HomeMy WebLinkAbout931-Armored Transport/Brink's Customer Name: City Of Sanford t Brink's Branch performing service: B0001 ARMORED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NO. CHAN52102193347 THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN BRINK'S U.S., A DIVISION OF BRINK'S, INCORPORATED (BR)NK'S) AND CITY OF SANFORD (CUSTOMER) WITH OFFICES LOCATED AT 300 North Park Avenue S a nford, Florida 32771 P.O. Box 1788 S artford, Florida 32772-1788 IS ENTERED iNTO THIS 2.32 DAY OF MA~Y, 2002. BRINK'S AGREES TO PROVIDE ARMORED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STATED HEREIN AND ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES. SCHEDULE SERVICE DAY OR DATE LIABILITY : CALL AT: 300 North Park Avenue Five (5) Days Per Week $50,000.00 A) S a nford, Florida 32771 MAXIMUM DELIVER TO: Following Banking Day ) First Union Cash Vault ~ AVERAGE CALL AT: First Union Cash Vault At Time Of Item (A) $1,000,00 ~ Delivery MAXIMUM DELIVER TO: 300 North Park Avenue S a nford, Florida 32771 Following Service Day AVERAGE CALL AT: ( ) MAXIMUM DELIVER TO: AVERAGE CALL AT: ( ) MAXIMUM DELIVER TO: AVERAGE FRAGILE PROPERTY: YES NO X - - CHARGE8 FOR THE SERVICES PROVIDED RIDER EXECUTEDCONTEMPORANEOUSLYWITHAGREEMENTAND 'HEREIN SHALL BE THOSE SPEGIRED IN A INCORPORATED HERE|N BY REFERENCE: YES X_ NO SEPARATE RATE SCHEDULE iNCORPORATED SERVICE: CIT X COIN _ CURRENCY HEREIN BY REFERENCE. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT l0 DAY OF June, 200__2 AND SHALL CONTINUE FOR A PERIOD OF THREE {3) YEARS AND THEREAFTER FROM YEAR TO YEAR UNTIL CANCELLED, BY EITHER PARTY, ON THIRTY (30) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE PRIOR TO ANY ANNIVERSARY DATE HEREOF. ACCEPTED: CITY OF SANFORD BRINK'S U.S, a Division of BRINK'S, INCORPORATED E~tiveVice Pres' t Title: ~ ~ 0 {' COUNTERSIGNED: ~ L DEFINITIONS 1. "Delivery Location" means the location designmad by Customer as the place where Brink's is to deliver Shipments. 2. "Diatinctivajy lad Securely Seated' means that the container used to bald any Prepedy to be bansported by Brink's has bean closed and fastened with a device or method of seating having a distinguishing mark that can be dearly seen ~ recognized as a unique kfentification number or special mark that is ettactled to the c. or~tainer So that the Property is enclosed and firmly fixed therein, and the device or method of eaeling cannot be removed and reapplied to the container without leaving visible external evidence of tempering to the container. 3. "Fragile Property" means any breakable item and includes, but is not limited te. ,,tatuery, marbee. glass. bric-e-brec~ jewelry and porcelains. 4. "Loss~ means any le,,s of, damage or destruction to Property. 5, "Maximum Liability Amount' means the total liability assumed by Brink',, for Loss of a Shipment, as specified in this Agreement. ~Pick Up Location" means the location designated by Customer as the ~ where Brink's is to call for Shipments. 7. "Properly" means currency, coin, checks, securities, and other finartist irr~thJments, and other veluablas aa mutually agreed upon by Brink'*' and Customer. 8, 'Servr, es= means armored tranapodation ~ relied services to be provi~led to Customer under the terms and cordifions of this Agreement. 9. "Schedula~meansthe~isting~fthetypeandfrequency~fServices'indudingPic~UpL~catibns~DativeryLocations~tebeprovidedbyBdnk~sunderthisAgreement~ t0, "Shipment" mean*' one or more sealed miners of Property received by Brink'a el the s~ma time at a single Pick Up Location, that are to be delivered to a single Delivery Location. II, BRINK'S RESPON~IBILITIES I, Brlnk'e shall: (a) carl for Shipments said to contain Property at the Pick Up Location; (b) give a rece~ for Shipments received by Brink's; and (c) deliver suof} Shipments in like condition to the DedNary Location and obteina receipt for such delivery. The Services will be performed during Brink's regular business hours as scheduled by Bdnk'a at the time its regular route is in the immediate area of the P~k Up Location and Delivery Location, excluding Sundays and holidays observed by the Brink's local ofrr_.e(s) performing the Services unless ofhefwise specified in thhs Agreemerit. in the event of indernent weather or some other irregularity, peformance shsli be as mutue~ agreed upon. 2. Brink~asha~iprovide~therServicestoCust~mor~fpeci~edandefthed~mrgesse{f~dhinthlaAgreemeof~ ttl. CUSTOMER'~ RESPONSlBIUTIES 1. Customer shall prepare all