HomeMy WebLinkAbout301-CPH-Amendment 57 AMENDMENT NO. 57 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 17, 1987 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF MARQUETTE AVENUE UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION (OHIO AVENUE TO BEARDALL AVENUE) BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CPH ENGINEERS, INC. SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the CITY) and (CP~ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the ENGINEER), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated Decamber 17, 1987, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreement of December 17, 1987, this Amendment shall govern for the work described herein. 1 \/CPH_SANF_1\VOL3\S0620+14\w0rd~cont\Marquette CEI.d0C WHEREAS, the CITY through its consultants has ~ompleted designs, engineering plans, specifications, and other services for the new 16" and 12" water main and 20" force main starting at East Lake Mary Boulevard east of Ohio Avenue and proceeding east to the existing Airport entrance Road, north along the Airport entrance road to Marquette Avenue, and east along Marquette Avenue to Beardall Avenue; and, WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has an established relationship and continuing services agreement with ENGINEER for provision of services on this project on which the ENGINEER previously prepared engineering designs, plans, specifications and assisted with the bidding process; and WHEREAS, the ENGINEER is intimately familiar with and qualified for this project work including utility construction and has personnel and capabilities to perform the designated services; and WHEREAS the CITY has requested the ENGINEER to perform additional engineering services for the permitting and during the construction of the new water main and force main; NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the ENGINEER for the considerations named herein agree as follows: SECTION 1 GENERAL 1.1 General 1.1.1 This Amendment work is to generally provide for engineering services for the administration and inspection of construction and other services as herein specified prior to and during the construction of the new 16" and 12" water main and 20" force main starting at East Lake Mary Boulevard east of Ohio Avenue and proceeding east to the existing Airport entrance Road, north along the Airport entrance road to Marquette Avenue, and east along Marquette Avenue to Beardall Avenue. 1.1.2 The ENGINEER provided S.R.F. planning, design and permitting assistance for the Marquette Avenue Utilities Construction project. In addition, the ENGINEER assisted the CITY in obtaining funding for the project under the State Revolving Loan Program. In order to maintain the eligibility for financing under the S.R.F. the ENGINEER will provide coordination and assistance in obtaining necessary approvals of addenda, bid documents award documents and change orders from FDEP during construction and will assist in coordinating the loan agreement. The ENGINEER will serve as Engineer of Record during construction of the project as required by FDEP and provide inspection and other engineering services during construction as further described below. 1.1.3 Limited subconsultant services for geotechnical testing (construction quality control on an as-needed basis) and construction control survey layout are included. 1.1.4 Additional subconsultant services including, water quality monitoring, or other specialist services are not included. If these services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under Section 3 of this Amendment or separately provided by the CITY or consultants employed directly by the CITY. 2 SECTION 2 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES 2.1 General Services of the ENGINEER 2.1.1 The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 2.1.2 The ENGINEER will serve as the CITY's professional engineering representative in those phases of the project to which this Amendment applies and will meet, consult with, and provide advice to the CITY during the performance of these services. The ENGINEER will perform the services for the City Commission under the direction of the City Manager or his designated representative. 