HomeMy WebLinkAbout889-Sod Harvesting/Site 10 SOD HARVESTING AGREEMENT - SITE 10 This agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 7 *~ day of 5~PTa,~8~/~ ,2001, by and among CITY OF SANFORD, a municipality in the State of Florida ("City") with an address of P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, FL 32772-1788, Deltona Sod Service CD.S.S.'') with an address of [161 -f, xXRtc~_tt ~, ~e~-~/) and Baker Farms Inc. CB.F.I.") with an address of 2. WHEREAS, The City of Sanford is the owner of certain real property located offof East State Road 46 known as Site 10, WHEREAS, Baker Farms Inc. is the lease holder of a specified portion of Site 10, WItEREAS, Deltona Sod Service wishes to harvest sod from the portion of Site 10 leased to Baker Farms lnc, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Baker Farms Inc. and Deltona Sod Service wish to enter into an agreement for the harvest of sod. THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises continued herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. D.S.S. shall have access to sod fields designated by B.F.I. to remove sod, mow and perform any other activities related to sod removal. These sod sites shall be moved from time to time at the direction of B.F.l. 2. A minimum of three (3) inches of sod will be left between the cuttings removed for sod. All mowing, clippings and damaged sod will be disposed of in designated areas. The fields shall be clear of pallets and ..... other trash. Fields that have been sodded will be rolled within 10 days after sodding. 3. The price paid for the sod by D.S.S. shall be $8.00 per pallet. The pallet price shall be split between the City and B.F.I. in the following manner: $2.67 to the City of Sanford and $5.33 to B.F.I.D.S.S. shall pay for the sod to both the City of Sanford and B.F.I. on a weekly hasis as the sod is removed. 4. It is anticipated that approximately two (2) acres of sod will be removed each week, no more than I00 acres in one year. It is the concern of B.F.I. that in the spring there will be a shortage of grass. If this becomes apparenk B.F.I. may terminate this agreement with a 30 day written notice given to D.S.S. with a copy given to the City. The City may terminate this agreement giving a 30 day written notice to D.S.S. and B.F.I. should, in the opinion of the City, the sod harvesting operation damage the property or interfere in the operation of Site I 0 as originally developed. SOD HARVESTING AGREEMENT PAGE 2 5. D.S.S. shall furnish B.F.I. and City with proof of insurance to include: commemial general liability ($1,000,000 per occurrence), auto liability (all auto with $500,000 per occurrence), worker's compensation. The City shall be shown as an additional insured on each insurance policy. Copies of said insurance policies shall be delivered to the City prior to commencement of operations. 6. This is a one year contract from August 14, 2001 to August 14, 2002. 7. This agreement may be signed in cotmterparts, each of which may be deemed an original, and all of which together construe one and the same agreement. 8. This Agreement shall be govemed by, 'and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any lawsuits shall be in Seminole County, Florida. 9. In connection with any litigation, including appellate proceedings, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 10. BFI and DSS shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless ~'om and against all claims, suits, actions, damages and/or cause of action which may arise from any negligent act or omission of the DSS, its agents, servants, or employees as a result of the- performance of services under this Agreement, and from and against all costs, attomey's fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in or by reason of the defense of any such claim, suit or action, and the investigation thereof. Nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges and immunities of the City as set forth in Florida Statutes 768.28. 11. All notices which any party shall be required or shall desire to make or give under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently made or given (i) when mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt required, (ii) by hand delivery to names individuals representing the party to be notified, or (iii) by private parcel delivery services, or facsimile transmission, for which receipt is provided to the notified party. Notices shall be addressed or transmitted to the addressees and telephone numbers and facsimile set forth below. SOD HARVESTING AGREEMENT PAGE 3 As to DSS: FR~9,,m .St-c~e.6~ttv..c With copy to: With copy to: As to City: Tony VanDerworp, City Manager City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32722-1788 Street address: 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Phone (407) 330-5602 Fax (407) 330-5616 With copy to: William L. Colbert, Esq. City Attorney Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. P.O. Box 4848 Sanford, FL 32772-4848 Street address: 200 W. First Street, Ste. 22 Sanford, FL 32771 Phone (407) 322-2171 Fax (407) 330-2379 SOD HARVESTING AGREEMENT PAGE 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hemto have caused these presents to be executed in the manner and form sufficient to bind them as of the day and year first written above. WITNESS: By~y~~~, ITS: MAYOR DATE: ~/~//~/ BAKER FARMS INC. BY: Joe Baker ITS: OWNER DATE: DELTONA SOD SERVICES BY: ITS: DATE: .,0~/16/01 09:48 FAX 407 330 5646 Ci~y of Sanford ~04 SOD HARVESTING AG~ PAGE 3 .... As to DSS: ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~W to: ........ ~ ~o Bff: ~ ~py to: ~ to ~ To~ V~, C~ Cky of P.O. Box 1798 ~o~ ~ 32~-1~g S~t ~: 3~ N. P~k A~ ~ ~ 32771 ~m (~ 33~5~ F~ (40~ 33~5616 C~ A~ ~& S;..~.~ P~ P,O. ~x ~ ~ 32771 P~ (40~ ]22-2171 F~ (~ 330-~79 0~/16/01 09:48 FAX 407 330 5646 City of Sanford SOD HAKVESTING AOREEMENT PAGE 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hive caused tlgse presents to be executed the manner and form sufficient to bind them as of the day and year first wrtten above. WITNESS: CITY OF SANFORD BY: ,, Braeby Lessard ITS: MAYOR DATE: BAKER FARMS INC. BY: Joe Baker ffS: OWNY~ DATE: DATE: ~::>- ~ co ~ \ FAX 40? 3~0 ~646 Cl~- of Sanford [~04 SOD HARVI~STING AGREEMENT PAGE 3 As to DSS: Wi, ga copy to: With copy As to Ci~:.~: Tony VanDenvorp, C~y M~amsger City of Sanfor0 P.O. Box 17gg SarXonl, FL 32722-1788 S~ Mclrt~8:300 N, Paxk Avenue Seafront, FL 32771 Phone (407) 330-5602 Fax (4071 330-5616 W'v.h c.,or~to: W0/iam L. CoI~en, Esq. C?~y A~omey Stenstrom. Mchtosh, Colbert, W~/.ghara & Simmons, P,A, P.O. Box 4948 Sanf~rd~ FL 32772-4848 S~'t adckgss: 200 W. First Street, Ste~ 22 Se~LbtdL, FL 32771 Phone (407) 322-2171 Fax (407) 330-2379 08/29/0i 0~;38 FLK 407 ;~i9 ~646 Clr,v of Sazlford [~08 ,~, SOD HARVESTING .&GP, EE,~f,t~NT PAGE 4 WITNESS: CH'Y OF S2~NFORD BY:. _ Brady Le~ss~rd ITS: MAYOR DATE: DELTONA SOD SERVICES ITS: DATE: