HomeMy WebLinkAbout943-Sanford State Farmers Mkt Igli~glgllllllglillg~llllB THIS ~D~NT~, ~& t~s ~ ~y o ~ A~D., b~ S~f~d Stat~ Fa~s M~k~t~ Fle~ D~ment of A~c~, of t~ C~ of S~mol~, and Stat~ of FI~ ', pa~ of ~ ~st p~, ~d CI~ OF S~FO~, FLO~ a ~pal c~a~ si~t~ ~ S~io1~ Co~, Flo~&, p~ of th~ s~cond p~; W1TNES S~TH, that pa~ of th~ ~st p~t, for and ~ c~id~ration of ~ sm of ~ DoH~ and oth~ val~bl~ c~id~a~ te p~ of ~ ~st pro, ~ hand paid by p~, of th~ s~nd pare rec~pt wh~of ~ h~by ac~,o~vkd~e& have ~ted and conv~& and by ~s~ prints do ~am ~d conv~ to pa~ ef ~ s~cond p~ suc~ssors, assi~s, and lic~se~s, a p~tual ~nt ~d~, ~on, ~d across th~ pr~r~ situat~ ~ Sanfor& S~nol~ Co~, Fi~&, mor~ pa~l~ly d~d as: S~e A~ach~ E~bit 'A' for public ~ht-of-way ~d u~li~ p~os~s, ~clu~ ~cifically road ways, st~ ~d s~t~ s~w~s ~d f~ the i~talla~o~ i~p~c~o~ s~c~g, r~a~, ~t~c~, and r~lac~t of all u~li~ now ~xis~g ~ h~a~ to ~xist ~ said pr~, such ri~t~f~way ~clu~ng the fight of ff~ ~s ~d ~s ov~ ~d a~oss s~d pr~ for m~y of ~ p~os~s afor~sai& tog~th~ ~ th~ ~t to ~ ~ ~t second p~ and ~ g~al public. ~ WITNESS WH~OF, pa~s of ~ ~st pan hav~ h~r~to s~t ~e~ b~d ~d s~al on th~ &y ~d ye~ first abov~ ~. SIGNED, S~D, ~D DEL~D ~ TH~S~NC  ) ~ike Gresham~ D~rector Si' a~ imess . ~ ~~ D~vision of Administration (Silage of Wim~s) A~ess: Di~si~ ofM~ke~g ~d Devel~t ~. ~ge [d~j~ _ 407 S. C~o~ S~eet, S~te 209 (P~ted Nine of Wim~s) Tal~see, FI~, 32399-0800 STATE OF FLO~ CO~ OF SEM~OLE fi wl .D. by , ........................................~ ded as id~fica~on. ' ' '~i{,g - Stat P.O. Box 1788 Saford, Florida 32771 Phone: (407) 330-5673 F~: (407) 330-5679 F:XS~HOX~a~-Files~em~XS~ Fa~s ~ket.row.6rat "LAND DESCRIPTION: "~"~ACS CONTRACT #' .,co~ded in PI,[ Book 7, P,~e i0 of fhe:~/ic Records of Seminole County, . ~odd~r {help9 more p~iculQriy described Begin at the inte~ection of the West right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 17-92(French Avenue) and the Soufflefly Rght~of-way line of the ~C.L Railroad; t~ence South 0~13'39" East along said West Hght-of-way line, ~6.54 feet; ~ence Noah 64'03'~T West, 44.56 feet to a 'point on the South fight-of-way line of 13 th Street; thence No~h 89'16'21" East along said South right-of- way line, 30.30 feet to a point on t~e aforesaid Soufflefly railroad right-of-way line; ~ence South 71'0~'10" EaSt along said Soufflefly railroad right-of-way line, 10.27' to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 1" 10' Containing 383.0 square feet, more or less. ~ " ~ 5 ~....-~ ~700~ ,G .. .' SO~ R~-UNE ' NS~16'21"E30.30' ' ~7 lO~ 83, PAGE 78 o NOTE: · ' ' ' ' ' -- Bearings shown hereon ore based on L O T 4 ~ the West right-of-way line of U.S. AV. ~ENCH SUBDMSION ~ Highway No. 17-92(French Avenue) P~T BOOK 7, PAGE ~0 being South 0~ 13'39" Eost(~sumed). ~ ~ i 0~ ~o~es~o~ E~ee~g ~e ~quir~ ~ e legal ~n M~i~and. Ro~a 32751-4702 dmMn~ ~ar ~ ~ ~t (~7) 647~B98 C~. NO.-B2108 ~IS IS NOT A SU~. e mall - :,