2600 is amended to read as follows: 1 FILE NtI~ OR BOOK 04213 PAGE 1162 Orange Co FL 20~i-0492196 The membership"~f th~ MPo shall consist of nineteen (t9) voting representatives . and five (5) non-voting representatives. The names of the member local govemmentaI entities and the voting apportionment of the governing board as approved by the q:] Cq - Governor shah be as follows: ~ [q .. ..... ¢? ~ Orange County 6 Representatives Osceola County 1 Representative "" Seminole County 2 Representatives 0 U1 City of Altamonte Springs 1 Representative 0 c~ City of Apop,~ I Representative I~ ~. City of Kissimmee 1 Representative. City of Orlando 2 Representatives City of Sanford 1 Representative Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority I Representative Greater Orlando Aviation Authority l Representative Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority I Representative ~Fest Orange Airport Authority I Representative II, Article 7, Section 7.04 of the Interlocal Ageement dated lune 8, 2000 is amended to ~ead as follows: Add: Mayor City o f Apopka 120 E. Main Street Apopka, Florida 32703 Delete: Mayor City of Winter Park 401 Park Avenue Winter hi'k, Florida 32789 III. The City of Apopka shall have all the rights, duties, and obligations to which each voting member on the MPO is entitled to receive, including, but not limited to, such fights, duties, and obligations provided in the hterlocal Agreement effective June 8, 2000, Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 35I-1.00l, et seq. B/. 'The City of Winter Park hereby withdraws as a voting member of METROPLAN ORLANDO. V, Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Araendment or the non-applicability of any such term or provision to any person or circumstance shall not impair or affect the remainder of this Am~dment, and the remaining terms and provisions hereof shall not be invalidated but shall remain in full force and effect but shall be construed as if such invalid, unenforceable, or non- applicable provisions were omitted. 2 FILE NUM 20017~4185 OR BOOK 04213 PAGE l lB3 '~;.~ illll Ill lillllllillllllltllll OR Bk ~380 P 1209 .... Orange Co FL VL Entire Am'cement. This Amendment represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties With respect to the subject matter hereof. None of the 8[q - terms and provisions hereof may be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, 8H but only by a writing signed by each of the parties hereto. : ~" VII. Rules of Construction. Whenever used herein, the singular number shalI "" include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shah ~ el include all genders. VIIL Amendment execution, Use of counteroart signature Da~:es. .This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. LX. Effective Date. This Amendment shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk .of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located. Any amendment hereto shah become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a parWhereto is located. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement dated j'une~ 8, 2000 to be duly executed in the r heMIf. DATE: ~./~- DATE: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA FLORIDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: ~ - TiTLE: TITLE: FILE NUM 20017~4185 OR BOOK 04213 PAGE 1164 ., .~.~ OR Bk 638~ P 1210 ..... O~'~nge Co FL 20~l-04921e8 V[. Entire A~reement. This Amendment represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. None of the CN.'t' - terms and provisions hereof may be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, ~ ~'q but only by a writing signed by each of the parties hereto. ' .... - VII. Rules of Construction. Whenever used herein, the singular number shall ' ,, include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shall ; Ill include all genders. VIII. Amendment execution, Use of counterpart si~ature Danes.. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. IX. Effective Date. This Amendment shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located. Any amendment hereto shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party hereto is located. IN WITNESS WI'TERIEOF, the unde.rsignecl parties have caused !his Araendment to the Interlocal Agreement dated June 8, 2000 to be duly executed in their heha![ ORANGE COU'NTY,FLOP, DA OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST:. ATTEST: TITLE: ". TITLE: CITY OF ALTAMONTE S. PRINOS, :s.e. MIN~TY, FLORIDA FLORDA BY: :DATE: "lO- 1 · "LeO \ DATE: -. ATTEST: p - ')'TITLE. 