2.1.3 Attached as Exhibit "A", is a Plan of Study which is hereby made a part of this Amendment showing the scope of work contemplated, the time estimates, and overall cost estimates for the initial scope of work generally described herein. 2.1.4 The construction period for these activities will commence with the award of construction contract by the City and will terminate upon written approval of final payment by the CITY for the contract and certification of completion to regulatory agencies. The time and cost estimate attached to this Plan of Study is based on a construction phase that is scheduled to extend for a period of 150 days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed. During the construction period, the ENGINEER will provide the following services: 2.2 Preconstruction Services 2.2.1 The ENGINEER will modify plans to incorporate new construction limits at east end (due to change in Seminole County readway construction limits) and at west end (due to change in project limits due to new WRF location). 2.2.2 The ENGINEER will modify plans to incorporate new airport entrance read construction alignment provided by Seminole County. The ENGINEER will also assist the CITY in applying for construction permits from Seminole County and SJRWMD; coordinate with each, revise plans as necessary based on agency review. Additionally, the ENGINEER will coordinate with Sanford Airport personnel during the praconstruction and construction phases. 2.2.3 The ENGINEER will modify plans to incorporate extension north along Beardall Avenue to Airport Hangar; apply for FDEP and Seminole County permits for the extension; incorporate extension into contract by change order or add to future Beardall to WRF project. 2.2.4 The ENGINEER will preepare separate construction drawings for reute between Beardall and new WRF site; apply for permits from FDEP, Seminole County, SJRWMD. 2.2.5 ENGINEER will issue addenda due to raquirad plan modifications as a result of permitting and to update the previously prepared technical specifications. 3 \\CPH_$ANF_1\VOL3\SO620.14\word'~ont\Marquetle CEI.doc einl!lsuoo ol suo!lepueLuuJooej qons '.slunoLue qons u! Joloe4uoO eql o1 slueLu/~ed 6U!i!JM u] leAoJdde pUeLULUOOeJ pue Jo$oeJluoO aN1 o16u!Mo elunoLue eql eU!LLUelep II!M ~I:~qNleN:] eql ',LLIO eql LUOJ,~ peA!eoeJ UO!leLUJO~U! pue 'elep 6u!lJoddns 'lueuJ~ed Jo~ suo!leo!ldde s,JopejluoC) eL~, .~o Me!AeJ S!LJ UO pue Jeuo!sse.loJd u6!sep peg!lenb pue peouepedxa ue se euo!leAJeeqo el!s-uo s,~I=I:~NiE)N=I eql uo pese8 g'~'~ · ql!e.l poo6 u! LU!N Xq peJepueJ suo!s!oep Jo suo!lelejdjelu!qons Xue ~o ellnseJ eql JoJ elqe!l eq lou liens ~I~]~]NleN] eLI1 lnq 'oleJaql peleleJ suo!lsenb pue ejelleLu JeLl~,o lie pue )JJOM 8ql Jo ssejl~ojd pue uopnoexe eL~l ol 6u!leleJ JoloeJ1uoC) aN1 pue A.LIC) eLN1 .~o SLU!elO lie uo suo!spep e)jeLu II!M pue JoloeJluoC) eL~l pue ,kilo aN1 JepuneJeql eoueLujo~Jed eql ,~o e6pn[ pue slueuJnooa loe4uoO eql ~o suo!l!puoo pue suJJel eql jo JeleJdjelu! ee pe II!M ~I~]:BNleNq eql '.(peleldLuo0 Jo pelleleu! 'peleo!Jqe~ lou Jo JaqleLqM) )JJOM eql JO J~U!i Sel JO uo!lOedsu! lepede ej!nbej 'eA!lelueeejdej s,,LLIC) eql se ',~euJ ~Iq=INleN:] eq~ 'pej!nbej se sJepJO e6ueLqO eu!lnoJ ejedejd pue JoloeJluoC) ell>, O1 A.LID eql ~O suo!lon4su! lie enss! II!M ~]~]NleN~t eq± g'~'~ · eluaLuej!nbej pjo.lueS Jo ~!C) se IleM se siuetunooa loeJluoC) Jeqlo pue 'suo!leolJ!oedS 'euelcl eql ql!M eoue!ldLuoo pue loe.roJd eql .~o ldeouoo u6!sep ilejeAo eL~I ql!M eoueuJjo~uoo ol ee Xluo lnq 'I!LUqnS O1 pej!nbej s! JoloeJluoO eql elep JeLI10 pue sllnseJ uo!pedsu! pue lee1 'eeldLues 'selnpeqos 'suo!leJlsnll! 