HomeMy WebLinkAbout883-Glatting Jackson W.O. 6 WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHITECHTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT (REPS 00/01 - 08) WORK ORDER NO.: 06 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: (For billing purposes only, to be assigned by CITY after execution.) PROJECT: Additional Services for Riverwalk CITY: SANFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA CONSULTANT: GLATTING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART, INC (GLATTING JACKSON) Execution of the Work Order by CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit "A," to that certain Agreement between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: ,'-, [ ] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS [X] SCOPE OF SERVICES [ ] SPECIAL CONDITIONS ..~ [ ] the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by CITY and shall be completed within ONE HUNRDED AND EIGHTY (180) calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: IX] FIXED FEE BASIS [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT [ ] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT (b) Compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis" with a Not-to-Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding _ FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ $47,000 ). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. Payment to the Consultant shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paaies hereto have made and executed this Work Order onthis c,~C~5/j dayof ,,~_7/A~ebe~ ,20~~ein. AT ST.. ,. By: , Secretary6°/ ~ , President (CORPORATE SEAL) Date: ATTEST: CITY COMMISSION ~NET DOUGHE~R~ Clerk to the City Commission Date: ,~d/A,~, c~oa/,:'?(-~c>~ Sanford, Florida. Attachment (s): S~cbpd of Services Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES Professional Planning, Landscape Architectural, Architectural and Engineering Services City of Sanford: RFPS 00/01 - 8 WORK ORDER NO.: 0_~6 Additional Service for Riverwalk Glatting Jackson Project No. 15608.0 February 11, 2001 The following are the additional services for the completion of the Riverwalk Phase 1. For the scope of work outlined in this Work Order, the team members will provide the following services: GeoData, Survey. Additional survey and legal description. $4,737. AD Itetzer, Architect. Architecture for a small restroom/concession building at our recently named 'Downtown Trailhead'. $12,000. Irrigation Concepts. Irrigation design for all project irrigated areas. $4,800. Service Cable Electric, Power for all streetlights and event requirements. $5,500. GMB Engineering. Traffic signal plans, design and engineering for Palmetto / Seminole intersection traffic/peal signals, hardware and electrical. $7,000 Innovision Design, Inc. Specialty Pedestrian and Vehicular regulatory and wayfind sign prototypes, and basic wayfinding layout. $7,000. Glatting Jackson. Manage, Coordinate and Review work. $5,963. (15%) 1.1 Project Management [Glatting Jackson] - In addition to the specific services detailed below, Glatting Jackson shall coordinate our with the Client's representative and the Ctient's project team, monitor the project schedule as it relates to this scope, and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. 1.2 Coordination of the Work of Subconsultants to Glatting Jackson - The Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that Glat~ing Jackson will assume responsibility for the coordination of work produced by any subconsultants to Glatting Jackson as Project Manager for the project. However, the Client agrees that Glatting Jackson does not bear any liability for the technical accuracy of work prepared by others. All professional firms working on the project shall bear separate responsibility and liability for the work prepared by them. 1.3 Subconsultant Scopes - Scopes for the additional subconsultant services are attached to this document. 1.4 Construction Administration - NOT INCLUDED - The final scope and fee for the construction services to be provided will be determined once the construction plans and specifications are ~nalized. A separate Work Order will be issued by the City. A.D. HETZER January 28, 2001 Mr. Pete Sechler Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. '~ 33 East Pine Street Orlando, FL 32801 '/'~,~; ,7 ~2 :.. Re: Sanford Madna I Concession Building and Trellis Dear Mr. Sechler: I am pleased to submit this proposal to provide design services for the construction of a concessions building with toilet facilities and 15' x 40' trellises with swings. The concession program will include hotplate type food service. HVAC design, grease traps, ho~ds and fire sprinkler design