Property to be derivered to Brink'a in Distinctively and Sectsely Sealed centsteers, 2. Customer shall declare the ectuel veibe of each Shipment transported by Brink's under this Agreement. Customer shell not conceal or misrepresent any material fad or circumstance concerning the Property delivered to Brink's and agrees, in the event of Loss, to be bound by its dec~erelibn of value 3, To the extent a Shipment contains Fragile Property, Cu,,tomer agrees to identify it as Fragile Property, to pay any additional fees specified by Brink's and to package at~ Fragile Propsfly in a manner in which such Fragile Property wilt not be Susceptible to damage during standard transpod end handring by Bdnk's. IV, CHARGES AND PAYMENT 1, Upon receipt of periodic invoices, Customer shall pay Brtnk's the cherge~ invoiced for Services as set forth in Ihe rate schedule which is incorporated heroin by reference, as amended from time to time, plus all applicabla Federal, State and k:r.,ef taxes. The charges specified on Brink'*' invoicesl letters, or other writings shall be incorporated by reference into the rate sd'~duie, provided that Customer may, by written notice wifhin twenty (20) days of such invoice, letter or other wdting, reject any different invoice charges. Otherwise, Customer shall be deemed to have accepted such increases. 2. All charges remaining unpaid ~fter the invoice due date are subled to a service charge at the highest rate allowed by opplicabla iew up to 1~% per month. Nothing centsirked in this Agreement shell be corr~trued to require Customer to pay a service charge at a rate greater than allowed by appficabla law. 3, Brink's may increase the charges eat forth in the rate schedule on each one year anniversary of the effedive date of this Agreement, or upon written notice in the event of a change in ·economic conditions beyond Brink's control that increases operating costs incurred by Brink's. V. BRINK'S LIABILITY; UMITATIONS; EXCLUSIONS t. Except as spectrr.,aity eat forth in this Agreement, Srhk',, shall be liable for the Loss of a Shipment, up to and including the Maximore Liability Amount. Brink's liability she); commence when the Shipment has been received into Bdnk'a possession and a receipt given for such Shipment by Brink's and ,,hall terminate when the Shipment has bean delivered to the Delivery Location, or returned to the Pick Up Location in the event that delivery cartnot reasonably be made by Brink's. 2, Brink's maximum liability for Loss of Customers Property Shall not exceed bhe Maximum Liability Amount, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any invoice, receipt or other document relating to any Shipment transported under this Agreement. Brink's is not responsible to ascertain the contents of any Shimant 3. Brink's shell not be liable for any Shodage claimed within a Distinctively and Securely Seated Shipment that shows no external evidence of tampering. Brink's shall not be liabla for any shortage within any Shipment that is not Distinctively end Securely Sealed. 4. Brink'a liability for Loss of checks or ether financial instruments, irrespective of the face value of such checks or other financial instruments, js limited to the cost of identification and replacement of such check*' or financiat instruments, except for those checks or financial instruments that cannot be identified. For such checks Or financial instruments that cannot be identified, Brink's shall be liable for the face value, except for those checks or financial instruments which could not be collected on at the ttrne ot the Loss· Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Brink's liability for ale Property contained in any Shipment exceed the Meximum Liebliity Amount for such Shipment. Customer shatl maintain a complete record of ati checks placed in a Shipment and agrees to promptly end diligently pursue identif!cation and replacement eftode in the collection of such check*' and/or other financial instruments for which face va~ue is paid by Brink's. Customer furlher agrees to reimburse Srink's for all such amounts that are recovered as the result of such efforts. 5. Brink's shall be liable for damage to Fragile Property only if the damage is caused by fire. lightning, cyclone, tornado, windsterm. earthquake, f!ocd. explosion, collision or overturn of conveyance, theft Or attempted theft Brink's liability for Fregife Property shall in no event exceed the Maximum Liability Amount staled in th~s Agreement 6. Brink;s ,,hall nod be liable for non-perfOrmance or delays of Service caused by strikes, Sockouts or other labor disturbances, riots, authOrity of law, acts of God or means beyor~d Brink's control. The foregoing limitation does not affect Brink's liability in the event of a Loss of Properly up to the Maximum Liabfiity Amount. 