HomeMy WebLinkAbout883-Glatting Jackson W.O. 4 WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHITECHTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFPS 00/01 - 08) WORK ORDER NO.: 04 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For billing purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: Memorial Park Seawall CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART, INC (GLATTING JACKSON) Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: [ ] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS IX] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [] The CONSULTANT shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above- referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed within ONE HLINRDED AND EIGHTY (180) calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: Ix] F~XED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT (b) Compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding ONE HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN DOLLARS ($ $105,711 ). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on this ~ day of /1,)~. ,20 ~ ], for the purposes stated herein. 5harm Larnar~h ~c , Secretary (CO OP TE SEAL) Date: I1. ATTEST: CITY COMMISSION Brady Lessard, MAYOR Clerk to the ~t////~()/O [ - City Commission Date: _ Sanford, Florida. Attachment (s): Scope of Services 'k Seawall Principal GeeF,&eJe~ Fee ICI In-Charge Landscape Architect 4 Graphic Artist I Admin Assistant Geodata Ardaman ~VBQ Viasource Landscape Architect 2 Landscape Designer 1 20 $125 $65 $65 $ 0 $50 Fee 2 $400 80 $6.800 5 $250 $7.450 40 $3J00 $3.406 5 $1,000 5 $625 20 $1.700 20 $1.300 16 $800 $5,425 $2,674 $2.674 $12,000 $12100fl $37,626 $37,626 15 $1,875 80 $6,800 140 $9,100 10 $500 $I 1,961 $2,500 $1,00C $33,736 $0 7 $1,400 20 $2,500 220 $18,700 160 $10,400 16 $800 15 $750 $2,674 $12,000 $37,626 $11,961 $2,501 $1,0011 $102,311 Reimbursable Expenses {Subs) 500 200 200 900 Reimbursable Expenses (GJ) 2500 2500 Total Fee $105,711 Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES Professional Planning, Landscape Architectural, Architectural and Engineering Services City of Sanford: RFPS 00/01 - 8 WORK ORDER NO.: 0__4 Memorial Park Seawall Glatting Jackson Project No. 16133.0 July 3, 2001 Revised November 13, 2001 Memorial Park is a recreational open space that extends into the St. Johns River/Lake Monroe waterfront from the northern terminus of Park Avenue in the City of Sanford, Florida. The Memorial Park project includes plans for the design and re-construction of the seawall necessary to support the park function as well as the design of the park's bardscape, landscape, irrigation, and drainage including the selection and location of site furnishings, signs, lighting and one (1) monument statue. The following tasks are intended to result in plans and permits that will enable the construction of these improvements. For the scope of work outlined in this Work Order, the team members will provide the following services: GlaRing Jackson - Project Coordinator, Park Designer and Park Construction Plans WBQ - Civil Engineering and Stormwater Design Plans and Permitting Gee and Jenson - Seawall Design and Construction Plans and Permitting Geodata - Survey and Infrastructure Review Ardaman - Geotechnical Analysis Viasource - Electrical Design Irrigation Concepts- Irrigation Design 1.1 Project Management [Glatting Jackson] - In addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson shall coordinate our with the Client's representative and the Client' s project team, monitor the project schedule as it relates to this scope, and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. 1.2 Coordination of the Work of Subconsultants to Giatting Jackson - The Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that Glatting Jackson wilt assume responsibility for the coordination of work produced by any subconsultants to Glatting Jackson as Project Manager for the project. However, the Client agrees that Glatting Jackson does not bear any liability for the technical accuracy of work prepared by others. All professional firms working on the project shall bear separate responsibility and liability for the work prepared by them. 1.3 Public Participation and Meetings [Giatting Jackson] - Due to the civic nature of the Memorial Park Glatting Jackson will solicit information, ideas and reactions from the public for the overall program and design of the site. · Glatting Jackson will meet with the City of Sanford's Waterfront Steering Committee once a month for the months of December 2001 and January 2002 as a public forum for reporting progress and discussing issues related to the design of the Memorial Park and Memorial Park Seawall. · One ( 1 ) public meeting will be held to introduce the Memorial Park and Memorial Park Seawall design to the general public to solicit their comments and ideas. 1.4 Survey Information [Geodaia] - Geodata will provide the following: · Aerial Photo · Topo Aerial Survey (A topo survey from the aerial photo will be provided by the Project Engineer.) · Boundary Survey (A boundary survey and legal description will be provided by the Project Engineer/Surveyor.) · Tree Survey (A Tree Survey from the aerial photo will be provided consistent with the City Arbor Ordinance.) · Utility Review - The existing wastewater and potable water service lines and facilities in the study area will be identified and located on base maps for use in the construction design of the Riverwalk, Seawall and other Improvements. · Stormwater Review - Existing pipes and facilities in the study area will be identified and located on base maps for use in the construction design of the Riverwalk, the Seawall and other Improvements. · Street System Review - Existing streets, curbing, sidewalks, parking and other features of the street system in the study area will be identified and located on base maps for use in the construction design of the Riverwalk, the Seawall and other Improvements. Permitting requirements for changes to existing systems will be identified · Electric, Phone, Cable and Gas System Review - Information about these and other lines, pipes and facilities in the study area will be identified, located on base maps for use in the construction design. Permitting needs will be documented. · The survey will be prepared to City standards and it will be certified to the City. 1.5 Soils Analysis IArdaman] - Ardaman will complete field exploration, laboratory testing and engineering evaluations in order to produce a report on the geotechnical conditions associated with the Memorial Park and Memorial Park Seawall Improvements. The soils report will be addressed to the City as the owner of the report. 1.6 Seawall Design Plans [Gee & Jenson] - The Seawall Segment necessary for Memorial Park is that length of wall that surrounds the park. The Seawail will be designed in close coordination with the Memorial Park and Riverwalk design to ensure that physical connections, aesthetics, drainage and other aspects of the Seawall are functionally and aesthetically coordinated and consistent. The tasks for the Seawall plans are: · Pre~Design - Gee & Jenson will document existing conditions, verify seawall conditions, coordinate with the geotechnical consultant and the surveyor and provide a determination as to which regulatory agencies have jurisdiction for the seawall project. · Seawall Preliminary Design Concepts, Alternatives and Recommendations - Gee & Jenson will provide designs for the seawall once the survey and soils reports are completed. The Team will meet with the City to review the alternative designs and reach a conclusion for a recommended design concept for the seawall. Cost data will be provided along with a projected schedule for construction. Utility relocations, if necessary, will be proposed. · Permit Applications - Permit applications will be submitted to the jurisdictional agencies at the earliest possible dates. The City of Sanfbrd is responsible for all Permit Application Fees. · Preliminary Final Seawall Design - The final plan for the Seawall will be prepared based on the agreed-upon design concepts and the expected permit requirements. A budget and schedule for permitting and construction will accompany the plans. · Client Review - Gee & Jenson will review the design plans with the City staff, and the City Commission if requested, for technical, budget and schedule considerations. · Final Seawall Design - After review and approval by the City, the plans and specifications will be finalized. · Bid Documents - Gee & Jenson will prepare a consolidated bid package that includes the construction plans and specifications for the Seawall. It is anticipated that one contractor will be selected with specialty contractur(s) that can handle the Seawall construction. The details of the contracting and construction administration will be determined after the construction plans are complete. The fees have been estimated based on a percent of the proposed construction budget. These are subject to change based on the final plans and budget. 1.7 Memorial Park Design Plans [Glatting Jackson, WBQ, Viasource, Irrigation Concepts] - Memorial Park is a recreational open space that extends into the St. Johns River/Lake Monroe waterfront from the northern terminus of Park Avenue. The park consists of harriscape, landscape, irrigationl lighting, site furnishings, signsl and the location of one (1) feature monument to be selected by the Monument Committee. The Memorial Park design will be closely coordinated with the design of the related Seawall. The tasks for the Memorial Park design include: PART I - Pre Design · Pre-Design - The Glatting Jackson Team will document existing conditions, verify sidewalk and roadway conditions, coordinate with the geotechnical consultant and the surveyor and provide a determination as to which regulatury agencies have jurisdiction for the Memorial Park project. · Design Intent - The Glatting Jackson Team will attend a meeting with the City to develop a shared vision for the project. The purpose of this exercise is to develop an image of the project based on the development program and themes discussed. The meeting will define the image and design vocabulary for the project that will be used by the City and the design team to measure the appropriateness of future design decisions. · Conceptual Design - Based on the themes discussed with th~ City~ The Glatting Jackson Team shall prepare one (1) conceptual landscape development plan, including planrings, paving, site furnishings, and project signage, for the Memorial Park. · Conceptual Cost Estimate - The GlaRing Jackson Team shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction cost for the landscape architectural elements detailed in the conceptual design. · Client Review - The City will review the preliminary conceptual design plans and cost estimate and provide written comments to the Glatting Jackson Team. The Team will revise the plans one (1) time in response to The City comments. The revised plan and cost estimate shall become the basis for preparation of the Schematic Design documents. Major revisions or additional concepts shall be considered an Additional Service. PART II - Schematic Design · Schematic Design - The Team will prepare a schematic landscape plan based upon the final conceptual design plan and budget previously approved by the Client. The following will constitute the scope of the Glatting Jackson Team's work: · Overall landscape plan identifying proposed plant massing and theming · Suggested light fixtures, fountains, site furnishings, and hardscape finishes. · Order of magnitude opinion of probable cost · Client Review - The City will review the Schematic Design documents and provide written comments to the Glatting Jackson Team. Upon review and approval of the schematic landscape plans and opinion of probable construction cost, Glatting Jackson shall proceed with the preparation of the Design Development phase of the work, incorporating revisions suggested during the City review. Major revisions or additional concepts requested by the City shall be considered an Additional Service. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, Glatting Jackson shall produce the following: One (1) set of the overall landscape plan at 1" = 30'; identifying proposed plant massing and theruing One ( 1 ) set of illustrative graphics One (1) copy of the order of magnitude estimate of probable cost PART III - Design Development Documents · Design Development Documents - Based on the approved schematic landscape plan and preliminary estimate of probable cost, the Glatting Jackson Team will prepare design development documents. These documents will further refine and articulate the project elements established in the schematic design phase. · Estimate of Probable Cost - The Glatting Jackson Team will prepare an estimate of probable cost based upon the design development documents. · Meetings -The Glatting Jackson Team will attend two (2) meetings with the City to review the progress of the design development documents. Minor revisions will be incorporated into the documents based on review comments. Major revisions shall be considered Additional Services. · Client Review - Upon review and approval of the design development documents and the estimate of probable construction cost, the Glatting Jackson Team shall proceed with the preparation of the Construction Document phase of the work, incorporating revisions suggested during the City review. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, the Glatting Jackson Team shall produce the following: One (1) set of the design development documents One (1) copy of the order of magnitude estimate of probable cost - One (1) set of illustrative graphics · Permit Applications - Permit applications will be submitted to the jurisdictional agencies as they are required to facilitate the Memorial Park design. The City of Sanford is responsible for all Permit Application Fees. PART IV - Construction Document Development · Construction Documents - Based on the approved design development documents, the Glatting Jackson Team shall prepare construction documents for the development of the landscape and the following site features: · Site Lighting · Hardscape Feautres not including memorial statue · Site Grading and Drainage · Irrigation Specifically, the Glatting Jackson Team shall prepare landscape plans, irrigation plans, and layout plans for the elements identified above, as well as: · Construction details, including details, elevation, and sections provided as necessary to communicate the design intent and construction materials; · Technical specifications that define materials and methods appropriate for construction. Not included: · Statue design or foundation &sign for the memorial monument. · Estimate of Probable Cost - The Glatting Jackson Team shall prepare a final estimate of probable cost for all elements detailed in the Landscape Construction Documents. Deliverables - As a result of these tasks, the Glatting Jackson Team shall produce the following: Five (5) sets of Construction Documents One (1) copy of the Final Estimate of Probable Cost One (1) set of illustrative graphics · Meetings - The Glatting Jackson Team will attend two (2) meetings with the City to review the progress of the construction documents. Minor revisions will be incorporated into the documents based on review comments. Major revisions shall be considered Additional Services. · Client Review - The City shall review the plans at approximately 60 and 90 percent stages of completion. Minor changes will be incorporated as the plans progress. Major changes that represent a significant departure from the original design program, budget, and approved concept shall be considered Additional Services. 1.8 Bid Documents and Construction Services [Team] - The Team will prepare a consolidated bid package that includes the construction plans and specifications for the Seawall and the Memorial Park. It is anticipated that one contractor will be selected with specialty contractor(s) that can handle the Seawall construction. 1.9 Construction Administration - NOT INCLUDED - The final scope and fee for the construction services to be provided will be determined once the construction plans and specifications are finalized. A separate Work Order will be issued by the City.