are not included in the program. · Basic Services Schematic DesignPhase: This phase will include floor plans and exterior elevations. A schematic cost estimate will be performed at this time. Construction Documents Phase: Construction Documents will include floor plans, exterior elevations, roof plans, architectural and structural sections and details, schedules, mechanical, electrical and plumbing design and specifications. Construction Phase Services: Services during the construction phase are not included. Should services be requested, hourly rates are enclosed. Basic Services Fee: $ 11,500.00 · Reimbursable Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to Basic Services and include the following: Expense of CAD plots, reproductions, postage and handling of drawings, excluding CADD plots and reproductions for office use of the Architect and Architects' consultants. Estimated Reimbursable Costs: $ 500.00 Thank you for the opportunity to provide these services. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, President ~ Jan-14~02 09:39A P.02 I1TConlgaLioI1 cepts Inc. danuary .l'a. 2002 PROPOSAL FOR DESIGN Clien~: G'latting Jack.son Kercher Aaglin Lopez ~ainehart Authorized by: Pete Sechler Address: 33 East Pine Street Project: Santbrd Riverwalk Orlando, FI. 3280 l Location: Samcord, F1. Phone: (407) 843-6552 Client to provide: I. Electronic file w/base drawings for iragallon design 2. Ladscape pimps 3. Scope of wortc &. Water source iliormation h-rigation Conccpr. s to provide: l,. Desiodl/t.qyout: a) Spri~k{er heads b) Distribution pipe & sizing e) Mairdine pipe & sizing d) Aaromatic control sygtem '(control valves, :ontroI wire, control timer(s), etc.) e) Magerial legend f) Detail drawings g) Valve schedttle 2. Specifications: a) Scope of work b) General specifications e) Tec}2~ic~ specifications d) Materials e) lnstallatiun f) Testing g) Drawings h) Warranty. 3. Budget 4. Design consultation: a) Client zneedngs to discuss design concept b) Drawing reviews(s) 33:28 Bith AVENUE NORTH · ST, PETERSSUFtG, FL 3371~ - {727) S21-O18O · ..]an-14--02 Ogz4OA P.03 (2 of 2) KI. liems not included in propos~l: LD~s[!m reviseores following (I00%) d~sign submiRa] 2 F[o~n~ or pdndn~ co~s 3 Consrmcrkm adm~s~adon DESIGN COST: Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars & 00/100 ....................................... ($4.800,00) HOURLY_RATES FOR &DD,EFTONAL SERVICES: PPdl~CIP,~L/CONSULTANTL CONSTRUCTIOBT ,~DMINISTRATOR: $TS.O0/HR. PROECT DESIO1WER: $65.00/H~. CADD TECI-t: $S0.00/B'R. SECRET,~R.IAL: $35.00/B3R. Authorized Signature 3338 Z6th AVENUE NORTH - ST. PETERSBURG, ~L 23713 , i727) ~21-01S0 E~,IT BY: N3f, iE~ ,~,~7 877 t14&~ JA},I-IO-O~, 4:27PM; PAGE SERVICE ~CABLE ELECTRIC ~54 Wilehire Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707 407) 679-3500 FAX: (407) 677-1145 PROPOSAL NO: 221001 DATE: 1/10/02 TO: Mr. Peter Sechler, ASLA Gistring- Jackson 33 East Pine Street Odando, FL 32801 We hereby propose to furnish F_ ectiical Design and Construction Documents for Electrical service and distribution to lighting and utility receptacles for the Lake Monroe Riverwalk project per your 11"xt7" drawing received 1/7102. Design is based on this drawing and scope discussed by phone 1/10/02. Scope to include lighting along approximately 6,000 ft of Seminole BouleVard from French Ave to Mellonville Ave. Also included will be receptacles as requested by City of Sanford along this Street. Additional lighting and receptacles at three (3) Rive~ront Overlooks to be included, Drawings will include power for Traffic Lights and Crosswalk Lights per drawings by others. Per our phone conversation this is not a :::)OT project. included in this project shall be a maximum of two (2) meetings to review and coordinate owner input and comments (maximum cf 4 man-hours). Cadd base drawings to be provided by GIstring-Jackson. Location and availability' of Utility power at site and locations for new Electrical 3anels and equipment to be provided by Glatting-Jackson. · Electrical design fee lump sum of $5,500.00 This price for the work described above will be $5,500.00 plus reimbursables. iNT BY: NONE; 407 67? t145; JAN-lO-O~ 4:~TPM; PAG~ Reimbursables will include: :.,~pen%e. f~oi 1. E ong distance ph6ne calls, te egrams, postage and delivery incurred in c nection with the project. 2. Expense of reprod ions, photographs, or )tinting of dr~ final CADD plots and perm tints:excluding such expenses relating solely to t municatior and between the Owner and Engineer, unless advance ~n writing. 