7. (a) Brink's shall not be liable for Loss or for non-perfOrmance or delay*' of Service. damage. ~iability or expense caused by or resulting from: (1) war, hostile or werJike action in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, cembeting or defending against an actual, impending or expeded attack, (i) by any government or sovereign power (de jure or de facto), or by any authority matntaining Or using military, naval or atr forces; or (it) by military: naval or air forces; or (iii) by an ~gent of any such government, power, authority or forces; (2) insurrection. rebellion revolution, civii war, usurped power, or action taken by governmentei authority in hindering, combsting or defending against such an occurrence or confiscation by order of any government or public authority· (b) th no event shaft Brink's be liable for Loss or for non-performance or delays of Service. damage, ~iability Or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from: (i) ionizing radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from an,./nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel; (ii) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuctear component thereof; or (iii) any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter whether in time of peace Or war. 8, Brink's is not an insurer under this Agreement. Brink's shall not be liable under any circumstance for ~ntiel, spaclot, incidental, indirect or punitive Ios,,es or damage*' (including lost profits, interest or saving,,) whether or not caused by lhe fault or negligence of Bdnk's and whether or not Brink~a had knowh~e that such losses or damage,, might be incurred. VL CONFIDENT1ALITY Brink's and Customer may have access to certain information identified by the other party as conrdentiel in connection with performing their duties and obligation,, under lhis Agreement ("ConFdentiat InfOrmation'). Brink's or Customer (the "receiving party") agree to treat such information as conitdentiel and shall not use or disclo,,e Confidential information other than in the performmice of thi,, Agreement. Confidential information shall nof include information which (i) is in the public domain at the time of disclo,,ure or later enters the public domain through no fault of the receiving party, (li) is received by the receiving party from a third pady independent of the disclosing party withoLrl restriction, (iii) is presently known to the receiving pady or is acquired or developed by the receiving party thdependent of the disclosures made by the disclosing pady pursuant to this Agreement, (iv) is required to be disclosed by law, judicial or administrative process or by governmenffil authority or {v) is disclosed with the written consent of the disdosing pm'ty. Confidential Infc, nnatlon shall be disclosed only to employees or agents of the receiving party who have is need te know for the purpose of perfonn~g duties or eb4igations under this Agreement. VII. INSURANCE Bdnk's witl maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, insLrance payable to Brink's in such amounts and against such risks as shall adequately cover the Maximum Liability AmounL Upon Customers written request, Bdnk's witi provide a cadirr, ate of insurance. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) day*' written notice in the event Brink'*' underwriters notify Brink's of their intent to cancel or materially restrict such insurence coverage. VIII, FILING OF CLAIMS; PROOF OF LOSS 1. In the event of Loss of Customer'a Property under thi,, Agreement, Customer shall provide written notice to Brink's within one (1) i~s~na,,s day after the Loss is discovered or should have been discovered, but in no event more than ,,ixty (60) days after the Properly which is the subject of the ctaim was received into 8rink's possession. Unla,,s such notice is given by Customer, any and all claims by Customer for Less of such Prol:~rty shall be deemed waived. No action, suit or other proceeding to recover for any such Loss shall be brought against Brink's unless {a) the above descrli:~cl notice has been given to Brink's; and (b) such action, suit or proceeding is commenced within twelve (t2) months after receipt of such Property into Brink's possession. 2, Customer ,,halt maintain a record of ell Property placed in any Shipment end shall promptly end diligently as,,ist Brink"a to establish the identity of any Loss in any Shipment. Customer agrees to diligently endeavor to assure the maximum amount of salvage at a minimum cost for such Lees. 3. Affirmative wTitton proof of the Loss, subecribsd end sworn to by Customer and substantiated by the books, records and accounts d Customer, shall be furnished to Bdnk's prior to payment of a claim. Upon payment of · claim by Brink's, Customer hereby agrees to and does hereby assign to Erick'a all of its right, title and ~nterest in the Property rights of recovery against third parties that are the ~ of the claim lancl to execute any documents necessary to perfeel such as,,ignm ent upon request by Brmk',, er Brink's in,,urars. IX. TERM; DEFAULT; TERMINATION 1. Services wfil begin on the effective date of the Agreement and ,,hail continue fOr the time period specified in this Agreement. Should Customer default in the furl and timely payment to Brink's of any amounts due and owing under this Agreement, or elhefwiea default in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder, then Customer shall also be responsible for interest end all costs end expenses incurred by Brink's in the collection of such amounts owed to Brink's including, without gimitation, reasonable edorney's fees incurred in such collection ('Unpaid Obliget~"~s"). In addition to any and all other rights and remedies provided in this Agreement and under applicable law end unlas,, ofhenviee provided heroin, Customer hereby agree~ that Brknk's shall be permitted to retain as e credit and to Offset against such Unpaid Obligation*', on a dollar for dollar basis, any Property which Brink's has in its possession under this Agreement. 3o Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event of a matedaj breach by the ether party of any material term of this Agreement (including nor~p~yment), provided that such breach continues for a period of thirty (30) deya at~r receipt by the breaching pmly of written notice from the non-breaching party specifying the nature of such breach. No written notice is required where the breach i,, non-payment of amounts due. if such breach is cured wifhin the applicebla notice period, then this Agreement shell continue in full force and effect. MISCELLANEOUS t, Brink'a may, in its discretion, choose to pealera any or ati of the Services it,,atf or through its employees, agents or independent subcontractors. Any employee, agent or independent subcontractor performing Services hereunder ia and shell be entitled to the benefit of every limitation and defense to which Br~nk's is entitled hareunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer Shall look solely to Brink's for reimbursement of any Loss in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Unless athePwi,,e expressly provided in this AgreamonL ell notices, demands, and other communication hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given to the other nartv immediately opon ger~onel delivery or roeslot of fac.~imiltl frjln~rniee~,~n h,,Pi ..... -. RIDER AGREEMENT NO. CHAN52102193347 This RIDER executed this 22 day of May, 2002 and effective on and after June l__q0, 2002 to Agreement dated May 2_.g2, 2002 between BRINK'S U.S., a Division of BRINK'S, INCORPORATED CBrink's"), and CITY OF SANFORD, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD2 FLORIDA 32771 P.O. BOX 1788 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-1788 ("Customer"). EXHIBIT SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE E Check Reconstruction First party's liability for checks in any shipment under Items (A) & (B) of said contract is set forth on the attached Exhibit E. CHARGES FOR THE SERVICES DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL BE THOSE AS SPECIFIED IN A SEPARATE RATE SCHEDULE MADE A PART HEREOF AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. ACCEPTED: CITY OF SANFORD BRiNK'S U.S., a Division of BRINK'S NCORPORATED By: a ure) " By: Title: COUNTERSIGNED: By: ~Exec3tive Vi President RIDER (Rev 11i01) o Page 1 of 2 SCOPE OF RIDER Services - Listed below are services, which, when stated above, shah be performed by E~rink's in accordance with the provisions set forth in the respective Exhibit(s) applicable to such services. 