6 TITLE: ] FILE NUM 2001774185 OR BOOK 04213 PAGE 1185 " '~'~ IIIII III IIIIHIIII I111 IIHIII OR BR ~BI2~ p ..... Orange Co FL 20~1-049219fi VI. Entire ACreement. This Amendment represents the entire understanding ~nd a~eement between ~e pa~ies with respect to the subject matter hereoK None of the te~s and provisions hereof may be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, but only by a writing signed by each of the pa~ies hereto. ' .... . .VII, Rules of Construction. Whenever used heroin, the singular number shall include ~e plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. VIII. Amendment execution, Use of countemaa sivalure pa~es. This ~endment may be executed in any number of counte~ans, each of which when so executed ~d detivered, shall be an original; but such courtteXans shall together constitute but one ~d the same instrument. ~. Effective Date. This ~endment shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~ of each county in which a pa~y hereto is located. ~y amendment hereto shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk.of the Circuit CouR for each county in which a pa~y hereto is located. ~ WIT~SS W~E~OF, the undersized panics have caused this ~endment to the hterloeal Agreement dated lune 8, 2000 to b~ dply ex~c~te~ in their behalf. -: ~ ~.~ ~'.3.'~z~'.. DATE: " "' .... ": % ': ~i A sr: w sr: , TITLE: '. TITLE: ~- B -OV~.' -;~'~!. q7x2~7' . -'- ,-~z .'.. ~ CEY OF ALT~ONTE SPRIGS, SEM~OLE GOUTY, FLORDA FLORDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: T~LE': TELE: A~EST: A~EST: T~LE: TITLE: FILE NUM 80017~4185 OR BOOK 04813 PAGE 1166 -' '-.> , OR Bk 6380 P 1~:~12 ..... O~-ange Co FL 80~1-0492198 VI. Entire A~reement. This Amendment represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. None of the U',,0 · terms and provisions hereof may be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, OP'I but only by a writing signed by each of the parties heroin. ' .... - VII. Rules of Construction. Whenever used heroin, the singular number shall '" include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shall ~ El include all genders. VIII. Amendment execution, Use of counterpart si~ature pares. .This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. IX. Effective Date. This Amendment shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party heroin is located. Any amendment heroin shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party heroin is located. I'N WETNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement dated June 8, 2000 to be duly executed in their hehalf.. ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA OSCEOLA COr..axlTY, FLORDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: "' TITLE: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: ATTEST: ATTEST: /~ TITLE: TITLE: ..-. ~.. .......... . 3 FILE NUM ~001774185 QR BQO~ 0481~ P~GE 11~ ..... OPange Co FL 20~I-04~21~ ~ ... j:',. C~Y OE OPt, LO CITY OF KfSS~E~, FLORIDA " . DATE: ~ " T~LE: ~y~ TITLE: -.~. . 7:- ' ~LE: ~ ~Ty ~ ~ TITLE: "":.: ~ ' C~Y 0F 0~LA~O, FLORA CITY OF SA~0~, FLORZDA BY: BY: T~LE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: A~EST: ATTEST: T~LE: TITLE: CITY OF WFNTER PAP.K, FLORIDA BY: DATE: ~, TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: DATE: ./ TFFLE: ATTEST: TITLE: 4 FILE NUM 2001774185 OR BO~]K 04213 PAGE 1168 OR Bk ~380 P .... Orange Co FL 20~I-049BIBG CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA CITY OF KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: :,.,. ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF OKEA NDO ,. FLORIDA CITY OF SA NFORD, FLORIDA BY: z~d~'Z'~~, ,/~J~ BY: TITLE:', ~ ,/J__ --~Z?, _ TITLE: DATE:/~'~j' i~2-~/' DATE: ATTESr:4;f,2 ifj' : ,,._J ATTEST: TITLE: a TITLE: .'