'sLuej6e!p 'elep 6oleleo 'Seu!MeJp doLqs eAojdde pue )JoeLNo II!M ~I~]:EINleNq eL~.L ~'~'~ · sluetunooa ~,oeJ1uoC) JeLI10 Jo euo!leog!oeds 'sueld loe!oJd aql leeLU O1 el!eJ qO!LIM )JJOM 6U!),C)8!eJ JO 6u!AoJddee!p ol ee Joloe4uoO eL~I pue ,LLIC) ell1 ql!M eleu!pJooo II!M pue se!ouedeJos!p pue s],c)e~p lsu!el~e A/IC) ell1 pJen6 ol JoAeepue II!M ')JJOM eLN1 sseJ6ojd aN1 ol se peLUJO~U! A_LIO eLN1 dee>l II!M eq 'leuo!ssejoJd u6!sep pe~!lenb pue peouepedxe ue se uo!leAJesqo el!e-uo uo peseS 'slueLunoop p!es L~I!M eouepjoooe u! )JJOM Uo!lc)nj1suog ell1 LuJop~d ol eJnl!eJ s,I~IO/C)V~/NOO eql Jo,l elq!suodseJ eq lou II!M eq lnq 'suo!leol~!oeds pue 'sueld 'loeJ1uoo eL~I ol LuJo.~uoo Xlle!luelsqns II!M loe!oJd peleldLuoo eL~i leq~, ~k/IC) eL~l ol eoueJneee 6u!p!AoJd pJeMO1 peloeJ!p eq II!M e]Jo~e s,~I:~:BNleN:~ eql '.oleJeql leluep!ou! suo!lneoejd/qe.~es eql Jo eejnpeoojd Jo 'seouenbes 'eenb!uqoel 'SpONleLU 'sueeLu uo!lonJlsuoo eql Jo~ elq!suodseJ eq lou II!M eq '.)JJOM pelelduJoo jo/q!luenb Jo Xl!lenb aLN1 ol ee suo!leAJesqo el!e-uo enonu!luoc) Jo 8A!leneqxe e)Jeuj ol pej!nbej eq lou II!M ~Iq=INleNB eq/ 'uo!]eldmoo ~,oeJ1uoo In~lsseoons eql ol BlUeLU!pedLU! peAJeeqo pue pelnoexe ~o ,~l!lenb IleJeAo eql 'elelduJoo )JJOM ~O 1unoLue eLN1 ol se ,kJ. IC) eL~i ol ]JodeJ pue ssej6ojd eL~I eA~esqo ol el!s )JJOM aL~l O1SI!S!A o!poped e~teLu II!M ~=I=JNIE)N::I eLN L 'uo!leAJesqo sseJ6oJd uo!ionJlsuoo ql]noJql pue Me!AeJ Lqone Lq6noJqi peleo!pu! UO!leldLUOO Xljee Jo/pue sXelep ioe.[ojd peledp!lue/~ue ~o A_LID as!Ape pue elnpeL~oe uo!pn4suoo s,JopeJluoC) Jol!uouJ pue Me!Ae~l 'lauuosJed I~u!lsel IoJ1uo3 Xl!lenb uo!lonJ1suog pue leuuosjed lno/~el Jo sJo/~eAJne 'joloej1uoC) eLI1 ql!M e6u!leeuJ 1noesolD pe!ojd pue ssej6ojd 'uo!lon~lsuooejd le A.I. IO eLN1 luesejdej pue pue]~e II!M ~I=I=INleN=I eLIL ~'~'~ 'paq!Jogep se eJelleLu eA!lejle!u!Lupe uo!lonJlsuoo 6u!ujeOuoo slueLunooa loeJluoO eLI1 ~O SUO!I!pUOC) le~euee aN1 u! pep!AOJd ee eA!lelueseJdej svk. LIC) eql se loe pue uo!pnjlsuoo aN16u!ujeouoo ,LI. IC) ell1 ql!M llnsuoo pue as!Ape II!M ~I]:~NleNB eLJ. ~ '~:'~ SeO!AJeS UO!leJlS!U!UJpV UO!IOnJISUOO ~'~ representations to the City, that are expressions of the ENGINEER's opinion, based on such observations and review, that the work has substantially progressed to the point indicated and that, to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the work as a functioning project upon Substantial Completion and to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents and to any qualifications stated in his approval). By recommending an application for payment, the ENGINEER shall not be deemed to have represented that he has made any examination to determine how and for what purposes the Contractor has used the monies paid on account of the Contract Price, or that title to any of the Contractor's work, materials, or equipment has passed to the CITY free and clear of any liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances. Such representations shall at no time be considered as a legal obligation of the ENGINEER. 2.2.7 The ENGINEER will, in conjunction with other CITY representatives conduct punch list and final inspections of the in-place work to determine if the work is completed substantially in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents. These inspections shall form the basis for the ENGINEER's review and recommendation for payment on the CONTRACTOR's final pay request. 2.2.8 The ENGINEER will review Contractor provided record drawings/surveys and other as-built data for installed facilities and bring any apparent discrepancies between the as-built conditions and the design conditions to the attention of the CITY. Coordinate with the Contractor regarding provision of the construction record drawings prior to final on-site inspections and punch list preparation. Prepare and furnish to the City a reproducible set of record drawings showing those changes made during the construction based on the data noted above. 2.2.9 The ENGINEER will prepare statements of completion (qualified if necessary) certifying completion of the work, and submit statements in accordance with the Contract Documents, regulatory agencies and CITY requirements. 2.2.10 The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor or any of the Contractor's, Sub-Contractors, Agents, Employees, or other persons performing any of the work under the construction contract, or of others. 2.3 FDEP S.R.F. Construction Administration 2.3.1 The ENGINEER will make plan revisions and prepare responses to FDEP. 2.3.2 ENGINEER will participate in an inspection to determine if the project is substantially complete with the punch list of items to be corrected (if applicable) and a final inspection to determine of the project has been completed substantially in accordance with the Contract Documents and that the contractor has substantially fulfilled his obligations thereunder so that the ENGINEER may prepare a Certification of Completion of Construction for submission to FDEP. 2.3.3 ENGINEER will coordinate with FDEP Tallahassee and the CITY to assist in compliance with the S.R.F Loan Program to maintain eligibility of project costs for financing. As a minimum during construction, the following must be coordinated with FDEP Tallahassee: 5 · sea!/gaS uo!~BJSs!u!cupV uo!$onJ~suoC:) eq~ Jepun pep!AoJd esoq~ o~ ~e~ueuJelddns eq o~ eje suo!~oedsu! pus uo!~eAJesqo uo!~oedsu! uo!:lonj),suoo eq3 ~sq~ e~oN 's~ueLunoop ]OeJ]LIOO Jeq~,o Jo suop, eomJ!c>eds 'sueld eq~, q]!~ eouepjoooe u! MJOA~ UO!$OnJ]SLIOO eq), uJJoJJed o$ eJnl!e.~ s. Jo]::)eJ],uoC) eq~ Joj Jou Hjo~ eqi u! se!ouedejos!p iie e~,ou Jo pumj o$ elq!suodsej ~E3=INigN:3 eq$ e~teLu Sou Ileqs >iJot~ uo!]eAJesqo pue uo!$oedsu! s!q$ $nq '~tJOAA eq] u! se!sue!omJep pue s~,oeJep $su!el~e LLIC) eq~ Jo~ uo!]oe$ojd JeqiJnJ ep!^ojd o~ Jo^eepue iI!t~ ~I~]:INIgN~ eq$ '$ueuJd!nbe pue sle!JeSeuJ 'HJOAA pelle$su! ~o s~foeqo plemJ pue sseJiBojd u! >iJOAA eq~ jo suoj~eAjesqo eSjs-uo qBnoJq/ ~;'~'~ · eej pez!joq~ne eq$ u! e!Bueqo e ele!]ol~eu o2, pue uodn peeJBe eq Xecu se seo!AJes qs!ujn.~ o$ pue uo!$ue~e s. LLIC) eq~ ol uo!]en$!s 8u!Jq o~, pe$eB!lqo s! ~I:93NION29 eq$ '.suJe]! uo!),ejisjujLupe Jo uo!~oedsu! uoj:lonj),suoo eql ssejppe Xle$enbepe o~ pej!nbej eje Xpn]S ]o ueld peqoe~e eq$ u! Jo seo!Ajes ~o edoos s!q~, u! pe~,ejetunue ueq~, sel~ueqo Jeq$o Jo ~scxa pue eujj), leuo!]!ppe $eq), sje~euj pe$eleJ Jeq$o Jo (Joejeq~ >loel Jo) ssejSojd uo!]onjSsuoo o$ enp '$eq$ peu!Luje~ep sj$! Jl · /uesseoeu se pe]ed!o!$ue s! I~U!~tJOAA S! Jo~oeJSuoO el!qtA se]Js >IJOAA lie Jo uo!$eAJesqo Jou e$!s ~tJO~A ,~ue $e uo!]eAJesqo euJ!$-IlnJ Jeq$!eN 's}ueuJnoo(] ~oeJ]uoC) eq~ q$!AA eoue!ldcuoo o] se (sjeq$o Xq pep!^ojd eq ol Du!~se$ sle!JeSeuJ I~u!pnlou! ~ou) eojnos J!eq] $e Jo e]!s-uo sle!je]euJ peJe^!lep $oedsuj Xle^!~oeles II!AA pue 'senb!uqoe$ pue spOq~eLu uo~oru~suoo eAJesqo o] uo!]noexe 5u!Jnp HJOAA eAJesqo II!AA ~l~]=INIONq eql 'se^j~,oej!p ple~J pue sjepjo el~ueqo 'suo!~,eom.&!oeds 'sueld q]JAA eoue!lduJoo Jo$oeJSuoO ~!JeA pue 'ssejl~ojd uJ )IJOAA pue )]JOAA pelle$su! Jo uo!$oedsu! pue uo!}eAjesqo e$!s-uo ep!^ojd IIJAA ~I::I~]NION:I eq~; 'eseqd uoJ}onJ$suoo ,~ep 0~ e uo peseE] pue ~'~ sqdejSejed Jepun peq!josep suo!~eD!lqo ilmJln~ o] Jepjo u! sjo]oedsu! 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',(jesseoeu eq ol peu!cuje;ep j! pep!^oJd eq II!~A 'IOJSUO0 Al!lenb uop, on4suoo sJ,_l. IO eq~ ss Bu!AJes 'l~uBse3 iso!uqoe)oe8 pe3!cu!'l g't"~ · ~jeLuqoueq loerojd eql Bu!qsJlqeTse u! 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IO eql q:H~A seo!AJes uo!loedsu! s!q e$eu!pJooo Ileqs ~=I::INIQN=I eqL g'i~'~ 'A_LI9 eql ,(q pe~,onpuoo suo!loedsu! uo peseq uoBeuJJoJu! ep!Aojd o$ A.I. IO eqT uo XleJ Ily~ EIE~E3NION~ e4~ 'seBueqs pue se!l!ABoe jo pjooej e;eldwoo e u!elu[ew O1 JepJo ul 'JoloeJluoO eql Xq loeJluoo uo!]onJSsuoo e41 Jo eouewJo~Jed eql JO~L elq!suodseJ lou s! EI=I:]NIgN=I eq$ 'JeAeAAOq '.uo!TonJ1suoo 6upnp peJepjo seBueqo Jo >[jo~ ej$xe/[ue Jo lsoo pue ejn$eu eql uo suoBelou Bu!pnlouJ 'uoJ$onjlsuoo eql lnoqBnojq; se!l!A!$oe s,Joloe-quoO eq1 ~o p~ooej e ep!AoJd II!AA ~FI:tNIgN~ eq/ i~'l~';~ 4.1.5 Dig up existing utilities as necessary for the preparation of the Logan Heights Apartments as-built survey. 4.1.6 Pay all permit application fees. 4.1.7 Inspect the construction on a regular basis and report to the ENGINEER as to the field observations and progress of the CONTRACTOR. 