1. Change Fund Service - Exhibit E 2, Check Reconstruction - Exhibit E 3. Coin Processing Service* - Exhibit C Consolidation Service* - Exhibit E 5. Currency Processing Service* - Exhibit D 6. Extended Service Schedule - Exhibit A 7. Listing of Service Locations - Exhibit B 8. Safe Control Service - Exhibit E * In the event there is a major shortage or frequent reoccurring minor shortages relating to Brink's count of any currency and/or coin as may be required under this Agreement, the parties hereto shall fully cooperate in conducting an investigation and any question of a shortage of the cause thereof, to the extent reasonably possible, shall be resolved by the findings of such investigation. It is agreed that either party upon finding any discrepancy, overage or shodage, sha~l use its reasonable efforts to immediately notify the other party of the error. Agreement Modifications - In addition to the Services listed hereinabove, this Rider may amend an Agreement in any one or more of the following particulars. 1. Change of Name 2. Eliminate Item(s) of Service 3. Rate Revision 4. Term Extension DEFINITION OF TERMS Set forth below are definitions of terms which are applicable to the services includedi on the respective Exhibits as may be attached hereto. NON-STANDARD BAG OF COiN - bags containing coin of the same denomination or mixed denominations in amounts less than standard and half-standard bags. STANDARD BAG OF COIN - $50.00 in pennies: $200.00 in nickels; $1,000.00 in dimes; $1,000.00 in quarters or $1,000.00 in halves. STANDARD BOX OF COIN - $25.00 in pennies; $100.00 in nickels; $250.00 in dimes; $500.00 in quarters and $500.00 in halves. STANDARD STRAP OF CURRENCY - $100.00 in $1's; $200.00 in $2's; $500.00 in $5's; $1,000.00 in $10's; $2,000.00 in $20's; $5,000.00 in $50's and $10,000.00 in $100's. RIDER ,~Rev 11;01 i - Page 2 of 2 RATE SCHEDULE AGREEMENT NO. CHAN52102193347 This Rate Schedule is incorporated by reference into the Agreement dated May 22, 2002 (and, where applicable, any Rider attached thereto) between BRINK'S U.S,, a Division of BRINK'S, INCORPORATED CBrink's") and CITY OF SANFORD, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 P.O. BOX 1788 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-1788 ("Customer"). EFFECTIVE DATE: June 10, 2002 ITEMS (A) & (B): $315.00 per month EXCESS PREMISE TIME: $12.50 per fifteen (15) minute increments or part thcrcof prcnfise time in excess of seven (7) minutes premise time. HOI,IDAYS: Brink's Incorporated observes tile lbliowing holidays: New Year's Day. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Pr~sident's Day, Memorial Day. independence Day, Labor Day. Columb~s IXqy, Veterans lX-ty, Thanksgiving l)a5 and Cbrismms Day. Holiday service (subject to availability) UPON REQUEST ONLY for an additional charge of $65.00 per pickup/delivery. EXCESS LIABILITY CIIARGES: A tee of $. 15 per one thousand dollars {$ 1 .000.t~0) or tbctio,~ thereof tbr any amounts in excess of the liability coverage per deposit/trip specified on the mutually agreed contract. EXCESS ITEMS HANDI.ING: A I~e of $1o00 per item is assessed when the nmnbcr of containers exceed(s) two (2) items per pickup/delivery. BILLING CIIARGES: A lee of up to $10.00 will be assessed per h~c,'~tiol~ tbr custmnized billing processing. !)ECAL FEE: A t~tc of $2.00 will be assessed per dccal. RESEARC!t FEE: A fee of :t;28.00 per hour wilt be assessed fi.;r research service lbr Brink's documents or receipts that have aged over sixty (60) days. unless it is determined to be exclusively an error of Brink's lncorpt~ratcd FITEl, SURC!iARGE: There is currently an additional txxo- percent 12%) litcl stircharge that will be added to tile above rate. It is understood and agreed that services providctl lilt' under this contract shall be rendered at the rates stated herein above tbr a period of three (3} years li'om the effi:ctive date of this contract and on each succccdinE, one ( t ) year term therealter, the rates ufcompensation may be subject to an increase iu an amoant I1 6exceed ten percent (10%)of the then current rate. C,~0~ Rates are colltingent upon existing r<>uIc MructtH'e rcHlainh~g in place. ~ ~{:).t~ ~ Brink's may increase the charges set forth in the rate schedule upon written notice in the event of a chat~n economic conditions beyond Brink's control that increases operating costs incurred by B ' ' . r~ Rate Schedule (Rev'. 01/02) - Page 1 of 1 AGREEMENT NO. CHAN52102193347 EXHIBIT "E" This Exhibit "E" is attached to Rider executed May 22, 2002 and incorporated by reference into the Agreement dated May 22, 2002 between BRINK'S U.S., a Division of BRINK'S, INCORPORATED ("Brink's") and CITY OF SANFORD, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 P.O. BOX 1788 SANFORD. FLORIDA 32772-'1788 ("Customer"). Each set of "YES .... NO" boxes beneath the provisions stated heroinbelow shall be marked with and "X" so as to indicate whether or not each such provision is applicable to the service(s) Brink's shall perform for Customer. In the event any set of boxes is not marked either "YES" or "NO" it shall be considered as if the "NO" box has been marked. CHECK RECONSTRUCTION ~uHstomer agrees to maintain a complete record of all checks placed in any shipment and in case of loss to promptly and diligently assist Brink's in the identification and replacement of checks which may have been placed in any such shipment and irrespective of the face value of the checks contained in any and all such shipments delivered to Brink's at any one time the true and actual value of the checks is determined by the cost of identifying and replacing the checks or the sum of $10,000.00 per shipment, whichever is the lesser. Brink's agrees to assume the liability to pay for: (a) all costs in affecting the identification and replacement of the checks, and (b) the face value of the checks not identified, except those checks which would not be collected at the time of loss, but not to exceed the aggregate amount of $5,000.00 per shipment for the unidentified checks. The maximum liability of Brink's for the checks shall in no event exceed the limit of $10,000.00 per shipment which includes the aforesaid $5,000.00 for the unidentified checks. YES X NO B CHANGE FUND SERVICE Brink's will accept from Customer and retain in Brink's possession a change fund. Out of said change fund Brink's will either: (1) sell change at the same time call is made to collect deposit or, (2) deliver change at same time call is made to collect deposit in denominations established under a standing order schedule, it being understood that at the time of delivery of said change, Customer shall reimburse Brink's in an amount equivalent to the amount of change delivered. Said change fund shall remain the property of Customer and shall be returned to Customer by Brink's at any time upon written request, except, in the event Customer's account is delinquent as to the payment of the service charge(s), the aforesaid change fund shall be retained by Brink's as a set-off for any such delinquency. YES __ NO X TOTAL CHANGE FUND $~ X SELL CHANGE OR DELIVER CHANGE UNDER STANDING ' ON _ CALLS PER WEEK UP TO $_ _~.~ Exhibtt E (Rev. 1 0101 ) - Page 1 of 2 CONSOLIDATION SERVICE It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the sealed deposit(s) collected on any one day from Customer's ~ocation(s) stated in said contract will be brought by Brink's to Brink's branch office performing the service shown on the face of said contract and there opened, the contents sorted, counted and wrapped and made up into one bankable deposit. Said bankable deposit will then be delivered to a designated local bank, it being understood and agreed between the parties hereto that in opening any such sealed deposit(s) the count of the Brink's shall be binding and conclusive upon both parties. YES NO X SAFE CONTROL SERVICE Customer has installed in the location stated under the schedule a safe which can be opened only through the use of two keys; or. a key to a dial-rim ~ock and a combination; or, a key to a knob lock and a combination. One of the keys shall be turned over to Brink's by Customer. The other key or the combination to said safe, whichever is applicable for the opening procedure to the respective safe, shall be retained in the exclusive possession of Customer. Brink's sha~l accept said key to cooperate with Customer or Customer's attendant in opening said safe on each ca~l to collect deposit with the understanding that Brink's shal~ not be held liable under any circumstance whatsoever for Customer's property when placed in said safe. The contents of said safe, on each safe opening, shall be removed therefrom by Customer or Customer's attendant and made into a sealed package, as a part of Customer's deposit, which shall be delivered to the collector of Brink's to be transported to the designated consignee stated under the schedule. YES NO X Exhibit E (Rev. 10/01 ) = Page 2 of 2