/ CITY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: T1TLE: ATTEST! ' TITLE: THE GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: ~ . TITLE: THE ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATfEST: TITLE: ~_, FILE NUN 20017~4185 4 13R BOOK 04213 PAGE 1169 ., Illll III III II illIlia III HIJ ..... OR Bk B380 p 121 Orange Co FL 208~-0#9219B CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA CITY OF KISS~MEE, FLORIDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: A~EST: A~EST: T~LE: TITLE: CITY OF O~A~O, FLO~A CITY OF SA~O~, FLO~DA BY: BY: T~LE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: A~ST: A~EST: TILE: TITLE: THE CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE; ATTEST: ~-' TITLE: ~ THE ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY EXHLESSWAY AUTHORITY i~ BY: - DATE: TITLE: ~ ATTEST: '" ~ TITLE: ~ FILE NUM 20017~4185 4 OR BOOK 04213 PAGE 1170 ," CITY OF APOPKA, FLORIDA CITY OF BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TfTLE: A~EST: ATTEST: "" ' TITLE: TITLE: CITY OF O~A~O, FLORIDA CITY OF SA~O~, FLORIDA By: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: A~EST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: CETY OF WINTER PARK, FLORIDA BY: DATE: ¢~ TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: '~? '~'r~.E~.~L'E:A~s~s~nt qeer~ta-y to th,. Board of Oirectors THE GREATER 0~0 ~V[AT[ON' AUTHORITY DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: THE 0RLA~O-O~NGE CO~TY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY ' DATE: TITLE: AT?EST: TITLE: FILE NUN OR BOOK 04~13 PAGE 1171 CIT'~ OF APO~'KA, FLb~IbA CITY OF KISSnV~MEE, FLOP, IDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: TITLE: TITLE: TITLE: TITLE: CITY 0F ORLANDO, FLORIDA CFFY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: ATTEST: ATTEST: TITLE: TITLE: OR Bk 11380 p 1217 DATE: '.. Orange Co FL 20~1-0492196 TITLE: ATTEST: TIT~: THE CENTRAL FLORDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATFES,T: TITLE:' DATE:. EX U IVE D · H~ ORLA~O-O~GE CO~Y EXP~SSWAY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: 4 FILE NUM 200177~185 DR BOOK 04213 PAG~ 1172 ., -,? CITY OF APOPKA; F[bP-ZI'DA CITY OF K[SSIMMEE, FLORIDA BY: BY: DATE: DATE: C',{ TITLE: TITLE: "~ ATTEST: ATTEST: ';" - ,,J- TITLE: TITLE: Ill CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA CITY O.F SANFORD, FLORIDA ~ BY: BY: fL TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: ATTEST: ATTEST: .-. TITLE: TITLE: BY: DATE: OR Sk TITLE: O~'ange Co FL 2~1-04921~6 ArTSST TIT~-E: THE CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST:, ' TITLE: THE GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY BY: DATE: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: ORatE THE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY BY: DATE: T: 4 FILE NU~ OR BOOK 04213 PAGE 1173 .,,, Book: Page: 4146 Diane N. Matousek Volusia County, Clerk of Court 0 ~,.,,.,~._~'.~ lllll III IJl IHIll IlHllllllll ..... 09:15:05a~ ~ / OR Bk 6380 PQ 1206 Rec , METROPI,AN 11/01/2001 16:09 Instrument ~ 2001-235422 CERTIFICATION Book: 4766 Page: 4130 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Orlando Urban Area Metropolitan Pian'ning Organization d~/a METROP~N ORLANDO. The original of this document is on file ~n the Administrative Offices of METROPLAN ORLANOO, 315 East Robinson Street, SuRe 355, OHando, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF h~ye hereunt~ set mY h~nd ~nd ~fficiql se~l ~f th~ ~FTRoFLAH ORLSNDQ ~aard,'thi's 29,. ~f October, 2001. Manager of Board Se~ices Recordigg Secreta~ LARRY ~ALE¥ I?P OUCEO[A B0gt{T~, FLORIDA ~: CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT o CL 200Lt60098 OR 1551/1606 = tn ,,- SE~ Date 11/01/2001Time 10:19:11 u. ,,~h.~ og.a~ One Landmark Center, 315 East Robinson Street - Suite 355 - Orlando, FL 32801 [] metroplanortando.com ~' (407) 481-S672 Suncorn 344-S672 g~] (407) 481-5680 Suncorn (407) 344-5680 i Courthouse Station LYMIMO Stop ]DNVNO -IO A/NI1OD § valNol::l -io ::l.l_vLs NOI/V3I::II.L)I::I3 uo!:l,~J:~s!u!uJpy ~ eaueu!J ~o ~o~,aa~!Cl · ],uaLuaajg~ s!q~ jo ~u!ssaao~d all] a:l~,l lP~J pgdlgq oq,~ II~ o~, 'ROA )I NVH1 a~gauls ~ pua~,xa o] g~l!l PlnoA~ aM · eplJolJ 'opueNO 'SS~ a]lnS ']aaJ:lS uosulqo~l ~,se3 S L~: 'oPueNO ueldoJ~,aP,/~o sa3l~jO aAI$m~,SIUILUpV aq~, u! allJ uo s! :luaLunaop s!q~, jo leulglJo aql 'sal]uno3 elsn loA pue agueJ0 'eloa3s0 'aloultuaS u! ]Jno::) ]!naJD aq~o ~IJalD aq:l q:llA~ pal!j pue sjau~ed IIe ~q paug!s uaaq seq ]uaLuaaj~e slqI 'OGNVq'aO NV'laO'a13W/~/q/P uol]ezluegJO gu!uuela ue~,ll°d°~]aW easy ueq~FI opueNO aq~, ~up, ea~3 ]uatuaajgV uo!$eaj3 leaoNa~,u l aq] o] ]uabupuaLuV aq] Jo ~do3 pa!J!]ja3 pasol3ua aq] q~,!A~ noA ap!^o~d o~ s! 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