4.1.8 Provide field assistance to the ENGINEER as necessary when decisions or information are needed relating to utility and stormwater connections and relocations resulting from differing site conditions. 4.1.9 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, schedules, and other documents presented by the ENGINEER and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the ENGINEER. 4.1.10 Assist in obtaining approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies as may be necessary for completion of the Project. 4.1.1 1 Furnish or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, any subconsultant services not designated in Section 2, if advised by the ENGINEER and CITY concurs that they are necessary. 4.1.12 Furnish, or direct the ENGINEER in writing to provide at the CITY's expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 3 of this Amendment, or other services as required. 4.1.13 Provide such legal, accounting, financial and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the CITY may require. 4.1.14 Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. SECTION 5 PAYMENT 5.1 PaVment 5.1.1 Payment for services and expenses of the ENGINEER to be as set forth below: Principals and Employees of the ENGINEER. Compensation paid ENGINEER for services described in Section 2 and rendered by principals and employees assigned to the Project will be computed by multiplying Standard Classification Billing Rates for all classifications of employees engaged directly on the project times the number of hours worked on the project. The engineering fee for the services described herein shall not exceed $144,140.00, inclusive of out-of-pocket expenses. Invoices will be submitted on a regular basis and will indicate the hours expended during that billing cycle. 9 \\CPH_SANF_l\VOL3~S0620.14\wordlcont\Marquette CELdOC 5.2 Reimbursed Expenses 5.2.1 Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are to be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at the actual cost thereof. Said expenses shall include transportation and subsistence of principals and employees, when traveling in connection with the project, toll telephone calls, telegrams, prints, photocopies, and similar project- related items. 5.2.2 The CITY will make prompt payment in response to ENGINEER's invoices without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Agreement and for reimbursable expenses incurred. 5.2.4 Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $1200.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed in accordance with the payment method as set forth in Paragraphs and 5.2.1 herein). 5.2.5 If this Agreement is terminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section 2, payments to be made in accordance with Paragraph and 5.2.1 on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. In addition, upon termination, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any additional services authorized and rendered under Section 3. 5.2.6 Services provided by outside subconsultants will be billed at the direct cost to the ENGINEER without increase. SECTION 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment or over any construction Contractor's method of determining prices, any opinion of probable construction cost which may be provided in the services of this Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that bids or the construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. 6.2 The CITY and the ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the CITY and the ENGINEER. 6.3 The ENGINEER agrees to initiate work promptly upon receipt of authorization to proceed and to prosecute the work in a timely manner until the Project is completed. 10 \\CPH_SANF_1\vOL3/S0620.14\word\cont\Marquette CEI.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year ffrst abov~ written. CITY: ~° ~'~ i anager ENGINEER: A :EST &SEAL CPH ENGINEERS, INC. Linda M. Gardner - Secretary/Treasurer David A.Gierach, P.E. President 11 \\CPH_SANF_1\VOL3\S0620.14\word\cont'~Ma~ue[te CEi,doc ~ o od o o qqqqqqqqqq q dd~ oooooo o ~ o 00 o ~