3. If authorized in advance by the premium expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular wag. 4. Communications, Trans Meals, Express, Photographs and Printing based on multiplied by 1.15. ,! S, 'I~i~t ,35 of the Orland~ 3rea,- / Payable on the following terms: Incremental payments. This proposal is void if not accepted In writing within 30 days after this date. ACCEPTED BY: Service Cable Electric, Inc. Emle Condron ~ ,,,,,,,, '~ WSQ DESIGN & ENG. December 28, 2001 Mr. Yack Loyer, P.E. WBQ Design & En~neering, Inc. 201 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32801 RE: Traffic Signal Design Services for Seminole Blvd. at Palmetto Avenue Sanford, Seminole County (G~v~ Project No. 0 i - i 3 ~.99) Dear Dante A. Gabriel, P.E. We at GMB Engineers & Planners, Inc. are pleased to submit this scope of services and presiaent fee proposal to provide traffic signal design services for Seminole Blvd. at Palmetto Avenue in front of the Sanford Marina in Seminole. Details of the proposal are described in the following sections. David W. Mulholland, RE Vice,President : SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Traffic Signal Plans Design Babujf We will prepare signalization plans to install an intersection control beacon for the Ambikapathy, P.E., AICP intemection of Seminole Boulevard at Palmetto Avenue serving the Sanford Marina. Wee-President TIle signal plans will retain the flashing beacon operation that exists today with flashing yellow facing Seminole Blvd. and flashing red facing Palmetto Avenue. The overhead display will be mounted on mast arm poles. During the preparation of the traffic signal design plans, we will perform the following services: · Traffic Signal Design Plans: including key sheet, general notes, tabulation of quantities, and mast arm pole schedule. The design plans will be prepared in MicroStation format. The design plans shall be prepared in accordance with the design standards and specifications adopted by the MUTCD, City of Sanford and Seminole County. · Coordination: the Consultant will coordinate his design activities with the Client including responding to review comments from the City of Sanford, other team subconsultants (i.e., with surveyor, site engineer, etc.), and with utility companies (as needed). The Consultant will submit the signalization plans in ll-in x 17-in. format to the 3n~ M~su~ soul..~a, s.~. ,~ appropriate City of Sanford review staff at the 60% complete phase. Review comments oa.~ao,~a:rzso~ received from the City will be incorporated into the signal plans in preparation for the Phone: .ffi7.S98.5424 Ema/l: rnaineffice~gmiD. cc Mr. -tack Loyer, P.E. Traffic Signal Design Services at Seminole Blvd. at Palmetto Avenue Page 2 of 2 subsequent 90% and 100% complete plans review phase. Signed and sealed plans will be issued to the Client upon final approval of the plans by the City staff. SCHEDULE We will work as expeditiously as possible to meet the project schedule. We estimate completing the services described above according to the following schedule: Task I: Traffic Signal Plans Design Submit 60% complete plans within 4 weeks of receiving survey/intersection design data Submit 90% and t00% complete plmas within 2 weeks of receiving the respec~ve.r~vSew ce~_~.ents ~om the Ci.~s'.. Submit signed and sealed plans within one week from final review comments received from the City. FEE We will complete the services described above based on a lump sum fee schedule for labor and direct expenses as follows: Task 1: Traffic Signal Plans Design $7,000.00 We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you are in agreement with this proposal, please affix your name and signature in the space provided and return a signed copy to us. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, GMB ENGINEERS & PLANNERS, INC. riel,P.E. NAME and SIGNATURE DATE 01/29/2002 01:10 FAX ~02 5TE[ET: 33 East Rne Street ~llg~ 407-843-6852 '~ Orlar~o FJtlt 407-839-1789 PIt~I~CT: Sanford R~Woik 3a~. 0201282 hereby sdornit ~ ~epesal fc~ the cc~:eplud deign. desert c~ve~t and s~ drawings for l:x~dget estnaltng ~ foe the folleWng ~gns: A, Pffi~ IDENTIFY SiGN B, $ECONDAI'6' IDENTriY SIGN C, PEDESt~N INFOi'~MATiOI, IAL SIGN D. VEHICULAtt rEGULATO~ SIGN NOi~: Spedficalbn aaWr~s will idenf~ sizes, matedais and colore. Irfon'ndtton ne<:~ssary for ccrriTcc--k~s to provide We hereby propose to ~Jmish labor end metedais - complete in accordance with the above spedfr...a~c~s, f~r the sum of:. Seven lhousc~nd cnd OQ/1 gO ~jkz~r~ $7.000,00 ) WM'n ;,=yrnent tn be ~ as follows: ~ c~Se A~I Maredais guaranteed to be a~ spac~ All ~ t~ De/ietionf~mtheabavespecific2djonsinvolvingex~'~cz:~swffihexecutad~u ' o~:Jees. m'~dwillbecotnesneJ6'mchergecwerancJ~bove theesfirmte. Allegmemenmemca0ntinger~upQns'~kes, ecclder~8, orde~y~beyondour~o~ ~atpq ~lh,.xDevv~nneTddue toanydeZm/~dv~rkthe~i~be~thescopeefthlsccN~n~torenyconditiom bey~or~J ' rmtbeir~ai[ed~fter o3rnpietJon c~ fetxicstk~, dim egree~ lo pe/ertt~o be[ rnefYdoned pn~duc~ remain 5he prQpe~0/ct In ' ' the oF.~,~ nf ~he unc~a ACCEPTANCE OF ~OPOSAL DATE: S~GNA11JRE: 51~R. EOEIltTERQR. HUtI~OO, Ft]~ PR. ~g7-;q7, m571 FB ~-~7-g3~ February 4, 2002 Fax/Co ' Mr. Peter C. Seckler, ASLA -'~ Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart C.-~ , 33 East Pine Street Orlando, FL 32801 Subject: Additinnal Surveying Services, Addendtkm No. 2 Sanford Riverwalk, Citv of Sanfor& Florida P2K2-14 Dear Mr. Seeklet, We appreciate the opportunity to present ourproposal for additional Professional Land Surveying Services for the Sanford Rivetwalk project located in Section 25, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, and Section 30, Township 19 South, Range 31 East, City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. We have reviewed the documents provided by your office, met with Jack Loyet of WBQ Design & Engineering, Inc. and have visited the project site. This proposal/s based on the following criteria and assumptions: · The limits of additional survey shall be as follows: a) Mellonville Avenue, Vacated San Carlos Avenue, San Juan Avenue, Sanford Avenue, Palmetto Avenue, Hood Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, from the Southerly right-of-way line of Seminole Boulevard, South for 150 feet. b) Park Avenue from the Southerly right-of-way line of Seminole Boulevard, South for 150 feet, and from the face of building to face of building of the Courthouse and City Hall, in width. · The additional topographic survey shall be provided in CADD file format. A certified surveyors report shall be provided wklch outlines the procedures used and the accuracy of the files provided. A certified sketch of survey is not a part of this proposal, Excavation of undetground utilities by this finn is not included. The horizontal location of the survey shall be relative to the Florida State Plane Co ordinate System Zone 901, East NAD 83/90. Vertical datum shall be relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). February 4, 2002 Mr. Pete C. Sechler, ASLA Page 2 Based on the information provided, data gathered, the outlined criteria and assumptions, and our observations of the site we propose the following: SCOPE OF SERVICES I. ADDITIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A topographic survey shall be performed to determine the horizontal and vertical spatial relationship of the above ground natural or man made features lying within the limits herein defined. Aceess~le drainage structures and associated pipes shall be located with rim and invert elevations, size, material and direction of pipes. A utility locate will be requested from the Sunshine State One Call Service. Existing underground utilities shall be located based on the surface marking of said utilities, by the One Call Service. Surface appurtenances of said utilities such as hydrants, valves, junction boxes, and transformers shall be located. Utility poles shall be located with direction of overhead lines, as well as support structures such as guy poles and guy anchors. Sanitary sewer structures and associated pipes shall be located with rim and invert elevations, size, material, and direction of pipes. The additional topography shall be added to the existing survey of the project. II. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS & SKETCHES Certified legal description and sketches shall be prepared for two (2) right-of-way comer clips at the intersection of Park Avenue and Seminole Boulevard. All work shall be performed and.prepared in accordance with'Chapter 472 of the Florida Statutes, and Chapter 61G 17 of the Florida Administrative Code. We shall commence work within 3 working days from notice to proceed and anticipate 10 working days for the completion of the scope outlined herein. DELIVERABLES · Certified Surveyors Report. · AUTOCAD CADD and DTM files. Certified legal descriptions and sketches We are very pleased to provide you with this proposal and the attached fee quote. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to call Sincerely, H. Paul deVivero, P.L.S. President Attachment FEE QUOTATION PROPOSAL Date: 02-04-02 SANFORD RIVERWALK Page: 1 of 1 ADDITIONAL SURVEYING SERVICES ADDENDUM NO. 2 Firm: Geodata Consultants, Inc. Activity Principal Reg. Survyr Sr. Tech Draftsman Crew(3) Crew(4) PM Asst. Activity $92.00/Hr $ 86.O0atr $.70.00/Hr $46.00/Hr. $105.00/Hr $127.00 ]Hr $27.00/Hr Dollar Man-l~lours Man-Hours Man-Hours Man-Hours Man-Hours Man-Hours Man-Hours Amount l, Additional Topographic I 4 8 12 24 I $4,095.00 Survey m II. Legals&Sketches I 2 2 4 2 $642.00 TOTAL $4,737.00